Pocket Spending On Drugs: Estonia: Alleviating High Out-Of-Practical Examples From
Pocket Spending On Drugs: Estonia: Alleviating High Out-Of-Practical Examples From
Pocket Spending On Drugs: Estonia: Alleviating High Out-Of-Practical Examples From
Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) in 2008, up Curbing OOP spending is then immediately accessible in any
from 25% in 1997. This level of effective pharmacy upon the patient’s request.
There are many reasons for high
co-payment is higher than in most western In May 2011, just fifteen months after
pharmaceutical co-payments, including the
European countries. The strong rise was the launch, 84% of prescriptions were
reimbursement and pricing policy, as well
likely the result of the reference pricing being issued digitally 3 while in 2013
as relative prices for pharmaceuticals in
system, which was introduced in 2003 this proportion reached 97%. The
the economy. However, the World Health
with the main objective to ration public e-prescription system requires that all
Organization (WHO) recommended that
spending on pharmaceuticals. prescriptions for branded drugs have to
priority ought to be given to mechanisms
be justified directly on the prescription.
that could lead to a reduction of such
This makes INN-based prescribing a
Pharmaceutical reimbursement co-payments by promoting rational drug
more convenient and less burdensome
use and cost-effective prescribing. 2 This is
The pharmaceutical reimbursement alternative. As a result, the share of INN-
supported by an analysis of the Estonian
system in Estonia is disease specific based prescriptions increased rapidly
Health Insurance Fund (EHIF), which
and there are two groups of diagnoses, from 50% in 2010 to 80% by the second
suggests that in the case of hypertension
classified on the basis of the severity of half of 2013.
the level of cost-sharing could be reduced
illness. The pharmaceuticals listed for
from its current rate of 42% to 24% if
the most severe diseases (i.e. diabetes, Third, patient awareness of costly
physicians prescribed on the basis of
cancer) receive the full (100%) rate of medicines was relatively low. According
clinical cost-effectiveness criteria and
reimbursement; pharmaceuticals for less to the annual population survey “Public
patients chose the least costly alternative
severe chronic diseases (i.e. hypertension, opinion on health and health care”,
at the pharmacy. 4
asthma) are reimbursed on a 75% basis. only 38% of respondents who had
A higher reimbursement level of 90% for purchased prescription drugs in 2010 were
Due to the financial crisis in 2008, the
disabled and retired individuals applies offered a choice of different products in
efficiency and sustainability of the health
to the latter group, as well as for children the pharmacy. At the same time, 81% of
system became a priority. Moreover, the
aged 4 – 16 years. Children under four the respondents consider it important that
report “Responding to the challenge of
years of age receive 100% reimbursement this choice is given. In September 2010,
financial sustainability in Estonia’s health
for all pharmaceuticals listed. All other the EHIF started an awareness campaign
system” 5 recommended that the Ministry
pharmaceuticals in the positive list are with the slogan “the difference is in the
of Social Affairs and the EHIF should
reimbursed at a 50% rate. 3 medicine’s price” to empower patients
take urgent action to bolster their policy
to make more price aware choices in the
on the rational use of drugs. Therefore,
pharmacy and to ask for an INN-based
since 2010 different measures have been
the implemented to tackle high OOP payments
for drugs through the promotion of rational
prescription from their doctor if it was not
offered already. The main target group was
share of drug use.
the population over 40 years of age.
Figure 1: Out-of-pocket share of spending on EHIF-reimbursed medications 61% could buy the most favourably priced
option in the pharmacy, up from 38%
% in 2010.
38.6% 38.5%
35 34.5% In 2012, the HB conducted a survey to
32.1% map the reasoning used by doctors when
30 prescribing non-INN-based hypertension
drugs. In half of the cases, the justification
25 was that the patient was a long time user
of the drug while for the other half it was
the preference of the patient and/or doctor.
Only in 2.3% of cases was the justification
medically relevant. 4 Given these poor
10 results, the HB continued monitoring
in 2013.
Võrk A, Habicht J, Xu K, Kutzin J. Income-Related
Inequality in Health Care Financing and Utilisation
in Estonia Since 2000. Copenhagen: WHO Regional
Office for Europe, 2010. At: http://tinyurl.com/
Without doubt, the main issue has been the 2008 financial ensuring sustainability of health care
crisis. Although Estonia has managed the downturn quite financing, guaranteeing a sufficient
successfully and overall satisfaction with the system remains Kristiina Kahur
level of human resources, prioritising
Taavi Lai • Triin
• Marge Reinap
Ewout van Ginne
Raul Kiivet •
high, it is hard to predict the longer-term effects of the patient-centred health care,
austerity package that was imposed in the country. The integrating health and social care
latter included some cuts in benefits and prices, increased services, implementing intersectoral
cost sharing for certain services, extended waiting times, action to promote healthy
and a reduction in specialised care. In terms of health behaviour, safeguarding access to health care for lower
outcomes, important progress was made in life expectancy, socioeconomic groups, and, lastly, improving evaluation and
which is nearing the European Union (EU) average, and monitoring tools across the health system.
infant mortality. Improvements are necessary in smoking
and alcohol consumption, which are linked to the majority of
avoidable diseases.