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Residual Life Assessment Report

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Equipment : Crude / MPA Exchanger

Item No. : 11-E-106
Serial No. : 2285
Owner : PT. Kilang Pertamina Internasional - RU VI
Location : Area EXOR Balongan - Indramayu

2 26/10/2021 Final Report RR EY SZP/MYR ADP

1 07/10/2021 Draft Report RR EY SZP/MYR ADP

Document No. :
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Hasil perhitungan dan penilaian yang mengacu Calculation and assessment result which based
pada API 510 antara lain : on API 510 as following :
1. Sisa umur layan terendah pada peralatan 1. The lowest residual life of equipment is 17
adalah 17 tahun years
2. Nilai laju korosi maksimum adalah 0,121 2. Maximum value of corrosion rate is 0,121
mm/year mm/year.
3. Nilai maksimum kategori resiko adalah Low 3. Maximum category of risk assement is Low

General Data
Equipment Crude / MPA Exchanger
Item no. 11-E-106
Material SA 516 Gr 70 (Shell & Head)
Design Pressure 27.2 kg/cm2 (Shell Side) ; 40.8 kg/cm2 (Tube Side)
DesignTemperature 320 oF (Shell Side) ; 383 oF (Tube Side)
Residual Life Assessment Risk Asessement
Actual Required Corrosion Residual Calculated
Component Thickness Thickness Rate Life MAWP 2021
(mm) (mm) (mm/year) (years) (kg/cm2)
Shell A 22.600 14.683 0.115 > 20 40.03 Low (2B)
Shell B 22.450 14.683 0.121 > 20 40.03 Low (2B)
Shell C 22.540 14.683 0.118 > 20 40.03 Low (2B)
Head Channel I 23.260 21.130 0.121 17 42.12 Low (2B)
Channel I 26.310 21.440 0.100 > 20 47.23 Low (2B)
Channel II 26.510 21.440 0.092 > 20 47.68 Low (2B)
N1 12" 17.060 8.330 0.016 > 20 47.68 Low (2B)
N2 12" 16.560 8.330 0.035 > 20 47.68 Low (2B)
N3 12" 17.500 8.330 0.121 > 20 29.17 Low (2B)
N4 12" 17.070 8.330 0.016 > 20 28.93 Low (2B)
Inspection Plan and Method
Damage Factor Inspection methods Coverage Interval
For the total surface area: 100%
UT Thickness or UT/RT of CML’s OR For
Thinning Damage
Scanning selectedareas: 10% UT scanning, OR
10% profile radiography.
For the total surface area:100%
external visual inspection AND Next 4 Years
100%profile or real-time radiography of
Visual Inspection and
External Damage damaged or suspect area AND Follow-
UT Spot/Scanning
up of corroded areas with 100% visual
inspection of the exposed surface with
UT, RT or pit gauge.

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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Rev No Date Page Description Approve

1 07 Oktober 2021 All Draft Report

2 26 November 2021 All Final Report

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Objective ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Reference ............................................................................................................................. 6
2. DOCUMENT REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Equipment Data .................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Inspection & Maintenance Data ............................................................................................ 7
2.3 Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 8
3. DAMAGE MECHANISM ............................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Screening Criteria ................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 9
4. FITNESS FOR SERVICE ........................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Corrosion Rate Approach .................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Thickness Approach............................................................................................................ 10
4.3 MAWP Approach ................................................................................................................ 11
4.4 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 11
5. RESIDUAL LIFE ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................... 12
5.1 Result ................................................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 12
6. RISK ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................. 13
6.1 Result ................................................................................................................................. 13
6.2 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 13
7. INSPECTION PLAN ................................................................................................................... 14
7.1 Method and Interval ............................................................................................................ 14
7.2 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 14
8. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 15

APPENDIX A - ENGINEERING CALCULATION ............................................................................... 17

APPENDIX B - INSPECTION REPORT ............................................................................................ 18
APPENDIX C - RESIDUAL LIFE ASSESSMENT .............................................................................. 19
APPENDIX D – RISK ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................... 20

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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Table 1.1 References for Regulation and Standard/Code ............................................................................. 6

Table 2.1 Equipment Data Review .................................................................................................................... 7

Table 2.2 Inspection & Maintenance History ................................................................................................... 7

Table 3.1 Damage Mechanism Screening ....................................................................................................... 9

Table 4.1 Result of Corrosion Rate Calculation ............................................................................................ 10

Table 4.2 Result of Thickness Required Calculations .................................................................................. 10

Table 4.3 Result of MAWP Calculations ......................................................................................................... 11

Table 5.1 Result of Residual Life Assessment .............................................................................................. 12

Table 6.1 Result of Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................. 13

Table 7.1 Inspection Plan and Coverage ....................................................................................................... 14


Figure 6.1 Result of Risk Category.................................................................................................................. 13

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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1.1 Objective
Dokumen ini menyajikan hasil penilaian sisa This document presents the results of residual life
umur layan peralatan bejana tekan Crude / MPA assessment result for pressure vessel equipment
Exchanger (11-E-106) milik PT. KPI RU VI Crude / MPA Exchanger (11-E-106) owned by
– Balongan. PT. KPI RU VI – Balongan.

Penilaian mengacu pada API 510 dengan lingkup The assessment refers to API 510 with the
pekerjaan sebagai berikut: following scope of work:
- Penelahaan dokumen teknis peralatan - Technical documents review
- Penelahaan dokumen inspeksi dan - Inspection and maintenance document
perawatan review
- Penentuan mekanisme kerusakan - Damage Mechanism determination
- Fitness-for-Service - Fitness-for-Service
- Penilaian sisa umur layan - Residual Life Assessment
- Penilaian risiko - Risk Assesssment
- Rekomendasi metode dan interval inspeksi - Recommendation for Inspection methods
sesuai mekanisme kerusakan and interval according to damage

Hasil penilaian digunakan sebagai pemenuhan The assessment result are used as the fulfillment
Pemeriksaan Keselamatan untuk Persetujuan of the Pemeriksaan Keselamatan for Persetujuan
Layak Operasi (PLO) sesuai dengan Peraturan Layak Operasi (PLO) according to Goverment
Menteri ESDM No. 18 Tahun 2018. Regulation Permen ESDM No.18 of 2018.

