Junior High School Department Curriculum Map: Home Economics - Cookery 9

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Subject Area and Grade Level: HOME ECONOMICS – COOKERY 9 Quarter: 1st

The learners lead to National Certificate Level II (NC II) that develop knowledge and skills and attitudes in the performance of
Program Standard
Cookery Tasks.
The learners possess the knowledge of the tools, equipment and paraphernalia, maintenance of tools, equipment and
Grade Level Standard paraphernalia, perform mensuration and calculation, interpretation of drawings and plans; practice of Occupational Health and
Safety Procedures.
Content Cookery
The learners possess the knowledge of the tools, equipment and paraphernalia, maintenance of tools, equipment and
Content standard paraphernalia, perform mensuration and calculation, interpretation of drawings and plans; practice of Occupational Health and
Safety Procedures.
Performance Standard The learners independently demonstrate common competencies in cookery as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation
Formation Standard The learners demonstrate Excellence through committing oneself to continuous enhancement of knowledge and skills.
(PVMSCV/ Social Teaching)
Enduring Understanding 1. Cooking can be accomplished systematically to save time, effort, and resources. Most of the work cannot be done using bare
hands. To do the task, kitchen tools or equipment are needed to perform the job.
2. Correctness of the entry of different forms used in cooking is necessary in order to acquire right, complete and accurate number
of materials and tools needed in a specific cooking job.
3. In receiving the deliveries, understand that you need to ensure that the right materials and supplies were delivered and all in
good condition without defects.
4. Kitchen measuring tools and instruments are sensitive and delicate so extra care is necessary in handling them. These are
used to measure ingredients properly
5. 5’s is an approached of organizing and managing the workplace and work flow with the intent to improve efficiency by
eliminating wastes, improving flow of production, reducing process delays.
6. Special consideration is given to balance so that the tool/equipment will be properly maintained and prevent loses.
7. The goal of all occupational safety and health programs is to foster a safe work environment. It is concerned with protecting the
safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment.
1. Why is it important to use appropriate tools and equipment in a specific task?
2. What is the purpose of using appropriate forms or documents in requesting kitchen tools and equipment?
3. How does a supply officer or logistics officer do in purchasing and receiving the deliveries of what he purchased?
Essential Questions 4. What is the importance of using measuring tools and instrument as per object to be measured on job requirements?
5. Does 5’s approach helps in workshop keeping? Why?
6. Why maintain inventory of tools and equipment?
7. What is the goal of Occupational Health and Safety Procedure?
Transfer Goal The learners will be able to independently use the acquired knowledge and skills and be globally competitive in community.

Week No. Learning Competencies Assessment Performance Task Activities Resources

Formative assessment: Project plan: Alarm WORD UP!

