Building Permit Technical Specification
Building Permit Technical Specification
Building Permit Technical Specification
Part 1 - GENERAL
1.1 Intent:
The contractor shall be responsible for coordinatin g his work with the
various trades as necessary to avoid conflicts and to insure the
installation of all work within the available space. Requiremen t for
portable fire extinguisher shall comply with the local fire departmen t
Part 2 : Execution
2.1 Installation:
Equipment, materials, installation and workmanship shall be in accordance
withthe applicable standard of the notional fire protection association.
Part l - General
1.1 Description
A. Pipe
1. Pipe shall be black carbon steel pipe, schedule 40, conforming to the
latest standard specification for welded steel pipe of the ASTM A-53. For
undergroundinstallation, pipe shall be protected against corrosion.
B. Fittings
1. Fittings shall be welded, threaded, or grooved-end type.
2. Threaded fittings shall be made of malleable iron in conformance
to ANSIB16.3.
3. Welded fittings shall be made of factory-made wrought steel in
conformance to ANSI B16.9 or flange in conformance to ANSI B16.5.
4. Underground fittings shall be protected against corrosion.
5. Rubber gasketed grooved-end pipe and fittings with shall be
permitted in pipe sizes 40 mm (1.5 inch) and larger. Fittings shall be
UL listed or FM approved for use in dry & wet standpipe systems.
Fittings, mechanical couplings, and rubber gaskets shall be supplied
by the same manufacturer.
D. Pressure Guag e
1. Water Pressure Gaug e, BSPT Dial Axial Pressure Gaug e, for Accur ate
Pressure0-300psi, 0-20bar
1. Hangers and supports shall be provided and installed for all piping as
required by this specification and all authorities having jurisdiction
over thework, and shall be approved by the mepf consultant.
Support piping independently from structure.
2. All vertical piping shall be firmly supported by riser clamps properly
installed to relieve weight from fittings and piping at base of risers.
Vertical pipes shallhave riser clamps not to exceed 4.5 m spacing.
3. Where required, furnish and install heavy anchorage to the pipe
against movement from expansion and contraction and secure the
approval of the MEPF consultant for the method of installing the
anchorage before the work.
4. Horizontal piping shall be supported at intervals not greater than 3 m
spacingand at all changes of direction.
5. Where static pressure exceeds 650 KPa, provide support to prevent
upwardmovement at the end of branch lines and arm-overs where
sprinklers are below ceilings, where required by NFPA 13.
A. furnish, install and be responsible for the location of proper sleeves for all
pipes passing through floor, walls, partitions or other building construction.
Were sleeves occur in concrete construction; they shall be set before
concrete is poured.Set sleeves and anchors in a suitable manner so that
they will not become displaced. Sleeves for piping passing through walls
and floors in concealed
spaces shall be cut flush with walls or floor. All sleeves shall be schedule
40galvanized steel pipe, and of such a size as to permit piping and
piping insulation to pass through sleeve.
B. Sleeves passing through foundation walls or exterior walls, or were
seepage may occur, shall be thoroughly waterproofed by removing all
loose material andcaulking with oakum and lead wool tightly around
pipe or exterior as well as interior surface. Finish off interior surface with
cement. Finish off exterior surface with two layers of felt, mopped on
with hot asphalt, making for an absolutely waterproof installation. All
waterproofing must be performed before any backfilling is done.
c. On all pipes passing through fire rated walls and ceilings, in finished
areas, andwhere pipes are exposed to view, furnish and install plates on
each side of the wall, Grinnell no. 13 chrome- or nickel-plated, or
approved equal. Plate shall belarge enough to cover sleeve opening
and pass insulation. Clamp plate firmly
to pipe by means of setscrews.
D. sleeves passing through walls and floors between rooms shall be filled
from bothends of sleeve with fireproof insulation material of a fire rating
equal to that of the wall or floor
2.6 Sprinkler
I A. Heads are auto mati c glass bulb type. Ensure head
s in finished areas
I belo w suspended ceilings are conc eale d chro me-p
Cove r plate of bake dena mel finished to matc h ceilin
lated brass.
g. Ensure heads
in areas without ceiling are upright type. Sprinkler head
s shall be
I rated ordinary temperature.
Part 3 - Execution
3.2 Training
A. Provide instruction of the employer's personne
A. General:
1. The entire works shall be fully tested in stages as the
work proce eds
and on compl etion of work as applic able.
2. To provid e during normal working hours, all necessary
labors,, materials, fuel, power and maker's
representatives, to carry outsuch tests as may be necessary to satisfy
the MEPF consultant that the installation meets the requir ement and
intent of the specification as well as such tests required by NFP A 13
and local code authority.
3. All tests shall be made in the presence of the MEEPF consu ltant
or hisrepresentative or any inspecting authority.
Tests descri bed hereinafter and including all tests prescr ibed by the
autho rity having jurisdiction shall be carried out. Any tests prove d
unsatisfactory shall be repea ted to the satisfaction of the inspec ting
4. To provid e skilled technicians/professional MEEPF consultants to
commission the plant and associated controls to the satisfaction of the
MEEPF consultant. The skilled techn icians / professional MEEPF
consultantswill be required to demonstrate the correc t proce dures in
starting and stopping the plant, running the various items of
equip ment under autom atic and manu al control and the correc t
maint enanc e of the plant.
5. Water flow rates of all equip ment shall be adjusted to design
conditions. Comp lete results of adjustments shall be record ed
and submitted.
In TOA we set a standard
specification for the proper
installation and connection
of fire alarm wiring and
This specification shall form
part of project Proposed
Conversion 3- Storey
Residential Structure .
