@ Quantum Digital Vision (India) LTD.: To, BSE Ltd. P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort Mumbai-400 001
@ Quantum Digital Vision (India) LTD.: To, BSE Ltd. P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort Mumbai-400 001
@ Quantum Digital Vision (India) LTD.: To, BSE Ltd. P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort Mumbai-400 001
REG. OFFICE: 416, HUBTOWN Solaris, N. S. Phadke Road,Opp. Telli Galli, Andheri (East) MUMBAI- 400 069.
Tel.: 022-2684 6530 / 08369714647, Email: info@dassanigroup. com CIN: L35999MH 1980PLC304763 website : www.qil.in
Date: 11/08/2022
To, BSE Ltd.
P.J. Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort
Mumbai- 400 001
(Department of Corporate Services)
Ref: BSE Scrip Code No. 530281 Quantum Digital Vision (India) Ltd.
Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations
2015, we send herewith copies of newspaper clippings of the Extract of Statement of Standalone Un-
Audited Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th June, 2022.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Enclosed: As above
Gigaplex, 3rd Floor, Mugalsan
Road, TTC Industrial Area, Ainoll, Possession Notice
Yaan Enterprises Limited
Formerly Known as “Crown Tours Limited
Navi Mumbai-4lovo8. Uae ee esa aed TL CIN:- L28920MH1972PL0016154
CIN: L6SD0MH1S89PL0364261
Registered Office:- “Trishul”, 3rd Floor, Opp Samartheshwar Temple, Regd. Office:- Shop-10, PL-22 Lakhanis Dolphin, SEC-13, New Pariel Navi Mumbai, Raigarh . Maharashira-410206 Regd. Office : F-8, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna Road, Nagpur - 440.016 (india).
Near Law Garden Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 320006, Website: weew,.crownjaipur.org | e-mail: financemyaanentempnses.com E-mail: [email protected]
| Website: www.necoindia.com
Whereas, he undersigned being the Authorised Officer of the Axis Bank (* in Lakhs, except per equity share data)
Ltd., Under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and (Aa it Lace eecepl per chare data) Extract of Statement of Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 30° June, 2022
Senet ae, eee a ane ec eee sil Quarter Ended Year Ended fl ER SInED QUARTER
under section read wil ula 3 of the Secunty Interest roame i DED ENDED
Rules, 2002, Issued a Demand Notice dated 19/04/2022 calling upon the Particulars Se EE Sh eee ae) eee PARTICULARS 30.06.2022 | 31.03.2022 | 30.06.2021
BorrowerMortgagor viz. 1) M/s. Samarth Trading Co. Through its proprietor (Unaudited) (Audited) (Uraudited) (Audited) -UNAUDITED
Mr. Damji Devshi Nanda (Borrower), M-5, APMC Market ll, Phase 2, Vashi, Total income fram operations (ret) 5600 49.23 5.46 121.88 1.| Total | = ti 153063 596483 439623
Navi Mumbai -400703, 2) Mr. Dinesh D, Nanda also known as Mr. Dayabhai Net Prolil ' (Loss) for the perice! -| Total Income from Operations ee
OD. Nanda (Guaranter/Mertgagor), 3) Mrs. Madhuri 0 Nanda (before tax, Exceptional lherr) 0.6 (5.34) (7.54) (11.55) 2.| Net Profit for the period (before tax and Exceptional items) g247 58635 12309
(Guarantor/Mortgagor}, 2)& 3) Resiat: FlatNo. 8, Skyline CHS, NSS Road, Net Profit ’ (Loss) for the period After - d.| Net Profit for the period betore tax (after Exceptional items) a247 237085 19419
Himalaya Society, Asalpha Village, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai — 400 084, to Exceptional Itam (before Tax} 0.35 (5.34) (7.51) (16.77) 4_) Met Profit for the period after tax (atter Exceptional items) ao24 eodred 13436
repay the amount mentioned in the notice being Rs. 1,04,62,378.04 (Rupees Net Profit ’ (Loss) for the period After Tax — 5. Total Comprehensive Income for the period/year
One Crore Four Lakh Sixty Two Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Eight (after Exrepbianal items) 0:26 (8.80) (6.4) (23.17) [Comprising Profit for the period (after tax) and Other Comprehensive Income | 2336 224776 13487
