ENGLISH 9 Q1 W5 Mod5 Communication Styles

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila


Let’s Talk Personal

Quarter 1 Week 5 Module 5

Most Essential Learning Competency:
Employ the various communicative styles for
various situations

Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside
other tasks that will distract you while enjoying the lessons. Read the
simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit.
Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every

page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the
lessons. Writing enhances learning, which is important to develop
and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!



• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after
completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back - This section will measure what learnings and skills
that you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the
• Activities - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking
and other competencies. This can be done with or without a partner
depending on the nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications
of the lessons.
• Checking your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from
the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module

Lesson 1 – Communication Styles

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to –

A. identify one’s own communication style;
B. classify words and expression based on different communicative styles;
C. use different expressions based on specified communicative style and
language register; and
D. provide responses to situations using different communicative style and
language registers.

Think about how you act in social situations. Then take a moment to look at
each communication style and select by ticking the bullets of the behavior that
most closely resembles yours.


unpackingmybottomdrawer.com Image:teacherspayteachers.com Image: Pinterest.ph

o Is afraid to speak up o Interrupts others o Speaks gently

o Speaks softly o Speaks loudly o Uses conversational
o Isolate self from o Controls group o Participates in group
o Values self, less than o Values self, more than o Values self, equal to
others others others
o Hurts self to avoid o Hurts other o Avoids hurting
hurting others anyone
o Avoids disagreeing o Does not considers o Listens to everyone’s
with others others opinion opinion
o Does not reach their o Reaches goal, but o Reaches goal without
goal hurts other in the hurting anyone

Total Total Total

Remembering the previous lesson we had on writing argumentative essay? Let’s

find out how you can recognize an argumentative thought in a sentence. Study the
following sentences blow. Tell whether the sentence is making an argument by
marking  and mark X if it’s not.

1. _______Although you made a valid reason, I think that children should be taught
proper hygiene at a very young age rather than wait until they go to school.
2. _______I agree with you that people should be aware how their actions now affect
the environment in the future.
3. _______Do you think phasing out old jeepneys and replacing it with electric cars
will benefit the commuters?
4. _______Processed food can be cheaper and easy to prepare however, it is not good
to consume so much of it.
5. _______Single parent household is the new norm of a modern family but it does
not mean it is anything new in history.
6. _______The Filipinos is a sturdy stock of mixed races. Be proud of it.
7. _______Filipinos were known for being the ‘great imitators.’
8. _______There is such a thing as “Pinoy bait” in Youtube.

Communication styles are the broad ways in which people tend to

communicate with others. Every person has a unique communication style, a way
in which they interact and exchange information with others. There are also five
language registers that tell how you communicate with others depending on the
situation or social environment you are in and who you are with.

The Four Basic Styles of Communication

1. PASSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals have developed a
pattern of avoiding expressing their opinions or feelings, protecting their rights, and
identifying and meeting their needs. As a result, passive individuals do not respond
overtly to hurtful or anger-inducing situations. Instead, they allow grievances and
annoyances to mount, usually unaware of the buildup.
A passive communicator will say, believe, or behave like:
♣ “I’m unable to stand up for my rights.”
♣ “I don’t know what my rights are.”

2. AGGRESSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals express their
feelings and opinions and advocate for their needs in a way that violates the rights
of others. Thus, aggressive communicators are verbally and/or physically abusive.
The aggressive communicator will say, believe, or behave like:
♣ “I’m superior and right and you’re inferior and wrong.”
♣ “I’m loud, bossy and pushy.”
♣ “I can dominate and intimidate you.”
3. PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals
appear passive on the surface but are really acting out anger in a subtle, indirect,
or behind-the-scenes way. People who develop a pattern of passive-aggressive
communication usually feel powerless, stuck, and resentful – in other words, they
feel incapable of dealing directly with the object of their resentments. Instead, they
express their anger by subtly undermining the object (real or imagined) of their
The passive-aggressive communicator will say, believe, or behave like:
♣ “I’m weak and resentful, so I sabotage, frustrate, and disrupt.”
♣ “I’m powerless to deal with you head on so I must use guerilla warfare.”
4. ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals clearly state their
opinions and feelings, and firmly advocate for their rights and needs without
violating the rights of others. These individuals value themselves, their time, and
their emotional, spiritual, and physical needs and are strong advocates for
themselves while being very respectful of the rights of others.
The assertive communicator will say, believe, or behave in a way that says:
♣ “We are equally entitled to express ourselves respectfully to one another.”
♣ “I am confident about who I am.”
♣ “I realize I have choices in my life and I consider my options.”
This resource is provided by the UK Violence Intervention and Prevention Center

