HES 032 - SAS 1 - Merged-4
HES 032 - SAS 1 - Merged-4
HES 032 - SAS 1 - Merged-4
9.The large knob on the microscope that you turn to bring the object into focus.
A. Eyepiece
B. Ocular lens
C. Course adjustment
D. Fine adjustment
RATIO: The coarse adjustment knob on the microscope's arm raises and lowers the stage to bring the specimen into focus.
10.The small knob on the microscope that brings the image into focus.
A. Eyepiece
B. Ocular lens
C. Course adjustment
D. Fine adjustment
RATIO: This knob is located within the coarse adjustment knob and is used to bring the specimen into fine focus when using low
power lenses, as well as for all focusing when using high power lenses.
1) What was the most useful or the most meaningful thing you have learned this session?
All the lessons discussed in this topic are all useful to me since I used them as a guide to answer all the questions.