CH401 Transport Phenomena in Processes
CH401 Transport Phenomena in Processes
CH401 Transport Phenomena in Processes
Course Name
code Credits Introduction
CH401 3-1-0-4 2016
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
To impart the knowledge in transport of momentum, heat and mass transport and
provide insight into the dependence of temperature and pressure on the transport
To derive simple shell balances to formulate basic conservation equations of transport
processes for solving selected engineering problems which can be solved analytically.
To give basic axioms of conservations namely conservation of momentum, energy and
Introduction to transport phenomena, Basics of Vector and tensor calculus, Mechanisms of
momentum transport, Shell momentum balances, 1-D problems on velocity distribution in
laminar flow, Equations of change for isothermal systems, Applications of equations of
change to solve 1-D problems on velocity distribution in laminar flow. Mechanisms of energy
transport, Shell energy balances, 1-D problems on temperature distribution in solids and in
laminar flow, equations of change for non-isothermal systems, Applications of equations of
change to solve 1-D problems on temperature distribution in solids and in laminar flow.
Mechanisms of mass transport, Shell mass balances, Applications of shell mass balances to
solve 1-D problems on concentration distributions in solids and in laminar flow, Equations of
change for multi-component systems, 1-D problems on concentration distributions in solids
and in laminar flow, Methods of solution of momentum, heat and mass transfer problems with
more than one independent variable.
Expected Outcomes.
At the end of the semester, the student will be able to:
i. Apply the governing equations of transport of momentum, heat and mass transport in
solving engineering problems
ii. Analyse the dependence of temperature and pressure on the transport coefficients.
iii. Derive simple shell balances to formulate basic conservation equations of transport
processes and obtain analytical solutions of selected simple engineering problems.
iv. Interpret the basic axioms of conservations namely conservation of momentum, energy
and mass and obtain analytical solutions of selected simple engineering problems.
Text Book
Bird R.B., Stewart W.C and Lightfoot F.N, Transport phenomena, John Wiley &
1. Theodore L, Transport Phenomena for Engineers by, International text book
Company, U.S.A
2. Geankoplis, Transport processes and unit operations, 3rd, , PHI, 1997.
3. Welty, Wicks and Wilson, Fundamentals of Heat, Momentum and Mass
Transfer, John Wiley.
4. John C Slattery, Momentum, Energy and Mass transfer in continua, McGraw
Hill, Co.
5. Robert S. Brodkey and Harry C Hersing, Transport Phenomena a Unified
approach, McGraw Hill Book Co.
6. Bennet C U and Myers J E, Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours exam
Viscosity and the mechanisms of momentum transfer:
Newton’s law of viscosity, molecular momentum transport,
generalization of Newton’s law of viscosity, pressure and
temperature dependence of viscosity of gases and liquids,
prediction of viscosity of gases: Rigid sphere model and
I rigorous models, prediction of transport coefficients of liquids.
Numerical problems
Shell momentum balances and velocity distributions in laminar 12
flow: shell momentum balances and boundary conditions, flow
of a falling film along a flat surface and on the surface of
cylinders, flow of a Newtonian fluid in between two slits
formed by two flat plates, flow through a circular tube, flow
through annulus, and flow of two adjacent immiscible fluids.
Flow of a Bingham fluid through a cylinder- Buckingham-
Reiner Equation.
General transport equation for momentum, derivation of
continuity equation, Analysis of equation of motion in
rectangular coordinates, Navier Stoke’s equation and Euler
equation with significance of each terms, transport equation in
curvilinear coordinates, application of transport equations to
II solve steady flow problems:- flow through a tube, tangential 10 20%
annular flow, rotating liquid, cone and plate viscometer.
Velocity distributions in turbulent flow: comparisons of
laminar and turbulent flows, time-smoothed equations of
change for incompressible fluids, and the time- smoothed
velocity profile near a wall.
Energy Transport: Thermal conductivity and the mechanism
of energy transport- prediction of thermal conductivity of
gases, effect of temperature and pressure on thermal
conductivity of gases, relationship between thermal
conductivity and viscosity of gases. Thermal conductivity of
solids, relationship between thermal and electrical conductivity
of solids, Numerical problems.
II 10 15%
Shell energy balance:- Boundary conditions, application of
shell balances to heat conduction problems with electric,
nuclear and viscous heat sources and other similar heat
conduction problems, use of shell heat balances in variable
thermal conductivity systems to derive temperature and heat
flux profiles, fixed bed flow reactor, cooling fins with insulated
tip condition, heat transfer by free between two vertical plates
and forced convection for flow through pipes with heat transfer
at constant wall heat flux.
Equations of energy in rectangular coordinates, energy
equations in curvilinear coordinates, application to steady state
IV heat transfer problems:- tangential flow in annulus with 8 15%
viscous heat generation, free convection from vertical plate,
flow of non-isothermal film and transpiration cooling.
Diffusivity and the Mechanism of Mass Transport:
V Definition of concentrations, velocities and mass/molar fluxes,
Interrelationship between fluxes. Fick’s law of diffusion, 8 15%
kinetic theory of diffusion in gases at low density, theory of
ordinary diffusion in liquids. Prediction of diffusivity of gases
and liquids. between
Analogies Numericalheat,
mass and momentum transfer,
Derivation of equation of continuity for binary mixtures in
Shell mass balances:
rectangular coordinatesBoundary
in mass conditions, diffusion
and molar units, through
general studya
VI stagnant gas film, diffusion with homogeneous
of equation of continuity in curvilinear coordinates (derivation and 8 15%
not chemical reaction,
desired). Application diffusion
to combined heatinto
falling liquid
film (gasand
thermal absorption),
pressure diffusion
diffusion.and chemicalofreaction
Solution inside a
mass transport
problemscatalyst: the effectiveness
for binary systems with factor.
analytical solutions.
Part A: There shall be Three questions uniformly covering Modules 1 and 2, each carrying
20 marks, of which the student has to answer any Two questions. At the most 4 subdivisions
can be there in one main question with a total of 20 marks for all the subdivisions put
(2 x 20= 40 Marks)
Part B: There shall be Three questions uniformly covering Modules 3 and 4, each carrying
15 marks, of which the student has to answer any Two questions. At the most 4 subdivisions
can be there in one main question with a total of 15 marks for all the subdivisions put
(2 x15= 30 Marks)
Part C: There shall be Three questions uniformly covering Modules 5 and 6, each carrying
15 marks, of which the student has to answer any Two questions. At the most 4 subdivisions
can be there in one main question with a total of 15 marks for all the subdivisions put
(2 x15= 30 Marks)