Assignment: Date of Submission
Assignment: Date of Submission
Assignment: Date of Submission
Dr. N. Senthil Kumar, FACHIT MOHAN
Professor. M. Sc. 4th Semester
Dept. of Biotechnology, Roll No. 18/BIOT/04
Mizoram University
Sl. TITLE Page
No. No.
I. Emulsion PCR
Adaptors are synthesized so that one end is 'sticky' whilst the other is 'blunt' (non-
cohesive) with the view to joining the blunt end to the blunt ended DNA. This could
lead to the potential problem of base pairing between molecules and therefore dimer
formation. To prevent this, the chemical structure of DNA is utilized, since ligation
takes place between the 3′-OH and 5′-P ends. By removing the phosphate from the
sticky end of the adaptor and therefore creating a 5′-OH end instead, the DNA ligase
is unable to form a bridge between the two termini (Figure 1).
Library amplification is required so that the received signal from the sequencer is
strong enough to be detected accurately. With enzymatic amplification, phenomena
such as 'biasing' and 'duplication' can occur leading to preferential amplification of
certain library fragments. Instead, there are several types of amplification process
which use PCR to create large numbers of DNA clusters. Two kind of PCR is usually
used for amplification- emulsion PCR and bridge PCR.
I. Emulsion PCR
Emulsion oil, beads, PCR mix and the library DNA are mixed to form an emulsion
which leads to the formation of micro wells (Figure 2).
In order for the sequencing process to be successful, each micro well should contain
one bead with one strand of DNA (approximately 15% of micro wells are of this
composition). The PCR then denatures the library fragment leading two separate
strands, one of which (the reverse strand) anneals to the bead. The annealed DNA is
amplified by polymerase starting from the bead towards the primer site. The original
reverse strand then denatures and is released from the bead only to re-anneal to the
bead to give two separate strands. These are both amplified to give two DNA strands
attached to the bead. The process is then repeated over 30-60 cycles leading to
clusters of DNA.
II. Bridge PCR
The surface of the flow cell is densely coated with primers that are complementary
to the primers attached to the DNA library fragments (Figure 3). The DNA is then
attached to the surface of the cell at random where it is exposed to reagents for
polymerase based extension. On addition of nucleotides and enzymes, the free ends
of the single strands of DNA attach themselves to the surface of the cell via
complementary primers, creating bridged structures. Enzymes then interact with the
bridges to make them double stranded, so that when the denaturation occurs, two
single stranded DNA fragments are attached to the surface in close proximity.
Repetition of this process leads to clonal clusters of localized identical strands. In
order to optimize cluster density, concentrations of reagents must be monitored very
closely to avoid overcrowding.
Several competing methods of Next Generation Sequencing have been developed
by different companies are described below
Figure: - 454 Pyrosequencing
Following polony formation using emulsion PCR, the DNA library fragment is
flooded sequentially with each nucleoside triphosphate (dNTP), as in
pyrosequencing. The dNTP is then incorporated into the new strand if
complementary to the nucleotide on the target strand. Each time a nucleotide is
successfully added, a hydrogen ion is released, and it detected by the sequencer's pH
sensor. As in the pyrosequencing method, if more than one of the same nucleotide
is added, the change in pH/signal intensity is correspondingly larger.
Figure 5: - Ion torrent semiconductor sequencing
Ion torrent sequencing is the first commercial technique not to use fluorescence and
camera scanning; it is therefore faster and cheaper than many of the other methods.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to enumerate the number of identical bases added
consecutively. For example, it may be difficult to differentiate the pH change for a
homo repeat of length 9 to one of length 10, making it difficult to decode repetitive
Figure 6: - Sequencing by ligation
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which can undergo further ligation. Once the first round of sequencing is completed,
the extension product is melted off and then a second round of sequencing is
perfomed with a primer of length N−1. Many rounds of sequencing using shorter
primers each time (i.e. N−2, N−3 etc) and measuring the fluorescence ensures that
the target is sequenced.
