DEBATE BRITISH-putri Denanda Tami
DEBATE BRITISH-putri Denanda Tami
DEBATE BRITISH-putri Denanda Tami
NIM : PO72201191569
Dosen :
A competitive sport whereby 4 teams in opposing sides try to convince an audience that a point
of view regarding a controversial issue is better than the alternative provided.
Debate – Highlight the opposing opinions surrounding a topic as a tool for decision making and
3 Types of Debates
- Value debate – What should our values be & why? Is it Better or Worse – for us (and / or
Society as a whole?)
THBT parents should have the final say over the medical treatment of their children
3 Types of Motions
- Closed Motion
- Open Motion
Names of speakers
Prime Minister
Government Whip
Opposition Whip
An argument involves the process of establishing a claim and then proving it with the use of
logical reasoning, examples, and research.
3. Use the example to show how the logic has been demonstrated in real life
Rebuttals are responses towards the other team’s arguments. Rebuttals should prove that the
other team’s arguments are not as important as they claim to be.
Types of rebuttal
6. Morally flawed
"Don't you think that the death penalty actually deters murder by increasing the
consequences?" or
" What do you say to the argument that the death penalty deters crime by increasing the
consequences of crime?"
• Often a team may be relying on a certain example or factual piece of information to support
their arguments. If you have information that would stop them in their tracks, this is worth
• That most asylum seekers are possible terrorists and criminals and thus we cannot open our
borders" a POI stating that,
'80% of asylum seekers are genuine immigrants and there is no statistical evidence that
terrorists come to South Africa via boats according to immigration stats' would be devastating.
Suppose a team is debating that we should invade Iraq, and they are talking about all the
benefits of having the UN administering Iraq after the invasion. A POI may point out that,
"You're talking about all these benefits of having democracy in Iraq but have failed to rebut our
arguments about how invasion in Iraq is totally impractical and will not be possible."
- Arguments
- Rebuttals
OO (Opening Opposition: )
- Response – clear?
- Arguments
- Rebuttals