1.2 Reference
Peraturan pemerintah dan standar/kode yang Goverment regulation and standard/code used for
digunakan untuk penilaian sisa umur layan residual life assessment shown at the following
ditunjukkan pada tabel berikut. table.
Table 1.1 References for Regulation and Standard/Code

No Document Name Type

Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 18 tahun 2018 tentang “Pemeriksaan Keselamatan Instalasi
1 Regulation
dan Pealatan Pada Kegiatan Usaha Minyak dan Gas Bumi”
Keputusan Menter ESDM Nomor 1846 K/18/MEM/2018 tentang “Penggunaan Standar pada
2 Regulation
Kegiatan Usaha Minyak dan Gas Bumi”
3 API 510; 2017. Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration Code/Standard
4 API 571; 2020. Damage Mechanism Affecting Fixed Equipment Code/Standard
5 API 572; 2016. Pressure Vessel Inspection Code Code/Standard
6 API 579 part 1; 2016. Fitness for Service Code/Standard
7 API 580; 2016. Risk Based Inspection Code/Standard
8 API 581; 2020. Risk Based Methodology Code/Standard
9 ASME Section V; 2019. Nondestructive Code Code/Standard
10 ASME Section VIII Division 1; 2019. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Code/Standard
11 ASME PCC-3; 2017. Inspection Planning using Risk-Based Methods Code/Standard

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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2.1 Equipment Data

Penelahaan dokumen teknis terkait peralatan Technical document review for equipment based
berdasarkan kriteria yang ditunjukkan pada tabel on criteria as shown as table below.
Table 2.1 Equipment Data Review
Parameter Value Source
Type of Equipment Vertical Pressure Vessel Last Inspection Report
Tag No 11-E-106 Last Inspection Report
PT. Kilang Pertamina Internasional
Owner Last Inspection Report
Location Area EXOR Balongan - Indramayu Last Inspection Report
Construction Code ASME Sec. VIII DIv. 1 Last Inspection Report
Year Built 1992 Last Inspection Report
SA 516 Gr 70 (Shell & Head) Last Inspection Report &
Material Specification
SA 106 Gr B (Nozzle) GA Drawing
MDMT - -
PWHT - -
27.2 kg/cm2 (Shell Side) ; 40.8 kg/cm2 (Tube GA Drawing
Design Pressure
Design Temperature 500 F (Shell Side) ; 383 oF (Tube Side)
o GA Drawing
20.41 kg/cm2(Shell Side) ; 30.59 kg/cm2 GA Drawing
Operating Pressure
(Tube Side)
Operating Temperature 375 oF(Shell Side) ; 421.5 oF (Tube Side) GA Drawing
Dimension 1500 mm (ID) x 9538 mm (OAL) GA Drawing
Fluid Service - -
Liquid Density - -
Radiograph Type Full (Shell); Full (Head) GA Drawing
Joint Efficiency 1(Shell); 1 (Head) GA Drawing
Nom. Thickness 25.6 mm (Shell); 26.4 mm (Head) GA Drawing
Joint Type - -
Corrosion Allowance 3 mm Last Inspection Report
Volume - -
Rating Class - -
Insulation Yes Last Inspection Report

2.2 Inspection & Maintenance Data

Penelahaan dokumen terkait jenis perawatan dan Document review for maintenance and
inspeksi yang dilakukan pada peralatan inspection history related to equipment as shown
ditunjukkan pada tabel berikut. as table below.
Table 2.2 Inspection & Maintenance History

Type of Activity Year Findings

- Acceptable criteria for visual welding criteria
- Acceptable criteria for radiographic examination
Inspection for Design 1992 - Acceptable criteria for liquid penetrant examination
- Acceptable criteria for dimension examination
- Acceptable criteria for leak test

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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Type of Activity Year Findings

- Acceptable criteria for hydrostatic test at 1.3 MAP
- Acceptable criteria for painting visual inspection
- Wall Thickness Measurement
First Inspection 2015 - Visual Inspection upon external
- Rubbing of name plate detail
- Good condition for pressure part, nozzle cover and part
- Acceptable criteria for MAWP and thickness required based on
Inspection for Migas Re-
2018 minimum thickness measurement (14.74 mm at shell, 14.58 mm at
- Remaining life time for pressure vessel is 14 years

2.3 Discussion
Penelahaan dokumen teknis, inspeksi dan Review for technical, inspection and
perawatan terkait peralatan antara lain: maintenance documents as follows:
- Dokumen teknis pada peralatan tidak - Technical documents for equipment is not
tersedia lengkap completely available
- Indikasi terjadinya mekanisme kerusakan - Indication of Corrosion Under Insulation
Corrosion Under Insulation pada bagian damage mechanism on shell and head
shell dan head
- Kondisi visual yang baik untuk bagian shell, - Good visual condition for shell, head,
head, nozzle, pondasi dan sistem nozzle, foundation and earthing system
- Kondisi ketebalan dan MAWP tidak - Thickness and MAWP conditions not
menunjang untuk umur layan lebih dari 20 support a service life of more than 20
tahun years

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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3.1 Screening Criteria

Beberapa kemungkinan jenis mekanisme The following damage mechanisms are expected
kerusakan yang diduga terjadi pada bejana tekan to occurs at pressure vessel:
adalah sebagai berikut :
Table 3.1 Damage Mechanism Screening
Operating Material Damage Mechanism
Fluid Composition Remarks
Kg/cm2 o
C Specification Type Mode
General Internal damage factor due to
Metal Loss
Corrosion fluid content at pressure vessel
External damage factor
condition as follows :
Crude 20.41 190 Carbon Steel
Corosion Under - Insulation condition
Metal Loss
Insulation - Operating temperature below
severe environment (77 oC –
110 oC

3.2 Discussion
Jenis mekanisme kerusakan yang mungkin The types of damage mechanisms that may
terjadi pada peralatan berdasarkan jenis material, occur in equipment based on the type of
kondisi operasi dan fluida antara lain: material, operating conditions and fluids include:
- General corrosion, mekanisme kerusakan - General corrosion, the mechanism of
akibat konten fluida di dalam bejana tekan damage due to fluid content in the
pressure vessel
- Corrosion Under Insulation, memiliki tingkat - Corrosion Under Insulation, has a low
keparahan yang rendah karena severity level because the operating
temperature operasi dibawah rentang 77 C o
temperature is below the range of 77 oC –
– 110 oC 110 oC

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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4.1 Corrosion Rate Approach

