PCPNDT Act in Nutshell

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Special Issue - PC-PNDT

The PC-PNDT act in a nutshell

Anita Bhaktwani
Advocate, Mumbai High Court, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. E-mail: adv.anitab@gmail.com

I take this opportunity to highlight the basic mandatory errant. The Act penalizes all the errants, either involved in
requisitions under the PC-PNDT Act. The Act was enacted sex determination or non-maintenance of records.
in 1994, amended and effectively implemented in 2003 and
strictly amended in 2011. As can be seen from the daily The Act is legislated in a manner that it should be a deterrent
media reports, almost all over the country, absolute stringent for those indulging in sex determination. The unfortunate
action is being taken against all the erring radiologists/ decline in the male-female sex ratio has brought in stringent
sonologists/ gynecologists. The effective implementation of measures, there is suspension of registration, filing of
The Act has painted a grim picture of The Act. This article criminal cases and sealing of machines. Besides, criminal
is an effort to show that The Act though draconic can be prosecution will also bring in suspension and cancellation
easily followed by fulfilling certain mandatory requisitions of registration granted by the State Medical Council.
laid under the Act.
Remedies are also provided—like filing an appeal before
The PC-PNDT Act was enacted on 20 September 1994 the appellate authority and getting the machine released
with the intent to prohibit prenatal diagnostic techniques from the court of law, but all these remedial measures are
for determination of the sex of the fetus leading to female time-consuming and bring the career of an individual to a
feticide. That is to say the preliminary object was to put a standstill.
check on female feticide. No doubt the bare perusal of the
Act indicates that it is a draconic act from the point of its It would not be out of place to therefore state that the
effect on radiologists/sonologists. The Act does not offer most effective precautionary measures are to maintain
any escape to the erring radiologist/sonologist. records scrupulously, fill the Form-F as provided in the
Act, accurately and correctly, submit the records to the
appropriate authority within the stipulated time; then there
But at the same time it is very simple to fulfill and abide
will be nothing to worry.
by the requisitions of the Act. The few basic requirements
of the Act are:
There is no doubt that there are a few shortcomings in the
1. Registration under Section (18) of the PC-PNDT Act.
Act but that does not give any reason for non-compliance
2. Written consent of the pregnant woman and prohibition
of or contravention of any of the provisions of the Act.
of communicating the sex of fetus under Section 5 of the
The major contribution by radiologists/ sonologists/
3. Maintenance of records as provided under Section 29 of
gynecologists towards prevention of female feticide can
the Act.
be achieved by thus fulfilling the mandatory requisitions
4. Creating awareness among the public at large by placing
of the PC-PNDT Act.
the board of prohibition on sex determination.
So last but not the least BEWARE.
A look at the basic requirement of the Act shows the
simplicity of the Act, but non-compliance of the Act in any Legal Aspects and Judgements
manner, be it the smallest of an error brings wrath upon the
The Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostics Techniques
Access this article online (Prohibition of Sex Determination) Act 2003, with Rules
Quick Response Code: made thereunder is an act to safeguard the girl child. The
Website: Courts have at all material times and in all possible manners
delivered judgments indicating therefore that the PC-PNDT
Act is actually a whip to penalize those indulging in sex
DOI: determination and to serve as a deterrent to others.

The recent judgments of the Courts are also supportive

Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / May 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 2 133
Bhaktwani: The PC-PNDT act in a nutshell

of the strict implementation of the PC-PNDT Act. The Then the IRIA has also filed a petition before the Hon’ble
IRIA is fighting tooth and nail to support the cause of High Court Delhi, whereby a few provisions of the PC-
the radiologists all over and also to prevent the misuse PNDT Act have been challenged, such as the registration
or improper and erroneous application of the Act by the given to other faculty members, the mode of training
appropriate authority. imparted. The said petition is still pending.

The appropriate authority on the other hand is itself coming Besides, there are many machines sealed for non-
up with some or the other suggestion/idea to somehow compliance of provisions of the PC-PNDT Act or for
curb the menace of female feticide. But in the process the improper maintenance of records under the provisions
radiologists are at the receiving end and the best possible of the Act. Then subsequent thereto-criminal cases are
solution in today’s scenario is to abide by the dictum of the also registered. It is pertinent to note that the conviction
PC-PNDT in its true letter and spirit. may not be very severe, but it may result in suspension of
registration under the State Council Act, which is an issue
The Maharashtra State Branch of IRIA challenged the ban to be seriously noted by all.
being imposed by the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai
on the use of portable machines before the Hon’ble High There is another issue which arises and that is sealing of
Court Mumbai, which petition came to be dismissed machines. Sealing is not a mandamus but all the appropriate
authorities are doing that. The release of the machine in
and the judgment in the petition means that the portable
a criminal case will be the subject of jurisdiction of the
machine can now be used only in the institute or hospital
criminal court and otherwise before the appellate authority
where it is registered thereby restricting the portability of
provided under the PC-PNDT Act.
the portable USG.

The recent scenario indicates the strict actions of the

There is another judgment of the Hon’ble High Court, which
appropriate authority and the stern view of the Courts. To
upholds the installation of SIOB (i.e. Silent Observer) in
sum it all BEWARE.
the USG. The Collector of Kolhapur has come up with this
novel idea of installing the SIOB under the delicate issue
Anita Bhaktwani
of Save The Baby Girl Child and which has been done in
Kolhapur. The device is a private external device for the
purpose of filling the F-form online and recording all images
of the sonographies whether obstetrics or non-obstetrics. Cite this article as: Bhaktwani A. The PC-PNDT act in a nutshell. Indian J
The Hon’ble High Court dismissed the petition and review Radiol Imaging 2012;22:133-4.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
petition filed by the IRIA.

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134 Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging / May 2012 / Vol 22 / Issue 2

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