Acute Chest Pain of Cardiac Origin

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Guidelines for the Management of

Acute Chest Pain of Cardiac Origin

Dr M Connolly Dr J Toner, Dr I
Author: Menown, , Dr P Campbell, Mrs K

Cardiology/ Medicine and

Speciality / Division:
Unscheduled Care

Directorate: Acute Services

Date Uploaded: 26/02/2020

Review Date 05/02/2023

Clinical Guideline ID CG0672 Chest pain policy


for the management of

acute chest pain

of cardiac origin

Table of contents:
Section Topic Page number
1 Abbreviations 3
2 Introduction 4
3 Purpose of this policy 5
4 Scope 5
5 Acute coronary syndromes 6
5.1 Clinical Classification of MI 6
5.2 History 6
5.3 Electrocardiogram (ECG) 8
5.4 Highly sensitive troponin T (hsTnT) 9
6 Initial assessment and treatment of suspected ACS 10
6.1 Initial assessment suggests STEMI 10
6.2 Initial assessment suggests NSTEMI / Unstable angina 11
6.3 Initial assessment is unclear if ACS 12
6.4 General management of ACS patients 12
6.5 Concomitant pharmacology treatment 13
6.6 Diabetes management 15
6.7 LV assessment 17
6.8 Lipid management 17
6.9 Cardiac rehabilitation 18
6.10 Prevention of CI-AKI 18
6.11 Follow-up post discharge 18
6.12 Out-patient investigations 19
6.13 Sexual activity 20
6.14 Lifestyle changes 20
6.15 Advice regarding driving 21
7 Update and review 21
8 References 21

Appendix 1 Governance information 22

Appendix 2a Heart score 23
Appendix 2b Grace score 24
Appendix 3 Chest pain pathway 25
Appendix 4 PPCI pathway for STEMI 27
Appendix 5 Antianginal medication pathway 28
Appendix 6 Internal referral to RACPC pathway 29
Appendix 7 GP direct referral to RACPC 30
Appendix 8 RACPC assessment pathway 31
Appendix 9 RACPC Trust transfer 32

1. Abbreviations:

ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome

AF Atrial fibrillation
BNF British National Formulary
CABG Coronary artery bypass grafting
CTCS CT calcium score
CTCA CT coronary angiography
CXR Chest X-ray
COW Cardiologist of the Week
ECG Electrocardiogram
Hs-TnT High sensitivity troponin T
ICH Intracranial Haemorrhage
LVEF Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
LBBB Left Bundle Branch Block
MI Myocardial Infarction
MINAP Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project
MPI Myocardial perfusion scan
NSTEMI Non ST elevation Myocardial Infarction
PCI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
PDE5 Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor
PLATO Study of Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes
SAH Sub arachnoid haemorrhage
SHSCT Southern Health and Social Care Trust
STEMI ST elevation Myocardial Infarction
UA Unstable Angina

These guidelines are based predominantly on:

ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients

presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation. Task Force for the
Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in Patients Presenting without
Persistent ST-Segment Elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
European Heart Journal (2016) 37, 267–315.

ESC Guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients

presenting with ST-segment elevation. The Task Force for the management of
acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation of
the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). European Heart Journal (2018) 39,

2. Introduction

Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) describes the combination of signs and symptoms
compatible with acute myocardial ischemia including chest pain, chest discomfort /
pressure, dizziness, light-headedness, shortness of breath and sweating. The ACS
clinical spectrum includes unstable angina (UA), non ST-segment elevation
myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Disruption of atheromatous plaque is the pathophysiologic basis of ACS. Following

plaque rupture and the initiation of thrombotic cascade, myocardial ischaemia and
injury sets in and lead to differing clinical forms of ACS. ACS with the presence of
myocyte necrosis characterises myocardial infarction. At SHSCHT we currently
employ high sensitivity troponin assay to detect myocardial infarction. ACS with no
evidence of myocardial injury constitutes the clinical spectrum of UA. Patients with
myocardial infarction (MI) are further classified into STEMI and NSTEMI based on the
presence or not of persistent ST segment elevation on electrocardiogram (ECG).