The Five Language Registers or Styles

1. Static/Frozen Register. This style of communication RARELY or NEVER

changes. It is “frozen” in time and content. Examples: the Pledge of Allegiance, the
Lord’s Prayer, the Constitution, the Alma Mater, a bibliographic reference, laws.

2. Formal Register. This language is used in formal settings and is one-way

in nature. This use of language usually follows a commonly accepted format. It is
usually impersonal and formal. A common format for this register is speeches.
Examples: sermons, rhetorical statements and questions, speeches,
pronouncements made by judges, announcements.

3. Consultative Register. This is a standard form of communications. Users

engage in a mutually accepted structure of communications. It is formal and
societal expectations accompany the users of this speech. It is professional
discourse. Examples: when strangers meet, communications between a superior
and a subordinate, doctor & patient, lawyer & client, lawyer & judge, teacher &
student, counselor & client,

4. Casual Register. This is informal language used by peers and friends.
Slang, vulgarities and colloquialisms are normal. This is “group” language. One
must be member to engage in this register. Examples: buddies, teammates, chats
and emails, and blogs, and letters to friends.

5. Intimate Register. This communications is private. It is reserved for close

family members or intimate people. Examples: husband & wife, boyfriend &
girlfriend, siblings, parent & children.
(Montana-Harmon, genconnection.com)

A. Classify the expressions and statement based on the different communication



“This is what we’re doing” “I own you!.”

“Get over it” “I react instantly.”
“I’m okay with whatever you want to do” “I respect the rights of others.”
“I get stepped on by everyone." “I’m entitled.”
“People never consider my feelings.” “You owe me.”
“You’re not worth anything.” “It’s all your fault.”

“I’m weak and unable to take care of myself.”
“I am responsible for getting my needs met in a respectful manner.”
“Nobody owes me anything unless they’ve agreed to give it to me.”

Travelling can be a challenge. There are many moments that your

communication skills are tested. There are five (5) language registers we do at
certain situations and with different people: intimate, casual, formal,
consultative and frozen. Look at the picture below and think of ways we express
these 5 language registers when traveling.


B. Write a sentence of a character in a group of travelers based on the picture. How

would others respond to what the character was saying? What language register is
Character/Speaker Possible Dialogue Language Feelings of
Register/Style others spoken

Tourist Guide to the


Excited child to adult

How long do we have to Casual Irritation,

stay here? indifference
Bored tourist to no tolerance
one in particular

Lost tourist to

C. What would you say if you saw your classmate writing on
the wall of your school? Use appropriate communicative style
or language register.

Image: Depositphotos.com

To your classmate:______________________________________________________________




To your teacher: _______________________________________________________________



Fill in the blanks with the correct answers based on what you have learned today.
1. Not expressing feelings or needs; ignoring your own personal rights and
allowing others to do so is an example of ______________________.

2. Direct, honest communication of thoughts and feelings is an example of


3. Most of us don’t use a single __________________ in every interaction;

they’re simply tools that you can use to communicate.

4. _______________ appear cooperative while purposely doing things to annoy

or disrupt.

5. The impact of pattern of ____________ is that these individuals often feel

anxious because life seems out of their control.

6. You use __________________ style when you are with your classmates
working on a project together.

7. When you and your best friend wanted to go home early while in the
party and you don’t want to let others know you are leaving, you use
___________ language register.