Hasil perhitungan dari laju korosi ditunjukkan pada Calculation results of corrosion rate was shown
tabel di bawah ini: in the following table :
Table 4.1 Result of Corrosion Rate Calculation
Min. Year Corrosion Rate (mm/yr)1
Initial Previous
Component Thickness Thickness Prev. Long Short C.R.
Thickness Built Actual
(mm) (mm) Inspection Term Term Assumed2
Shell A 25.600 22.510 22.600 1992 2015 2018 0.115 - -
Shell B 25.600 22.510 22.450 1992 2015 2018 0.121 0.020 -
Shell C 25.600 22.510 22.540 1992 2015 2018 0.118 - -
Head Channel
26.400 23.310 23.260 1992 2015 2018 0.121 0.017 -
Channel I 28.900 26.340 26.310 1992 2015 2018 0.100 0.010 -
Channel II 28.900 26.340 26.510 1992 2015 2018 0.092 - -
N1 12" 17.480 - 17.060 1992 2015 2018 0.016 - -
N2 12" 17.480 - 16.560 1992 2015 2018 0.035 - -
N3 12" 17.480 - 17.500 1992 2015 2018 0.121 - -
N4 12" 17.480 - 17.070 1992 2015 2018 0.016 - -
Note :
1. Corrosion rates were calculated based on equation from API 510 Chapter 7.1.
2. Corrosion rate assumed as External Corrotion based on API 581 Table 15.2M

4.2 Thickness Approach

Hasil perhitungan ketebalan peralatan ditunjukkan Result of thickness calculation of equipment as
sesuai tabel berikut. shown as table below.
Table 4.2 Result of Thickness Required Calculations
Min. Actual Thickness Required Thickness
Component Remarks3
(mm) (mm)1
Shell A 22.600 14.683 Acceptable
Shell B 22.450 14.683 Acceptable
Shell C 22.540 14.683 Acceptable
Head Channel I 23.260 21.130 Acceptable
Channel I 26.310 21.440 Acceptable
Channel II 26.510 21.440 Acceptable
N1 12" 17.060 8.330 Acceptable
N2 12" 16.560 8.330 Acceptable
N3 12" 17.500 8.330 Acceptable
N4 12" 17.070 8.330 Acceptable
Note :
1. Based on ASME VIII Div 1 calculation for thickness required
2. Thickness calculation is based on API 510 Chapter 7.3 using re-certification planning for Iinterval (3 years)

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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4.3 MAWP Approach

Hasil perhitungan MAWP peralatan ditunjukkan Result of MAWP calculation of equipment as
pada tabel berikut shown as table below.
Table 4.3 Result of MAWP Calculations
Design Pressure Calculated MAWP
Component Remarks3
(kg/cm2) (kg/cm2)1
Shell A 27.2 40.03 Acceptable
Shell B 27.2 40.03 Acceptable
Shell C 27.2 40.03 Acceptable
Head Channel I 27.2 42.12 Acceptable
Channel I 40.8 47.23 Acceptable
Channel II 40.8 47.68 Acceptable
N1 12" 40.8 47.68 Acceptable
N2 12" 40.8 47.68 Acceptable
N3 12" 27.2 29.17 Acceptable
N4 12" 27.2 28.93 Acceptable
Note :
1. Based on ASME VIII Div 1 calculation
2. Acceptable condition if Calculated MAWP > Design Pressure and Thickness Actual > Thickness Required

4.4 Discussion
Hasil kriteria kelayakan peralatan antara lain: The results of criteria fitness-for-service at
equipment as follows:
- Laju korosi maksimum berdasarkan - Maximum value corrosion rate based on
ketersediaan data adalah 0,121 mm/years data availability is 0.121 mm/years (short-
(short-term) term)
- Kondisi ketebalan berdasarkan - Thickness conditions based on data
ketersediaan data masih memenuhi kriteria availability is acceptable (Actual thickness
(Ketebalan aktual lebih besar dari ketebalan is greater than required thickness)
yang dibutuhkan)
- Kondisi MAWP berdasarkan ketersediaan - MAWP conditions based on data
data masih memenuhi kriteria (Perhitungan availability data is acceptable (MAWP
MAWP lebih besar dibandingkan tekanan calculation is greater than design pressure)
- Peralatan dalam kondisi baik dan layak - Equipment is in good condition and fit to
dioperasikan berdasarkan parameter laju service based on the parameters of
korosi, ketebalan dan MAWP corrosion rate, thickness and MAWP

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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5.1 Result
Hasil penilaian sisa umur layan pada peralatan The result of residual life assessment for
ditunjukkan pada tabel berikut. equipment as shown as table below.
Table 5.1 Result of Residual Life Assessment
Thick. Prev. Min. Actual Required
Component Initial Thick. Thickness Thickness RL (Years)
Rate (mm/yr)2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)1
Shell A 25.600 22.510 22.600 14.683 0.115 68
Shell B 25.600 22.510 22.450 14.683 0.121 64
Shell C 25.600 22.510 22.540 14.683 0.118 66
Head Channel I 26.400 23.310 23.260 21.130 0.121 17
Channel I 28.900 26.340 26.310 21.440 0.100 48
Channel II 28.900 26.340 26.510 21.440 0.092 55
N1 12" 17.480 - 17.060 8.330 0.016 540
N2 12" 17.480 - 16.560 8.330 0.035 232
N3 12" 17.480 - 17.500 8.330 0.121 75
N4 12" 17.480 - 17.070 8.330 0.016 554
Note :
1. Based on ASME VIII Div 1 calculation for thickness required
2. Maximum value of corrosion rate between Long Term, Short Term and Published corrosion are using to
calculate residual life

5.2 Discussion
Hasil penilaian sisa umur layan peralatan antara The results of residual life assessment of
lain: equipment as follows:
- Sisa umur layan pada peralatan lebih dari - The residual life of equipment is more than
20 tahun berdasarkan data pengukuran 20 years based on measurement data at
2018 dengan estimasi ketebalan minimum 2018 with an estimated minimum thickness
di tahun 2021 dan laju korosi 0,121 in 2021 and a corrosion rate of 0.121
mm/years mm/years
- Dibutuhkan pengukuran ketebalan aktual - Actual thickness (2021) on the head, shell
(2021) pada bagian head, shell dan nozzle and nozzle is needed to measured so
sehingga penilaian sisa umur dapat residual life assessment can represent
mewakili keadaan peralatan secara umum equipment in general

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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6.1 Result
Penilaian risiko pada peralatan mengacu pada Risk assessment for equipment based on API
API 581. Kriteria PoF mengacu pada damage 581. PoF criteria determined by damage factor
factor (DF) dan generic failure frequency (GFF). (DF) and generic failure frequency (GFF). While
Sedangkan CoF diestimasi menggunakan CoF estimated using Level 1 Area-Based
perhitungan Level 1 berbasis area. calculation.

