SPM Power Up f4 Set 2 p1 8 Aug 2022

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~ 11, English Pre-SPM M odel Test 2

Pape r 1
1 hour and 30 minu tes
~nstruc~ons: This question paper has five parts, which consist of 40 question
s. Answer all questions. Read the
znstructzons for every part and the questions carefully.

Part 1
Questi ons 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For
answer. each question, circle the correct

__ floss daily

1 The purpose of the advertisement is

A to introduce a new dental floss product.
B to improve your overall personal hygiene .
C to tell consumers the downfalls of not flossing.

The key to successfully improving your health and fitness is to get ~he hrest
advice! Try the Men' S Health magazine today ·a ndyou will open·~
door to wealth of professional fitness information, ensuring that you are int~
best shape of your life!
M~DH§0 Health magazine is the personal
trainer you can afford to help you get the body
you have always wanted!

~ O]l!m filffi] 1m m

2 Which statement is true about the Men's Health magazine?

A You will drop 2 inches in a month' s time.
B You will get fitness advice from leading experts.
C You will have a high chance to become a top sportsman.

[Lihat halama n sebelah

1119/1 MT2-1 (P1)
~ we English Pre-SPM Mode l Test 2

ql't8t11'1d s
~ r mus cl
~qj)t 'Q:1
0 hefp kee p !,JOU

pression tops?
3 Whi ch of the follo wing is true abou t the com
your skin to keep you drier.
A The y are grea t at pulli ng swea t away from
itions all year-round.
B The y are impo ssibl e to acclimatise to user s' cond
ther training.
C The y are prim arily desig ned for warm -wea

TRAIN fik e a Pr o
research and development in partn ershi p
The Wattbike is the resu lt of over 12 years of
d champions, weekend warriors and thos e
with Briti sh Cycl ing. Used by Olympians, worl
dibly accu rate perfo nnance data , can be
just start ing out, the Wat tbik e prov ides incre
g a bike. The Wattbike meas ures power,
used by ever yone and actu ally feels like ridin
mete rs to give you incre dible train ing
cade nce, hear t rate and 36 othe r cycl ing para ing zones
is scien tifica lly accurate, so you can set your train
feed back like no othe r indo or bike. All the data
with abso lute conf idence.
train smar ter and r ide faster.
When comb ined with the FREE training guide, the Wat tbik e can help you

Tra.1 n like a Pro , Tra.1n on a Wat

tbik el
ll!s l---- - - - - - - - -
4 The adve rtise men t claim s that the Wattbike
ove pedalling techniques.
A is the first indo or bike that can help you impr
B can crea te the ultim ate outd oor cycling expe
C can prov ide you incre dible training feedback

@ Yestenlay al 23,2 0 p.m.

June 9 •
Gift r•• Uke Pag e J
natio nal wom en's oav,
1 was on my way to offic e in a shared
cab one m~rning. Remembering it was Inter
drive r made a deto ur midw ay and stop ped at the florist's.
my co-passenger and I wished each othe r. Th~
d 1f he could excuse himself brie fly.
While we chat ted amo ng ourselves, he aske t's. 'I
the cab reac hed my dest in~tl on, he han~ ed me a rose that he had bou ght from the floris
Whe n 1wou ld like to offe r you this to celebrate you on wom en's
do not have a sister and if you don't mind ,
he said.
gest ure. Cofl"!e to th mk_ of it'. we may be super successful, but none of it
1 will neve r forg et his and became
nd ess. This 0rd rnary man made me smile that day
matt ers if we are bere ft of warm th a kindn
extr aord inar y fore ver.
ch quote best suits the message?
5 The writ er was tryin g to tell us a mess age. Whi
A The less you care, the happ ier you will be.
how you react to it.
B Life is 10% wha t happ ens to you and 90%
than a grea t deal of mon ey.
c A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more
MT 2- 2 (P1} (Lih at hala man sebeJab
~ English Pre-SPM Model Test 2

The kitchen was a : ~•: v: : : : :.: woul~ c: ct eggs fr;::. c~:::et;me:1

by reaching underneath the hen. He says nothing beats the taste of fresh half-boiled
organic eggs. ;
1~ •d to see that Ah-Ma cooked using firewood that she collected herself - a feat for a
wom~n im her 80s. When we tried to help her, she teased us for not doing it properly
. She relished

coR it
c~ her grandchildren and did not see collecting firewood, drawing water from the well and
in buckets to filter before boiling it for consumption, gathering vegetables or catching
cl1taf lils as a burden.