8. There are times you don’t want to attend a relative’s wedding because the
ceremonies go on for so long. What language register is used in wedding
ceremonies? __________________

9. The English class can be intimidating because we usually use

________________ when we recite or when we converse with our teacher.

10. Joining youth groups and youth activities can be very enjoyable.
Conversations are very __________ but we learn a lot of things.

There are four communicative styles: passive, aggressive, passive-

aggressive and assertive. They mostly tell what kind of personality a speaker has
and how he feels towards the person he is talking to. The five language registers
are: intimate, casual, consultative, formal, and frozen. These registers depend
mostly in the situation where the speaker finds himself/herself in and what kind of
relationship he/she has with others.

Read the situations and give different responses using the indicated
communicative style and suggested language register.
1. You are feeling overwhelmed at home and an adult at home asks if you are
okey. (Consultative)

Passive: _____________________________________________________________________
Aggressive: __________________________________________________________________
Passive-Aggressive: __________________________________________________________
2. Your brother watches a scary movie every night at 7:00 pm. It’s really scary
for you and you don’t want to see it anymore. (Intimate)

Passive: _____________________________________________________________________
Aggressive: __________________________________________________________________
Passive-Aggressive: __________________________________________________________
3. You signed up to use the book in the library after lunch, but when you got
there someone else was using it. (Formal)

Passive: _____________________________________________________________________
Aggressive: __________________________________________________________________
Passive-Aggressive: __________________________________________________________
4. Someone stepped on your toes and told you get out of the way. (Casual)
Passive: _____________________________________________________________________
Aggressive: __________________________________________________________________
Passive-Aggressive: __________________________________________________________

Lesson 2 – Journal Writing

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to –

A. determine contents of a journal;

B. write one’s own journal entry using a graphic organizer; and
C. share opinions and ideas about gender and development in school,
digital education and rural development.

Determine whether the following expressions are acceptable in a journal entry or

not. Write J for journal and N if it’s not.
1. ________ I hate being cooped up in the house for a long a period of time.
2. ________ I love walking in the park as the sun sets in the afternoon.
3. ________ In conclusion, there is a different strain of the virus that travelled from
East Asia to Southeast Asia.
4. ________ It is important to raise concerns rather than to keep quiet about it.
5. ________ I was over the moon after meeting Park Seo Jun when he visited the
6. ________ It has been moved and seconded that the symposium on gender
diversity be organized by LINK.
7. ________ I am writing about the delivery date of facial masks I ordered last week.
8. ________ Social distancing proved to be one of the most difficult rules to follow in
a pandemic.
9. ________ I am shocked that some people ignore coughing etiquette.
10. _______ I have never tried hydroponics before. I guess, it’s a cleaner way of


Read and understand the following situations below. Identify what

communicative style is being used. Choose your answer inside the box.

Casual Intimate Frozen

Formal Consultative

1. ___________ Rica asked her friends to meet her at the mall.

2. ___________ The teacher called the class officers for a homeroom meeting.
3. ___________ “Bro, what’s up? How’ve you been?”
4. ___________ The President broadcasted on TV and expressed condolences for
those who have lost their lives to the virus.
5. ___________ I occasionally join group chats with my high school friends.
6. ___________ Dr. Santos gave a lecture on the new dynamics of modern
Filipino family in the EsP Symposium.
7. ___________ The presidents of the different school organizations including
PTA and Barangay officials were called to plan for the Brigada Eskwela.
8. ___________ Mother and Father listened intently about remote learning
during this quarantine period.
9. ___________ I confided to my friend about some things I don’t like doing at
10. ___________ DepEd Secretary Briones publicized her message to the
graduating class of 2020 online.

Journal writing is an example of literary writing that records every detail

from your feelings about a particular situation in your social life to your thoughts
on a current event in the political world. Hence, it is meant to collect your ideas
and observations on any number of things and by putting the happenings of each
day into writing. In this way, you are able to better remember what you did, what
you thought, and what was happening in your life.

Do not mistake this from a journal entry used in finance which refers to the
day-to-day record of business transactions.