Hasil penilaian risiko pada peralatan ditunjukkan The result of risk assessment for equipment as
sesuai tabel berikut. shown as table below.
Table 6.1 Result of Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
PoF CoF1
Component Component Injury Risk
Name Damage Personnel Max Value Category
DFtotal GFFtotal FMS Category Category
Area Area [𝑪𝑨𝒄𝒎𝒅 , 𝑪𝑨𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒎
𝒊𝒏𝒋 ]
(𝑪𝑨𝒄𝒎𝒅 ) (𝑪𝑨𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒎
𝒊𝒏𝒋 )
11-E-106 0.0032579 0.0000306 1000 2 16.88552477 16.88552477 16.88552477 B Low (2B)
Note :
1. Consequence of Failure (CoF) determination by Area-Based (m2) calculation

Probability of Failure


Consequence of Failure (COF)
Risk at 2021
Figure 6.1 Result of Risk Category

6.2 Discussion
Hasil penilaian risiko peralatan antara lain: The results of the equipment risk assessment
- Risiko peralatan dalam kategori Low (2B) - Risk of equipment is in Low (2B) category
pada tahun 2021 at 2021
- Kategori PoF dipengaruhi oleh nilai faktor - Changes in risk are affected by an
kerusakan akibat penipisan internal yang increase of PoF category due to damage
dipengaruhi oleh fluida, ekstenal akibat factor of pitting/uniform corrosion (internal
kondisi insulasi thinning), corrosion under insulation
(external thinning)
- Kategori CoF merupakan estimasi area - The CoF category is an estimate of the
yang terdampak karena fluida yang keluar area affected by the fluid release due to
akibat Loss of Containment Loss of Containment

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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7.1 Method and Interval

Perencanaan dan metode inspeksiyang Reccomended Inspection plan and method as
dianjurkan adalah : follows :
Table 7.1 Inspection Plan and Coverage
Damage Inspection
Damage Factor Coverage Interval
Mechanism methods
For the total surface area: 100%
UT Thickness or UT/RT of CML’s OR For
Thinning Damage General Corrosion
Scanning selectedareas: 10% UT scanning, OR
10% profile radiography.
For the total surface area:100%
Next 4
external visual inspection AND
Visual Inspection 100%profile or real-time radiography
Corrosion Under
External Damage and UT of damaged or suspect area AND
Spot/Scanning Follow-up of corroded areas with
100% visual inspection of the exposed
surface with UT, RT or pit gauge.

7.2 Discussion
Rekomendasi interval dan metode inspeksi Recommendation for inspection interval and
antara lain: methods as follows:
- Metode dan cakupan area yang dilakukan - Method and coverage area for inspection
inspeksi menyesuaikan jenis mekanisme based on damage mechanism at
kerusakan peralatan yaitu general corrosion equipment of general corrosion (internal
(internal thinning), dan corrosion under thinning), and corrosion under insulation
insulation (exsternal thinning). (external thinning).
- Inspeksi menyesuaikan interval pengurusan - Inspection plan based on PLO time-based
PLO berbasis waktu (4 tahun) interval (4 Years)

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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Dapat disimpulkan bahwa peralatan 11-E-106 It can be concluded that 11-E-106 equipment is
memiliki kondisi sebagai berikut : in condition as below :

General Data
Equipment Crude / MPA Exchanger
Item no. 11-E-106
Material SA 516 Gr 70 (Shell & Head)
Design Pressure 27.2 kg/cm2 (Shell Side) ; 40.8 kg/cm2 (Tube Side)
DesignTemperature 500 oF (Shell Side) ; 383 oF (Tube Side)
Residual Life Assessment Risk Asessement
Actual Required Corrosion Residual Calculated
Component Thickness Thickness Rate Life MAWP 2021
(mm) (mm) (mm/year) (years) (kg/cm2)
Shell A 22.600 14.683 0.115 > 20 40.03 Low (2B)
Shell B 22.450 14.683 0.121 > 20 40.03 Low (2B)
Shell C 22.540 14.683 0.118 > 20 40.03 Low (2B)
Head Channel I 23.260 21.130 0.121 17 42.12 Low (2B)
Channel I 26.310 21.440 0.100 > 20 47.23 Low (2B)
Channel II 26.510 21.440 0.092 > 20 47.68 Low (2B)
N1 12" 17.060 8.330 0.016 > 20 47.68 Low (2B)
N2 12" 16.560 8.330 0.035 > 20 47.68 Low (2B)
N3 12" 17.500 8.330 0.121 > 20 29.17 Low (2B)
N4 12" 17.070 8.330 0.016 > 20 28.93 Low (2B)
Inspection Plan and Method
Damage Factor Inspection methods Coverage Interval
For the total surface area: 100%
UT Thickness or UT/RT of CML’s OR For
Thinning Damage
Scanning selectedareas: 10% UT scanning, OR
10% profile radiography.
For the total surface area:100%
external visual inspection AND Next 4 Years
100%profile or real-time radiography of
Visual Inspection and
External Damage damaged or suspect area AND Follow-
UT Spot/Scanning
up of corroded areas with 100% visual
inspection of the exposed surface with
UT, RT or pit gauge.

Direkomendasikan untuk merawat kondisi bejana It is recommended to maintenance the pressure

tekan dalam keadaan tetap siap beroperasi vessel conditions to stay in fit for services as the
seperti rekomendasi berikut : following recommendations:
• Melakukan perencanaan dan metode • Perform routine inspection plan and method
inspeksi rutin dan pada lokasi yang sama at the same location as per table above to
sesuai tabel diatas untuk mendeteksi dini detect early stage of leakage, spills and
kebocoran, tumpahan dan kondisi operasi other abnormal operating conditions (API
tidak normal yang lain (API Std 510 – 5.5.4) Std 510 – 5.5.4)
• Memeriksa dan memverifikasi pengoperasian • Check and verify operation of ancillary
peralatan tambahan seperti koneksi equipment such as piping connections, level

