Purcom Reviewer
Purcom Reviewer
Purcom Reviewer
Physical milieu, Social milieu, Psychological
milieu, Cultural milieu, Historical milieu.
Model- is an abstract representation of a
What is Sociolinguistics?
Social life of humans on a linguistic
perspective Formal Definition: It is a term
- Allow nations to cooperate with each
What’s bad about globalization?
- Some floundered as jobs and commerce
move elsewhere
- Technology brings danger
- It operates in favor of the rich
- Helps increase the gap between the
Objectives: world’s poorest and richest nations
At the end of this lesson, students are able - Could unparalleled peace and prosperity
• explain how cultural and global issues How do cultural and global issues effect
affect communication; and communication?
• discuss the impact of communication on ―Connecting with people on the other side
society and the world. of the world is now much easier than it was
a few years ago.
What is globalization? ―Helps develop a global village.
• is a process by which people and goods
move easily across boarders Global Village (Mcluhan, 1984)
• is an economic concept – the integration ―describes the world that has been
‘shrunk’ by modern advances in
of markets, trade and investment
―vast networks being likened of
communication systems to one extended
central nervous systems, ultimately linking
everyone in the world.
―an idea in which one part of the world
could be experienced from other parts in
real-time, which is what human experience
was like when we lived in small villages.
“Today, after more than a century of
electric technology, we have extended our
How did globalization happen? central nervous system itself in a global
- Trade spread rapidly between China and embrace abolishing both space and time as
Europe via overland route - Merchants far as our planet is concerned”.
carried goods
Marshall Mcluhan, Understanding Media,
What drives globalization? 1964)
- Technology
- Internet connectivity
- Invention of enormous ship containers
What’s good about globalization?
- Lifted out poverty
What is the relationship between the
language and culture?
There is a close relationship between
language and culture of a community – they
are inextricably related, so that one cannot
understand or appreciate the one without
the other.
What then is the point of bringing up all
issues of globalization to students of
purposive communication?
Simply, really, that in all of the preceding
news, social media have played a very
significant role in playing them up in the
public eye, and that cultural and global
issues now weight in heavily on how we
communicate with one another
which are purely social scientific in their
objectives such as ethnomethodology.
For a student: It is a study of how people
use their language in their everyday lives;
how identities are shown vividly through
words you use, how, through language, you
intentionally or unintentionally create,
maintain or disrupt relationships with