Islamiat 2058-Surahs Ayat Al Kursi-Surah Baqarah (2:225) Theme
Islamiat 2058-Surahs Ayat Al Kursi-Surah Baqarah (2:225) Theme
Islamiat 2058-Surahs Ayat Al Kursi-Surah Baqarah (2:225) Theme
This Surah refreshes the concept of the oneness in a Muslim’s life and keeps them
away from shirk, which is an unpardonable sin. We do not bow in front of anyone
other than Allah. Realising His powers, we only ask Allah for all our needs and
desires, instead of begging others for any help or charity. This makes us more
obedient to Allah and makes us humble in front of Him, as we realise that He is
the only one who will reward us, and no one can intervene in His authority. Lastly,
we realise that all our actions are being watched by Him. This creates a sense of
fear in us. We try to do good deeds and stay away from all that is forbidden, so
that we gain His approval.
This passage teaches us the importance of learning, so Muslims should learn
knowledge without any disclamation between man and woman as the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) said “seeking knowledge is oblitrary for Muslim men and
women!” It also teaches us about our Lord’s supremacy and greatness in this
universe and we realise the insignificance of humans in comparison to His powers.
This on one hand, prevents us from associating partners with Allah, on the other
hand, removes pride and we become more obedient to Allah the Almighty. We
also learn not to be selfish, we rely on this responsibility, but also to convey this
to future generations as well. Our Lord has given us life and countless blessings,
which raises our love for Him, in our hearts.
This Surah is purely related to the absolute unity and oneness of Allah. It clearly
explains Allah’s singular position without any hint of plurality. He is unique in His
attributes, everlasting and entirely self-sufficient. This Surah answers the
Meccan’s question about Allah’s ancestry. It says His uniqueness in person cannot
be claimed by anyone. He did not have any forefathers, nor can anyone claim to
be born by Allah as it completely negates the idea of descendance. There is no
comparison with His unique qualities.
We realise that having descendance is a human attribute and cannot be
associated with Allah, since He is beyond comparison we negate the concept shirk
and worship Allah only. We ask Him for all our needs and desires and never
depend on humans for our wishes and desires, realising He has no progeny, we
learn a lesson from the nations who went astray, and worship Allah only and try
to be obedient to Him.
Surah Fatihah
This is the opening Surah of the Quran and a prayer in which man seeks guidance
from His Lord for the righteous path. “And Allah gives you all that you ask for”
Man acknowledges Allah, not only as a sustainer and creator but also as a
merciful judge and guide. He accepts Allah’s authority in this world and the
hereafter and submits himself completely to Allah. For all these reasons man asks
Allah to show him the path of righteousness so that he does not deviate to the
wrong path and earn Allah’s displeasure. He continuously seeks the path of
Allah’s obedient servants, realising the fate of those nations that went astray and
faced Allah’s wrath. These include the nations of Hazrat Lut (AS).
This Surah reminds us of our duty to praise Him a9nds worship Him and to not
turn to idol worshipping for He is our creator and sustainer. Realising His merciful
nature, we need to repent for our sins and ask for His forgiveness, thank Him for
all the luxuries and bounties that He has given us; adopt the same nature and
pardon our fellow beings for their minor mistakes. Since He has shown us the
right path, we must follow it by fulfilling all of our duties, by praying five times a
day, fasting, avoiding bad company, being truthful, not indulging in wrong doings,
lying, stealing, betrayal, drinking, gambling etc. we also learn a lesson from the
fate of other nations ; how they were punished and later on, perished from this
world, because of their disobedience.
We realise that all-natural objects are creations of Allah, meant for our survival,
therefore we must protect and preserve natural resources and not destroy or
waste blessings like water, trees, ozone layer etc. It also makes us curious to
explore and learn about the universe and its hidden secrets, along with this, it
guides us not to humiliate Allah and ourselves, by bowing down to things made by
Him, rather we should worship Allah whole heartedly. So, this passage prevents
us from committing shirk, which is an unpardonable sin. Realising this universe
has been made for us, makes us thankful to Him, so we must pray regularly and
be obedient to Him and spend life according to the rules and regulations given to
us by Allah.
