TNAI Scholarship
TNAI Scholarship
TNAI Scholarship
The Trained Nurses Association of India invites applications to award scholarship for higher
studies in nursing for the year 2021-2022.
All the above mentioned courses should be recognised by the Nursing Council/ Regulatory body.
Eligibility criteria
1. The candidates should have at least one year membership of TNAI before joining the course and
active in TNAI/SNAI activities.
2. The candidates should not have received TNAI scholarship for at least last 5 years.
3. The candidates should not be a recipient of any other scholarship or financial help from any other
4. The proof of annual family income of the candidates should be obtained from competent
Government authority and attached along with the application.
General Instructions
1. Application forms should be recommended and signed by the Principal/ Head of the Institution
2. The completed application forms addressed to: The Secretary-General, The Trained Nurses
Association of India, L-17, Florence Nightingale Lane, Green Park, New Delhi-110016, should be
sent to TNAI Headquarters on or before August 31, 2022.
3. Applications received last or incomplete, shall not be considered.
7. Marital Status: Single, Married, Widow, Widower: __________ 8. Number of children, if any, with age:___________________________
12. Are you getting any financial help/stipend/scholarship/deputation/ from any other source/institution? Or you have to resign your job to take
up the study? If yes, please give details:
A. I undertake to refund the whole amount of scholarship paid to me, by the Trained Nurses Association of India in case I am offered financial
help from any other source(s).
B. I hereby certify that the information given in this application form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date:_____________________ ___________________________________________
Signature of the candidate
Enclose the following:
1) Certificate of ANM/GNM /PC B.Sc.(N)/ B.Sc.(N), as applicable.
2) Nurses & Midwives Council Registration Certificate.
3) Mark sheet of higher Secondary or equivalent examination.
4) Certificate of annual family income of the candidate from competent Government authority.
5) Photocopy of TNAI Life membership card.
6) Bank account details of the applicant with copy of front page of Bank pass book and a crossed & cancelled cheque.