I ~{ 0 - ~ - -• -

6 Which of the following statements is true?

• • -• -~ - ~ d:~:~ ::m~ : •: r's Digest

A Ah-Ma doted on her grandchildren.

B Ah-Ma was a feisty, independent woman.
C Ah-Ma had a fetish about household chores and cleanliness.
,, 'l

Nut ritio n Q & A

Q me
I have read I should eat much more vegetab les than fruit. Will eating fruit make

A No - but drinking it will. Fruit is high in fructose , a form of sugar, but it's also

high in fibre, which helps to control the body's respons e to sugar and neutrali se its
effect on insulin levels. In fruit juices and smoothi es, most of - if not all - the fibre
has been remove d, causing the fructose
to spike your insulin and encoura ge fat
storage . Vegetab les are higher in fibre and
contain little sugar, but a serving or two of
fruit a day definite ly won't make you fat.
- ··


7 Which of the following statements is true?

A Fruit juice is packed with essential vitamins and fibre.
B Whole fruit elevates blood sugar more quickly than fruit juice.
C The absence of fibre content in fruit juice leads to spike in blood sugar levels.

Caffeine may be what keeps people coming back

for more coffee, but the beverage also contains
chlorogenic acid, a beneficial compound. Both
substances are antioxidants, meaning they protect
cells from damage caused by free radicals. Korean
researchers measured them in coffee beans that
had been roasted to different levels. The amount
of caffeine did not change much, but the lighter the
roast, the more chlorogenic acid was present.

8 The extract says that

A lighter roasts have more antioxidants.
B the darker the roast, the lower a bean's caffeine.
C the lighter the roast, the more complex the flavour.

[Lihat halaman sebelah

1119/1 MT 2-3 (P1)
~~, English Pre-S PM Mode l Test 2

Part 2
Questions 9 to 18 8 C
space. For each question, mark the co"e ct letter A,
Read the text belo w and choose the best word for each '
or D on your answ er sheet.

Passing the Tim e

his hometown of Mirpur, Bangladesh. Beautiful
In the summ er holidays of May, Dad and I visited
lined both sides of the dirt road (9) - - --
star moss , honeysuckle and other wildflowers (0)
three weeks.
to my grandparents' home , where we spent just over
hundreds of farms, mostly lenti l fanns, and we
In this part of the country, there (10) _ _ _ _
rooftop of a small wooden house belonging to a
spen t our afternoons (11) _ _ _ _ on the thatched
son, Joy, would often tell (12) - - - - of his pet
neighbouring farmer named Jamal. His 11-year-old
(13) _ _ _ _ this as a little boy' s fantasy - after
mongoose, which lived under a nearby banyan tree. We
all, how can anyone have a mongoose for a pet?
mongoose chasing after a crab. She looked
Well, that was until I (14) _ _ _ _ a glimpse of Joy's
, I would have named her Goldie.
golden in the afternoon sunlight, and if she were mine
each cheek on Dad 's hand , just like a little cat,
Our first meeting was (15) - - - - · She rubbed
loved playing with his hand. Every afternoon, Dad,
as he (16) _ __ _ her from bead to tail, and she
mongoose was intrigued by Dad' s watch - focusing
Joy and I would spend hours playing with her. The
_ _ _ of the passing time . Dad often took off his
on it so (17) - - - -· It seemed she was (18) _
watch and let her play with it.
and as we were leaving, I noticed that she was
One day, we forgot to take the watch back from her
g to tell us that she still had the
unusually agitated. Then we realised she was tryin
watch and wanted to return it.
we visit the pet mon goose
Now, whenever we visit our hometown, we make sure
as well.

