Experimental and Numerical Study On The Temperature-Dependent Behavior of A Uoro-Elastomer
Experimental and Numerical Study On The Temperature-Dependent Behavior of A Uoro-Elastomer
Experimental and Numerical Study On The Temperature-Dependent Behavior of A Uoro-Elastomer
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Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanical behavior of a fluoro-polymer
elastomer in the −8 to 100∘C temperature range. Several cyclic tension and
compression tests and multi-step relaxation tests were performed in order to
determine the effects of the temperature on the behavior of the material. The
Hyperelasto-Visco-Hysteresis (HVH) phenomenological model was used to account
for the thermo-mechanical properties of this material. In this model, which was
implemented in the in-house Herezh++ code, three sets of branches stand for
different modes of characteristic behavior: the hyperelasticity contribution stands for
the reversible elastic phase which occurs at the onset of the loading, the viscosity
contribution models the strain rate dependent phase and the hysteresis contribution
stands for the irreversible plastic phase. Temperature-dependent parameters were
determined using a simplified method based on tension and compression tests
interrupted by relaxation steps. The model was found to accurately describe the
stress–strain evolution of the elastomer investigated under various mechanical
loading conditions at various temperatures.
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Journal ID: 11043, Article ID: 9247, Date: 2014-11-05, Proof No: 1 PDF-OUTPUT
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Fig. 6 Multi-step relaxation tests under tension and compression loads at −8, 0 and 23 ◦ C: (a) stress–stretch
314 curves, (b) stress–time curves
317 The stress values at the endpoints of the hold times are presented in Fig. 7 as a function
318 of the stretch. The temperature dependence of these equilibrium states differed between the
319 tension and compression tests. In the compression tests, the equilibrium stress state was
320 less dependent on the temperature range than in the tensile tests. In fact, in the tensile tests,
321 as observed by Lion (1997), the equilibrium stress increased with the temperature. At low
322 temperatures, the equilibrium stress also increased as the temperature decreased.
323 The hysteresis areas occurring in these multi-step relaxation tests under tension and com-
324 pression loading conditions are presented in Fig. 8. These areas were assessed by calculating
325 the difference between the areas under the curves obtained by the endpoints during loading
326 and unloading. At all the temperatures studied, the hysteresis area was nearly constant under
327 compression loading conditions. Apart from the lowest temperatures studied (0 and −8 ◦ C),
328 the hysteresis area observed under traction loading was approximately twice as high as that
329 recorded under compression loading. All these results show that the patterns of hystere-
330 sis differ between compression and traction in a wide range of temperatures. These results
331 show that the behavior is strongly dependent on the confinement of the material. In conclu-
332 sion, the nonlinear features (the hysteresis, the influence of hydrostatic pressure, the viscous
333 phenomena) are more pronounced at low temperatures.
336 3 Constitutive model
338 In this section, the structure of the HVH model previously presented in the studies by Van-
339 denbroucke et al. (2010) and Laurent et al. (2011) will be briefly recalled. This phenomeno-
340 logical 3D model was implemented in a finite element software program called Herezh++
341 (2005).
342 The theory of elasto-visco-plasticity is often adopted to describe mechanical behaviors of
343 materials in terms of rate-dependence and plasticity phenomenon. This theory involves split-
344 ting the strain tensor for macro-deformation into the sums of appropriate elastic and plastic
345 strain tensors (see, e.g., Drozdov 2010). To simulate the behavior of Viton rubber in this
346 study, we superimposed the stress components instead of the strain ones. This scheme con-
347 tains three parallel branches corresponding to the hyperelastic, viscoelastic and hysteretic
348 components. The stress and strain tensors of these components are written as follows: hy-
349 perelastic part (σe , εe ), viscoelastic part (σv , εv ) and hysteretic part (σh , εh ).
Journal ID: 11043, Article ID: 9247, Date: 2014-11-05, Proof No: 1, UNCORRECTED PROOF
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– β = (ω Q )np−2μ
where Qsh = tr(tr Sh : tr Sh ) is relative to the intensity of
0 sh
491 tr Sh .
492 (Qs )2
– φ(tr Sh , D̄) = tr(tr Sh .D̄) − 2μhh . ω̇ω denotes the non-reversible intrinsic dissipated
– The parameter ω denotes the Masing similarity function. In our experiments, we had a
radial loading path and ω was equal to 2 (in other cases, see Favier 1988).
497 The hysteresis parameters of the material are: the coefficient μh which denotes the ini-
498 tial slope, the hysteresis yield limit under shear loading conditions Q0 , and the Prager’s
499 parameter np .
Journal ID: 11043, Article ID: 9247, Date: 2014-11-05, Proof No: 1, UNCORRECTED PROOF
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