Scheme of Examination
Distribution of Marks
Compulsory Suject :
1. General Hindi Or English Or Ele. Hindi
(In lieu of G.Hindi) Or History of Indian Civilization
2. Elementary Computer Applications
3. Environmental Studies
4. Hindi Sahitya / fgUnh lkfgR;`
5. English Literature @vaxzsth lkfgR;
6. Sanskrit @laLd`r
7. Urdu @mnwZ
8. Persian @Qkjlh
9. Rajasthani @jktLFkkuh
10. Punjabi @iatkch
11. Philosophy @n'kZu'kkL=
12. Psychology @euksfoKku
13. Economics @vFkZ'kkL=
14. History @bfrgkl
15. Political Science @jktuhfr foKku
16. Geography @Hkwxksy
17. Mathematics @xf.kr
18. Public Administration @yksd iz'kklu
19. Sociology @lekt'kkL=
20. Home Science @x`gfoKku
21. Drawing & Painting @fp=dyk
22. Indian Music @Hkkjrh; laxhr
23. Garment Production & Export Management@
ifj/kku mRiknu ,oa fu;kZr izcU/k
24. Computer Application
25. Jainology, Jeevan Vigyan & Yoga@
tSu fo|k] thou foKku ,oa ;ksx
26. Defence and Strategic Studies@
j{kk ,oa j.kuhfrd v/;;u
B.A. Part I
The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for a pass
are shown against each subject seperately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part as Classification
of successful cnadidates shall be as follows :
First Division 60% of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part I
Second Division 48% Examination, (b) Part II Examination,
(c) Part III examination, taken together.
All the rest shall be declared to have passed the examination, if they obtain the minimum pass marks in each subject viz.
36% no division shall be awarded at the part I and Part II Examination.
Compulsory Subjects :
1. General Hindi 3hrs. 100 36
2. General English 3hrs. 100 36
3. Elementary Computer 2hrs. 100 36
4. Environmental Studies 2hrs. 100 36
Optional subjects : (Any three of the following subject to the restrictions
as mentioned in 0.200 B-I)
5. Hindi Sahitya Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
6. English Literature Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
7. Sanskrit Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
8. Urdu Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
9. Persian Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
10. Rajasthani Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
11. Punjabi Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
12. Philosophy Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
13. Psychology Paper-I 3hrs. 75 } 150 54
Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Practical 3hrs. 50 18
14. Economics Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
15. History Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
16. Political Science Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
17. Geography Paper-I 3hrs. 75 } 150 54
Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Practical 4hrs. 50 18
18. Mathematics Paper-I 3hrs. 66 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 66
Paper-III 3hrs. 68
19. Public Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Administration Paper-II 3hrs. 100
20. Sociology Paper-I 3hrs. 100 } 200 72
Paper-II 3hrs. 100
21. Home Science Paper-I 3hrs. 75 } 150 54
Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Pratical 50 18
22. Drawing & Paper-I 3hrs. 80 29
Painting (Theory)
Paper-II 5hrs. 50 }
Paper-III 5hrs. 50 120 43
Submission of
Practical Works 20
23. Indian Music Paper-I 3hrs. 40
Paper-II 3hrs. 40 29 Practical 4hrs. 120
24. Garment Production Paper-I 3hrs. 60 } 120 44
& Export Management Paper-II 3hrs. 60
Practical 4hrs. 80 28
25. Computer Paper-I 3hrs. 75 } 150 54
Applications Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Practical 50 18
26. Jainology, Jeevan Paper-I 3hrs. 75 } 150 54
Vigyan & Yoga Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Practical 50 18
27. Defence and Paper-I 3hrs. 75 } 150 54
Strategic studies Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Practical 3hrs 50 18
lkekU; fgUnh
le; 3 ?kaVs mŸkh.kkZad % 36 iw.kkZad % 100
bdkbZ & 1
x| Hkkx %&
1- pfj= 'kks/ku & cky—".k Hkê ¼ys[k ½
2- dqVt&vkpk;Z gtkjh izlkn f}osnh¼fuca/k ½
3- Lokeh foosdkuan& çsepan ¼thouh ½
4- fujkyk HkkbZ& egknsoh oekZ ¼laLej.k ½
5- fnudj dh Mk;jh ls & jke/kkjhflag fnudj ¼Mk;jh½
6- vkf[kjh pêku & eksgu jkds'k ¼;k=k laLej.k ½
7- vnE; thou & jkaxs; jk?ko ¼fjiksrkZt ½
8- i`Fohjkt dh vk¡[ksa & M‚- jkedqekj oekZ ¼,dkadh½
9- HkS;k ds uke ikrh &jkefoykl 'kekZ ¼vkRedFkk½
10- fBBqjrk x.kra= &gfj'kadj ijlkbZ ¼O;aX;½
11- tkequ dk isM+ & —'upanj ¼dgkuh½
12-eFksj.k dye & Jhyky eksgrk ¼l`tukRed x|½
13- eqvutksn~M+ksa dk va”k & vkse Fkkuoh
14- cks#ank Mk;jh& ekypan frokM+h ¼Mk;jh& va'k½ lqbZ fijksuk ] ikou vk¡lw ] nksuksa Hkk"kk,¡ le`) gks tk,axh
bdkbZ & 2
i| Hkkx %&
1- dchj&¼in½ & ƒ- nqygfu xkogq eaxykpkj
„- ek;k egkBfxuh
…- cgqr fnuu esa çhre vk;s
†- larksa HkkbZ vkbZ X;ku dh vk¡/kh vkbZ js
‡- eu js tkxr jfg;s HkkbZ
ˆ- ge u ejs efjgS lalkjk
‰- ikaMs dkSu dqefr rksfg tkxh
Š- lk¡bZ ls yxu dfBu gS HkkbZ
‹- uk gjh jh>Sa ] ti&ri fdUgsa
Č- galk djks iqjkru ckr
2- ehjk ¼in& Hkfä ½ & ƒ- Hkteu pj.k&d¡oy vfouk'khA
„- eu js ijafl gjh ds pj.k
…- ik;kS jh eSaus jke jru /ku ik;kS
†- njl fcu nw[k.k ykxs uS.k
‡- clks esjs uSuu esa uUnyky
ˆ- jke uke jl ihtS ] euqok jke jl ihtS
‰- vkyh Egkus ykxs fczankou fudks
Š- dksbZ dfg;ks jS çHkq vkou dh] vkou dh eu Hkkou dh
‹- ehjk exu HkbZ ; gfj ds xq.k xk;
Č- Hkst ys js eu xksiky xq.kk
3- eSFkyh'kj.k xqIr & ƒ- Hkwyksd dk xkSjo] „-lUns'k ;gk¡ eSa ugha LoxZ dk yk;k
4- t;'kadj çlkn & ƒ- chrh foHkkojh tkx jh] „- v#.k ;s e/kqe; ns'k gekjk
5- lw;Zdkar f=ikBh 'fujkyk
fujkyk ƒ- og rksM+rh iRFkj+] „- Lusg fu>Zj cg x;k gS
6- Hkokuh çlkn feJ&feJ ?kj dh ;kn
7-- ukxktqZu &ƒ- çsr dk c;ku ] „- vdky vkSj mlds ckn
8- f=ykspu&u paik dkys &dkys vPNj ugha phUºrh
9- dsnkjukFk vxzoky& ky ƒ- dadjhyk eSnku ] „-iRFkj
10- f'koeaxy flag ‘lq lqeu’
u & ƒ- iFk Hkwy u tkuk ] „- ge iaNh mUeqä xxu ds
11- nq";ar dqekj &ƒ- dgk¡ rks r; Fkk fpjkaxk gjsd ?kj ds fy, ] „- xka/khth ds tUefnu ij
12- fueZyk iqry&vkvks
y feydj cpk,¡
bdkbZ & 3
1- la{ksi.k
2- iYyou
3- 'kCn ;qXe
4- yksdksfDr
5- 'kq)hdj.k & 'kCn ] okD;
bdkbZ & 4
1- vuqokn & vFkZ vkSj fl)kUr] egŸo] vkn'kZ] vuqokn dh fo'ks"krk,a
2- jktLFkkuh ,oa vaxzsth ls fgUnh vuqokn ¼,d vuqPNsn½
bdkbZ & 5
1- fdlh ,d fo"k; ij fuca/k
2- i=&izk:i
ijh{kdksa ds fy, funsZ'k %&
1- iz'u&i= bdkb;ksa esa foHkDr gksaA
2- izR;sd bdkbZ ls funsZ'kkuqlkj O;k[;kRed ,oa vkykspukRed iz'u iwNs tk,¡A
3- iz'u&i= orZeku esa fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øekuqlkj gksA
foLr`r vad foHkktu
bdkbZ & 1
v & pkj O;k[;k,a iwNh tk,axh] ftuesa ls nks djuh gksxhA
'kCn lhek % 150 vad % 2 X 5 = 10
c & pkj vkykspukRed iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls nks djus gksaxsA
'kCn lhek % 250 vad % 2 X 7 =14 24
bdkbZ & 2
v & pkj O;k[;k,a iwNh tk,axh] ftuesa ls nks djuh gkasxhA
'kCn lhek % 150 vad % 2 X 5 = 10
c & pkj vkykspukRed iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls nks djus gksaxsA
'kCn lhek % 250 vad % 2 X 7 =14 24
bdkbZ & 3
v & la{ksi.k 5
c& iYyou 4
l& 'kCn ;qXe 4
n & yksdksfDr o eqgkojs 5
;& 'kq)hdj.k ] d&'kCn 'kq)hdj.k] [k& okD; 'kq)hdj.k 4 22
bdkbZ & 4
v & vuqokn % vFkZ] fl)kUr] fof'k"Vrk vkfn ls lacaf/kr nks iz'u A
lhek & 50 'kCn] vad 3] 2 x 03 = 06
c& jktLFkkuh
jktLFkkuh vFkok vaxzsth vuqPNsn dk fganh esa vuqoknA
lhek & 300 'kCn] vad 9 ] 1 x 09 = 09 15
bdkbZ & 5
v& fdlh ,d fo"k; ij fucU/kA
lhek & 350 'kCn] vad & 10] 1 x 10 = 10
c& i=&izk:i A
lhek & 100 'kCn] vad 5] 1 x 5 = 05 15
Field Work
- Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-river/forest/grassland/ hill/ mountain.
- Visit to local polluted site- Urban/rural/industrial/agricultural.
- Study of common plants, insects. Birds.
- Study of simple ecosystem-Pond, river, hill slope etc.
Suggested Books :
1 i;kZoj.k v/;;u & oekZ] xSuk] [k.Msyoky] jkor
2 i;kZoj.k foKku & ih-lh- f=osnh] xfjek xqIrk
3 i;kZoj.k v/;;u & lqjs’k vkesrk] f’kizk Hkkj}kt
4 Environmental studies - Pratap Singh, N.S. Rathore, A.N. Mathur
5 i;kZoj.k v/;;u & ckdjs] ckdjs ok/kok
6 i;kZoj.k v/;;u & eukst ;kno] vuwiek ;kno
ch-,- çFke& o"kZ
fgUnh lkfgR;
çFke ç'u i= & çkphu ,oa e/;dkyhu dkO;
le; 3 ?kaVs mÙkh.kkaZd& 36 iw.kkaZd & 100
bdkbZ & 1-
¼1½ in~ekoÙkh le; & i`Fohjkt jklks laiknd % çksQslj HkkjrHkw"k.k 'ljksljkst' ,oa M‚-
M‚- vkseçdk'k fla?ky ; çdk'kd & fganh
lkfgR; lalkj ] u;h lMd& fnYyh
1- eugq¡ dyk lflHkku ] dyk lksyg lks cfUu;
2- dqfVy ds'k lqns"k ]ikSg ijfp;r fiDdwln
3- lks/kh tqxfr dkS] dar fd;ks rc fpr pgkSa fnl A
4- fç; çfFkjkt ujsl] tksx fyf"k dXxj fnUuks A
5- mg S?kjh iyfu mgS fnukoSj mgS lft A
6- lqu xTtuS vokt] p<+;ks lkgkcnhu cj A
7- ckfTt; ?kksj fulk¡u ] jk¡u pkSgku pgksa fnfl A
8- fudV uxj tc tku] tk; oj fcan mHk; Hk; A
9- HkbZ tq vkfu vokt] vki lkgkcnhu lqj A
10- uk dks gkj ug ftr] jgsb u jfg, lw[kj A
¼2½- <ksyk ek# dk nwgk & laiknd%
knd% ujksÙke nkl Lokeh] lw;Zçdk'k ikjhd ]jkeflag
¼e#/kj ifjp;½
1- nsl fojaxm <ksy.kk] nq[kh gqv;k bZgka vkbZ
2- djgk nsl lqgke.km ]ts ew lkljokfM
3- djgk] yac djkfMvk ] cs &cs vaxqy dUu
4- ckyÅ¡] ckck nslM+m ]ik¡.kh ftgkSa dqck¡g
5- ckyÅ¡ ] ckck nslM+m ]ik¡.kh lanh rkrh
6- ckck ]u nsbl ek#ck¡ lw/kk ,dkyk¡g
7- ckck e nsbl ek#ck¡] cj dw¡vkjh jgsfl I
8- ek# ]FkkadbZ nslM+b ],d u Hkktb fjæ
9- ft.k HkqbZ iUux fi;.kk] d;j daVkGk #¡[k
10- ifgj.k vks<+u daoGk ]lkBs iqfjls uhj I
¼3½ fo|kifr HkubZ fo|kifr & laiknd%
knd% —".k eksgu >k
t; t; ladj] t; t; f=iqjkfj] uand uanu dnacd r#&rj]
ns[k&ns[k jk/kk :i vikj] vkt is[ky uan & fd'kksj ]
ltuh dkuqd ds dgc cq>kbZ
¼4½ vehj [kqljks & nksgs
viuh Nfo] vk lktu eksjs u;u esa [kqljks jSu lqgkx dh] xksjh lksos lst ij ] [kqljks nfj;k çse dk
vki fgys vkSj eksgs fgyk, ] Åaph vVkjh iyax fcNk;ks
fyiV fyiV okds lksbZ] lst iM+h eksjs vka[kks vk,
'kksHkk lnk c<+kou gkjk
Nki fryd lc Nhuh] tc ;kj ns[kk uSuHkj]
ldy cu Qwy jgh ljlksa
bdkbZ &2
¼5½ dchj dforkbZ &la laiknd%
knd% iq:"kksÙke vxzoky
vdFk dgkuh çse dh
1- vkik esVîk gfj feyS ]gjh esVîka lc tkbZ A
2- dchj ckny çse dk] ge ij cjL;k vkbZ A
3- iatfj çse çdkfl;k ]varfj Hk;k mtkl A
4- ftfg ?kfV çhfr u çse jl ]Qqfu jluk ugha jke A
5- gjh ds ukm¡ lwa ] çhfr jgs bdlkj A
bdkbZ & 5
dkO;”kkL= % vFkZ vfHkizsr] O;ogkj] vkSfpR;] dkO; xq.k] nks’k] “kCn “kfDr;k¡
vyadkj % vFkZ] fofHkUu vkpk;ksZa ds er] vyadkj dk egÙo izdkj o mnkgj.kA
izeq[k vyadkj % vuqizkl] ;eu] “ys’k] miek] :id] mRizs{kk] vfr”k;ksfDr] nhid] lansg
Hkzkafreku] vig~uqfr] n`f’Vkar] mnkgj.k] fojks/kkHkkl] ekuohdj.k] fo”ks’k.k & foi;Z;] fo”ks’ksfDr] foHkkoukA
There shall be a Terminal Examination of 100 Marks of each Paper at the end of every Session. The
Examination Paper shall consist of Three Sections:
Section 'A' shall comprise Ten questions (all compulsory, to be answered in 50 words each) of 2 Marks each.
The Examiner will set questions on this section choosing at least two from each unit.
Section 'B' shall comprise Two Parts:
Part I shall consist of Three Reference to Context Questions from starred texts, out of which the candidate shall
attempt any two (to be answered in 200 Words each). Each Question shall carry 08 Marks.
There shall be a Terminal Examination of 100 Marks of each Paper at the end of every Session. The
Examination Paper shall consist of Three Sections:
Section 'A' shall comprise Ten questions (all compulsory, to be answered in 50 words each) of 2 Marks each.
The Examiner will set questions on this section choosing at least two from each unit.
Section 'B' shall comprise Two Parts:
Part I shall consist of Three Reference to Context Questions from starred texts, out of which the candidate shall
attempt any two (to be answered in 200 Words each). Each Question shall carry 08 Marks.
Part II shall comprise Four Questions, out of which the candidate shall attempt any three (to be answered in
200 Words each). Each Question shall carry 08 Marks. The Examiner shall set Questions in such a way so that
almost the cent percent coverage of the syllabus is ensured.
Section C shall comprise Four Questions (to be answered in 500 Words each) out of which the Candidate shall
attempt any two. Each Question shall carry 20 Marks. The Examiner shall set Questions in such a way so that
almost the cent percent coverage of the syllabus is ensured.
Two Papers Min. Pass Marks 72 Max. Marks: 200
Paper I 3 hours Duration Max. Marks: 100
Paper II 3 hours Duration Max. Marks: 100
Explanation of extracts from prescribed lessons with reference and context.
(Two questions will be framed. In each question there will be two extracts in which one will be explained. These
questions will be asked in Section B and both are compulsory)
Critical appreciation of a prescribed prose writer from Mayare-Adab.
Summary of a lesson from prescribed book-Mayare – Adaab
1. Questions on the form and Art of Drama.
2. Development of Urdu Drama. (Urdu Drama Nigari ka Irtiqa)
1. Questions on Prescribed Drama
Question Krishna Chandra as a Drama writer
2. Definition of Adabi Asnaaf:
1. Dastan 2. Novel 3.Afsana 4.Mazmoon 5. Khutoot 6. Sawaneh
Books Prescribed:
1. Meyar-e-Adab (Hissa Nasr) Educational Book House, Aligarh.
2. Drawaze Khol Do (Drama) by Krishna Chandra Published from MaktebaJamia Limited, Jamia Nagar New
Books recommended
1. Adabi Asnaaf, by Giyan Chand Jain
2. Asnaaf-e-Adab, by Dr. Qamar Rais & Khaliq Anjum.
Explanation of couplets of prescribed Ghazaliyat.
(One question of explanation of two couplets out of four in section B. Explanation of five couplets out of ten
in section C)
General question on Drama.
Books Prescribed:
1. FARSI WA DASTOOR, Kitab-e-Awwal (I Part)
Dr. Zoharai Khanlary, Published by Idara-e-Adbiya-e-Delhi.
The following chapters are prescribed:
FARSI WADASTOOR 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12. 24, 26. 27, 35,. 42, 43, 45, 47
2. Wokola-e-Morafia by Mirza Jafar. Published by Ram Narain Beni Madhav, Allahabad (U.P.) Page No 83 to 112.
Questions on the form and art of Ghazal and Nazm.
Life and works of prescribed Persian Poet of Ghazal in Urdu.
Explanation of prescribed Ghazliyat and Manzoomat ,in Urdu or Hindi or English.
(Two Couplets out of four from Ghazal or one extract of Nazm out of two in section B and five Couplets of Ghazal out
of ten or two couplets of Nazm out of three in Section C)
Life and works of a prescribed Persian Nazm Nigar.
Rhetoric's and forms of Poetry.
1. Ishteqaq 2. Miraatun- Nazeer 3. Tanseequs Sifat
4. Tajnees 5. Tajahul-e-Arifana 6. Talmeeh
7. Tashbeeh 8. Isteara 9. Husn-e-Taleel
10. Mubalgha 11. Ghazal 12. Qasida
13. Masnvi 14. Rubai
Books Prescribed:
1. Nisab-e-Jadeed Farsi Barai B.A. (Published by Jaiyyed Press, Delhi). The following portions are prescribed:
(A) Ghazaliyat-e-Hafiz (First Eight Ghazal)
(B) Ghazaliyat-e-Amir Khasro (First Eight Ghazal)
(C) Ghazaliyat-e-Shahar Yaar (First Eight Ghazal)
2. Farsi-wa-Dastoor (Kitab-e-Awwal)
Dr. Zoharai Khanlary, Published by: Idara-e-adbiyat-e-Delhi.
The following Nazms are prescribed: FARSI WADASTOOR Chapters: 1, 11, 22, 23
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz'u i= U;wure mÙkh.kkZad & 72 vf/kdre vaad & 200
izFke iz'u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad & 100
f}rh; iz'u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad & 100
Books Recommended:
W. Lillie An Introduction of Ethics
1- fu"iz;kstuoknh uhfr'kkL= % dkaV
2- var% izKkokn
3- ln~xq.kkRed uhfr'kkL= % lqdjkr] IysVks] vjLrq
Books Recommended:
W. Lillie : An Introduction of Ethics
I.C. Sharma : Ethical Philosophies of India
S.K. Maitra : The Ethics of the Hindus
SuramaDasgupta : Development of Moral Philosophy in India
J. N. Sinha : A Manual of Ethics (Hindi Translation
M. Hiriyanna : The Indian Conception of Values
P. V. Kane : The History of Dharmasastras Vol. I
(Hindi translatior available)
Philippa Foot (Ed.) : Theories of Ethics
fnokdjikaMs; % Hkkjrh; uhfr'kkL=
laxeykyikaMs; % uhfrn'kZu dk losZ{k.k
MkW- nhidJhokLor % uhfr'kkL=
Book prescribed :
osnizdk'koekZ % uhfr'kkL= ds ewyfl)kUr
Paper-I : General Psychology
Introduction: Definitions & Goal of Psychology, Approaches: Psycho-
analytical, Behavioral, Cognitive, Socio Cultural Perspective.
Methods: Experimental, Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Case Study.
Biological Basis of Behavior. Neuron: (structure and function) and Central Ner- vous System.
Perception: Meaning & Organizing Principles of Perception.
Attention Meaning, chanacteristics, types, determinants
Memory & Forgetting: Meaning of Memory & Forgetting, Types of Memory: Sensory, Short Term & Long Term
Memory, Causes of Forgetting.
Intelligence: Meaning & Types of Intelligence, Theories of Intelligence: Spearman’s two Factor theory, Thurston’s Group
Factor Theory and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence.
Learning: Definitions& Characteristics of Learning, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Insight learning.
Transfer of training.
Emotion: Definitions of Emotion, Types of Emotion
Motivation: Meaning & Types of Motivation, Need Hierarchy theory of Motivation.
Thinking: Nature & Types of Thinking.
Problem solving: Meaning & Nature of Problem solving, Methods of Problem solving.
Personality: Definitions of Personality, Trait& Type Approaches. Biological, Socio-Cultural & Psychological
Determinants of Personality.
Baren. R.S. (1995) Psychology: The essential science. New York Allyn & Bacan.
Leften. L.A. (1995) Psychology Boston: Allyn & Baron.
Morgan & King : Introduction of Psychology (Tata McGraw Hill) Bunker, Dr. L.N. & Sinha, P.: Baisc Process in
Psychology. Parsad Psycho Corporation, New Delhi.
Paper-II :Social Psychology
Introduction to Social Psychology: Nature, Goals & Scope of Social Psychology, Social Psychology and interrelations
with other sciences.
Methods of social Psychology: Observation method, Interview method, Survey method.
Socialization: Meaning of Socialization, Stages of Socialization, Theories of Socialization.
Social Motivation: Meaning of social motivation, Theories of Achieve-ment motivation.
Leadership: Meaning and Nature of Leadership, Common Traits of Leader, Types of Leader according to Bogards &
Kimball young, Theories of Leadership: Fiedler’s Contingency Theory, Path-Goal Theory.
Crowd: Meaning of Crowd, Characteristics of Crowd, Psychology of Action Crowd of Crowd Behavior.
Audience: Meaning of Audience, Characteristics of Audience and Types of Audience.
Attitude: Meaning & Characteristics of Attitude, Development & Formation of Attitude, Theories of Attitude Change:
Heider’s Balance Theory, Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance Theory.
Prejudice: Meaning, Characteristics and Types of Prejudice, Causes of Development & Maintenance of Prejudice.
Communication: Meaning & Nature of Communication, Types of Communication, Factors influencing the effectiveness
of communication.
Aggression: Meaning & Nature of Aggression, Factors Provoking Aggression, Measures of Preventing & Reducing
Present Social problems: Population Explosion, Causes of Population Growth, Roll of Psychological factors in Population
Explosion, Factors in birth Control, Psychology of Health Behavior. Prevention treatment of Illness & Health promotion.
Alock, J.E. Carment, D.W. Sadava, S.S., Collins, J.E. & Green,. J.M. (1997). A Text Book of Social Psychology
Scarborough, Ontario: prentice Hall/Allyne & Bacon.
Baron,. R.A. & Byrn, D (1998) Social Psychology, New Delhi, Prentice Hall Feldmen, R.S (1995). Social Psychology,
New Delhi,: Theories, Research and Application New York : McGraw Hall.
Myres, David, G(1994), Exploring Social Psychology New York McGraw Hill
Semin, G.R., & Fiedler, K. (Eds.)(1996) Applied Social Psychology London, Sage
Student Have to complete any six experiments/testes.
1. Mage learning.
2. Recognition of Emotions in facial expression (With Photograph)
3. Aggression Scale.
4. Leadership Scale.
5. Test of Intelligence.
6. Introversion & extroversion personality assessment
Scheme of Examination
Two papers Min.Pass Marks 72 Max.Marks 200
Paper I 3 hrs. duration Marks : 100
Paper II 3 hrs. Duration Marks : 100
Note : The question paper shall contain three sections. Section-A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2
marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answer should not exceed 50 words. Section-B
shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks. The answers should
not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section-C shall contain 5 questions of 15
marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answer shall not exceed 500
Unit- I
Main sources of Ancient Indian History; Different Samvat (era) prevalent (used) in Ancient Indian History; Impact of
Geography on Indian History and Culture; Features of Indus-Saraswati Civilization; Society, Polity, Economy, Culture
and Religion as reflected in Vedic literature; 6th Cent. B.C. and the Rise of Buddhism and Jainism; The rise of Janpadas
and Republics.
Unit- II
Rise of Magadha upto the Nandas; Magadha Empire and contribution of Chandragupta Maurya; Ashoka – His Policies
and Dhamma; Mauryan Administration, Cultural Achievements of Mauryan period; Causes of decline of the Mauryan
Unit- III
Different political powers in Pre-Gupta period - Sunga, Satavahan, Saka and Kushana; Prominent rulers and their
contribution in Pre-Gupta Period - Pushyamitra Sunga, Gautamiputra Shatkarni, Rudradaman I and Kanishka I; Sangam
Age-Literature, Society and Culture; Economic Progress in the Pre-Gupta period with special reference to trade and
Unit- IV
Early History of the Gupta Dynasty upto Chandra Gupta-I; Prominent Rulers of Gupta Dynasty and their achievements -
Samudra Gupta, Chandra Gupta-II, Skand Gupta; Features of Gupta Administration; Cultural Revivalism and
development of Science and Technology during Gupta Period.
Unit- V
India in the Post-Gupta Period: Formation and Expansion of Vardhana Empire– Harsh; Features of Chola,
Chalukya and Pallava administration; Tripartite Struggle, Contribution of Vigraharaja Chahamana, Kumara Pala
Chalukya and Bhoja Parmara; Factors leading to disintegration of Rajput states.
Books Recommended:
1. R.S. Tripathi : History of Ancient India.
2. N.N. Gosh: Early History of India.
3. R.K. Mookerji: Man and Thought in Ancient India.
4. R.C. Majumdar: The History and Culture of the Indian People. Relevant volumes, Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan,
5. vkse izdk'k % izkphu Hkkjr dk bfrgkl] oSKkfud rFkk rduhdh 'kCnkoyh vk;ksxA
6. f}tsUnz >k ,oa ds-,e-Jhekyh % izkphu Hkkjr dk bfrgkl] fgUnh ek/;e dk;kZUo;u funs'kky;] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;]
7. mfeZyk izdk'k feJ % Hkkjr dk bfrgkl] e/;izns'k fgUnh xzaFk vdknehA
8. fdj.k dqekj FkiY;ky % flU/kq lH;rk] mRkj izns'k fgUnh xzaFk vdknehA
9. R.S.Sharma :Pracheen Bharat (in Hindi)
10. G.S.P.Mishra: Pracheen Bharat (in Hindi)
11. Upindra Singh : A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India.
Unit – II
Industrial Revolution: Causes and results; French Revolution: causes and results; Napoleon Bonaparte-Conquests and
Unit – III
Vienna Congress; Matternich System and Concert of Europe; French Revolution of 1848 and its impact; Unification of
Italy and Germany; Eastern Question with special reference to Crimean War and Berlin Settlement.
Unit – IV
Imperialism in Asia and Africa- Causes and Results; First World War- Causes and results; Causes and results of
Bolshevik Revolution; Versailles settlement; Causes of the rise of Fascism and Nazism.
Unit – V
League of Nations-aims, achievements and causes of failure; Second World War – causes and results; U.N.O.'s birth,
organization and achievements; Emergence of Modern China , Japan and Turkey.
Books recommended :
1. C.J.F.Hayes: A Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe (2 Vols)
2. H.M.Vinacke: A History of the Far East in Modern Time (Also in Hindi).
3. Lee Gershoy: The French Revolution and Napoleon, Central Book Depot, Allahabad, 1960.
4. K.S. Latourette: Short History of the Far East, New York.
5. Burns, E.M.: Western Civilization : Their History and Their Culture.
6- Bkdqj Hkxoku flag oekZ% ;wjksi dk bfrgkl ¼1789&1815½]e/;izns'k fgUnh xzaFk vdknehA
7- nsosUnz pkSgku % ;wjksi dk bfrgkl ¼1815&1919½]e/;izns'k fgUnh xzaFk vdknehA
8- ckyd`".k iatkch % Ýkal dh jkT; Økafr] e/;izns'k fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh A
9- fjraHkjh nsoh % fo'o dk bfrgkl]fcgkj fgUnh xzaFk vdknehA
9- fd'kksjh ljuyky % ;wjksi dk bfrgkl ¼1815&1939½] oSSKkfud rFkk rduhdh 'kCnkoyh
vk;ksx A
11- T;ksfÝcwu ,oa fo-l- eSxls % chloha 'krkCnh dk fo'o] oSKkfud rFkk rduhdh 'kCnkoyh vk;ksx] f'k{kk ,oa ;qod lsok
ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkjA
12- tSu ,oa ekFkqj % fo'o bfrgkl ¼1500&1950½]tSu izdk'k eafnj] t;iqjA
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz’u i= U;wure mRrh.kkZad 72 vf/kdre vad&200
izFke iz’u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad& 100
f}rh; iz’u i= le;
le; % 3 ?kaVs vad& 100
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy,
lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA [k.M&c eas izR;sd bdkbZ esa
ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk
vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA [k.M&l esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u]
dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha 3 iz'uksa ds mRrj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd [k.M dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
iz’u i=&izFke % Hkkjr dk bfrgkl& izkjafHkd dky ls 1206 bZ-
izkphu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl ds izeq[k lzksr( izkphu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa izpfyr fofHkUu laor~( Hkkjrh; bfrgkl ,oa laLd`fr ij
Hkwxksy dk izHkko( fla/kq&ljLorh lH;rk dh fo'ks"krk,¡( oSfnd lkfgR; esa of.kZr lekt] jktuhfr] vFkZO;oLFkk ,oa /keZ( 6oha
'krkCnh bZ-iw- ,oa ckS) ,oa tSu /keZ dk mn;] tuinksa dk mn; vkSj x.kra=h; jkT;A
ex/k dk mn; uUn lkezkT; rd( ex/k lkezkT; vkSj pUnzxqIr ekS;Z dk ;ksxnku( v'kksd & mldh uhfr;ka ,oa /kEe( ekS;Z 'kklu
izca/k( ekS;Z ;qx dh lkaLd`frd miyfC/k;k¡( ekS;Z lkezkT; ds iru ds dkj.kA
iwoZ xqIrdky esa fofHkUu jktuSfrd 'kfDr;ka & 'kqax] lkrokgu] 'kd vkSj dq"kk.k( iwoZ xqIrdky ds izeq[k 'kkld ,oa mudh
miyfC/k;k¡ & iq";fe= 'kaqx] xkSreh iq= 'kkrd.khZ] #nznkeu izFke ,oa dfu"d izFke( laxe ;qx&lkfgR;] lekt ,oa laLd`fr( iwoZ
xqIrdky esa vkfFkZd izxfr & O;kikj ,oa okf.kT; ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esaA
Two papers Minimum pass marks: 54 Maximum marks: 150
Paper-I 3 hours duration 75 marks
Paper- II 3 hours duration 75 marks
Arts & SciencePractical:
Arts: Minimum pass marks: 18 Maximum marks: 50
Science: Mini. pass marks: 18 Maximum marks: 50
(a) Configuration of ocean bottom.
(b) Distribution of temperature and salinity in oceanic water.
(c) Ocean currents and tides.
(d) Marine deposits.
(e) Coral reefs and Atolls: types and their origin according to Darwin, Murray and Daly.
Books recommended:
1. Monkhouse,F.J.: Principles of Physical Geography, Hodder &Stoughton, London,1960.
2. Sharma, R.C. & Vatal M,: Oceanography to Geographers, Chetanya Publishing House, Allahabad, 1970.
3. Singh, Savindra: Physical Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhavan, Allahabad.
4. Small, R.J.: The study of landforms, McGraw Hill, New York,1985.
5. Steers J.A.: The Unstable Earth, Kalyani Publishers,New Delhi.
6. Strahler, A.N.: Modern Physical Geography, John Wiley, Revised 1992.
7. Thurman,H.B.: Introductory Oceanography, Charls Webber, E Memi Pub. Co. 1984.
8. Trewartha G.T.: An Introduction to Climate, McGraw Hill, New York, 1980.
9. Wooldrige, S.W. & Morgan , R.S.: The Physical basis of Geography- An outline of Geomorphology, Longman,
10. V.S. Chouhan & Alka Gotam: Physical Geography(Hindi), Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Note: The question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section A shall contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question shall carry 2 marks. All 10
questions are compulsory.
Section B shall contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions by
selecting 1 question from each unit. Each question shall carry 5 marks.
Section C shall contain 5 questions (one from each unit). Candidates have to attempt any three questions. Each question
shall carry 10 marks.
Meaning, nature and components of resources & environment, Resources and environment interface. Classification of
resources: renewable and non-renewable, biotic (forests, wild-life, livestoch, fisheries and agricultural crops), and abiotic
(water, land and minerals).
Distribution and utilization of minerals and energy resources- their economic and environmental significance, Types and
distribution of forests, flora, fauna and fisheries- their economic and environmental significance.
Major soil types and their distribution; problems of soil erosion ans soil conservation. Distribution and utilization of
water, water harvesting- need, forms of water, ground water- utility, storing rain water for direct use, economic and
environmental significance.
izFke iz'u i= % HkkSfrd Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %&iz
%& 'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA[k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh iz'uksa ds
mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u
lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz’uksa
dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy 5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u]
bZdkbZ & 3
izeq[k e`nk izdkj vkSj mudk forj.k] e`nk vijnu dh leL;k;sa vkSj e`nk laj{k.k A ty dk forj.k ,oa mi;ksx] ty nksgu&
vko';drk] ty ds Lo:i] Hkwfety& mi;ksfxrk] izR;{k mi;ksx ds fy;s o"kkZ ty dk lap;] vkfFkZd ,oa I;kZoj.kh; egRo A
bZdkbZ & 4
i;kZoj.k dk oxhZdj.k%& izkd`frd ,ao ekuoh; A ekuo& Ik;kZoj.k ds e/; varjlcU/k% tula[;k ds vkdkj vkSj vFkZO;oLFkk ds
izdkj ,oa rduhdh Lrj ds vuqlkj A i;kZoj.kh; iznw"k.k & ty] ok;q] /ofu] e`nk rFkk jsfM;k lfØ; & dkj.k] izHkko vkSj
mik; A
bZdkbZ & 5
i;kZoj.kh; izca/ku % ou] e`nk vkSj oU; tho] mldh tkx:drk] Ik;kZoj.kh; f'k{kk% leL;k;sa ,oa mudk fu;kstu] ou fouk'k]
Hkwe.Myh; m"ehdj.k A
;kstuk % izfr cSp 40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk izfr lIrkg 6 dkyka'k v/;;u
iw.kkZd dyk 50 vof/k 4 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kkZd dyk 18
foKku 50 vof/k 4 ?kaVs foKku 18
vadks dk foHkktu dyk foKku
1- iz;ksx'kkyh; dk;Z % 18 18
2- {ks= losZ{k.k vkSj ekSf[kd 8$4=12 8$4=12
3- fjdkMZ dk;Z vkSj ekSf[kd 8$4=12 8$4=12
4- losZ{k.k fjiksVZ vkSj ekSf[kd 6$2=8 6$2=8
dqy 50 50
uksV% dqy 5 iz'uksa esa ls 3 iz'u gy djus gksaxsA izfr cSp 40 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ewy;kadu fd;k tk,xkA
1- ekiuh & ljy] fod.kZ vkSj rqyukRed
2- foo/kZu] y?kqdj.k vkSj ekufp= la;kstu
3- mPPkop fu:i.k dh fof/k;ka] gS';wj] ioZrh; Nk;kdj.k] Lrj&jatu fof/k] leksPPk js[kk,a vkfnA LFkykd`frd i=dksa esa
iznf'kZr fofHkUUk Hokd`frd izns'kksa ds mPPkkop] Hkw&Lo:Ik tSls&<ky ds izdkj] ?kkfV;ka] tyizrki] xktZ] foliZ iBkj %
'kaDokdj igkM+h&dVd] dkBh vkSj njksZ dk leksPPk; js[kkvksa }kjk iznf'kZr djuk A ifjPNsfndk [khapuk A
4- LFykd`frd i=dksa dk v/;;u] Hkkjr ds LFykd`frd i=dksa dh i}fr A
5- Tkjhc rFkk Qhrk LkosZ{k.k A
6- ,d xkao dk lekftd&vkfFkZd {ks=h; losZ{k.k ,oa v/;;u A fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks i`Fkd&i`Fkd izfrosnu izLrqr djuk gksxk
7- e/;] ekf/;dk] cgqyd ,oa izeki fopyu A
Papers Nomenclature Duration Periods Max. Marks
per week Sc So. Sci
I Algebra 3 Hrs. 3 66 66
II Calculus 3 Hrs. 3 66 66
III Vector Calculus and
Geometry 3 Hrs. 3 68 68
Max. Marks 200 200
Min. Pass Marks 72 72
Paper- I (ALGEBRA)
Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 01 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all questions are
compulsory Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit)all questions are
compulsory Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit)attempt any 03
Relation between roots and coefficients of general polynomial equation in one variable, transformation of equations,
Descarte’s rule of signs, Solution of Cubic equations (Cardon Method) Biquadratic Equations(Ferrari Method).
Symmetric, Skew symmetric. Hermitianand skew Hermitian matrices. Linear Independence of row and column matrices.
Row rank, Column rank, Rank of a matrix by Echelon form, the characteristic equation of a matrix and eigenvectors.
Cayley Hamilton theorem and its use in finding inverse of a matrix. Applications of matrices to a system of linear (both
homogenous and non-homogenous) equations. Theorems of consistency of a system of linear equations.
Definitions and examples of groups, general properties of groups, subgroups, cyclicgroups, cosetsdecomposition,
Lagranges theorem and its consequences, Fermats and Eular’s theorems.
Homomorphism and isomorphism of groups, normal subgroups, quotient groups. The fundamental theorem of
homomorphism. Kernel of homomorphous and its properties.
Unit I
Meaning, Nature and Scope of Public Administration. Importance of Public Administration in Modern Society. Public
and Private Administration. Evolution of the study of Public Administration. Concept of New Public Administration and
New Public Management.
Unit II
Theories of organization : Scientific Management(Taylor and his associates), The Bureaucratic theory of organization
(Weber), Classical theory of organization(Henri Fayol, Luther Gulick and others), The Human Relations theory of
organization (Elton Mayo and his colleagues).
Unit III
Principles of organization : Formal and Informal organization, Hierarchy, Unity of command, Span of control,
Coordination, Supervision, Centralization and Decentralization, Delegation, Authority and Responsibility.
Unit IV
Chief Executive :Types and functions, Line, Staff and Auxiliary agencies, Decision Making : Meaning, major phases in
the decision making process, Leadership : Meaning, styles and traits of a good leader, Motivation : Definition, theories of
motivation-Need hierarchy theory (A.H. Maslow), Hygiene theory (Herzberg). Communication : Meaning, types of
communication, elements of communication.
Unit V
Personnel Administration : Meaning, Nature and importance of Bureaucracy. Concept of Recruitment, Training,
Classification, Promotion and Disciplinary Action. Budget: Meaning, Types. Concept of Zero Base Budgeting and
Performance Budgeting.
Suggested Books
1. John Piffner and Robert Presthus : Public Administration
2. Dimock & Dimock : Public Administration
3. Terry : Principles of Management
4. John D. Millet : Management in Public services
5. E.N. Gladden : Essentials of Public Administration
6. M. P. Sharma : Principle & Practice of Public
7. Dr. Hoshiar Singh & Dr. Pardeep Sachdeva : Administrative Theory
8. D.R. Sachdeva & Meena Sogani : Public Administration : Concept and
9. A. Awasthi & S.R. Maheshwari : Public Administration
10. C.P. Bhambhari : Public Administration
11. A.R. Tyagi : Public Administration
12. Vishnoo Bhagwan & Vidya Bhushan : Public Administration
(Available In Hindi also)
13. Avasthi & Maheshwari : Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi)
14. C.P. Bhambhari : Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi)
15. B.L. Fadia : Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi)
16. Harishchandra Sharma : Lok Prashashan Ke Adhar ( In Hindi)
17. Vishnoo Bhagwan & Vidya Bhushan : Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi)
18. Dr. Ravindra Sharma : Lok Prashashan Ke Tatwa( In Hindi)
19. Surendra Kataria : Lok Prashashan Ke Tatwa( In Hindi)
20. P.D. Sharma : Lok Prashashan : Siddhant Awam
Vyavhar ( in Hindi)
Unit I
Historical background of Indian administration with special reference to 1909, 1919 and 1935 Government of India Act.
Salient features of Indian Administration since independence. Environmental setting : Constitution, Parliamentary
democracy, Federalism, Planning and Socialism.
Unit II
The Union Executive : President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers. The organization and working of the Central
Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Minister’s office, Ministry of Home, Finance and Ministry of Personnel, Pension
and Public Grievances.
Unit III
Major Forms of Public Enterprises in India : Department, Corporation, Companies. Parliamentary Committee on Public
Undertaking, Problems of control and autonomy over public enterprises.
Unit IV
Financial Administration : Budget Formulation, Budget Approval and Budget Execution. Comptroller and Auditor
General of India. Parliamentary Committees : Public Accounts and Estimates Committee. Control over administration :
Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
Unit V
Personnel Administration : Features of Indian Civil services, Classification, Recruitment and Training of All India
Services. Problems of Indian Administration. Corruption and Removal of Public Grievances, Administrative Reforms in
India : Since Independence to Second Administrative Reforms Commisssion.
Suggested Books
1. S.R. Maheshwari : Indian Administration
2. C.P. Bhambhari : Public Administration In India
3. Prof. Hoshiar Singh : Indian Administration (Eng. & Hindi)
3. P. Sharan : Public Administration In India
4. D.D. Basu : An introduction to the Constitution of India
( Available in Hindi also )
5 K.V. Rao : Parliamentary Democracy in India
6. Laxmi Narain : Principles and practice of Public Enterprises
7. B.B. Mishra : Administrative History of India
8. Ramesh Arora & Rajani Goyal : Indian Public Administration
9. V.M. Sinha : Personnel Administration ( In Hindi )
10. P.D. Sharma & B.M. Sharma : Bhartiya Prashashan ( In Hindi )
11. Saroj Chopra : Bharat Main Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi )
12. R.S. Darda : Bharat Main Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi )
13. B.L. Fadia : Bharat Main Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi )
14. Ravindra Sharma : Bharat Main Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi )
15. Surendra Kataria : Bharat Main Lok Prashashan ( In Hindi )
16. Awasthi & Awasthi : Bhartiya Prashashan ( in Hindi )
bdkbZ 1
yksd iz'kklu dk vFkZ] izd`fr rFkk {ks=] vk/kqfud lekt esa yksd iz'kklu dk egRo] yksd ,oa futh iz'kklu] yksd
iz'kklu ds v/;;u dk fodkl] uo yksd iz'kklu ,oa uo yksd izcU/k dh vo/kkj.kkA
bdkbZ 2
laxBu ds fl)kUr % oSKkfud izcU/k ¼Vsyj ,oa mlds lg;ksxh½] laxBu dk ukSdj'kkgh fl)kUr ¼oScj½] laxBu dk
'kkL=h; fl)kUr ¼gsujh Qs;ksy] yqFkj xqfyd ,oa vU;½] laxBu dk ekuo lEcU/k fl)kUr ¼,YVu es;ks ,oa mlds
bdkbZ 3
laxBu ds fl)kUr % vkSipkfjd ,oa vukSipkfjd laxBu] inlksiku] vkns'k dh ,drk] fu;a=.k dk {ks=] leUo;]
i;Zos{k.k] dsUnzhdj.k ,oa fodsUnzhdj.k] lÙkk ,oa mRrjnkf;Ro
bdkbZ 4
eq[; dk;Zikfydk % izdkj ,oa dk;Z] ykbu] LVkQ ,oa lgk;d vfHkdj.k] fu.kZ;&fuekZ.k% vFkZ] fu.kZ; fuekZ.k izfØ;k ds
eq[; pj.k] usr`Ro% vFkZ] 'kSfy;ka ,oa ,d vPNs usrk ds xq.k] vfHkizjs.kk% vFkZ] vfHkizsj.kk ds fl)kUr& vko';drk lksiku
fl)kUr ¼,-,p- ekLyks½] LokLF; ?kVd fl)kUr ¼gtZcxZ½] lapkj % vFkZ] lapkj ds izdkj] lapkj ds rRoA
bdkbZ 5
dkfeZd iz'kklu % vFkZ] izd`fr rFkk egRo] HkrhZ] izf'k{k.k] oxhZdj.k] inksUufr ,oa vuq'kklukRed dk;Zokgh dh
vo/kkj.kkA ctV% vFkZ]o izdkjA’kwU; vk/kkfjr ctV o fu"iknu ctV dh vo/kkj.kkA
uksV% iqLrdksa ds uke vaxzsth esa Nis ikB~;Øe ds lkFk layXu gSA
f}rh; iz'u i= & Hkkjr esa yksd iz'kklu
bdkbZ 1
Hkkjrh; iz'kklu dh ,sfrgkfld i`"BHkwfe & Hkkjr ljdkj ds vf/kfu;r 1909] 1919 ,oa 1935 ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa]
Lora=rk ds i'pkr~ Hkjrh; iz'kklu dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk,aA
ifjos'k <+kapk% lafo/kku] lalnh; yksdra=] la?kokn] fu;kstu ,oa lektoknA
bdkbZ 2
la?kh; dk;Zikfydk& jk"Vªifr] iz/kkuea=h ,oa eaf=ifj"kn] dsUnzh; lfpoky; ,oa eaf=eaMy lfpoky; dk laxBu ,oa
dk;Zdj.k] iz/kkuea=h dk;kZy;] x`g] foÙk ,oa dkfeZd] iSa'ku rFkk yksd f'kdk;r ea=ky;A
Unit I
Meaning, nature and scope of Sociology, the Sociological perspective. Sociology and other Social Sciences, the scientific
and humanistic orientations to Sociological study.