 Identification, or Warning Posts
1. Utilize appropriate kitchen identifying the kitchen and Signages
tools, equipment, and tools and materials
paraphernalia that are usually used Insufficiency of
1.1 identify types of tools, in electrical task. available signages is a
equipment, and  Matching Type, they school wide problem  Payne, June et al (2010). Thesis;
paraphernalia will match the that a learner can be Introduction to Food Service, South
1.2 classify the types of appropriate form harmed or suffer to a Asia, Pearson Education PTE. LTD.
appropriate cleaning tools used in requesting risk caused by  http://www.depedbataan.com/
and equipment based on tools and materials to accident. resources/9/
their uses its description. k_to_12_cookery_learning_module.pdf
1.3 describe the various Summative Goal:
types of kitchen tools, Assessment: The students will make
equipment, and Oral Recitation, Leaner-Friendly
assessing their Signage on School
strengths and Premises
weaknesses based on
the results of the Oral Role:
Recitation Work will be done in
groups in order for
2. Maintain appropriate Formative Assessment them to collaborate  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for
kitchen tools, equipment,  Matching Type, they and think critically in a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
and paraphernalia will match the constructing Alarm or Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
2.1 select various types of appropriate form Warning Signages House, Inc.
chemicals for cleaning and used in cleaning  http://www.depedbataan.com/
chemilcals to its Audience: resources/9/
sanitizing kitchen tools,
description. Teacher and students k_to_12_cookery_learning_module.pdf
equipment, and
paraphernalia Situation:
2.2 clean and sanitize  Enumeration, list
down the cleaning Imagine that you need
2 kitchen tools and equipment signages to avoid
following manufacturer’s harm and accident-
instructions prone areas. You have
Summative Assessment
2.3 use cleaning tools, conducted an
Quiz, assessing their
equipment, and strengths and observation around the
paraphernalia in accordance weaknesses based on area to find any
to standard operating the results of the quiz available signages but
procedures you only see Fire Exit..
2.4 maintain kitchen tools, In order for you to
equipment, and work areas create signages for co-
learners to address the  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for
3. Store and stack kitchen Summative insufficiency of
a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
tools and equipment Assessment: available signages
Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
3.1 store or stack cleaned  Demonstration, especially if the areas
3 Draw Lots House, Inc.
equipment and utensils creating a proper are accident prone  http://www.depedbataan.com/
plotting of electrical areas.
safely in the designated resources/9/
place plan k_to_12_cookery_learning_module.pdf
Waring Signages are
4. Carry out measurements Formative  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for
product of reminders
and calculations in a Assessment: to make our life better. a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
required task  Identification, The best remedy to Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
4 4.1 give the abbreviations identifying the proper address the House, Inc.
and equivalents of checking or insufficiency of  http://www.depedbataan.com/
measurements maintenance available signages are resources/9/ k_to_12_commercial
4.2 identify the types of procedure of tools cooking_learning_module.pdf
measuring tools to create with
4.3 describe the functions of and equipment collaboration to each
measuring tools student. It also
4.4 measure ingredients Summative develops the student’s
according to recipe Assessment: enhancement of
requirement  Quiz, assessing their knowledge and skills in
4.5 convert systems of strengths and creating a safe and
measurement according to weaknesses based healthy environment.
recipe requirement on the results of the
4.6 perform substitution of quiz
Formative  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for
Assessment: a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
 Conversion, convert Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
the following House, Inc.
5. Calculate cost of measurements to its  http://www.depedbataan.com/
production corresponding unit of resources/9/ k_to_12_commercial
5.1 discuss principles of measurement cooking_learning_module.pdf
costing  Problem Solving,
5 solve the following
5.2 compute cost of
cost of production
5.3 validate computed cost Summative
of production Assessment:
Quiz, assessing their
strengths and
weaknesses based on
the results of the quiz
6. Read and interpret Formative  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for
kitchen plans Assessment: a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
6.1 read and interpret  Identification, Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
architectural kitchen identifying the House, Inc.
6 symbols and layout electrical signs and  http://www.depedbataan.com/
symbols to its resources/9/ k_to_12_commercial
according to specifications in
descriptions cooking_learning_module.pdf
the blueprint
6.2 determine parts and Summative
functions of a kitchen layout Assessment:
 Demonstration,
creating a their own
Quiz, assessing their
strengths and
weaknesses based on
the results of the quiz
Formative Assessment:  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for
7. Prepare a kitchen layout Identification a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
7.1 prepare a sketch and Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
layout according the type of Summative Assessment: House, Inc.
kitchen Demonstration

8. Importance of Formative Assessment:  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for

Occupational Health and Oral Recitation a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
Safety Procedures Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
8.1 recognize the Summative Assessment: House, Inc.
importance of OHSP Quiz  http://www.depedbataan.com/
8 resources/9/ k_to_12_commercial
8.2 explain safety
regulations, hazard control cooking_learning_module.pdf
practices, and procedures
based on organization
Formative Assessment:  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for
9. Identify Hazards and Risks Identification a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
in the Workplace Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
9 9.1 determine the types of Summative Assessment: Charades House, Inc.
hazards and risks the Quiz  http://www.depedbataan.com/
workplace Demonstration resources/9/ k_to_12_commercial
10. Evaluate and Control Formative Assessment:  Esmilla-Sercado V., (2014), Skills for
Hazards and Risks in the Identification a Lifetime in TLE (1st Edition),
Workplace Enumeration Valenzuela City, JO-ES Publishing
10.1 Follow consistently OHS House, Inc.
procedure for controlling Summative Assessment:  http://www.depedbataan.com/
hazards/risks Reporting resources/9/ k_to_12_commercial
10.2 Use Personal Protective Quiz cooking_learning_module.pdf
Equipment (PPE) in
accordance with OHS
10.3 Conduct emergency-
related drills and training
10.4 Maintain OHSP

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Ms. Edel Jonna O. Reyes Ms. Lei Ann Cajang Mrs. Annaline DC. Ondrade
TLE Teacher JHS Academic Coordinator JHS Principal

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