This passage shows Allah’s relationship with Hazrat Adam, the first man created,
his vicegerent on Earth. Its talks about ho Allah gave Him an exalted position by
giving him knowledge of everything, making the angels prostrate or bow down
before him, his entrance and then exile from Paradise and how Allah then forgave
Him when He asked for repentance. Allah gave superiority on the basis of
knowledge and wisdom and made him the best of his creations. They were
granted companionship and bounties and were warned against Iblis who had
refused to bow down before Adam. Allah warned Adam of the forbidden fruit in
Heaven but Adam got distracted and disobeyed hid God. Soon, Adam realized his
mistake and repented whole heartedly to Allah with words which were taught by
Allah himself and thus, after this time of test and trial in this world, Allah
promised Adam success in hereafter. Hazrat Muhammad once said:
“It is obligatory on every man and women to gain knowledge”
These verses are very important for us in our daily life. Since Allah has bestowed
us with an exalted position, it is our duty to apply, acquire and pass on knowledge
to gain respect amongst the community. We should not indulge in evil activities or
wrong doings for example hurting each other, murder, bloodshed etc. Along with
that, the exploring of Earth and the hidden treasures is also man’s duty. We must
ask for Allah’s forgiveness and amend our ways by following the guidance given to
us. Knowing that Satan is our enemy, we should not fall prey to his temptations.
We should continuously pray and keep a check on ourselves. Knowing that Allah is
oft-forgiving and most merciful, it encourages us to repent for our wrong doings
and choose the way shown to us by the Quran and Sunah.
The main theme of the Surah is based on Allah’s relation with Hazrat Isa. The
passage describes the scene of the Day of Judgment where the responsibilities of
the Prophets are being listed. It shows how despite all signs, their message was
rejected and they themselves were accused of black magic. Allah recounts His
favors to Prophet Isa(AS) and his mother, Hazrat Maryam in the form of special
miracles like communicating as a baby, his miraculous breath, breathing life into
the dead or curing the sick. This verse also reminds the Prophet of how he was
saved from harm when the Jews wanted to crucify him. Through Allah’s power,
He was lifted in the skies. Allah saved his Prophet from harm by the hands of the
enemy. So despite all this support, H.Isa(AS) will be asked on the Day Of Judgment
and about the fulfillment of his duties with the help of these favors. Where Allah
also knows that it was the children of Israel who did not pay heed to H.Isa(AS)
who showed them signs of Allah’s presence.
This passage removes all misconceptions about H.Isa(AS) being the son of Allah. It
clarifies our concept of his position as a messenger and an obedient servant who
taught the lesson of oneness to his nation. It makes us realize how Allah supports
and helps his obedient people in times of trouble so we are encouraged never to
lose hope and trust in Allah for all kinds of help and favors. Allah’s miracles also
show us his power to support his messengers. Those who stand up bold in front of
powerful men of their time. We become more obedient to Allah when we realize
his power and supremacy. It also shows us that everyone no matter how dear or
close to Allah, will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment. Allah’s favor for
protecting his loved ones strengthens our Iman. This helps us to stand up against
Un-Islamic practices e.g. the women in France despite all the criticism wear hijab.
This surah identifies the relationship of affection and care shared by Allah and
Hazrat Muhammad. It was revealed to console the Holy Prophet (HP) when he
was taunted by enemies for not receiving a revelation. In reply to his taunt, Allah
has assured him of his support and has also given him glad tiding of a better
future in this world and the hereafter. Allah then reminds him of his favors when
he brought him out of difficulty like raising him as an orphan, guiding him through
Quran in search for truth and financially supporting him through marriage to
H.Khadija. Allah then asks him in specific and mankind in general to treat the less
fortunate with generosity and kindness and to remember Allah in all times so that
he rewards us.