The umbrella term “acute coronary syndrome” is useful in that it groups patients
with symptoms consistent with acute myocardial ischemia and is the basis for
subsequent established diagnostic and treatment decisions

Our aim is to treat all STEMI patients by primary percutaneous coronary intervention
(pPCI) transfer to RVH with a door to balloon time of < 90 minutes, as all the
evidence points to maximal benefit of pPCI with early revascularisation. We also aim
to perform invasive coronary angiography +/- PCI at CAH in all appropriate ACS
patients within 72 - 96 hours of admission to hospital in accordance with the
national guidelines.

If untreated, the prognosis is poor and mortality high, particularly in people who
have had myocardial damage. Appropriate triage, risk assessment and timely use of
acute pharmacological or invasive interventions are critical for the prevention of
future adverse cardiovascular events (MI, stroke, repeat revascularisation or death).

People who have had an ACS benefit from treatment to reduce the risk of further MI
or other manifestations of vascular disease. This is known as secondary prevention.

The following pathway should be implemented for patients with chest pain which is
suspected to be due to acute cardiac ischaemia.

3. Purpose of this policy

Chest pain is a very common symptom leading to assessment of patients in the

emergency department and/or acute medical unit. ACS typically presents with chest
pain or discomfort. Assessment of these patients with acute chest pain to identify
ACS should include clinical evaluation, 12 lead ECG and serial measurement of
markers of myocardial injury (currently by high sensitivity troponin at SHSCT).
Prompt pharmacological therapy and coronary intervention is the mainstay of
treatment in this group of patients to minimise associated mortality and morbidity.
Further long term evidence based drug therapy reduces future cardiovascular

This policy aims to assist the attending health care professionals in treating patients
with ACS with particular emphasis on immediate pharmacotherapy, risk assessment
for urgent coronary angiography, secondary prevention, cardiac rehabilitation and
post MI health and lifestyle advice. It is also designed to enable an early `rule out` of
an ACS in low risk patients to facilitate early discharge from hospital within four
hours of their presentation.

4. Scope

This document provides guidance for any professional involved in the clinical
management of patients, presenting to either primary or secondary care with chest
pain due to suspected or proven ACS. This will include:

 General practitioners
 Specialist nurses
 Junior doctors
 SpRs
 SAS doctors
 Consultants

5. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

5.1. Clinical Classification of MI

After we have documented a significant acute increase in troponin with at least one
other criterion for the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) such as
symptoms, ECG changes or new regional wall motion abnormality, we still need to
determine what type of MI has occurred. Mostly, the question is whether the
diagnosis is a type 1 or 2 MI. However, there are also type 3, 4 and 5 MIs.

 A type 1 MI is due to a primary coronary problem with plaque rupture,

fissuring or dissection causing thrombosis and obstruction to flow resulting in
infarction in the territory supplied by the coronary artery i.e. the classical
mechanism for a MI.

 Type 2 infarction occurs where there is an imbalance between supply and

demand. Common causes include hypotension, arrhythmias and anaemia.
Often there are several factors at play.

 Type 3 is sudden death due to MI, type 4 is related to PCI and type 5 is
related to CABG.

 Sometimes it can be very difficult, if not impossible to distinguish between a

type I or type II MI.

5.2 History

Consider the history of the pain, any cardiovascular risk factors, history of ischaemic
heart disease and any previous treatment, and previous investigations for chest pain

Symptoms that may indicate ACS include:

 Pain or discomfort in the chest and/or other areas (e.g. the arms, back, neck
or jaw) lasting longer than 15 minutes.
 Chest pain with nausea, vomiting, marked sweating and/or breathlessness, or
haemodynamic instability.
 New-onset chest pain or abrupt deterioration of stable angina, with recurrent
pain occurring frequently with little or no exertion and often lasting longer
than 15 minutes.

Chest pain or discomfort is a common presenting complaint in emergency and acute

medicine. Although the majority of patients presenting with chest pain or discomfort
will not have a serious medical condition, a significant proportion will. Therein lies
the dilemma of the acute clinician. There is a desire to avoid inappropriate

admission, but anxiety over missing a potential life-threatening diagnosis such as
acute MI, pulmonary embolism (PE) or aortic dissection. Thus, the rapid exclusion of
a serious medical condition is of paramount importance.

Typically, the pain or discomfort associated with a MI is a retrosternal pressure or

ache, but this is not always the case. The discomfort may radiate to the arm(s), back,
neck, jaw, teeth or abdomen.

Although patients are commonly asked to rate their pain out of ten, the severity of
the pain is not overly helpful in diagnosis. In fact MI can present “silently” with just
dyspnoea or autonomic symptoms. This is particularly the case in elderly or diabetic
patients. Often a patient with acute MI will manifest autonomic symptoms such as
sweating, pallor, nausea and/or vomiting.

The medical history is often helpful in guiding the clinician to the likely cause of chest
pain. Clearly, one should have a high index of suspicion in patients with a known
history of MI or coronary artery disease (angina, previous coronary artery bypass
grafting (CABG), previous PCI etc.) or risk factors for coronary artery disease (age,
smoking, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, family history, recent use
of cocaine/similar etc). On the other hand, it may be relatively easy to exclude the
diagnosis in patients with few or no risk factors and a likely alternative diagnosis
(indigestion, oesophageal spasm, musculoskeletal pain, pericarditis, PE, pneumonia,
aortic dissection, psychiatric disorder etc.). Table one highlights different causes of
chest pain.

The clinical history, cardiac risk factors and ECG abnormalities can be summarised by
the HEART score and Grace score, see appendix 2a / 2b, page 23-24.

Table 1: Other common and/or important causes of chest pain

Possible cause of pain History On examination – Are

these symptoms
Musculoskeletal Pain Trauma Tenderness
Over-exertion Worse on certain
Arthritis or other movements
musculoskeletal disorder
PE Any haemoptysis Low 02 sats
Any risk for PE in the Tachypnoeic
history – immobility, Cyanosis
history of DVT/PE,
thrombophilia recent
surgery, malignancy etc.
Pleuritic (but may be
retrosternal dull ache).
Pericarditis Recent viral infection
Recent CABG
Previous pericarditis
Chest Infection Productive (or dry) Low sats
cough, perhaps with Tachypnoeic
coloured sputum. Cyanosed
Aortic dissection Hypertensive Different BP in arms
Tearing pain radiating to Asymmetric pulse
neck volumes
Undertaking physical (e.g. carotids, femorals,
effort (e.g. lifting) when radials)
pain started
Pain on-going

5.3 Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Apart from careful history taking and physical examination, the corner stone of the
initial acute assessment of chest pain is the 12 lead ECG. If ST elevation from the
isoelectric line to the J point (end of QRS complex) of ≥1mm in two or more
contiguous limb leads or ≥2mm in two or more contiguous chest leads (see figure 1)
is demonstrated then the pPCI pathway should be activated (see pPCI section).

If there is ST depression in leads V1-V3 suggestive of an acute posterior MI then the

pPCI pathway should also be activated (see pPCI section).

If there is new LBBB or an unstable NSTEMI then consideration should be given to
discussing with the RVH cardiology on-call team.

Otherwise, new ST depression (ideally measured 80ms after the J point, see figure 1)
or T wave inversion may be consistent with an acute MI. However, other conditions
e.g. PE, dissection, pericarditis, atrial fibrillation (AF), sub-arachnoid haemorrhage
(SAH) etc. can also cause acute ST abnormalities on the ECG and indeed the ECG can
be normal in NSTEMI. This is where the use of a troponin assay to document acute
myocardial damage is useful.

Figure 1: ECG abnormalities showing ST elevation (which should be measured at the

J point) and ST depression (which should be measured 80ms [2 small squares] after J

5.4 Highly sensitive troponin T (hsTnT)

To make the diagnosis of an acute MI a significant alteration (usually an increase) in

troponin levels is needed along with at least one of:

 Symptoms consistent with MI (usually chest discomfort due to cardiac


 ECG changes consistent with an acute MI

 New regional wall motion abnormalities consistent with an acute MI on

echocardiogram /cardiac MR / myoview / LV ventriculogram

Six Things to remember about Troponin

 Do not delay diagnosis of a STEMI until biomarkers are available. The

diagnosis of a STEMI is based upon ECG finding and clinical history. This is a
medical emergency and requires prompt pPCI at the regional cardiology
centre as soon as possible (see guidance on management of STEMI).