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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perpipaan, pengukur level, ventilasi normal / gauges, normal/emergency ventilation and

darurat, dan perangkat tekanan / vakum pressure/vacuum devices
• Memeriksa kemungkinan adanya corrosion • Check for the possibility of corrosion under
under insulation pada bagian peralatan insulation at part of equipment where water
dimana terdapat jebakan air traps exist
• Lakukan pengecatan ulang pada area • Repaint areas with indications of mold or
dengan indikasi penumpukan jamur atau uap moisture buildup on the surface of the
air di permukaan peralatan. Pertimbangkan equipment. Consider the effect of water
efek perembesan air, khususnya di bagian seepage, especially at the bottom of the
bawah peralatan. equipment.
• Melakukan pengecekan pada fungsi sistem • Check the grounding system functionality of
pembumian pada peralatan the equipment

PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 1
FileName : 11-E-106
Input Echo : Step: 1 2:31pm Aug 31,2021

PV Elite Vessel Analysis Program: Input Data

PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 2
FileName : 11-E-106
Input Echo : Step: 1 2:31pm Aug 31,2021

Configuration Directives:

Complete Listing of Vessel Elements and Details:

PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 3
FileName : 11-E-106
Input Echo : Step: 1 2:31pm Aug 31,2021

PV Elite 2016 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 4
FileName : 11-E-106
Input Echo : Step: 1 2:31pm Aug 31,2021

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016


Element Thickness, Pressure, Diameter and Allowable Stress :

Element Required Thickness and MAWP :

MAWP: 411.511 psig, limited by: Nozzle Reinforcement.

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2015

Elliptical Head From 10 To 20 SA-516 70 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 382 °F

Material UNS Number: K02700

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

Straight Flange Required Thickness:


Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

Note: Please Check Requirements of UCS-79 as Elongation is > 5%.

MDMT Calculations in the Knuckle Portion:

Govrn. thk, tg = 22.535 , tr = 21.134 , c = 0.0000 mm , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.938 , Temp. Reduction = 6 °F


MDMT Calculations in the Head Straight Flange:

Govrn. thk, tg = 22.535 , tr = 21.436 , c = 0.0000 mm , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.951 , Temp. Reduction = 5 °F


Cylindrical Shell From 20 To 30 SA-516 70 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 383 °F

Chenel 1

Material UNS Number: K02700

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 25.712 , tr = 21.436 , c = 0.0000 mm , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.834 , Temp. Reduction = 17 °F


Cylindrical Shell From 30 To 40 SA-516 70 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 500 °F

Material UNS Number: K02700

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 21.723 , tr = 15.625 , c = 0.0000 mm , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.719 , Temp. Reduction = 28 °F


Cylindrical Shell From 40 To 50 SA-516 70 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 383 °F

Chanel 2

Material UNS Number: K02700

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:


Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 25.958 , tr = 21.436 , c = 0.0000 mm , E* = 1.00

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.826 , Temp. Reduction = 17 °F


Hydrostatic Test Pressure Results:

UG-99(b) Note 36, Test Pressure Calculation:

Horizontal Test performed per: UG-99b (Note 36)

Please note that Nozzle, Shell, Head, Flange, etc MAWPs are all considered
when determining the hydrotest pressure for those test types that are based
on the MAWP of the vessel.

Stresses on Elements due to Test Pressure:

Stress ratios for Nozzle and Pad Materials:

Stress ratios for Vessel Elements:


Elements Suitable for Internal Pressure.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016


Nozzle Calculation Summary:

Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.

Warning: A Nozzle Reinforcement is governing the MAWP of this Vessel.

Check the Spatial Relationship between the Nozzles

The nozzle spacing is computed by the following:

= Sqrt( ll² + lc² ) where
ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.
lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction

If any interferences/violations are found, they will be noted below.

No interference violations have been detected !

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016


Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results Summary :

° ° °


[ ! ] - This was an impact tested material.
[ 1] - Governing Nozzle Weld.
[ 4] - ANSI Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(c).
[ 5] - ANSI Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(b).
[ 6] - MDMT Calculations at the Shell/Head Joint.
[ 7] - MDMT Calculations for the Straight Flange.
[ 8] - Cylinder/Cone/Flange Junction MDMT.
[ 9] - Calculations in the Spherical Portion of the Head.
[10] - Calculations in the Knuckle Portion of the Head.
[11] - Calculated (Body Flange) Flange MDMT.
[12] - Calculated Flat Head MDMT per UCS-66.3
[13] - Tubesheet MDMT, shell side, if applicable
[14] - Tubesheet MDMT, tube side, if applicable
[15] - Nozzle Material
[16] - Shell or Head Material
[17] - Impact Testing required

UG-84(b)(2) was not considered.

UCS-66(g) was not considered.
UCS-66(i) was not considered.

Impact test temps were not entered in and not considered in the analysis.
UCS-66(i) applies to impact tested materials not by specification and
UCS-66(g) applies to materials impact tested per UG-84.1 General Note (c).
The Basic MDMT includes the (30F) PWHT credit if applicable.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016


ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2015


Element Pressures and MAWP: psig

Element thicknesses are shown as Nominal if specified, otherwise are Minimum


PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2016

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PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
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PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
Corrosion Rate
Year Design Operating Thickness (mm)

Serial Diameter Length (mm) Insulat RLA Calculated

No Tag No Equipment Name Ket RT E Part Material
No/Model No (mm) (S/S) ion (year) MAWP (psig)
Prev. Actual
Prev. Prev.
Prev. Press. Temp. Press. Temp. Prev. (min. API Long Short
Built Inspec Initial (2013/201 Required
Inspect (psig) (deg F) (psig) (deg F) (2018) 510) Term Term
tion 5)
ion (2021)

