Dissolving Process (Solvent, Solute and Solution)

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Dissolving Process (Solvent, Solute and Solution)
18 Questions


Dissolving Process (Solvent, Solute and Solution)

by Silvia Aritonang

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What Happens When Solids Are Mixed With Water?

When solids are mixed with water,

they can dissolve completely in the
water to form a solution.

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When you add sugar to a cup of tea, the sugar dissolves, it doesn’t
The particles of sugar are added to the particles of water, so the mass


Solvent, Solute and Solution


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• The substance that dissolves to form a solution is called a solute.

• The substance in which a solute will dissolve is called a solvent.

• A solution is a mixture of two or more substances that stays evenly mixed.


The substance which is dissolved is called a solute
From the diagram in the previous slide which is solute?

8. Which one of these is considered a SOLUTE?

a) salt b) salt water
c) water

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9. There are two types of solute.Soluble (water loving

solute, can be dissolved in water) and insoluble (water
fearing solute, cannot be dissolved in water)These are
the example of insoluble:
a) salt b) sand
c) chalk d) oil
e) sugar

10. SolventThe substance in which the solute is dissolved is

called a solvent.From the diagram in the previous slide
which is solvent?
a) salt b) salt water
c) water

11. Solids that can dissolve in liquid are soluble. Salt and
sugar are soluble in water. Once dissolved in water, they
cannot be seen. The resulting mixture is known as a .....

12. Solids that do not dissolve in liquid are....(soluble or

insoluble )

13. SolutionA solution is a mixture of two or more

substances that stays evenly mixed.From the diagram in
the previous slide which is solution?
a) salt b) salt water
c) water

14. Choose the correct Statements:

a) Solutes are liquids. b) Examples of Solutes are lime juice, water
c) Examples of Solutes are salt ,milk powder d) Solvents are liquids.
and Sugar.
e) Solutions are Solids

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15. Which of the following is a solution?

a) salad b) juice
c) granola


How fast a solid dissolves in liquid depends on a few

factors such as temperature and size of the solid
particles. There are several ways to make a solid
dissolve faster in liquid. We can heat the solution, stir
it, or crush the solid into smaller pieces.

17. Solution: Salt water, solute: salt, solvent: waterWrite like

the example above

18. Write your summary of today's lesson:

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Answer Key
1. 6. 11. solution 16.
2. 7. 12. insoluble 17. n/a
3. 8. a 13. b 18. n/a
4. 9. 14. c,d
5. 10. c 15. b

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