This surah makes us realize how we should never lose hope in Allah’s blessings
and mercy. Be it times of test and trial or of easement. Rather, we need to recall
his previous blessings to console us even in our miserable times. It strengthens
our faith that Allah will compensate for it either in this world of hereafter. It also
encourages us to show kindness to the less privilege for example by taking charge
of an orphans life, feeding him, educating him and helping him become
independent. In return, we have been promised Paradise which is every Muslims
ultimate dream. Lastly, it also teaches us not to dishearten by continuous trial
because these test and trials are a part of all the pious Prophets sent by Allah. We
can follow their footsteps and continue to worship Allah with the belief that:
“With every hardship comes easement”
This passage belongs to the theme “Allah In Himself” and specifically provides us
with two prominent attributes. It begins with the claim of Allah being the owner
of the heavens and the earth as he is not only the creator but is also controlling
the movement of all the celestial bodies without any assistance. The second
quality is that of Allah’s mercy which he shows to the humans despite all the
wrong doings that they indulge in on the earth. Allah has all the powers to bring a
calamity on the humans because they aggravate His anger by disobedience. The
only reason this calamity is avoided is because he shows mercy when angels ask
forgiveness of humans. This surah also talks about how Allah created various
creations and the sole purpose of them is to worship Him. These creations are
busy day in day praying to Allah without any disobedience. This continual worship
lessens Allah’s anger and He shows mercy as he is oft-merciful and oft-forgiving.
The first passage creates a sense of submission and obedience in us when we
realize Allah’s huge domain and authority. It creates humility within us when we
realize the magnitude of His powers. At the same time, we also learn that Allah
shows mercy to his creations only when they ask for repentance whole heartedly.
It creates a sense of hope within us that surely Allah will forgive us for our short
comings and disobedience. It also creates a sense of fear in our hearts when we
learn that Allah has all the power to punish us badly for disobeying his commands.
Due to this, we stay away from bad deeds and mend our ways to be successful in
hereafter. There is a hadith which states:
“My mercy over comes my wrath”
This passage talks about Allah’s relationship with mankind and identifies the
unique blessings Allah has bestowed upon all living things. It shows us the love
and affection that Allah has for his creations. These bounties like the gift of life
and sustenance develops warmth and love in our hearts. Then, further on it
mentions how Allah has blessed us with means of survival in the form of rain,
oxygen, a place like earth and protection from the sun in the form of the ozone
layer. The blessings in the form of water are a source of life for all living things
without which no human being can sustain in this world. Allah wants his creations
not to praise anyone but him only since he is the only one worthy of worship and
cannot be compared with any other deity. It is this guidance and path of
righteousness that he shows to his creation out of love and affection for them.
This passage makes us realize that Allah has not only blessed us with life but
countless other bounties. Along with it which enhances our love and affection
towards him. Since he is our guide and creator, we follow his teachings by
shunning away all forms of shirk. We make a conscious effort to not associate
partners and bow before Him five times a day. Since he has provided us with
bounties, we thank him whole heartedly and not waste the resources e.g an effort
can be made to build dams hence preserving water so that people who do not
have access to clean water can have it. We can start a campaign to spread
awareness among the less educated ones on how to protect our environment.
We must pay gratitude to Allah by showing obedience to Him as He has given us
guidance on how to live a pious life.
Surah Zilzaal:
a] The main theme of this surah Allah’s relation with the created world is evident
and clear. When he warns us of the temporary nature of this world and how a
new eternal life will begin after it. It talks of the day of judgment and how the
events will unfold. Everything will be destroyed after an earthquake. And there
will be chaos till the time Allah with his powers to resurrect will bring everything
back to life. It says in the Quran “ Mountains will be like corded wool and men will
be like moths scattered about” And then under his command humans will be
brought before him for the accountability of their worldly deeds. Their fate to go
to heaven or hell will be decided fairly, according to their deeds and thus on this
day Allah will show mercy and forgiveness to those who ask for it.
b] This surah is important for us as it makes us think about Allah’s powers to
create and destroy and then about the day of accountability. Therefore we realize
how temporary this world is and how important it is to do good deeds in this
world for a better life in hereafter. We try to lead a virtuous life ignore forbidden
pleasure of this world like drinking, gambling, stealing, backbiting cheating, we
also learn how Allah cares for us and has warned us of consequences of his
disobedience so we say our prayers five times a day, fast, pay zakat and fulfil
rights of our fellow muslims. Realizing Allah is a just judge we also ask for his
forgiveness wholeheartedly and mend our ways, correct ourselves. It creates a
sense of fear in us the fact that Allah has power to create. Whenever we do
something wrong we have to fear.
