A Template For An Undergraduate Elective Final Year Lift (Elevator) Engineering Course
A Template For An Undergraduate Elective Final Year Lift (Elevator) Engineering Course
A Template For An Undergraduate Elective Final Year Lift (Elevator) Engineering Course
Engineering Course
Lutfi Al-Sharif
Professor, Mechatronics Engineering Department, The University of Jordan
Consultant, Peters Research Ltd.
Visiting Professor, The University of Northampton
Keywords: lift; lift traffic engineering; lift electrical engineering; lift mechanical engineering; guide
rails; ropes; safety devices; safety gear; speed governor; electrical logic controller; electrical speed
controller; traction motor; drive system; sensors and transducers.
Abstract. Lifts offer an ideal final year engineering capstone course, due to the multidisciplinary
nature of its potential content. This paper sets out to develop a template for planning and delivering
such a course at undergraduate engineering level based on experience gained at the School of
Engineering at the University of Jordan.
There are basically four streams within this course: traffic analysis and design; space and layout
planning; mechanical lift engineering and electrical lift engineering. Thus, it is ideal as a final year
undergraduate elective course for mechanical, electrical and mechatronics engineering programmes.
The traffic engineering stream introduces the students to the basic concepts of the round-trip
time, the interval, the handling capacity as well as basic introduction to the concept of group control
and dispatching. The space and layout planning stream introduces the concepts of shaft dimensions,
pit depth and headroom, as well as structural forces in the pit. The electrical stream introduces the
student to the concept of a safety circuit and safety devices, DC and AC motors, drive systems as well
as electronic logic controllers. The mechanical stream introduces the students to the main mechanical
components such as gearboxes, ropes, safety gears, speed governors, sheaves, guide rails and buffers.
Providing such an introductory course in elevator engineering allows the students to reinforce
concepts that they had studied earlier in non-applied basic courses and provides an opportunity to
develop multi-disciplinary integrated design skills. The long-term aim of this project is to build an
open access repertoire of study material, assessment tools and question banks as well as software that
can be used to deliver and study the course.
There is great emphasis in modern engineering education on project-based learning (PBL) and
multidisciplinary engineering. It has been well recognised that lifts offer an ideal subject for the
application of such projects, especially for electrical, mechanical and mechatronics engineering.
This paper is the result of experience by the author in delivering a final year elective course
in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering at the School of Engineering, The University of
Jordan. The course is entitled: “Selected Topics in Mechatronics Engineering” and can contain any
content that is relevant to mechatronics engineering. The course has been delivered around the area
of lift engineering around 6 times over the period between 2013 and 2018.
Based on the author’s personal experience, the feedback from the students regarding these
courses has been very positive. Students enjoy this type of course because they feel it is linked to a
real-life system and that it addresses real-life problems. In addition, the students are expected to work
in a group on a project within the course, which allows them to reinforce some of the concepts by
applying them in practice.
Similar work has been carried out on the Mechatronics System Design course for final year
undergraduate students ([1], [2], [3]). Final year courses usually include a capstone course which
aims to encourage the student to use all the concepts that they have learnt in a design project ([4], [5],
[6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]).
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Section 2 outlines the contents of typical course. Section 3 lists and discusses typical topics that can
be discussed in class to stimulate debate and discussion. Three typical course projects are discussed
in Section 4. The three advantages of using lift engineering as the basis for this course are discussed
in Section 5. Conclusions are drawn in Section 6.
Figure 1: The Space Lift (and the use of carbon nanotubes to connect it to earth). Accessed
on: 29th June 2019: https://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/space-flight/a-hoist-to-the-heavens
Once the students have designed a suitable digital filter in MATLAB, they import the raw captured
acceleration data. This is then passed through the second order digital filter for filtering the
acceleration signal. One of the results obtained is shown in Figure 4. The figure shows the raw
acceleration data before filtering the filtered acceleration signal. It can be clearly seen how the filter
has removed the high frequency noisy signal and kept the low frequency acceleration signal.
Figure 4: A digital filter used to filter the acceleration data captured from a lift.
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Figure 5: Sizing and selecting a suitable induction motor for the lift.
1. Students are always pointing out that they will be more engaged in their studies if they
understood the real-life applications of the topics. Most of the topics and problems presented
in this course represent real-life applications and problems. Thus, they are more appealing to
students as they can better understand the need for analysing these applications and solving
the associated problems.
2. The nature of lift engineering is ideal for project-based learning. Thus, students can be given
a project that is very practical in nature. They can work on it in teams, solve problems, and
learn by doing things.
A Template for an Undergraduate Elective Final Year Lift (Elevator) Engineering Course 1-7
3. Lift systems by their very nature are multidisciplinary. The students can thus deal with
problems that straddle multiple disciplines, such as mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering, control engineering, programming and operational research. This is much more
representative of real-life problems and better prepares the students for the marketplace.
It is well established that courses that address real-life multi-functional systems are ideal and
examples include but are not limited to: automotive systems, manufacturing systems, aircraft systems
and robotic systems. These represent ideal capstone projects for students, due to their practical nature
and the multiplicity of disciplines that they comprise.
This paper has outlined a template for using lift engineering as the basis for such a final year
course as part of an undergraduate engineering degree (in mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering or mechatronics engineering). Four distinct streams have been identified and detailed:
lift traffic engineering, space layout and planning, lift electrical engineering (include logic control,
safety devices and speed control) and lift mechanical engineering.
The paper has also highlighted specific topics and links that present excellent opportunities to
present and/or reinforce many concepts that the students traditionally study in dedicated courses (such
as strength of materials, mechanics, electrical machines). These topics always attract a lot of interest
from students and stimulate interesting and thought-provoking debates in class. Examples include:
rope sizing and the space lift; and buckling in guide rails.
Project-based learning (PBL) presents an excellent tool to encourage student to learn the
topics by working practically on them and gathering real-life information. Three examples were
given: measuring the acceleration of a lift and filtering the data using a second order digital filter,
sizing and selecting the traction motor for a geared lift and carrying out a traffic survey in a building
and reverse designing the traffic system.
It has been explained that there are three reasons why this approach is successful in
encouraging students to better learn the engineering concepts: the fact that students understand why
they are studying a topic because they can see its real-life applications, lift engineering is ideal for
project based learning (as there are many lift systems that are everywhere and accessible) and the
multidisciplinary nature of the lift engineering system that is ideal for preparing the students for real-
life engineering.
The long-term aim of this work is to develop an open online repertoire of resources for
delivering this course at any school of engineering around the world.
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A Template for an Undergraduate Elective Final Year Lift (Elevator) Engineering Course 1-9
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Lutfi Al-Sharif is currently Professor of Building Transportation Systems at of the Department of
Mechatronics Engineering, The University of Jordan. He received his Ph.D. in lift traffic analysis in
1992 from UMIST (Manchester, U.K.). He worked for 10 years for London Underground, London,
United Kingdom in the area of lifts and escalators. He has around 30 papers published in peer
reviewed journals the area of vertical transportation systems and is co-inventor of four patents and
co-author of the 2nd edition of the Elevator Traffic Handbook. He is also a visiting professor at the
University of Northampton (UK), member of the management committee of the annual Symposium
on Lift & Escalator Technologies and a member of the editorial board of the journal Transportation
Systems in Buildings.
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