Unit II
Basic concepts: Society, Community, Institution, Association, Group, Social Structure, Culture, Status and Role.
Unit III
The Individual and Society, Society and Socialization - meaning, stages, agencies and theories, relation between
Individual and Society. Social Control: Norms, Values and Sanctions. Social Stratification and Mobility - meaning, forms
and theories
Unit IV
Social Change - Meaning and type: Evolution and Revolution, Progress and development - factors of Social Change.
Theories of Ogburn, Sorokin, and Karl Marx.
Unit V
The uses of Sociology: Introduction to Applied Sociology, Sociology and Social Problems, Sociology and Social Change,
Sociology and Social Policy and Action.
Essential reading:
Bottomore, T.B. 1972. Sociology: A guide to problems and literature. Bombay: George Allen and
Davis Kingsley: Human Society (Hindi Edition)
Harlambos, M. 1998. Sociology: themes and perspective. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Inkeles, Alex. 1987. What is Sociology? New Delhi: Prentice-hall of India.
Jayaram, N. 1988. Introductory sociology, Madras: Macmillan India.
Johnson, Harry M. 1995. Sociology: A systematic introduction, New Delhi: Allied publishers.
MacIver and Page: Society (Available in Hindi Edition)]
Schaefer, Richard T. and Robert P. Lamm. 1999. Sociology. New Delhi: Tata-McGraw Hill.
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz'u i= U;wure mŸkh.kkZd % 72izFke iz'ui=
izFke iz’u i= le;% 3 ?kaVs
f}rh; iz'ui= le;% 3 ?kaVs
izFke iz'ui=&lekt'kkL=
ui=&lekt'kkL= ds fl)kUr
bdkbZ & I
lekt'kkL= dk vFkZ , izd`fr एवम् िवषय े I lekt'kkL=h; ifjizs{;&lekt'kkL= rFkk vU; lkekftd foKku]
lekt'kkL=h; v/;;u esa oSKkfud ,oe~ ekuoh; vfHkeq[ku
bdkbZ & II
ekSfyd vo/kkj.kk;sa&lekt] leqnk;] laLFkk] lfefr] lewg] lkekftd lajpuk] laLd`fr,izfLFkfr rFkk HkwfedkA
bdkbZ & III
O;fDr ,oa lektA lekt rFkk lkekthdj.k &vFkZ] lksiku] vfHkdj.k ,oe~ fl)kUrA O;fDr ,oe~ lekt ds e/; lEcU/kA
lkekftd fu;a=.k % ekun.M] ewY;] Lohd`fr;k¡A lkekftd Lrjhdj.k ,oa xfr'khyrk % vFkZ] Lo:i ,oe~ fl)kUr
bdkbZ & IV
lkekftd ifjorZu&vFkZ ,oe~ izdkj % mn~fodkl ,oe~ ØkfUr] izxfr ,oe~ fodklA lkekftd ifjorZu ds dkjdA vkWxcuZ]
lksjksfdu ,oe~ dkyZ ekDlZ ds fl)kURkA
bdkbZ & V
lkekt'kkL= ds mi;ksx % O;ogkfjd lekt'kkL= dk ifjp;A lkekt'kkL= ,oe~ lkekftd leL;k,aA lekt'kkL= ,oe~
lkekftd ifjorZuA lkekt'kkL= ,oe~ lkekftd uhfr ,oe~ fØ;kA
bdkbZ & IV
vkfne jktuhfrd O;oLFkk] vkfne vFkZO;oLFkkA
bdkbZ & V
Hkkjr esa tutkfr;ksa dh leL;k,a] jktLFkku dh tutkfr;ka % Hkhy] eh.kk vkSj xjkfl;kA
The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2 marks each. The
candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B shall contain 5
questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 5 marks. The answers should not exceed 200
words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one
from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions. The answer shall not exceed 450 words.
Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 75
1. Concept of health – Positive health (Physical, mental, social, spiritual health), factors affecting health, causes of
poor health.
2. Community health and community nutrition. Assessment of nutritional status (In Brief).
3. Importance of yoga, pranayam, meditation, music and play on good health.
4. Immunity and immunization – definition, types and immunization schedule.
5. Reproductive system: Structure and functions of female reproductive organs. Menstrual cycle, oogenesis,
6. Common aliments during pregnancy and their management – morning sickness, heart-burn, indigestion,
constipation, piles, leg cramps, frequency of micturition, Vericose Veins.
7. Nutrition during Pregnancy.
8. Family planning – Importance, general classification of different family planning methods and their elementary
1. Cell: Structure.
2. Blood: Blood groups, Rh factor.
3. Digestive system: Structure and functions of all digestive organs.
4. Endocrine system: Hormones, Functions.
13 Commnicable diseases – Causes, mode of transmission, incubation period, signs and symptoms, care and
preventive measures in the following diseases:
(i) Fever – Typhoid, Malaria, Swine flu.
(ii) Tubercuosis.
(iii) Dengue.
(iv) HIV/AIDS.
16 Meaning and definition of the terms- food, nutrition, nutrients, balance diet.
17. Scope of food and nutrition.
18. Functions of food- physiological, psychological and socio-cultural.
19. Basic food groups, selection of different food stuffs.
20. Conservation and enhancement of nutritive value of food.
References :
1. Pearce, Evelyn-Anatomy and Physiology for Nurse-Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Sears, Gorden-Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses-Orient Longman Ltd. New Delhi.
3. Taylor-The Living Body, Asia Publishing House.
4. Ross & Smith-Anatomy & Physiology for nurse.
5. J.E. Park and K. Park : Text book of preventive and social medicine Banarsides Bhanot Publishers.
6. Y.P. Bedi : Social and Prevention Medicine, Atma Ram and Sons, Delhi.
7. B.N. Ghosh : A Treatise on hygiene and public health, Scientific Publishing Co., Calcutta.
8. Bhargava Bela : Community health & family welfare.
9. M. Swaminathan : Principles of Nutrition and Dietetics.
10 C.H. Robinson : Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition
The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2 marks each. The
candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B shall contain 5
questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 5 marks. The answers should not exceed 200
words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one
from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions. The answer shall not exceed 450 words.
Extension education
1. Meaning, definition, need and importance.
2. Aims and objectives of extension education.
3. Principles of extension education.
4. Qualities of extension worker.
Extension teaching
5. Role of extension worker in extension work.
6. Steps in extension teaching.
7. Motivation, kinds of motives.
8. Learning- meaning. Principles and factors affecting learning process.
9. Role of motivation and learning in extension teaching.
Extension teaching methods and aids
10. Classification according to use:
a. Individual
b. Group
c. Mass.
Selection, use, advantages and limitations of each teaching method.
11. Meaning, definition, forms or types of communication.
12. Elements of communication, their significance and characteristics.
13. Process of communication: different models of communication process- Leagan’s model and Prof. I.P. Tiwari
14. Barriers of communication and ways to overcome them.
15. Mass media communication (only elementary knowledge).
Programme planning
16. Meaning, importance, need and benefits.
17. The process of programme planning: steps involved- planning, execution and evaluation.
18. National and International agencies working for the community welfare: WHO, UNICEF, CARE, ICDS, ANP,
PHC, Red Cross Society.
References :
1. Dhama, O.P. & Bhatnagar, O.R: Extension and Communication for Development, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.
New Delhi, 1985
2. Extension Education in Community Development, Directorate of Extension Ministry of Food and Agriculture,
Government of Delhi.1961
3. Supe, S.V. An Introduction to Extension Education, Oxford &IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 1980
x`g foKku
iz'u i= & izFke % ifjokj ,oa lkeqnkf;d foKku
le; 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad 75
uksV%& izR;sd iz'u i= esa dqy 3 [k.M gksxsaA [k.M & ^v* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ifj{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh gksxhA [k.M & ^c*
esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ifj{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh gksxhA [k.M & ^l* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ ls
10 vadksa ds 5 iz'u gksxsaA ifj{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh 3 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxsaA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 450 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha
bZdkbZ izFke
1- LokLFk;&izR;; ,oa ifjHkk"kk] fo/kk;d LokLFk; ¼'kkjhfjd] ekufld] lkekftd ,oa vk/;kfRed½] LokLF; dks izHkkfor
djus okys dkjd ,oa dqLokLFk; ds fy, mRrjnk;h dkjd A
2- lkeqnkf;d LokLF; ,ao lkeqnkf;d iks"k.k] iks"k.k Lrj dk ewY;kadu ¼laf{kIr fooj.k½A
3- lqLokLFk; gsrq ;ksx] izk.kk;ke] /;ku] [ksy ,oa laxhr dk egRoA
4- izfrdkfjrk ,ao izfrj{khdj.k & ifjHkk"kk] izdkj ,ao Vhdkdj.k lwph
bZdkbZ f}rh;
5- iztuu laLFkku&L=h iztuu vaxks dh jpuk ,oa izdk;Z] v.Mtuu] ekfld pdz dh izfdz;kA
6- xHkkZoLFkk ds lkekU; d"V mudh O;oLFkk&izkr%dkyhu oeu] Nkrh essa tyu] vip] dCt] coklhj] iSjksa esa ,saBu]
viLQhr f'kjk] cgqew=rkA
7- xHkkZoLFkk esa iks’k.kA
8- ifjokj fu;kstu& egRo] lkekU; oxhZdj.k] fof/k;ksa dk izkFkfed Kku A
bZdkbZ r`rh;
9- dksf”kdk lajpukA
10- jDr& laxBu ,oa dk;Z] jDr lewg] vkj,p dkjdA
11- ikpu ra= & lajpuk o dk;ZA
12- var L=koh xzafFk;k¡ % gkeksZu o dk;ZA
bZdkbZ prqFkZ
13- lapkjh jksx&dkjd] lapkj ds L=ksr] mn~Hkou dky] y{k.k ,oa ladsr] fujks/kd mik; ,oa ns[kHkkyA
1- Toj & Vk;QkbM] eysfj;k] Lokbu ¶yw A
2- risfnd
3- Msaxw
4- ,p vkbZ oh@,M~l
bZdkbZ iape
14- vkgkj ,oa iks"k.k] iks"kd rRo] larqfyr vkgkj] dqiks"k.k ,oa LokLF;&vFkZ ,oa ifjHkk"kkA
15- vkgkj ,oa iks’k.k dk {ks=A
16- Hkkstu ds dk;Z&'kkjhfjd] euksoSKkfud] lkekftd ,oa lkaLd`frd dk;ZA
17- vk/kkjHkwr HkksT; lewg] fofHkUu [kk| lkexzh dk p;u A
18- Hkkstu dh iksf"Vdrk dks lqjf{kr j[kus ,oa c<kus ds mik;A
izlkj f'k{kk ,oa lapkj
iz'u i= & f}rh; % f'k{kk ,oa lapkj
le; 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad 75
uksV%& izR;sd iz'u i= esa dqy 3 [k.M gksxsaA [k.M & ^v* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ifj{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh gksxhA [k.M & ^c*
esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ifj{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh gksxhA [k.M & ^l* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ ls
10 vadksa ds 5 iz'u gksxsaA ifj{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh 3 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxsaA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 450 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha
bZdkbZ izFke
izlkj f'k{kk %
1- vFkZ] ifjHkk’kk] vko';drk ,oa egRo
2- izlkj f'k{kk ds y{; ,oa mÌs';
3- izlkj f'k{kk ds fl)kUr
4- izlkj dk;ZdrkZ ds xq.k
bZdkbZ f}rh;
izlkj f'k{k.k %
5- izlkj&dk;Z esa izlkj dk;ZdrkZ dh Hkwfedk
6- izlkj f'k{k.k ds pj.k
7- vfHkizsj.kk & vfHkizsjdksa ds izdkj
8- vf/kxe &ifjHkk"kk] fl)kUr ,oa vf/kxe izfdz;k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd
9- izlkj f'k{k.k esa vfHkizsj.kk ,oa vf/kxe dh Hkwfedk
bZdkbZ r`rh;
izlkj f'k{k.k fof/k;ka ,oa f'k{k.k lkexzh %
10 izlkj f'k{k.k i)fr;ksa dk oxhZdj.k ¼mi;ksx ds vk/kkj ij ½
v- O;fDrxr
c- lkewfgd
l- O;kid tulEidZ
izR;sd f'k{k.k i)fr ,ao lkexzh dk p;u] mi;ksx] ykHk ,oa lhek,a
bZdkbZ prqFkZ
laizs’k.k @lapkj %
11- vFkZ] ifjHkk’kk] lapkj ds :Ik ;k izdkj
12- lapkj ds rRo &egRo vkSj fo”ks’krk,a
13- lapkj iz.kkyh&lapkj iz.kkyh ds ekWMy &yhxUl ekWMy] izks vkbZ ih frokjh ekWMy
14- lapkj esa ck/kd rRo ,oa muds fujkdj.k ds rjhds
15- tulapkj ek/;e ¼izkjafHkd Kku½
bZdkbZ iape
dk;Zdze fu;kstu %
16- dk;Zdze fu;kstu dk vFkZ] vko”;drk ,oa ykHk
17- dk;Zdze fu;kstu izfdz;k&dk;Zdze fu;kstu izfdz;k ds pj.k &fu;kstu] dk;Zdze fu’iknu ,oa ewY;kadu
18- lkeqnkf;d dY;k.k gsrq dk;Zjr jk’Vªh; ,oa vUrjkZ’Vªh; laxBu] fo’o LokLFk; laxBu] ;wuhlsQ] dsvj] vkbZ-lhMh,l]
,-,u-ih] izkFkfed LokLFk; dsUnz] jsM Økl lkslkbVh
Total No. of periods per week – 2/batch/practical
Total No. of periods per week – 2/batch/practical
Duration - 3 hrs. Max. Marks – 25 Min.Marks - 09
2. Each student has to prepare and display three of the above teaching aids
(A & B).
3. Report writing / Role Play any one topic (particularly for women health,
childnutrition and care, immunization, family planning, environment conservation).
le; 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad & 25
1- lapkj lkexzh @tulapkj dk vk;kstu] rS;kjh ,oa izLrqfrdj.k 'kgjh ,oa xzkeh.k ifjos'k gsrqA
¼i½ iksLVj
¼ii½ pkVZ@fQYi pkVZ
¼iii½ QksYMj @isEiysV@yhQysV
¼i½ ¶ys'k dkMZ
¼ii½ dBiqryh izn'kZu
2- mijksDr lHkh f'k{k.k lkexzh esa ls izR;sd Nk=k dks dksbZ rhu f’k{k.k lkexzh rS;kj dj mldk izLrqrhdj.k djuk gSA ¼v + c½
3- izfrosnu ys[ku@jksy Iys fdlh ,d fo’k; ij ¼fo'ks"kdj efgyk LokLF;] cky iks"k.k ,oa ns[kHkky] Vhdkdj.k@izfrj{k.k] ifjokj fu;kstu]
i;kZoj.k laj{k.k½
Distribution of Marks:
Basic Food Preparation Practical:
1. Sessional and files (5+5) 10
2. Preparation of two dishes (5+5) 10
3. Table Management & Service & Cleaning 05
Total 25
Extension and communication Practical:
1. Sessional and file 10
2. Preparation and display of any two teaching aid (A+B) (5+5) 10
3. Report / Role Play 05
Total 25
Unit - II
Arts Exhibition and Society, Art Galleries and Centers of Art, The Educational Value of Art, Art and Nature.
Unit - III
Art and Psychology, Creative Process-Observation, Perception, Imagination and Expression.
Unit - IV
Elements of Painting form colour, line, texture, light and Shade six limbs of Indian painting.
Books Recommended:
1. Read Herbert Meaning of Art
2. Nathan Knobler The Visual Dialogue
3. Joseph A. Gutho Exploring Visual Design
4. Dr. R.A. Agrawal Fundamantal of Visual Arts
The Examination Shall have two sessions of 2 ½ hours each with a break of 30 minutes in between.
Size of Answer Sheet 1/2 Imp. Composition should not be less than 12" x 18"
Medium : Water Colour or Tempera or Oil.
A group of object (not more than five object) should be arranged against drapery (background and foreground with simple
folds) One Cuboids or Rectangular shape (object) in compulsory. Daily use articles, Pot of different shapes, flowers, Fruit
Vegetables and Bottles. Decoration pieces Toys and shoe should be used, Objects should be arranged according to shape
and color.
The Realistic impressition of the group of object light and shade, proportion, perspective proper handling of the medium
is necessary in the presentation of the painting. The three dimensional objects should be clearly.
Size of Answer Sheet 1/4 im.p. Composition should not be less than 12" x 18"
Medium : Water Colour or Tempera or Oil.
Compostion should be a colorful rendering of the forms arranged for paper II showing texture and tones to create
harmony, rhythm and creative beauty in the picture.
Submission of Practical Work:
1. Five Plates of each practical paper.
a. Work should be done in the class room
b. Duly signed by the subject teacher with date
c. All the plates should be mounted well and be presented in the file.
2. A sketch book of not less than 40 sketches, Size 1/4 imp. group of object flowers trees buildings, and animals.
should be composed
Medium : Pancil, ink or Monochrome
Submission work will be submitted to the Head of Department of Drawing and Painting of the College, Fifteen
days before the commencement of examination. The marks of the submission work will be awarded internally by
the Head of the Department Submission work will be retained till declaration of the result and returned of the
candidate from the Department there after, if no claim is made within two months after the Declaration of the
result the submission will be destroyed .
Note :
A. Practical examination will be conducted at the department. An external examiner will examine the anser sheets
in consultation with an internal examiner, Who is the subject teacher of the Department of Drawing & Painting.
B. Practical Paper II and III will be evaluated separately. It is compulsory to pass in every paper separately
including submission of work.
C. There should be minimum 12 period for the regular study in a week. 4 period for the theory and 8 period for
practical including 2 period for outdoor sketching. ( 1 period = 1 hrs.). The Study of Practical is the basic nature
of the subject not a part of Theory as other subjects so the practical periods and papers will count as well as
theory papers for work load and Examination Scheme.
D. The Department should also arrange for an educational tour to ancient art canters like Ajanta, Ellora. Elephanta,
Khajuraho, mahabalipuram etc. Once in a year
Section Word Total Que. to Question Max. Selection of que
limit que. be Atte. wise mark marks by examiner from
distribution (40) syllabus by
A 50 10 10 1 10 Minimum two
question from
each unit
B 150 07 5 2 10 At least one que
from each unit
C 500 4 2 10 20 Minimum One
que. from each
Section Word Total Que. to Question Max. Selection of que
limit que. be Atte. wise mark marks by examiner from
distribution (40) syllabus by
A 50 10 10 1 10 Minimum two
question from
each unit
B 150 07 5 2 10 At least one que
from each unit
C 500 4 2 10 20 Minimum One
que. from each
Section A
Max Marks 10
This section contains Ten compulsory Questions. Answer of any question should not exceed 25 words.
1. Notation systems derived by Pt. V.D. Paluskar & Pt. V.N.
2. Diatonic scale, tone, semi tone, major tone & minor tone.
1. 40 principles of Hindustani System of Music
2. Harmony & Melody
1. Knowledge of the following Dances:-
Kathak, Bharat Natyam, Manipuri & Odissi
2. Knowledge of structure & Usage of the following Musical Instruments:-
Sitar, Tanpura, Tabla, Harmonium.
1. Importance of Music in Life
2. Guru-Shishya Parampara & Instituitional teaching of Music.
3. Music & Career
4. Bearing of Classical Music on Film Music.
1. Study of the following Ragas :-
(i) Yaman (ii) Bhupali (iii) Bhairav
(iv) Khamaj (v) Brindavani Sarang (vi) Durga
(vii) Hindol (viii) Chhayanut (ix) Kamod 20
2. (a). Intensive study of any one Ragas as choice Ragas covering
vilambit and Drut Khayal/Gat in any of above Ragas. 5
(b) Laxana geets, sargam geet, in all above mentioned Ragas. 5
3. Five Alankars in the notes of That Bilaval, Khamaj and Kalyan.5
4. Study of the following Talas :-
(i) Trital (ii) Ektal (iii) Choutal
(iv) Dadra (vi) Kaharva 5
Ability to sing/play any written notation on the black board.
1. Study of the following Ragas :-
(i) Yaman (ii) Bhupali
(iii) Bhairav (iv) Khamaj
(v) Brindavani Sarang (vi) Durga
(vii) Hindol (viii) Chhayanut
(ix) Kamod 30
. (a) Two Vilambit Khayalas/ Masheetkhani Gats in any two of the
above mentioned Ragas. 15
(b) Madhyalaya Khayals/ Rajakhani Gats with Tana/Toras in any
three of mentioned Ragas. (not covered under clause -a) 15
2. Study of one Dhrupad / Dhamar with Dwigun and Chougun laya / Study of one Madhylaya Gat in Tala other than
(for Instrumental Music) 10
3. Study of Thumary / Tarana/ Bhajan /Ghazal/ Folksong/ patriotic song/ Prayer, one from each/Dhun for students of
Instrumental music. 10
4. Ability to demonstrate (orally by giving Tali and Khali on hand) following Talas with their Dwigun and chougun.
Scheme Duration Max. Marks Min. Pass Marks Period Per Week
Theory Paper I 3 Hrs. 60 22 3
Theory Paper II 3 Hrs. 60 22 3
Practical 4 Hrs. 80 29 4
PAPER-1 (Textile)
Duration: 3 Hrs Max.Marks: 60
Note: The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 5 questions two from each unit of 2 marks each.
The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B shall contain 5
questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 4 marks. The answers should not exceed 200
words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one
from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions. The answer shall not exceed 400 words.
Unit- 1
Textile Fiber :- Definition and Classification.
General Properties of Textiles Fibers.
Natural Fibers: Manufactures, Properties and uses of Cotton, Silk, Wool.
Unit – 2
Yarn Construction - Different types of Yarns.
Fabric Construction - Weaving Loom and It’s Part.
- Different types of weaves – Plain, Twill, Basket, Pile, Sateen and
- Meaning of selvedge, warp, weft, count of cloth, balance of cloth and
Unit – 3
Fabric finishes – Meaning classification and importance to consumer.
Study of various fabric finishes- Bleaching, Calendering, Wash and Wear, Crease Resistant, Mercerization, Mildew and
Moth Resistant, Fire Proofing.
Unit – 4
Dyes – Classification of dyes.
Natural Dyes, Synthetic Dyes – Acid, Basic, Sulphar, Vat, Reactive, Direct Dyes.
Identifying dyeing defects.
Tie and Dye – Techniques.
Unit – 5
Printing – Introduction and importance, styles of printing – direct, discharge, resist like block printing, stencil printing
and spray printing, screen printing and roller printing.
Note: The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 5 questions two from each unit of 2 marks each.
The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B shall contain 5
questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 4 marks. The answers should not exceed 200
words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one
from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions. The answer shall not exceed 400 words.
Meaning and scope of business with special reference to Garment Export trade in India.
Forms of ownership –
(1) Sole Trader (2) Partnership (3) Cooperative
(4) Joint Stock Company (5) Pubic Sector
(Meaning, Characteristics, Advantages and disadvantages)
Objects, importance and utility of book – keeping.
Principles & concepts of double entry system – Books of primary entry subsidiary books.
Introduction of fashion merchandising: merchandising planning, scheduling, buying and evaluation.
Visual merchandising.
Carreers in apparel industries.
Cost, Costing, Element of cost regarding garment production unit.
Consumer Protection – Problems & Redressal.
Budgeting- Production and Sales Budget, practical aspects of budgeting for Garment
Production Unit.
Prepration of budget
[Practical- Textile]
1. Fiber identification
2. Fabric study- Balance of cloth, Types of weaves.
3. Dyeing - Tie & dye, Batik.
Printing- Block, Screen, Stencil, Spray Printing.
4. Color- wheel, schemes, visual effect with hard Pencil , wax crayons, oil Pastels, marker Pen & water color.
5. Developing design for decorating fabric and paper articles for various end uses.
6. Assignment-
a) Collection of fiber, yarn and fabric samples.
b) Collection of Labels and Tags.
7. Basic Embroidery Stitches.
Suggested Reading
1. Dantygi, Sushila: Fundamentals of Textiles and their care, Orient Longman, Mumbai.
2. Wingate, Isabel B: Textile fibers and their selection. Practice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
3. Deulkar, Durga: A guide to household textile and laundry work, Atma Ram and Sons, New Delhi.
4. Hess, Katherine: Textile fibers and their uses, Oxford and IBH PUBLISHING House, New Delhi.
5. Joseph, Marjory L: Introductory Textile Science CBS college Publishing, New York.
6. Josph, Marjor L: Essentials of Textiles, CBS College Publishing, New York.
7. Shukla M.C. AND Grewal T.S. Advanced Accounts (s. chand & Co.)
8. Gupta R.L. AND Radhaswamy M.- Advanced Accountry (Sul chand & Sons)
9. Gupta B.D- Financial Accounting.
10 Chakraberty H. - Advanced Accounting.
11 Grewal T.S. – Elements of Accounts (S. Chand & CO.)
12 Oswal- Maheshwari- Cost Accountancy (Ramesh Book Depot.).
10. M.D. AGRAWAL- N.P. Agrawal- Financial Management.
11. Oswal, Brdwat- Bahikhata- (Ramesh Book Depo.).
bZdkbZ & 3
¼v½ QS’ku O;kikj dk ifjp; & O;kikj ;kstuk] le; fu/kkZj.k] foØ; ,oa ewY;kaduA
¼c½ n`’; O;kikjA
¼l½ oL= m|ksx O;kikj dh lEHkkouk,aA
bZdkbZ & 4
¼v½ ykxr] ykxr ys[kkadu] ifj/kku mRiknu bdkbZ ds lanHkZ esa ykxr ds rRoA
¼c½ miHkksDrk laj{k.k & leL;k,a vkSj lkek/kkuA
bZdkbZ & 5
¼v½ ctfVax & mRiknu ,oa foØ; ctV] ifj/kku fuekZ.k bdkbZ ds lanHkZ esa ctfVax ds O;ogkfjd igywA
¼c½ ifj/kku fuekZ.k bdkbZ gsrq ifj;kstuk fu;kstu A
¼l½ ctV fuekZ.kA
le; & 4 ?k.Vsa iw.kkZad & 80 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad &29
¼l=kad & 40 + 40 izk;ksfxd ijh{kk½
1- rUrq ifj{k.kA
2- oL= v/;;u & oL= x.kukad] cqukb;ksa ds izdkjA
3- jaxkbZ & ca/kst ds izdkj@ckfVd
NikbZ & BIik@LØhu@LVsfUly@Lizs NikbZ
4- jax & jax pØ] jax ;kstuk,a] dBksj isfUly] ekse] rSyh;] tyh; jax ,oa ekdZj }kjk jax ds n`f’Vxr izHkkoA
5- oL= ,oa isij dh ltkoV gsrq mi;ksfxrk vk/kkj ij fMtkbu fodflr dj iz;ksx djukA
6- ,lkbuesUV
v- rUrq] /kkxk ,ao oL= ds uewus ,df=r djukA
c- yscy ,oa VSx ,df=r djukA
7- d<+kbZ ds ewy VkadsA
1. At least 3 classes of theory, 3 classes for practical should be assigned to the students per week for each
2. Each practical exam is to be conducted by two examiners one External and one Internal Examiner.
External examiner should be senior lecturer from jurisdiction of other universities. Question paper of
Practical Examination will be prepared by External. Students have to perform exercise on computer.
Exercise must be written in answer books in proper documentation. Marks distribution for Practical of 70
marks is as under
a) Four Exercise of 10 marks each 40 Marks
(Logic 04, Execution 03, Documentation 03)
b) Viva-Voce 20 Marks
c) Laboratory Exercise File 10 marks
Paper – I
Unit – I
Historical Evolution of Computers, Characteristics of computer, Classification of Computer, Modern Computer & its
Application; Block diagram and Components of Computer System, Central Processing Unit, Memory Unit,
Microprocessor; Interconnecting the Units of a Computer, Inside a Computer Cabinet; Functions and Characteristics of
Various commonly used Input/Output Devices; Start-up Process (Booting), Specification of a Desktop and Laptop
currently available in the market (Processor, motherboard, memory, interface & capacity of HDD & DVD drives, I/O
ports etc).
Unit – II
Need & Types of Software: System & Application software; Programming Languages: Machine, Assembly, High Level,
4GLs, Assemblers, Compilers and Interpreter; Objectives of Operating System, Concept of CUI & GUI; Installation of
Windows Operating System, Installation of Printer and Other Software Packages such as Ms Office etc; Backup and
Restore Operations. Features of Windows; Various versions of Windows, Desktop, Explorer, Searching, Recycle Bin,
Setting common devices using Control Panel, System Tools, Disk cleanup, defragmentation, scanning for virus, Windows
Unit – III
Features of Word Processor: Create, edit, store, print documents, Navigation of documents, cut, copy & paste, Find &
replace, Different Page Views and layouts, Alignment, formatting features, Tabs & Indents, Inserting tables, pictures,
hyperlinks, Spell checking, Macros, Mail merge, Template, Wizards, Overview of Index and Tables. Importing and
exporting to and from various formats.
Suggested Readings:
1. Computer Fundamental By P.K. Sinha (BPB Publications)
2. Upgrading and Repairing PCs By Scott and Mueller, Techmedia, New Delhi
3. Rapidex MS Office By Vikas Gupta (Pustak Mahal)
4. Absolute Beginners Guide to Computer Basics By Miller M, Pearson Education,
5. Fundamentals of Computers By Balagurusamy E, Tata McGraw-Hill
Paper II
Database Management System
Unit I
Data, Data Processing, Merits and demerits of file organisation. Database Overview, Purpose of the Database system, File
systems Vs. Database Systems, View of Data: Data Abstraction, Instances, Schema, Data Models: Overview of Network,
Hierarchical, and Relational Model, Database Architecture and Administrators, Codd’s Rules.
Unit II
ER Model: Basic Terminology, Entity, Entity sets, attributes and keys, Relation and Relationship sets, Entity-
Relationship Diagram, Weak and Strong entity types, Features of E-R Model, Specialization, Generalization Aggregation,
Creating table from ER diagram. Basic Concept of Normalization up to BCNF.
Unit III
Implement Database concepts using Access, Creating Tables, Data Types, Entering Data, Table Design, Indexing,
Importing Data, Operators and expressions, expression builder, various functions of Access, Import and Export Table,
Creating Queries, Setting Relationship between Tables, Creating Forms, Controls and components of form, Master table
and transaction table. Join property, various join options available in access, Creating & Printing Reports.
Unit IV
Query Languages: DDL, DML, DCL, Introduction to SQL, Data Types, Basic SQL commands like Create, Alter, Drop,
Truncate, Insert, Update, Delete etc, Basic SQL Queries, Union, Intersect and Except, Nested Queries.
Unit V
Transaction management and Concurrency control,Transaction management: ACID properties, serializability and
concurrency control, Lock based concurrency control (2PL, Deadlocks),Time stamping methods, optimistic methods,
database recovery management.
Suggested Readings:
1. Database Management System By A. Silberschatz, Henry F.Korth, S. Sudershan (McGraw-Hill)
2. An Introduction to Database System By C.J. Date (Addision Wesley)
3. Fundamentals of DBMS By Gupta, Dhillon, Magho, Sharma (Lakhanpal Publishers)
4. Teach yourself Access. Sieglel, BPB
5. Introduction to Computer Data Processing and System Analysis By V K Kapoor (Sultan Chand and
Unit – 1
Tirthankar Rishabha to Parshvanatha :-
• Nature of Jain Religion,
• Antiquity of Jain Religion.
• The cycle of time (Kalchakra),
• Ethical founder system (kulkar).
• Life & Teachings of Tirthankar Rishabha.
• Arishtanemi and Parshvanath.
• Lust for empire and Bharata’s detachment yoga.
Unit – 2
Tirthankar Mahavir and his succeeding tradition
• Tirthankar Mahavir : Life & Teachings,
• Sadhana,
• Pontiff (Ganadharavada)
• The believers in heresy (Ninhnva),
• Lord mahaveera’s contemporary religious sects.
• Two main sects of Jain Religion :- Swetamber & Digamber.
• Jain Acharya in Swetamber tradition:- Acharya Shayyambhav Haribhadrasuri. Abhaydevsuri,
Hemchandra & Bhikshu.
• Jain Acharya in Digamber tradition:- Umaswati, Kundakund, Virsen and Akalank.
Unit -3
General introductions to jain Literature:
• Canonical (Agama) Literature (Anga, Upanga, mool sutra, Chheda Sutra and Avasyak Sutra) and the
canonical council (vachana).
• Commentaries on Agama:- Niryukti, Bhasya, Churni& Teeka Literature.
• Sankrit & other Jain literature (Pradeshik Shahitya)
• Digamber Agam Literature:- Shatkhandagama, Kashaypahuda, Panchastikaya, Pravchansar,
Samayasara, Mulachar
Unit -5
Contribution of Jain Philosophy to the Development of Thoughts :
• Trithankara Mahavir and democracy (Jantantra)
• Non-substantiality of casteism.
• Theory of Ends & Means (Sadhya and Sadhan vada)
• Non absolutism (Anekantavada)
• Compassion (Anukampa)
• Concept of Morality.
Recommended Books :
1. Jain itihas our Sanskriti – Samani Riju Prajna, Jain Vishva Bharati University, Ladun
2. Jain Parampara ka itihas – Acharya Mahaprijna, Jain Vishva Bharati University, Ladun
3. Jain Darshan : Manan aur Mimansa- Acharya Mhaprijna, Adarsh Sahitya Sangh, Churu.
4. Jain Dharma evam Darshan – Muni Praman Sagar
5. Jain Darshan aur Sanskriti ka ltihas – Prof.B.C. Jain “Bhaskar Alok Pub. Nagpur.
6. Bhartiya Sankriti mein Jain dharma ka yogadan- Dr. Hiralal Jain Shasan Prishad, Bhopal M.P.
7. Janagam Sahitya : Manan aur meemansa- Devendra Muni. Tarak Guru Jain granthalay, Udaipur.
Unit – 1
Yoga in Indian tradition
• Nature of yoga in Indian tradition,
• Different branches of Yoga
• Vaidic Yoga-eight parts of yoga (Ashtang yoga)
• Baudha yoga- Samadhi (dhayan), Ashtangic Marga,
• Jain yoga - Stopping in flow of karmic Particles (Samver) and the Shedding of the Karmic Particles
(Nirgara), meditation,
• Three Jewels (ratnatrayal)
Unit – 3
Auxiliary components of Prekshadhyan
• Spiritual and scientific outlook of Asanas,
• Spritual and scientific outlook of pranyama
• Spiritual and scientitic outlook of posture (mudra)
• Spritual and scientific outlook of sound
Unit 4
Prime components of Prekshadhyan
• Relaxation (Kayotsarga) Spiritual & scientific base and its results.
• Internal-journey (Antaryatra)Spritual & Scientific base and its results.
• Perception of breathing (Swasa Preksha) Spiritual & Scientific base and its results,
• Perception of body( Shareer preksha) spiritual and scientific base and its results.
Unit -5
Prime components of Preksha dhyan
• Perception of Psychic centers (chaitnyakendra preksha) Spiritual & Scientific base and its result,
• Six Chakras perception of Psychic colours (Leshyadhyana) spiritual and scientific base and its results.
• Contemplation (Anupreksha) spiritual &Scientific base and its results,
• Special Constituents of prekshadhyan.
Recommended Books :-
1. Preksha Dhyan: Siddhant aur Prayog- Acharya Mahaprajna, Jain Vishav Bharai, Ladnun.
2. Jeevan Vigyan ki Rooprekha : Muni Dharmesh Kumar, Jain Vishav Bharati, Ladnun.
3. Apna Dharpan : Apna Bimba- Acharya Mahaprajna , JVB Ladnun
4. Patanjal yoga Pradeep- Geetapresh Gorakhpur
5. Jain Bauddha aur Geeta ke Achar darshanon ka ulnatamax Adhyayan: Prof Sagaramal Jain, Prakrit
bhartiya Academi, Jaipur
Exercise :1
Preliminary preparation of Preksha Meditation Four steps of Preksha meditation
• Kayotsarga (Relexation)
• Anteryatra (Internal journey)
• Swashapreksha (deep breathing)
• Jyotkendra Preksh (center of enlightenment) Concluding process
Exercise :2
Asan – Meaning, form and importance
• Lying posture : Uttanapadasan, Sarwangasana, Halasan
• Sitting posture : Padmasan, Baddhpadamasan, Yoga Mudra
• Standing posture : Tadasan, Surya Namskar, garudasan
Exercise :3
• Pranayam – Meaning, form and importance
• Suryabhedi
• Chandrabhedi
• Anulome-Vilome
Exercise :4
• Longterm kayotsarga
Exercise :5
• Yogic kriyayen : from head to toe and ten exercises of stomach and breathing
Exercise :6
• Anupreksha :
• Self –reliance
• Patience
• Duty adherence
Recommended Books :
1. Preksha Dhyan : Prayog Paddhati, Acharya Mahaprajna, Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun
2. Asan aur pranayam : Muni kishan lal, Jain Vishva Bharati, Ladnun
3. Yaugik Kriyayen: Muni kishan lal, B.Jain Pub.(Pvt.Ltd) Delhi
4. Asan aur Pranayam : Swami Styanand Munger
5. Asan aur Pramayam : Swami Ramdev, Haridwar
6. Yogasan evam Swasthya : Muni kishan lal,B.Jain Pub.(Pvt.Ltd) Delhi
rhFkZdj _"ke ls ik'oZ rd %
• tSu /keZ dk Lo:i]
• tSu /keZ dh izkphurk]
• dkypØ]
• dqydj O;oLFkkA
• rhFkZadj _"kHk]
• vfj"Vusfe ,oa ik'oZukFk dk thou ,oa n'kZuA
• Hkjr dh lkezkT;&fyIlk ,oa vuklDr ;ksxA
egkohj ,oa mŸkjdkyhu ijEijk %
• rhFkZadj egkohj % thou&n'kZu ,oa lk/kuk]
• x.k/kjoknA
• fugzo]
• rhFkZdj egkohj ds ledkyhu lEiznk;A
• tSu /keZ ds izeq[k lEiznk; & 'osrkEcj] fnxEcjA
• 'osrkEcj vkpk;Z&vkpk;Z 'k;~;aHko]gfjHknzlwfj] vHk;nsolwfj] gsepUnz ,oa fHk{kq
• fnxEcj vkpk;Z&vkpk;Z mekLokeh]dqUndqUn]ohjlsu]vdyadA
tSu lkfgR; dk lkekU; ifjp; %&
• vkxu lkfgR;&¼vax]mikax]ewylw=] Nsnlw= ,oa vko';d lw=½ ,oa vkxe okpuk,aA
• vkxeksa dk O;k[;k lkfgR;&fu;qZfDr Hkk";] pwf.kZ] Vhdk lkfgR; ,oa izknsf'kd lkfgR;A
• fnxEcj vkxe lkfgR;&"kV~[k.Mkxe] dlk;ikgqM] iapkfLrdk;] izopulkj] le;lkj ,oa ewykpkjA
tSu laLd`fr ,oa dyk&
• tSu laLd`fr dh fo’ks'krk,a
• tSu ioZA
• tSu dyk&fp= dyk ,oa ewfrZ dyk]
• tSu rhFkZLFky
• tSu /keZ ds izlkj esa jktkvksa dk ;ksxnku]
• tSu /keZ Hkkjr ds fofo/k vapyksa ,oa fons'kksa esa]
• tSu /keZ&mn~Hko] fodkl vkSj gzkl
fpUru ds fodkl esa tSu n'kZu dk ;ksxnku
• rhFkZdj egkohj vkSj tura=]
• tkfrokn dh vrkfRodrkA
• lk/;&lk/kuokn]
• vusdkUroknA
• vuqdEik]
Hkkjrh; ijEijk esa ;ksx
• Hkkjrh; ijEijk esa ;ksx dk Lo:i]
• ;ksx dh fofo/k 'kk[kk;sa]
• oSfnd ;ksx&v"aVkx ;ksxA
• ckS);ksx&lekf/k ¼/;ku½ v"Vkafxd ekxZ]
• tSu ;ksx&laoj] futZjk] /;ku
• jRu=;A
izs{kk/;ku dk Lo:i
• izs{kk/;ku % mn~Hko vkSj fodkl]
• izs{kk/;ku vFkZ] Lo:i vkSj /;s;
• izs{kk/;ku dh milaink ¼p;kZlw=½
• izs{kk/;ku ds vaax]
• izs{kk/;ku dk vk/;kfRed vkSj oSKkfud vk/kkjA
izs{kk/;ku ds lgk;d vax
• vklu dk vk/;kfRed vkSj oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.k]
• izk.kk;ke dk vk/;kfRed vkSj oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.kA
• eqnzk dk vk/;kfRed vkSj oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.k]
• /ofu dk vk/;kfRed vkSj oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.kA
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa %
1- izs{kk/;ku % fl)kUr vkSj] iz;ksx]vkpk;Z egkizK tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
2- thou foKku dh :ijs[kk] eqfu /keZsa'k] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
3- viuk niZ.k% viuk fcEc] vkpk;Z egkizK] ykMuwawA
4- ikr¥aty ;ksx iznhi] xhrkizsl] xksj[kiqjA
5- tSu] ckS) ,oa xhrk ds vkpkj n'kZuksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u Hkkx 1&2 izks lkxjey tSu] izkd`r Hkkjrh vdkneh]
izk;ksfxd % tSufo|k thou foKku ,oa ;ksx
vof/k % 5 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad % 50 U;wure mŸkh.kkZad &18
vad ;kstuk &
1- iz;ksx'kkyk dk;Z ¼fyf[kr iz'u i= 1-30 ?k.Vs vof/k½ ikap iz'uksa esa ls rhu iz'u djuk vko';d gSA 21 vad
2- ekSf[kd &lexz vH;kl ls ijh{kkFkhZ iz;ksxksa dks djds ,oa djkdj ds djsaxs ¼nks ijh{kkFkhZ ,d lkFk½ 20 vad
3- vfHkys[k dk;Z ¼QkbZy fjdkWMZ½ 9 vad
dkyka'k& 20 fo|kfFkZ;kas ds izR;sd cSp ds fy, 4 dkyka'k gksaxsA
• izs{kk/;ku dh izkjfEHkd rS;kjh]
• /;ku dk izFke pj.k&dk;ksRlxZ]
• f}rh; pj.k&vUr;kZ=k]
• r`rh; pj.k &'okl izs{kk ¼nh?kZ½]
• prqFkZ pj.k&T;ksfrdsUnz izs{kk]
• lekiu fof/kA
vH;kl &2
• vklu% vFkZ&Lo:i ,oa egRo
'k;u LFkku&1-
LFkku mŸkkuiknklu] 2- lokZaxklu] 3-gykluA
fu"khnu LFkku&1-in~
LFkku eklu] 2-c)in~eklu] 3-;ksx eqnzkA
Å/oZ LFkku&1-
LFkku& rkMk+lu] 2-lw;Z ueLdkj] 3- x:M+kluA
• izk.kk;ke % vFkZ Lo:i ,oa egRo
1- lw;Z Hksnh] 2- pUnz Hksnh] 3- vuqykse&foykseA
• nh?kZdkyhu dk;kZRlxZA
• ;kSfxd fØ;k,a&lHkh vaxks dh eLrd ls iats rd rFkk isV ,oa 'okl dh nl fØ;k,aA
• vuqizs{kk&1-LokoyEcu] 2- -/kS;Z] 3- dŸkZO;fu"BkA
izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
dqy vad% 50 le;% 3 ?kaVs
1. ekufp= dk ifjp;( VksiksxzkQh losZ eSi rFkk bldh lsuk esa mi;ksfxrk
2. tkyh; O;oLFkk( (Grid system) pkj vad funs'kkad] N% vad funs'kkad rFkk vkB vad funs'kkadA
3. lSfud ,oa HkkSxksfyd ijEijkxr fpg~u
4. ekid (Scale) ljy o le; ekid
5. fnd~lwpd dEikl( (Liquid prismatic compass) ds vax ,oa izdkj
6. lfoZl izksVSªDVj( (Service protector)
7. fnd~eku( (Bearing) o fnd~eku ifjorZu
8. dEikl dh lgk;rk ls ekufp= fn'kkuqdwfyr (set) djuk
9. fnd~lwpd ;a= ¼dEikl½ dh mi;ksfxrk
10. ekufp= ij fLFkfr fu/kkZj.k
uksV% blesa izk;ksfxd fyf[kr ijh{kk 30 vad rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkM~Zl 10&10 vad dk gksxkA
vuq’kaflr iqLrdsa%
1. flEiy eSi jhfMax & guqeku izlkn
2. izk;ksfxd lSU; foKku & MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ekMuZ izdk'ku] tkya/kj
3. iz;ksxkRed lSU; foKku & ,e- ih- oekZ] Hkkjr izdk'ku eafnj] vyhx<+
4. iz;ksxkRed lSU; foKku & ds- ,u- JhokLro] panzizdk'k fMiks] gkiqM+
5. ,u-lh-lh- izSfDVdy & vkj- lh- feJ
6. Practical Military Science - B. N. Maliwal
ch-,- f}rh; o"kZ
& fgUnh lkfgR; &
izFke iz'u&i= % jhfrdkyhu dkO;
bdkbZ & 4
jhfrdkyhu dkO; dk bfrgkl] ifjfLFkfr;ka] ukedj.k] izo`fŸk;ka ] izeq[k /kkjk,a ,oa izeq[k dfoA
bdkbZ & 5
dkO;'kkL= & dkO; y{k.k] dkO; gsrq] dkO; iz;kstu ¼laf{kIr ifjp;½] uk;d&ukf;dk Hksn A
izeq[k Naan % nksgk] pkSikbZ] pkSibZ] dqaMfy;k] dfoŸk] xhfrdk] gfjxhfrdk] jksyk] mYykyk] ekfyuh] loS;k] nzqrfoyfEcrA
ijh{kdksa ds fy, funsZ'k %&
1- iz'u&i= rhu [kaMksa Øe'k% v] c] vkSj l esa foHkDr gksxkA
2- [kaM v esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vf/kdre 2 iz'u j[krs gq, lHkh 5 bdkb;ksa ls dqy 10 y?kqŸkjkRed iz'u vfuok;Zr% iwNs
3- [kaM c esa izFke 3 bdkb;ksa esa ls O;k[;k laca/kh dqy 7 O;k[;k iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls fo|kFkhZ dks fdUgha 5
O;k[;kvksa dks vfuok;Z :i ls gy djuk gksxkA
4- [kaM l esa ikapksa bdkb;ksa esa ls 4 vkykspukRed vkSj fo'ys"k.kkRed iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks 2 iz'u
vfuok;Z :i ls gy djus gksaxsA
5- iz'u&i= orZeku esa fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øekuqlkj gksA
foLr`r vad ;kstuk %&
[k.M dqy iz'u vfuok;Z vad izfr dqy vad 'kCn lhek fooj.k
iz'u iz'u
v 10 10 2 20 50 [kaM v esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vf/kdre 2 iz'u j[krs
gq, lHkh 5 bdkb;ksa ls dqy 10 y?kqŸkjkRed iz'u
vfuok;Zr% iwNs tk,axsA
c 7 5 8 40 200
200 izFke 3 bdkb;ksa esa ls 7 O;k[;k laca/kh iz'u iwNs
tk,axsA ftuesa ls 5 iz'u vfuok;Z :i ls fo|kfFkZ;ksa
dks gy djus gksaxsA
l 4 2 20 40 500 5 bdkb;ksa esa ls 4 vkykspukRed ,oa fo'ys"k.kkRed
iz'u iwNs tk,a &ftuesa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vf/kdre
,d iz'u iwNk tk,aA
bdkbZ & 1
1- va/ksj uxjh & HkkjrsUnq gfj'pUnz
bdkbZ &2
2- dchjk [kM+k cktkj esa &Hkh"e lkguh ] jktdey çdk'ku] fnYyh
bdkbZ & 3
3- ,d vkSj æks.kkpk;Z
kkpk; & 'kadj 'ks"k ] fdrkc?kj çdk'ku] fnYyh
bdkbZ & 4
,dkadh %&
1- ,d rksrk vQhe dh dher & jkedqekj oekZ
2- lkgc dks tqdke gS & misUnzukFk v'd
3- edM+h dk tkyk & txnh'k pUnz ekFkqj
4- vn`'; vkneh dh vkRegR;k & fofiu vxzoky
5- cgqr cM+k loky & eksgu jkds'k
6- rkacs ds dhM+s & Hkqous'oj
7- lejFk dks ugha nks"k xqlkabZ & lQnj gk'keh
bdkbZ & 5
fgUnh ukVd ,oa ,dkadh dk mn~Hko ,oa fodkl rFkk ukVd ,oa ,dkadh dk rkfŸod v/;;uA
ijh{kdksa ds fy, funsZ'k %&
1- iz'u&i= rhu [kaMksa Øe'k% v] c] vkSj l esa foHkDr gksxkA
2- [kaM v esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vf/kdre 2 iz'u j[krs gq, lHkh 5 bdkb;ksa ls dqy 10 y?kqŸkjkRed iz'u vfuok;Zr% iwNs
3- [kaM c esa izFke 4 bdkb;ksa esa ls O;k[;k laca/kh dqy 7 O;k[;k iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls fo|kFkhZ dks fdUgha 5
O;k[;kvksa dks vfuok;Z :i ls gy djuk gksxkA
4- [kaM l esa ikapksa bdkb;ksa esa ls 4 vkykspukRed vkSj fo'ys"k.kkRed iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks 2 iz'u
vfuok;Z :i ls gy djus gksaxsA
5- iz'u&i= orZeku esa fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øekuqlkj gksA
Suggested Readings: Poetic Pearls (Oxford), The Poet’s Pen ed. Dustoor & Dustoor (Oxford), Strings of
Gold ed. Prof. Jasbir Jain (Macmillan)
Required Readings
Abrams, M.H: A Glossary of Literary Terms (Macmillan)
Trivedi, R. D: A Compendious History of English Literature (Vikas)
∗ Detailed Study
Evaluation Scheme
[This will apply to all Undergraduate Courses on English Literature and not to General English.]
Literary History
Victorian Novel, Victorian Prose
Literary Terms
Stream of Consciousness Novel, Elements of Story, Scientific Fiction
Suggested Readings: Prose and Fiction
(Oxford), English Essayists ed. Sushant
K. Sinha(Oxford) Required Readings
Abrams, M.H: A Glossary of Literary Terms (Macmillan)
Trivedi, R. D: A Compendious History of English Literature (Vikas)
∗ Detailed Study
Evaluation Scheme
[This will apply to all Undergraduate Courses on English Literature and not to General
There shall be a Terminal Examination of 100 Marks of each Paper at the end of every Session. The
Examination Paper shall consist of Three Sections:
Section 'A' shall comprise Ten questions (all compulsory, to be answered in 50 words each) of 2
Marks each. The Examiner will set questions on this section choosing at least two from each unit.
Section 'B' shall comprise Two Parts:
Part I shall consist of Three Reference to Context Questions from starred texts, out of which the
candidate shall attempt any two (to be answered in 200 Words each). Each Question shall carry 08
Part II shall comprise Four Questions, out of which the candidate shall attempt any three (to be
answered in 200 Words each). Each Question shall carry 08 Marks. The Examiner shall set Questions
in such a way so that almost the cent percent coverage of the syllabus is ensured.
Section C shall comprise Four Questions (to be answered in 500 Words each) out of which the
Candidate shall attempt any two. Each Question shall carry 20 Marks. The Examiner shall set
Questions in such a way so that almost the cent percent coverage of the syllabus is ensured.
nks iz'u Ik= U;wure
re mÙkh.kkZ³~d 72 iw.kkZ³~d 200
izFke iz'u Ik= le; 3 ?kaVs U;wure mÙkh.kkZ³~d 36 iw.kkZ³~d 100
f}rh; iz'u Ik= le; 3 ?kaVs U;wure mÙkh.kkZ³~d 36 iw.kkZ³~d 100
izFke iz'uIk= & ukVd] NUn] laLÑrlkfgR;sfrgkl ,oa O;kdj.k iw.kkZ³~d 100
ukVd & vfHkKku'kkdqUrye~ rye & ¼dkfynkl½ 1ls 4 vad
ukVd & vfHkKku'kkdqUrye~ rye & ¼dkfynkl½ 5 ls 7 vad
NUn & vfHkKku'kkdqUrye esa iz;qDr lHkh NUn ¼y{k.k ,oa mnkgj.k lfgr½
O;kdj.k %& izeq[k Ñr~] rf)r ,oa L=h izR;;
(i) Ñr~~ izR;; izdj.k ls fu/kkZfjr izR;; & rO;r~] vuh;j~] ;r~] D;Ik~] .;r~] r`p~] .oqy~] Dr] äorq] DRok]
Y;qV~] 'kr`] 'kkup~] rqequ~] Y;Ik~ ¼bu izR;;ksa ds fo/kk;d lw=ksa dk lksnkgj.k vFkZKku visf{kr gS½A
(ii) rf)r&erq
rf)r i~] bu~] Bd~] Ro] ry~A ¼bu izR;;ksa ds fo/kk;d lw=ksa dk lksnkgj.k vFkZKku
visf{kr gS½A
(iii) L=hizR;; & 1- vtk|r"Vki~] 2- mfxr'p] 3- fVM~<k.k´~å] 4- o;fl
izFkes] 5- iqa;ksxknk[;k;ke~ 6- 'kk³~xZjok|´ks ³hu~ 7- Lok³~xkPpksiltZukn~] 8- tkrsjL=hfo"k;kn;ksi/kkr~
9- ųqr% 10- ;wufLr% ¼bu lw=ksa dk lksngj.k vFkZKku½
laLÑr lkfgR; dk bfrgkl
¼d½ ohj dkO;
¼[k½ dkO; ¼,sfrgkfld dkO;ksa lfgr½
¼x½ xhfrdkO;
¼?k½ x|dkO;
¼³½ ukV~; lkfgR;
¼p½ dFkk lkfgR;
O;kdj.k dkjd izdj.k ds fuEufyf[kr lw= iBuh; gSa&
1- izkfrifndkFkZ&fy³~xifjek.kopu& 17- Øq/k&nzqgs";kZlw;kFkkZuka ;a izfr dksi%
ek=s izFkekA
2- drZqjhfIlrrea deZ 18- ue% LofLr&Lokgk&Lo/kk·ya&o"kM~&
3- deZf.k f}rh;k 19- /kqzoeik;s·iknkue~
v ijh{kdksa ds fy,
fy, lkekU; funsZ'k %&
1- iz'u&i= dk fuekZ.k laLÑr ek/;e ls fd;k tk,A
2- iz'u&i= ^v^] ^c^ vkSj ^l^ [k.Mksas esa foHkDr gksA [k.M ^v^ ds vUrxZr izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls de ls de 02 iz'u
gksuk vko';d gSA [k.M ^c^ ds vUrxZr izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls de ls de 01 iz'u gksuk vko';d gSA [k.M l ds
vUrxZr ,d bdkbZ esa ls vf/kdre ,d iz'u gksxkA
3- [k.M ^v^ esa ls 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj laL—r ek/;e ls iwNs tk;saA
4- ikB~;Øe esa dqN u dqN ifjorZu gksrk gS] vr% iwoZorhZ iz'ui= dks izek.k u ekusaA
c ijh{kkFkhZ izR;sd iz'u ds lHkh Hkkxksa dk mÙkj fujUrj fy[ksA
ikB~; ,oa lgk;d iqLrdsa
1- osnp;ue~ & fo'oEHkjukFk f=ikBh] fo'ofo|ky; izdk'ku
2- _d~lwDrlaxzg & MkW- gfjnÙk 'kkL=h
3- oSfndlwDrjRukoyh & yEcksnj feJ] galk izdk'ku] t;iqj
4- oSfndlwDrjRukoyh & MkW- jktsUnz izlkn feJ] txnh'k laLÑr iqLrdky;
5- oSfnd lwDr&lq/kk & MkW- iz|qEu f}osnh] Hkkjrh; fo|k izdk'ku
6- y?kqfl)kUrdkSeqnh & Hkhelsu 'kkL=h
7- fl)kUrdkSeqnh dkjdizdj.ke~ & MkW- dykukFk >k] pkS[kEck izdk'ku
8- dkjd&nhfidk & ia- eksguoYyHk iar] jkeukjk;.k cs.khek/ko
9- dkjdizdj.ke~ ¼fl-dkS-½ & MkW- vdZukFk pkS/kjh] txnh'k iqLrdky;
10- dkjdizdj.ke~ ¼fl-dkS-½ & MkW- jkejax 'kekZ] Hkkjrh; fo|k izdk'ku] fnYyh
11- 'kqduklksins'k% & vk- 'ks"kjkt 'kekZ] pkS[kEck izdk'ku
12- 'kqduklksins'k% & MkW- jkeukjk;.k >k] txnh'k laLÑr iqLrdky;
13- 'kqduklksins'k% & lqns'k ukjax] Hkkjrh; fo|k izdk'ku] fnYyh
14- y?kqfl)kUrdkSeqnh & MkW- egs'kflag dq'kokgk] pkS[kEck izdk'ku
15- jpukuqokndkSeqnh & MkW- dfiy nso f}osnh
16- izkS<jpukuqokndkSeqnh & MkW- dfiy nso f}osnh
17- gk;j laLÑr xzkej & ,e-vkj- dkys
18- leklnf'kZuh & laLÑr Hkkjrh] fnYyh
19- O;kdj.k pUnzksn; ¼dkjd ,oa lekl½ pk#nso'kkL=h
20- laLÑrO;kdj.k & ckcwjke lDlsuk
21- bZ'kkokL;ksifu"kn~ & rkfj.kh'k >k
22- bZ'kkokL;ksifu"kn~ & Mk- lqHkk"k osnyadkj] vyadkj izdk'ku] t;iqj
Two Papers Min. Pass Marks 72 Max. Marks : 200
Paper I 3 hours Duration Max. Marks : 100
Paper II 3 hours Duration Max. Marks : 100
Explanation of extracts from prescribed lesson of prose with reference and context
(One extract out of two in Section B and two extracts out of three in Section C).
Explanation couplets of Ghazal.
( Two couplets out of four in section B and Five Couplets out of ten in section C)
Explanation of extracts of Qasida and Marsiya
(One Extract of four couplets out of two extracts in Section B and Two Extract of Five couplets out of three
extracts in section C)
Critical appreciation or summary of a prescribed lesson of prose
Critical appreciation of a prescribed prose writer.
Definition, form and Art of Ghazal, Qasida and Marsiya
Critical appreciation of prescribed poets.
Note: Questions of explanations are compulsory.
Books Prescribed:
(A) Intekhab-e-Nasr (Part II, Edited by Hukumchand Nayyar) U.P. Urdu Academy Lucknow.
The following lesson are omitted-
(i) Shibli, by Abdul Haque.
(ii) AdabkiGharaz-o-Ghayat, by premchand
(iii) Urdu Adab ke Anasir-e-Khamsa, by Mehdi Afadi
(iv) Lafz Kyon Ker Bante Hein, by Brij Mohan Duttatreya Kaifi, Dehlavi
(B) Shehpare, Publisher Ram Narayan, Allahbad
(i) Ghazaliyat Dard, Nasikh, Momin, Hali
(ii) Qasida Zauque
(iii) Marsiya, Anees
(a) One essay on following topics.
(A) Question on the Art of Novel.
(B) Development of Urdu Novel.
Translation of Presian or Hindi Paragraph into Urdu.
In this question there will be one paragraph of Hindi and one of Persian.Persian Paragraph will be taken from
prescribed book.
Books Prescribed:
(1) Bewa (Novel) Prem Chand.
(2) Gulha-e-Farsi-Publisher: Miskeen Book Depot, Moti Dungri Road, Jaipur.
Books Recommended:
UrduAdab kiTareekh, by, Azeemul HaqueJunedi.
Publisher: Miskeen Book Depot., Moti Dungri Road, Jaipur.
Two Papers Min. Pass Marks 72 Max. Marks : 200
Paper I 3 hours Duration Max. Marks : 100
Paper II 3 hours Duration Max. Marks : 100
First Paper
Prose and Poetry
Translation of prose extracts of Persian into Urdu or Hindi or English
(One extract out of two for section B and two extracts out of three for Section C)
Summary of prescribed lesson.
Explanation of poetry of poets prescribed, in Urdu or Hindi or English.
(Explanation of two couplets out of four for Section B and explanation of five couplets out of ten for Section C)
General questions on prescribed Prose writers.
General question on prescribed poets.
Books Prescribed:
Nisab-e- Jaded Farsi, for BA, Editted by Jayyad press, Delhi,
Hissa -e- Nasr.
(i) Intikhabe Zindagi –e –Man- Kodaki- Irfan Ilahi
(ii) Sar zameen-e- hind, Zabane farsi dar hind
(iii)Saed Nafeesi- Azane- Maghrib
(iv)Mohammed Hijazi- Eidi , Khudkushi
Hissa e Nazm-
(i)Qaseeda-e- Urfi Dar wasfe Kashmeer
(ii)Intikhbe Masnavi-e- Manawi , Page 118-129
(iii)Rubaiyate Umar Khayyam – first 25 Rubaiyat
Second Paper
Fiction and History of Persian Literature
Translation of extracts into Urdu or Hindi or English from prescribed lessons.
(Translation of one extract out of two for Section B and translation of two extracts out of three for Section C)
History of Persian Prose from Tahirya Period to Ghaznavi period.
History of Persian Poetry from Tahirya Period to Ghaznavi period
Summary of lessons
Translation of some simple Urdu sentences into Persian.
Prescribed Books:
Nisabe-Jaded farsi, for BA, Jayyad Press, Delhi
(Intikhab Sarguzishte Haji Baba Asfahani( Page 61 to 80)
Books rcmmended:
1. Shairul Ajam Part-I & II By Shibli Numani
2. Tareekhe- Adabiyate- farsi, by Raza Zada Shafaque
( Urdu Translation By Mubarizuddin Rifat)
3. Muaasire- Ajam by Azeemul haque Junedi.
izFke iz'u i=& e/;dkyhu jktLFkkuh dkO;
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz'u i= U;wure mÙkh.kkZad & 72 vf/kdr vaad & 200
izFke iz'u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad & 100
f}rh; iz'u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad & 10
[k.M c % bl [k.M esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls ,d&,d iz'u ysrs gq, dqy 7 iz'u gksaxs ftuesa ls 5 iz'u djus gksaxsA izR;sd
iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 8 vad gksxkA
8 x 5 = 40
[k.M l % bl [k.M esa 4 iz'u o.kkZRed gksaxs ¼iz'u esa Hkkx Hkh gks ldrs gSa½ tks lHkh bdkbZ;ksa esa ls fn, tk,axs]
fdUrq,d bdkbZ esa ls ,d ls vf/kd iz'u ugha gksxkA ftlesa ls nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gSaA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj 500
'kCnksa esa gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 20 vad dk gksxkA
20 x 2 = 40
v/;;u {ks=
1- e/;dkyhu jktLFkkuh dkO; dk bfrgkl &
2- dkO;xr izo`fÙk;ka&HkfDr ,oa uhfrijd lkfgR;&izeq[k jpuk,a ,oa jpukdkjA
3- fofo/k dkO; :iksa dk ifjp; A
1- ukxne.k % lk;kath >wyk % ¼lEiknd½ ewypan izk.ks'kA izdk'kd % Hkkjrh; fo|k eafnj 'kks/k izfr’Bku] chdkusjA
2- jkft;k jk nwgk % fdjikjke % ¼lEiknd½ ujksRrenkl LokehA izdk'kd % lLrk lkfgR; e.My] chdkusjA
bdkbZ 1-1-
ukxne.k % lk;kth >wyk % ¼lEiknd½ ewypan izk.ks'kA ¼Hkqtaxiz;kr Nan 01 ls 60 rd½ esa ls O;k[;k ,oa
vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 2-2-
ukxne.k % lk;kth >wyk % ¼lEiknd½ ewypan izk.ks'kA ¼Hkqtaxiz;kr Nan 61 ls 121 rd½ esa ls O;k[;k ,oa
vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 3-3-
2- jkft;k jk nwgk % fdjikjke % ¼lEiknd½ ujksRrenkl LokehA ¼nqgk la[;k 1 ls 80 rd½ esa ls O;k[;k ,oa
vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 4-4-
jkft;k jk nwgk % fdjikjke % ¼lEiknd½ ujksRrenkl LokehA ¼nqgk la[;k 81 ls 161 rd½ esa ls O;k[;k ,oa
vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 5-5-
e/;dkyhu jktLFkkuh dkO; % fodkl ,oa ijEijk] HkfDr ,oa uhfr lkfgR; % izeq[k jpuk,a ,oa jpukdkj
e/;dkyhu jktLFkkuh dkO; :Ik % egkdkO;] [k.MdkO;] eqDrddkO; % ifjpk;kRed dk v/;;u
[k.M c % bl [k.M esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls ,d&,d iz'u ysrs gq, dqy 7 iz'u gksaxs ftuesa ls 5 iz'u djus gksaxsA izR;sd
iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 8 vad gksxkA
8 x 5 = 40
[k.M l % bl [k.M esa 4 iz'u o.kkZRed gksaxs ¼iz'u esa Hkkx Hkh gks ldrs gSa½ tks lHkh bdkbZ;ksa esa ls fn, tk,axs] fdUrq
,d bdkbZ esa ls ,d ls vf/kd iz'u ugha gksxkA ftlesa ls nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gSaA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj 500 'kCnksa
esa gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 20 vad dk gksxkA
20x 2 = 40
v/;;u {ks=
1- e/;dkyhu jktLFkkuh x| lkfgR; dk bfrgkl % fodkl ,oa ijEijkA
2- e/;dkyhu jktLFkkuh x| fo/kkvksa dk ifjp;A
1- jktLFkkuh okr laxzg & la- MkW- euksgj “kekZ ,oa Jhyky uFkey tks’kh
¼okr la[;k % 2] 7] 15] 20] 21] 23] 26] 29] 32] 33] 35] 36] 37] 44] 46] 48 dsoy½ dgkfu;ksa ds uke &
2- lkry lkse jh okr] 7- tSls ljogh;S jh okr] 15- gkMS lwjtey ukjkb.knklksr jh okr] 20- ikcwth jkBkSM+ jh
okr] 21- txnso iaokj jh okr] 23- jslkafe;S jh okr] 29 l;.kh pkj.kh jh okr] 32- tleka vksM.k jh okr] 33-
Åekns HkfV;k.kh jh okr] 35- jktk Hkkst] ek?k fiaMr vj Mksdjh jh okr] 36- ukgjh gj.kh /kjesdS jh okr] 37-
lka[kyS daojlh uS Hkjey jh okr] 44- cht.k chtksx.k jh okr] 46- nsikG ?ka?k jh okr] 48- vdy jh okrA½
dgokV foykl % la- MkW- lkSHkkX;flag “ks[kkor ,oa nso dksBkjh
bdkbZ 1-1-
jktLFkkuh okr laxzg & la- MkW- euksgj “kekZ ,oa Jhyky uFkey tks'kh
¼okr la[;k % 2] 7] 15] 20] 21] 23] 26] 29½
¼2 lkry lkse jh okr] 7- tSls ljogh;S jh okr] 15- gkMS lwjtey ukjkb.knklksr jh okr] 20- ikcwth jkBkSM+ jh okr]
21- txnso iaokj jh okr] 23- jslkafe;S jh okr] 29 l;.kh pkj.kh jh okr½ esa ls O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 2-2-
jktLFkkuh okr laxzg & la- MkW- euksgj “kekZ ,oa Jhyky uFkey tks'kh
¼okr la[;k % 32] 33] 35] 36] 37] 44] 46] 48 dsoy½ dgkfu;ksa ds uke &
¼32- tleka vksM.k jh okr] 33- Åekns HkfV;k.kh jh okr] 35- jktk Hkkst] ek?k fiaMr vj Mksdjh jh okr] 36- ukgjh
gj.kh /kjesdS jh okr] 37- lka[kyS daojlh uS Hkjey jh okr] 44- cht.k chtksx.k jh okr] 46- nsikG ?ka?k jh okr] 48-
vdy jh okrA½
esa ls O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 3-3-
dgokV foykl % la- MkW- lkSHkkX;flag 'ks[kkor ,oa nso dksBkjh
¼dgokV foykl & ewy ikB ls i`"B la[;k 40 rd½
O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 4-4-
dgokV foykl % la- MkW- lkSHkkX;flag 'ks[kkor ,oa nso dksBkjh
¼dgokV foykl & i`"B la[;k 41 ls 80 rd½
O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 5-5-
e/;dkyhu x| lkfgR; % fodkl ,oa ijEijk] izeq[k jpuk,a ,oa jpukdkj
e/;dkyhu x| fo/kk,a & okr] [;kr] nokoSr] opfudk] VCck] Vhdk] fVIi.kh] oa'kkoyh vkfn dk v/;;u
vfHkizLrkfor xzaFk %&
1- jktLFkkuh x| lkfgR; % mn~Hko vkSj fodkl % MkW- f'koLo 'kekZ
2- jktLFkkuh dkO; dh xkSjoiw.kZ ijEijk % vxjpan ukgVk
3- ijEijk ¼'kks/k if=dk½ % jktLFkkuh e/;dky fo'ks"kkad] izdk'kd % jktLFkkuh
'kks/k laLFkku] pkSikluh] tks/kiqjA jktLFkkuh Hkk"kk vkSj lkfgR; % MkW- dY;k.kflag 'ks[kkor
uksV& ;g lyscl fu;fer ,o aLo;aikBh nksuks fo|kfFk;ksa dss fy,A
dqy iw.kkZad &100] U;wure vad &36] le; & vf/kdre 3 ?kaVs
lkekU; funsZ'k%&
1- ijh{kk dk ek/;e dsoy iatkch gksxk ,oa iz’uIk= dsoy iatkch Hkk"kk esa gh cuk;k tk,xkA
2- fo|kfFkZ;ksa ,oa izk/;kidksa ls vis{kk gS fd v/;;u o v/;kiu dk ek/;e iatkch esa gh gks ,oaa xq:eq[kh fyfi gh
3- ç’u i= rhu lSD’ku esa ckaVk x;k gSA lSD’ku 20 vad] lSD’ku 40 vad ,oa lSD’ku 40 vad dk gksxkA
4- lSD’ku (A) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 10 vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u iwNs tk;saxs] lHkh ç’u gy djus vfuok;Z gSA
çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 50 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 2 vad dk gksxkA
5- lSD’ku (B) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 8 y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u iwNs tk;saxs] ftlesa ls 5 ç’u gy djus vko’;d
gSA çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 200 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 8 vad dk gksxkA
6- lSD’ku (C) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 3 fuca/kkRed ç’u iwNs tk;saxs] ftlesa ls 2 ç’u gy djus vko’;d gSA
çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 500 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 20 vad dk gSA
Section- (A)
uksV%& fuEufyf[kr ç’uksa ds mÙkj 50 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA ¼10 X 2 vad = dqy 20
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^ e/kdky nh pks.koh iatkch dfork ** esa ls vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼pkj ç’u½
¼c½ dgkuh laxzg ^^vBB~s igj** esa ls vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼pkj ç’u½
¼l½ lQjukek ^^lTtu leqUnzksa ikj ns** esa ls vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼nks ç’u½
Section - (B)
uksV%& 8 esa ls fdUgh 5 ç’uksa ds mÙkj 200 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA ¼5 X 8vad = dqy 40
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^ e/kdky nh pks.koh iatkch dfork ** esa ls y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u& nks dkO; VqdfM+;ksa dh çlax
lfgr O;k[;k] ,d dfork dk HkkokFkZ@dsUnzh; Hkko ¼dqy rhu esa ls dksbZ nks ½
¼c½ dgkuh laxzg ^^vBB~s igj** esa ls y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u& nks okjrd VqdfM+;ksa dh çlax lfgr O;k[;k] ,d ik=
dk ik= fp=.k ¼dqy rhu esa ls dksbZ nks ½
¼l½ lQjukek ^^lTtu leqUnzksa ikj ns** esa ls nks y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼dqy nks esa ls dksbZ ,d½
Section- (C)
uksV%& 3 esa ls fdUgh 2 ç’uksa ds mÙkj 500 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u 20 vad dk gSA ¼2 X 20 vad =dqy 40
¼v½ dkO; laxzg^^e/kdky nh pks.koh iatkch dfork** esa ls fuca/kkRed ç”u&dfork dk lkj@fo"k; oLrq@dsUnzh;
Hkko ¼rhu esa ls nks ½ ¼10$10½
¼c½ dgkuh laxzg ^^vBB~s igj** esa ls fuca/kkRed ç’u& dgkuh dk lkj@ fo"k; oLrq@lkfgR;d vkykspukA ¼nks esa
ls ,d ½ ¼20½
¼l½ lQjukek ^^lTtu leqUnzksa ikj ns** esa ls fuca/kkRed ç’u& dkaM+ dk lkj@ fo"k; oLrq ¼nks esa ls ,d½ ¼20½
ikB~; iqLrdas%&
1- e/kdky nh pks.koh iatkch dfork 1⁄4dkO; laxzg½&çhre flag] izdk’kd% ifCyds’ku C;wjks]iatkc ;wfuoflZVh]p.Mhx<+A
2- vBB~s igj 1⁄4dgkuh laxzg½&nyhi dkSj fVok.kk] izdk’kd% ifCyds’ku C;wjks] iatkc ;wfuoflZVh] p.Mhx<+A
3- lTtu leqUnzksa ikj ns ¼lQjukek½& jke ukjk;.k flag njnh] izdk’kd% ykgkSj cqd “kkWi] yqf/k;kuk
iatkch& f}rh; ç’
ç’u i= ¼2020&21½
uksV& ;g lyscl fu;fer ,o a Lo;aikBh ¼nksuksa½ fo|kfFk;ksa ds fy,A
dqy iw.kkZad &100] U;wure vad &36] le; & vf/kdre 3 ?kaVs
lkekU; funsZ’k%&
1- ijh{kk dk ek/;e dsoy iatkch gksxk ,oa iz’uIk= dsoy iatkch Hkk"kk esa gh cuk;k tk,xkA
2- fo|kfFkZ;ksa ,oa izk/;kidksa ls vis{kk gS fd v/;;u o v/;kiu dk ek/;e iatkch esa gh gks ,oa xq:eq[kh fyfi gh
3- ç’u i= rhu lSD’ku esa ckaVk x;k gSA lSD’ku (A) 20 vad] lSD’ku (B) 40 vad ,oa lSD’ku (C) 40 vad dk
4- lSD’ku (A) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 10 vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u iwNs tk;saxs] lHkh ç’u gy djus vfuok;Z gSA
çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 50 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 2 vad dk gksxkA
5- lSD’ku (B) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 8 y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u iwNs tk;saxs] ftlesa ls 5 ç’u gy djus vko’;d
gSA çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 200 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 8 vad dk gksxkA
6- lSD’ku (C) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 4 fuca/kkRed ç”u iwNs tk;saxs] ftlesa ls 2 ç’u gy djus vko’;d gSA
çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 500 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 20 vad dk gSA
Section- (A)
uksV%& fuEufyf[kr ç’uksa ds mÙkj 50 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA ¼10 X 2 vad = dqy 20 vad½
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^e/kdky nh pks.koh] iatkch dfork** esa “kkfey dfo;ksa d s thou] lkfgRd jpuk ,oa dkO; “kSyh
lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼rhu ç’u1⁄2
¼c½ 1701 ls 1850 bZLoh rd ds iatkch bfrgkl ds /kkjkewyd lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼rhu ç’u½
¼l½ tUe] fookg vkSj e`R;q ls lEcfU/kr jhfr;ksa lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼nks ç’u½
¼n½ lkfgR; ds :i&ukoy] ukVd] ,dkadh] dgkuh] fdLlk lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼nks ç’u½
Section- (B)
uksV%& 8 esa ls fdUgh 5 dks gy djksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA 1⁄45 X 8 vad = dqy 40 vad½
¼v½ vusd “kCnksa ds LFkku ij ,d “kCn dk ç;ksx ¼vkB½ ¼c½ “kCn jpuk+ ¼vkB½
¼l½ fyax ifjorZu ¼okD; ds lanHkZ esa½ ¼vkB½ ¼n½ opu ifjorZu ¼okD; ds lanHkZ esa½ ¼vkB½
¼;½ tUe] fookg rFkk ekSr dh jhfr;ksa ls lEcfU/kr y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼nks ç’u½
¼j½ lkfgR; ds :i&ukoy]dgkuh] fdLlk ¼ifjHkk"kk] rÙk] fo"ks"krk,a½ ls lEcfU/kr y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼,d ç’u½
¼y½ lkfgR; ds :i& ukVd] ,dkadh vifjHkk"kk] rÙk] fo"ks"krk,a½ ls lEcfU/kr y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼,d ç’u½
Section- (C)
uksV%&4 esa ls fdUgh 2 ç’uksa ds mÙkj 500 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u 20 vad dk gSA1⁄42 X 20 vad = dqy 40
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^e/kdky nh pks.koh] iatkch dfork** esa “kkfey dfo;ksa esa ls ,d dfo dk thou] lkfgRd ;ksxnku
o dkO; “kSyh lEca/kh ç’uA ¼ nks esa ls ,d½
¼c½ 1701 ls 1850 bZLoh rd mith iatkch lkfgR;d /kkjk lEca/kh ç’uA ¼ nks esa ls ,d½
¼l½ tUe] fookg vkSj e`R;q ls lEcfU/kr jhfr;ksa lEca/kh ç’uA ¼,d ç’u½
¼n½ lkfgR; ds :i& ukoy] ukVd] ,dkadh] dgkuh] fdLlk ¼ifjHkk"kk] rÙk] fo’ks"krk,a½ ls lEcfU/kr ç’u ¼,d ç’u½
lgk;d iqLrdsa%&
1- iatkch lkfgr nk bfrgkl ¼1701 ls 1850 bZ-½ ifCyds’ku C;wjks] iatkch ;wfuoflZVh] ifV;kykA
2- lkfgr ns :i& fdjiky flag o ijfeUn z flag] ykgksj cqd “kkWi] yqf/k;kukA
3- [kkst if=dk] iatkch ;wfuoflZVh] ifV;kykA
4- vtksdh iatkch nk O;kdj.k] iatkc Ldwy flf[k;k cksM+Z] lkfgctknk vthr flag uxj
Two Papers Min. pass marks 72 Max. Marks 200
Paper - I 3 hrs duration 100 Marks
Paper - II 3 hrs duration 100 Marks
Note: There shall be three (03) Sections in the Question paper.
Section A shall consist of ten questions (02 questions from each Unit), of 02 marks each, all compulsory to be
answered in around 50 words.
Section B shall consist of seven questions (at least 01 question from each Unit) of 08 marks each, to be
answered in around 200 words. Five questions must be answered out of given seven.
Section C shall consist of four questions (maximum 01 question from one Unit) of 20 marks each, to be
answered in around 500 words. Two questions must be answered out of given four.
1. Socrates - Philosophical Problem, Method, Ethics
2. Plato - Theory of Knowledge, Knowledge and opinion, Theory of Idea, Soul, Idea of the good.
1. Aristotle - Critique of Plato’s theory of Idea, Theory of Causation, Form and matter, Potentiality and
actuality, Soul, God.
2. Plotinus -Emanntionism, Soul
3. St. Thomas Aquinas: Reason and faith God, Ethics
1. Rene Descartes: Method and need for method in philosophy, method of doubt, cogito ergo sum, types of
ideas, mind matter, mind body interactionism, God: Nature and Proofs for his existence.
2. Benedict Spinoza: Substance: attributes and modes, the concept of God or nature, Pantheism, Mind body
3. Leibnitz:Doctrine of Monads, Doctrine of pre-establish harmony, doctrine of force theory of knowledge,
Principles of non-contradiction, God: nature and proofs for his existence.
1. John Locke: Ideas and their classification, refutation of innate ideas, knowledge and its grades, substance,
qualities - primary and secondary.
2. George Berkeley: Rejection of abstract ideas, rejection of the distinction between primary and secondary
qualities, esseestpercipi.
3. David Hume: Impressions and ideas judgments concerning relations of ideas and judgment. Concerning
matters of fact causality, external world self and personal identity rejection of metaphysics scepticism.
4. Immanuel Kant: Problem of knowledge conception of critical philosophy classification of judgments
analytic, synthetic, a priori, a posterior. Possibility of a synthetic a priori, Judgments.Phenomena and
noumena, Categories of understanding, Validity of knowledge.
Books Prescribed
MkW- Mh-vkj- tkVo ik’pkR; n’kZu dk bfrgkl
Books Recommended :
MkW- n;kÑ”.k ik’pkR; n’kZu dk bfrgkl [k.M 1 ,oa 2
;kdwcelhg ik’pkR; n’kZudkbfrgkl
FrantThilly History of Western Philosophy
W.T. Stace Critical History of Greek Philosophy
Students may choose either Logic or Philosophy of Religion as their second paper
Duratioll-3hrs M.M.100
Introduction, Categorical proposition
Uses of language, Categorical syllogisms.
Informal fallacies, Definition,
Symbolic logic. Science and Hypothesis.
The method of deduction, causal connections: Mills methods of experiment inquiry,
Book Recommended
Irving M Copy Introduction to logic (complete Book except
Chapter 7, 10, & 14) .
1 .Definition and nature of Philosophy of religion and Theology.
2. Definition, nature and Characteristics of Religion.
1. Pantheism, Deism, Theism and Monotheism.
2. Explanation of Analytical and Synthetic statements and Analytical statement.
1 .Arguments for the existence of God.
2. Attributes of God.
1. Problem of Evil.
2. Immortality of soul.
1. Religious belief and faith
2. The unity of Religion.
3. Universal Religion and Future of Religion.
Book prescribed :
YaqubMasih Religious Philosophy
Book Recommended
Dr. Harendra Prasad Sinha Dharma Darshan Ki RoopRekha (M.L.B.D.)
John Hick Philosophy Religion
H.N. Mishra DharamDars.hanParichya
n'kZu 'kkL=
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nksiz'u i= U;wuremÙkh.kk±d 72 vf/kdrevad& 200
izFkeiz'u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad& 100
Psychoneuroses (symptoms & causes), Hysteria Neuroses, Anxiety Neuroses, Phobia Neuroses, and obsession-
compulsive Neurosis (symptoms and Causes)
Functional Psychosis (Symptoms & Causes), Schizophrenia, Manic-Depression, Paranoia.
Mental Retardation: Meaning & Characteristics of Mental Retardation,
Types or Level of Mental Retardation, Causes of Mental Retardation, Treatment of Mental Retardation.
Unit IV
Alcoholism: Incidence and effects, clinical picture, Stages of alcoholic dependence, causes of alcoholism,
Treatment of alcoholic Psychosis. Personality disorders: Meaning & nature of personality disorders, Clinical
picture of Personality disorders, Types of Personality Disorders: Antisocial personality (Meaning & Causes) and
Trait Disorder.
Unit V
Psychotherapy: Meaning & goals of Psychotherapy. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Therapy, Behavior Therapy,
Cognitive behavior therapy, Client-Centered therapy, Gestalt Therapy,
Books Recommended:-
Page, Abnormal Psychology. (Tata McGrow Hill, Bombay)
Colemen. Abnormal Psychology in Modern Life (Taraporwala, Bombay) Sarason, Abnormal psychology
(Prentice Hall, New Delhi)
Division Abnormal Psychology : Experimental Clinical Approach
Student have to complete any Six Experiments/ tests.
1. Anxiety
2. Adjustment
3. Neuroticism
4. Mental Health
5. Ego Strength
6. Personality (Multi-Dimension)
7. Depression
8. Mental Stress
9. Pearson’s Product Movement Methods of correlation by assume mean
NOTE:- Students have to conduct one Practical during examination. Evaluation scheme will as follows.
Conduction of Experiment/Test 15 marks
Viva on Experiment/test 25 marks
Record File 10 marks
Total 50 marks
izFke iz’u i= % euksfoKku esa lka[;dh
ifjp; % lkaf[;dh dh izd`fr ,oa egRoA vkorhZ forj.k dh izfdz;kA
dsUnzh; vkorhZ ekiu % e/;eku] e/;kad ,aoe~ cgqykadA
iznRrksa dk jsf[k; fp=.k % LrEHkkd`fr] vko`fr cgqHkqt] lap;h vko`fr odz] vkstkbZo ¼ljyhd`r :i½ vkSj o`r fp=A
lglecU/k Lih;jeSu dze vUrj fof/k ¼jkW½ ih;jlu dh izksMDV eksesUV lg lEcU/k fof/k ¼vO;ofLFkr vkadM+ksa ls
okLrfod e/;eku }kjk½
fopyu ds eki % e/;eku fopyu] ekud fopyu prqFkkZ’ka fopyuA
midYiuk ijh{k.k % dkbZ LDok;j VsLV % leku forj.k fof/k] LorU= forj.k fof/k vkSj 2x2 vklax rkfydk fof/kA
midYiuk% midYiuk dk vFkZ ,oa izdkj vPNh midYiuk dh dlkSVh;ka
pj %dk vFkZ] pjksa ds izdkjA
izfrp;u % vFkZ] izfrn’kZ i)fr;kaA
fo’oluh;rk% fo”oluh;rk dk vFkZ vkSj izdkjA
oS|rk% oS|rk dk vFkZ vkSj izdkjA
ekud% ekud dk vFkZ] izdkj vkSj mi;ksxA
iBu lkexzh
euksfoKku lak[;dh % feJkk o f=ikBh ¼izdk’kd gj izlkn HkkxoZ vkxjk½ euksfoKku o f’k{kk esa lka[;dh ds ewy
vk/kkj % ykHk flag o }kfjdk izlkn] izdk’kd % fouksn iqLrd efUnj vkxjk
euksfoKku o f’k{kk esa ljy lka[;dh % e[khtk ,oa e[khtk izdk’kd y{eh ukjk;u vxzoky] vkxjkA
f}rh; iz”u i= % vlkekU; euksfoKku
vlkekU; O;ogkj es lEizR; vkSj dlkSfV;ka] vlkekU; O;ogkj ds dkj.kA lkekU; ,oa lekU; O;ogkj esa vUrjA
vlkekU; O;ogkj dh euksfo”ys’k.kkRed O;k[;kA
eu%Lrki ¼y{k.k rFkk dkj.k½] {kksHkksmUekn eu%Lrki ¼:ikUrfjr rFkk fo;kstukRed½] fpUrk eu%Lrki] nqfHkZfr eu%Lrki]
euksxzLrrk&ck/;rk eu%Lrki ¼y{k.k rFkk dkj.k½
fdz;kRed euksfof{kIrrk ¼y{k.k ,oa dkj.k½ euksfonyrk] mUekan&volkn euksfof{kIrrk] O;kseksgA
ekufld eUnu% ekufld eUnu dk vFkZ vkSj fo”ks’krk,sa] ekufld eUnu ds izdkj ;k Lrj] ekufld eUnu ds dkj.k
vkSj ekufld eUnu dk mipkjA
e|ikurk ds ?kVukdze ,oa izHkko] e|ikurk dk uSnkfud Lo:i] e|ikurk fuHkZjrk ds Lrj] e|ikurk ds dkj.k]
e|;ikurk dk mipkjA
O;fDrRo fod`fr;ka% O;fDrRo fod`fr dk vFkZ ,oa Lo:i] O;fDrRo fod`fr dk uSnkfud Lo:i] O;fDRo fod`fr ds
izdkj% lekt fojks/kh O;fDrRo ¼vFkZ ,oa dkj.k½ rFkk “khyxq.k fod`fr;kaA
fpfdRlk fd ledkyhu mikxe% tSfod fpfdRlk] euksfpfdRlk % vFkZ ,oa y{;A Qzk;M dh euksfo”ysf’kd fpfdRlk]
O;ogkj fpfdRlk] laKkukRed O;ogkj fpfdRlk] Dyka;V dsfUnzr fpfdRlk] xsLVkYV fpfdRlkA
iBu lkexzh
vk/kqfud vlkekU; euksfoKku % v:.k dqekj flag] eksrh yky cukjlh nkl] iVukA
vlekU; euksfoKku % ykycpu f=ikBh ¼gj izlkn HkkxZo vkxjk)
vlekU; euksfoKku % vks>k ¼gj izlkn HkkxZo vkxjk½
vlekU; euksfoKku % dfiy ¼gj izlkn HkkxZo vkxjk½
izk;ksfxd iz”u&i=
fo|kFkhZ dks fuEu es N% ijh{k.k@iz;ksx djus gSa&
01- nqf”pUrk dk ekiu
02- lek;kstu dk ekiu
03- Luk;qfod`fr dk ekiu
04- Ekkufld LokLFk; dk ekiu
05- vge “kfDr dk ekiu
06- O;fDrRo dk ekiu ¼cgqfoeh; O;fDrRo½
07- Ekkufld fo’kkn ekiu
08- Ekkufld ruko dk ekiu
09- ih;jlu dh izksMDV eksesUV lg lEcU/k fof/k ¼vO;ofLFkr vkadM+ksa ls dfYir e/;eku }kjk½
V%& fo|kFkhZ dks ijh{kk esa ,d izzsfDVdy djuk gSA ewY;kadu bl izdkj gS%&
daMD”ku vkWQ izsfDVdy 15 vad
ekSf[kd ijh{kk 25 vad
fjdkWMZ Qkby 10 vad
dqy 50 vad
There shall be two papers and the maximum marks for each paper together with minimum marks
required for a pass are shown against each paper separately.
Two papers Min. Marks Max. Marks
Paper I 36 100
Paper II 36 100
Note : The question paper shall contain three sections. Section-A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit
of 2 marks each. The candidate is required to answer al the questions. The answer should not exceed 50 words.
Section-B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section-C shall
contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three
questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.
UNIT-I : National Income
Nature and scope of Macro Economics, National income- Concepts and measurement of national
income, Cyclic flow of income and expenditure, National income accounting.
UNIT-II : Output , Employment and consumption
The classical theory of employment, Say’s law of market, Keynes objection to the classical theory;
Keynesian theory of output and employment, The principles of effective demand, Consumption function-
average and marginal propensity to consume.
UNIT-III : Investment, Saving and rate of interest
Investment function- Autonomous and Induced Investment, Marginal efficiency of capital, Saving
function, Saving and Investment equality. The concept of multiplier, investment multiplier. Classical, Neo-
Classical and Keynesian theories of interest.
UNIT-IV : Trade Cycles
Nature and characteristics of trade cycle; Hawtrey’s monetary theory, Hayek’s over-investment theory;
Keynes view of trade cycle. The concept of accelerator, Samuelson and Hicks multiplier-accelerator interaction
model. Control of trade cycle.
UNIT-V : Economic Growth
Sources of growth, Growth models- Harrod and Domar. Neo classical growth models-Solow.
Technical progress model- Kaldor’s model of economic growth.
* Jhingan M.L.- Macro Economics
* Gupta, S.B. (1994), Monetary Economics, S. Chand and Co., Delhi.
* Shapiro, E. (1996), Macroeconomics Analysis, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi.
* Vaish, M.C. Macro Economics.
* Ojha B.L. – Macro Economics
* Nathuramka L.N.- Macro Economics
* Gupta R.D. & Lekhi R.K.- Post Keynesian economics
fo"k; esa nks iz'u i= gksaxs vkSj izR;sd iz'u i= ds fy, vf/kdre vad o U;wure mRrh.kkZad izR;sd iz'u i=
ds lkFk i`Fkd ls n'kkZ;s x, gSa &
nks iz'u i= U;wure mRrh.kkZad vf/kdre vad
72 200
iz'u i=&1 3 ?kaVs le;kof/k 36 100
iz'u i=&2 3 ?kaVs le;kof/k 36 100
iz'u i=&1 % lef"V vFkZ'kkL=
le;kof/k % 3 ?kaVs vf/kdre vad % 100
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&c eas izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&l esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha 3 iz'uksa ds mRrj nsus gksaxsA
izR;sd [k.M dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ&1 % jk"Vªh; vk;
lef"V vFkZ'kL= dh izd`fr ,oa {ks=] jk"Vªh; vk; & jk"Vªh; vk; dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa eki] jk"Vªh; vk;&O;;
dk pØkdkj izokg] jk"Vªh; vk; ys[kkaduA
bdkbZ&2 % mRiknu] jkstxkj ,oa miHkksx
jkstxkj dk Dykfldy fl)kar] ^ls^ dk cktkj fu;e] izfrf"Br fl)kar ij dhUl dh vkifRr;ka] dhUl dk
mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj fl)kar] izHkkoiw.kZ ekax dk fl)karA miHkksx Qyu & vkSlr ,oa lhekar miHkksx izo`fRrA
bdkbZ&3 % fofu;ksx] cpr o C;kt dh nj
fofu;ksx Qyu & Lok;r ,oa izsfjr fofu;ksx] iwath dh lhekar dq'kyrk] cpr Qyu] cpr ,oa fofu;ksx
lekurk] xq.kd dh vo/kkj.kk] fofu;ksx xq.kd] C;kt dk izfrf"Br] uo izfrf"Br ,oa dhfUl;u fl)karA
bdkbZ&4 % O;kikj pØ
O;kikj pØ dh izd`fr ,oa y{k.k] gkWVªs dk ekSfnzd fl)kar] gs;d dk vfr&fofu;ksx fl)kar] dhUl dk
O;kikj pØ fl)kar] Rojd dh vo/kkj.kk] lseqYlu ,oa fgDl dk xq.kd&Rojd vUrfØZ;k fl)kar] O;kikj pØ ij
bdkbZ&5 % vkfFkZd fodkl
fodkl ds lzksr] fodkl ds ekWMy & gSjM ,oa Mksej ekWMy] uoizfrf"Br fodkl ekWMy & lksyks o`f) ekWMy]
rduhdh izxfr ds ekWMy] dkWyMksj dk vkfFkZd o`f) ekWMyA
izeq[k tukafddh fo'ks"krk;sa & vkdkj ,oa o`f) nj] fyaxkuqikr] xzkeh.k 'kgjh izotu] O;kolkf;d vkoaVu]
vfr tula[;k dh leL;k] tula[;k uhfr] lajpukRed fodkl d`f"k dh izd`fr o egRo & izo`fRr;ka] d`f"k mRiknu o
mRikndrk] mRikndrk fu/kkZjd rRo] Hkwfe lq/kkj] uohu d`f"k uhfr ,oa gfjr Økafr] xzkeh.k lk[k] d`f"k foi.ku] d`f"k
,oa fo'o O;kikj laxBu] Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk esa xjhch ,oa fo"kerk] csjkstxkjh ,oa dher o`f) dh leL;kA
bdkbZ&3 % m|ksx
;kstuk dky esa vkS|ksfxd fodkl] vkS|ksfxd ykblsflax uhfr& ,dkf/kdkj o izfrckU/kkRed 'kfDr vf/kfu;e
& ,evkjVhih ,DV] Qsjk] Qsek] 1991 dh vkS|ksfxd uhfr] y?kq m|ksxksa dk fodkl o leL;k,a] Hkkjr ds
vkS|ksfxdhdj.k esa lkoZtfud miØeksa dh HkwfedkA
bdkbZ&4 % Hkkjrh; fu;kstu
Hkkjrh; fu;kstu ds mn~ns';] O;wgjpuk] miyfC/k;ka ,oa foQyrk;sa] orZeku iapo"khZ; ;kstuk & mn~ns';]
vkoaVu ,oa y{;] uohu vkfFkZd lq/kkj & mnkjhdj.k] futhdj.k ,oa oS'ohdj.k] Hkkjr esa futhdj.k o oS'ohdj.k dh
bdkbZ&5 % cká {ks=
fons'kh O;kikj dh Hkwfedk] vk;kr o fu;kZr izo`fRr;kWa] Hkkjrh; fons'kh O;kikj lajpuk o fn'kk] Hkqxrku
larqyu ladV o uohu vkfFkZd lq/kkj] fu;kZr lao)Zu mik; ,oa uohu O;kikj uhfr] fons'kh iwath& fons'kh izR;{k
fofu;ksx] vkfFkZd lgk;rk] cgqjk"Vªh; fuxe ,oa budk vFkZO;oLFkk ij izHkko] Lons'kh vo/kkj.kkA
bdkbZ & 2
QeZ dk fl)kUr & ,d lqO;ogkfjd mRiknu QyuA dkWc Mxyl rFkk fLFkj izfrLFkkiu dh yksp mRiknu
Qyu& js[kh; ltkrh; mRiknu QyuA izfrLFkkiu dh yksp] mRiknd dh cprA
bdkbZ & 3
vodyu lehdj.k rFkk varj lehdj.k dk iz;ksx] edM+tky ekWMy] xq.kd o Rojd dh vo/kkj.kk] O;kikj
pØ eWkMy & fgDl rFkk lsE;qyluA
bdkbZ & 4
jSf[kd izksxzkfeax & xzkQh; gy] flEiysDl fof/k] izkbejh o M~;qvyA [ksy fl)kUr 'kwU;
;ksx & nks O;fDr [ksy] eSDlfeu&feuhesDl] lSaMy fcUnqA
bdkbZ & 5
vknk&iznk fo'ys"k.k] [kqyk o can fyvksufVQ ekWMy] vafre ekax rFkk tksM+ ds ewy rRoA mRiknu {kerk
Lrj rFkk fofu;ksx vko';drkvksa dk fu/kkZj.kA
Two papers Min.pass Marks 72 Max.Marks 200
Paper I 3 hrs. Duration Marks: 100
Paper II 3 hrs. Duration Marks: 100
Note : The question paper shall contain three sections. Section-A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit
of 2 marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answer should not exceed 50 words.
Section-B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section-C shall
contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three
questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.
Paper- I: History of Medieval India (1206-1740 A.D.)
Unit I
Main Sources of Medieval Indian History; Establishment of Turkish rule in India - Qutubuddin Aibak;
Iltutmish, Razia and Balban; Khalji imperialism; Expansion in Rajputana and Deccan, Administrative and
economic regulations and their impact on the state and people.
Unit II
Innovations under Muhammad Tughlaq; Religious policy and public works of Firuz Tughlaq; Timur’s invasion;
Sikandar Lodi; Formation of Vijaynagar Empire and Bahamani Kingdom and causes of their decline; Social and
Economic condition and administrative system during Sultanate period.
Unit III
Political Condition of India on the eve of Babur’s invasion, his role in the establishment of the Mughal Empire;
Humayun-early difficulties and causes of his failure; Shershah-Expansion of his empire and administration;
Political unification, Expansion and consolidation of the Mughal Empire under Akbar.
Unit IV
Jahangir, Nurjahan’s role in the Mughal Court; Shahjahan's achievements; Aurangzeb’s Policy towards Rajputs
and Deccan; Religious policy of the Mughal Emperors; Shivaji : His conquests and Administration; Causes of
downfall of the Mughal Empire.
Unit V
Nature of Mughal State; Agrarian system; Mansabdari system; Foreign Trade and Commerce; Social classes-
ulema, nobility, zamindars and jagirdars, peasantry, artisans; Status of women.
Books Recommended:
1. Irfan Habib : Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1526-1707.
2. J.N.Sarkar : Mughal Administration
3. K.M.Ashraf : Life and Condition of the People of Hindustan (1200-1550AD)
4. R.P.Tripathi : Rise and fall of the Mughal Empire.
5. S.R.Sharma : Religious Policy of Mughal Emperor
6. S.R. Sharma : Mughal Administration.
7. U.N.Dey ; Administrative System of Delhi Sultanate (1206-1413 A.D.),Kitab
Mahal, Allahabad, 1959 A.D.
8. A. Cunningham ; A Books of Indian Eras
9- vk'khokZnhyky JhokLro % e/;dkyhu Hkkjr
10- jk/sk';ke % eqxy lezkV ckcj] fcgkj fgUnh xzUFk vdknehA
11- mfeZyk izdk'k feJ % Hkkjr dk bfrgkl] e/;izns'k fgUnh xzUFk vdknehA
12- ds-vkj- dkuwuxks % 'ksj'kkg vkSj mldk le;] oSsKkfud rFkk rduhdh 'kCnkoyh vk;ksx A
13- cukjlh izlkn lDlsuk % eqxy lezkV 'kkgtgka] jktLFkku fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh t;iqjA
14- jk/ks';ke %lYrur dkyhu lkekftd o vkfFkZd bfrgkl] ckSgjk ifCyds'ku ,aM MLVªhC;wVlZ] bykgkcknA
15- fofiu fcgkjh flUgk % Hkkjr dk lkekftd vkfFkZd o lkaLd`frd bfrgkl ¼1200&1900½] Kkunk izdk'ku] ubZ
16 gjh'k pUnz oekZ % e/;dkyhu Hkkjr] fgUnh ek/;e dk;kZUo;u funs'kky;] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;A
17- ch-,y-xqIrk ,oa isekjke % e/;dkyhu Hkkjr dk bfrgkl] t;iqj ifCyf'kax gkml] t;iqjA
Unit I
Main Sources of History of Rajasthan; An outline of Proto-Historic Rajasthan with special reference to
Kalibanga, Ahar and Bairath; Outline of Matsya Janapad; Origin of Rajputs; Prithvi Raj Chauhan-III and his
Unit II
The Policy of Collaboration and Resistance of the Rajput States with special reference to Hammir, Maharana
Sanga, Maldeo, Maharana Pratap, Man Singh, Rai Singh of Bikaner, Jaswant Singh and Sawai Jai Singh.
Unit III
Causes and Results of Maratha penetration in Rajputana; Circumstances and consequences of the treaties of
1818 A.D. signed with Britishers with special reference to Mewar,Marwar and Kota; War of Independence of
1857 A.D. in Rajasthan–Causes and results; Causes of political awakening in Rajasthan.
Unit IV
Peasant Movement in Bijolia; Tribal Movement under Govindgiri and Motilal Tejawat; Contribution of
Prajamandals in the Freedom Movement with special reference to Bikaner, Jaipur and Marwar; Formation of
Rajasthan in 1948-1956 A.D.
Unit V
Characteristics of Feudalism in Rajput States; Changes in the position of the Rajput Nobility under British
Paramountcy, Fort and Temple Architecture of Rajasthan; Rajasthani Art and Literature
Books Recommended :
D.C.Shukla : Early History of Rajasthan
Dashrath Sharma : Rajasthan Through the Ages.Vol.-I,Rajasthan State Archives,Bikaner.
S.S. Saxena and Padmaja Sharma : Bijolia Kissan Andolan Ka Ithihas, Rajasthan State Archives Bikaner, 1972.
V.P.Menon : Integration of the Indian State.
vkj-ih- O;kl % jktLFkku dk o`gr bfrgkl] Hkkx izFke rFkk f}rh;] jktLFkku fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] t;iqjA
ds-,e-lDlsuk % jktLFkku esa jktuSfrd tutkxj.k] jktLFkku fgUnh xzaFk vdkneh] t;iqjA
MkW- th-,u-'kekZ % jktLFkku dk bfrgkl
MkW- ,e-,l-tSu % vk/kqfud jktLFkku dk bfrgkl
nks iz’u i= U;wure mÙkh.kkZd 72 vf/kdre
vf/kdre vad&200
izFke iz’u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad& 100
f}rh; iz’u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad& 100
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&c eas izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&l esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha 3 iz'uksa ds mRrj nsus gksaxsA
izR;sd [k.M dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
tgkaxhj( eqxy njckj esa uwjtgka dh Hkwfedk( 'kkgtgk¡ dh miyfC/k;k¡( jktiwrksa o nf{k.k ds izfr vkSjaxtsc dh uhfr(
eqxyksa dh /kkfeZd uhfr( f'kokth & mudh fot;sa ,oa iz'kklfud O;oLFkk( eqxy lkezkT; ds iru ds dkj.kA
eqxy lkezkT; dh izd`fr( d`f"k O;oLFkk( eulcnkjh izFkk( fons'kh O;kikj o okf.kT;( lkekftd oxZ & mysek] vehj]
tehankj ,oa tkxhjnkj] fdlku] fL=;ksa dh n'kkA
iz'u i= f}rh;&jktLFkku dk bfrgkl ¼vkjfEHkd dky ls 1956 bZ- rd½
jktLFkku ds bfrgkl ds eq[; lzksr( jktLFkku ds vk| bfrgkl dh #ijs[kk eq[;r% dkyhcaxk] vkgM+ ,oa cSjkB ds
iqjkrkfRod LFkyksa ds lUnHkZ esa( eRL; tuin dh #ijs[kk( jktiwrksa dh mRifÙk( i`Fohjkt PkkSgku r`rh; vkSj mldh
jktiwr jkT;ksa dh dsUnzh; lÙkk ds lkFk lg;ksx rFkk izfrjks/k dh uhfr & gEehj] egkjk.kk lkaxk] ekynso] egkjk.kk
izrki] ekuflag] chdkusj ds jk;flag] tloUrflag ,oa lokbZ t;flag ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esaA
jktiwrkuk esa ejkBksa ds gLr{ksi ds dkj.k ,oa ifj.kke( vaxzstksa ds lkFk 1818 bZ- dh lfU/k;ksa ds lEiUu gksus dh
ifjfLFkfr;k¡ rFkk ifj.kke & esokM+] ekjokM+ vkSj dksVk jkT;ksa ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa( jktLFkku esa 1857 bZ- ds Lora=rk
laxzke ds dkj.k ,oa ifj.kke( jktLFkku esa jktuSfrd tutkxj.k ds dkj.kA
fctksfy;k fdlku vkUnksyu( xksfoUn fxjh ,oa eksrhyky rstkor ds usr`Ro esa tutkrh; vkUnksyu( iztk e.Myksa dk
Lora=rk vkUnksyu esa ;ksxnku chdkusj] t;iqj ,oa ekjokM+ ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa( jktLFkku jkT; dk fuekZ.k
1948&1956 bZ-A
jktiwr jkT;ksa ds lkearokn dh fo'ks"krk,¡( fczfV'k izHkqlÙkk ds nkSjku tkxhjnkjksa dh fLFkfr esa ifjorZu( jktLFkku esa
nqxZ ,oa eafnj LFkkiR;( jktLFkkuh dyk ,oa lkfgR;A
Two Papers Min. Pass Marks - 72 Max. Marks – 200
Paper -1 3 Hours duration 100 Marks
Paper - II 3 Hours duration 100 Marks
Salient Features and nature of British Constitution, Conventions, King and Crown, Prime Minister and
Cabinet, Parliament, Relationship of House of Commons with House of Lords, Office of the Speaker, Rule of
Law, Bureaucracy and Party System in U.K.
Salient features of the American Constitution, President - Election Process and Functions, Separation
of Powers and Checks and Balance, Federalism: The Federal Judiciary and Judicial Review, Congress - Its
Structure and Function, Importance of Senate in U.S. Political System and Party System, Comparison between
the British and American Party System.
Salient features of the Swiss Constitution, Federal Assembly and Federal Council, Direct Democracy.
Characteristics of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of China, Fundamental Rights,
Legislature, Executive, Judiciary, Democratic centralism, Organization and role of Communist Party of China.
Salient Feature of Constitution of the Fifth Republic of France, Fundamental Rights, French Executive.
The President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers, the French Parliament, the Judiciary, Party system,
Bureaucracy and Administrative law.
Major Landmarks in the Constitutional Development of India, Framing of the Indian Constitution-
Major Issues, Trends and Approaches of the Constituent Assembly; Preamble of the Constitution; Salient
features of the Indian Constitution.
Human Rights Philosophy in Indian Constitution; Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State
Policy, Methods of Amendment of Constitution; Nature of the Federal System, Union-State Relationship and
recent trends.
The Union Executive; The Union Parliament, Working of Parliamentary System, The Supreme Court;
The Judicial Review; Emergency Provisions.
Office of the Governor, Chief Minister and High Courts, Role of Leadership, Coalition Govt., Party
System, Election Commission, Electoral Politics and Electoral Reforms.
National Integration : Major problems facing Indian Political System - Terrorism, Linguism,
Regionalism, Communalism, Politics of Reservation; Role of Caste in Indian Politics.
jktuhfr foKku
nks iz'u&i= U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 72 vf/kdre vad 200
izFke iz'u i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs vf/kd vad 100
f}rh; iz'u i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs vf/kd vad 100
Ýkal&ikaposa x.kjkT; ds lafo/kku dh fo'ks"krk,¡] ewy vf/kdkj] Ýkal dh dk;Zikfydk] jk"Vªifr] iz/kkuea=h ,oa
eaf=e.My] Ýkal dh laln] U;k;ikfydk] ny O;oLFkk] ukSdj'kkgh ,oa iz'kklfud fof/kA
ikB~;iqLrdsa %
1- fo'o ds izeq[k lafo/kku % ch-,y- QfM+;k
2- izeq[k jktuhfrd O;oLFkk,a % izHkqnRr 'kekZ
3. Major Contemporary World Constitutions : K.R. Bombwall
4. Comparative Government : S.E. Finer
5. Modern Democracies : James Bryce
Hkkjr ds laoS/kkfud fodkl esa izeq[k lhekfpg~u] Hkkjr ds lafo/kku dk fuekZ.k] lafo/kku lHkk esa eq[; eqís]
izo`fÙk;ka vkSj n`f"Vdks.k] lafo/kku dh mísf'kdk] Hkkjr ds lafo/kku dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk,aA
Hkkjr ds lafo/kku esa ekuokf/kdkj n'kZu( ewy vf/kdkj ,oa jkT; ds uhfr funsZ'kd rÙo( lafo/kku esa la'kks/ku
dh çfØ;k( la?kh; O;oLFkk dh izd`fr] la?k jkT; lEcU/k ,oa uwru izo`fÙk;kaA
la?kh; dk;Zikfydk( la?kh; laln] lalnh; O;oLFkk dh dk;Ziz.kkyh( mPpre U;k;ky;] U;kf;d iqujkoyksdu(
vkikrdkyhu izko/kkuA
jkT;iky dk in] eq[;ea=h ,oa mPp U;k;ky;( usr`Ro dh Hkwfedk( xBca/ku ljdkj( nyh; O;oLFkk( fuokZpu
vk;ksx] fuokZpu dh jktuhfr ,oa fuokZpdh; lq/kkjA
jk"Vªªh; ,dhdj.k % Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk ds lEeq[k izeq[k leL;k,a & vkradokn] Hkk"kkokn] {ks=h;okn]
lkEiznkf;drk( vkj{k.k dh jktuhfr( Hkkjrh; jktuhfr esa tkfr dh HkwfedkA
ikB~;iqLrdsa %
1- Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk % iq[kjkt tSu
2- Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk % ,l-,e-lbZn
3- Hkkjrh; lafo/kku % cztfd'kksj 'kekZ
4- gekjk lafo/kku % lqHkk"k d';i
5- lkekftd eqís % th-,y- 'kekZ
6. Working of a Democratic Constitution : Granville Austin
A History of the Indian Experience
7. An Introduction to the Constitution of India : M.V. Pylee
8. An Introduction to the Constitution of India : D.D. Basu
9. Indian Politics & Society Since Independence : Bidyut Chakraborty
Events, Processes and Ideology
10. Indian Government and Politics in a : R.Hardgrave and S. Kochanek
Developing Nation
11. The Indian Political System : Noman D. Palmer
Two papers Minimum pass marks: 54 Maximum marks: 150
Paper-I 3 hours duration 75 marks
Paper- II 3 hours duration 75 marks)
Arts & Science Practical:
Arts: Minimum pass marks: 18 Maximum marks: 50
Science: Mini. pass marks: 18 Maximum marks: 50
Books Recommended:
1. Mishra, V C: Geography Rajasthan, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1967.
2. Sharmas H.S. & M.L.: Geographical Facts of Rajasthan.
3. Bhalla L R: Rajasthan ka Bhoogol, Kuldip Prakashan, Ajmer.
izFke iz'u i= % ekuo Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %&iz
%& 'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA[k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz’uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A
bdkbZ &1
ekuo Hkwxksy dh izd`fr vkSj fo"k;oLrq] ekuo Hkwxksy dh 'kk[kk,sa] ekuo Hkwxksy ds fl)kar] ekuo Hkwxksy ds mikxe %
ekuo& i;kZoj.k lEcU/k dh vo/kkjk.kk& fu'p;okn] lEHkookn vkSj uo&fu'p;okn] }Srokn & HkkSfrd cuke ekuo
Hkwxksy A
bdkbZ &2
ekou iztkfr;ksa dk foHkktu % LFkkfud forj.k] fofHkUUk tkfr; lewgksa ds HkkSfrd ,oa lkekftd izk:i] tkrh; lewg]
fo'o vkSj Hkkjr esa tutkrh; lewg] ekuo dh izkjafHkd vkfFkZd xfrfof/k;ka % Hkkstu ,d=hdj.k] f'kdkj] eRL; ,oa
LFkkukrfjr d`f"k A
bdkbZ &3
i;kZoj.k ds izfr ekuoh; vuqdwyu % ¼i½ B.Ms izns’k & ,fLdeks ¼ii½ xeZ izns’k& cq’keSu] fiXeh ¼iii½ iBkjh izns’k &
XkkSM] elkbZ ¼iv½ ioZrh; izns’k & xwtj ?kqeDdM+ ,oa ukxk ¼v½ eSnkuh izns’k & Hkhy] LaFkky] budh lkekftd vkSj
vkfFkZd xfrfof/k;ka A
bdkbZ &4
tual[;k dk forj.k% fo'o forj.k izk:i& LFkkfud forj.k dks izHkkfor djus okys HkkSfrd] vkfFkZd rFkk lekftd
dkjd] tukf/kD;] tukHkko vkSj vkn'kZ tula[;k dh vo/kkj.kk] 'kwU; tula[;k o`f)] tula[;k dk vkarfjd ,oa
varjkZ"Vªh; LFkkukarj.k A
bdkbZ &5
Hkkjr ds tula[;k izns'k % xR;kRed] fodklksUeq[k rFkk fodklfoeq[k {ks=] Hkkjr esa tuf/kD; dh leL;k rFkk mik;
A Hkkjr ds tual[;k dk;ZØe vkSj uhfr;ka A
Unit - I
Limit å-ä definition of the limit of a function, Limit of functions of one and two variables, Continuity,
classification of discontinuities, Sequential continuity, Properties of continuous functions, Uniform continuity,
Continuity of functions of two variables.
Unit - II
Differentiability, Chain rule of differentiability, Differentiability of functions of two variables, Darboux’s
intermediate value theorem for derivatives, Mean Value Theorems and their geometrical interpretations,
Taylor’s theorem with various forms of remainders, Taylor’s theorem for functions of two variables.
Unit - III
Riemann integral, Partition, Darboux sums, Lower and Upper integrals, Integrability of continuous and
monotonic functions. the fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus, Mean value theorems of Integral Calculus.
Unit - IV
Real sequence, definition, Theorems on limits of sequences, Bounded and monotonic sequences, Cauchys
convergence criterion.
Infinite Series of non negative terms, Comparison tests, Cauchy’s nth root test, Ratio tests, Raabe’s,
logarithmic, De Morgan and Bertrand’s tests Alternating series, Leibnit’z theorem, Absolute and conditional
Unit - V
Uniform convergence of series of functions, Weirestrass M-test, Abel’s and Dirichle’ts test for uniform
convergence. Improper integrals and their convergence, Comparison tests, Abel’s and Dirichlet’s tests,
Fourier Series, Fourier expansion of piecewise monotonic functions.
Books Recommended:
1. Real Analysis : Shanti Narayan
2. Real Analysis : G. N. Purohit
3. Real Analysis : Bhargava & Goyal
4. Advanced Calculus : Gokhroo et. al. (English / Hindi Ed.)
5. Theory of Convergence : Gokhroo et. al. (English / Hindi Edn.)
Navkar Prakashan, AJMER
;kstuk %
iz'ui= 'kh"kZd dkyka'k@lIrkg vof/k iw.kkZad
foKku dyk
1 mPprj dyu 3 3 ?kUVs 66 66
2 vody lehdj.k 3 3 ?kUVs 66 66
3 ;kaf=dh 3 3 ?kUVs 68 68
dqy vad 200 200
U;wure mŸkhZ.kkad 72 72
uksV %
iz’u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx ,& bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 10 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 02 iz’u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz’u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz’u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz’u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz’u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz’u gy djus gksxsaA
okLrfod vuqdze] ifjHkk"kk] okLrfod vuqdze dh lhek laca/kh izes;] ifjc) rFkk ,dfn"V vuqdze] dks"kh vfHklj.k
dlkSVh] v_.kkRed inksa okyh vuUr Jsf.k;k¡] rqyuk ijh{k.k] dks’kh ijh{k.k] vuqikr ijh{k.k] jsch] y?kqxq.kd rFkk
fMekxZu ijh{k.k] ,dkUrj Js.kh] yscuht izes;] fujis{k rFkk l’krZ vfHklj.kA
Qyuksa dh Js.kh dk ,dleku vfHklj.k] ,dleku vfHklj.k ds fy, okbZLVªkl ,e ijh{k.k] ,scy rFkk fMfjpfyV
ijh{k.k] vuUr lekdy rFkk mudk vfHklj.k] rqyuk ijh{k.k] ,scy rFkk fMfjpfyV ijh{k.k] Qwfj, Js.kh] ,dfn"V
Qyuksa ds Qwfj, izlkjA
1. Ronald M. Atlas, Alfred E. Brown, Kenneth W. Dobra, Llonas Miller (1986). Basic
Experimental Microbiology Prentics Hall.
2. Robert F. Bo yed (1964) General Microbiology. Times Mirror/Mobsy/College Pub.
3. Pelczer MJ: Chan ECS and krieg NR Microbiology Fifth Education.
4. P.D. Sharma 2000: Microbiology. Rastogi Publications.
5. Alcamo IE 967. Fundamentals of microbiology 2 nd ed. The Benjamin/ Cummings
Publishing Co. Inc. California.
6. Norton CF 1986. Microbiology 2 nd ed. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Col. Inc.
7. Wilinson JF 1986, Introduction to Microbiology (Basic Microbiolog y series Vol. 1) 3 rd
ed. Black Well, Oxford
Scheme :
Two Papers Min. Pass Marks – 72 Max. Marks – 200
Paper - I 3 Hours duration 100 Marks
Paper - II 3 Hours duration 100 Marks
Unit I
Administrative Institutions in a Democratic and Socialistic Society. The concept of Laissez faire state, Welfare
state and Administrative state.
Unit II
Organization of Government : Legislature – its role and decline in modern times, Executive – types and
relationship with legislature, Judiciary – functions and role with special reference to the power of Judicial
Unit III
Democracy and Administration : Features of Democratic Administration. Role of Bureaucracy in a Democratic
Country, Political parties and Pressure Groups and their interaction with each other.
Unit IV
Organisation and working : Finance Commission, NITI Aayog and National Development Council, University
Grants Commission, Union Public Service Commission.
Unit V
Election Commission and the Administration of Elections in India. Organization and Working:
( I ) Central Social Welfare Board.
( ii ) Railway Board
( iii) Reserve Bank of India
(iv) National Human Rights Commission
Suggested Books
1. Waldo : Administrative State
2. Field : Government in Modern Society
3. Paranjape : Planning Commission
4. I.I.P.A. : Organization of the Government of India
5. H.C. Sharma : Prashasnik Sansthayen ( in Hindi )
6. M.G. Gupta : Modern Government
7. Ashok Sharma : Bharat Mein Prashasnik Sansthayen ( in Hindi )
8. Ziauddin Khan & Anter Singh: Prashasnik Sansthayen ( in Hindi )
9. B.L. Fadia : Prashasnik Sansthayen ( in Hindi )
10. J.C. Johari : Bhartiya Shashan Avam Rajniti ( in Hindi )
The question paper shall contain three sections . Section A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2
marks each,. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words.
Section B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C
shall contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three
questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.
Unit I
State Administration in India : Its growing importance, General back ground of State Administration in India
with special reference to the State of Rajasthan. The office of Governor – Powers, Functions and role in State
Administration, relationship with Council of Ministers.
Unit II
The office of the Chief Minister : Powers, Functions, Role and importance of the office, Relationship with
council of Ministers, Organization and role of the State Secretariat, Chief Secretary – Role and significance in
the State Administration.
Unit III
Administrative Organization and working of the Department of Home, Finance and Agriculture in Rajasthan.
Organization and working of the following Boards and Directorates in the State of Rajasthan :
(a) Revenue Board
(b) New System of Electricity Administration in Rajasthan
(c) Directorate of Agriculture
(d) Directorate of College Education
Unit IV
Personnel Administration: Role of the State Civil Services in Rajasthan. Organization and working of the
Rajasthan Public Service Commission. Recruitment and Training of State Civil Services. Organization and
function of State Training Institutions in Rajasthan. Institution of Lokayukta.
Unit V
Powers and position of Divisional Commissioner. Organisational Structure of Revenue Administration at
District level. Powers and Position of the following:
1. Collector
2. Sub Divisional Officer
3. Tehsildar
4. Patwari
Suggested Books
1. S.R. Maheshwari : State Government in India
2. S.S. Khera : District Administration in India
3. M.V. Pylee : Indian Constitution ( in Hindi )
4. A.R.C. : Report on State Administration
5. H.C. Sharma : Bharat main Rajya Prashashan ( in Hindi )
6. Surendra Kataria : Rajya Prashashan (in Hindi )
7. Ravindra Sharma : Rajaya Prashashan ( in Hindi )
8. Ramesh K. Arora & : Bharat main Rajya Prashashan ( In Hindi )
Geeta Chaturvedi
yksd iz'kklu
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz'u i= U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 72 vf/kdre & 200
izFke iz'u i= le; 3 ?kaVs vad 100
f}rh; iz'u i= le; 3 ?kaVs vad 100
izFke iz'u i= & Hkkjr esa iz'kklfud laLFkk,a
le; 3 ?kaVs vad 100
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadks ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha
gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 7
vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200
'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA ijh{kkFkhZ
dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A
bdkbZ 1
iztkrkaf=d ,oa lektoknh lekt esa iz'kklfud laLFkk,a] vgLr{ksioknh] yksddY;k.kdkjh ,oa iz'kkldh;
jkT; dh vo/kkj.kkA
bdkbZ 2
ljdkj dk laxBu% O;oLFkkfidk& mldh Hkwfedk vkSj vk/kqfud ;qx esa bldk iru] dk;Zikfydk ds izdkj
o O;oLFkkfidk ls lEcU/kA U;k;ikfydk&dk;Z o U;kf;d iqujkoyksdu ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa HkwfedkA
bdkbZ 3
yksdra= o iz'kklu% yksdrkaf=d iz'kklu ds y{k.k] iztkaf=d ns'kksa esa ukSdj'kkgh dh Hkwfedk] jktuhfrd ny
o ncko lewg rFkk mlds chp ikjLifjd vUr%fØ;kA
bdkbZ 4
foÙk vk;ksx dk laxBu o iz'kklfud dk;Ziz.kkyh] o jk"Vªh; fodkl ifj"kn]
fo'ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx] la?k yksd lsok vk;ksxA
bdkbZ 5
fuokZpu vk;ksx esa pqukoksa dk iz'kklu] fuEukfdar dk laxBu o dk;Zdj.k%
1- dsUnzh; lekt dY;k.k e.My
2- jsYos cksMZ
3- Hkkjr dk fjtoZ cSad
4- jk"Vªh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx
bdkbZ 1
Hkkjr esa jkT; iz'kklu& bldk c<+rk gqvk egRo] jkT; iz'kklu dh lkekU; i`"BHkwfe jktLFkku jkT; ds
fo'ks"k lanHkZ esaA jkT;iky dk in& 'kfDr;ka] dk;Z o jkT; iz'kklu esa Hkwfedk rFkk eaf=ifj"kn ds lkFk
bdkbZ 2
eq[;ea=h dk in& 'kfDr;ka] dk;Z o jkT; iz'kklu esa Hkwfedk rFkk eaf=ifj"kn ds lkFk lEcU/kA jkT;
lfpoky; dk laxBu o Hkwfedk] eq[; lfpo% jkT; iz'kklu esa mldh Hkwfedk o egRoA
bdkbZ 3
foHkkxh; iz'kklfud laxBu& jktLFkku esa x`g foHkkx] foÙk foHkkx o d`f"k foHkkx dk laxBu o dk;Zdj.kA
jktLFkku esa fuEukafdr e.Myksa o funs'kky;ksa dk laxBu o dk;Zdj.k%
¼v½ jktLo e.My
¼c½ jktLFkku esa fo|qr iz’kklu dh uohu iz.kkyh
¼l½ d`f"k funs'kky;
¼n½ dkWyst f'k{kk funs'kky;
bdkbZ 4
dkfeZd iz'kklu% jkT; yksdlsokvksa dh Hkwfedk] jktLFkku yksd lsok vk;ksx dk laxBu o dk;Zdkj.k] jkT;
yksd lsokvksa esa HkrhZ rFkk izf'k{k.k] jktLFkku esa jkT; izf'k{k.k laLFkkuksa dk laxBu ,oa dk;Ziz.kkyh]
yksdk;qDr laLFkkA
bdkbZ 5
laHkkxh; vk;qDr dh 'kfDr;ka ,oa fLFkfrA ftyk Lrj ij jktLo iz'kklu dk संगठना मक ढांचाA
fuEukafdr dh 'kfDr;ka ,oa fLFkfr
1 ftyk/kh'k
2 mi[k.M vf/kdjh
3 rglhynkj
4 iVokjhA
Scheme of Examination
Two Papers Min. Pass Marks - 72
Paper - I 3 Hours duration 100 marks
Unit II
Data, Forms and Sources. Hypothesis, Concept, type and Sources.
Unit III
Sampling - Concept, type , importance and limitations. Case Study Method.
Unit IV
Techniques of Data Collection : Observation, Interview, Schedule & Questionnaire. Questionnaire Construction
Unit V
Tabular presentation of Data, Bivariate and Multivariate. Average : Mean, Mode, Medium.
Essential Readings:
Unit I
Social Problem: meaning, concept and types. Crime and Delinquency: meaning, causes, types, theories and
Unit II
Issue of Population during 20th Century : Population Problem, Population Education and programmes of
control. Population Control -measures, causes for success and failure.
Issue of Population in 21st Century : Demographic Dividend
Unit III
Problem of Youth, Drug Abuse and AIDS, Problems of Women in India. Women Empowerment, Female
Unit IV
Poverty, Unemployment and Illiteracy :causes forms and remedies. Human rights and Social Problems.
Environment degradation and solutions.
Unit V
Social Problems of special groups in India-The Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
classes. Problems of Minorities and Communalism.
Essential readings:
Ahuja Ram. : Social Problems in India, Jaipur, Rawat.
Beteille, Andre. 1974. : Social Inequality, New Delhi, Oxford University Press.
Beteille, Andre. 1992. : Backward Classes in Contemporary India, New Delhi,
Oxford University press.
Berreman, G.D.1979. : Caste and other Inequalities: Essay in Inequality.
Meerut, Folklore Institute.
Guha, Ranjit, 1991. : Subaltern Studies, New York: Oxford University Press.
Kothari, Rajni (Ed)1973. : Caste in Indian Politics
Madan, G.R. : Social Problems in India.
Madan, T.N. 1991. : Religion in India, New Delhi, Oxford University Press. India Year Book,
NBT, New Delhi.
ijh{kk ;kstuk
izFke iz'u
'u i=&vuqla/kku i)fr
bdkbZ & 1
lkekftd vuqla/kku rFkk lkekftd losZ{k.k % vFkZ] izd`fr] pj.k ,oa izdkjA
bdkbZ & 2
rF; % izdkj ,oa óksr A izkôYiuk & vo/kkj.kk, izdkj ,oa óksrA
bdkbZ & 3
fun'kZu & vo/kkj.kk, izdkj, egRo ,oa lhek,a A oS;fDrd v/;;u i)frA
bdkbZ & 4
rF; ladyu dh izfof/k;ka % voyksdu] lk{kkRdkj] vuqlwph rFkk iz'ukoyh A iz'ukoyh fuekZ.kA
bdkbZ & 5
rF;ksa dk lkj.khe; izn'kZu % f}foek rFkk cgqfoek A vkSlr % ek/;] cgqyd] ekf/;dkA
f}rh; iz'ui=&ledkyhu Hkkjr esa lkekftd leL;k,a
bdkbZ & 1
lkekftd leL;k,a % vFkZ] vo/kkj.kk rFkk izdkjA vijk/k rFkk cky vijk/k % vFkZ] dkjd] izdkj, fl)kUr rFkk
bdkbZ & 2
20oh lnh ds nkSjku tula[;k dk eqn~nk % tula[;k leL;k, tula[;k f'k{kk rFkk fu;U=.k ds dk;ZØeA tula[;k
fu;U=.k mik; dh lQyrk rFkk foQyrk ds dkj.k A
21oh lnh esa tula[;k dk eqn~nk % tukfddh; ykHkka’k
bdkbZ & 3
;qokoXkZ dh leL;k,a] eknd nzO;ksa dk nq:i;ksx rFkk ,M~l A Hkkjr esa efgykvksa dh leL;k,a] efgyk l'kfDrdj.k
rFkk dU;k Hkzw.k gR;kA
bdkbZ & 4
xjhch] csjkstxkjh rFkk vf'k{kk % dkjd] izdkj rFkk mik;A ekuo vf/kdkj rFkk lkekftd leL;k,a] i;kZoj.k {kj.k
o lek/kku
bdkbZ & 5
Hkkjr esa fof'k"V lewgksa dh lkekftd leL;k;sa& vuqlwfpr tkfr;ka] vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ka ,oa vU; fiNM+k oxZ]
vYila[;dksa rFkk lEiznk;okn dh leL;k A
The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2 marks
each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B
shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 5 marks. The
answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall
contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions. The
answer shall not exceed 450 words.
Duration : 3 hrs. Max.Marks: 75
1. Proteins, Carbohydrates and fat : elementary knowledge of their composition, classification, functions,
daily allowances, sources and effect of deficiency.
2. Energy Metabolism: Basal metabolic Rate, Factors affecting energy requirement for different
categories according to work, physiological state etc.
3. Water Balance.
4. Minerals - Functions, daily allowances, effect of deficiency and excess and food sources of Calcium,
Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine. Flourine and Sodium.
5. Vitamins- Functions, daily allowances, food sources, effect of deficiency and excess of fat soluble
vitamin A & D and water soluble vitamin B1. B2 niacin, folic acid and Vitamin C.
6. Meal Planning.
(i) Recommended dietary allowances of nutrients for various age groups.
(ii) Advantages of meal planning and factors to be considered while planning meals.
(iii) Meal planing for different age groups and vulnerable groups.
7. Therapeutic Nutrition :
(i) Purpose of diet therapy.
(ii) Causes, Symptoms and dietary modification in -
a. Constipation and diarrhoea.
b. Overweight and underweight.
c. Acute fevers
d. Peptic ulcer
e. Diabetes
f. Hypertension
g. Hepatitis
8. Food Preservation, factors contributing to food spoilage and principles and technique used in various
methods of preservation used at home level.
9. Food adulteration:
Definition, common adulterants present in foods and methods of detection at home level.
10. Food hygine and Sanitation.
1. Textile Fibers:
(a) Classification of Textile Fibers.
(b) General properties of Textile Fibers.
2. Natural Fibers - Origin, manufacture, properties, their importance to consumer and storage of Cotton,
Linen, Silk Wool.
3. Man-made fibers: Properties, their importance to consumer and storage of Rayon, Nylon.
Construction of Yarn and Fabric :
4. Meaning of - Weaving, Knitting, Felting, Warp, Weft selvedge, and count of cloth.
5. Yarn construction -
(a) Different methods of spinning
(b) Different types of yarns.
6. Weaving -
(a) Loom and its parts.
(b) Different types of weaving - Plain, Twill, Satin and Sateen, Pile and Jacqquard.
7. Finishing
(a) Meaning
(b) Objectives of Finishing
(c) Different methods of finishing : Bleaching, sizing, tentering, mercerising, calendering, embossing,
napping, shrikage-control, water proofing, fire resistent, moth proofing and permanent press.
8. Dyeing
(i) Different types of dyes
(ii) Different types of dyeing process
(iii) Method of dyeing.
9. Printing : Different methods of printing : Block, Screen Roller, Resist, Discharge and Stencil.
10. Elementary knowledge of traditional weaving and embroderies of India- Brocades, Kashmiri
Embroideries, Phulkari of Punjab, Kantha of Bengal, Patola of Gujrat, Chickankari of U.P.
11. Selection of fabrics for various uses in the Home. Garments (For children, women and men).
Household linen, furnishing : bedsheets, curtains, carpets, towels etc. by keeping view of the following
factors : Climate, comfort, utility, occassion, personality, buget, fashion, fibre weave, finish, colour and
design activity, age & sex.
Laundry -
(i) Laundry - Principles and methods.
(ii) Laundry equipment - washing, drying finishing and storing.
(iii) Water - soft and hard water, methods of making water soft for Laundry purpose.
(iv) Soap - manufacturing process of soap, qualities of good soap, detergents- Importance and use- other
agents used for washing.
(v) Stifening agent, blueing agents, bleaches, greases solvents, absorbants and softness.
(vi) Stain removal - Meaning, classification and methods.
bdkbZ & 1
1- oL=ksi;ksxh js'ks
v- oL=ksi;ksxh js'kksa dk oxhZdj.k
c- oL=ksi;ksxh js'kksa ds lkekU; xq.k
2- izkd`frd js'ks& dikl] fyuu] js'ke ,oa Åu ds mn~xe] fuekZ.k&izfØ;k] fo'ks"krk,a ,oa miHkksDrk ds fy,
budk egRo ,oa lja{k.k A
3- ekuod`r js'ks & js;ku] uk;ykWu dh fo'ks"krk,] miHkksDrk ds fy, budk egRo ,oa laj{k.k A
bdkbZ & 2
1- /kkxs ,oa diM+s dk fuekZ.k & js'ks dh cqukbZ ¼foafoax½ fufVax] QsfYVax] uenk rkuk] ckuk] fdukjh ¼lsyost½
diMs dh x.kuk A
2- /kkxs dk fuekZ.k & ¼v½ drkbZ ds fofHké rjhds ¼c½ /kkxksa ds fofHké izdkj
3- cqukbZ ¼v½ dj?kk ,oa mlds Hkkx ¼c½ fofHké izdkj dh cqukbZ & lknh] fV~oy] lkfVu] lSfVu] ikby] tsdkMZA
bdkbZ & 3
1- ifjlTtk& vFkZ
¼v½ ifjlTtk ds mís'; ¼c½ ifjlTtk dh fofHké fof/k;ka& fojatu] dM+k djuk] VsUVfjax elZjkbftax
dSysMfjax] uDdk'kh djuk] jks,s mBkuk] fldqMu&jks/kh ifjlTtk] tyes|] vTtoy'khy ifjlTtk] dhVjks/kh]
LFkk;h bL=h A
2- jaxkbZ & ¼v½ fofHké izdkj ds jax
¼c½ jaxkbZ dh fof/k;k¡
¼l½ jaxkbZ dh izfØ;k
3- NikbZ& NikbZ ds fofHké izdkj] Cykd] LØhu] jksyj }kjk] vojks/kh] fMLpktZ ,oa LVsfUly A
4- Hkkjr dh ijEijkxr d<+kbZ vkSj cqukbZ dk izkjfEHkd Kku& czksdsM] d'ehjh d<+kbZ] iatkc dh Qqydkjh]
caxky dk dkaFkk] xqtjkr dk iVksyk] mÙkj izns'k dh fpdudkjh A
bdkbZ & 4
?kj ds iz;ksx esa vkus okys fofHké oL=ksa dk p;u] ifj/kku ¼cPpksa] efgyk] iq#"k½] ?kjsyw fyuu ,oa lkt
lTtk gsrq pknjsa] insZa] dkyhu] rkSfy;s bR;kfn iz;qä oL=ksa gsrq vko';d dkjd % tyok;q vkjkenk;d
mi;ksfxrk] voljkuqlkj] O;fDruqlkj] mez] fyax] dk;Z] ctV] QS'ku] cukoV] jax] fMtkbu vkfn A
bdkbZ & 5
1- /kqykbZ&fl)kUr ,oa fof/k;ka
2- /kqykbZ midj.k & /kqykbZ] lq[kkus] ifjlTtk] ,oa laxzg.k lEcU/kh A
3- ty & e`nq ,ao dBksj ty] dBksj ty dks /kqykbZ dk;Z ds fy, e`nq cukuk A
4- lkcqu & lkcqu cukus dh fof/k;ka] vPNs lkcqu ds xq.k] viektZd & egRo ,oa mi;ksfxrkA
5- dMkiu nsus okys inkFkZ] uhy] fojatu] fpdukbZ foyk;d ,oa vo'kks"kd ,oa oL=ksa dks e`nqdkjd djus okys
izfedeZd A
6- /kCcs NqMkuk & vfHkizk;] oxhZdj.k ,oa fof/k;ka A
1. M. Swaminathan : Principles of nutrition and dietetics
2. I.C.M.R. : Nutritive value of Indian Foods.
3. I.C. M.R. : Nutritive requirements for Indians
4. C.H. Robinson : Normal and Therapeutic nutrition
5. Narayan Sudha : "Aahar Vigyan" research publication Jaipur.
6. Dantyagi, Sushila : Fundamentals of Textiles and their care orient Longmans, Bombay.
7. Daulkar, Durga : A guide to household textile and laundry work, Atma Ram & Sons,
New Delhi.
8. Isabel B. Wingtage : Textile fibres and their selection Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood,
Chiff, N. Jersy.
9. Hess, Katherine : Textile fibres and their uses - Oxford & IBH Publishing House,
New Delhi.
10. Mathews, Mary : Practical clothing construction - Part I cosmic press, Madras.
Total No. of periods per week – 2/batch/practical
1. Planning, Preparation and serving of meals Breakfast, Lunch Tea and Dinner for sedentary, moderate
and heavy worker.
2. Planning, preparation and serving of all the meals for pregnant and lactating mother.
3. Planning, preparation and serving of all the meals for preschool child, adolescent and old age person.
4. Planning, preparation and serving of meals at low cost, moderate cost and liberal (high) cost.
5. Planning, preparation and serving of meals for special occassion-
(a) Birthday party
(b) Festival
(c) Jounney
(d) Tea, Lunch and dinner parties of other Occasions.