 High sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT) should be taken on presentation (T0) and
at one hour (T1). A further sample is required at 3 hours (T3) in certain
circumstances, see appendix 3, page 25-26.

 The lack of significant change in troponin does not exclude unstable angina.

 There are many other causes of an acutely raised troponin. To make the
diagnosis of an acute MI a history of ischaemic chest pain or new ECG
abnormalities consistent with MI or new evidence of MI on an imaging test
(e.g. echo) must also be present.

 Other causes of an acute troponin elevation include pericarditis,

myopericarditis, sepsis, PE, COPD exacerbation, arrhythmia including AF,
trauma, cardiac surgery or instrumentation, PCI, etc.

 A chronically elevated hsTnT is common. This is usually secondary to chronic

myocardial injury. Causes include renal impairment, heart failure and valvular
heart disease.

6. Initial assessment and treatment of suspected ACS

 This guideline applies only to patients whose history and clinical examination
are suggestive of an ACS as the cause of their chest pain

 Initial assessment should include brief history, physical examination and 12

lead ECG. These are crucial.
 12 lead ECG – ideally every 15 minutes until pain-free in high risk cases, then
preferably at one hour and four hours after pain.
 Use the ECG for initial risk stratification: ST elevation myocardial infarction
(STEMI Immediately proceed to 6.1 and activate the pPCI pathway).
 Blood pressure should be recorded in both arms.

6.1. Initial assessment suggests STEMI

 ST elevation > 1 mm in 2 or more contiguous limb leads or >2 mm in 2 or

more chest leads or ST depression of at least 2mm in V1-V3 suggesting acute
posterior MI
 Activate Primary PCI Pathway (see appendix 4, page 27) for STEMI
management without delay.
 Aspirin 300mg

 Ticagrelor 180 mg orally stat unless contraindicated (clopidogrel 600mg if
Ticagrelor contraindicated)

 Contraindication to Ticagrelor:

 Hypersensitivity (e.g. angioedema)

 History of intracranial haemorrhage (ICH)
 Active pathologic bleeding (peptic ulcer, ICH)
 Moderate-Severe hepatic impairment (probable increase in drug
 Combination with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors such as Clarithromycin,
Ritonavir, Azatanavir, Nefazodone, Ketoconazole

 Left bundle branch block (unless known to have LBBB previously) should be
discussed with RVH cardiology on-call team as these don’t strictly fall under
pPCI remit any longer in Northern Ireland.

All patients who are declined PPCI must be discussed with on-call cardiologist.

6.2. Initial assessment suggest NSTEMI / Unstable angina

 All patients with confirmed unstable angina or NSTEMI should be considered

for invasive coronary angiography +/- PCI (percutaneous coronary
intervention), where appropriate, taking co-morbidities and patient wishes
into consideration.
 Aspirin 300mg

 Ticagrelor 180 mg orally stat unless contraindicated (if contraindicated please

load with clopidogrel 600mg or 300mg if elderly / frail – if unsure discuss with
a cardiologist).
 Enoxaparin
 Usual dose 1mg/kg SC BD (max dose 100mg BD) for 3 days then 40mg
s/c nocte until discharge.

 If >75 yrs give 0.75mg/kg SC BD (max dose 75mg BD) for 3 days then
40mg s/c nocte until discharge.

 If GFR is <30 reduce dosing frequency to OD.

All unstable NSTEMI / UA patients with ongoing chest pain and / or dynamic ECG
changes should be discussed with cardiologist on-call and referred to RVH on-call
team for discussion regarding emergency angiography / PCI.