POWER SUPPLY Power from the tire control panel and tire alarm battery
AND BATTERY charger shall be obtained from the main supply and in
accordance with Chapter 4- Fundamentals of Fire Alarm
Systemof the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72) Article 7.60-
Fire Alarm Systems of the Philippine Electrical Code and Design
Guidelines, Criteria and Standard, Vol 6 -Public Buildinghs and
other Related Structures
electric Utility
PRIMARY The primary power supply shall be from the
single phase.
POWER SUPPLy company, normally direct or derived 220-240 VAC
lator (AC) is
A parallel connection of automatic voltage regu
ly (high and low
necessary to regulate the incoming power supp
voltage) to the FACP.
gel cell or nickel
SECONDARY The secondary power supply shall consist of
a sufficient
POWER SUPPLy cadmium batteries with a charge. It shall have
condition for a
cap acit y to operate under normal non-alarm
d, cap able of
minimum of 24hrs and at the end of that perio
and emergency
operating all alarm notification appliances,
communications system for a period of 5 minutes
as manual pull
Automatic and manual initiating devices such
reliable means to
station and automatic detectors shall provide a
ent which are
signal other equipment to signal other equipm
onse to those
INITIATING arra nge d to monitor the devices and initiate resp
DEVICES signals.
n of abn orm al
Smo ke Smoke detector shall be designed for dete ctio
principle and
Detectors densities by the use of photoelectric or ionization
shall hav e time dela y to prev ent false alarm
of operation of
Heat detectors shall be used where the speed
Hea t environmental or
smoke detector is not required or where, for
Detectors in the system. In
other reasons, smoke detectors can not be used
an acc epta ble,
such circumstances, hea t detectors can provide
be designed
though less sensitive alternative. Heat detectors shall
ally quickly or
to operate when the temperature rises abnorm
when a pre-selected temperature is reached .
Manual Pull Manual fire detection is achieved through the activation of
Stations fire alarm manual pull station orcall point. Manual pull station
or call point.
Manual pull stations shall be wall mountedwith clearly visible
operating instructions provided on the cover and the word
"FIRE"shall appear on the front stations.
Method of The work under this item shall be measured bylump sum actually
Measurem ent placed and installed fire alarm system as indicated on the plans.
Componen ts such as FACP, initiating devices, power supplies
and modules shall be measured by set.
Location: LOT 2~91 Trilan Diversion Road, Brgy. Pulungbulu, Angeles City
Prepared by:
lkv .L .
E~~~- ~~~~NSO
Professional lectrical Engineer
PRC NO. 968
PTR NO. AC-1750829
Issued at Angeles Gity
TIN : 4060-025-6 '
• Construction Requirements
1. Furnishing and installation of underground service entrance, conduits and conductors and all items required by
local utility power company's policy, rules and regulations.
2. Furnishing and installation of panel boards at location indicated on the plan and electrical riser layout, including all
accessories required.
3. Furnishing and installation of feeder and branch circuit conductors with necessary conduits, approved type of
fittings and devices as indicated in the electrical plans.
4. Furnishing and installation of all types of utilization devices, outlets and wall switches with properly installed cover
5. Furnishing of all lighting fixtures, conduits, including service entrance duct, terminal cabinet and utility boxes.
1. The installation and equipment shall conform to good engineering practices and in particular comply with the
requirements laid down in the following documents or its equivalent which are mandatory and modified only by
specific agreement.
Philippine Electrical Code PEC
Underwrite~s Laboratory; Inc.
National Electrical Manufactures Association NEMA
1. The drawings and Specifications are meant to be complementary to each other, and what is called for by one shall
be binding as if call for both.
2. Any apparent conflict between the drawings and specifications, and any controversial or unclear points in either
shall be referred to the supervising Engineer for final interpretation and decisions.
3. On one copy of the plans have a record showing all deviations that happened during the construction.
4. Upon completion of work as described herein, the Contractor at his own expense shall furnish the Owner 4 copies
of the •As Built" plan for future references and maintenance purposes. • Permits and Inspection
5. The Contractor shall obtain at his own expense, all the necessary permits and certificate of Electrical Inspection
from the proper government authorities required for both the performance of his work involved and the proper
operation of the system upon completion of the work.
ry scale and complete
6. The Contractor shall at his expense, reproduce the electrical plans for his work to the necessa
in issuing permits and
with the information and requirements as required by the government authorities concerned
Certificate of Electrical Inspection.
• Examination of Permits
plans of the project to
1. • Prospective bidder is required to examine the architectural, structural and electrical
under which the
visit the site and carefully take note of all the conditions threat to have personal informed
electrical is to be done.
deemed to have done
2. No allowance will subsequently be made in his behalf of any error on his part. He will be
te or inaccurate
this before submitting his proposal and no subsequent claims on the ground of inadequa
information will be entertained.
Shall conform to the schedule of panel boards as shown on the approved plan with respect to supply characteristics
,rating of main lugs or main circuit breaker, number and ratings and capacities of branch circuit breakers.
1. Panel board shall consist of a factory completed dead front assembly mounted in an enclosing flush type
cabinet consisting of code gauge galvanized sheet steel box with trim and door.
2. Each door shall be provided with catch lock and two (2) keys.
3. Panel board shall be provided with directories and shall be printed to indicated load served by each circuit,
4. Panel board cabinets and trim shall be suitable for the type of mounting shown on the approved plan. The
inside and outside of panel board cabinets and trims shall be factory painted with one rust proofing primer coat
and two finish shop coats of pearl-gray enamel paint.
5. The main and branch circuit breakers tor panel boards shall have the rating, capacity and number of poles as
shown on the approved plan.
6. Breaker shall be thermal magnetic type. Multiple breakers shall be of the common trip type having a single
operating handle.
Prepared by: