Pile Foundations: Driven Piles of Ductile Cast Iron
Pile Foundations: Driven Piles of Ductile Cast Iron
Pile Foundations: Driven Piles of Ductile Cast Iron
Pile foundations
Quick, easy and safe! Driven piles of ductile cast iron Axial compression forces up to 1400 kN Piles are full-displacement Piles of a desired length up to 50 metres
Austria Factory enlargement in the centre of Salzburg Pressure-grouted driven piles of ductile cast iron up to 59 m in length transmit loads of 800 kN
Austria Grimming-Therme low energy building. 500 geothermal heat probes, 22,000 m2
Uplift control Foundations for sedimentation tanks, road underpasses and construction trenches at depths within the range of variation of the water table. The concrete oor is safeguarded against oating up by additional tensile reinforcement set into the concrete. Strengthening of foundations Strengthening and underpinning of existing structures: inside industrial and other buildings where the working height is limited, old foundations are strengthened or new foundations are laid retrospectively to carry additional loads or for underpinning.
Austria Flood protection for the Leutascher Ache river, environmental upgrading of a section of the river
The lengthening of the pile is performed quickly, safely and securely by means of a frictional tapered socket joint
A full range of products The pile system includes all the accessories to form the heads and toes of piles, and anvils to suit any hydraulic hammer. Pile-supported pipelines: Pile-pipe saddles for DN 200 to DN 500 pipelines Drive shoes and drive tips for grouted and ungrouted piles Coupling sleeves for connecting shortened piles when headroom is limited European technical approval and CE marking
Wall thickness mm
Mass kg/m
Moment of inertia cm 4
Resisting moment cm 3
68 78 88 174 199
Pile accessories to suit the nature of the load transmission and the foundation ground and supported structure
Grouting and non-grouting anvils available for many different types of hammer
Economical to use
Driving equipment used is compact Even when the space available is conned, the low weight of the pile pipes to be driven means that they can be driven with a light and manoeuvrable hydraulic digger using a hydraulic double-acting hammer. Sites are quick and easy to set up and change over Low capital investment costs Space required is small and driving platform requirements are modest Piles are full-displacement Each pile pipe is inserted in the tapered socket of the pipe driven previously and the pipe string is driven into the foundation ground to the nal depth by displacing the soil. The projecting end is cut off precisely to the planned height. No drilling spoil is produced hence no disposal costs No re-machining of the pile heads No waste: the length cut off is re-used as an initial pile pipe No driving for redundant lengths: driving takes place in the already completed prior excavation No change in the groundwater balance
Ungrouted and grouted piles Depending on the nature of the soil, ductile piles can be driven either ungrouted (end-bearing piles lled with concrete) or grouted (friction piles, sheathed and lled with mortar).
Simultaneous pressure grouting A widened driving shoe creates a cavity around the entire circumference of a pile pipe as it is driven. As the driving progresses, a pump continuously grouts this cavity with mortar. Short installation times High productivity of 200 to 400 m a day Pile lengths are optimised by the compacting of the soil and the interengagement with it No re-grouting required
The projecting end is cut to the planned height and re-used as a starting section for the next pile
Driving with little vibration Measurements made on sensitive sites have repeatedly shown that the installation process is an environmentally gentle one. The vibration levels measured were always only a fraction of the permitted levels.
Wall thickness mm
Bearing capacity in kN Pile Pile + concrete (C20/25) Pile + concrete (C25/30) Driving times s/m Compactness of ground DPH (N10) SPT (N30) Skin friction values kN/m2
Table 1: Maximum permitted base bearing capacity (kN) for pressure grouted piles, and for non-pressure-grouted piles up to corrosiveness level AS1 under Austrian standard B 5013-1 (no corrosion rate).
Table 4: Correlation between driving time, number of impacts in driving tests and associated skin friction values for non-cohesive soils (safety factor of 2.0 included).
Wall thickness mm
Stiffness of ground
DPH (N10)
SPT (N30)
Table 2: Maximum permitted base bearing capacity (kN) for non-pressure-grouted piles corrosiveness level AS2 under Austrian standard B 5013-1 (corrosion rate of 1.5 mm at diameter for 100 years).
Table 5: Correlation between driving time, number of impacts in driving tests and associated skin friction values for cohesive soils (safety factor of 2.0 included).
Wall thickness mm
Table 3: Maximum permitted base bearing capacity (kN) for non-pressure-grouted piles corrosiveness level AS3 under Austrian standard B 5013-1 (corrosion rate of 4.0 mm at diameter for 100 years).
Pipes are produced from recycled iron and are themselves fully recyclable
Industrial pre-forming As an accompaniment to production, continuous checks are made on quality to the relevant standards. The quality assurance process covers the chemical composition, the mechanical properties and the dimensions. Quality monitored to EN standards, ISO 9001 certication Large stock: even short delivery times are possible
Compression strength Tensile strength 0.2% offset yield stress Modulus of elasticity Density
900 MPa 420 MPa 300 MPa 170,000 MPa 7,050 kg/m 3
The formation of spheroidal graphite confers high corrosion resistance and impact resistance
Your contacts
Manfred Schmied M +49 (0) 171 30 58 547 [email protected]
Jrme Coulon M +43 (0) 664 85 64 195 [email protected]
Duktus S.A. Innsbrucker Strae 51 6060 Hall in Tirol Austria T +43 (0) 5223 503-215 www.duktus.com