Wire Tube Drawing

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Wire and tube drawing

WHAT is DRAWING? Drawing

Drawing is an operation in which the cross-section of solid rod, wire or tubing

is reduced or changed in shape by pulling it through a die.

The principle of this procedure consist of reducing the thickness of a pointed

,tapered wire by drawing it through a conical opening in a tool made of a
hard material.The wire will take shape of the hole.

stock (bar) die


Pulling force is applied

F (pulling force)

Commonly used to make wires from round bars

• Drawing improves strength and hardness when these properties
are to be developed by cold work and not by subsequent heat
• Where is it used?
This process is widely used for the production of thicker
walled seamless tubes and cylinders therefore; shafts,
spindles, and small pistons and as the raw material for
fasteners such as rivets, bolts, screws.
• The most important tool in the drawing process is without
doubt the drawplate.This consist of a plate of high grade steel
into which similar shaped holes have been placed whose size
in evenly reduced from one hole to another.
• The most common drawplate have round holes and are used
to reduce the size of round wire.

Drawing wire with the draw tongs drawbench

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