17 11-E-105B Crude / 2nd Intermediate Residue Exchanger 2284 1800 ID 8098 OAL Full 1 Shell A SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 455 500 341.25 375 30.00 26.68 26.63 25.85 20.76 0.130 0.017 45 564.756
11-E-105B 2284 1800 ID 8098 OAL Full 1 Shell C SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 455 500 341.25 375 30.00 26.68 26.70 25.94 20.76 0.127 - 46 564.756
11-E-105B 2284 1800 ID 8098 OAL Full 1 Head Channel I - ASA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 548 347 411 260.25 36.00 32.30 30.32 26.36 20.76 0.218 0.660 14 575.661
11-E-105B 2284 1800 ID 8098 OAL Full 1Head Channel I - W3SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 548 347 411 260.25 36.00 32.30 32.18 31.30 20.52 0.147 0.040 79 681.125
11-E-105B 2284 1800 ID 8098 OAL Full 1 Channel II - C SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 548 347 411 260.25 37.00 33.67 33.60 32.82 25.07 0.131 0.023 65 713.611
11-E-105B 2284 14" - - - Full 1 N1 14" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 548 347 411 260.25 - - 41.15 37.19 8.33 - 0.660 49 713.31
11-E-105B 2284 14" - - - Full 1 N2 14" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 548 347 411 260.25 - - 41.10 37.14 8.33 - 0.660 49 713.61
11-E-105B 2284 14" - - - Full 1 N3 14" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 455 500 341.25 375 19.05 - 18.02 17.78 8.33 0.040 - 244 540.01
11-E-105B 2284 14" - - - Full 1 N4 14" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 455 500 341.25 375 19.05 - 17.95 17.70 8.33 0.042 - 227 539.64
18 11-E-106 Crude / MPA Exchanger 2285 1500 ID 9538 OAL Full 1 Shell A SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 386.8749 320 290.156 240 25.60 22.51 22.60 21.91 14.68 0.115 - 68 569.385
11-E-106 2285 1500 ID 9538 OAL Full 1 Shell B SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 386.8749 320 290.156 240 25.60 22.51 22.45 21.72 14.68 0.121 0.020 64 569.385
11-E-106 2285 1500 ID 9538 OAL Full 1 Shell C SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 386.8749 320 290.156 240 25.60 22.51 22.54 21.83 14.68 0.118 - 66 569.385
11-E-106 2285 1500 ID 9538 OAL Full 1 Head Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 383 435.234 287.25 26.40 23.31 23.26 22.54 21.13 0.121 0.017 17 599.1
11-E-106 2285 1500 ID 9538 OAL Full 1 Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 383 435.234 287.25 28.90 26.34 26.31 25.71 21.44 0.100 0.010 48 671.834
11-E-106 2285 1500 ID 9538 OAL Full 1 Channel II SA 516 Gr. 70 Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 383 435.234 287.25 28.90 26.34 26.51 25.96 21.44 0.092 - 55 678.131
11-E-106 2285 12" - - - Full 1 N1 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 383 435.234 287.25 17.48 - 17.06 16.96 8.33 0.016 - 540 678.13
11-E-106 2285 12" - - - Full 1 N2 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 383 435.234 287.25 17.48 - 16.56 16.35 8.33 0.035 - 232 678.13
11-E-106 2285 12" - - - Full 1 N3 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 386.8749 500 290.156 375 17.48 - 17.50 16.78 8.33 0.121 - 75 414.95
11-E-106 2285 12" - - - Full 1 N4 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 386.8749 500 290.156 375 17.48 - 17.07 16.98 8.33 0.016 - 554 411.51
19 11-E-107A Crude / 1st Intermediate Residue Exchanger 2286 1480 ID 8197 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell A SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 28.00 26.42 26.43 26.07 21.95 0.060 - 74 537.056
11-E-107A 2286 1480 ID 8197 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell B SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 28.00 26.42 26.37 25.99 21.95 0.063 0.017 70 537.056
11-E-107A 2286 1480 ID 8197 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell C SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 28.00 26.42 26.52 26.18 21.95 0.057 - 80 537.056
11-E-107A 2286 1630 ID 8197 OAL Full 1 Head Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 31.00 29.57 29.53 29.19 23.70 0.057 0.013 103 713.8
11-E-107A 2286 1480 ID 8197 OAL Full 1 Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 31.50 31.02 30.97 30.85 21.84 0.020 0.017 447 813.385
11-E-107A 2286 1480 ID 8197 OAL Full 1 Channel II SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 31.50 31.02 31.22 31.16 21.84 0.011 - 870 820.252
11-E-107A 2286 14" - - - Full 1 N1 14" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 19.05 - 16.32 15.69 8.33 0.105 - 76 726.95
11-E-107A 2286 14" - - - Full 1 N2 14" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 19.05 - 16.18 15.52 8.33 0.110 - 71 726.73
11-E-107A 2286 12" - - - Spot 0.85 N3 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 17.48 - 16.20 15.90 8.33 0.049 - 159 537.06
11-E-107A 2286 12" - - - Spot 0.85 N4 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 17.48 - 16.22 15.93 8.33 0.048 - 162 537.06
20 11-E-107B Crude / 1st Intermediate Residue Exchanger 2287 1480 ID 8197 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell A SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 28.00 27.27 27.24 27.06 21.95 0.029 0.010 180 558.708
11-E-107B 2287 1480 ID 8197 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell B SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 28.00 27.27 27.25 27.08 21.95 0.029 0.007 183 558.708
11-E-107B 2287 1480 ID 8197 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell C SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 28.00 27.27 27.28 27.11 21.95 0.028 - 192 558.708
11-E-107B 2287 1630 ID 8197 OAL Full 1 Head Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 31.00 29.67 29.65 23.70 21.52 0.052 0.007 156 717.4
11-E-107B 2287 1480 ID 8197 OAL Full 1 Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 31.50 30.04 30.01 29.67 21.84 0.057 0.010 142 782.951
11-E-107B 2287 1480 ID 8197 OAL Full 1 Channel II SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 31.50 30.04 30.18 29.88 21.84 0.051 - 164 788.336