B paved C flattened D designated

o@ lined
B showing C pointing D directing
9 A leadi ng
B are C was D were
10 A is
B posing C weeping D lounging
11 A dozing
B me C him D them
12 A us
accepted B regarded C dismissed D disapproved
13 A
B catches C caught D catching
14 A catch
15 A destined B coincident C unexpected D well-thought-of

16 A flung B patte d C pinched D emancipated

17 A intently B securely C recklessly D effortlessly

18 A envious B offhand C unaware D conscious
(Lih at bala man sebeJah
1119/1 MT 2-4(P 1) Tli'R HAD
~~, English Pre-SPM Model Test 2

Part 3
Questions 19 to 26
You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D)
and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

In Khardji, the village in Yemen where I was born, I felt a damp, hairy body pressing against me. I leapt to
women are not taught how to make choices. Shoya, my my feet and dashed towards the courtyard. He ran after
mother, had married my father when she was about 16 me. I shrieked and sobbed, but to no avail. He caught
without prot~st. And when four years later, he chos; me and wrestled me back into the bedroom, pushing
a s~c_ond wife, my mother obediently accepted his me down on the mat. I felt paralysed as if I had been
dec1s1on. In the same way, I agreed to my marriage, tied down. No matter how I screamed, no one came to
without knowing what was at stake. At ten years old, my aid. I was raped brutally and screaming one last
you don't question yourself. time, lost consciousness.
We left Khardji for Sana'a when I was two or I had to adjust quickly to a new life. I had no right
three years old, after Mona, my sister of only 13 years, to leave the house, to complain or to say no. During
suddenly got married. We lived in a slum building the day, I had to obey my mother-in-law's orders: cut
there and Aha worked as a sweeper for the sanitation up the vegetables, wash the floor, do the dishes. If I
authority. Mona and her husband joined us there. stopped, she would pull my hair. He left every morning
However, when I had just begun my second year at and returned before sunset. I was treated with the same
the neighbourhood school, Aha told me I was to be savagery and lived in permanent fear. On the third day,
married. At first, I felt almost relieved as life at home he began hitting me. And his mother egged him on. ' Hit
had become impossible . Aba had no full-time job. My her even harder. She must listen to you- She's your wife.'
brothers had to become street vendors, while Aba spent One morning, he agreed to take me to visit my
his afternoons chewing khat with neighbours . That was parents. While he stayed with his brother in Sana'a, I
when Faez Ali Thamer, about 30, approached him. He told Aba what I wanted, but he yelled, ' It is out of the
worked as a delivery man and was looking for a wife. question for you to leave your husband! You must stay
My father accepted his proposal, and I was chosen, with him. If you divorce your husband, my brothers
being next in line after my two sisters. and cousins will kill me! Honour comes first. '
Mona protested, but Aba said, ' This man seems No one would listen to me. I went to see Dowla, my
honest. He has promised not to touch Nujood until father's second wife, who lived with her five children
she's older. Besides, we haven't got enough money to in a tiny apartment across our street. I liked her. Tall,
! feed the whole family.' My mother said nothing. In our slender and prettier than Omma, the poor woman had
country, only the men give orders. had a tough life - my father neglected her completely
I realised my misfortune when my future husband's and she had to beg in the streets. I poured out my heart
family made me leave school. I loved school. It was my to her and my story seemed to affect her deeply. She
refuge, a happiness all my own. Two weeks later, I was thought quietly for a moment; then handing some tea to
married off. Two days earlier, the marriage contract had me, she looked into my eyes and whispered, ' Nujood,
been signed, in an all-men's affair, and my dowry had if no one will listen to you, you must go straight to
been set at 150,000 rials (about $740). The guests left court. Ask to see the judge - his job is to help victims.'
in the evening and I dozed off, fully clothed. The next In a flash, I saw the way out of my misery. I
morning, Omma helped me cover myself in a black hugged Dowla tightly in gratitude and she slipped 200
coat and scarf, and sent me with my little bundle to a rials, which she had managed to beg that very morning, '
car waiting in front of our door. A short, moustached into my hand.
man sat inside, staring at me. It was my husband and he The next morning, I made my escape. Trembling
was not handsome! When the car pulled away, I started with fear, I took a mini bus and then a taxi to the 1
crying silently, my face pressed to the window as I courthouse . There were so many people but no one 1
watched Omma grow smaller and smaller. noticed me. I was too small for them as I was only ten
My mother-in- law was waiting for us on the years old. I had to find a judge and tell him my story.
threshold of one of the stone houses in Khardji. I felt Finally, a woman in a veil showed me into a room
her dislike immediately. Old, with skin as wrinkled as full of people. At the far end, a thin-faced man with a
a lizard's, she gestured me to enter the house. Some moustache was sitting behind a desk. It was the judge
grown-ups from the village sat there chewing khat. at last. I sat down to await my turn.
They were not surprised by my tender age - marriages 'And what can I do for you?' A kind voice roused
to little girls are not unusual in the countryside, I me from my dozing. I rubbed my face and recognised
learned later. the judge. The room was almost empty.
I After dinner, I fell asleep on a mat in my room, 'I want a divorce.'
II only to be rudely awakened by the crashing of the door.
Adapted from: Reader's Digest, ' I am Nujood, Age 10 & Divorced'
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1119/1 MT 2-5 (P1)
~~@ English Pre-SPM Model Test 2