6.3 Initial assessment is unclear if ACS

 If troponin awaited, only consider loading if ongoing pain or ischaemia on

 Delay loading if diagnosis is uncertain

 Discuss with cardiology team

6.4 General management of ACS patients

 Cardiac monitoring
 IV access and blood samples – initial hsTnT, one hour hsTnT and 3 hour hsTnT
(if indicated) post maximal chest pain, FBP, U&E, CRP. Lipids, LFT, glucose,
HbA1C etc should be sent in all ACS patients during their IP stay to address
modifiable risk factors.
 Load with Aspirin 300 mg orally (if not already given by ambulance service)
and Ticagrelor 180mg unless contraindicated.
 Morphine for pain 2.5-10mg intravenous initially, repeated if necessary after
5 minutes
 Antiemetic should be given with the first dose of Morphine unless already
given prior to hospital admission. Metoclopramide 10 mg IV is first line.
 Oxygen should not be routinely prescribed, but should be initiated if
hypoxaemia is evidenced by reduced O2 saturation monitoring or if oxygen
saturations cannot be monitored accurately.
 Evaluate hsTnT results (see appendix 3, page 25-26):

 Ideally patients will be seen by an ED cardiology chest pain nurse who

will arrange onward referral for cardiac investigations directly thus
bypassing the need for a RACPC referral.

 Otherwise, for patients who present > 3 hours after maximal chest
pain, are symptom free with no ECG changes and initial hsTnT (T0) is
<5 ng/L with a low risk score then consider discharge home with a
referral to the RACPC / cardiology OP clinic using the referral system if
their presenting symptoms are felt to be cardiac in origin.

 This also applies to patients who present > 3 hours after maximal
chest pain with an initial hsTnT of <12ng/L and a T1 which does not
rise by more than 3ng/L. This constitutes the ‘rule out’ group.

 For patients with a high risk history, if the Initial hsTnT is >52ng/L or
rises by >5ng/L at T1 then this constitutes the ‘rule in’ group and
should be treated accordingly and referred for admission.

 If T0 is between 12ng/L and 52ng/L and T1 rises by <5ng/L then this

constitutes the ‘observation group’. This also encompasses patients
with a T0 < 12ng/L with a T1 rising by 3 or 4ng/L.

 Observation group patients require a T3. If T3 rises by <20% then these

patients enter the ‘rule out’ group. If T3 rises by >20% then these
patients enter the ‘rule in’ group.

Refer to a cardiologist without delay if any of the following apply:

 ST depression of >1mm,
 Initial hsTnT >100ng/L
 Abnormal ECG with dynamic changes
 On-going chest pain / discomfort
 Haemodynamic instability
 Considering the need for intravenous nitrates
 Consideration should also be given for the need of a small molecule GP
IIb/IIIa inhibitor in discussion with a cardiologist.

Remember that these are guidelines only and that patients can still have
significant coronary artery disease despite negative screening tests. If in doubt,
and especially with a good history for ischaemic cardiac symptoms, refer for a
specialist opinion.

6.5 Concomitant Pharmacological treatment

 Aspirin 75 mg daily
 Ticagrelor 90 mg BD for 12 months
(if contraindicated Clopidogrel 75 mg OD)

 Statins: See section 6.8 for flowchart

 ACE inhibitors: Should be given to all patients post MI unless contraindicated.

Renal function must be monitored. Initiate Ramipril 1.25 -2.5 mg OD (or
Perindopril 2mg OD) and aim to double after 24-48 hours.

 Beta blockers: oral beta blockers should be given to all patients unless there
are clear contraindications such as asthma, severe bradycardia, second or
third degree AV block or severe heart failure. Initiate Bisoprolol 1.25 -2.5 mg
OD and aim to double after 24-48 hours

 Eplerenone 25 mg OD should be initiated in any patient with evidence of

cardiac failure or LVEF < 40 %

 Oral anticoagulation: when used in combination with antiplatelet agents is at

the discretion of the interventional cardiology and is an evolving topic.

 Antianginal medication (see appendix 5, page 28):

 Beta blockers

 Rate limiting action

 Contraindicated in severe bradycardia, high degree AV block, sick sinus
syndrome and refractory heart failure
 Relatively contraindicated in bronchospastic disease. Caution with
verapamil and diltiazem

 Calcium channel blockers

 Vasodilators (dihydropyridines and phenylalkylamines/ benzothiazepines)

 Rate limiting action (phenylalkylamines/ benzothiazepines)
 Dihydropyridines contraindicated in cardiogenic shock, significant aortic
 Phenylalkylamines/ benzothiazepines contraindicated in acute porphyria,
cardiogenic shock, significantly impaired LV function, HF, AF in WPW, AV
and sinoatrial block
 Dihydropyridines e.g. amlodipine, nicardipine, nifedipine
 Phenylalkylamines e.g. verapamil
 Benzothiazepines e.g. diltiazem

