Mechatronics-Criterion 7 & Annexure L

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Criterion 7 – Institutional Support and

Financial Budget
3.1. Operational Budget

The budget estimates for expenses during financial year ending June 30, 2022 are Rs 16.73 M.
The details are given below:

Budget Head Rupees in Million

Pay and Allowances 11.48
Utilities 2.62
Maintenance 0.20
Consumables 0.34
Other expenses (Advertising, Depreciation ,Convocation,
Transportation, Financial Charges etc)
Total 16.73

3.2. Development Budget

The total development budget remains about 20 % of operational budget every year. The
development budget share allocated exclusively for lab equipment, buildings, furnishing and air-
conditioning of College of Engineering over the last five years is shown below:

Year 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

7.0 11.0 11.0 11.0
(Rs in Million)

3.3. Investment And Internal Resource Generation

7.3.1. Investment

Presently the institute holds an Endowment Fund of Rs. 152.5 M.

7.3.2. Internal Resource Generation

The institute has the capacity and the skills to generate resources and to extend these resources
for effective and efficient working of faculty, staff and students. A few examples in this context
are the development of a Management Information System and Intranet (Local Web).

 Self-generated resources -100%

 Consultancy for industry projects Rs.0.39M
 Workshops and seminars for the corporate sector Rs. 0.13M
 Sponsorships for students events Rs. 0.27M

3.4. Continued Financial Commitments

7.4.1. Sources:
 The institute is self-financed.
 Source of yearly income: student fees
 Endowment fund: established in June 2001
 Present worth of endowment fund: Rs. 152.5 M
 Value of immoveable assets: Rs 146.27 M
 Value of moveable assets: Rs 278.45 M
The revenue figures for the last 5 years:

Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

11.66 15.44 19.04 15.90 13.37
(Rs in M)

7.4.2. Operational Budget:

Estimated budget for FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22: Rs 11.36 M and Rs. 16.73 M.

Budget Head Rupees in Million

Pay and Allowances 11.48
Utilities 2.62
Maintenance 0.20
Consumables 0.34
Other expenses (Advertising, Depreciation ,Convocation,
Transportation, Financial Charges etc)
Total 16.73
7.4.3. Development Budget:

Out of the total development budget, allocation for labs, furnishing and air-conditioning
of College of Engineering is Rs. 11 M.

Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

(Rs in Million) 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

7.4.4. Investments:

Endowment Fund holding: Rs. 152.5 M.

Operational and Development Budget of the Electrical Engineering Department is attached at

Annexure L.
(Departmental Budget)
University Income Details

1st Prev Fiscal Year 2020-21 2nd Prev Fiscal Year 2019-20
Source of Income Actual (As per Actual (As per
Fiscal Year Budgeted Budgeted
# Audit Report) Audit Report)

1 Grants from HEC 2021-2022 - - - -

Self Finance
2 2021-2022 - - - -

3 Tuition Fee 2021-2022 11,415,622 15,246,197 13,682,662 17,629,696



Univeristy Expenditure Details

S 1st Prev Fiscal Year 2020-21 2nd Prev Fiscal Year 2019-20
Expenditure Head Actual (As per Actual (As per
Fiscal Year Budgeted Budgeted
# Audit Report) Audit Report)
Faculty and
1 Supporting Staff 2021-2022 7,811,703 10,014,010 9,197,727 10,570,897
Maintenance of
2 2021-2022 147,471 187,681 158,167 261,142
Existing Facilities



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