19 In paragraph 1, how were women treated in Nujood's community?

A They were seen as the weaker sex.
B They had to accept men's decisions obediently.
C They were denied an equal chance of education.
D They could hold property on the same tenns as men.

20 In paragraph 2, why did Nujood feel relieved initially when she heard about Faez Ali Thamer's proposal?
A Her father had sexually assaulted her many times.
B She lived the typical chaotic lifestyle of a drug addict.
C She did not get along well with her stepmother and step siblings.
D Life at home was difficult as her irresponsible father had no proper job.

21 What did Nujood say about her blood mother's character?

A Her mother had a very sensitive nature.
B It's not really in her mother's nature to be aggressive.
C Her mother spent her entire life being outspoken, opinionated and passionate.
D Her mother was a very acquiescent woman who had no right in an all-men's affair.

22 What was Nujood's perception of her mother-in-law?

A She loathed her and worked her hard at home.
B She was a very approachable woman and easy to converse with.
C She was an unsociable woman who hated spending time with Nujood.
D She was very supportive and gave her time off work to see her family.

23 In paragraph 7, what adjustment did Nujood make in her life?

A She had to wake up early and sleep late.
B She had to take care of her husband's welfare.
C She had to do all the chores set by her mother-in-law.
D She had to entertain relatives and friends who come to her husband's house.

24 In paragraph 11, why was Nujood 's presence not noticed in the courthouse compound?
A She was dressed completely in black.
B She was guarded by two muscular police officers.
C Being a careful girl, she hid discreetly behind the walls.
D Being only ten years old, she was too small to be noticed.

25 Which of the following words best describes the character ofDowla?

A Empathetic
B Appreciative
C Strong-minded
D Accommodating

26 True to Nujood's viewpoint,

A the grown-ups' cruelty was devastating.
B unilateral divorce dissolved not only marriage but private life.
C the law had done littl~ to prevent chi!d abuse and gender equality.
D child marriage was driven by the behef that girls were somehow · c. .
m1enor to boys.
~ ~«. English Pre-SPM Model Test 2

Quest ions 27 to 32 Part 4

You are going to read an article about the worst foods for your
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from
the senten ces A to H the one which.fits each gap
(27 to 32). There are two extra sentences which you do not
need to use.
Mark the correct answe r (A- H).