Purposes of Journal Writing:

• Establish future goals – identifies mistakes and decisions to help you plan a
better future
• Problem solving- clarifies problems and concentrates on solutions
• Self-dialogue – like a friend who you talk to and gives mental clarity
• Writing skills – improves vocabulary and creativity in describing events
• A memory to remember – keeps a record of your day that can improve your
memory and reminisce about it later in life
• Personal growth – achieves emotional stability and connects to your inner


A. Below is a sample of a journal entry. Let’s take a peek…

September 14, 2019
Dear Diary,

We finally started the Farm to School project in school. Over 1000 students joined the
project and I hope we’d still be 1000 until the end because this is not easy for us, city

The school already chose an area south of Manila where we can practice what we
are learning by visiting it once a week. We are grouped into 10 students per plot
with one agriculturist assigned to each. Ms. April was the one assigned to us. She
taught us the basics on how to farm and I am learning so much from her. I am now
familiar with the land, the vegetation, and some farming techniques.

I really hope that everyone gets to appreciate the farming industry by allowing
communities and school districts the opportunity to procure food from local sources. I
am surprised to find out that I love working with my hands, feeling the soil between
my fingers, and watching something grow. Plus, I get to eat it for free!

Ms. April said we can grow plants without soil, hydroponics farming, it’s called. A
“plot” twist! Can’t wait…

B. The following pieces of information fit into the previous sample of a journal.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. To whom is the writer talking?
a. the diary b. the newspaper c. the teacher d. a friend

2. What kind of project is the Farm to School?
a. Land and Forest Development project c. clean drive project
b. Rural development project d. Bayanihan project

3. From the expression “city slickers” the writer is –

a. housekeeper in the city c. lazy student from the city
b. used to city living d. always escaping the city

4. How long ago was the journal entry?

a. Two years ago b. a day old c. a year ago d. a month old

5. The journal entry looks like a letter except --

a. There is a salutation c. There is no closing signature
b. There is a topic discussed d. There is no personal opinion

6. What personal discovery does the writer reveal?

a. That he/she likes rural activities despite being used to city living
b. That he/she likes travelling to the south of Manila.
c. That he/she is concerned about the success of the project.
d. That he/she loves Ms. April’s assistance.

7. Which word describes the tone of this text?

a. Serious c. Hopeful
b. Humorous d. both b and c

8. When the writer used the expression “”plot” twist,” he/she was making a
joke. What figure of speech did he/she used?
a. Euphemism c. pun
b. repetition d. metaphor

9. What do you predict the author will do?

a. He/she will keep doing the project.
b. He/she will enjoy farming even after the project.
c. He/she will buy his own land for farming.
d. He/she will stop doing the project.

10. This journal entry reveals that the writer –

a. has a positive view on things.
b. has a serious as well as well as a playful side to her/him.
c. doesn’t really care about farming.
d. Both a and b

C. Write your own journal entry using the graphic organizer

DATE: _____________________________


Date today:


As the youth community leader you are assigned to write a journal about one
of these topics: gender and development in school, digital education, or rural
development. You will ask at least 10 people of your own age about it and record a
summary of feelings or experiences, opinion and ideas about it in the chart below.


A journal has the following characteristics:

• It is written chronologically
• It is a form of reflective writing
• It can be about anything: ideas, opinions, a poem you composed,
description, concerns, etc. in any subject under the sun or it can be
assigned as a task
• Usually addressed to the journal itself by the greeting: “Dear Diary”
• It can be a class journal, a personal exchange diary or just a simple diary
• It doesn’t follow a strict format or a set of grammar rules unless needed in a
particular task or directed by the teacher.

Study the following illustration. What do you feel about it? Have you ever witnessed
this happening? Is there something you can do about it? Write a journal entry
stating the things you observe, feel, and the things you can do about it.

Image: Freepik.com

Name: _______________________Grade and Sec.______________


Directions: Write a reflective learning on communication styles

and journal writing learned by answering the questions inside the
box. You may express your answers in a more critical and creative
presentation of your great learning. Have fun and enjoy!

This lesson What learnings have I What other example

guides me to reflect found from this can I contribute
on… lesson? to explore
and think more?

What learnings can What good What is my
I share with my character have I conclusion on the
family and peers? developed from this lesson?