11-E-107B 2287 14" - - - Full 1 N1 14" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 19.05 - 17.73 17.43 8.33 0.051 - 185 693.92
11-E-107B 2287 14" - - - Full 1 N2 14" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 428 436.656 332.6 19.05 - 17.73 17.43 8.33 0.051 - 185 739.72
11-E-107B 2287 12" - - - Spot 0.85 N3 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 17.48 - 17.59 16.48 8.33 0.186 - 49 558.71
11-E-107B 2287 12" - - - Spot 0.85 N4 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 581 291.578 494.6 17.48 - 12.65 11.54 8.33 0.186 - 23 558.71
21 11-E-108 Crude/Hot HGO Product Exchanger 2288 1000 ID 5813 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell A SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 393.9866 626 155.034 577.4 20.00 18.81 18.89 18.63 12.10 0.043 - 159 586.1
11-E-108 2288 1000 ID 5813 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell B SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 393.9866 626 155.034 577.4 20.00 18.81 18.75 18.46 12.10 0.048 0.020 138 586.1
11-E-108 2288 1194 ID 5813 OAL Spot 0.85 Head Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 393.9866 626 423.855 577.4 22.00 20.61 20.58 20.25 17.36 0.055 0.010 58 676.2
11-E-108 2288 1000 ID 5813 OAL Spot 0.85 Channel II - A SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 705.4778 440.6 423.855 383 26.00 23.10 23.19 22.54 17.42 0.108 - 53 740.664
11-E-108 2288 1000 ID 5813 OAL Spot 0.85 Channel II - B SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 705.4778 440.6 423.855 383 26.00 23.10 23.05 22.37 17.42 0.113 0.017 49 740.664
11-E-108 2288 10" - - - Spot 0.85 N1 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 705.4778 440.6 423.855 383 17.48 - 17.84 17.16 8.33 0.113 - 83 740.66
11-E-108 2288 10" - - - Spot 0.85 N2 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 705.4778 440.6 423.855 383 17.48 - 17.85 17.17 8.33 0.113 - 83 740.66
11-E-108 2288 12" - - - Spot 0.85 N3 4" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 393.9866 626 155.034 577.4 13.49 - 13.06 12.96 8.33 0.017 - 286 586.1
11-E-108 2288 12" - - - Spot 0.85 N4 4" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 393.9866 626 155.034 577.4 13.49 - 13.77 13.09 8.33 0.113 - 47 586.1
22 11-E-109 Crude/BPA Exchanger 2289 1030 ID 6116 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell A SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 301.5349 608 226.151 456 19.00 17.37 17.32 16.93 12.32 0.065 0.017 77 528.66
11-E-109 2289 1030 ID 6116 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell B SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 301.5349 608 226.151 456 19.00 17.37 17.31 16.92 12.32 0.065 0.020 76 528.66
11-E-109 2289 1030 ID 6116 OAL Spot 0.85 Shell C SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 301.5349 608 226.151 456 19.00 17.37 17.36 16.98 12.32 0.063 0.003 79 528.66
11-E-109 2289 1194 ID 6116 OAL Spot 0.85 Head Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 455 435.234 341.25 21.00 20.37 20.38 20.24 17.36 0.024 - 126 673.2
11-E-109 2289 1030 ID 6116 OAL Spot 0.85 Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 455 435.234 341.25 24.00 23.20 23.15 22.95 17.94 0.033 0.017 159 737.97
11-E-109 2289 1194 ID 6116 OAL Spot 0.85 Head Channel IISA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 455 435.234 341.25 21.00 20.37 20.32 20.16 17.36 0.026 0.017 113 675.7
11-E-109 2289 1030 ID 6116 OAL Spot 0.85 Channel II SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 455 435.234 341.25 24.00 23.20 23.20 23.02 17.94 0.031 0.000 171 739.88
11-E-109 2289 12" - - - Spot 0.85 N1 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 455 435.234 341.25 17.48 - 19.51 19.12 8.33 0.065 - 173 693.33
11-E-109 2289 12" - - - Spot 0.85 N2 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 455 435.234 341.25 17.48 - 17.44 17.43 8.33 0.002 - 5921 674.56
11-E-109 2289 8" - - - Spot 0.85 N3 8" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 301.5349 608 226.151 456 23.01 - 21.97 21.73 8.10 0.040 - 346 528.67
11-E-109 2289 8" - - - Spot 0.85 N4 8" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 301.5349 455 226.151 341.25 23.01 - 20.57 20.01 8.10 0.094 - 132 528.67
23 11-E-110A Crude / 2nd Hot Residue Exchanger 2290 1620 ID 5454 OAL Full 1 Shell A SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 518 399.675 402.8 31.34 34.12 34.07 33.97 24.04 - 0.017 601 811.072
11-E-110A 2290 1620 ID 5454 OAL Full 1 Shell B SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 518 399.675 402.8 31.34 34.12 34.12 34.02 24.04 - 0.017 604 811.072
11-E-110A 2290 1620 ID 5454 OAL Full 1 Shell C SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 518 399.675 402.8 31.34 34.12 34.15 34.05 24.04 - 0.017 606 811.072
11-E-110A 2290 1770 ID 5454 OAL Full 1 Head Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 635 310.068 570.74 34.00 34.56 34.51 34.41 20.29 - 0.017 853 750.558
11-E-110A 2290 1620 ID 5454 OAL Full 1 Channel I SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 635 310.068 570.74 30.31 33.72 33.69 33.63 18.79 - 0.010 1490 800.154
11-E-110A 2290 1620 ID 5454 OAL Full 1 Channel II SA 516 Gr. 70H Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 635 310.068 570.74 30.31 - 35.08 34.98 18.79 - 0.017 977 839.676
11-E-110A 2290 8" - - - Full 1 N1 8" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 635 310.068 570.74 - - 38.53 38.43 8.33 - 0.017 1812 839.68
11-E-110A 2290 8" - - - Full 1 N2 8" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 455.147 635 310.068 570.74 - - 39.20 39.10 8.33 - 0.017 1852 839.68
11-E-110A 2290 12" - - - Full 1 N3 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 518 399.675 402.8 - - 53.53 53.43 8.33 - 0.017 2712 811.07
11-E-110A 2290 12" - - - Full 1 N4 12" SA 106 Gr. B Yes 1992 2015 2018 580.3124 518 399.675 402.8 - - 53.97 53.87 8.33 - 0.017 2738 811.07
Paper copies are uncontrolled Page 20 of 20