Surah Nas:
a] The main theme of this surah is based on Allah’s powers and capability to
provide protection to man against all evils since he is the commander the
cherisher and the protector. This surah was revealed when H.P[P] was under
black magic and with the recitation of each ayat the knots of thread/ hair opened
up and freed H.P[P] of its effect. The surah relates to evil thoughts that are put
into the hearts and minds of people either by satan himself or by wicked humans
around them or through supernatural beings. Allah has warned people of how
satan whispers wrong thoughts in their minds but would vanish if Allah is
remembered. This surah not only confirms the presence of Jinns and black magic
assures humans of his protection since he is the most powerful
b] This surah reminds humans of how Allah has not only created them but has
also made arrangements to protect them from evil. We are assured that the only
way to be strong against evil by remembering Allah, raise our level of piety. We
can recite Quran more often, say our prayers regularly with full devotion and
belief. We realize that Allah has given us this life and he protects us so we develop
love and affection for him which further leads to belief in Allah’s oneness and
prevents us from shirk. Assurance that black magic exists we stay away from
people who practice this evil and can lead us away from the right path. We try to
be in the company of people who are pious because H.P[P] has said “ you are
recognized by the company you keep.
Surah Al An’am [101-103]
a] This passage from the theme Allah in himself begins with Allah’s claim of
ownership of the heavens and the earth. He has created it cherishes it and has
been present ever since, therefore associating family or progeny with Allah does
not suit the human mind. He wants humans to realize that the difference
between creator and his creations is evident, therefore associating children or
family with Him is irrational and unwise. Quran says “He is Allah the one and only,
He does not beget nor is he begotten”. His Knowledge is unlimited and beyond
human human perception. His powers and authority over what he knows can not
be imagined, therefore what humans can do is just worship Him and show
obedience to Him. All these attributes of Allah lead to his uniqueness and
oneness, so we worship him.
b] This passage refreshes the concept of tauhid in our minds we realize that
natural objects are created to serve humans and not to be worshipped it is
against ones own dignity and honor to bow before a creation that is made to
serve us. This realization that the creator is the supreme authority prevents us
from committing shirk which is an unparnable sin. We also understand that Allah
has given us wisdom just like he gave wisdom to his prophets in the form of a
sound mind to think, guidance and Quran, therefore we must follow the teachings
of Quran wholeheartedly, mold our lives according to the Sunnah of our prophets
so that we succeed in the hereafter. Just like Allah protected Hazrat Ibrahim[AS],
if we submit ourselves to him by saying prayers five times a day, fulfil our duties
we must have the confidence that Allah will protect us against all evil
a] This surah discusses Allah’s relation with his messenger PBUH. At the time when Abu Lahab taunted
him by calling him ‘Abtar’over the death of his second son Abdullah. Initially Allah announced a reward
in the form of Kausar – abundance for H.P this may refer to the fountain in paradise or the countless
blessings in the form of success, in his mission and in the form of billions of followers till the world ends.
After consoling him He reminded him of his responsibilities in the form of obligatory prayers and
continuous worship of Allah. He also prepared him to sacrifice his precious possessions in the way of
Allah. The quran also says “say, verily my salah, my sacrifice, my living, my dying are of Allah”. And lastly
Allah consoled the H.P to not worry about his enemies himself and isolate them from all kinds of
relation. They themselves will become Abtar. Allah later showed everyone how Abu lahab died
miserably and his descendants could not save him.
b] This surah not only consoles the H.P but also a true muslim who faces difficulties and test in his life.
Allah will surely compensate us for all our troubles if we put our trust in him and not complain. Allah
promises us success in both the worlds for our patience and perseverance to be on the right path. It also
encourages us to be more regular in our foremost duty that is regular prayers and to share our fortune
with the less fortunate ones in the form of charity, zakat, sadqah, and monetary help. This way we show
obedience to Allah. We realize that our good actions and character will help people remember us after
we die and not our male descendants. Lastly we realize no matter how strong the evil is ultimately it will
be punished so we should never bow down to wrong doing of people, we should not follow someone
who is on the wrong path.