 Nitrates

 Vasodilators
 Contraindicated in severe aortic stenosis, relatively contraindicated in
HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)
 Should not be used within 24hrs of phosphodiesterase inhibitors due to
risk of profound hypotension

 Ranolazine

 Start with 375mg BD

 Inhibits the late inward sodium current, indirectly reducing the sodium-
dependent calcium current during ischemic conditions and leading to
improvement in ventricular diastolic tension and oxygen consumption
 Minimal effects on HR and BP
 Cautions: Body-weight less than 60 kg; elderly; moderate to severe
congestive heart failure; QT interval prolongation

 Ivabradine

 Start with 5mg BD

 Selectively inhibits the "funny" channel pacemaker current (If) in the
sinoatrial node, contraindicated in acute MI, cardiogenic shock, HR <70,
AV block
 Do not use in AF

 Nicorandil

 Start with 10mg BD

 Potassium channel activator causing vasodilation
 Contraindicated in cardiogenic shock, hypotension
 Can cause significant oral, GI or skin ulceration

6.6 Diabetes management in acute myocardial infarction

 All known and newly diagnosed patients with diabetes should have
regular glucose monitoring and should be maintained within the strict
targets, if needed initiate treatment with intravenous insulin and glucose
for at least 24 hours (see CCU protocol).

 Existing oral hypoglycaemic agents should be stopped while intravenous
Insulin is being given.
 Patients already on Insulin should be recommenced on their previous
regime when stable.
 New diabetics or patients previously on oral hypoglycaemic agents should
be referred to a diabetologist for consideration of further management
 Figure 2 summarises the management of hyperglycaemia in ACS

Figure 2: Management of hyperglycaemia in ACS:

6.7 LV assessment in acute myocardial infarction

 All patients should have an echocardiogram pre-discharge to assess LV

function not assessed by LV gram during angiogram. If there is evidence of
significant LV dysfunction, please request a repeat echocardiogram after 3
months for risk stratification and further cardiology input. If EF<35% at 3
months then consideration should be given to advanced heart failure therapy
including Sacubitril / Valsartan (Entresto), device therapy (primary prevention
ICD or CRT-D if broad QRS) or transplant workup if necessary.

6.8 Lipid management

 Treat all patients post MI regardless of serum cholesterol on admission. First

line treatment should be Atorvastatin 80 mg STAT. Please see figure 3 for
further lipid guidance and target levels. Lipid guidelines are continuously
being reviewed by the Northern Ireland regional cardiovascular formulary
group and will be updated in subsequent reviews.

Figure 3: Lipid management pathway.

6.9 Cardiac rehabilitation

 All patients with STEMI requiring pPCI should be seen by the cardiac
rehabilitation team within 48 hours of admission.
 All patients diagnosed with NSTEMI should be seen prior to discharge.
 All patients are referred on to the community rehab team for follow-up post

6.10 Prevention of contrast – induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI)

 Contrast induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) is currently defined as a delta

rise in serum creatinine of ≥26.5 µmol/litre or a relative rise of ≥50% from
baseline measured at 48 hours following administration of iodinated
 Preventative practice in SHSCT includes clear pre- and post-hydration
guidance, use of the Mehran score to identify high-risk patients, ensuring
nephrotoxic medications are withheld pre and post contrast in appropriate
patients, continuous education of staff, use of advice sheets for patients and
GPs and a 7 day a week service for renal function sampling 48 hours post
contrast (see intranet, CCU and cath lab for further details and protocols).

6.11 Follow-up post discharge

 All patients with an LVEF <35% will be reviewed in cardiology outpatient clinic
at 3 months with a preceding repeat echo. This will usually be via the heart
failure service if suitable.
 ACS patients will be followed up by the discharging consultant or
interventional cardiologist who inserted the stent(s) as deemed necessary on
a case by case basis.
 Figure 3 is a pre-discharge checklist.