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Fig 6: - Workflow of Illumina NGS
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NGS technologies have already been used for various applications, ranging from
whole genome sequencing, resequencing, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP),
structural variation discovery, mRNA and noncoding RNA profiling, and protein-
nucleic acid interaction assays. NGS technologies are becoming a potential tool for
gene expression analysis, especially for those species having reference genome
sequences already available. An overview of NGS applications are discussed here.
The protein coding regions of all genes (i.e., ‘whole exome’) of the human genome
constitute only approximately 1–2% of the entire human genome but contain 85%
of all DNA mutations that have large effects on human disease. There may be many
more mutations that are in regulatory regions, but they have not been studied as
much as those in the coding regions. Therefore, combining NGS technologies with
DNA fragment capture approaches for selectively sequencing the complete protein
coding regions not only reduces sequencing cost, but is also an efficient way to
discover most mutations that underlie rare and common human diseases. This could
be a scenario where we may actually see a true molecular diagnostic assay. Through
this approach, we could build an understanding of the sensitivity and specificity for
mutation detection.
SNPs are important genomic resources which can be used in a variety of analyses
including physical characteristics like height and appearance as well as less obvious
traits such as personality, behavior, and disease susceptibility. Sequence data
generated for parental genotypes of the mapping population by using NGS
technologies Where NGS can be used for mining the SNPs at large scale.
Apart from SNP discovery, expressed regions of a genome can be detected using
NGS technologies. The next generation sequencing platforms are capable of
identifying expression levels of nearly all genes, including those rare and species
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specific transcripts. A similar approach can be applied to large genomes. RNA-seq
data can be used to characterize exon-exon splicing events namely cases of
alternative splicing.
Noncoding RNA, like microRNA (miRNA), is a broad class of regulatory RNA
molecules. The NGS technologies are useful for discovery of noncoding RNA for
their short lengths. Most studies to date have used 454 technologies, because of its
early availability to discover new and different noncoding RNA classes in several
species like Chlamydomonas, Drosophila, Arabidopsis, and so forth.
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f) Exploring Chromatin Packaging
NGS also have applications in the discovery of new genomic biomarkers, detection
of mutations, pharmacogenetics, target identification and validation, clinical
diagnostics, vaccine development, investigating drug resistance and many others.
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The diversity and rapid evolution of NGS technology causes many challenges
associated with data generation, data manipulation and data storage. Some of the
major issues with analysis, interpretation, reproducibility and accessibility of NGS
data includes: -
(A) NGS is still too expensive to be accessible by small labs or an individual.
(B) Data analysis is time-consuming and needs sufficient knowledge of
(C) The short sequencing read lengths supported by NGS is one of the major
shortcomings which limit its application, especially in de novo and highly repetitive
regions sequencing.
(D) Data processing steps or bioinformatics is one major bottleneck for the
implementation of NGS.
(E) Routine analysis of NGS data requires multidisciplinary teams.
(F) It is critical to standardize the quality metrics for the NGS data generated. These
include validation and comparison among platforms, data reliability, robustness and
reproducibility, and quality of assemblers.
(G) It is crucial to have a complete knowledge of family and personal history of the
patient to help define the ideal analysis method, the analysis of the results obtained,
and the post-test counselling and management.
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Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Platforms. Annual Review 6, 287-303
(2013), By-
J. Shendure and H. Ji
Michele Araujo pereira, Frederico scott varella malta, Maira cristina menezes
freire and Patrícia gonçalves pereira couto
Navneet Kumar Yadav, Pooja Shukla, Ankur Omer, Shruti Pareek, and R. K.
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Next-generation sequencing and its applications in molecular diagnostics,
Zhenqiang Su, Baitang Ning, Hong Fang, Huixiao Hong, Roger Perkins,
Weida Tong and Leming Shi
1. What is the basic principle of NGS? And Why is Next Generation Sequencing
better than Sanger sequencing?
2. How is NGS important for human biology and medicine?
3. How reversible terminator sequencing differ from sanger sequencing?
4. Which one is the best sequencing approach of NGS in regard high data output?
5. What are the differences between DNA sequencing and RNA sequencing?
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