Page 1 of 4: Design & Calculation Drawing Results Viva-Voce Record Total 30 40 10 10 10 100
Page 1 of 4: Design & Calculation Drawing Results Viva-Voce Record Total 30 40 10 10 10 100
Page 1 of 4: Design & Calculation Drawing Results Viva-Voce Record Total 30 40 10 10 10 100
(Regulations 2017)
1. Estimate the screen requirement for a plant treating a peak flow of 60 million litres per day of
sewage of sewage.
2. Design a raw water pumping station for obtaining water from a perennial river with the following
vi) The water to be pumped in two shifts of 10 hours each daily and lifted to the inlet of water
treatment plant situated near by @ R.L 217.00 m
vii) The loses due to friction in the C.I using main of 0.9 m diameter are low due its short length
and can be assumed to be 2m in summer season and 1.2 m on an average.
viii) The efficiency of the pump and the driving motors can be taken as 75% and 90 %
3. Design a digestion tank for a primary sludge digestion with the help of following data. Average
flow = 20 MLD
4. Design a rapid sand filter unit for 4 MLD of supply with all its principle component.
5. Design septic tank for 120 persons. Assume per capita sewage as 140 lpcd. Cleaning period =
1 year. L: B = 4: 1. Percolation rate in soak well = 1300 l/m3/day, detention period = 24 hrs.
6. A rectangular grit chamber is designed to remove particles with a diameter 0.2mm, specific
gravity of 2.65. Settling velocity for these particles have been found to be range from 0.016 to
0.22 m/s, depending on their shape factor. A flow through velocity of 0.3 m/s will be maintained
by proportioning weir. Determine the channel dimensions for a maximum wastewater flow of
10,00 m3/day
7. An overhead tank is to be provided for city water supply. Calculate the minimum capacity of the
tank without any fire demand storage. Assume the tank to be empty between 12 and 15 hrs.
The draw off factors, water pumped & water consumed are are shown in the table below.
8. Design a sluice taking off from a tank irrigating 200 hectare at 1000 duty. The tank bund through
which the sluice is taking off has a top width of 2m with 2:1 side slopes. The top level of bank is
+40.00 and the ground level at the site is +34.50. Good hard soil for foundation is available at
The sill of the sluice at off take is +34.00. The max water level in tank is 38.00. the full tank level
is +37.00. Average low water level of the tank is 35.00. The details of the channel below the
sluice are as under.
FSL +34.50
Bed width = 15 m,
FSL = +22.00
Bed width = 15 m
Regulator carries a roadway single line designed for IRC loading class A. Provide clear board of
1m above FSL for the road bridge.
10. Design a concrete gravity dam for following data. Max allowable compressive stress = 2000
kN/m2. Max reservoir level = 200 m; R.L of bottom of dam = 105 m; specific gravity of dam
material = 2.4
11. Design a sedimentation tank cum coagulation tank with continuous flow for a population of
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60,000 persons with a daily per capita water allowance of 120l. Make suitable assumptions
where needed.
12. A system aqueduct is designed as the drainage crossing in which the channel is carried over
the drainage channel preferably at right angles and discharge is carried under pressure through
the structure. Design the aqueduct for the following requirements:
13. Design a surplus weir of a tank forming part of a chain of tanks. The combined catchment area
of group of the tank is 25.89 km2 and area of catchment intercepted by the upper tank is 20.71
km2. It is decided to store water in the tank to a level of +12m above MSL limiting the
submersion of foreshore land up to a level of +12.75m above MSL. The general ground level at
the proposed site work is +11m and ground level below the proposed surplus slopes off till it
reaches +10m in about 6m distance. Tank bund has a top width of 2m at level of +14.5m with
2:1 slope on either side. The tank bunds are designed for the saturation gradient of 4:1 with 1m
clear cover. The foundations are of hard gravel at a level of 9.5m near the site work.