6. Planning, preparation and serving of meals requiring Special diets in :
(a) Fever
(b) Constipation
(c) Diarrhoea
(d) Peptic Ulcer
(e) Obesity
(f) Diabetes
x`g foKku & izk;ksfxd ¼izFke½
vkgkj fu;kstu
c- fuEufyf[kr ifj/kkuksa dh vkjs[ku] dVkbZ] flykbZ ,oa fQfuf'kax&>cyk] cschÝkd] , ykbu Ýkd ,oa pqUuV
nkj ÝkdA
Textile and Clothing:
1. Sessional and file 10
2. Drafting, cutting, stitching and finishing of one garment 10
3. Desiging in Embroidery/Tie & Dye/Printing (Cloth/paper) 05
Total 25
Unit – V
B.C. Gue, R.V. Sakhalkar, Kirpal Singh Shekhawat, P.N. Choyal, Mohan Sharma, Ram Jaiswal, Shuresh
Books Recommended:
1- Trends in Indian Painting M. Kaul
2- Hkkjrh; fp=dyk MkW- vfouk'k cgknqj oekZ
3- dyk fodkl MkW- vkj-,-vxzoky
4- History of Indian Painting Percy Brown
5- vkHkkj jktLFkku yfyr dyk vdkneh
6- thou o`r izdk'ku dsUnzh; ,oa jktLFkku yfyr dyk vdkneh
7- Hkkjrh; fp=dyk dk bfrgkl MkW- izsepUn xksLokeh
8- Hkkjrh; fp=dyk ,oa ewfrZdyk dk bfrgkl MkW- jhVk izrki
The Department should also arrange for an educational tour to ancient art centers like. Ajanta,
Ellora. Elephanta, Khajuraho, National Gallery of Modern Art Nw Delhi and to fine art institution in other cities
of the country.
izFke Ik'u i= ¼lS)kfUrd½ Hkkjrh; fp=dyk dk bfrgkl
le; % 3 ?k.Vs vf/kdre vad % 80 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad % 29
f}rh; iz'u i= ¼izk;ksfxd½ iksVªsV isfUVx ¼O;fDr fp=.k½
le; % 5 ?k.Vs vf/kdre vad % 50 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad % 18
r`rh; iz'u i= ¼izk;ksfxd½ iksVªsV vuqvZadu
le; % 5 ?k.Vs vf/kdre vad % 50 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad % 18
l=h; izk;ksfxd dk;Z vf/kdre vad % 20 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad % 07
iz'u i= ijh{kk izk:i
'kCn la[;k dqy iz'u gy fd;s tkus okys iz'u dh la[;k vad izR;sd iz'u iw.kkZad ¼80½ iz'uksa dk
50 10 10 2 20 izR;sd bdkbZ ls de ls de 2 iz'u vfuok;Z
200 07 05 6 30 izR;sd bdkbZ ls de ls de 1 iz'u vfuok;Z
500 04 02 1530 izR;sd bdkbZ ls ,e iz'u ls vf/kd ugha
izFke Ik'u i= ¼lS)kfUrd½
kfUrd½ % Hkkjrh; fp=dyk dk bfrgkl
bdkbZ izFke
izksxSfrgkfld Hkkjrh; fp=dyk] vtark dh fp=dyk] tSu 'kSyhA
bdkbZ f}rh;
jktLFkkuh fp=dyk ¼esokM+] ekjokM+] gkM+kSrh] <qa<k+ M+½] eqxy fp=dyk] igkM+h fp=dyk]&dkaxM+k]
bdkbZ r`rh;
iVuk Ldwy] jktk jfo oekZ] iqu:RFkku dky ¼caxky Ldwy½ vofuUnz ukFk Bkdqj] uUnyky clq xxusUnz
ukFk Bkdqj] jfoUnz ukFk VSxskj] ve`rk 'ksjfxyA
bdkbZ prqFkZ
,e-,Q- gqlSu] ,u-,l- cSUnzs] dS-ds- gScj] Jh jkexksiky fot;oxhZ;] Hkwjflag 'ks[kkor] xkso/kZu yky
tks'kh] nsodhuUnu 'kekZA
bdkbZ iape
ch-lh- xqbZa] d`iky flag 'ks[kkor] j-fo-lk[kydj] ih-,u-pks;y] eksgu 'kekZ] jke tSloky] lqjs'k 'kekZA
ikBuh; iqLrdsa
1- Trends in Indian Painting M. Kaul
2- Hkkjrh; fp=dyk MkW- vfouk'k cgknqj oekZ
3- dyk fodkl MkW- vkj-,-vxzoky
4- History of Indian Painting Percy Brown
5- vkHkkj jktLFkku yfyr dyk vdkneh
6- thou o`r izdk'ku dsUnzh; ,oa jktLFkku yfyr dyk vdkneh
7- Hkkjrh; fp=dyk dk bfrgkl MkW- izsepUn xksLokeh
8- Hkkjrh; fp=dyk ,oa ewfrZdyk dk bfrgkl MkW- jhVk izrki
vkdkj % ½ bEihfj;y
ek/;e % ty jax] VsEijk vFkok rSy jax
;g vuqvZadu iz'u i= f}rh; esa izLrqr isfVax dh l`tukRed iqujkfHkO;fDr gksxh] vfHkO;fDr esa vkdkj
iqulZjpuk ¼fMLVkW'kZu½ jax ;kstuk] ek/;e pfj=] js[kk] VsD'kpj bR;kfn dk vuqdwy iz;ksx okafNr gksxkA
l=h; dk;Z izLrqfr
vf/kdrd vad 20 U;wure vad 07
vkdkj % ½ bEihfj;y dh 100 i`"Bksa dh ,d vH;kl iqfLrdk
l=h; dk;Z % izR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dks okf"kZd ijh{kk fnukad ?kksf"kr gksus ds iUnzg fnu iwoZ izLrqr djuk
gksxkA foHkkxk/;{k l=h; dk;Z dk vkUrfjd ewY;kadu djsxkA l= es fd;s x;s vH;kl dk;Z ds nl fp= ¼ikap fp=
iz'u i= AA ,oa ikap fp= iz'u i= & AAA ds ,oa ,d lkS i`"Bksa dh½ ½ bEih- vkdkj ds Ik'kq ekuo eq[k] xyh
n`';kadu bR;kfn ds v/;;u ,oa l`tukRed ^^js[kkadu** ¼iasfly bad eksuksdkse½ izLrqr djsxkA iksVªsV isfUVax ds l=h;
dk;Z es isafly es ,d eksuks Økse esa o 'ks"k lEiw.kZ jax esa gksA
l=h; dk;Z izLrqfr izk;ksfxd ijh{kk lekiu gksus ds ckn ijh{kkFkhZ dks okil ykSVk nh tk;sxhA l=h;
dk;Z izLrqr uk djus okys ijh{kkFkhZ dks izk;ksfxd ijh{kk es lfEefyr ugha fd;k tk;sxkA ;fn fuf'pr le; rd Nk=
mls okil ysus ugha vkrk rks izk;ksfxd ijh{kk vk;kstu ds ,d ekg ckn l=h; dk;Z dks u"V dj fn;k tk;sxkA
izkpk;Z vkUrfjd ijh{kd dh fu;qfDr foHkkxk/;{k }kjk uke dh izLrqfr ij vk/kkj ij djsxkA izR;sd foHkkx l= es
de ls de ,d ckj fdlh dyk dszUnzksa ij ;Fkk vtUrk] ,yksjk] ,syhQsUVk] [kqtjkgksa] jk"Vªh; vk/kqfud dyk nh?kkZ ij
'kS{kf.kd ;k=k ij ys tkuk pkfg;saA
¼v½ izk;ksfxd ijh{kk,a foHkkx es gh vk;ksftr gksxhA ckg~; ,oa vkUrfjd ijh{kd tks fd fp=dyk foHkkx dk
fo"k; v/;kid Hkh gksxk ds ijke'kZ ls mRrj iqfLrdkvksa dh tkWp djsxkA
¼c½ izk;ksfxd iz'u&i= f}rh; ,oa r`rh; dk ewY;kadu i`Fkd&i`Fkd gksxkA lHkh iz'u i=ksa es ftues l=h;
dk;Z Hkh lfEefyr gS vyx&vyx ikl gksuk vfuok;Z gSA
¼l½ lS)kfUrd iz'u i= ds fy, 4 dkyka'k izk;ksfxd dk;Z ds fy, 8 dkyka'k gS ftuesa ls 2 dkyka'k
vkmVM+ksj Ldsfpax ds fy, gSA ¼izfr dkyka'k 1 ?k.Vk½ izk;ksfxd v/;;u bl fo"k; dh izd`fr gS u fd vU; fo"k; dh
rjg lS)kfUrd v/;;u dk ,d Hkkx vr% izk;ksfxd dkyka'k] iz'u i= dks lS)kfUrd ekudj dk;ZHkkj rFkk ijh{kk
;kstuk dh x.kuk dh tk,A
S. No. Name of the No. of Papers Duration Max. Mini.
Subject Marks Marks
1 Indian Music Theory Paper – I 3 hrs 40 15
Vocal & Theory Paper –II 3 hrs 40 15
Instrumental Practical Paper – I 25 Min. 40 15
Practical Paper – II 45 Min. 80 29
Section Word Total Que. to Question Max. Selection of que
limit que. be Atte. wise mark marks by examiner from
distribution (40) syllabus by
A 50 10 10 1 10 Minimum two
question from
each unit
B 150 07 5 2 10 At least one que
from each unit
C 500 4 2 10 20 Maximum One
que. from each
Section A
Max Marks 10
This section contains Ten compulsory Questions. Answer of any question should not exceed 25 words.
Section B
Max Marks 10
This section contains 07 questions. Students have to attempts 5 questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit. Answer of each question should not exceed 150 words.
Section C
Max Marks 20
This section contains 04 questions. Students have to attempt any two questions, this section will cover all units,
but not more than one question from each Unit. Answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.
1. Study of the theoretical details of following ragas and their comperative study.
(i) Bihag (ii) Des (iii) Bageshwari (iv) Rageshwari
(v) Ahir – Bhairav (vi) Jounpuri (vii) Hamir (viii) Kedar
(ix) Malkonsh (x) Bhimpalasi
2. Writing of notations of Songs (Bandish), Gat
1. Writing of following Talas in notation with Dugun and Chaugun.
(i) Ada- Choutal (ii) Panjabi Treetal (iii) Jhaptal
(iv) Roopak (V) Dhamar
2. Definition of the following :
(i) Margi and Deshi Sangeet, (ii) Gandharva and Geeti gan
(iii) Avartan and Vibhag
(iv) Sah – Shabd and Nih- Shabad Kriya.
1. Definition and marits and demerits of Gayak, Vadak and Vaggayakar.
2. Detailed study of Gram – Moorchhana.
1. General Knowledge of “Ravindra Sangeet”.
2. Knowledge of popular Music composition of Karnatika Music.
(i) Varnam (ii) Kriti (iii) Jawali (iv) Padam (v) Tillana.
1. Brief Knowledge of following folk dances: Kalbelia, Ghoomar, Bhawai, Garba, Dandia, Bhangra,
Gidda,Lawani, Bihu, Baul.
2. Detail Study of “Staff Notation System.”.
Section Word Total Que. to Question Max. Selection of que
limit que. be Atte. wise mark marks by examiner from
distribution (40) syllabus by
A 50 10 10 1 10 Minimum two
question from
each unit
B 150 07 5 2 10 At least one que
from each unit
C 500 4 2 10 20 Maximum One
que. from each
Section A
Max Marks 10
This section contains Ten compulsory Questions. Answer of any question should not exceed 25 words.
Section B
Max Marks 10
This section contains 07 questions. Students have to attempts 5 questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit. Answer of each question should not exceed 150 words.
Section C
Max Marks 20
This section contains 04 questions. Students have to attempt any two questions, this section will cover all units,
but not more than one question from each Unit. Answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.
Unit – I
1. Introduction and Contribution of the following Granths and Granthkaras.
1. Study of the following Rages :-
(1) Bihag (2) Desh (3) Bageshree
(4) Bhimpalasi (5) Malkouns (6) Rageshree
(7) Hameer (8) Kedar (9) Ahirbhairav
(10) Jounpuri. 20
(a) Intensive Study of any one Raga as choice Ragas covering Vilambit and Drutkhayals / Gats in any of
above Ragas. 5
(b) Laxana geets, Sargam Geets in all above mentioned Ragas.5
2. Five Alankaras in the notes of That Bhairav, Marva and Kafi.
3. Study of the following Talas :-
(1) Adachoutal (2) Dhamar (3) Punjabi Trital
(4) Roopak (5) Jhaptal 5
4. Ability to sing/play any written notation on the black board.
1. Study of the following Rages :-
(1) Bihag (2) Desh (3) Bageshree
(4) Bhimpalasi (5) Malkouns (6) Rageshree
(7) Hameer (8) Kedar (9) Ahirbhairav
(10) Jounpuri
(a). Three Vikambit Khayals / Maseet khani Gats in any of the above mentioned Ragas.
(b) Madhyalaya Khayals /Rajakhani Gats with Aalap, Tana/ Toras in any four Ragas. (not covered in clause
-a) 15
2. Study of one Dhrupad or Dhamar with Dwigun, Tigun and Chougun / Study of one Madhyalaya gats in
Talas other then trital. (for instrumental music)
3. Study of Trivat/ Tarana/ Bhajan/ Gazal/ Folk song/ patriotic song (one from each.)/ Dhun (for Instrumental
Music) 10
4. Ability to Demonstrate (Orally by giving Tali and Khali on hand) in following Talas.
(1) Adachoutal (2) Dhamar (3) Punjabi Trital
(4) Roopak (5) Jhaptal
[k.M ¼v½
vf/kdre vad 10
bl [k.M esa 10 iz’u gSA izR;sd iz’u dk mrj vf/kdre 25 'kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA lHkh iz’uksa ds vad leku gSA
[k.M ¼c½
vf/kdre vad 10
bl [k.M esa 10 iz’u gSA izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls ,d iz’u dk p;u djrs gq, dqy 5 iz’u djus gSA izR;sd iz’u dk mrj
vf/kdre 150 'kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA izR;sd iz’u ds vad leku gSA
[k.M ¼l½
vf/kdre vad 20
bl [k.M esa 04 iz’u gSA bl [k.M esa ,d bdkbZ esa ls vf/kdre ,d iz’u gksxkA dqy nks iz’uksa ds mrj nsus gkasaxsA
izR;sd iz’u dk mrj vf/kdre 500 'kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA lHkh iz’uksa ds vad leku gSA
bZdkbZ & 1
1- fuEufyf[kr jkxksa dk 'kkL=h; ,oa rqyukRed v/;;u &
1- fcgkx 2- nsl 3- ckxs’ojh 4- jkxs’ojh
5- vghj HkSjo 6- tkSuiqjh 7- gehj 8- dsnkj
9- ekydkSal
2- ikB~;dze dh cafn’kks@xrksa dks Lojfyfi lfgr fy[kukA
bZdkbZ &2
1- fuEufyf[kr rkyksa dk Bsdk] nqxqu ,oa pkSxqu lfgr fy[kuk &
1- vkM+k pkSrky 2- iatkch f=rky 3- >irky 4- :id 5- /kekjA
2- fuEufyf[kr dh ifjHkk"kk,¡ &
1- ekxhZ ,oa ns’kh laxhr 2- xa/koZ ,oa xhfrxku 3- vkorZu ,oa foHkkx
4- l%'kCn ,oa fu%'kCn fØ;k
bZdkbZ & 3
1- xk;d] oknd ,oa okXxs;dkj dh ifjHkk"kk rFkk xq.k&nks"kA
2- xzke & ewPNZuk dh foLr`r tkudkjhA
bdkbZ &4
1- johUnz laxhr dh lkekU; tkudkjhA
2- dukZVd laxhr esa izpfyr xk;u’kSfy;ksa dh tkudkjh o.kZe] Ñfr] tkofy]
ine~] frYykukA
bZdkbZ &5
1- fuEufyf[kr yksdu`R;ksa dh laf{kIr tkudkjh & dkycsfy;k] ?kwej] HkokbZ] xjck]
MkafM;k] HkaxM+k] fxn~nk] yko.kh] fcgw] ckÅyA
2- ik’pkR; Lojfyfi& i)fr dh foLr`r tkudkjhA
Scheme Duration Max. Marks Min. Pass Marks Period Per Week
Theory Paper I 3 Hrs. 60 22 3
Theory Paper II 3 Hrs. 60 22 3
Practical 4 Hrs. 80 29 4
Note: The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 5 questions two from each unit of 2
marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words.
Section B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 4 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C
shall contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions.
The answer shall not exceed 400 words.
Fashion- Meaning, Terminology of fashion, sources of fashion, factors influencing fashion.
Fashion cycle and forecasting.
Indian and International fashion designer’s.
Readymade garments- Importance, scope and Quality problems in readymade garments.
Principles and advantages of eight head theory.
Ideal proportions at different ages from one year child to an adult.
Types of human Figures\Postures.
Taking body measurements.
Techniques in pattern making :-
Fitting- Principles of fitting, Factors to be considered while Fitting, Common fitting problems,
remedying fitting defects of bodice, Sleeve & Skirt.
Grading- Definition, Principles of grading.
Elements and principle of design.
Layout of fabric such as Print, Stripes, Plaids and checks.
Color- Definition, Importance, Role of color in dress designing.
Note: The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 5 questions two from each unit of 2
marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words.
Section B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 4 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C
shall contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions.
The answer shall not exceed 400 words.
Selection of Export Market, Product Planning for Export Market, Selection of Trade (Export).
Finance: Export Credit and Finance, Short Term Credit-sources, Medium and Long Term Credit and Finance
Methods export insurence. A brief study of ECGC (Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation).
Decumentation in Foreign Trade: Commercial Invoice, GR Form, Letter of Credit, Bill of Exchange, Shipping
Bill. Export import policy of India.
Brief study of EIC (Export Inspection Council), EPB (Export Promotion Board), FEMA, FERA
Procedure of Exports-import: Export Licence, Export House. Export Promotion schemes and measures in India.
Suggested Readings –
1 .Erwin,Kinchen’clothing for moderns’-Macmillan Publishing,NEW York.
2.Latze,Alpha & Heicn,’The wide work of clothing’The Ronald Press Company,New Yok.
3.Mathews Mary’Practcal Clothing Construction’ 1&2.Cosmic Press Madras.
4.Doongaji,S. and Deshpande R. –‘Basic Process of Clothing Construction’.
5.G.J.Sumanthi.’Elements of fashion and Apparel design’.
6.Agarwal,Kothari: ‘vipnan-prabandh’.
7.Kindley,Burger : ‘International Economics’.
8.Davar,R.S.: ‘Salesmanship and Publicity’.
9.Srivastava & Agarwal:’ Vipnan –prabandh’.
10.Manaria,Joshi: ‘Salesmanship and Practice of marketing in India’.
bZdkbZ & 2
vkB eLrdh; iz.kkyh ds fl)kUr ,oa ykHk ,d o’kZ ls O;Ld O;fDr rd fofHkUu vk;q oxZ ds vknZ”k 'kjhjkuqikrA
ekuo “kjhj ds izdkjA
“kjhj dk eki ysuk
iSVZu fuekZ.k ds rjhds & ¼v½ Mªkf¶Vax ¼c½ Mªsfiax ¼l½ ¶ySv iSVZu
bZdkbZ & 3
fQfVax & fl)kUr] fQfVax lEcU/kh dkjd] lkekU; fQfVax leL;k,a & LdZV] cktw o ckWMht dh fQfVax leL;kvksa
dk lek/kku djukA xzsfMax & vFkZ ,oa fl)kUrA
bZdkbZ & 4
fMtkbu ds rRo vkSj fl}kUr
fizUV] /kkjhnkj] pkS[kkus okys oL=ksa dk ysvkmV rS;kj djukA
bZdkbZ & 5
oL= & mn~Hko] dk;Z ,oa {ks= A
oL=ksa ds lkekftd ,oa eukSoSKkfud izHkkoA flys flyk;s rS;kj ifj/kku [kjhnus ds dkjdA
volj fo”ks’k ds fy;s lEiw.kZ vaydj.kksa lfgr ifj/kku fMtkbu djukA
bZdkbZ & 2
foÙk% fu;kZr lk[k ,ao foÙk] vYidkyhu lk[k ds L=ksr] e/;dkyhu ,ao nh?kZdkyhu lk[k ,ao foÙk] fu;kZr chek]
fu;kZr lk[k o xkj.Vh fuxeA
bZdkbZ & 3
fu;kZr O;kikj ds izi=% O;kikfjd chtd] th-vkj-QkWeZ] lk[k i=] fofue; i=] tgkth fcy] Hkkjr dh vk;kr fu;kZr
bZdkbZ & 4
bZvkbZlh-] bZihch] Qsek] QsjkA
bZdkbZ & 5
fu;kZr izfØ;k] fu;kZr ykblsUl] fu;kZr x`g] Hkkjr esa fu;kZr lao}Zu ;kstuk,a ,ao mik;&foLr`r v/;;uA
izk;ksfxd & iSVuZ fuekZ.k ,oa ifj/kku vyadj.k
le; & 4 ?k.Vsa iw.kkZad & 80 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad &29
¼l=kad & 40 + 40 izk;ksfxd ijh{kk½
1- vkB eLrdh; iz.kkyh ,ao fLVd vkd`fr ¼9” & 10”½ dk ifjp;A
2- fofHkUu 'kjhj eqnzkvksa dk fp=.kA
3- fuEufyf[kr uewus cukuk%&
1- gkFk ds VkadsA
2- flykbZ o flykbZ ifjlTtkA
3- MkVZ] IyhV] VDl] pqUuVA
4- cVu& ifV~V;ka ,oa cU/kdA
5- ikbfiax o QsflaxA
4- ,lkbuesaV &
v- cPpksa ds oL= o ifj/kku ds iSVZuA
c- oL= VsDlpj ds izdkjA
5- izkstsDV & 6&11 o’khZ; ckyd@ckfydk ds fy, ikVhZ esa iguus gsrq ifj/kku dk lgk;d vyadj.kksa lfgr
fMtkbu djuk ,oa rS;kj djukA
6- Hkkjrh; QS”ku fM;kt;uj dksbZ nlA
Programming with C
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-C consists
of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).
The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Basic concepts of programming: Characteristic & Implementation of Algorithm, Flow Chart Symbols, Benefit
and Limitations; Decision Table, Pseudo Code. Programming Techniques: Top down, Bottom up, Modular,
Structured, Features, Merits, Demerits and their Comparative study.
Structure of C Program; Character Set, Tokens, Variable, Constant; Data Types; Operator, Expressions, Type
Conversions; Console Input-Output functions; Control Flow Statements and Blocks, Branching statements and
Loop Structure: While, Do while, For, Modular programming: Basic types of function, Declaration and
definition, Function call, Parameter passing, Recursion, Scope of variables, Storage classes.
Arrays: Declaration and use of Array, Array manipulation; Searching, Insertion, Deletion of an element, Strings
as array of characters, Standard library string functions. Pointer: Declaring & Initializing pointers, Accessing a
variable and address of a variable, Pointer expressions, Pointers and Function Arguments, Pointers and Arrays,
Structure, Union: Declaration and use. Programs to show the use of structure, union; Concept of Files, Basic
Functions for File Handling, Basic Input/Output operations on files.
Suggested Readings:
1. Programming In C By Gottfried (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. C Programming Language By Kernighan (Prentice Hall Of India)
3. C Programming By R.B. Patel, Khanna Publication.
4. Let Us C By Yashwant Kanetkar (BPB Publication)
Paper II
Internet and Web Programming
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-C consists
of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).
The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
Data communication, Transmission Media- Coaxial, UTP, Optical-Fiber, Wireless, Components of Computer
Networks, Transmission Mode- Simplex, Half Duplex, Full Duplex, LAN, MAN, WAN, the OSI Model,
TCP/IP and others main protocols used on the Web;Types of wireless communication ( Mobile, WiFi, WiMAX,
Bluetooth, Infrared – concept and definition only). Software Piracy, Firewall, Threats, Hacking and Cracking
(basic concepts only for these topics)
Unit II
Evolution of Internet, Introduction to the terms LAN, WAN, MAN, Basic internet terms ( Client, Server,
MODEM, Web page, Web site, Home page, Browser, URL, ISP, Web server, Download & Upload, Online &
Offline etc), Internet applications (Remote login, VoIP, Video Conferencing, Audio-Video streaming, Chatting
etc). Identify and solve basic problems related to connecting to networks and the Internet. E-Mail, Advantages,
How it’s Works? Anatomy of an e-mail Message, basic of sending and receiving, E-mail Protocol.
Unit III
Introduction to World Wide Web: History, Working of Web Browsers, Its functions, Search engine category,
Concept of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Web Servers, Internet Explorer, Web publishing Document
Interchange Standard, Component of Web Publishing, Site and Domain Name, Overview of Intranet and its
Unit IV
HTML, Designed Tools, HTML Editors, Issue in Web Site Creations and Maintenance, FTP S/W for Upload
Website, Elements of HTML & Syntax, Building HTML Documents, Use of Font Size and Attributes,
Backgrounds, Formatting tags, Images, Hyperlinks, div tag, List Type and its Tags, Table Layout, , Use of
Frames and Forms in Web Pages. Working with Style sheet: Elements and different Type of style sheet;
Introduction to Java Script: Identifier & operator, control structure, functions, Predefined functions, numbers &
string functions, Array in Java scripts.
Unit V
Basic of Cyber Security and Cyber Crime: Computer Ethics and Application Programs, Cyber Law,
Introduction to IT laws & Cyber Crimes – Internet, Hacking, Cracking, Viruses, Virus Attacks, Software Piracy,
Intellectual property, Legal System of Information Technology, Social Engineering, Mail Bombs, Bug Exploits
Suggested Readings:
1. Internet and Web Page Designing By V.K Jain (BPB)
2. Internet & Web Design By A. Mansoor, Pragya Publications.
3. Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, DHTML , java script, Perl CGI
By Ivan Bayross (BPB)
4. Cyber Security by Nina Godbole & Sunit Belapure
5. Computer Forensics by Marie- Helen Maras
General instructions
1. There will be two theoretical papers (each of 75 marks) and one practical paper (50 Marks) student has to
pass both theoretical and practical papers separately
2. 6 periods per week for two theoretical and 4 periods per week for practical classes of 20 students per batch is
3. This syllabus will be equally applicable to regular private and ex-student
4. Question Papers will be prepared in both Hindi and English languages.
Time: 3 hours M.M. : 75
Note: Question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section Word Total No of Question Max. Selection of Questions by
limit of questions questions to be wise Marks Examiner from the syllabus
answer answered marks- (75 )
It is necessary to set at least two
A 50 10 10 2 20
questions from each unit
Unit – 1
• Form of reality (Sat)
• Substance (Dravya)
• Attributes (Guna) Modes (Paryaya)
• Six substances
• Atom (Parmaanu)
• Cosmology (lokavad)
Unit – 2
• From of soul
• Classification of soul
• Proof of the existence of soul
• Size of soul
• Soul-body relationship
• Rebirth
Unit -3
• Foundation and form of jain ethics
• Nine categories of truth (Navtatva)
• Three Jewels (Retnatraya)
• Stages of spiritual development (Gunasthan)
• Six essentials (Sadavashyak)
• Ten Righteousness (Dharma)
Unit – 4
• Ascetics code of conduct (Shramanachara)
• Laymen’s code of conduct (Shravakachara)
• Laymen’s renunciation eleven stages (Shravak ki pratima)
• Jain life Style, limit of possession
• Fasting up to death (Santhara)
Unit -5
• Form of Non-violence
• Cruelty towards animals versus feeling of equanimity
• Non-violence training
• Anuvrata movement
• Anuvrata code of conduct
• Anuvrata Foundation of a Healthy Society
• Field of Anurvrata.
Recommended Books :-
1. tSu rRo ehekalk vkSj vkpkj ehekalk] le.kh MkW- _tqizKk] tSu fo'oHkkjrh fo'ofo|ky;] ykMuwaA
2. tSu n'kZu % euu vkSj ehekalk] vkpk;Z egkizK] vkn'kZ lkfgR; la?k] pw:A
3. Jkod lEcks/k] vkpk;Z rqylh] vkn'kZ lkfgR; la?k] pw:A
4. tSu vkxe esa n'kZu] le.kh MkW- eaxyizKk] tSu fo'oHkkjrh] ykMuwaA
5. tSu n'kZu] egsUnzdqekj U;k;kpk;Z] x.ks'ko.khZ laLFkku] ufj;k]okjk.klhA
6. tSu rRo ehkekalk& MkW- vkUkUn izdk'k f=ikBh] ch-tSu ifCy'klZ] ubZ fnYyhA
7. tho&vtho vkpk;Z egkizK] tSu fo'oHkkjrh ykMuwaA
8. tSu RkRo fo|k vkpk;Z rqylh] tSu fo'oHkkjrh] ykMuwaA
Time: 3 hours M.M. : 75
Note: Question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section Word limit of Total No of Question wise Max. Selection of Questions by Examiner
answer question questions to marks-allocation Marks from the syllabus
s be answered (75 )
It is necessary to set at least two
A 50 10 10 2 20
questions from each unit
It is necessary to set at least two
B 200 10 5 5 25
questions from each unit
It is necessary to set at least one
C 500 5 3 10 30
questions from each unit
Unit – 1
Jeevan Vigyan origin and development
• Ancient education system
• Problems of present education system
• Jeeven Vigayan: origin and development
• Jeeven Vigayan Nature and Aim
• Jeeven Vigayan: A new dimension of education
• Indian culture and advantage of Jeeven Vigayan
• Relevance of Science of living in different fields of Jeeven Vigayan
Unit – 2
Main components of Jeeven Vigayan
• Body and tools of its purification
• Breathing and tools of its purification
• Vital energy and tools of its purification
• Mind and tools of its purification
• Emotion and tools of its purification
• Karma and tools of Karma-purification
• Psyche and tools of its purification
Unit – 3
Jeevan Vigyan and Value development
• Value : meaning and definition,
• Process of value acceptance
• Role of family and society in development of values
• Values in Jeeven Vigayan – Social, intellectual ,Mental, moral and spiritual values
Unit -4
Technique of Jeevan Vigyan and training
• Anekant and its practical application,
• Non- violence and non-violent life style
• Anuvrat : code of conduct
• Preksha Dhyan and its components.
• Training of brain,
• Process of controlling senses (samveda)
• Concept of salvation in education.
Unit – 5
Jeevan Vigyan and Health
• Concept of health
• Determining factors of health
• Concept of balanced diet and health
• Physical health
• Mental health
• Emotional health
Recommended Books :-
1. Tkhou foKku vkSj LokLF;] MkW- le.kh _tq izKk] le.kh Js;l izKk] TkSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
2. thou foKku % fl)kUr vkSj iz;ksx] vkpk;Z egkizK] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
3. thou foKku% f'k{kk dk u;k vk;ke vkpk;Z egkizK] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
4. thou foKku% LoLF; lekt lajpuk dk ladYi] vkpk;Z egkizK] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
5. thou foKku dh :ijs[kk] eqfu /keZs'k dqekj] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
6. vfgalk vkSj v.kqozr] vkpk;Z egkizK] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
7. izs{kk/;ku% vk/kkj vkSj Lo:i] vkpk;Z egkizK] tSu fo”o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
8. vewrZ fpUru] vkpk;Z egkizK] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
9. izs{kk/;ku&LokLF; foKku] Hkkx &1]2 eqfu egsUnz dekj]tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
10. foKku dh dlkSVh ij ;ksx] Lokeh jkenso] fnO; ;ksx efUnj]du[ky] gfj)kjA
tSufo|k]thou foKku ,oa ;ksx
ijh{kk ;kstuk
lS)kfUrd vof/k vf/kdre vad U;wure mŸkh.kkZad dkyka'k izfr lIrkg
IkzFke iz'u i= 3 ?k.Vs 75
f}rh; iz'u i= 3 ?k.Vs 75 150 54 6
izk;ksfxd 5 ?k.Vs 50 18 4
¼izR;sd cSp 20 fo|kFkhZ½
lkekU; funsZ’k %
6. dqy nks lS)kfUrd iz'u i= ¼izR;sd i= 75 vadks dk½ o ,d izk;ksfxd i= ¼50 vad dk½ gksxkA fo|kFkhZ dks
lS)kfUrd o izk;ksfxd i= esa i`Fkd&i`Fkd mŸkh.kZ gksuk vko';d gSA
7. nksuksa lS)kfUrd i=ksa ds fy;s izfr lIrkg 6 dkyka'k ,oa izk;ksfxd i= esa 20 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds izR;sd lIrkg 4
dkyka'k gksuk vko';d gSA
8. ;g ikB~;Øe fu;fer]Lo;aikBh ,oa iwoZ fo|kFkhZ (Ex Student)ds fy, leku :i ls ykxw gksxkA
9. iz'u i= fgUnh o vaxzsth nksuksa Hkk"kkvksa esa gksxkA
izFke iz'u i= & rRo ,oa vkpkj ehekalk
le; %3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad % 75
tSu RkRo ehekalk &
• lRk~ Lo:i]
• nzO;&xq.k&Ik;kZ;A
• "kM~ nzO;]
• ijek.kq
• yksdoknA
tSu RkRo ehekalk &
• vkRek dk Lo:i]
• vkRek ds Hksn&izHksn]
• vkRek ds vfLrRo dh flf)A
• vkRek dk ifjek.k]
• vkRek&'kjhj lEcU/k]
• iqutZUeoknA
tSu vkpkj&ehekalk
• vkpkj dk vk/kkj vkSj Lo:i
• uo rRo
• jRu=;
• xq.kLFkku
• "kMko';d
• nl /keZ
bdkbZ& 4
tSu vkpkj ehekalk %&
• Je.kkpkj
• Jkodkpkj
• X;kjg izfrek
• tSu thou 'kSyh
• vifjxzg
• bPNk ifjek.k
• lays[kuk &laFkkjk
tSu vkpkj&ehekalk &
• vfgalk dk Lo:Ik
• i'kq&if{k;ksa ds izfr Øqjrk cuke vkReksIkE;rk
• vfgalk&izf'k{k.k
• v.kqozr vkUnksyu
• v.kqozr lafgrk
• v.kqozr% LoLFk lekt lajpuk dk vk/kkj
• v.kqozr dk dk;Z {ks=
thou foKku % mn~Hko vkSj fodkl
• izkphu f'k{kk iz.kkyh
• orZeku f'k{kk iz.kkyh dh leL;k,a
• thou foKku% mn~Hko vkSj fodkl
• thou foKku % vFkZ Lo:Ik mns~';
• f'k{kk dk u;k vk;ke&thou foKku
• Hkkjrh; laLd`fr vkSj thou foKku dh mi;ksfxrk
• fofo/k {ks=ksa esa thou foKku dh izklkafxdrk
thou foKku ds eq[; vax %&
• 'kjhj vkSj 'kjhj&'kqf) ds mik;
• 'okl vkSj 'okl&'kqf) ds mik;
• izk.k vkSj izk.k&'kqf) ds mik;
• eu vkSj eu&'kqf) ds mik;
• Hkko vkSj Hkko&'kqf) ds mik;
• deZ vkSj deZ&'kqf) ds mik;
• fpŸk vkSj fpŸk&'kqf) ds mik;A
thou foKku vkSj ewY; fodkl %&
• ewY; vFkZ vkSj ifjHkk"kk
• ewY; fu/kkZj.k dh izfØ;k
• ewY; fodkl esa ifjokj vkSj lekt dh Hkwfedk
• thou foKku esa fu/kkZfjr ewY;&lkekftd] ckSf)d] ekufld] uSfrd o vk/;kfRed
• ewY; fodkl dh izfØ;k% vuqizs{kk
thou foKku dh izfof/k;k¡ vkSj izzf'k{k.k &
• vusdkUr vkSj mlds O;kogkfjd iz;ksx
• vfgalk dk Lo:Ik vkSj thou 'kSyh esa vfgalk
• v.kqozr dh vkpkj lafgrk
• izs{kk/;ku vkSj mlds vax
izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
dqy vad% 50 le;% 3 ?kaVs
1. iSny lsuk ds lsDlu Lrj ds vH;kl
¼v½ lsDlu lajpuk (Section formation)
¼c½ lsDlu la[;k] o gfFk;kj
2. iSny lsuk ds IykVwu Lrj ds vH;kl
¼v½ IykVwu lajpuk (Platoon formation)
¼c½ IykVwu dh la[;k] lk/ku o izeq[k gfFk;kj
3. Qk;j dk iz;ksx] Qk;j fu;a=.k vkns'k] Øe ,oa ;q)ksa esa bldk egRo lfgr
4. y{; funsZ'ku rFkk igpku]
uksV% blesa fyf[kr ijh{kk 30 vad dh rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkM~Zl 10&10 vad dk gksxkA
flr iqLrdsa %
1. lsDlu Vªsfuax vH;kl% estj okMZ]
2. lejrkfU=d vH;kl% ,e- oh- oekZ o 'kekZ
3. lejrkfU=d vH;kl% MkW- ujsUnz flag
4. iz;ksxkRed iSny lejrU=% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ¼ekMZu ifCy'klZ] tkya/kj½
ch-,- r`rh; o"kZ% 2022&23
fgUnh lkfgR;
le; % 3 ?kaVs mÙkh.kkaZd &36
&36 iw.kkaZd% 100
çFke ç'u&i= & vk/kqfud dkO;
bdkbZ & 1
jf'ejFkh &jke/kkjh flag fnudj yksdHkkjrh çdk'ku] ubZ fnYyhA
bdkbZ & 2
¼1½- eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr & dSd;h ifjrki] l[kh os eq>ls dg dj tkrs] nksuksa vksj çse iyrk gS
¼2½- t;'kadj çlkn &
1& J)k lxZ& ' dkSu rqe ', lal`fr tyfuf/k rhj
2& vkSj ns[kk og lqUnj –';
3& uhy ifj/kku chp lqdqekj
4&;k dh uo baæthr y?kq J`ax
5&fuR; ;kSou Nfo ls gh nhIr
6& dqlqe dkuu vapy esa ean
7& 'kSy fu>Zj u cuk grHkkX;
8& D;k dgq¡] D;k dgq¡ eSa mnHkzkUr
9& dkSu gks rqe clar ds nwr
10& ân; esa D;k gS ugha v/khj
¼3½- fujkyk & dkSu rqe 'kqHkz fdj.k oluk ¼xhfrdk½] twgh dh dyh ¼ifjey½- la/;k lqanjh ¼vijk½
¼4½- lqfe=kuanu iar & ekSu fuea=.k ¼iYyo½] ,d rkjk] ukSdk fogkj ¼xqatu½
¼5½- egknsoh oekZ & tks rqe vk tkrs ,d ckj ¼fugkj½] rqe eq>esa fç; fQj D;k ifjp;] eSa uhj&Hkjh nq%[k dh
cnyh ¼uhjtk½
bdkbZ & 3
¼6½- jke/kkjh flag fnudj& jk"Vª nsork dk foltZu
¼7½- ukxktqZu & mudks ç.kke ] rqe fd'kksj rqe r#.k
¼8½- /keZohj Hkkjrh& VwVk ifg;k] miyfC/k] cksokbZ dk xhr
¼9½- dsnkjukFk vxzoky&
ky ;s /kjrh gS ml fdlku dh
¼10½- f'koeaxy flag lqeu & ty jgs gSa nhi] tyrh gS tokuh ¼Hkkx 2 ½
bdkbZ & 4
¼11½- fxfjtk dqekj ekFkqj& iUæg vxLr] feVVh ds flrkjs] Nk;k er Nwuk
¼12½- ujs'k esgrk & ek¡ ]o`{kRo ]dsoy fge
¼13½- /kwfey & eksphjke
¼14½- nq";ar dqekj & gks x;h gS ihj ioZr lh] esjs Loiu rqEgkjs ikl lgkjk ikus vk,axs
¼15½- _rqjkt&
kt Nk=kokl esa dforkikB] dU;knku ]ifjlj A
bdkbZ & 5
¼v½ vk/kqfud dfork dk bfrgkl] :iokn] ekdZ~lokn] euksfo'ys"k.kokn dk v/;;uA
¼c½ çeq[k foe'k:Z L=h foe'kZ] nfyr foe'kZ] fodykax foe'kZ
¼l½ dkO; :i ] fcEc ,oa çrhd] jl dk vFkZ ] Lo:i] vo;o] fu"ifÙk ,oa lk/kkj.khdj.k ¼laf{kIr ifjp;½]
jl ds HksnA
ijh{kdksa ds fy, funsZ'k %&
1- iz'u&i= rhu [kaMksa Øe'k% v] c] vkSj l esa foHkDr gksxkA
2- [kaM v esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vf/kdre 2 iz'u j[krs gq, lHkh 5 bdkb;ksa ls dqy 10 y?kqŸkjkRed iz'u
vfuok;Zr% iwNs tk,axsA
3- [kaM c esa izFke 3 bdkb;ksa esa ls O;k[;k laca/kh dqy 7 O;k[;k iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls fo|kFkhZ dks fdUgha
5 O;k[;kvksa dks vfuok;Z :i ls gy djuk gksxkA
4- [kaM l esa ikapksa bdkb;ksa esa ls 4 vkykspukRed vkSj fo'ys"k.kkRed iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks
2 iz'u vfuok;Z :i ls gy djus gksaxsA
5- iz'u&i= orZeku esa fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øekuqlkj gksA
foLr`r vad ;kstuk %&
[k.M dqy iz'u vfuok;Z vad izfr iz'u dqy vad 'kCn lhek fooj.k
v 10 10 2 20 50 [kaM v esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vf/kdre 2
iz'u j[krs gq, lHkh 5 bdkb;ksa ls dqy
10 y?kqŸkjkRed iz'u vfuok;Zr% iwNs
c 7 5 8 40 200 izFke 3 bdkb;ksa esa ls 7 O;k[;k lacac/a kh
iz'u iwNs tk,axsA ftuesa ls 5 iz'u
vfuok;Z :i ls fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks gy djus
l 4 2 20 40 500 5 bdkb;ksa esa ls 4 vkykspukRed ,oa
fo'ys"k.kkRed iz'u iwNs tk,a &ftuesa
izR;sd bdkbZ ls vf/kdre ,d iz'u
iwNk tk,aA
lgk;d xzUFk &
1- fgUnh ds çxfr'khy dfo & M‚- j.kthr
2- vk/kqfud dfork dh çeq[k ço`fÙk;ka & M‚- uxsUæ
3- vk/kqfud fgUnh dkO; f'kYi & M‚- eksgu voLFkh
4- dfork ds u;s çfreku & M‚- ukeoj flag
5- Nk;kokn & M‚- ukeoj flag
6- u;k fgUnh dkO; & M‚- f'kodqekj feJ
7- u;h dfork & M‚- nsojkt
8- vk/kqfud dfork ds vkxs ujs'k esgrk & M‚- ehjk JhokLro
9- ujs'k esgrk & dfork Å/oZ ;k=k & M‚- jkedey jk;
10- egknsoh dk u;k ewY;kadu & M‚- x.kifrpUæ xqIr
11- nq";Ur dqekj dh xtyksa dk leh{kkRed v/;;u & M‚-ljnkj eqtkoj
12- Nk;koknh dfo;ksa dk lkaL—frd –f"Vdks.k & M‚- çeksn flUgk
13- vk/kqfud xhfr dkO; & M‚- mek'kadj frokjh
14- fganh dfork vk/kqfud vkSj ledkyhu & M‚- osnçdk'k vferkHk
ch-,- r`rh; o"kZ & fgUnh lkfgR; % 2022&23
f}rh; iz'u&i= % fuca/k ,oa Hkk"kk
le; % 3 ?kaVs mRrh.kkZad % 36 iw.kkZad % 100
bdkbZ & 1
1- eu dh n`<+rk & ckyd`".k HkV~V
2- nk¡r & izrkiukjk;.k feJ
3- Øks/k & vkpk;Z jkepUnz 'kqDy
4- lkfgR; dk ewY; & ckcq xqykcjk;
bdkbZ & 2
5- uk[kwu D;ksa c<+rs gSa & vkpk;Z gtkjh izlkn f}osnh
6- izlkn vkSj fujkyk & vkpk;Z uUnnqykjs oktis;h
7- Hkw
Hkwfe dks nsoRo iznku ¼i`Foh iq= ls ½ & oklqnso 'kj.k vxzoky
8- thus dh dyk & egknsoh oekZ
bdkbZ & 3
9- izsepan vkSj Hkk"kk leL;k
leL; & MkW- jkefoykl 'kekZ
10- reky ds >jks[ks ls l & fo|kfuokl feJ
11- vk/kqfudrk % u;h vkSj iqjkuh & dqcsjukFk jk;
12- ijEijk cks/k vkS
vkSj ledkyhu lkfgR; & uUnfd'kksj vkpk;Z
bdkbZ & 4
Hkk"kk dk oSKkfud ifjp;] vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; vk;Z Hkk"kk,aA fgUnh Hkk"kk lkekU; ifjp;A nsoukxjh fyfi dk lkekU;
fgUnh vkykspukRed ,oa fucU/k dk rkfŸod foospu vkSj ,sfrgkfld fodkl
¼ifjp;kRed bfrgkl½
bdkbZ & 5
1- lkfgfR;d fucU/k % {ks= & 1- dfo] dgkuhdkj] miU;kldkj] fucU/kdkjA
2- jktLFkku dk fgUnh lkfgR;
∗ abriel Okara : Once Upon a time
∗ Edywin Thumboo : Words
Literary History
Renaissance in India, Anglo Indian and Indo-Anglican Writing
Terms &Concepts
Paradox, Antithesis, Symbolism, Satire, Essay, Allegory
Suggested Readings: Poetic Reflections from India and Abroad (Oxford),
Texts and their Worlds ed. Anna Kurian, Foundation Books, 2005
Required Reading:
Abrams, M.H: A Glossary of Literary Terms (Macmillan) Iyengar, K. R.
S: Indian Writing in English (Sterling)
∗ Detailed Study
Evaluation Scheme
[This will apply to all Undergraduate Courses on English Literature and not to
General English.]
There shall be a Terminal Examination of 100 Marks of each Paper at the end of every Session.
The Examination Paper shall consist of Three Sections:
Section 'A' shall comprise Ten questions (all compulsory, to be answered in 50 words each) of 2
Marks each. The Examiner will set questions on this section choosing at least two from each unit.
Section 'B' shall comprise Two Parts:
Part I shall consist of Three Reference to Context Questions from starred texts, out of which the
candidate shall attempt any two (to be answered in 200 Words each). Each Question shall carry 08
Part II shall comprise Four Questions, out of which the candidate shall attempt any three (to be
answered in 200 Words each). Each Question shall carry 08 Marks. The Examiner shall set
Questions in such a way so that almost the cent percent coverage of the syllabus is ensured.
Section C shall comprise Four Questions (to be answered in 500 Words each) out of which the
Candidate shall attempt any two. Each Question shall carry 20 Marks. The Examiner shall set
Questions in such a way so that almost the cent percent coverage of the syllabus is ensured.
Literature Paper- II
Prose and Fiction
∗ Ruskin Bond : The Meeting Pool
∗ S. Radhakrishnan : The March of Mind
Virginia Woolf: How should one Read a Book?
Unit –II
∗ Romain Rolland : Vivekananda: The Great Journey to the West
∗ R.K.Narayan: A Bookish Topic
∗ Vandana Shiva: The Social Costs of Economic Globalization
∗ Aruna Roy: Tuned into the Voice of the Deprived
∗ Salim Ali: Man and Nature in India: The Ecological Balance
Unit –III
∗ Premchand : The Child
∗ MulkRaj Anand : The Barber’s Trade Union
∗ K. Abbas : The Refugee
Unit –IV
∗ Maxim Gorky: The Mother of a Traitor
∗ Henry Lawson : The Drover’s Wife
Jim Corbett: Lalajee
Unit –V
R.K.Narayan : Vendor of Sweets
Suggested Readings: Prose and Fiction (Oxford), An Anthology of English Essays ed. R.P.Singh(Oxford)
∗ Detailed Study
∗ There shall be a Terminal Examination of 100 Marks of each Paper at the end of every Session.
The Examination Paper shall consist of Three Sections:
∗ Section 'A' shall comprise Ten questions (all compulsory, to be answered in 50 words each) of 2
Marks each. The Examiner will set questions on this section choosing at least two from each
∗ Section 'B' shall comprise Two Parts:
∗ Part I shall consist of Three Reference to Context Questions from starred texts, out of which the
candidate shall attempt any two (to be answered in 200 Words each). Each Question shall
carry 08 Marks.
∗ Part II shall comprise Four Questions, out of which the candidate shall attempt any three (to be
answered in 200 Words each). Each Question shall carry 08 Marks. The Examiner shall set
Questions in such a way so that almost the cent percent coverage of the syllabus is ensured.
