RP18-EE-427 Mujahid Hussain

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Submitted to : Dr.

Noumana Amjad

Submitted by : Mujahid Hussain

Roll NO : RP18-EE-427

Course : Engineering Psychology

Semester : 7th

Department of Electrical Engineering University of the Punjab

What is Counseling?
“A talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues.”
Counseling Psychology
As a quick refresher, counseling psychology is a field that aims to help individuals overcome mental health
challenges in order to improve their quality of life. Counseling can take place for clients and patients at any age or

The American Psychological Association, the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in
the United States, defines counseling psychology as a field that “addresses the emotional, social, work, school, and
physical health concerns people may have at different stages in their lives.” To learn more, check out our article
“Everything you need to know about counseling psychology.”

• Counseling psychology is a general practice and health service provider specialty in

professional psychology
• Counseling Psychology can be defined as a professional psychology field that focuses on the
emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental and organizational
• It focuses on how people function both personally and in their relationships at all ages.
Some current examples include the measurement of identity development, self-concepts,
leisure interests, personal attitudes and biases, cultural values and expectations, and
multicultural counseling competencies.
Purpose of Counseling
 First is to identify the problems of person.
 The basic purpose of counselling is to help people use their existing problem-solving skills more effectively
or to develop new or better coping skills.
 Counsellors can’t ‘fix’ other people’s problems.
 Their job is to provide an opportunity for the person to describe their feelings and problems for themselves
and then to reach decisions and actions that are based on informed choices.
Good counselling helps people build skills they can use in solving their problems. For example, if people learn
good communications skills in dealing with their spouses, they can also use those communication skills with
children, friends, or co-workers.
Elements of Counseling
  The counselor: A person who is professionally capable to extend help.
 The counselee: The person who seeks help and lets himself/herself be subjective for counseling.
The counseling environment: A place to facilitate counseling
What Issues Does Counseling Psychology Address?
 Addiction and abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
 Adjustment issues, including adjustment to college life.
 Anger Management
 Anxiety
 Depression
 Relationship difficulties
 Stress Management
 Suicidal Thoughts
 Trauma
 Grief
Counseling psychology techniques
Psychologists, clinicians, and therapists work with their clients to provide assessment, diagnosis, and treatment
(depending on the severity). Given the complexities of human beings and life, this involves considering all the
aspects of their clients’ lives that have led them to their current state of being—this includes strengths, weaknesses,
relationships, environment, social aspects (race, gender, class, etc.), and career.

Considering this, some techniques counseling psychologists utilize include the following:

Psychology Today describes psychoanalytic therapy as “a form of in-depth talk therapy that aims to bring
unconscious or deeply buried thoughts and feelings to the conscious mind so that repressed experience and
emotions can be brought to the surface and examined.”

Sigmund Freud developed the psychoanalysis technique. It originally involved Freud sitting behind his patients
while he took notes on their recollections of childhood memories and dreams.

Today this type of treatment might look different depending on the clinician but largely still involves digging into
childhood memories in order to help people uncover how these experiences have influenced their present.

Group Therapy
Group therapy, as described by VeryWellMind, involves one or more therapists working with several people at the
same time. These groups meet once or twice a week for one to a few hours and can take place in private practices,
clinics, community centers, and more.

In utilizing a group tactic, patients and clients are able to feel the safety of a group of people who may be suffering
from something similar and can serve as role models for one another as they strive to reach their goals. On top of
this, some find affordability as a major benefit of group therapy because the therapist or counselor is splitting time
with several people rather than focusing on one. The power in this technique is allowing patients and clients to
connect, share their experiences, and learn as a group.

Behavioral counseling and therapy focuses on changing unhealthy behaviors and replacing them with healthier
ones. This therapy can also be thought of as an umbrella term for several types of therapy that treat mental health
disorders such as depression, anxiety, panic disorder, anger issues, and more.

Within behavioral therapy, some techniques include play therapy, system desensitization, or aversion therapy. A
registered clinician or therapist will decide whether this type of therapy will be most effective for their client as
some disorders may not best suit this technique.
These techniques only scratch the surface of instruments in a counseling psychologist’s tool belt. Every client will
require an individual technique and treatment. The training of counseling psychologists equips them to navigate
these needs.

Types of Counseling
Common types of counseling are:

 Individual counseling.
 Couples counseling. 
 Family counseling.
 Teen counseling.
 Group counseling.
 Career counseling

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