Tips on How to Avoid the Foods Bad for the Hear t

Just as impor tant as eating well for your heart, is avoiding foods
that are bad for your heart. Prioritising
whole foods , fresh fruits and vegetables is the easy part. But
what about pizza, hot chips and sweets? They
have ingred ients like trans fats, refined grains and sugar that can
increase the risk of heart disease and other
cardia c issues. Keep your heart in tip-top shape by avoiding these
worst foods for your heart.
Proce ssed and cured meats, including cold cuts and hot dogs,
are some of the worst foods for your
heart becau se of their high amount of saturated fats. 27 D
or LDL, as compared to 'good ' cholesterol or HDL. A 2020 study
Saturated fats raise your 'bad' cholesterol
in JAMA Internal Medicine found a link
betwe en red and processed meat and a higher risk of heart diseas
e and death. The bottom line is to limit
cold-c ut sandwiches and save hot dogs for a rare indulgence.
If you plan to continue eating animal meats ,
turn to the best meat options such as lean red meat, skinless
chicken, ground turkey or fish, especially fish
rich in omega-3s like salmon, cod and tuna.
Some of the worst foods for your heart are processed foods,
according to Dr Nieca Goldberg, the
medical director ofNY U Wome n's Heart Program in New York.
' Processed foods cause sharp increases
in sugar and insulin levels ,• Dr Goldberg explains. '28
grains, including white flour or white rice. A recent study in
D• Processed foods often contain refined
the International Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine found that refined grain intake was associ
ated with a 9.4 percent higher risk of
heart disease.
Deep-fried foods are one of the top foods that are bad for
your heart. Eating deep-fried foods
contributes to heart diseas e risk factors, including high blood
pressure and obesity. A 2015 review
in Nutrients found that eating fried food four or more times
a week is associated with a higher risk of
develo ping type 2 diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

health y alternative to frying.

29 DBake, grill or roast your food for a

Many peopl e associate high triglycerides (a type of fat that

foods. 30 D circulates in the blood) with high-f at
Untre ated high triglyceride levels may increase the risk of heart
attack and stroke . One
15-year study in JAMA Internal Medicine on added sugar and
heart disease found that people who had 25
percen t of their daily kilojoules from sugar were more than twice
as likely to die from heart disease as those
who had less than 10 percen t of added sugar make up their daily

[Liha t halam an sebela h

1119/1 MT 2-7 (P1)
~ r,;i,s English Pre-SPM Model Test 2

Your sweet tooth could get you into lots of trouble when it comes to heart heal · JuS t like sugary
drinks are not great for your heart, it's the same idea with sweets. Dense sugar contributes to obesity,

diabetes, and hypertension-all risk factors for heart disease and stroke. 31 □You
get the crunch While
benefiting from more protein and fibre. Try your best to stick to whole foods, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Some tinned soups and vegetables are high in sodium and fat, making them a poor choice for heart
health. 32 D It's recommended that you limit daily sodium intake to 2 300 mg per day. The ideal daily
limit is 1 500 mg for most adults, especially those with elevated blood pressure. Consumers can incorporate
tinned foods into meals and still stay within recommended sodium limits for optimal heart health by reading
food labels, choosing tinned products that are labelled ' low-sodium' or ' low salt' or 'no added salt', and

rinsing tinned foods like beans and vegetables with water before using.

A And the levels sharply decrease, leaving you more hungry and then you eat
B Sodium is a preservative that is often added to foods during the canning
process to increase shelf life and palatability.
C Satisfy your sugar cravings with fruit slices and unprocessed peanut butter.
D Plaque buildup, hardening of the arteries and saturated fats are all connected.
E Don't eat when you are not hungry - it may sound too simple but many
people eat for other reasons like stress or boredom.
F According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , two observational
studies on men and women from America found that frequently eating fried
foods increases the risk of developing heart disease.
G Another great option is to prep your meals for the week in advance so you
can just grab and go. '

H People may not kn~w, however, that concentrated sweets, such as regular
fizzy and sugary drmks, can actually rapidly raise blood triglyceride levels.
~~ English Pre-SPM Model Test 2

• 33 to 40
Questtons Part 5
r11. interviewed a famous astrologer O th d" . . • d
,,e h t· h fi II n e zo zac sign's horoscope this month. Read the pred1ctzons below an
answer t e ques zons t at o ow.

(January 20 - February 18)
~ While at the drugstore you find y f · ·
. . · our avourite shampoo from your youth. and 1t smells as
good now as it did then. Buy a bottle. even though it is not your current fancy salon
brand. It 1s good to go back to your roots.
~ Problems you fac~ this week could be the result of your own wrongdoing. You cannot
get out until you discuss the problems in an adult manner.
~ This week brings a major moment of healing and release. and the possible reveal of
information you didn't expect to hear.