Figure 3: Pre-discharge checklist

6.12 Out-patient investigations

 Patients may be directly discharged from ED for OP investigations if seen

directly by the ED chest pain nurse or in-house cardiology team. This
constitutes the ‘rule-out’ group. OP investigations may include CT calcium
scoring (CTCS), CT coronary angiography (CTCA), dobutamine stress
echocardiography (DSE), myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) or diagnostic

6.13 Sexual activity
 Reassure patients that after recovery from an MI, sexual activity presents no
greater risk of triggering a subsequent MI than if they had never had an MI.
Advise patients who have made an uncomplicated recovery after their MI
that they can resume sexual activity when they feel comfortable to do so,
usually after about 4 weeks.
 When treating erectile dysfunction, treatment with a PDE5
(phosphodiesterase type 5) inhibitor may be considered in men who have
had an MI more than 6 months earlier and who are now stable.
 PDE5 inhibitors must be avoided in patients treated with nitrates or
nicorandil because this can lead to dangerously low blood pressure.

6.14 Lifestyle changes after an MI

 Changing diet

 Advise people to eat a Mediterranean-style diet (more bread, fruit,

vegetables and fish; less meat; and replace butter and cheese with products
based on plant oils).

 Alcohol consumption

 Advise people who drink alcohol to keep weekly consumption within safe
limits (no more than 14 units of alcohol per week for men and women and to
avoid binge drinking (more than 3 alcoholic drinks in 1–2 hours).

 Regular physical activity

 Advise people to undertake regular physical activity sufficient to increase

exercise capacity.

 Advise people to be physically active for 20–30 minutes a day to the point of
slight breathlessness. Advise people who are not active to this level to
increase their activity in a gradual, step-by-step way, aiming to increase their
exercise capacity. They should start at a level that is comfortable, and
increase the duration and intensity of activity as they gain fitness.

 Smoking cessation

 Advise all people who smoke to stop and offer assistance from a smoking
cessation service. Advise referral to SHSCT smoking cessation nurse.

6.15 Advice regarding driving: Please refer to DVLA guidance

 Unfortunately, in view of the frequent changes in DVLA guidance, we cannot

add a summary here. The guiding principles include the functional status of
the patient, completeness of revascularisation, effect of ACS on the left
ventricular function and the type of driving licence. Needless to say, type 2
licence (HGV licence) carries much stricter criteria for regaining the licence.
Please see DVLA website.

7. Update and review

 This document will be updated every 3 years.

 Revisions will be made ahead of the review date if new, relevant national
guidelines are published. Where the revisions are significant and the overall
policy is changed, the authors will ensure the revised document is taken
through the standard consultation, approval and dissemination processes.

8. References

 ESC guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients

presenting without persistent ST elevation. The Task Force for the
management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting without
ST-segment elevation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). European
Heart Journal (2016) 37, 267–315.
 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients
presenting with ST-segment elevation. The Task Force for the management of
acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation
of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). European Heart Journal (2018)
39, 119–177.
 Chest pain of recent onset: Assessment and Diagnosis. NICE Guidelines
[CG95] Published Date: March 2010
 Unstable angina and NSTEMI: Early Management. NICE Guidelines [CG94]
Published Date: March 2010
 Ticagrelor versus Clopidogrel in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes N
Engl J Med 2009;361:1045-57
 MI – secondary prevention: Secondary prevention in primary and secondary
care for patients following a myocardial infarction NICE guidelines [CG172]
Published date: November 2013

Appendix 1 – Governance information

Appendix 2a: Heart score (

Appendix 2b: Grace score (

Appendix 3: Chest pain pathway

Appendix 4: PPCI pathway for STEMI or acute posterior MI

Appendix 5: Antianginal medication pathway

Illustration used with permission from Dr Luke F Smith MBBS M.Sc. (Med Tox) FRCP
(Acute) DFMS (many faces of angina meeting, Manchester, 11th October 2019)

NB: Avoid non-DHP CCBs in the setting of impaired LVEF or heart failure

Appendix 6: Internal referral to RACPC pathway

Appendix 7: GP direct referral to RACPC

Appendix 8: RACPC assessment pathway

Appendix 9: RACPC Trust transfer


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