What Every Person Should Know About Harry Potter
What Every Person Should Know About Harry Potter
What Every Person Should Know About Harry Potter
prepared by
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute
P.O. Box 8977
Chattanooga, TN 37414
[Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows Cover Art courtesy Arthur A. Levine Books (July 21, 2007)
According to Scholastic, the final book in the left—” (p. 92. The text cuts off, but the words lead one
Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly to know what is coming next.)
Hallows, sold an amazing 8.3 million copies in its first
-“snogging” (p. 116). According to
24 hours, a first in the history of book publishing.
thefreedictionary.com, this means, “affectionate play
Borders sold 1.2 million copies the first day, (or foreplay without contact with the genital organs).”
the highest single-day sales of any book in its history. This could be the American equivalent of “making out,”
Amazon.com pre-sold 2.2 million copies of the book but I wouldn’t let my kids run around saying the word.
worldwide. British bookstore chain Waterstone sold over
“How the ruddy h—?” (p. 162).
100,000 copies in the first two hours of sales. Barnes
and Noble sold 1.4 million copies in pre-sales.1 “d—…” (Three times: pp. 162, 362, 374).
The real question is not “Why is it popular?” As “git,” (pg. 490), a person who is deemed to be
parents, our question should be, “What is in the book?” despicable or contemptible. The British equivalent of
“jerk” or “punk.”
As we examine the contents of Harry Potter 7,
we find that there are some key issues parents should “bloody fools” (p. 558).
be aware of in deciding whether to allow their children
“bast——…” (p. 564).
or teenagers to read the book, or to discuss with their
children if they already have (or currently are) reading “h—…” (p. 622).
it. These concerns fall into three major categories:
“b——…” (p. 737).
vulgar language, level of violence, and spiritual
content. At least six of these occurrences would be clearly
defined as curse words in American culture. When I
posted these concerns at the fan website
Vulgar Language Potterwatch.com, the webmaster responded, in part,
I (Dillon) posted some of the first comments
online regarding the kind of language used in Harry The language is accurate. However, the
Potter 7. Some of these comments have already been sentiment is misdirected. I spend time in
picked up on CNN.com and at least one Harry Potter elementary schools with kids and I know for a
fan website. fact that they use far more coarse language
than is found in the book.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is
marketed as a young adult book, but is it? After reading In my personal opinion, which as the site owner
it the night of its midnight release, I was shocked to I get to interject as I feel fit, the language in
discover how much vulgarity was included. I may have the novel is appropriate to its reading level,
missed one or two occurrences among the 759-pages, which according to the publisher:
but here is a list to demonstrate the level of mature
language used in the book: Note Young adult, not Child. So yes, if you’re
giving this to your child you may want to
- “And are they getting married in my bedroom?” asked consider the language. If it’s for your teen/
Ron furiously. “No! So why in the name of Merlin’s saggy young adult then you can feel comfortable
Also see www.johnankerberg.org for Harry Potter quizes, articles and online video. To order call 1-800-3030.
“Harry Potter Posts Spellbinding Sales,” CNNMoney.com, July 23, 2007. Accessed at
See http://www.potterwatch.com/mpn/html/article.php?sid=302&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
See http://www.mpaa.org/FlmRat_Ratings.asp
J.K. Rowling, notes from an interview at the Edinburgh Book Festival, August 15, 2004. Accessed at
See http://www.hp-lexicon.org/magic/occlumency.html
Michael O’Brien, A Landscape with Dragons (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 1998), pp. 110-111.
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