Deloitte - Metaverse
Deloitte - Metaverse
Deloitte - Metaverse
The metaverse is the popular term used to describe Second, the metaverse is expected to have a native
what many expect to be the next significant paradigm economy, including digitally native assets and trade.
for how we use digital technologies and networks to While the internet today has an important relationship
interact and collaborate with others and have virtual to the economy, the metaverse could have its own
experiences of all kinds. economy.
Elements of the metaverse are already here:
It’s not a single technology or device, and it’s not a
immersive virtual worlds with avatars that interact
service of any one company. It’s the convergence of
with one another, digital overlays on the physical
several separate technologies, all of which are quickly world that provide data or commentary on what the
maturing for mainstream use. Together, those user sees, digitally native trade and economic activity.
technologies can create the experience of an But the metaverse describes the context in which they
immersive, three-dimensional environment in which operate together beyond the component parts.
users interact with their surroundings and other users
While the building blocks of the metaverse are already
as if they are in a shared space. all around us, the full realization (and adoption) is
But a fully developed metaverse is more than merely a likely to be years away. Many of the necessary
virtual space. It also has at least two other important technologies still have a long way to go before the full
characteristics that enhance its potential as a new potential is available at truly mass scale. As a result,
trying to describe what it will be is like trying to
platform with a wide variety of uses.
describe to someone in 1990 what the internet would
First, it is likely to include both the physical and digital/ Virtual, augmented, and Volumetric scanning and 3D become, or trying to imagine back in 2005 what would
virtual worlds in the user's experience. Rather than mixed reality devices modelling (allowing photo- happen when hundreds of millions of people got
being an entirely separate space, the metaverse is a realistic 3D rendering) smartphones.
Computing power
platform in which the virtual world and the (e.g., cloud, edge) Blockchain / cryptocurrency / Key
physical world can be linked, which could be Networks / connectivity NFTs (which enable digital enablers
(including 5G / 6G wireless) property and payments)
important to how it develops both for consumer and
enterprise applications. AI and machine learning Internet of things
> User interface: Extended reality - AR/VR/MR1 > Increasing “digitization” of social and work > $80B+ corporate investments in last 12
> Computation and storage: Cloud and edge interactions months2,3,4
computing; AI/machine learning > Rise of e-commerce and shift in consumer > $10B+ venture capital investment in 20215
> Networks: 5G; fiber optics preferences
USER INTERFACE How effectively and consistently are
To what degree does the user interface content and conduct regulated? Are IP
become intuitive and seamlessly and digital assets reliably protected?
integrated into daily life? > Is there strong government regulation or do
> How user friendly and mobile will the predominant platforms rely primarily on self-governance?
interface be? > To what degree are interactions and
> Does the interface enable seamless switching between transactions secure and trusted?
physical and digital worlds? > Is there an effective process governing tax
jurisdictions and legal liability concerns?
The bottom line: A specialty market for specific The bottom line: A mainstream market for many The bottom line: The full migration of today’s
uses that will complement but not replace other applications but split among the next generation of internet and more into an immersive world in
technologies. leading platforms. which most businesses and consumers operate.
3. We don’t see a
“failure to launch” scenario 4. The competition for
We considered but ultimately excluded a share is likely to be fierce
scenario in which the metaverse does not take
off at all as an important technology. There is Given the attractive market opportunity,
already a tremendous amount of research and there is likely to be intense competition
innovation underway and millions of existing among multiple companies vying for
users. As technologies, capabilities, experiences, leadership of the space. These platforms are
and use cases mature, we expect the metaverse likely to compete aggressively for both
will have an increasingly visible role in daily life users and alliance partners, and the
for both consumer and enterprise users. opportunities for start-up ventures,
corporate ventures, and M&A will likely
grow throughout the decade.
Focus on
Don’t Commit to a
Take the demand and
underestimate “responsible
long view what motivates
the potential metaverse”
Formulate a metaverse Given the mainstream Organizations should focus Organizations should manage a
strategy but keep it flexible metaverse and corresponding on how to create captivating range of complexities and risks
enough to adapt to revenue generation are likely content and engaging in the metaverse (e.g., privacy/
changes in technology and several years out, companies experiences (e.g., exclusive security, accessibility,
consumer preferences. should take a long-term view partnerships, user generated sustainable energy
Adopt a “test and learn” on investments and consider content tools, robust data consumption) and ensure they
approach for both KPIs around consumer and and insights collection) in are proactively building a
consumer facing and employee engagement in order to establish share and "responsible metaverse" and
enterprise functions. addition to ROI. Consider remain competitive. effectively maintaining
investments in the context of consumer and employee trust.
broader digital transformation See slide 12 for additional detail
Telecommuting and Immersive Digital twins of physical Metaverse-native and
Work & learning virtual collaboration professional training operations and locations
classroom tools and fully
dependent companies
metaverse-native schools
Complex operational
Manufacturing Reductions of costs Predictive
Collaborative product
Enhanced quality control (e.g., supply chain,
through product maintenance of through product process and workflow)
design and modelling
modelling equipment simulations simulations to optimize
What’s All the Buzz About the Deloitte launches Unlimited Reality
The Spatial Web and Web 3.0
Metaverse? | Deloitte US services – Press release | Deloitte US
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