(Februa.ry 19 - March 20)
1ml Don't neglect your emotional wellness. You'll be feelin g your emotions willh mew
intensity. Talk to a friend or professional if you need help navigating these emoti@ras.
Still stressed? Go for a walk or give yourself a massage. Deep breaths!
1ml Tension in your work surroundings. Beware of get ting into arguments at work. It is•a
good idea to get away from home for awhile.
1ml Feel like you are playing second fiddle to a potential prospect's career? Holcl tight an~
most importantly, make sure you are living your own life and not just wait'irig f@r
so meone else. The situation will improve soon.

@o (Thtm
Warch 21 - April 19)
* It is time to re-energise yourself for the start of a fresh cycle
· when it comes to your love life. An exhilarating new period is
' about to start, so get your mind, body and soul in a state where you can
. greet all the possibilities.
*- 'Good start for friendship. Someone you meet now will be your friend for life.
·,Unlike previously, smooth sailing this month, with no upheavals.


::~ Taurus
(April 20 - May 20)
·* There is no such thing as too much thinking. You have a lot to contemplate
after all. consider yourself a scientist. What good would an investigation be "'"
· without analysing the data? . . . ,,. · . '
*, A week for changes at home and at work. If you seek a career change, this 1s the month
to do it. Bad month for travelling, so keep close to the house. ,
·* Dealing with change can be ~ long process. If you ar~ not sure a~out this new haircut,
-~ ait)J yqy arEk ~t ill.· not h~ppy after a tE:w,q~y~.
J>,rr,~~, Y~~r,,styJ_1st ph_ot ~~ and clear •
direction at5out the changes you w ant to see. .
. ,, . ~
0 • •
-, .,.._,....;....__...___ fo'll!WW"""' ,............. . M •~- · $ t t, M Af :t'&W!JD & 44 :W ® -4 , A; • ; ..,.J-

MT2 - 9(P1) (Lihat halaman sebelah

~ I\!.; English Pre-SPM Model Test 2


{1 c@l:mfhjJ
(llay 21 - June 20)
* SorY\e of )Our tarY\il) and triffids can bebadoldt-fashioned about th~s.
he situation becorY\es is
SorY\etirY\es the) j ust don't !ft it. HovJ
up in the air, but don't exf ect t herY\ to be enlBhtened an) tirY\e soon. .
* Di+terences·of opinions vJil arise vJithin tarY\il) and friends. Keep calrY\ at all tirY\es.
* Fa·ir vJeek for startin.9 a business or investin.9. but take gare and rY\ake sure )Ou
l do sorY\e~ ro~3~ rY\e~ork ~ = ! :s:_ ~-• .

(June 21 - July 22}
• It is a great month to try something novel: a breakdancing class, a brighter shade of lipstick
than usual. Expeliment and see how you feel before, duling and after your change. This
might be the strut of a brand-new you.
Health might be affected, so take care. As the weather gets colder this month, give yourself
extra self-care.
• Children maybe i1Titable and relationships between parents and children strained this month. Remain
level-headed. , .
r_ $1 ¥44 2 &X!:SWL i&.a
= !&QC S M !O

Questions 33 to 36
Which paragraph (A- F) describes the f ollowing situations? Mark you answers.

Situations Zodiac Signs

33 Xavier' s mate suggests a shared business venture. He thinks his zodiac

prediction has given him good advice.

34 Farhan loves to make fun of his co-workers. But this month, he may step on
someone's toes if he is not careful enough.

35 Shamil a decides to get out and go on a short trip.

36 Mustaqem regrets his behaviour towards his mother. He has decided to ask for
forgiveness first and then talk it out with his mum.

Questio ns 37 to 40
no more than one word/o r
Complete the questions below using information from the zodiac predictions. Choose
each answer. Write your answer in the space provided on the answer sheet.

37 People belongi ng to - - - - - -- had previously an awful month.

38 The horoscope that predicts a possible visit to the doctor's is _ _ _ _ _ _
39 A _ __ __ _ _ shouldn ' t go travelling this month as acciden ts may
an argume nt with her husband or
40 As a _ __ _ _ __, Wahida has to make sure that she does not start
children .
[Lihat halama n sebelah
MT 2 - 10 (P1)
1119/1 TERHAD

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