∗ Section C shall comprise Four Questions (to be answered in 500 Words each) out of which the
Candidate shall attempt any two. Each Question shall carry 20 Marks. The Examiner shall set
Questions in such a way so that almost the cent percent coverage of the syllabus is ensured.
ikB~;Øe ,oa ijh{kk&;ks
nks iz'uIk= U;wure mÙkh.kkZ³~d 72 iw.kkZ³~d 200
izFke iz'uIk= le; 3 ?kaVs U;wure mÙkh.kkZ³~d 36 vad 100
f}rh; iz'uIk= le; 3 ?kaVs U;wure mÙkh.kkZ³~d 36 vad 100
izFke iz'uIk= & dkO;] Le`fr ,oa fucU/k iw.kkZM~d 100
dqekjlaHkoe~ ¼dkfynkl½] izFke lxZ&'yksdksa dh O;k[;k vkSj lkekU; iz'u ¼dkfynkl dk lkekU; ifjp;] dqekjlaHko
dh dFkkoLrq] fgeky; o.kZu] ikoZrh&lkSUn;Z&o.kZu] dkfynkl dk miek&oSf'k"V~; ,oa Hkk"kk&'kSyh½
fdjkrktqZuh;e~ ¼Hkkjfo½] izFke lxZ& O;k[;k,¡ vkSj fdjkrktqZuh; ls lkekU; iz'u ¼Hkkjfo dk ifjp;] fdjkrktqZuh; dh
dFkkoLrq] vFkZxkSjo] laokn&'kSyh vkfn½
kjpfjre~ ¼n.Mh½ & v"Ve mPN~okl& x|ka'kksa dk vuqokn vkSj lkekU; iz'u
;kKoYD;Le`fr ¼O;ogkjk/;k;s nk;foHkkx&izdj.kek=½& O;k[;k ,oa lkekU; iz'u
laLÑr&fucU/k&jpuk ¼ledkfyd fo"k;ksa lfgr½
ijh{kdksa ds fy, lkekU; funsZ'k %&
1- iz'ui= dk fuekZ.k laLÑr ek/;e ls fd;k tk,A
2- iz'u&i= ^v^] ^c^ vkSj ^l^ [k.Mksas esa foHkDr gksA [k.M ^v^ ds vUrxZr izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls de ls de 02 iz'u
gksuk vko';d gSA [k.M ^c^ ds vUrxZr izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls de ls de 01 iz'u gksuk vko';d gSA [k.M ^l^ ds
vUrxZr izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls vf/kdre ,d iz'u gksxkA
3- ikB~;Øe esa dqN u dqN ifjorZu gksrk gS] vr% iwoZorhZ iz'ui= dks izek.k u ekusaA
ikB~; ,oa lgk;d iqLrdsa
1- dqekjlaHkoe~ & izFkelxZ & O;k- rkj.kh'k >k
2- fdjkrktZquh;e~ & pkS[kEck] okjk.klh
3- ;kKoYD;Le`fr ¼O;ogkjk/;k;½ & pkS[kEck laLÑr izfr"Bku] fnYyh
4- n'kdqekjpfjre~ & ftrsUnz vxzoky
5- laLÑr&fucU/k&'krde~ & MkW- dfiynso f}osnh] fo-fo- izdk'ku
6- izcU/k&jRukdj & MkW- jes'kpUnz 'kqDy]
7- fucU/k&ikfjtkre~ & MkW- x.ks'knÙk 'kekZ
8- o`gn~&laLÑr&fucU/k&dfydk & MkW- f'koizlkn f}osnh] Hkk-fo-izdk'ku
. Paper-I
Note: Descriptive questions in section B and C will not be framed on a particular author.
Dacken Mein Urdu Nasr-o-Nazm Ka Irteqa
Uneesween Sadi Mein Urdu Nasr
Suggested Books:
1. Urdu Adab ki Tareekh, by Naseem Qureshi, Published by Miskin book Depot. Jaipur
2. Dackeni Adab ki tareekh, by Mohiuddin Quadri Zor.
3. Urdu mein Roomani Tehreek, by Dr. Mohd. Hassan.
4. Urdu mein Taraqqi Passand Adabi Tehreek, By Khalilurehman Aazmi.
5. Urdu Nasr ka Fanni Irtiqa, by Dr. Farman Fatehpuri.
6. Sir Syed aur Aligarh Tehreek, by Khaleeque Ahmed Nizami,
7. Urdu Mein Sawaneh Nigari, by Altaf Fatma
8. Urdu Adab Ki Tareekh, Vol. I, II & III, by Dr. Wahab Ashrafi.
Note: Descriptive questions in section B and C will not be framed on a particular author.
Afsana Aur Khaka
Afsana aur Khaka ki Tareef, Sinfi Khusoosiyaat Aur Tareekh.
Riportaaz Aur Sawaneh Nigari
Riportaaz aur Sawaneh ki pehchan, Khusoosiyat Aur Aghaz-o-lrteqa.
Nazm-e-Jadeed Aur Azad Nazm
Nazm-e-Jadeed kaTasawwur aur Agaz-o-lrteqa.
Azad Nazm ki Ta’areef, Haiyyat Aur Tareekhi Irteqa.
Inshaiya aur parody
Inshaiya –funn aur Tareekh
Parody- Fnn aur Tareekh
Qata aur Geet
Two Papers Min. Pass Marks 72 Max. Marks : 200
Paper I 3 hours Duration Max. Marks : 100
Paper II 3 hours Duration Max. Marks : 100
( One Passage out of two in section B and two Passages out of three in Section C)
Summary of prescribed lessons.
Explanation of couplets.
( Two couplets out of four in Section B and Five couplets out of ten in Section C)
General Question on Prose Writer.
General Question on poet.
(1) Qismat-e-nasr:
(i) Balami-Tarjuma-e-Tarikh-e-Tabri pp. 1-9 (Sal-e-Suwwum)
(ii) Nizami Aruzi ,ChaharMaqala
From the said prescribed book (Sal-e- Duwwum)
(2) Qismat-e-Adabiyat-e-Jadid Nasr
(iii) FaridumTawwalali-Loh-e-Mahfuz pp. 109-113.
Translation of Passages from the prescribed lesson into Urdu or Hindi or English,
( One passage out of two in Section B and two passages out of three in Section C)
2. Translation of simple sentences from Urdu into Persian.
History of Persian Literature from Timurid period to qachari Period.
Study of the following important historical books produced during the ILkhani period
(i) Tarikh-e-Jahan-Kusha
(ii) Jam-e-ul-Tawarikh
(iii) Tarikh-e-Wasaaf
(iv) Tarikh-e-Guzidah
Critical study of the following writers and poets of the 14th Century.
Rumi (ii) Sadi (iii) Iraqi (iv) Khawaja Nasiruddin Tusi
The Timurid Period
(i) Hafiz (ii) Critical study of Ubed Zakani as satirist
(iii) AmirKhusro (iv) Jami and his works
The Qachari ILkhani Period
1. A detailed critical study of Mirza Habib Qaani
2. Short Note on the following important stories memories and biographies of Qachari period:
(a) Nasikh-ul-Tawarikh pp. 498.
(b) Tarikh-e-Muntazim Nasiri pp. 499.
(c) Riaz-ul-Arifin and Majma-ul-Fushae pp. 500 .
(d) Nama-e-Danishwaran, pp.501-502.p
Books Prescribed:
From the said prescribed book
Gulistan-e-Sadi: Published by Sab Rang Kitab Ghar, Delhi.
1. Tarikh-e-Adabiyat-e Iran, by Raza Zada Shafaq (Translated Sayyad Mubarizuddin Refat-M.A. (Urdu
2. Tarikh-e-Adabiyat-e-lmruz-e-lran, by Dr. Mohammed Istailami Published by Muwasasa-e-lntesharat-e-
Amir KabirTehran-2535
3. Sher-ul-ajam, Part I, II, III, IV and V, by Shibli Nomani
4. Modern Persian Prose and Literature, by H. Kamshad Published by Cambridge University Press. 1966.
izFke iz'u i= & izkphu jktLFkkuh dkO;
ijh{kk ;kstuk
ke iz'u i= & izkphu jktLFkkuh dkO;
[k.M c % bl [k.M esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls ,d&,d iz'u ysrs gq, dqy 7 iz'u gksaxs ftuesa ls 5 iz'u djus gksaxsA izR;sd
iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 8 vad gksxkA 8 x 5 = 40
[k.M l % bl [k.M esa 4 iz'u o.kkZRed gksaxs ¼iz'u esa Hkkx Hkh gks ldrs gSa½ tks lHkh bdkbZ;ksa esa ls fn, tk,axs] fdUrq
,d bdkbZ esa ls ,d ls vf/kd iz'u ugha gksxkA ftlesa ls nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gSaA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj 500 'kCnksa
esa gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 20 vad dk gksxkA 20 x 2 =
fof’k"V v/;;u
izkphu jktLFkkuh dkO; dk bfrgkl % fodkl ,oa ijEijk & izeq[k jpuk,a ,oa jpukdkjA
dkO;'kkL= % jl] izeq[k NUn
jktLFkkuh dkO; nks"kA
1- <ksyk ek: jk nwgk % la- =; Bk- jkeflag] ujksÙkenkl Lokeh] lw;Zdj.k ikjhd
2- Xkksjk ckfny pfjr pmibZ % la- eqfu Jh ftufot;
bdkbZ 1
<ksyk ek: jk nwgk % la- =; Bk- jkeflag] ujksÙkenkl Lokeh] lw;Zdj.k ikjhd
¼ekjo.kh dk lanslk & nwgk la[;k 110 ls 210 rd½s esa ls O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 2
<ksyk ek: jk nwgk % la- =; Bk- jkeflag] ujksÙkenkl Lokeh] lw;Zdj.k ikjhd
¼ekjokM+ dh fuank ,oa ekjokM+ dh iz'kalk & nwgk la[;k 654 ls 674 rd½s esa ls O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed v/;;uA
bdkbZ 3
Xkksjk ckfny pfjr pmibZ % la- eqfu Jh ftufot; ¼pmibZ la[;k 1 ls 75 rd½ esa ls O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed
bdkbZ 4
Xkksjk ckfny pfjr pmibZ % la- eqfu Jh ftufot; ¼pmibZ la[;k 76 ls 150 rd½ esa ls O;k[;k ,oa vkykspukRed
bdkbZ 5
izkphu jktLFkkuh dkO; dk bfrgkl] fodkl ,oa ijEijk] izkphu jktLFkkuh jpuk,a ,oa jpukdkjA
jl & lkekU; ifjp;
NUn & nwgk ¼Hksnka lfgr½] osfy;ks] NksVk lk.kksj] >eky] fulka.kh vkSj lqia[kjks
jktLFkkuh dkO; nks"k & NcdkG nks"k] va/knks"k] vil nks"k] veaxG nks"k] csgjks nks"k] tkfr fo:) nks"k] fuuax nks"k]
ijfp; ,oa mnkgj.k
[k.M c % bl [k.M esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls ,d&,d iz'u ysrs gq, dqy 7 iz'u gksaxs ftuesa ls 5 iz'u djus gksaxsA izR;sd
iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 200 'kCnksa esa gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 8 vad gksxkA 8 x 5 = 40
[k.M l % bl [k.M esa 4 iz'u o.kkZRed gksaxs ¼iz'u esa Hkkx Hkh gks ldrs gSa½ tks lHkh bdkbZ;ksa esa ls fn, tk,axs] fdUrq
,d bdkbZ esa ls ,d ls vf/kd iz'u ugha gksxkA ftlesa ls nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gSaA izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj 500 'kCnksa
esa gksxkA izR;sd iz'u 20 vad dk gksxkA 20 x 2 = 40
v/;;u {ks=
çFke ç’u i=
uksV& ;g lyscl fu;fer ,o aLo;aikBh nksuks fo|kfFk;ksa dss fy,A
dqy iw.kkZad &100] U;wure vad &36] le; & vf/kdre 3 ?kaVs
lkekU; funsZ'k%&
1- ijh{kk dk ek/;e dsoy iatkch gksxk ,oa iz’uIk= dsoy iatkch Hkk"kk esa gh cuk;k tk,xkA
2- fo|kfFkZ;ksa ,oa izk/;kidksa ls vis{kk gS fd v/;;u o v/;kiu dk ek/;e iatkch esa gh gks ,oaa xq:eq[kh fyfi gh
ekU; gksxhA
3- ç’u i= rhu lSD'ku esa ckaVk x;k gSA lSD’ku 20 vad] lSD’ku 40 vad ,oa lSD’ku 40 vad dk gksxkA
4- lSD’ku) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 10 vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç”u iwNs tk;saxs] lHkh ç”u gy djus vfuok;Z gSA
çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 50 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 2 vad dk gksxkA
5- lSD’ku (B) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 8 y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u iwNs tk;saxs] ftlesa ls 5 ç’u gy djus vko’;d gSA
çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 200 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 8 vad dk gksxkA
6- lSD’ku (C) esa leLr lyscl esa ls dqy 3 fuca/kkRed ç”u iwNs tk;saxs] ftlesa ls 2 ç”u gy djus vko’;d gSA
çR;sd ç’u dk mÙkj 500 “kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA çR;sd ç’u 20 vad dk gSA
Section- (A)
uksV%& lHkh 10 ç’uksa ds mÙkj 50 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA ¼10 X 2 vad = dqy 20 vad½
Section- (A)
uksV%& lHkh 10 ç’uksa ds mÙkj 50 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA ¼10 X 2 vad = dqy 20 vad½
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^ uosa fnlgns ** esa ls vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼pkj ç’u½
¼c½ ukVd ^^oj ?kj** esa ls vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼pkj ç’u½
¼l½ fuca/k laxzg ^^jh>ka rs jetka** esa ls vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼nks ç’u½
Section- (B)
uksV%& 8 esa ls fdUgh 5 ç’uksa ds mÙkj 200 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA ¼5 X 8 vad = dqy 40
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^ uosa fnlgns ** esa ls y?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u& nks dkO; VqdfM+;ksa dh çlax lfgr O;k[;k] ,d dfork
dk HkkokFkZ@dsUnzh; Hkko ¼dqy rhu esa ls dksbZ nks½
¼c½ ukVd ^^oj ?kj** esa ls y?kqmÙkjkRed ç”u& nks okrkZyki VqdfM+;ksa dh çlax lfgr O;k[;k] ,d ik= dk ik=
fp=.k ¼dqy rhu esa ls dksbZ nks½
¼l½ fuca/k laxzg ^^jh>ka rs jetka** esa ls nks y?kqmÙkjkRed ç”u ¼dqy nks esa ls dksbZ ,d½
Section- (C)
uksV%&3 esa ls fdUgh 2 ç”uksa ds mÙkj 500 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç”u 20 vad dk gSA ¼2X 20 vad = dqy 40 vad½
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^uosa fnlgns** esa ls fuca/kkRed ç’u&dfork dk lkj@fo"k; oLrq@dsUnzh; Hkko ¼rhu esa ls nks½
¼c½ ukVd ^^oj ?kj** esa ls fuca/kkRed ç’u&ukVd dk lkj@fo"k; oLrq@ik= fp=.k@lkfgR;d vkykspukA ¼nks esa ls
,d 1⁄2 ¼20½
¼l½ fuca/k laxzg ^^jh>ka rs jetka** esa ls fuca/kkRed ç’u& fuca/k+ dk lkj ¼nks esa ls ,d½ ¼20½
ikB~; iqLrdas%&
1- uosa fnlgns ¼dkO; laxzg½&Mk- xqjnso flag] izdk’kd% ifCyds’ku C;wjks] iatkc ;wfuoflZVh] p.Mhx<+
2- oj ?kj ¼ukVd½&vkbZ-lh- u ank] izdk”kd% ifCyds’ku C;wjks] iatkch ;wfuoflVhZ ifV;kykA
3- jh>ka rs jetka ¼fuca/k laxzg½&xqjpj.k flag] izdk”kd% ifCyds’ku C;wjks] iatkc ;wfuoflZVh] p.Mhx<+
uksV%& fuEufyf[kr ç’uksa ds mÙkj 50 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA¼10 X 2 vad = dqy 20 vad½
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^uosa fnlgns ** esa “kkfey dfo;ksa ¼ckck oyoar dks NksM+dj1⁄2 ds thou] lkfgRd jpuk ,oa dkO;
“kSyh lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼pkj ç’u½
¼c½ dfork] xyi] ukVd o x| ls lEcfU/kr bfrgkl ewyd ç’u vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼pkj ç’u½
¼l½ ute] xty][kqyh dfork] fuca/k] thouh o lQjukek lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’u ¼nks ç’u ½
Section- (B)
uksV%& 7 esa ls fdUgh 5 dks gy djksA çR;sd ç’u ds vad leku gSA ¼5 X 8 vad = dqy 40 vad½
¼v½ laf{kIr jpuk ¼’khZ"kd lfgr½ ¼c½ eqgkojksa dk vFkZ o okD; esa ç;ksx ¼vkB½
¼l½ v[kkuksa dk vFkZ o okD; esa ç;ksx ¼vkB½
¼n½ lkfgr dk vFkZ ]çd`fr] ç;kstu o rÙk lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’uA ¼nks ç’u½
¼;½ ute] xty ,oa [kqyh dfork lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’uA ¼,d ç’u½
¼j½ fuca/k] thouh ,oa lQjukek lEca/kh vfry?kqmÙkjkRed ç’uA ¼,d ç’u½
Section- (C)
uksV%& 3 esa ls fdUgh 2 ç’uksa ds mÙkj 500 “kCnksa esa fy[kksA çR;sd ç’u 20 vad dk gSA¼2 X 20 vad = dqy 40
¼v½ dkO; laxzg ^^uosa fnlgns ** esa “kkfey dfo;ksa ¼ckck oyoar dks NksM+dj½ esa ls ,d dfo dk thou] lkfgRd
;ksxnku o dkO; “kSyh lEca/kh ç’uA ¼nks esa ls ,d ½ 20 vad
¼c½ dfork] xyi]ukVd o x| ds bfrgklewyd lEca/kh ç’u ¼nks esa ls ,d ½ 20 vad
¼l½ ¼1-½ ute] xty ,oa [kqyh dfork dh ifjHkk"kk] eq[; y{k.k ,oa mnkgj.k ¼nks esa ls ,d ½
¼2-½ fucU/k] thouh rFkk lQjukek dh ifjHkk"kk izd`fr rFkk y{k.k ¼nks esa ls ,d ½ 10$10 vad
lgk;d iqLrdsa%&
1- iatkch lkfgr nk bfrgkl ¼1851 ls vk/kqfud dky½] ifCyds’ku C;wjks] iatkch ;wfuoflZVh] ifV;kyk
2- lkfgr ns :i& jru flag tXxh] ifCyds’ku C;wjks] iatkch ;wfuoflZVh] ifV;kyk
3- vkykspuk vrs iatkch vkykspuk] jktsUnz flag ls[kksa] ykgkSj cqd “kkWi] yqf/k;kuk
4- lkfgr ns :i& fdjiky flag o ijfeUn z flag] ykgksj cqd “kkWi] yqf/k;kukA
5- [kkst if=dk] iatkch ;wfuoflZVh] ifV;kykA
Two Papers . Min. pass marks 72 Max. Marks 200
Paper - I 3 hrs duration 100 Marks
Paper - II 3 hrs duration 100 Marks
Note: There shall be three (03) Sections in the Question paper.
Section A shall consist of ten questions (02 questions from each Unit), of 02 marks each, all compulsory to be
answered in around 50 words.
Section B shall consist of seven questions (at least 01 question from each Unit) of 08 marks each, to be
answered in around 200 words. Five questions must be answered out of given seven.
Section C shall consist of four questions (maximum 01 question from one Unit) of 20 marks each, to be
answered in around 500 words. Two questions must be answered out of given four.
From the following Groups A& B students have to opt at least one paper from each Group i.e. they have to
select two papers in all. Taking one paper from each group.
1. Sankhya yoga or
2. Philosophy of Bhagwat Gita or
3. Philosophy of education
1. Contemporary Indian philosophy or
2. Socio-political philosophy.
3.Mental ability and reasoning
TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS Max Marks: 100
Interdependence of Prakriti
Nature and proofs for prakriti
vyakta and avyakta
Interdependence of purasa,
Nature and proofs for purasa.
Relaston between Prakriti & Purasa
Trividh dukh and its annihilation
Bondage and Liberation
Chitta vrities.
Chitta bhumies.
Chittavrati nirodha.
Suggested readings -
1. Vachaspati mishra- sankhya tatva kaumudi
2. Brijmohan chaturvedi - sankhya kanika
3. Patanjali -yoga sutra
4. Dr. N.K. Devrajindian philosophy (chapters on sankhya and yoga philosophy)
The theme and the main features of Gita.
Psychological analysis of arjuna’s mental conditions.
Imperishable nature of atman.
Concept of karma yoga in bhagvad gita.
Jnana -karma - sanyas yoga in gita.
The brahmayogi and the nishkamkarmayogi.
The interdependance of bhakti,jnana and vairagya.
Ethics of Bhagwat Gita and Kantethics.
Personal and impersonal aspects of god.
Various vibhuties of god.
Characteristics of the stithaprajna.
Description of vishvarupa and its reactions in arjuna’s mind.
The status of purushottam.
Divine and demoniac heritage.
Suggested readings-
1. Tilak B.G.- Gita Rahasya
2. Date.V.H. - Brahmayoga of Gita
3. Ranade R.D. - Bhagvadgeeta as the philosophy of god- realization.
Philosophy of education: Meaning and scope.
Education: Nature, Meaning, Aims and objectives.
Philosophical base of education: Idealism, naturalism, pragmatism.
Forms of education: Formal, Informal, Non-formal
Educational contribution: Jainsim, Gita Buddhism, Tagore, Gandhi, Vivekanand, Aurobindo.
Universalization of education
Equality of opporunities in education.
Education and Fundamental Rights and Duties
Relationship between education and democracy
Role of education socialistic pattern and national integration.
PAPER - I Contemporary Indian Philosophy
(1) Introduction tendencies and characteristics of contemporary Indian philosophy.
Time Allowed: 3 HRS Max Marks: 100
Meaning and relation of social philosophy and political philosophy
Theories of relation between individual and society
Relation of religion, society and education.
Tradition ,change and modernity- their meaning.
Tradition and modernity in Indian context.
Right-its meaning and classification
Duty-its meaning and classification
Manu - Varnashramdharma, Rajdharma.
Gandhi- Sarvodaya and Trusteeship
Plato - Social justice and ideal state.
Aristotle - basic features of his political philosophy.
Socialism and Marxist communism.
Democracy - Fraternity, equality, liberty and justice
Methods of social political changes-
Revolution -meaning and principles of Marxist revolution
Satyagrah and civil disobedience of Gandhi.
Constitutionalism -meaning and its main characteristics.
Suggested readings-
1. BARKER.E. : Principles of socio-political theories
2. V.P.VERMA : Political thought .
3. VERMA .A.K. : Aarambhik samaj even rajnitik darshan
4. MISHRA.H.N. : Samajik -rajnitik darshan
5. SINHA .R.C KI : Samaj darshan evem rajnitik darshan rooprekha
6.SATPALGAUTAM Samaj darshan
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz'u i= U;wure mÙkh.kk±d 72 vf/kdre vad & 200
izFke iz'u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad & 100
f}rh; iz'u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad & 100
iz’u&i= esa dqy rhu [k.M gksxsaA [k.M v esa lHkh nl iz’u vfuok;Z gksaxs izR;sd iz’u dk mÙkj 50 ’kCnksa esa fn;k
tkuk gSA izR;sd iz’u nks vad dk gksxkA [k.M c esa dqy 7 iz’u gksaxs o ijh{kkFkhZ dsoy 5 iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsxkA izR;sd
iz’u dk mÙkj 200 ’kCnksa esa fn;k tkuk gSA izR;sd iz’u 8 vad dk gksxkA [k.M l esa dqy 4 iz’u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ buesa
ls fdUgh nks iz’uksa ds mÙkj nsxkA izR;sd iz’u fd mÙkj lhek 500 ’kCn gksxhA izR;sd iz’u 20 vad dk gksxkA
Hkkx % v i=&izFke
lka[; ;ksx n'kZu vFkok xhrk n'kZu vFkok f'k{kk n'kZu vkSj
Hkkx & c i=&f}rh;
ledkyhu Hkkjrh; nk'kZfud vFkok lkekftd & jktuSfrd n'kZu vFkok
ekufld ;ksX;rk
Hkkx & v i=&izFke
1- lka[; ;ksx n'kZu
izÑfr& Lo:i vkSj vfLrRo ds iz.kke
O;Dr vkSj vO;Dr izÑfr
iq:"k & Lo:i] vfLrRo ds izek.k] vusdrk
iq:"k ,oa izÑfr dk lEca/k
f=fo/k nq%[k vkSj mldh fuo`fr] izek.k] lRdk;Zokn]
l`f"V izfØ;k ¼fodkl okn½ ca/ku vkSj eks{kA
fpÙk o`fÙk] fpÙk Hkwfe;kW] fpÙko`fÙk fujks/k] v"Vkax ;ksx lEizKkr vkSj vlEizKkr lekfËk] flf);kW bZ'oj & Lo:i ,oa
;ksx n'kZu esa bldk egRoA
lanHkZ xzUFk %
czteksgu prqosZnh & lka[;dkfjdk
egkRek xk¡/kh & bZ'oj dk Lo:i] lR; dk Lo:i] deZ dk laizR;; ,oa iqutZUe lkËku ,oa lk/; vfgalk] lr;kxzg]
/keZ ,oa uSfrdrkA
jk/kkÑ".kuu~& ijelr~ dk Lo:i] vkRek dk Lo:i] ekuoh; fu;fr] /keZ laca/kh fopkj] jgL;okn ds rRo] Kku dk
Jh vjfoUn & ek;k ifj.kkeokn ,oa fooÙkZokn fodkl ,oa vfrekul dk Lo:i
johUæ ukFk VSxksj & VSxksj ds thou ij izHkko] lr~ ,oa bZ'oj] bZ'oj dh vfLrRo ds izek.k] euq"; dk Lo:i] bZ'oj
dk Lo:i] uhfrn'kZu
lUnHkZ xzUFk
y{eh lDlSuk & ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n'kZu
clUr dqekj yky & ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n'kZu
Hkkx & c i= f}rh;
2- lkekftd& jktuSfrd n'kZu
lekt n'kZu ,oa jktuhfr n'kZu dk vFkZ ,oa laca/k] O;fDr ,oa lekt ds e/; lacaËk ds fl)kUr] lekt /keZ ,oa f'k{kk
dk laca/kA
ijEijk] ifjorZu ,oa vk/kqfudrk dk vFkZ] Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa ijEijk] ifjorZu ,oa vkËkqfudrk
vf/kdkj& vFkZ ,oa oxhZdj.k
dÙkZO; & vFkZ ,oa oxhZdj.k
euq& o.kkZJe /keZ] jkt/keZ
IysVks & lkekftd U;k; ,oa vkn'kZ jkT;
xk¡/kh& loksZn; ,oa U;k; /kkfjrk
vjLrq& vjLrq ds jktuhfrd n'kZu dh vk/kkjHkwr fo'ks"krk,¡
lektokn ,oa ekDlZoknh lkE;okn
iztkra= & cU/kqRo] lekurk] Lora=rk ,oa U;k;
lkekftd& jktuSfrd ifjorZu dh fof/k;k¡
ØkfUr &vFkZ ,oa ekDlZoknh Økafr ds fl)kUr
lR;kxzg ,oa lfou; voKk & xk¡/kh
lafo/kkuokn& vFkZ ,oa eq[; fo'ks"krk,a
lUnHkZ xzUFk
izks- v'kksd dqekj oekZ % izkjfEHkd lekt ,oa jktuhfr n'kZu
MkW- ân; ukjk;.k feJ % lkekftd & jktuhfr n'kZu
flUgk] vkj-lh- % lekt n'kZu ,oa jktuhfrd n'kZu dh :ijs[kk
oekZ] oh-ih- % ikWfyfVdy FkkWV
feJk] ,p-,u- % lekt n'kZu
lr;iky xkSre % lekt n'kZu
bdcky ukjk;.k % jktuhfrd fopkj /kkjk,a
ckdZj] bZ- % fizalhiy vkWQ lks';ks & iksfyfVdy F;ksjh
flag] jketh % xka/kh n'kZu ,oa lekt n'kZu
'kekZ] ih-Mh- % izfrfuf/k jktuhfrd fopkjd
yokfu;k] ,u-,e- % lkekftd fopkjd
Hkkc & c i= f}rh;
3- rdZ'kfä o ekufld ;ksX;rk
igsyh ijh{k.k] xf.krh; fo'ys"k.k] izkf;drk]
lkn`';rk ijh{k.k] laca/k ijh{k.k] vkjs[k ijh{k.k]
J`a[kyk ijh{k.k] fn'kk ijh{k.k] ?ku ijh{k.k] buiqV vkmViqV ijh{k.k]
dwV Hkk"kk ijh{k.k] o.kZekyk ijh{k.k] fLFkfr ijh{k.k] eSfVªDl] ?kMh ijh{k.k]
Guidance and Counseling Psychology
Guidance: Meaning and Nature of Guidance, Group Discussion and Guidance, Carrier Conference and Role
Types of Guidance: Educational Guidance, Vocational Guidance, Personal Guidance and Group Guidance.
Techniques of Guidance: Personal Guidance, Group Discussion and Guidance, Carrier Conference and Role
Guidance in Classroom: Guidance in curriculum, Guidance, and classroom Learning, Guidance and Discipline,
guidance for special children. Emerging Concerns for Guidance: Guidance for Child Development, Guidance
for adolescent Issues, Guidance in Special Issues (Drug abuse, Sex abuse, HIV/AIDS, Child Rights)
Unit III
Introduction to Counseling: Meaning and Definition of Counseling, Nature, Scope and Principle of Counseling,
counseling of Psychotherapy, Ethics in counseling and Rights of the Clients.
Counseling Process and Required Skills: counseling Relationship (Making Psychological Contact), basic
communication Skills, counseling Interview Stages of counseling.
Strategies/Techniques of Counseling: Individual Counseling, group Counseling Peer Counseling and Role
Unit IV
Counseling Approach:
Directive Counseling: basic assumption of Directive Counseling, Steps of Directive Counseling, Characteristics
of Directive Counseling, Advantages & Limitation of Directive counseling.
Non-Directive Counseling: Basic assumption of Non-Directive Counseling Steps of Non-Directive Counseling,
Characteristics of Non-Directive Counseling, Advantages & Limitation of Non-Directive Counseling.
Eclectic counseling: Basic assumption of Eclectic counseling, Steps, of Eclectic counseling, Characteristics of
Eclectic Counseling, Advantages & Limitation of Eclectic Counseling.
Adjustment: concept and Nature of Adjustment, Need of Adjustment, Determinants of Adjustment, Area of
Unit V
Education and Rehabilitation of Mental Retardation: Specific problems of education for mentally retarded
Children, Prevention and treatment of mentally retarded Children, Special education for mentally retarded
Children, Parental attitudes and coping Behavior mentally retarded children.
Problem Children: Hyper active, Restless and Aggressive Children. Shy and Bed-wetting. Children. Thumb
Sucking and Nail Belting Children. Scholastic Backwardness.
Books Recommended
English Books:-
Hackney H. and Cormier L.S.(1988); Counseling Strategies and Interventions, Englewood Cliffs, N.S. prentice
Bhavnagar Asha and Nirmala gupta (Edition, 2001); guidance and Counseling vol. 1&2, New Delhi, Vikas
Publishing House.
Steffler, B.(1972); Theories of Counseling, New Yourk: MCGrow Hill, Student Edn.
Felthan, Colin and Horton, lan (2000) Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy, London: Sage.
Corey, G.(1986); Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Belmont Calif: Books-Code.
Paper II
Educational Psychological
Unit I
Educational Psychology: Definition, Problems and methods of Educational Psychology, Individual differences:
Differences due to heredity and Environment, Types of Individual difference.
Unit II
Learning: Definition & Types of Learning, Theories – Thorndike, Pavlov, Skinner, Kohlar. Effect of Fatigue in
Verbal learning: Meaning of Verbal Learning, Materials used in the study of verbal learning, Procedures of
verbal learning.
Intelligence: Meaning & Nature of Intelligence, Measurement of Intelligence: Types of Intelligence Test Benet
& Wechsler intelligence Test. Theories: Two Factor Theory, Multi factor, Group factor.
Motivation, Definition of Motivation, Basic motivational concepts, kinds of motivation Role of Motivation in
Unit IV
Memory: Meaning, Components & Types of Memory.
Forgetting: Meaning & Nature of forgetting, Determinants of causes of Forgetting.
Personality:- Meaning & Characteristics of Personality, Trait & Type approaches of Personality, Theories of
Personality:- Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of personality.
Unit V
Education of the physically Handicapped, Mentally Retarded Children and Superior Children.
Growth & Development: Meaning & Difference of Growth & Development Physical, Emotional, Social &
Cognitive Development in Adolescent Stage.
Mental Health: Meaning of Mental Health, Mental Health of Student, Mental Health of a Teacher,
Books Recommended:-
Walia J.S Foundations of Educational Psychology, Paul Publishers, N.N.11 Gopal Nagar Jalandher City(Punjab)
Bhatia & Purohit: Educational Psychology
Hillgrd E.R.: Theories of learning Appleton Century Craft N.Y. 1956.
Student have to complete any Six Experiments/ tests.
10. Aptitude test
11. Performance Intelligence test (Bhatia Battery)
12. Span of Attention
13. Personality Inventory (MPI)
14. Effect of fatigue on Learning
15. Interest record
16. Proactive Inhibition
17. Retroactive Inhibition
NOTE:- Students have to one Practical during examination. Evaluation scheme will as follows.
Conduction of Experiment/Test 15 marks
Viva on Experiment/test 25 marks
Record File 10 marks
Total 50 marks
ke iz’u&i=
funsZ’ku vkSj ijke’kZ euksfoKku
funsZ’ku% funsZ’ku dk vFkZ vkSj izd`fr funsZ’ku ds {ks= ,oa mn~ns’;] funsZ’ku ds y{; ,oa fl)kUr] vPNs funsZ’ku dk;Zdze
dh vko’;drkA
funsZ’ku ds izdkj% “kSf{kd funsZ’ku] O;olkf;d funsZ’ku] O;fDrxr funZs’ku vkSj lewg funZs’kuA
funZs’ku dh rduhd 5 O;fDrxr funZs’ku lewg O;k[;k vkSj funZs’ku] dSfj;j lEesyu vkSj Hkwfedk vnk;xhA
d{kk&d{k es funZs’ku% ikB;dze esa funZs’ku] funZs’ku vkSj vuq’kklu] fo"ks’k cPpksa ds fy, funZs’kuA
funZs’ku ds rFk;ksa dk mnHko% fodklkRed cPpksa ds fy, funZs’ku] u] fd’kksj leL;kvksa ds fy, funZs’ku fo"ks’k leL;kvksa
ds fy, funZs’ku ¼vkS"k/k O;lu] ;kSu O;lu] ,o-vkbZ-oh-@,M~l] cPpksa ds vf/kdkj½A
ijke’kZ dk ifjp; 5 ijke’kZ dk vFkZ vkSj ifjHkk’kk] ijke’kZ dh izd`fr] {ks= vkSj fl)kUr] ijke’kZ es euksfofdRlk]
ijke’kZ esa uSfrdrk vkSj Dyk;UV d vf/kdkjA
ijke’kZ izfdz;k vkS’vko’;d dkS’ky% ijke laca/k ¼euksfoKkfud laca/k cukuk½] lkekU; lapkj dkS’ky ijke lk{kkRdkj]
ijke’kZ dh voLFkk,saA
ijke’kZ dh rduhd% oS;fDrd ijke’kZ lewg ijke’kZ] ih;j ijke’kZ vkSj Hkwfedk vnk;xhA
ijke’kZ mikxe%
funZsf’kr ijke funsZf’kr ijke’kZ dh lkekU; midYiuk] funZsf’kr ijke’kZ dh voLFkk,as] funsZf’kr ijke’kZ dh fo"ks’krk,as]
funZsf’kr ijke’kZ ds ykHk vkSj lhek,asA
vfunZsf’kr ijke’k% funZsf’kr ijke’kZ dh lkekU;midYiuk] vfunZsf"kr ijke’kZ dh voLFkk,sa] vfunZsf’kr ijke’kZ dh
fo"ks’krk,sa] vfunsZf’kr ijke’kZ ds ykHk vkSj lhek,saA
p;u’khy ijke’kZ% p;u’khy ijke’kZ dh lkekU;k midYiuk] p;u’khy ijke’kZ dh voLFkk,sa p;u’khy ijke’kZ dh
fo’ks’krk,sa] p;u’khy ijke’kZ ds ykHk vkSj lhek,saA
lek;kstu% lek;kstu d lEizR;; vkSj izd`fr] lek;kstu dh vko’;drk] lek;kstu ds fu/kkZjd] lkek;kstu ds {ks=A
ekufld eUnrk dh f’k{kk vkSj iquokZl% ekufld eUn cPpkds dh f’k{kk esa mriUu fo"ks’k leL;k,sa] ekufld eUn cPpkssa
dk laj{k.k vkSj mipkj ekufld eUn cPpks ds fy, fo"ks’k f’k{kk] ekufld eun cPpksa ds izfr ekrk&firk dh vfHko`fr
vkSj dkWfix O;ogkjA leL;kRed cPps% mPp lfdz;rk lqLr vkSj vkdzked cPpsA “kfeZys vkSj fcLrj esa ew= R;kxus
okys cPps] vaxwBk pwlus vkSj uk[kwu pckus okys cPpsA Ldwy esa fiNMs+ cPpsA lkekU; O;ogkj ifjektZu vkSj
lek;kstu% ifjHkk’kk vkSj fof/k;k] O;ogkj ifjektZu ds fl)kUr] lek;kstu dh leL;k,sa vkSj lek;kstu dh fof/k;kaA
iBu lkekxzh %&
tk;loky] lhrkjke( f’k{kk esa funZs’ku ,oa ijke’kZ vkxjk] HkkxZo cqd gkmlAvkscjk;] M+k- ,l-lh-( “kSf{kd vkSj
O;olkf;d funZs’ku ,oa ijke’kZ esjB] ykW;y cqd fMiksA
pkSgku ,oa tSu funZs’ku rFkk ijke’kZ] mn;iqjA
iz’u&i= f}rh;
f’k{kk euksfoKku
f’k{kk euksfoKku% ifjHkk’kk f’k{kk euksfoKku dh leL;k,sa vkSj fof/k;ka oS;fDrd fofHkUurk% fofHkUurk ds vkuqoaf’kd vkSj
okrkoj.kh; dkjd] oS;fDrd fofHkUurk ds izdkjA
vf/kxe% vf/kxe dk vFkZ vkSj izdkj vf/kxe ds fl)kUr& FkkuZMkbd] iSoyo] Ldhuj] dksgyj ds vf/kxe fl)kUrA
vf/kxe lq/kkj] vf/kxe ij Fkdku dk izHkkoA
“kkfCnd lh[kuk% “kkfCnd lh[kuk dk vFkZ “kkfCnd lh[kuk ds v/;;u esa iz;qDr lkexzh] “kkfCnd lh[kuk dh fof/k;kaA
cqf)% cqf) dk vFkZ vkSj izd`fr] cqf) dk ekiu% cqf) ijh{k.k ds izdkj fcus rFkk oS”yj cqf) ijh{k.k fl)kUr&
f}dkjd fl)kUr] cgq dkjd fl)kUrA vfHkizsj.kk% vfHkizsj.kk dk vFkZ] vfHkizsj.kk ds lkekU; lEizR;;] vfHkizsj.kk ds
izdkj] vfHkizsj.kk dh vf/kxe esa HkwfedkA
Le`fr% Le`fr dk vFkZ] dkjd vkSj izdkjA
foLej.k% foLej.k dk vFkZ vkSj izd`fr foLej.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
O;fDrRo% O;fDrRo dk vFkZ vkSj izd`fr] “khyxq.k vkSj izdkj mikxe] O;fDrRo ds fl)kUr% Qzk;M dk
euksfo”ys’k.kkRed fl)kUrA
“kkjhfjd fodykaxrk] eUn cqf) ,oa loksZre cPpksa dh f’k{kkA
vfHko`f) o fodkl% vfHko`fr) ,oa fodkl dk vFkZ ,oa vUrjA fd’kksjkoLFkk esa “kkjhfjd lkaosfxd] lkekftd vkSj
laKkukRed fodklA
ekufld LokLFk;% ekufld LokLF; dk vFkZ] fo|kFkhZ dk ekufld LokLF;] v/;kid dk ekufld LokLF;A
iBu lkexzh %&
okfy;k ts-,l- f’k{kk euksfoKku] iky ifCy’klZ ,u-,u- 11 xksiky uxj] tyU/kj flVh] iatkcA
flga v:.k dqekj% mPprj f’k{kk euksfoKku] uohure laLdj.k] eksrhyky cukjlh nkl izdk’ku] iVukA
lqYyseku eksgEen% f’k{kk euksfoKku] uohure laLdj.k] eksrhyky cukjlh nkl izdk’ku] iVukA
MkW- jkeiky flag ,oa MkW- jk/kkoYyHk mik/;k;% vf/kxe dk fodkl vkSj f’k{k.k vf/kxe izfdz;k] vxzoky ifCyds”’kUl]
ikBd ih-Mh-% f’k{kk euksfoKkuA
izk;ksfxd iz’u & i=
fo|kFkhZ dks fuEu esa N% ijh{k.k@iz;ksx djus vfuok;Z gS%&
01- vfHk{kerk ijh{k.k
02- cqf) ijh{k.k ¼HkkfV;k cSVjh½
03- vo/kku dk foLrkj
04- O;fDrRo lwph ¼,e-ih-vkbZ-½
05- lh[kus ij Fkdku dk izHkko
06- :fp izi=
07- vxzy{kh izkojks/k
08- iwoZy{kh izkojks/k
uksV %& fo|kFkhZ dks ijh{kk esa ,d izsfDVdy djuk gSA ewY;kadu bl izdkj gS%&
daMD’ku vkWQ izsfDVdy 15 vad
ekSf[kd ijh{kk 25 vad
fjdkWMZ Qkby 10 vad
dqy 50 vad
There shall be two papers and the maximum marks for each paper together with minimum marks required for a
pass are shown against each paper separately.
Two papers Min. Marks Max. Marks
Paper I 36 100
Paper II 36 100
fo"k; esa nks iz'u i= gksaxs vkSj izR;sd iz'u i= ds fy, vf/kdre vad o U;wure mRrh.kkZad
izR;sd iz'u i= ds lkFk i`Fkd ls n'kkZ;s x, gSa &
nks iz'u i= U;wure mRrh.kkZad vf/kdre vad
72 200
iz'u i=&1 3 ?kaVs le;kof/k 36 100
iz'u i=&2 3 ?kaVs le;kof/k 36 100
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&c eas izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&l esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha 3 iz'uksa ds mRrj nsus gksaxsA
izR;sd [k.M dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ&1 % eqnzk dk ewY; o LQhfr
eqnzk&vo/kkj.kk o egRo] eqnzk dk ifjek.k fl)kar] udn ysunsu vkSj udn 'ks"k n`f"Vdks.k] dhUl n`f"Vdks.k]
eqnzk LQhfr] voLQhfr vkSj foLQhfr&ifjHkk"kk] izdkj vkSj vFkZO;oLFkk ds fofHkUu {ks=ksa ij LQhfr ds izHkko] ekax izsfjr
o ykxr izsfjr LQhfr] LQhfr dks fu;af=r djus ds mik;] LQhfr vkSj csjsktxkjh ds chp VªSM&vkWQ fLFkfr] fQfyIl
oØA eqnzkiwfrZ ds fu/kkZjd rRo&mPp 'kfDr eqnzk vkSj eqnzk xq.kd
bdkbZ&2 % O;kikfjd cSafdax
vFkZ o izdkj % O;kikfjd cSadksa ds dk;Z] lk[k fuekZ.k izfØ;k mn~ns'; ,oa lhek,a] Lora=rk ds ckn Hkkjr esa
O;kikfjd cSadksa dk fodkl] Hkkjr esa cSafdax {ks= esa lq/kkjA
bdkbZ&3 % dsUnzh; cSafdax
dsUnzh; cSfdax ds dk;Z% lk[k fu;a=.k o ifjek.kkRed o xq.kkRed mik;] cSad nj uhfr] [kqys cktkj dh
fØ;k,a] ifjorZu'khy fjtoZ vuqikr vkSj p;ukRed fof/k;k] Hkkjr esa fjtZo cSad dh Hkwfedk vkSj dk;Z] Hkkjr ds lanHkZ
esa ekSfnzd uhfr ds mn~ns'; o lhek,aA
bdkbZ&4 % yksd foÙk dh izd`fr o {ks=
jktLo dk vFkZ o {ks= % futh o lkoZtfud for esa varj lkoZtfud oLrq,a futh oLrq,a] vf/kdre
lkekftd ykHk dk fl)kar] lkotZfud O;; & vFkZ] oxhZdj.k vkSj fl)kar] lkoZtfud O;; ds fu;e o izHkko A
bdkbZ&5 % djkjksi.k ,oa lkoZtfud _.k
lkoZtfud vk; ds óksr % djkjksi.k& djksa ds fu;e o oxhZdj.k] djk?kkr] djkikr o dj foorZu dj ns;
{kerk] djkjksi.k ds izHkko] mÙke dj O;oLFkk dh fo'ks"krk,aA lkoZtfud m/kkj ds lzksr vkSj lkoZtfud _.k ds izHkko]
ctV ?kkVs ds fofHkUu vo/kkj.kk,aA
* Gupta, S.C. and V.K. Kapoor (1993), Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, S. Chand and Sons, New
* Nathuramka L.N. – Applications of Mathematics in Elementary Economics
* Gokhroo D.C.- Mathematics for Economists
* dSyk'kukFk ukxj& lkaf[;dh ds ewy rRo
iz'u i= 2¼v½ % lkaf[;dh ,oa xf.kr
le;kof/k % 3 ?kaVs vf/kdre vad % 100
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&c eas izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&l esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha 3 iz'uksa ds mRrj nsus gksaxsA
izR;sd [k.M dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ&1 % lkaf[;dh ifjp;
ewyHkwr vo/kkj.kk;sa% lexz fun'kZ] vko`fRr vkoaVu] lap;h vko`fRr] leadksa dk fcUnqjs[kh; o fp=e; izn'kZu]
lead ladyu dh fof/k;ka & fun'kZ cuke lexz x.kuk] izkFkfed o f}rh;d lead dsUnzh; izo`fRr dk eki&lekUrj
ek/;] e/;dk ,oa cgqydA
bdkbZ&2 % vifdj.k o lwpdkad
vifdj.k dk eki&foLrkj] prqFkZd fopyu] ek/; fopyu ,oa izeki@ekud fopyu] fopj.k xq.kkad fo"kerk
dk eki lwpdkad& vo/kkj.kk] dher] ek=k o ewY; laca/kh % ykLis;j] ik'ks ,oa fQ'kj dk dher lwpdkad] vkn'kZ
lwpdkad dk ijh{k.k] lwpdkad fuekZ.k esa dfBukbZ;ka] lwpdkad dh lhek,aA
bdkbZ&3 % lglEcU/k o izrhixeu
ljy lglEcU/k] lglEcU/k xq.kkad & dkyZ fi;jlu ,oa Lih;jeSu dksfV vUrj fof/k] izrhixeu fo'ys"k.k&
f}pj vkoaVu esa izrhixeu] js[kkvksa dk fu:i.k] U;wure oxZ jhfrA
bdkbZ&4 % dky Js.kh ,oa vkUrjx.ku
vkUrjx.ku & U;wVu ,oa f}in foLrkj fof/k] dky Js.kh dk fo'ys"k.k&vo/kkj.kk o rRo&fu;fer] ekSleh
,oa miufr ewY;ksa dk fu/kkZj.k] 2001 tux.kuk] Hkkjr esa lkaf[;dh O;oLFkk] Hkkjr esa d`f"k] m|ksx o O;kikj leadA
bdkbZ&5 % xq.k lgp;Z ,oa dkbZ oxZ ijh{k.k
xq.k lkgp;Z ¼dsoy nks xq.k lEcU/kh½ o dkbZ oxZ ijh{k.k Qyu dk vodyu] Qyu dk lekdyu] fofHkUu
izdkj ds eSfVªDl] eSfVªDl foykse] lkjf.kd] ØSej dk fu;eA
Duration – 3hrs Max. Marks - 100
Note : The question paper shall contain three sections. Section-A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit
of 2 marks each. The candidate is required to answer al the questions. The answer should not exceed 50 words.