Lesson 1
"5 Styles Of Communication." PRA Consulting, February 7, 2017.
588ku. “Thinking Boy, Thinking Clipart, Boy Clipart, Think PNG Transparent Clipart Image
and PSD File for Free Download.” Pngtree. Accessed May 27, 2020.
"Communication Styles Classroom Guidance Lesson: Assertive Communication." Teachers
Pay Teachers. Accessed May 21, 2020.
Depositphotos, Inc. “Writing On The Wall.” Depositphotos. Depositphotos.com. Accessed
May 27, 2020. https://depositphotos.com/39844573/stock-illustration-writing-on-the-
"Download Tour Vacation Guide Illustration for Free." Freepik, March 26,
Montano-Harmon, M. R. “Developing English For Academic Purposes.” Language Registers.
Accessed June 10, 2020.

Murphy, Mary. “Stifling Debate.” Unpacking My Bottom Drawer. Mary Murphy

300x82.png, August 10, 2016. https://unpackingmybottomdrawer.com/stifling-

“Pin by Nipen Barman on Gifts: Cute Love Gif, Cute Gif, Hi Gif.” Pinterest, May 26, 2020.
Posted March 27, 2018 | Communication. “"4 Types of Communication Styles: Alvernia
University Online."” Alvernia Online, April 6, 2019.
University of Kentucky. “"The Four Basic Styles of Communication." Accessed May 19,
“Worksheet Language Styles.” offene-hochschule.org. Open iT Hochschule Weserbergland.
Accessed May 20, 2020. https://offene-hochschule.org/wp-

Lesson 2

A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature: Grade 9 English Learner’s Material, p.84.

(2014), Department of Education, Philippines.
"Download Bullying Concept Illustration for Free." Freepik.Stories, May 13,2010 .
eReflect. “Why You Need to Write a Journal.” Spreeder. eReflect Software, September 30,
2013. https://www.spreeder.com/why-you-need-to-write-a-journal/#:~:text=Journal
writing allows you to,have proven to be unfruitful.

"New Years' Coloring Pages- Free Printable Journal for Kids."” The Kitchen Table
Classroom, December 31, 2019. https://www.kitchentableclassroom.com/new-years-
"Types of Journals."” Penzu. Accessed May 21, 2020. https://penzu.com/journal-types.

Activities (A) Checking Your Post Test
Passive-Aggressive Understanding (answers vary)
“I get stepped on by
1. Aggressive
“I’m weak and unable to communication
take care of myself.” 2. Assertive
“People never consider communication
my feelings.” 3. Communicative
Passive 4. Passive Aggressive
“This is what we’re doing” communication
“get over it” 5. Passive
“I’m okay with whatever communication
you want to do.”
6. Consultative
7. Intimate
(B) answers vary
8. Frozen
9. Formal
(C) answers vary
10. Casual
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Reviewers: Vicente M. Victorio, Jr.,EPS
Editors: Daisy S. Orines, HT VI
Writers: Ruth F. Señorin, TI, Adeline C. Tejada, MT II
Pre-Test Looking Back to Activities (A)
(Answers vary) Your Lesson Aggressive
“You’re not worth
1.  “It’s all your fault.”
2. X “I react instantly.”
3. X “I’m entitled.”
4.  “You owe me.”
5.  “I own you.”
6. X
7. X Assertive
8. X “I am responsible for getting
my needs met in a respectful
“I respect the rights of others.”
“Nobody owes me anything
unless they’ve agreed to give it
to me.”
“I’m 100% responsible for my
own happiness.”
Pre-Test Looking Back to Activities
1. J Your Lesson A. (answers vary)
2. J B.
3. N 1. casual 1. a
4. J 2. consultative 2. a
5. J 3. intimate 3. b
6. N 4. formal 4. c
7. N 5. casual 5. c
8. N 6. frozen 6. a
9. J 7. consultative 7. b
10. J 8. formal 8. c
9. intimate 9. d
10. frozen 10. d
C. (answers vary)
Checking Your Post Test
Understanding (answers vary)
(Answers vary)

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