PT. Dinamika Teknik Persada

Engineering Consultancy Services
Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1, BSD City, Tangerang 15322, Indonesia
Telp.: +62 21 531 50 601 Fax.: +62 21 531 50 601
Website: www.dtp-eng.com Email: [email protected]
Risk Assessment
Probability of Factor
Damage Factor
Representative Material Flammable Final
No TagNo Part Component Type Insulation Area Based Risk Financial Based Risk
Process Fluid Spec. DF Ext- Total DF (RBI Consequence Consequence
DF Thinning DF Ext-CUI
Corrosion Date) Area Area

1 00-A-201A DRUM Pressure Vessel C1-C2 SS NO 0.00109448 - - 0.00109448 11.6181137 11.6181137 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
2 00-A-201B DRUM Pressure Vessel C1-C2 SS NO 0.009184117 - - 0.009184117 97.4911744 97.4911744 Medium (2C) MEDIUM (2D)
3 052-DA-101 DRUM Pressure Vessel C1-C2 CS NO 0.002619022 0.251590434 - 0.50579989 165.5226271 165.5226271 Medium High (4C) MEDIUM HIGH (4D)
4 11-C-101 DRUM Pressure Vessel C1-C2 CS NO 2.79792E-05 0.0015185 - 0.001546479 458.0959041 458.0959041 Medium (2C) MEDIUM (2D)
5 11-C-102 DRUM Pressure Vessel C1-C2 CS NO 0.004487799 0.020956078 - 0.025443877 442.9778582 442.9778582 Medium (3C) MEDIUM HIGH (3D)
6 11-C-103 DRUM Pressure Vessel C1-C2 CS NO 0.002769944 0.001088984 - 0.003858928 67.1839261 67.1839261 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
7 11-C-104 DRUM Pressure Vessel C1-C2 CS NO 0.000366035 0.00673037 - 0.007096405 61.35898083 61.35898083 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
8 11-C-105 DRUM Pressure Vessel C1-C2 CS NO 3.19199E-05 0.001065077 - 0.001096997 0.359868498 0.359868498 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
9 11-E-101 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.000192291 - 0.01940142 0.019593711 23.53370363 23.53370363 Low (3B) MEDIUM HIGH (3D)
10 11-E-102 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C1-C2 CS YES 0.002312205 - 0.001479877 0.003792082 3.331045635 3.331045635 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
11 11-E-103A HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001714268 - 0.000981494 0.002695762 9.086818029 9.086818029 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
12 11-E-103B HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.00147892 - 0.000605543 0.002084462 7.026261516 7.026261516 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
13 11-E-103C HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001522261 - 0.001903063 0.003425324 11.54600949 11.54600949 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
14 11-E-103D HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001525937 - 0.019553395 0.021079332 71.05376449 71.05376449 Low (3B) MEDIUM HIGH (3D)
15 11-E-104 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.00135185 - 0.001225545 0.002577395 8.148987372 8.148987372 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
16 11-E-105A HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001433086 - 0.006719225 0.008152311 64.26366059 64.26366059 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
17 11-E-105B HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001426616 - 0.001502783 0.0029294 23.09209358 23.09209358 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
18 11-E-106 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001681581 - 0.001576342 0.003257924 16.88552477 16.88552477 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
19 11-E-107A HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001437432 - 0.000705408 0.00214284 12.80531936 12.80531936 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
20 11-E-107B HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001394609 - 0.003313173 0.004707783 28.09874649 28.09874649 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
21 11-E-108 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.002012735 - 0.006977963 0.008990698 17.39466453 17.39466453 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
22 11-E-109 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.002195719 - 0.001151858 0.003347578 4.546075976 4.546075976 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
23 11-E-110A HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001114615 - 0.000324152 0.001438767 10.3403938 10.3403938 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
24 11-E-110B HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001153612 - 0.007503108 0.00865672 62.2156999 62.2156999 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
25 11-E-111A HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.00113023 - 0.001413704 0.002543934 12.11918087 12.11918087 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
26 11-E-111B HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C17-C25 CS YES 0.001135646 - 0.001988655 0.003124301 14.88402332 14.88402332 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
27 11-E-112A FINFAN Fin/Fan Cooler C17-C25 CS NO 0.001491719 0.001165598 - 0.002657317 0.055361183 0.055361183 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
28 11-E-112B FINFAN Fin/Fan Cooler C17-C25 CS NO 0.002499691 0.001388811 - 0.003888502 0.70340633 0.70340633 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
29 11-E-112C FINFAN Fin/Fan Cooler C17-C25 CS NO 0.002438602 0.001446328 - 0.00388493 0.702760206 0.702760206 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
30 11-E-112D FINFAN Fin/Fan Cooler C17-C25 CS NO 0.002457568 0.001396169 - 0.003853738 0.697117744 0.697117744 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
31 11-E-113 FINFAN Fin/Fan Cooler C1-C2 CS NO 0.00243547 0.002888951 - 0.005324421 0.367908591 0.367908591 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
32 11-E-115A HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) Water CS YES 0.001543956 - 0.001153251 0.002697207 - 0 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
33 11-E-115B HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) Water CS YES 0.001462943 - 0.004709805 0.006172748 - 62.45067053 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
34 11-E-115C HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) Water CS YES 0.001454525 - 0.004000803 0.005455328 - 59.17383666 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
35 11-E-116A HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) Water CS YES 0.002885892 - 0.000729252 0.003615145 - 58.83335534 Low (2B) MEDIUM (2D)
36 11-E-116B HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) Water CS YES 0.003162706 - 0.019331576 0.022494282 - 14.06668606 Low (3B) MEDIUM HIGH (3D)
37 11-E-117 FINFAN Fin/Fan Cooler C1-C2 CS NO 0.003608107 0.499294428 - 0.502902535 19.03261127 19.03261127 Medium (4B) MEDIUM HIGH (4D)
38 11-E-118A HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C9-C12 CS YES 0.003803546 - 0.353171956 0.356975502 251.2876209 251.2876209 Medium High (4C) MEDIUM HIGH (4D)
39 11-E-118B HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C9-C12 CS YES 0.003437993 - 0.020577809 0.024015802 16.90556867 16.90556867 Low (3B) MEDIUM HIGH (3D)
40 11-E-119 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C1-C2 CS YES 0.00357747 - 0.026203296 0.029780766 6.107385497 6.107385497 Low (3A) MEDIUM HIGH (3D)
41 11-E-120 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C1-C2 CS YES 0.003162706 - 0.019331576 0.022494282 52.44249652 52.44249652 Low (3B) MEDIUM HIGH (3D)
42 11-E-121 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C1-C2 CS YES 0.003031234 - 0.001456025 0.004487259 5.603111059 5.603111059 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
43 11-E-122 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C1-C2 CS YES 0.003016764 - 0.020513266 0.02353003 66.31989327 66.31989327 Low (3B) MEDIUM HIGH (3D)
44 11-E-123 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C1-C2 CS NO 0.003364774 0.001342769 - 0.004707543 0.859759635 0.859759635 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
45 11-E-124 FINFAN Fin/Fan Cooler C6-C8 CS NO 0.002451214 0.003672715 - 0.006123928 0.308871712 0.308871712 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
46 11-E-125 FINFAN Fin/Fan Cooler C13-C16 CS NO 0.00244963 0.003593884 - 0.006043514 0.851795578 0.851795578 Low (2A) MEDIUM (2D)
47 11-E-126 HEXSS Heat Exchanger (Shell Side) C6-C8 CS YES 0.003747165 - 0.120658287 0.124405452 46.46132226 46.46132226 Medium (4B) MEDIUM HIGH (4D)

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