Section-B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section-C shall
contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three
questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.
Unit - I
Mercantilism: main characteristics; Thomas Mun — Physiocracy: natural order, primacy of agriculture, social
classes, Tableau Economique, taxation, Turgot. Adam Smith — division of labour, theory of value, capital
accumulation, distribution, views on trade, economic progress; David Ricardo - ideas on economic development
and international trade,
Unit - II
Thomas R. Malthus - theory of population, German socialists - Sismondi, Karl Marx - theory of value, surplus
value, profit, and crisis of capitalism; Economic ideas of J.B. Say, J.S. Mill; Historical School - Senior, List.
Unit - III
Mathematical School : Main characteristics, Economic ideas of Cournot and Irving Fisher - Austrian School :
Economic ideas of Bohm-Bawark; Neo-classical economics - Economic ideas of Marshall; Welfare Economics :
Economic ideas of Pigou.
Unit - IV
The aggregate economy, Liquidity Preference Theory and Liquidity trap, Marginal Efficiency of Capital and
Marginal Efficiency of Investment, wage rigidities, underemployment equilibrium, role of fiscal policy: deficit
spending and public works, multiplier principle, cyclical behaviour of the economy, uncertainty and role of
Unit - V
Economic ideas of Kautilya; Economic ideas of Dada Bhai Naoroji and M.N. Roy, Economic ideas of Mahatma
Gandhi and Jawahar Lal Nehru. Economic Ideas of B.R. Ambedkar, Choudhary Charan Singh and Amartya
Books Recommended :
• Blackhouse, R. (1985), A History of Modern Economic Analysis, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
• Ganguli, B.N. (1977), Indian Economic Thought: A 19th Century Perspective, Tata McGraw Hill, New
• Gide, C. and G. Rist (1956), A History of Economic Doctrines, (2nd Edition), George Harrop & Co.,
• Grey, A. and A.E. Thomson (1980), The Development of Economic Doctrine, (2nd Edition), Longman
Group, London.
• Kautilya (1992), The Arthashastra, Edited, Rearranged, Translated and introduced by L.N.
Rangaranjan, Penguin Books, New Delhi.
• Roll, E. (1973), A History of Economic Thought, Faber, London.
• Schumpeter, J.A. (1954), History of Economic Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York.
• Seshadri, G.B. (1997), Economic Doctrines, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi.
bdkbZ & 1
of.kdokn % eq[; fo'ks"krk,a] VkWel eu & izd`frokn % izkd`frd O;oLFkk] d`f"k dh izkFkfedrk] lkekftd oxZ] vkfFkZd
lkj.kh] djkjksi.k] rqxksZ&,Me fLeFk % Je foHkktu] ewY; dk fl)kar] iwath lap;] forj.k] O;kikj ij fopkj] vkfFkZd
fodkl & MsfoM fjdkMksZ % vkfFkZd fodkl ds fopkj vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj
bdkbZ & 2
Fkkel vkj ekYFkl % tula[;k fl)kar & teZu lektoknh % fllekWUMh] dkyZ ekDlZ & ewY; dk fl)kar] vfrjsd
ewY;] ykHk] iwathokn dk ladV] ts-ch- ls vkSj ts-,l- fey ds vkfFkZd fopkj & ,sfrgkfld lEiznk; % lhfu;j] fyLV
bdkbZ & 3
xf.kroknh lEiznk; % izeq[k fo'ks"krk,a] dwuksZ vkSj bjfoax fQ'kj ds vkfFkZd fopkj] vkfLVª;u lEiznk; % ckWe ckodZ ds
vkfFkZd fopkj & uo izfrf"Br vFkZ'kkL= % ek'kZy ds vkfFkZd fopkj & dY;k.koknh vFkZ'kkL= % ihxw ds vkfFkZd fopkj
bdkbZ & 4
lexz vFkZ'kkL=] rjyrk ilanxh fl)kar ,oa rjyrk tky] iwath dh lhekUr n{krk ,oa fofu;ksx dh lhekUr n{krk]
etnwjh n`<+rk dk fl)kar] viw.kZ jkstxkj lkE;] jktdks"kh; uhfr dh Hkwfedk] ?kkVs dh O;; O;oLFkk vkSj lkoZtfud
dk;Z] xq.kd fl)kar] vFkZO;oLFkk dk pØh; O;ogkj] vfuf'prrk vkSj izR;k'kkvksa dh HkwfedkA
dkSfVY; ds vkfFkZd fopkj( nknkHkkbZ uksjksth vkSj ,e-,u-jk; ds vkfFkZd fopkj] egkRek xka/kh vkSj tokgjyky usg:
ds vkfFkZd fopkj] ch-vkj-vEcsMdj] pkS/kjh pj.k flag vkSj veR;Z lsu ds vkfFkZd fopkj
Two papers Min.pass Marks 72 Max.Marks 200
Paper I 3 hrs. Duration Marks: 100
Paper II 3 hrs. Duration Marks: 100
Note : The question paper shall contain three sections. Section-A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit
of 2 marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answer should not exceed 50 words.
Section-B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section-C shall
contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three
questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.
Unit I
Political and Economic Condition of India at the advent of Europeans; British Expansion in Bengal - Battle of
Plassey and Buxer; Administrative changes during 1772-73 AD; Emergence of Regional powers - Mysore,
Punjab and Awadh : their struggle with British and annexation in the British Empire.
Unit II
Third Battle of Panipat and its consequences; Marathas under Mahadaji Sindhia and Nana Phadnavis; Maratha
struggle with British Power; Causes of the failure of the Marathas.
Unit III
Uprising of 1857 : Causes, Nature, Failure and Consequences; Growth of British paramountcy in the Princely
states-1858-1947 A.D. Main features of Permanent settlement, Raiyyatwari and Mahalwari revenue settlements
and their impact on Peasantry; Growth of English Education and Press.
Unit IV
Economic Impact of British Rule; Drain of wealth and its consequences; Causes of the emergence of Indian
Nationalism : Role of Moderates and Extremists; Salient features of Government of India Act of 1919 and 1935
Unit V
India's struggle for Freedom from 1920 to 1947 A.D.; Growth of Communal Politics; Factors Leading to
Partition of India; Main features of the Indian Constitution of 1950 A.D.: Problems and Process of the
Integration of Princely States into Indian Union (1947-49 A.D.); Reorganization of Indian states in 1956 A.D.
Books Recommended :
1. Bisheswar Prasad: Bondage and freedom.
2. G.S.Sardesai : New History of the Marathas.Vol.III (also in Hindi)
3. Sumit Sarkar : Modern Indian 1885 to 1947.
4. B.N. Pande (ed.): Centenary History of the Indian National Congress (1885-
1985) Vikas Publishing House. New Delhi 1985.
5 Tara Chand : History of freedom Movement in India, 4 vols Publication Division, New Delhi.
6. M.S.Jain : Adhunik Bharat ka Itihas (Hindi)
7. Bipin Chandra : Bharat ka Swatantrata Sangram (Hindi)
8. B.N. Lunia : Adhunik Bharat ka Rajnitik Awam Sanskritik Itihas (Hindi)
9. S.N. Paul : Growth of English Press in India.
Unit I
Main features of Indian Culture; Indus religion; Vedic religion; Jainism and Buddhism; Main features of
Pauranic religion.
Unit II
Varna System; Ashram system; Upnayana and Vivaha Samaskars; Purusarthas, Main centres of Ancient Indian
Unit III
Ramayana; Mahabharata; Cultural Importance of the Puranas; Development of Science during the Gupta period;
Kalidas and Tulsidas.
Unit IV
Salient features of the Indus and Mauryan Art; Gandhar and Mathura Art; Gupta Temples; Architecture of Delhi
Sultanate and Mughal period; Schools of Rajput Paintings.
Unit V
Bhakti Movement and Sufism and their impact on Indian Culture; Impact of Western culture; Socio-religious
contribution of Brahma Samaj and Arya Samaj; Social and Cultural Significance of the ideas of Swami
Vivekanand and Ravindranath Tagore.
Books Recommended:
1. R.C. Majumdar and Pusalker : The History and Culture of the Indian People,
Vol. I, II, III, IV, IX, pt. I & II (Chapter on Art, Religion
and Literature only)
2. B.N. Luniya : Evolution of Indian Culture
3. A.K. Coomaraswami : Indian Architecture, Vol. I & II
4. Percy Brown : Indian Paintings
5. S. Kramrisch : Hindu Temples 2 Vols.
6. S. Kramrisch : Indian Sculpture
7. A.K. Saraswati : Survey of Indian Sculpture
8. A.S. Altekar : Education in Ancient India
9. R.K. Mookerjee : Cultural Heritage of India, Vol. IV
10. A.B. Keith : History of Sanskrit Literature (Also in Hindi)
11. S.N. Das Gupta (ed.) : A History of Sanskrit Literature
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz’u i= U;wure mRrh.kkZd 72 vf/kdre vad&200
izFke iz’u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad& 100
f}rh; iz’u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad& 100
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&c eas izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mRrj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mRrj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
[k.M&l esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha 3 iz'uksa ds mRrj nsus gksaxsA
izR;sd [k.M dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
Unit I
Plato, Aristotle
Unit II
St. Augustine, Thomas Acquinas, Machiavelli
Unit III
Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau
Unit IV
Bentham, J.S. Mill, T.H.Green
Unit V
Hegel, Karl Marx
Duration : 3 hrs Max Marks 100
Note : The question paper shall contain three sections. Section-A shall contain 10 questions, two from each unit
of 2 marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed
50 words. Section-B shall contain 5 questions, one from each unit with internal choice. Each question
shall be of 7 marks. The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all
the questions. Section-C shall contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate
is required to answer any three questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.
Unit - I
United Nations - its Organization, Working and Critical Evaluation.
Unit - II
Cold War - Origin and impact on International Relations, Détente, End of Cold War, Decolonisation and the
emergence of new states in Asia and Africa, Non alignment - Objectives, Characteristics and Relevance.
Unit - III
Foreign Policies of U.S.A., China, Russia and Pakistan.
Unit - IV
Foreign Policy of India and its Relations specially with neighbouring countries.
Unit - V
Contemporary trends and Issues in International Politics; Arab-Israel Conflict and Palestine Problem,
Disarmament, New Economic and Political trends in Europe, the New International Economic Order; South
Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN),
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
jktuhfr foKku
nks iz'u&i= U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 72 vf/kdre vad 200
izFke iz'u i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs vf/kd vad 100
f}rh; iz'u i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs vf/kd vad 100
izFke iz'u&i= % ik'pkR; jktuhfrd fopkjd
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad % 100
uksV % iz'u&i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCn ls vf/kd ugha
gksxhA [k.M ^c* eas izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad
dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls
vf/kd ugha gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha
rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
IysVks] vjLrw
lar vkWxLVkbZu] FkkWel ,Dohukl] eSfd;koyh
gkWCl] ykWd] :lks
csUFke] ts-,l-fey] Vh-,p-xzhu
ghxy] dkyZ ekDlZ
;iqLrdsa %
1- ik'pkR; jktuhfrd fopkjksa dk bfrgkl % izHkqnRr 'kekZ
2- jktuhfrd fparu dk bfrgkl % ts-ih-lwn oksY;we 1 o 2
3- jktuhfrd fparu dh :ijs[kk % vks-ch-xkck
4. Political Thought : Sukhbir Singh
5. Political Though : C.L. Wayper
6. A History of Political Theory : G.H. Sabine
7. A History of Political Theories : W. Dunning
8. Political Thought : J.C. Johari
9. Political Philosophies : C.C. Maxey
10. Man & Society Vol. I and II : John Plamenatz
iz'u&i= f}rh; % 1945 ls varjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad % 100
uksV % iz'u&i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10
iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn
lhek 50 'kCn ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA [k.M ^c* eas izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj
nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa
izR;sd bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds
mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
la;qDr jk"Vª la?k&laxBu] dk;Ziz.kkyh ,oa vkykspukRed ewY;kaduA
'khr ;q) & mn~xe rFkk varjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/kksa ij izHkko] nsrkar rFkk 'khr ;q) dk var]
fomifuos'khdj.k] ,f'k;k rFkk vÝhdk esa u;s jkT;ksa dk mn;] xqVfujis{krk & mís';] fo'ks"krk,¡ ,oa
la;qDr jkT; vejhdk] phu] :l] vkSj ikfdLrku dh fons'k uhfr;kaA
Hkkjr dh fons'k uhfr rFkk iM+kSlh ns'kksa ds lkFk lEcU/kA
varjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr esa lelkef;d izo`fÙk;ka ,oa eqís( vjc&btjk;y la?k"kZ ,oa fQyhLrhu
leL;k] fu%'kL=hdj.k] ;wjksi esa u;h vkfFkZd rFkk jktuhfrd izo`fÙk;ka] uohu varjkZ"Vªh; vFkZO;oLFkk(
nf{k.k ,f'k;kbZ {ks=h; lg;ksx laxBu ¼lkdZ½] nf{k.k&iwohZ ,f'k;kbZ jk"Vª la?k ¼vkfl;ku½] rsy
fu;kZrd ns'kksa dk la?k ¼vksisd½]
ikB~;iqLrdsa %
1- varjkZ"Vªh; lEcU?k % ch-,y-QfM+;k
2- 21oha 'krkCnh eas varjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k % iq"is'k iar
3- varjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k % ch-,e-tSu
4- varjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k % [kUuk ,oa vjksMk+
5- varjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k ,oa jktuhfr % ts-lh- tkSgjh
6- Hkkjr dh fons'k uhfr % vkj-,l- ;kno
Section A will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question will carry 2 marks. All
10 questions are compulsory.
Section B will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions
by selecting 1 question from each unit. Each question will carry 5 marks.
Section C will contain 5 questions (one from each unit). Candidates have to attempt any three questions. Each
question will carry 10 marks.
Concept of region, Classification of region - geographical and economic. Natural regions of the world with
special emphasis on monsoon, mediterranean, hot desert and prairie.
Regional study of United States of America.
Regional study of China,
Regional study of South Africa and Brazil.
Regional study of Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Note: Regional study of the above countries under the following heads:
Relief, drainage, climate, chief crops and main minerals, power resources and industries like cotton, iron &
steel, paper & pulps, and industrial regions.
Books recommended:
1. Butland, G J: Africa
2. Crassey, G B: Geography of Chian
3. James, P E: Latin America, Cassed & Co. London
4. Jarrot, H. R. : Africa
5. Minshull Roger: Regional Geography
6. Minshull Roger: The Changing Nature of Geography.
7. Shaw E W: Anglo-America- A Regional Geography, John Willey &Co.New York
8. Shaw E.W.: America- A Regional Geography.
9. Stamp, L.D.: Africa, John Willey&Sons, New York
10. Trewartha, G T: Japan, University of Wisconsin
11. L.R. Bhalla: Pradeshik Bhoogol, Kuldeep Publications, Ajmer
12. Banwari Lal : Uttari America ka bhoogol.
Section A will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question will carry 2 marks. All
10 questions are compulsory.
Section B will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions
by selecting 1 question from each unit. Each question will carry 5 marks.
Section C will contain 5 questions (one from each unit). Candidates have to attempt any three questions. Each
question will carry 10 marks.
India in the context of the South-east and South Asia; India- a land of diversity, unity within diversities; Major
terrain elements of India and their role in shaping physical landscape of India; Drainage systems and its
functional significance.
Regional and seasonal variation of climate- The Monsoon, western disturbances, northwesters, climatic regions
of India; Soil types- their distribution and characteristics, vegetation types and their distribution; Forests- the
status of its use, and need for conservation.
Agriculture, Irrigation and multipurpose projects, Geographical conditions, distribution and production of
wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, coffee, tea, fruits and vegetables etc.
Resources: Minerals- iron ore, mica, manganese, Power- coal, petroleum, hydropower, atomic power.
Industries- iron & steel, textile, cement, chemical, fertilizer, paper & pulp. Transportation- railways, roads, air,
and water.
Changing nature of Indian economy- agricultural growth during the plan period, Green revolution vis-à-vis
traditional farming; Regionalisation of Indian agriculture; Agricultural regions and its relevance in agricultural
development planning; Spatial distribution of population and density, socio- economic implications of
population explosion, urbanization.
Books recommended:
1. Chattergy S B: Climatology of India, CalcuttaUniversity, Calcutta.
2. Deshpande, C.D.: India- A Regional Interpretation, Northern Book Centre, New Delhi, 1992.
3. Khullar, D.R.; India- A Comprehensive geography, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi.
4. Gazetteers of India, Publication Division, New Delhi.
5. Govt. of India: Five Years Plans of India.
6. Indian Year Book: Publication Division, New Delhi.
7. Irrigation Atlas of India.
8. Negi, Geography of India
9. Singh R.L.(ed.): India- A Regional Geography, National Geog. Society, Varanasi, 1971.
10. Spate, O H K. & Learmonth A T A: India and Pakistan-Land, People and Economy, Methuen & Co.
London, 1967.
11. Wadia, D N: Geology of India, Mc Millan & Co. London, 1967.
12. V.K. Tiwari: Bharat ka Vrahat Bhoogol, Himalya Publication
13. Mamoria & Jain: Bharat ka Vrahat Bhoogol, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.
Scheme: 6 periods per week per batch of 40 students.
Arts & Science Practical: Arts: Minimum pass marks: 18 Maximum marks: 50
Science: Mini. pass marks: 18 Maximum marks: 50
Distribution of marks: Arts Science
1. Lab work 2 hrs duration 18 18
2. Field survey & viva-voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
3. Record work & viva- voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
4. Project report & viva- voce 6+2=08 6+2=08
Total 50 50
Note: Three Exercises to be attempted out of five exercises and 40 candidates be examined in one batch.
General principles, classification and choice of projections; construction, properties, limitations and use of the
following projections:
1 Cylindrical- Simple and equal area.
2 Conical- One standard parallel, two standard parallel, Bone’s and Polyconic.
3 Zenithal- Orthographic, Stereographic, Gnomonic and Equidistant (Polar cases).
4 Conventional- Mollweide’s.
5 Climatic maps and diagrams-Isopleth, wind rose, climograph, hythergraph.
6 Study and interpretation of weather maps of January and July months;
7 Elementary remote sensing and G.I.S.
8 Prismatic Compass Survey- closed and open traverse corrections of bearings and removal of closing error.
9 Project Report pertaining to problems of environmental geography of local areas, detailed report be prepared
in 10 to 15 pages with maps and diagrams.
Books Recommended:
1. Monkhouse, FG & Wilkinson, HR: Maps and Diagrams, Metheun, London,1994.
2. Robinson, AH et al. : Elements of Geography, John Willey, New York, 1995.
3. Steers JA: Map Projections, University of London Press,London.
4. Singh, RL: Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Sharma JP: Prayogik Bhoogol, Rastogi, Meerut.
6 S.M. Jain: Prayogatmak Bhoogol, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.
,@ch-,llh ikVZ r`rh;
izFke iz'u i= % izksnf'kd Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %&iz
%& 'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA[k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz’uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A
bdkbZ &1
i- izsn'k dh vo/kkj.kk] izns'kksa dk oxhZdj.k&HkkSxksfyd vkSj vkfFkZd
ii- fo'o ds izkd`frd izns'k&fo'ks'k v/;;u&ekulwu] Hkwe/; lkxjh;]
m’.k e:LFky vkSj izsjh izns'k
bdkbZ &2
izknsf'kd v/;u & la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk
bdkbZ &3
izknsf'kd v/;;u&phu
bdkbZ &4
izknsf'kd v/;;u& nf{k.kh vÝhdk vkSj vUtZsUVhuk
bdkbZ &5
izknsf'kd v/;u & ckaXykns'k] usiky vkSj Jhyadk
uksV %& mijksDr ns'kksa dk izknsf'kd v/;;u fuEukafdr 'kh"kZdksa esa fd;k tk,&
HkkSfrd Lo:i] izokg ra=] tyok;q] eq[; Qlysa ,oa eq[; [kfut] 'kfDr ds lk/ku vkSj m|ksx tSls & lwrh
oL=] yksgk ,oa bLikr] dkxt ,oa yqXnh rFkk vkS|ksfxd izns'k A
bdkbZ &3
d`f"k] flapkbZ ,oa cgqmís'kh; ifj;kstuk,sa] HkkSxksfyd n'kk,as] forj.k rFkk mRiknu xsgwa] pkoy] xUUkk] dikl] dkQh]
pk;] Qy ,oa lfCt;ka vkfn A
bdkbZ &4
lalk/ku% [kfut &yksgk v;Ld] vHkzd] eSaXuht] rFkk ÅtkZ lalk/ku& dks;yk] iSVªksy] ty fo/kqr] vk.kfod ÅtkZ]
m|ksx & yksgk ,oa bLikr] diM+k] lhesUV] jklk;fud moZjd] dkxt ,oa yqXnh m|ksx A ;krk;kr& jsy] lM+d] ok;q]
vkSj ty A
bdkbZ &5
Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dk cnyrk Lo:i&iapo"khZ; ;kstukvksa esa d`f"k dk fodkl] gfjr Økafr cuke ijEijkxr d`f"k%
Hkkjr esa d`f"k dk iznsf’kdj.k] d`f"k izns’k vkSj bldh d`f"k fodkl fu;kstu esa lkFkZdrk A tula[;k dk LFkkfud
forj.k ,oa ?kuRo] tual[;k foLQksV dk vkfFkZd&lkekftd igyw% uxjh;dj.k A
;kstuk % izfr cSp 40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk izfr lIrkg 6 dkyka'k v/;;u
iw.kkZd % dyk 50 vof/k 6 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kZ dyk 18
foKku 50 vof/k 6 ?kaVs foKku 18
vadks dk foHkktu % dyk foKku
1- iz;ksx'kkyh; dk;Z % 18 18
2- {ks= losZ{k.k vkSj ekSf[kd 8$4=12 8$4=12
3- fjdkMZ dk;Z vkSj ekSf[kd 8$4=12 8$4=12
4- losZ{k.k fjiksVZ vkSj ekSf[kd 6$2=8 6$2=8
dqy 50 50
uksV %& dqy ikap iz'uksa esa ls rhu iz'u gy djus gksxsa A izfr cSp 40 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ewY;kadu fd;k tk;sxk A
iz{ksiksa dk lkekU; fl)kar] oxhZdj.k vkSj p;u A
fuEufyf[kr iz{ksiksa dh jpuk] xq.k] lhek,as vkSj mi;ksx &
1- csyukdkj % lkekU;] le {ks=Qy
2- 'kadq iz{ksi % ,d ekud v{kka'k okyk iz{ksi] nks ekud v{kka'k okyk iz{ksi] cksu iz{ksi] cgq'kdaq iz{ksi A
3- [kE/; iz{ksi % yEc dks.kh; ¼/kqozh;½] f=foe ¼/kqozh;½] dsUnzd ;k uksfefud ¼/kqozh;½ /kzqoh; lenqjLFk A
4- ikjEifjd iz{ksi % ekWyohM
5- tyok;q ekufp= vkSj vkjs[k % lekujs[kk fof/k] iou vkjs[k] DykbeksxzkQ] ghnjxkzQ A
6- tuojh vkSj tqykbZ efguksa ds ekSle ekufp=ksa dk v/;;u vkSj O;k[;k A
7- fjeksV lSaflax o Tkh vkbZ ,l
8- fizTeh; dEikl loSZ{k.k % can o [kqyh ekykjs[ku] fndekuksa dk la’kks/ku] =qfV Bhd djuk A
9- ,d lIrkg dk eq[;ky; ls ckgj {ks= dk HkkSxksfyd losZ{k.k ds vk/kkj ij Ik;kZoj.k ls lEcfU/kr leL;kvksa
dk foLr`r izfrosnu ekufp=ksa vkSj vkjs[kksa lfgr 10 ls 15 i`"Bksa es A
Ideals and their properties. Principal ideal and principal ideal ring, Prime ideal, Maximal ideal. Ideals and
Quotient rings, Euclidean rings, Unique Factorization Domain, Polynomial rings, Remainder theorem, factor
theorem, Polynomials over the rational fields.
Unit - III (Linear Algebra)
Vector Spaces : Definition and examples of a vector spaces, subspaces, sum and direct sum of subspaces, linear
span, linear dependence, Independence and their basic properties, Basis, finite dimensional vector spaces,
Existence theorem for basis, invariance of the number of elements of a basis set, Dimension, existence of
complimentary subspace of a subspace of a finite dimensional vector space, dimension of sums of subspaces,
quotient space and its dimension.
Unit - IV
Linear transformations : Linear Transformations and their representation as matrices, the algebra of linear
transformations, the Rank-Nullity theorem, change of basis, Dual space, Dual Basis, Bidual space, Ad joint of a
linear transformation, Annihilator of a sub space.
Unit - V
Eigen values and Eigen vectors, similar matrices, equivalent matrices, Similarity of Linear transformations,
Reduction to triangular form, Minimal Polynomial. Diagonalisation of Matrices.
Books Recommended for Reference:
1. I.N. Herstein : Topics in Algebra
2. Lang, S. : Linear Algebra
3. Hoffman & Kunz : Linear Algebra
4. A.R. Vashistha : Modern Algebra
5. Gokhroo et. al. : Ring Theory (English / Hindi Edn.)
6. Gokhroo et. al. : Linear Algebra (English / Hindi Edn.)
Paper - II (Analysis)
Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 01 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all questions are
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit) all questions are
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt any 03
Unit - I (Metric Spaces)
Real Number System as a complete Ordered Field.
The point set theory, Open and Closed sets, Limit point of a set, Neighborhood, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem,
Heine-Borel theorem, Compactness, connectedness, cantor’s ternary set.
Unit - II
Definition and example of a metric space, Diameter of a set, Bounded set, Open sphere, Interior point and
Interior of a set, Derived and Closure of set, Closed set, Closed Sphere, Properties of Open and Closed sets,
Boundary point of set, Convergent and Cauchy sequences, complete metric space, Cantor’s Intersection
theorem. Dense subset, Baire Category theorem.
Unit - III
Limit of a function, Continuous function, theorem on necessary and sufficient conditions for continuity of a
function, Uniform continuity, Contracting mapping, Banach Fixed Point theorem, Equivalent matrices,
Compactness, Sequentially compactness, Totally Bounded space, Finite Intersection properties.
Unit - IV (complex Analysis)
Complex Numbers as ordered pairs, Complex plane, Geometrical representation, Connected and compact sets,
Curves and region in the complex plane, Statement of Jordan curves theorem, Extended complex plane and
stereographic projection, Complex valued functions limits, Convergence, continuity, Differentiailbility in the
extended plane, Analytic functions. Cauchy-Reimann equations (Cartesian & Polar forms).
Unit - V
Harmonic functions, Construction of an analytic function, conformal mapping, Bilinear transformation and its
properties, Fixed points, Cross ratio, Inverse point, Elementary maps. F(z) = 1/2 (z+1/z), Z2, 2z, sinz and logz
Books Recommended for Reference:
1. Shanti Narain : Complex Variables, S. Chand,
New Delhi.
2. Gupta, KP : Complex Analysis
3. Sharma J.N. : Metric Spaces, Krishna Prakashan
Mandir, Meerut.
4. Gokhroo et.al. : Metric Spaces (English / Hindi Edn.)
5. Gokhroo et.al. : Complex Analysis (English / Hindi
Edn.) Navkar Publications, AJMER.
Paper - III
(Numerical Analysis and Optimization Techniques)
Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks 75 (Science) 66 (Art)
Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 12 questions of 01 Mark each at least (02 question from each unit) all questions
are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit) all questions are
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt any 03
Unit - I
Difference operators and factorial notation. Relation between difference and derivatives. Difference of
polynomial. Newton’s formulae for forward and backward interpolation for equal intervals.
Unit - II
Divided difference. Relation between divided differences and simple differences. Newton’s general
interpolation formula. Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Gauss central difference formula. Stirling and Bessel
interpolation formula. Inverse interpolation.
Unit - III
Numerical differentiation and integration. Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3.3/8 rules. Weddle’s rule. Solution
of algebraic Transcendental equations. Bisection method. Regular Falsi method. Newton-Raphson method.
Unit - IV
The simplex algorithm and its application to simple linear programming problems. Concept of duality in Linear
programming problems, Formation of dual problem, Elementary theorem of duality.
Unit - V
Assignment problems, Transportation Problems
Books Recommended:
1. Saxena, H. C. : Numerical Analysis
2. Goyal and Mittal : Numerical Analysis
3. Gokhroo et. al. : Numerical Analysis (Hindi / English
Edn.) Navkar prakashan, Ajmer
4. Bansal and Ojha : Numerical Analysis (Hindi Edition)
5. Gokhroo et. al. : Linear Programming (Hindi / English
Edn.) Navkar Prakashan, Ajmer
6. Hadley G. : Linear Programming Problems
;kstuk %
iz'ui= 'kh"kZd dkyka'k vof/k iw.kkZad
lIrkg foKku dyk
1 vxzxr chtxf.kr 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 66 66
2 fo'ys"k.k 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 66 66
3 la[;kRed fo'ys"k.k ,oa
b"Vredkjh izfof/k;k¡ 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 68 68
dqy vad 200 200
U;wure mŸkhZ.kkad 72 72
iz'u i=&1 ¼vxzxr chtxf.kr½
uksV %
iz’u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx ,& bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 10 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 02 iz’u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz’u gy djus
vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz’u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz’u gy djus
vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz’u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz’u gy
djus gksxsaA
oy; ifjp;] mioy;] iw.kkZaddh; izkar ¼Mksesu½] {ks= ¼QhYM½] oy; dk vfHky{k.k] oy; lekdkfjrk] oy;
dks <duk] HkkxQy {ks=A
xq.ktkoyh] eq[; xq.ktkoyh] eq[; xq.ktkoyh oy;] vHkkT; xq.ktkoyh] mfPp"B xq.ktkoyh] foHkkx oy;]
;qfDyfM; oy;] vf}rh; xq.ku[kaMu izkar] cgqin oy;] ifjes; {ks= ij cgqinA
lfn’k lef"V ifjHkk"kk rFkk mnkgj.k] milef"V dk ;ksx rFkk lh/kk ;ksx] jSf[kd foLr`fr] jSf[kd vkfJrrk]
Lora=rk rFkk muds ewy xq.k] vk/kkj] ifjfer fofe; lfn’k lef"V] vfLrRork izes;] vk/kkj leqPp; esa vo;oksa dh
la[;k esa lekurk] milef"V dh foek] iwjd milef"V] foHkkx lef"V rFkk mldh foekA
jSf[kd :ikUrj.k] jSf[kd :ikUrj.k dk chtxf.kr ,oa mudk eSfVªDl fu:i.k] lef"V lekdkfjrk] jSf[kd
:ikUrj.k dh dksfV rFkk 'kwU;rk] flYosLVj dk 'kwU;rk dk fu;e] vk/kkj dk ifjorZuA }Srh lef"V] }Srh vk/kkj]
'kwU;dkjh dh foekA
vkbxsu eku rFkk vkbxsu lfn’k] leku eSfVªlst] rqY; eSfVªlst] jSf[kd :ikUrj.k dh le:irk] eSfVªDl dk
f=Hkqth; :i esa leu;u] U;wure cgqin] eSfVªDl dk fod.khZdj.kA
iz’u i=&2
i=&2 ¼fo’ys"k.k½
uksV %
iz’u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx ,& bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 10 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 02 iz’u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz’u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz’u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz’u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz’u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz’u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz’u gy djus gksxsaA
okLrfod la[;k fudk; dk iw.kZ dzfed {ks= okyk :i] fcUnq leqPp;] leqPp; dk lhek fcUnq] izfros’k]
O;qRiUu foo`r ,oa lao`r leqPp;] ckWytkuksa ckbZLVªkl izes;] gSuhcksjsy izes;] leqPp; lagfrA
nwjhd lef"V;k¡] ifjHkk"kk ,oa mnkgj.k] leqPp; dk O;kl] ifjc) leqPp;] foo`r xksyk ¼xsan½ vkarfjd fcUnq]
vkarfjd leqPp;A O;qRiUu ,oa laojd leqPp;] lao`r leqPp;] lao`r xksykA foo`r ,oa lao`r leqPp;ksa ds xq.k/keZA
leqPp; dk lhekar fcUnqA vfHklkjh ,oa dkW’kh vuqdzeA iw.kZ nwfjd lef"VA dsaVj loZfu"B izes;] la?ku mileqPp;]
cs;j Js.kh izes;A
Qyu dh lhek] larr Qyu] Qyuksa dh lkarR;rk ds fy, vko’;d ,oa i;kZIr izfrca/k] ,d leku larrrk]
laf{kIr ¼dkVªsfDVax½ izfrfp=.k] ckukd fLFkj fcUnq izes;] rqY; nwfjd lef"V lgarrk] vuqdze’k% lagr] iw.kZ ifjc)
lef"V] ifjfer loZfu"Brk xq.k/keZA
dzfer ;qXe ds :i esa lfEeJ la[;k,¡] lfEeJ lery] lfEeJ jkf’k;ksa dk T;kfefr fu:i.k] lagr leqPp;]
lfEeJ ry esa odz rFkk {ks=] tkMZu doZ izes;] foLrkfjr lfEeJ ry rFkk f=foe iz{ksi] lfEeJ pjksa ds lfEeJ
Qyuksa dh lhek] lkarR;rk] vodyuh;rk] fo’ysf"kd Qyu] dkW’kh jheu lehdj.k ¼dkfrZ; ,oa /kzqoh; :i½A
izlaoknh Qyu] la;qXeh Qyu dk fu/kkZj.k] izfrfp=.k ;k :ikUrj.k] rqY;;kdks.kh rFkk vuqdks.k izfrfp=.k]
izfrdks.k izfrfp=.k ds fy, vko’;d ,oa i;kZIr izfrca/k] eksfc;l :ikUrj.k] izkjafHkd Qyuksa dk izfrykse fcUnq
:ikUrj.k] izfrykse :ikUrj.kA
iz'u i=&III
i=& ¼la[;kRed fo’ys"k.k ,oa b"Vredkjh izfof/k;k¡½
flEiysDl fof/k ,oa ljy jSf[kd izksxzkeu leL;kvksa esa blds vuqiz;ksx jSf[kd izksxzkeu esa }Srrk dh
ladYiuk] }Srh leL;k dk fuekZ.k fu/kkZj.k] }Srh ij izkjafHkd izes;A
fu;ru leL;k,¡] ifjogu leL;k,¡A
Scheme :
Two Papers Min. Pass Marks – 72 Max. Marks – 200
Paper - I 3 Hours duration 100 Marks
Paper - II 3 Hours duration 100 Marks
PAPER I Comparative Administrative Systems
3 hrs. duration Max. Marks 100
The question paper shall contain three sections . Section A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2
marks each,. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words.
Section B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C
shall contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three
questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.
Unit I
Comparative Administration : Concept, Nature, Scope and Significance. Features of Administration of
developing and developed societies. Contribution of F.W. Riggs. Salient features of the Constitution of U.K.,
U.S.A. and France.
Unit II
A comparative study of powers and position of President of India and U.S.A. . Parliamentary system in U.K.
and Presidential system in U.S.A. and France.
Unit III
Salient features of Administrative system of : U.K., U.S.A., France, China and Nepal with particular reference
to central administration and nature and role of civil services.
Unit IV
Treasury and cabinet Secretariat in Great Britain. Independent Regulatory Commissions in the U.S.A..
Executive office of the President of U.S.A..
Unit V
Counseil d’ etat in France. Swedish Ombudsman. Lokpal in India. State Administration in USA. State
Department in USA
Suggested Books
1. H.N. Agarwal : Administrative System in Nepal.
2. Podiyal : Public Administration in Nepal.
3. Vishnu Bhagwan & Vidya Bhushan : World Constitution.
4. B.L. Phadia : Vishva Ke Pramukh Samvidhan. (Hindi)
5. Iqbal Narain : Vishva Ke Samvidhan. (Hindi)
6. Preeta Joshi : Vikas Prashasan. (Hindi)
7. P.D. Sharma : Tulnatmak Rajniti. (Hindi)
8. Ravindra Sharma : Tulnatmak Prashasnik Vyavasthayen. (Hindi)
9. Surendra Kataria : Tulnatmak Prashasnik Vyavasthayen. (Hindi)
Unit I
Meaning nature and significance of Local-Self Government in modern state. Evolution of Local-Self
Government in India.
Unit II
The Organisational structure of Urban Local-Self Government in India with special reference to the 74th
Constitutional Amendment Act. Composition, Functions, Powers and Role of various kind of local bodies,
Local Administration of the Metropolitan towns, Muncipal Corporations and their problems of
Autonomy and Accountability.
Unit III
Theory and practice of Democratic Decentralisation in India, Panchayati Raj Institutions – Zila Parishad,
Panchayat Samiti, Village Panchayats and Gram Sabha: their organisation and function in the context of 73rd
Constitutional Amendment.
Unit IV
Personnel Administration in Rural and Urban Local Self Government: Recruitment, Classification,
Promotion and Training. Problems of Local Self Government Employees regarding Service Conditions.
Unit V
Financial Administration of Local Bodies in India, strengthening of local resources. Rajasthan State Finance
Commission. Mechanism of control over local bodies at State level. The role of Directorate of Local bodies and
Panchayat and Rural Development Department of State.
Suggested Books
1. R. Agarwal : Muncipal Government in India.
2. S.R. Maheshwari : Local Government in India.
3. M.V. Mathur : Panchayati Raj in Rajasthan.
4. R.L. Khanna : Muncipal Government and administration in India.
5. S.K. Bhoglee : Local Government in India.
6. H.C. Sharma : Bharat Main Esthaniya Shasan. (In Hindi)
7. Ashok Sharma : Bharat Main Esthaniya Prashasan. (Hindi)
8. Prof. R.P. Joshi
& Aruna Bhardwaj : Bharat Main Esthaniya Prashasan. (Hindi)
Subsidiary Readings
1. S.C Jain :Community Development and Panchayati Raj.
2. Government of Rajasthan : Sadik Ali Report : 1964.
3. Government of India : Diwakar Committee Report, 1963.
4. Balwant Rai Mehta : Committee Report, 1957.
1. Nagarlok, Delhi.
2. Journal of local-self Government, Bombay.
3. Kurukshetra.
yksd iz'kklu
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz'u i= U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 72 vf/kdre & 200
izFke iz'u i= le; 3 ?kaVs vad 100
f}rh; iz'u i= le; 3 ?kaVs vad 100
izFke iz'u i= & rqyukRed iz'kklfud O;oLFkk,a
vof/k 3 ?kaVs vad 100
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadks ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ ds
fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa
izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy,
lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh
'kCn lhek 500 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A
bdkbZ 1
rqykukRed iz'kklu% vo/kkj.kk,a] izd`fr] {ks= o egRo] fodkl'khy vkSj fodflr lektksa ds iz'kklu ds y{k.k] ,Q-
MCY;w-fjXl dk ;ksxnku] xzsV fczVsu] vejhdk o Ýkal ds lafo/kku dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk,a
bdkbZ 2
Hkkjr ,oa vesfjdk ds jk"Vªifr ds in ,oa fLFkfr dk rqukRed v/;;u] xzsV fczVsu esa lalnh; iz.kkyh] vejhdk o
Ýkal esa v/;{kkRed iz.kkyhA
bdkbZ 3
xzsV fczVsu] vejhdk] Ýkal] phu rFkk usiky dh iz'kklfud O;oLFkk dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk;sa& dsUnzh; iz'kklu rFkk
yksdlsok dh Hkwfedk o izd`fr ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esaA
bdkbZ 4
xszsV fczVsu esa Vªstjh o eaf=ea.My lfpoky;] vejhdk esa Lora= fu;kedh; vk;ksx] vesfjdk ds jk"Vªifr dk
bdkbZ 5
Qzkal esa jkT; ifj"knA LohMu esa v©EcqM~lesuA Hkkjr esa yksdikyA la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk esa jkT; iz’kkluA la;qDr
jkT; vesfjdk esa fons’k foHkkxA
uksV% iqLrdksa ds uke vaxzsth esa Nis ikB~;Øe ds lkFk layXuA
f}rh; iz'u i= & Hkkjr esa LFkkuh; iz'kklu
le; 3 ?kaVs vad 100
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadks ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA ijh{kkFkhZ ds
fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa
izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 7 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy,
lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ ls 15 vadksa dk 1 iz'u] dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh
'kCn lhek 500 'kCnks ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A
bdkbZ 1
LFkkuh; Lo% 'kklu dk vFkZ] izd`fr o vk/kqfud jkT; esa egRo] Hkkjr esa LFkkuh; Lo& 'kklu dk fodklA
bdkbZ 2
Hkkjr esa uxjh; LFkkuh; Lo'kklu dh laxBukRerd lajpuk fo'ks"kr% 74osa lafo/kku la'kks/ku vf/kfu;e ds lnaHkZ esa
fofHkUUk izdkj dh uxjh; laLFkkvksa dk laxBu] dk;Z ,oa 'kfDr;ka rFkk Hkwfedk] egkuxjksa dk LFkkuh; iz'kklu] uxj
fuxe ,oa mudh Lok;Rrrk o mRrjnkf;Ro dh leL;kA
bdkbZ 3
Hkkjr esa yksdrkaf=d fodsUnzhdj.k dk fl)kUr o O;ogkj] 73osa lafo/kku la'kks/ku ds lanHkZ esa iapk;rh jkt laLFkk,a&
ftyk ifj"kn] iapk;r lfefr] xzke iapk;r o xzke lHkk&bldk laxBu o dk;ZA
bdkbZ 4
xzkeh.k o uxjh; ljdkjksa esa dkfeZd iz'kklu] HkrhZ] oxhZdj.k] inksUufr] izf'k{k.k rFkk LFkkuh; dkfeZdksa dh lsok 'krksZa
dh leL;k,aA
bdkbZ 5
Hkkjr esa LFkkuh; laLFkkvksa dk foRrh; iz'kklu] LFkkuh; lalk/kuksa dk l’kfDrdj.kA jktLFkku jkT; foÙk vk;ksxA jkT;
Lrj ij xzkeh.k o uxjh; laLFkkvksa ij fu;a=.k dk rjhdk] jkT; ds LFkkuh; 'kklu funs'kky; rFkk iapk;r rFkk
xzkeh.k fodkl foHkkx dh HkwfedkA
Scheme: Two Papers Min. Pass Marks - 72
Paper - I 3 Hours duration 100 marks
Paper - II 3 Hours duration 100 marks
Paper I- Social Thinkers
Unit I
Karl Marx : Class-struggle, Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism.
Auguste Compt : Positivism , Law of Three Stages,
Unit II
Max Weber : Social Action, Bureaucracy, Ideal type.
Vilfredo Pareto : Social Action, Theory of Change,
Unit III
Durkheim : Social Fact, Division of Labour, Suicide.
Herbert Spencer : Evolution,
Unit IV
A.R. Desai : Social Background of Indian nationalism
Radha Kamal Mukherjee : Social Values, Social Ecology, Theory of Social Science.
Unit V
D.P. Mukherjee : Dialectic of Tradition
G.S. Ghurye : Caste, Class and Occupation, Social Tension.
Essential readings:
1. Raymond Aron : Main Currents in sociological Thought, Vol. I & II.
2. Bogardus: Development of Sociological Thought.
3. Coser : Masters of Sociological Thought.
4. Gerth & Mills : Essays on Max Weber.
5. Gurvitch & Moore : Twentieth Century sociology.
6. Reinhard Bendix : Max Weber : an Intellectual Portrait. (Hindi translation by Dr. K.N.
7. D.P. Mukherjee : Diversities.
8. Harjeet Singh : Frontiers of Social Sciences.
9. R.K. Mukherji : Sociology and Indian Society I.C.S.S.R : Vol. I to IV.
10. G.S. Ghurye : Caste Class & Occupation.
11. Singh Harjeet : Frontiers of Social Sciences
Paper II- Indian Society
Unit I
Cultural and Ethnic Diversity: Historically embedded diversities in respect of Language, Caste, Religion,
religious beliefs, practices and Cultural patterns. Unity in Diversity –structural unity of Indian society.
Unit II
Concepts of Varna, Ashram, Karma ,Purshartha and Sanskar.
Unit III
Basic Institutions of Indian society: Caste, Kinship, Family, Marriage. Caste and Class: meaning, features and
changing dimensions.
Unit IV
The structure and composition of Indian Society: Villages, Towns, Cities, Rural-Urban linkages,
Urbanization,Tribes, Weaker Sections, Dalits, Women and Minorities, Population profile and related issues.
Unit V
Processes of Social Change, Sanskritisation, Westernization, Modernization and Globlization. Planned Change
& transformation in India. .
Essential readings:
Ahuja Ram. : Indian Social system, Jaipur, Rawat.
Bose, N.K. 1967. : Culture and Society in India, Bombay:Asia Publishing House.
Bose, N.K. 1975. : Structure of Hindu Society, New Delhi.
Dube, S.C. 1990. : Society in India (New Delhi: National Book trust)
Dube, S.C. 1995. : Indian Village (London: Routledge)
Dube, S.C. 1958. : India's Changing Villages (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul)
Karve, Irawati, 1961. : Hindu Society: An Interpretation (Poona Deccan College).
Lannoy, Richard, 1971. : The Speaking Tree: A study of Indian Society and Culture
(Delhi: Oxford University Press)
Mandelbaum,D.G.1971. : Society in India (Bombay: Popular Prakashan)
Srinivas, M.N. 1980. : India: Social structure (New Delhi Hindustan Publishing Corporation).
Srinivas, M.N.1963. : Social Change in Modern India
(California, Berkeley: University of California Press)
Singh, Yogendra, 1973. : Modernization of Indian Tradition ( Delhi Thomson Press )
Uberoi, Patricia, 1993. : Family, Kinship and Marriage in India
(New Delhi: Oxford University Press)
P. N. Parbhu, 1954 : Hindu Social Organization (Popular Publication,
ijh{kk ;kstuk
nks iz'u i= U;wure mŸkh.kkZd % 72
izFke iz'ui= le;% 3 ?kaVs
f}rh; iz'ui= le;% 3 ?kaVs
izFke iz'ui=& lkekftd fopkjd
bdkbZ & 1
dkyZ ekDlZ % oxZ la?k"kZ] }U}kRed HkkSfrdokn ,oa ,sfrgkfld HkkSfrdoknA
vkWxLr dkUV % izR;{kokn] rhu Lrjksa ds fu;e]
bdkbZ & 2
eSDl oscj % lkekftd fØ;k] ukSdj'kkgh] vkn’kZ izk:i
foyQzsM ikjsVks % lkekftd fdz;k] lkekftd ifjorZu dk fl)kUr
bdkbZ & 3
nq[khZe % lkekftd rF;] Je foHkktu] vkRegR;kA
gjcVZ LisUlj % mn~fodkl]
bdkbZ & 4
,-vkj- nslkbZ % Hkkjrh; jk"V~okn dh lkekftd iz"BHkwfe
jk/kkdey eq[kthZ % lkekftd ewY;] lkekftd ikfjfLFkfrdh , lekt foKku dk fl)kUr A
bdkbZ & 5
Mh-ih- eq[kthZ % ijEijk dk )U)
th-,l- ?kqfj;s % tkfr] oxZ ,oe~ O;olk;] lkekftd rukoA
The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2 marks
each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B
shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 5 marks. The
answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall
contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions. The
answer shall not exceed 450 words.
1. Introduction: Meaning, definition, scope, and importance of Human development.
2. Principal of development: Factors influencing development.
3. Prenatal development, Physical development : Birth to Puberty.
4. Motor development : Reflexes of New born, sequence of motor development, motor skills, handedness.
5. Relative importance of maturation and learning.
6. Natural instincts.
7. (a) Speech development : Speech and language, Prespeech forms of communication, stages in speech
development, bilingualism, speech disorders and speech defects.
(b) Cognitive development : Cognition, Cognitive abilities in childhood.
8. Play and creativity- meaning, definition and importance. Various creative activities during childhood.
9. Pre-school education in India: objectives and teaching methods of Indian and Western education-
Montessory, Froeble, Gandhiji and Vivekanand.
10. Personality development : Meaning, definition, types of personality and its determinants.
11. Moral Development : Meaning of Moral behavior, development of morality.
12. Emotional development : Characteristics of children's emotion, basic emotions and their development :
13. Social development : Meaning and process of social development and socialization, agents of
socialization, social adjustment, social acceptance.
14. Adolescence: Characteristics, changes, conflicts, interests, adjustment,
15. Juvenile Delinquenc y.
17. Adulthood: Characteristics, changes, responsibility, parental disciplinary techniques.
18. Marriage: Definition, meaning, types, functions, importance, readiness and adjustment for marriage
(physiological, psychological, sociological and economical).
19. Laws related to marriage, Importance of marriage counselling.
20. Oldage: Characteristics, attitudes, problems and adjustment. Government schemes for the elderly.
Reference :
1. Hurlock E.B. : Child Development, 1978 Mccrow Hill, London.
2. Hurlock E.B. : Development Psychology- A Life Span Approach, 1980, 5th Ed. Tata Mc Graw Hill,
3. Udayshaker : Exceptional Children, Sterling, Publisher. N. Delhi.
4. Devadas R.P. And Jaya N.A. : Taxt Book on Child.
x`g foKku
iz'u i= izFke %& ekuo fodkl ,oa ikfjokfjd lca /a k
l e ; % 3 ?k . V s i.w kkZd&75
uksV%& izR;sd iz'u i= esa dqy 3 [k.M gksxsaA [k.M & ^v* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u
gksaxsA ifj{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh
gksxhA [k.M & ^c* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk
gksxkA ifj{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh
gksxhA [k.M & ^l* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ ls 10 vadksa ds 5 iz'u gksxsaA ifj{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh 3 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxsaA
izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 450 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
Z 1
1- ifjp;&vFk]Z ifjHkk"kk] ekuo fodkl ds v/;;u dk egRoA
2- fodkl ds fl)kUr fodkl dks iHz kkfor djus okys dkjdA
3- xHkdZ kyhu fodkl 'kkjhfjd fodkl] tUe ls ;kSoukjHa k rdA
4- xR;kRed fodkl uotkr f'k'kq eas ifz r{krs fØ;k,]a xR;kRed fodkl dk Øe] xR;kRed dkS'ky] gLrrkA
5- ifjiDork rFkk vf/kxe dk lkisf{kd egRo
6- LokHkkfod vUr%ijsz .kk
Z 2
7- v- ok.kh fodkl % ok.kh ,oa Hkk"kk fodkl ls iow Z vfHkO;fDr;k¡] Hkk"kk fodkl dh e[q ; voLFkk,]s f}Hkkf"krk]
Hkk"kk nk"s k ,oa fodkjA
c- lK a kukRed fodkl % laKku] ckY;koLFkk eas laKkukRed ;kXs ;rk,As
8- [kys ,oa lt ` ukRedrk&vFk]Z ifjHkk"kk ,oa egRoA ckY;koLFkk dh fofHkUu lt ` ukRed fdz;k,aA
9- Hkkjr esa iow fZ o|ky;h f'k{kk &Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR; f'k{kk i.z kkyh&eksVa l
s jh] ÝkW;cy] xk/a kh] food
s kuna ds
f'k{k.k mÌs'; ,oa f'k{k.k i)fr;ka
Z 3
10- O;fDrRo fodkl % vFk]Z ifjHkk"kk] fofHkUu id z kj ds O;fäRo rFkk fu/kkjZ d rRoA
11- uSfrd fodkl % uSfrd O;ogkj dk vFk]Z uSfrdrk dk fodklA
12- loa x
s kRed fodkl % ckydkas eas loa x
s kas dh fo'k"s krk,]a ey
w loa x
s rFkk mudk fodklA
Z 4
13- lkekftd fodkl % lkekftd fodkl dk vFk]Z ifz Ø;k ,oa lekthdj.k] lekthdj.k ds ip
z kjd] lkekftd
lkeUtL; ,oa lkekftd LohÑfrA
14- fd'kkjs koLFkk&fo'k"s krk,]a ifjorZu] vUr)
Z Un] :fp;k]a lkeUtL;]
15- cky vijk/k
16- fof'k"V ckyd % ¼dos y ey w Kku gh vko';d gS½a
1- 'kkjhfjd fodykx a rk
2- ekufld ena rk
3- v/a kkiu ,oa xxaw kiu
Z 5
17- ;oq koLFkk&fo'k"s krk,]a ifjoruZ ] thou lkFkh dk pquko oSokfgd lket a L;] ekrk&firk dk mRkjnkf;Ro] ekrk
firk dh vu'q kklu dh izfof/k;ka A
18 fookg &vFkZ ,oa ifjHkk"kk] id z kj] dk;]Z egRo] fookg grs q rS;kjh ,oa lek;kt s u ¼'kkjhfjd] eukos SKkfud]
lkekftd ,oa vkfFkd Z ½
19- fookg lca /kh fu;e] oSokfgd ijke'kZ dk egRoA
20- o)` koLFkk&fo'k"s krk,]a vfHko`fÙk@eukos `fÙk] leL;k,a o lket a L;] o)
` tukas grs q ljdkjh ;kts uk,Aa
Duration: 3 hrs. Max. Marks 75
The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2 marks
each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B
shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 5 marks. The
answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall
contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions. The
answer shall not exceed 450 words.
Family Resources Management :
(a ) Definition and concept of Home Management.
(b) Family- Meaning, types, function and problems related to different stages of family life c ycle.
(c ) Motivating factors of Home Management : Values, goal and standards, Meaning, classification
affecting and their interrelationship.
(d) Management process :
(i) Decision making : Importance and steps involved in decision making.
(ii) Planning controlling and Evaluation.
(e ) Resource- Type, importance, characteristics, factors affecting resource selection.
Time and Energy Managment :
(a ) Manamement of time :
(i) Tools in time managment.
(ii) Process of managing time.
(b) Energy Management : Concept and Process
(i) Body mechanics
(ii) Classes of change Work simplification, classes of change
(iii) Fatigue- Concept, types and wa ys to overcome fatigue.
Household- Economics :
(a ) Family Income-
(i) Types of income
` (ii) Budget, Meaning and steps in making a family budget.
(iii) Saving, importance, factors determining saving, characteristics of investment, and various saving
and invest ment scheme LIC, Bank and post office.
(b) Markets : Definifition, types of markets and their advantages Super market, departmental stores, Retail
units, consumer cooperative store.
(c ) Consumer problems and various programmes for their protection.
(d) Guidelines for good consumers.
House Designing
(a ) The modern Family and its housing needs, legal complications
(b) Effects of housing on family life and activities
(c ) Division of space on basis of activities
(d) Factors governing the house plans : Selection of site, Orientation, income, socio-economic status stages
of family life cycle. occupation and activities of the family members, room orientation, grouping of
rooms, functionalism, circulation within and between the room, flexibility etc.
Interior Decoration :
(a ) Design : Meaning and types.
(b) Elements of arts and their application in interior decoration. Lines, texture, form, pattern, light, space,
(c ) Principles of arts and their application in interior decoration balance proportion, harmony, rhythm,
(d) Use of colour scheme in interior decoration.
(e ) Furniture- Selection and Principles of arrangment.
(f ) Furnishing, selection of curtains, carpets and other furnishing material.
Furnishing selection & arrangement (Curtains, Carpets & accessaries)
References :
1. Dewet, K.K. & Verma : Elementar y Economic Theor y, S. Chand & Co. Delhi.
2. Ahuja, H.L. : Principles of Micro-economics, S. Chand & Co. Delhi.
3. Agarwal A.N. : elementary Economics.
4. Groos, Irma H. : Managment for Modern Families Sterling & Cradall E.M. Publishers (P) Ltd. Delhi.
5. NIckeli, Paulen & Dorsey M. : Managment in Family Living Johan Willey & Sons, New York.
6. Rutt. Anna Hong : Home Furnishing- Wille y Eastorn P. Ltd. N. Delhi.
7. Poet Losies, J. and Packett Marys Household Equipments John Wille y & Sons and Packett Mar y S.
8. Agan, Tessie : The house- Its Plans and Use- Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi.
9. Despande R.S. : Modern Ideal Homes for India United Book Corpn. Poona.
x`g foKku
iz'u i= f}rh; %& ikfjokfjd lk/ku O;oLFkk ,oa vkUrfjd lTtk
le; % 3 ?k.Vs i.w kkd
Z &75
uksV%& izR;sd iz'u i= esa dqy 3 [k.M gksxsaA [k.M & ^v* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u
gksaxsA ifj{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh
gksxhA [k.M & ^c* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk
gksxkA ifj{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh
gksxhA [k.M & ^l* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ ls 10 vadksa ds 5 iz'u gksxsaA ifj{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh 3 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxsaA
izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 450 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
Z 1
1- xg` icz /a k dh ifjHkk"kk ,oa vo/kkj.kk
2- ifjokj] vFk]Z id z kj dk;Z ,oa fofHkUu thou pØ pj.k ls lEcfU/kr leL;k,a
3- xg` icz U/k dks ijsz .kk nus s okyk dkjd& eYw ;] y{; ,oa Lrj&vFk]Z oxhd Z j.k] iHz kkfor djus okys dkjd ,oa
mudk vUr% lc/a kA
4- icz U/k ifz Ø;k %&
1- fu.k;Z yus s dh ifz Ø;k&egRo ,oa ifz Ø;k
2- fu;kt s u] fu;= a .k ,oa eYw ;kadu
5- lk/ku& id z kj] egRo] fo'k"s krk, ,o lk/ku ds puq ko dks iHz kkfor djus okys dkjdA
Z 2
1- le; dh O;oLFkk
1- le; O;oLFkk ds lk/ku ¼VYw l½
2- le; O;oLFkk dh ifz Ø;kA
2- 'kfDr dh O;oLFkk& vo/kkj.kk ,oa ifz Ø;k
1- 'kkjhfjd ;kaf=dh
2- dk;Z dk ljyhdj.k&ifjorZu ds oxZ
3- Fkdku&id z kj ,oa Fkdku njw djus ds mik;
bdkb& Z 3
s w vFk'Z kkL=
1- ikfjokfjd vk; %&
1- vk; ds id z kj
2- ctV&vFkZ ,oa ikfjokfjd ctV cukus ds lkis ku
3- cpr ,oa fofu;kt s u& egRo] cpr dks iHz kkfor djus okys dkjd fofu;kt s u dh
fo'k"s krk,]a cpr ,oa fuo's k dh ;kts uk,aA ,y-vkb-Z lh-] cd
aS vkSj Mkd[kkukA
2- cktkj&ifjHkk"kk] cktkj ds id z kj ,oa muds ykHk] liq j cktkj] foHkkxh; Hk.Mkj] QVq dj ;k [kqnjk bdkb;
Z ka
lgdkjh miHkkDs rk Hk.MkjA
3- miHkkDs rk dh leL;k,a ,oa muds lj{a k.k grs q fofHkUu dk;Ø Z eA
bdkb& Z 4
edku dk ikz :i %&
1- vk/kqfud ifjokj ,oa muds ?kj dh vko';drk,¡] dkuuw h tfVyrk,Aa
2- ikfjokfjd thou ,oa fØ;kvkas ij ?kj dk iHz kkoA
3- ikfjokfjd xfrfof/k;kas ds vk/kkj ij LFkku dk foHkktuA
4- xg` ;kt s uk dks iHz kkfor djus okys dkjd& Hkfw e dk p;u] vfHke[q khdj.k] vk;] lkekftd&vkfFkd Z Lrj]
ikfjokfjd thou pØ ds lkis ku] O;olk; ,oa ifjokj ds lnL;kas dh fØ;k,]a dejkas dh fLFkfr fu/kkjZ .k
¼vofLFkfr½ dk;kUZ o;u] dejkas dk legw fØ;kRedrk fofHkUUk dejkas dk vkil eas lja puk] yphykiu vkfnA
bdkb& Z 5
vkUrfjd lTtk %&
1- fMtkbuZ & vFkZ ,oa id z kjA
2- dyk ds rRo ,oa vkUrfjd lTtk eas mudh mi;ksfxrk] j[s kk] cukoV] vkdkj] ueuw k] jx a ] id
z k'k] LFkku] jx
a A
3- dyk ds fl)kUr ,oa vkUrfjd lTtk eas mudh mi;kfs xrk&lUry q u] vuiq kr] vu:q irk] y; o nckoA
4- vkUrfjd lTtk esa jx a l; a kt
s u dk mi;kx s A
5- Quhp Z j& puq ko ,oa O;oLFkk ds fl)kUr
6- ijn]as dkyhu o vU; lTtk lkexzh dk puq ko o O;oLFkk ¼inj]s dkyhu o milk/ku½
lna HkZ iLq rds %&
1- oekZ ljLorh ,oa n's kikM a s vk'kk&ikfjokfjd foÙk e/; inz 's k xzFa k vdkneh] Hkkis kyA
2- ikVuh et a w & xg` icz U/k] fcgkj xFaz k vdkneh] iVuk
3- MkW- ikMa ;s dkafr& xg` icz U/k] fcgkj xFaz k vdkneh iVukA
4- MkW 'kekZ yfyrk& vkokl ,oa x`g lTtk] LVkj ifCyd's ku] vkxjkA
5- MkW falg oU` nk & ikfjokfjd ll a k/ku O;oLFkk ,oa xg` lTtk] iap'khy id z k'ku] t;iqj
Total No. of periods per week – 2/batch/practical
1. Major Problem :-
(a) House Plan – Low, middle and high income group (On graph paper).
(b) Making budget – Low, middle and high income group.
(c) Window treatment and curtains.
2. Minor Problem :-
(a) Best out of waste (utility & decorative household article).
(b) Colour and colour schemes.
(c) Floor decoration :- Rangoli and Alpana etc.
(d) Flower arrangement :- Fresh, dry and artificial.
1- eq[; iz'u
¼v½ x`g ;kstuk & fuEu] e/;e ,oa mPp vk; oxZ ds fy, ¼xzkQ isij ij½
¼c½ ctV fuekZ.k & fuEu] e/;e ,oa mPp vk; oxZ ds fy,A
¼l½ f[kM+dh izcU/ku o insZA
2- y?kq iz”u
¼v½ vuqi;ksxh oLrqvksa ls mi;ksxh oLrq ¼mi;ksxh o dykRed oLrq cukuk½
¼c½ jax o jax dk la;kstuA
¼l½ Q'kZ lTtk & jaxksyh vkSj vYiukA
¼n½ iq’i lTtk & rktk] lw[kss o d`f=eA
Distribution of Marks:
Human development and family relations:
1. Sessional and file 10
2. Preparation of teaching aid (from topic 2 and 3) (5+5) 10
3. Prepare a folder/Leaflet (from topic 3 & 4) 05
Total 25
Interior Designing and Decoration:
1. Sessional and file 10
2. Major Problem (one from Section I) 07
3. Major Problem (one from Section II) 04
3. Minor Problem (Any one) 04
Total 25
50 10 10 2 20 At least 02
questions from
each unit
200 07 05 06 30 At least 01
question from
each unit
500 04 02 15 30 Not more than
1 question from
each unit
Note :
Submission work will be submitted to the head of department of Drawing & Painting of the
College Fifteen days before the commencement of practical Examination.
The Marks of the submission work will be awarded internally by the Head of the Department.
Submission Work will be returned after the Practical Examination to the candidates from the
department thereafter, if no claim is made with in one month of the practical Examination the
submission will be destroyed.
Candidate should pass in theory as well in practical paper separately
There should be minimum 12 periods for the regular study in a week. (4 periods for the theory
and 8 period for practical) including 2 periods for Sketching ( 1Period = 1 hrs.) The Study of Practical
is the basic nature of the subject not a part of Theory as other subjects so the practical periods and
papers will count as well as theory papers for work load and Examination Scheme.
Practical Examination will be conducted at the department. An External examiner will
examine the answer sheets in consultation with an internal examiner who is the subject teacher of the
department of Drawing & Painting.
Practical Paper II & III will be evaluated separately. It is compulsory to pass in every paper
separately including submission of work.
The Department should also arrange for an educational tour to ancient art centers like. Ajanta,
Ellora. Elephanta, Khajuraho, National Gallery of Modern Art Nw Delhi and to fine art institution in
other cities of the country.
izFke Ik'u i= ¼lS)kfUrd½ vk/kqfud fp=dyk dk bfrgkl ,oa n'kZu
le; % 3 ?k.Vs vf/kdre vad % 80 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad % 29
f}rh; iz'u i= ¼izk;ksfxd½ thou v/;;u ¼lEiw.kZ vkd`fr½
le; % 5 ?k.Vs vf/kdre vad % 50 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad % 18
r`rh; iz'u i= ¼izk;ksfxd½ fp= la;kstu
le; % 5 ?k.Vs vf/kdre vad % 50 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad % 18
l=h; izk;ksfxd dk;Z vf/kdre vad % 20 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad % 07
iz'u i= ijh{kk izk:i
'kCn dqy gy fd;s vad iw.kkZad iz'uksa dk p;u
la[;k iz'u tkus izR;sd ¼80½
okys iz'u iz'u
50 10 10 2 20 izR;sd bdkbZ ls
de ls de 2
iz'u vfuok;Z
200 07 05 6 30 izR;sd bdkbZ ls
de ls de 1
iz'u vfuok;Z
500 04 02 15 30 izR;sd bdkbZ
,d iz'u ls
vf/kd ugha
i`"BHkwfr ds lEeq[k O;ofLFkr fd;k tk;] i`"BHkwfe oL=kPNkfnr gks lk/kkj.k fldqM+uksa ds lkFk v/;;u lgh
vuqikfrd vkd`fr Nk;k izdk'k dk ;FkkFkZ izHkko] ek/;e dk vuqdwy iz;ksx ,oa jaxks ds izfrfcEr ,oa izR;{k izHkkoksa dk
izHkkooknh fp=.k gksA
each unit
B 150 07 5 2 10 At least one que
from each unit
C 500 4 2 10 20 Maximum One
que. from each
Section A
Max Marks 10
This section contains Ten compulsory Questions. Answer of any question should not exceed 25 words.
Section B
Max Marks 10
This section contains 07 questions. Students have to attempts 5 questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit. Answer of each question should not exceed 150 words.
Section C
Max Marks 20
This section contains 04 questions. Students have to attempt any two questions, this section will cover all units,
but not more than one question from each Unit. Answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.
1. Detailed and comparetive study of following pages :
(I) Jaijaiwanti (II) Pooria (III) Bahar
(IV) Darbari Kanhra (V) Miyan Ki Malhar (VI) Miyan Ki todi
(VII) Marwa (VIII) Basant (IX) Shuddh Kalyan
2. To write Notation of Bandish/Gats of Prescirbed Ragas.
1. To write Theka, Dugun, Tigun & Chougun of following tals.
(i) Tlwara (ii) Sool Tal (iii) Tilvara
(iv) Jhoomra (v) Deepchandi.
2. Definition and types of Taan and Ganak.
1. Study of Shruti:
(i) Shurti-Swar arrangement according to Bharat and Sarna-
(ii) Shruti- Swar arrangement according to Bhatkhamde
2. Placement of Shudh and Vikrit swars on the string of veena
according to Ahobal and Shrinivas.
1. Definition , Types , dhatus and Angs of Prabandh.
2. Rag and Ras
1. Music and Psychology
(i) Memory – Inagmation (ii) Emotion – expression
(iii) Heridety – Environment
2 Definition & Utility of “Kaku”
Section Word Total Que. to Question Max. Selection of que
limit que. be Atte. wise mark marks by examiner from
distribution (40) syllabus by
A 50 10 10 1 10 Minimum two
question from
each unit
B 150 07 5 2 10 At least one que
from each unit
C 500 4 2 10 20 Maximum One
que. from each
Section A
Max Marks 10
This section contains Ten compulsory Questions. Answer of any question should not exceed 25 words.
Section B
Max Marks 10
This section contains 07 questions. Students have to attempts 5 questions in all, selecting one question from
each unit. Answer of each question should not exceed 150 words.
Section C
Max Marks 20
This section contains 04 questions. Students have to attempt any two questions, this section will cover all units,
but not more than one question from each Unit. Answer of each question should not exceed 500 words.
Unit –I
1. Developement of Music in modern era (post independence)
2. Origin of Gharanas , Their developement and their utility in present
Unit – II
1. Rag Classification
(i) Gram Rag – Desi Rag
(ii) Rag – Ragni
(iii) Mel Rag or That Rag
(iv) Ragang – Rag
Unit – III
1. Description of Books and their writers
(i) Kumbha – Sangeetraj
(ii) Ramamatya – Swar Mel Kalanidhi
(iii) Vyankatmukhi – Chaturdandi Prakashika
(iv) Jaidev – Geet Govind
2. Comparetive study of shudh and Vikrit Swars of Hindustan and
Karnatak systems of Music .
Unit IV
1. Life sketches and contribution in the field of music of following
(i) Kishan Maharaj
(ii) V.D. Paluskar
(iii) Kishori Amonkar
(iv) Bade Gulam Ali Khan
(v) Amjad Ali Khan
(vi) S. N. Ratanjankar
2. Haveli Sangeet Tradition
Unit – V
1. Contribution of female artistis in the field of Music.
2. Utility of Music in Society
3. Music and Therapy.
4. Distance Education of Music.
1. Study of the following Ragas :-
(I) Jaijaiwanti (II) Pooria (III) Bahar
(IV) Darbari Kanhra (V) Miyan Ki Malhar (VI) Miyan Ki todi
(VII) Marwa (VIII) Basant (IX) Shuddh Kalyan 20
2. (a) Intensive study of any one Raga as choice Raga covering Vilambit
and Drut khayals / in above Ragas. 5
(b) Laxangeets, Saragam geets in all above mentioned Ragas. 5
3. Five Alankars in the notes of That Ashavari, Todi, Poorvi, Bhairavi.
Study of the following Talas. 5
(1) Tilwara (2) Sooltal (3) Tivra
(4) Jhumara (5) Deep chandi 5
4. Ability to sing/ play any written notation on the Black board.
1. Study of the following Ragas :-
(I) Jaijaiwanti (II) Pooria (III) Bahar
(IV) Darbari Kanhra (V) Miyan Ki Malhar (VI) Miyan Ki todi
(VII) Marwa (viii) Basant (ix) Shuddh Kalyan
(a) Four Vilambit Khayals / Maseetkhani Gats in any of the above mentioned Ragas.
(b) Madhyalaya Khayals / Rajakhani Gats in any four Ragas (not covered under clause
2. Study of one Dhrupad or Dhamar with Dwigan, Tigum, Chaugun and a few “Upaj” /Study of one
Madhyalava gats in Tala other than Trital.(for instrumental music)
3. Study of one chaturang, one Tarana, one Bhajan. One Gazal, One Folk song one prayer, national anthum &
song/Dhun for instrumental music.
4. Ability to demonstrate (orally by giving Tali and Khali on hand)
following Talas.
(1) Tilwara (2) Sool tal (3) Tivra
(4) Jhumara (5) Deep chandi 10
bZdkbZ & 3
1- Jqfr] Loj dk v/;;u
1- Hkjr ds vuqlkj Jqfr Loj O;oLFkk ,oa lj.kk prq"V;h dk ifjp;A
2- Hkkjr[k.Ms vuqlkj Jqfr Loj O;oLFkkA
3- ia- vgkscy ,oa Jhfuokl ds vuqlkj oh.kk ds rkj ij 'kq) ,oa foÑr Lojksa
dh LFkkiukA
bdkbZ &4
1- izcU/k dh ifjHkk"kk] izdkj] /kkrq ,oa vaxA
2- jkx ,oa jlA
bZdkbZ &5
1- laxhr vkSj euksfoKku
1- Le`fr & dYiuk
2- vuqHkwfr & vfHkO;fDr
3- oa'kkuqØe & okrkoj.k
2- dkdw dh ifjHkk"kk ,oa mi;ksfxrkA
f}rh; iz'u i=
ijh{kk iz.kkyh 2021
[kaM iz’uksrj dqy gy fd;s iz'uokj iw.kkZd ikB~;Øe esals
'kCn lhek iz'u tkus okys vad ¼40½ ijh{kd }kjk
iz'uksa dh vkoaVu iz'uksa dkp;u
v 25 10 10 01 10 izR;sd bdkbZesa
ls de ls de
02 iz’u gksuk
c 150 07 05 02 10 izR;sd bdkbZesa
ls de ls de
01 iz’u gksuk
vko’;d gSA
l 500 04 02 10 20 ,d bdkbZ esa
vf/kdre ,d
[k.M ¼v½
vf/kdre vad 10
bl [k.M esa 10 iz’u gSA izR;sd iz’u dk mrj vf/kdre 25 'kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA lHkh iz’uksa ds vad leku gSA
[k.M ¼c½
vf/kdre vad 10
bl [k.M esa 10 iz’u gSA izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls ,d iz’u dk p;u djrs gq, dqy 5 iz’u djus gSA izR;sd iz’u dk mrj
vf/kdre 150 'kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA izR;sd iz’u ds vad leku gSA
[k.M ¼l½
vf/kdre vad 20
bl [k.M esa 04 iz’u gSA bl [k.M esa ,d bdkbZ esa ls vf/kdre ,d iz’u gksxkA dqy nks iz’uksa ds mrj nsus gkasaxsA
izR;sd iz’u dk mrj vf/kdre 500 'kCnksa esa nsuk gksxkA lHkh iz’uksa ds vad leku gSA
bdkbZ &1
1- vk/kqfud dky esa laxhr dk fodkl ¼Lora=rk izkfIr i'pkr½
2- ?kjkuksa dk mn~Hko] fodkl ,oa orZeku lanHkZ esa mldh mi;ksfxrkA
bdkbZ & 2
1- jkx & oxhZdj.k
1- xzkejkx&ns'khjkx&oxhZdj.k 2- jkx&jkfxuh&oxhZdj.k
3- esy vFkok FkkV oxhZdj.k 4- jkxkaxk jkx oxhZdj.k
2- O;adVeq[kh ds 72 esy ,oa Hkkr[kaMs ds 32 FkkV dk fl)kUrA
bdkbZ &3
1- xzaFk ,oa xzaFkdkjksa dk ifjp;
1- dqaHkk&laxhrjkt 2- jkekekR;&Lojesydkfuf/k
3- O;adVeq[kh&prqnZ.Mh izdkf'kdk 4- t;nso&xhrxksfoUn
2- fgUnqLrkuh ,oa dukZVd laxhr i)fr;ksa ds 'kq) ,oa foÑr Lojksas dk v/;;uA
bdkbZ & 4
1- fuEufyf[kr laxhrdkjksa dh thofu;ksa ,oa laxhr ds {ks= esa ;ksxnku
1- fd'ku egkjkt 2- oh-Mh- iyqLdj
3- fd'kksjh&veksudj 4- cM+s&xqyke vyh [kka
5- vetn vyh [kka 6- ,l-,u- jkrtadj
2- gosyh&laxhr ijaijkA
bdkbZ & 5
1- laxhr esa efgyk dykdkjksa dk ;ksxnkuA
2- lekt esa laxhr dk egRoA
3- fpfdRlk vkSj laxhrA
4- nwjLFk f'k{kk ,oa laxhr f'k{kkA
Scheme Duration Max. Marks Min. Pass Marks Period Per Week
Theory Paper I 3 Hrs. 60 22 3
Theory Paper II 3 Hrs. 60 22 3
Practical 4 Hrs. 80 29 4
Note: The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 5 questions two from each unit of 2
marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words.
Section B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 4 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C
shall contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions.
The answer shall not exceed 400 words.
Unit- 1
• Traditional Hand Woven Textiles of India.
Kashmir –Shawls
Bengal –Baluchar,Jamdani.
Andhra Pradesh –Pochampali.
Tamilnadu –Kanjivaram.
Assam –Moonga.
U.P –Brocade.
Study of the above textiles with emphasis on motif,texture,design and colour.
Unit -2
• Traditional Embroideries of India
Kashmir –Kashida.
Himachal –Chamba Rumal.
Manipur –Mirror Work.
Punjab –Phulkari.
Bengal –Kanthas.
U.P. –Chikankari.
Karnataka –Kasuti.
Gujrat –Kutch work and Kathiawar Embroidery.
Study of the above embroideries on motif,threads,colour,fabric,design and theme of pattern.
Unit -3
• Dyed and Printed Textiles of India –Patola,Bandhni,Ikat,Kalamkari,Sanganeri,Bagru,Barmeri.
• Civilization of costumes.
Unit -4
• Study of costumes of different states – Kashmir,Bengal,Punjab,Rajasthan,Gujrat,Andhra Pradesh
,Assam,Meghalaya,Manipur,Himachal Pradesh.
Unit -5
• Consumer –Definition,consumer Rights,Problems related to textiles and Clothing.
• Quality control.
• Labelling-Types and its Importance.
International Marketing
Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
Note: The question paper shall contain three section. Section A contain 5 questions two from each unit of 2
marks each. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words.
Section B shall contain 5 questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each questions shall be of 4 marks.
The answers should not exceed 200 words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C
shall contain 5 question of 10 marks each, one from each unit. The candidate is required to answer 3 questions.
The answer shall not exceed 400 words.
International Marketing: Nature and scope, importance, problems and challenges of international marketing.
Market Entry Strategies, Direct and indirect export, Licensing,/franchising, Exporting, turnkey contracts, joint
venture, Mergers and acquisition, Direct and Indirect exporting.
Product Planning and Development: Product Planning, Product line and mix, Product life cycle, product mix
Channels of distributions, factor affecting, selection of distribution channel, sales promotion, advertisement,
personale celling, trade fare and exhibition.
Pricing for internation market. International Pricing: Objectives, Factors Influencing Pricing, Price
Determination, Price Quotation.
B.A. Part-3
[Practical- Clothing]
• Make Samples of any one traditional embroideries- Kashida ,Phulkari,, Chamba Rumal, Chikankari,
Embroidery of Kutch and Kathiawar.
• Samples: Kurta Placket Pockets- Patch, Bound, Inseam, Kurta Pocket.
• Drafting, Cutting & Stitching of following garments-
a) For Women’s- Petticoat, Salwar-Kameez, Churidar Payjami, Blouse.
b) For Men’s- Kalidar Kurta with Plain Pajama, Bengali Kurta with Aligarh payjama, Night Suit,
• Assignments-
I. Display- Designs of Tradition Textiles.
II. Collage- Current fashion Trends.
• Project-costume designing with all accessories for Specific occasion and presentation on floor.
• Field trips to export houses and mass production center.
• Market survey & Project Report.
B.A.Part – 3
Suggested Readings
1.Pandit,Savittri –‘Indian Embroidery’.
2.Dongerkery,Kamla.S.- ‘The Romance of Indian Embroidery.’
3.Motichandra –‘Masterpieces of Indian Textiles’.
4.Darlie O.Koshy –‘Garment Exports-Winning Strategics’.
5.Rathore,Kothari,’International Marketing’,Ramesh Book Depot,Jaipur.
6.Storcy,Joyce –‘Manual of dyes and fabrics’ ; ‘Textile Printing’,Thomas & Hudson,London.
izFke iz'u i= & Hkkjr ds oL= ,oa ikS"kkdsa
vof/k& 3 ?k.Vsa vf/kdre vad & 60
uksV%& izR;sd iz'u i= esa dqy 3 [k.M gksxsaA [k.M & ^v* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 2 vadksa ds 5 iz'u gksxsaA ifj{kkFkhZ
ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh gksxhA [k.M & ^c*
esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 4 vad dk gksxkA ifj{kkFkhZ ds
fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh gksxhA [k.M & ^l*
esa izR;sd bZdkbZ ls 10 vadksa dk ,d] dqy 5 iz'u gksxsaA ifj{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh 3 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxsaA izR;sd mÙkj
dh 'kCn lhek 400 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bZdkbZ & 1
1- dk”ehj & “kkWy 2- caxky& tkenkuh] dkywpjh 3- vka/kzizns’k & ikapeiYyh
4- rfeyukMq & dkathoje 5- vklke & ewaxkk 6- mÙkjizns’k & czksdsM
ewyHkko] cukoV] uewus] lrg ,oa jax ;kstuk ds lkFk mi;qZDr oL=ksa dk v/;;uA
bZdkbZ & 2
Hkkjr dh ijEijkxr d<kb;ksa dk uewus] jax] /kkxk ,ao vk/kkj oL= ds vk/kkj ij v/;;uA
1- dk”ehj & dlhnk 2- fgekpy & pEck #eky 3- ef.kiqj & dkap dk dke
4- itkac & Qqydkjh 5- caxky & dka/kk 6- mÙkj izns’k & fpdudkjh
7- dukZVd & dlwrh 8- xqtjkr & dPN ,ao dkfB;kokM+ d<+kbZ
bZdkbZ & 3
Hkkjr ds jaxkbZ & NikbZ oL= & iVksy] cka/kuh] bdsV] dyedkjh] lkaxkusjh] cx#] ckMesjh NikbZA
oL= lH;rk
bZdkbZ & 4
jkT;ksa dh iks"kkdksa dk v/;;u & dk ehj] caxky] itakc] jktLFkku] xqtjkr] vka/kzizns’k] vklke] es?kky;] ef.kiqj]
fgekpy izns’kA
bZdkbZ & 5
miHkksDrk & vFkZ] vf/kdkj] oL= ,ao ifj/kku lEcU/kh leL;k,aA
xq.kork fu;a=.kA
yscfyax & izdkj ,oa egRo
f}rh; iz'u i= & vUrjk’Vªh; foi.ku
vof/k& 3 ?k.Vsa vf/kdre vad & 60
uksV%& izR;sd iz'u i= esa dqy 3 [k.M gksxsaA [k.M & ^v* esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 2 vadksa ds 5 iz'u gksxsaA ifj{kkFkhZ
ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh gksxhA [k.M & ^c*
esa izR;sd bZdkbZ esa ls 1 iz'u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr dqy 5 iz'u gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 4 vad dk gksxkA ifj{kkFkhZ ds
fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugh gksxhA [k.M & ^l*
esa izR;sd bZdkbZ ls 10 vadksa dk ,d] dqy 5 iz'u gksxsaA ifj{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh 3 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxsaA izR;sd mÙkj
dh 'kCn lhek 400 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bZdkbZ & 1
vUrjkZ’Vªh; cktkj % izd`fr ,ao {ks=] egRo] pqukSfr;ka o leL;k,aA
bZdkbZ & 2
cktkj izos'k] izR;{k vkSj vizR;{k fu;kZr] ykbZlsUl] fu;kZr] VuZdh vuqcU/k] la;qDr miØe] lafoy;u ,ao vf/kxzg.kA
bZdkbZ & 3
mRikn fu;kstu ,ao fodkl & mRikn fu;kstu lfEeJ] mRikn thou pØ] oLrq lfEeJ fu.kZ;
bZdkbZ & 4
forj.k ds ek/;e] ek/;e dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd] foØ; lao/kZu] foKkiu] O;fDrxr foØ;] VªsM Qs;j vkSj
bZdkbZ & 5
vUrjkZ’Vªh; cktkj ds fy, ewY; fu/kkZj.k& m}s';] fu;kZr ewY; ds fy, ykxr ds fofHkUu rRo] ewY; fu/kkZj.k] vuqcU/k
izk;ksfxd & flykbZ
le; & 4 ?k.Vsa iw.kkZad & 80 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad &29
¼l=kad & 40 + 40 izk;ksfxd ijh{kk½
1- ijEijkxr d<+kbZ ds uewus rS;kj djuk] dksbZ ,dA
2- dqjrk] cnu iV~Vh] dqjrk ikWdsV] iSp ikWdsV] ckmUM ,oa bulhe ikWdsV ds uewusA
3- efgykvksa ds ifj/kku & lyokj&deht] pwMhnkj itkeh] isVhdksV ,oa CykmtA
iq#’kksa ds ifj/kku & dyhnkj dqjrk ,ao lknk itkek] caxkyh dqjrk ,oa vyhx<+h itkek] ukbZVlwV] tSdsVA
4- ,lkbuesUV&
v- fMlIys & ijEijkxr oL= fMtkbuA
c- dksykWt & orZeku QS”ku VªsaMA
5- izkstsDV & fo”ks’k volj gsrq ifj/kku dk lgk;d vyadj.kksa lfgr fMtkbu] fuekZ.k ,oa iznZ”kuA
6- fu;kZr x`g o cMs+ iSekus ij mRiknu djus okyh laLFkk dk Hkze.kA
7- cktkj losZ{k.k o ifj;kstuk fjiksVZA
Instructions for Paper setters
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of
syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-C consists
of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).
The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
Unit I
DTP: Importance of D.T.P in Publication, Introduction to PageMaker, Different page format/ Layouts, Tool
Box, Styles, Menus, Import and Export Facility, Alignment, Formatting, Filling in Page Maker.
Unit II
Photoshop Environment: Photoshop Interface, Photoshop toolbox and option bar, Graphics basic: Bitmap v/s
Vector Based, image resolution, graphic file format; color mode; Photoshop tool: Parts of toolbox, Magic wand,
lassos , move tool, crop tool, pencil , eraser tools, brushes, gradient, Pen tool: Photoshop layers: Naming,
creating, deleting, viewing, moving, locking, merging layers, blending options.
Unit III
Multimedia: Components of multimedia, Applications, Transition from conventional media to digital media.
Usage of text in Multimedia, Digitization of sound, Sound synthesis, MIDI, Compression and transmission of
audio on Internet, Image Compression and File Formats like GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF; Basic Image Processing,
Use of image editing software, Video Basics, How Video Works, Overview of Video Compression and File
Formats, Video compression based on motion compensation.
Unit IV
Introduction of CorelDraw , The CorelDraw Menus, The Draw Toolbox: Using the Drawing Tools, Using the
Zoom Tool, Using the Text Tool, Using Pick Tool, Using node editing (Shape) Tool, Using Fill tool, Arranging
Objects:, Layering,Combining and Grouping Objects, Stacking Order, Aligning Objects , Type Casting:
Typeface or Font,Types of Typeface, Using and manipulate type in CorelDraw, Using Fonts in your Drawing.
Colour & Fills: Colour Scheme, Colour Models,Using Colour in your document,Using Colour in
presentations,Using Fills , Texture and patterns Special Effects, Using Envelops, Using extrude, Using blend,
Using Lenses, Using perspective, Rotating and skewing objects with transform Roll-up, Stretching and
mirroring , Printing Your Document, Save & Close & open file, Export file
Suggested Readings:
tSu n'kZu ds izeq[k fl)kUr
• vusdkarokn]
• L;k}kn&lIrHkaxhokn]
• Uk;okn
• u{ksiokn]
• dkj.k&dk;Zokn]
• ikap leok;
tSu n'kZu ds izeq[k fl)kUr
• vkRe drZ`Rookn
• deZokn
• deZ dh voLFkk,a
• ys';k
• /;ku
• eks{k
tSu Kku dk fl)kUr
• Kku dk Lo:Ik
• Kku ds Lkzksr
• efrKku
• JqrKku
• vof/kKku
• eu Ik;ZoKku
• dsoyKku
tSu U;k; dk fl)kUr
• U;k; dk Lo:i
• U;k; ds vax&izek.k
• izes;] izekrk] izfefr
• izR;{k izek.k&ikjekfFkZd
• LkkaO;ogkfjd
• ijks{k izek.k&Le`fr izR;fHkKku
• rdZ
• vuqeku
• vkxe
tSu n'kZu ds vU; fl)kar
• tSu n'kZu esa v/;kRe
• tSu n'kZu esa foKku
• tSu n'kZu esa euksfoKku
• tSu n'kZu esa lekt'kkL=
• tSu n'kZu esa vFkZ'kkL=
• tSu n'kZu esa 'kkdkgkj
• tSu n'kZu esa i;kZoj.k
O;fDrRo dk fo'ys"k.k
• O;fDrRo dk vFkZ] ifjHkk"kk
• O;fDrRo ds fu/kkZjd rÙo&oa'kkuqØe] okrkoj.k] xzfUFk ra=] deZ
• O;fDrRo ds izdkj vk/;kfRed&oSKkfud O;fDrÙo
• O;fDrRo fodkl dh izfØ;k
O;fDrRo fodkl vkSj izca/ku
• y{; izca/ku
• le; izca/ku
• LokLF; izca/ku
• ruko izca/ku
• u'kkeqfDr izca/ku
• laosx izca/ku
O;fDrRo vkSj {kerk dk fodkl
• dk;Z{kerk dk fodkl
• usr`Ro {kerk dk fodkl
• ldkjkRed lksp dk fodkl
• Le`fr dk fodkl
• vfHkO;fDr dk fodkl
• O;ogkj dkS'ky dk fodkl
• mPp 'kfDr;ksa dk fodkl
¼v½ izs{kk/;ku&iw
kk/;ku oZ rS;kjh ,oa /;ku ds pkjksa pj.k] ;kSfxd fØ;ka, eLrd ls iats rd rFkk isV vkSj 'okl dh
nl fØ;k,a] nh?kZdkyhu dk;ksRlxZA
uksV %& mi;qZDr iz;ksx dsoy vH;kl ,oa ekSf[kd ijh{kk ds fy, gSA izk;ksfxd ijh{kk ds fyf[kr esa mlls
iz'u ugha iwNs tk;saxsA
vH;kl &1
/;ku ';k/;ku
vH;kl &2
vklu &
'k;u LFkku&1-
LFkku& /kuqjklu 2- eRL;klu 3- ukSdkluA
fu"khnu LFkku&1-
LFkku xksnqgklu] 2- v)ZeRL;sUnzklu] 3- m"Vªklu] 4- flagkluA
Å/oZ LFkku&1-
LFkku lw;Z ueLdkj] 2- egkohjklu] 3- e/;iknfljkluA
vH;kl &3
izk.kk;ke &
1- diky Hkkfr 2- HkfL=dk 3- ukMh+ 'kks/kuA
vH;kl & 4- 4-
vuqizs{kk &
1- vfuR; 2- lfg".kqrk 3- LokLF; 4- e`nqrkA
vH;kl &5- &5-
/ofu & egkizk.k /ofu] vksadkj /ofu vkSj vg~Ze /ofuA
Ekqnzk& gLreqnzk& Kkueqnzk] ok;q] vkdk'k] i`Foh] lw;Z] o:.k] viku] vkSj 'ka[k eqnzkA
cU/k M;ku] tkyU/kj vkSj ewycU/kA
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa %&
1. izs{kk /;ku% iz;ksx i)fr vkpk;Z egkizK] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwaA
2. vklu vkSj izk.kk;ke] eqfu fd'kuyky] tSu fo'o Hkkjrh] ykMuwa
3. ;kSfxd fØ;k,a eqfu fd'ku yky] ch-tSu ifCy'klZ ¼izk-fy-½ fnYyhA
4. vklu izk.kk;ke eqnzk cU/k] Lokeh lR;kuUn] fcgkj ;ksx fo|ky;] xaxk n'kZu] eqaxsjA
5. vklu vkSj izk.kk;ke] Lokeh jkenso fnO; ;ksx efUnj] dj[ky] gfj}kjA
6. ;ksxklu ,oa LokLF;] eqfu fd'kuyky ch-tSu ifCy'klZ ¼izk-fy-½ fnYyhA
Scheme of examination:
General Instructions:
9. There shall be two theory papers of 75 Marks each and Practical of 50 marks. The
candidate will be required to pass in theory and practical separately.
10. Each theory paper will require four teaching periods of 60 minutes or six teaching period
of 45 minutes for both papers per week.
11. Practical papers will require 4 period of 45 minutes or 3 periods of sixty minutes per
week for a batch of 20 students.
12. Each paper will contain ten questions having two questions from each unit. Each question
is divided into two parts – Part A & Part B, having 12 & 3 marks respectively. Candidates
are required to attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each unit.
Candidate has to answer Part A in about 5 pages and Part B in about one page.
Paper I 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Paper II 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Practicals 3Hrs Max. Marks 50 Min. Pass Marks 18
1. Fredrick the Great
a) Oblique attack b) Discipline and training
2. Gustavas adolphus
a) Father of modern artillery
b) Military reform and training
c) Military organization and formation
3. Sun-Tzu
a) War strategy b) Nation and war
c) Importance of war
1. Douhet’s theory of air power
2. A.T. Mohan’s Theory of Sea power
3. Thoughts on war by Mao-Tse-Tung
Books Recommended:
1. Second world war: J.F.C. Fuller
2. Maker’s of modern strategy: E.M. Earl
3. The art of war: Arthor Birni
4. On war: Clausewitze
5. Thoughts on war: Captain Liddle Hart
6. Ik'pkR; lSU; fopkjd % izks- vkj- lh- tkSgjh
7. Ik'pkR; lSU; fopkjd % MkW- yYyu flag
8. lSU; fopkjd% MkW- okbZ- ds- 'kekZ o fuxe
9. lSU; fopkjd% ds- ,u- JhokLro
10. lalkj dk lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ
bdkbZ & 4
1. eukscy dk vFkZ ,oa lsuk esa egRo
2. eukscy dks izHkkfor djus okys rRo ,oa eukscy fl)kUr
3. Hk; ds dkj.k] leL;k,a ,oa lek/kku
bdkbZ & 5
1. vkrad dh fo’ks"krk,a] y{k.k ,oa fu;a=.k djus ds fu;e
2. laizsj.kk (Motivation) dh fo’ks"krk,a ,oa lsuk esa egRo
3. ekufld ncko] dkj.k ,oa fuokj.k
vuq’kaflr iqLrdsa &
1. Psychology and the soldier: F.C. Vartley
2. Psychology and the soldier: Concted
3. lSU; euksfoKku% MkW- ij'kqjke xqIr
4. lSU; euksfoKku% iq"ik tSu] izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
5. lSU; euksfoKku% MkW- yYyu flag
1. Sand Model
2. Paper Clipping, academic tour and case study.
Note: Practical written test 45 marks, record and viva voce 15-15 marks each:
izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
dqy vad% 50 le;% 3 ?kaVs
lS.M ekWMy
isij Dyhfiax ] 'kS{kf.kd Hkze.k vkSj dsl LVMh
uksV % fyf[kr iz;ksxkRed ijh{kk 45 vad dh rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkMZ 15&15 vad dk gksxkA