and Paise Four Only) as on 05/04/2022 (including interest charged upto Total Comprehensive mea a the period (after tax}]
30/11/2021), together with further contractual rate of interest thereon till Pence dot 026 ‘8.901 ie.) 3.17) 6.| Equity Share Capital 97099 97099 63863
the date of payment within G0 days from the dale of the said notice. Equity Share Capital 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 7.| Other Equity (excluding Revaluation Reserve as shown in the Audited Balance 86219
The Borrower/Co-Borrower/Morngagor
Guarantor having failed to repay Giice Eulty:excshidinigs Revahialion’ Rewer) ‘ , Sheet)
the amount, notice is hereby given to the Borrower/Go-borrower! as shown in the Audited Balance Sheet of 8.| Earnings Per Share (of Rs.10/- each)
Mortgageor and the public in general that the undersigned has taken previous year : . . 45.58 7 a) Basic after Exceptio iit Not Annualised)* oa" 28.40 240°
Symbolic Possession of the property described herein below in exercise of ; 5‘ ! pihonal ems (Not Annu ne } ; :
powers conferred on him under section 13(4) of the Act read with Rule 6 & 8 of cine eee el h) Basic before Exceptional items (Not Annualised)* 0.24" 6.60 2.10*
the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on this 10/08/2022, wae . O01 (0.29) (0.27) (0.07) ¢) Diluted after Exceptional items (Not Annualised)” 0.24" 23.07 2.10"
The Borrower/Co-Borrower! Mortgagor in particular and the public in Diluted oo 0,29} i027} (0.07) d) Diluted before Exceptional items (Not Annualised) 0.24 5.81 2.10
general are hereby cautioned nat to deal with the property and any
Notes : (a} The above is an extract of the detailed fonmatof Quarterly Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchanges on 9° August, 2022 under
dealings with the property shall be subject to the charge of the Axis Bank Noles : The abowe is an exiract of the detailed formal of Quarterly Gnancial resulls for the quarter ended 300 June, 2022 lied with
Lid. for an anvount of Rs, 1,04,62,378.04 (Rupees One Crore Four Lakh the Stock Exchanges under Reguiation 33 -of the SEB! (Lisling Obligations and Disclosures Requirements) Requiations, 2075, Reguiation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Requéations, 2015. The full femmat of the Quarterly Financal Results are
Sixty Two Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Eight and Paise Four Only) The full formal of the aforesaid Quarterly Audited. Financial Results is available on the Stock Exchange website of BSE al available on the Stock Exchange websites (www.bseindia.com & www.nseindia.com) and the Company's Websile (www.necoindia.com)
as on 05/04/2022 (including interest charged upto 30/11/2021), together vewe. bseindia.comand Company's webste at waw.crownjaipur.org. For and on Behalf of the Board of (b) The above rasulls have been reviewed by the Audit Commiltae and approved by the Board of Directors
at heir meating hekdon
9" August, 2022.
with further contractual rate of interest thereon till the date of payment. Yaan Enterprises Limited The Statutory Auditors ofthe Company have carried aula Limited Review
of the above results, For Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited
The Borrower's attention is invited to the provisions of Sub Section (8) of Formerly Keown as “Crown Tours Limited
Section 13 of the SARFAES| Act, 2002 in respect of time available, to RANJITH SOMAN PLACE : NAGPUR Arvind Jayaswal
redeem the secured assets, Place:: New Panval Managing Director DATE : 9": August. 2022 Managing Director and CEO
Description of the Property Date: August 09, 2022 DIN: 01714430 : ust, DIN : OO249864
All that Residential Flat No. 08, 2nd Floor, admeasuring about 650 Super built
up, in the building known as “Skylinaé CHSL*, Plat Wo. 8 - 7, Govind Nagar,
Netaji Paikar Marg, Asalpha Village, Ghathopar (WW), Mumbai, in the name of 7
Mr. Dayabhai D. Nanda, & Mrs. Madhuri D Nanda, together with the right ta a <i [i ea [ INI A [Fe LA S i i C S L [ D
use common areas of the building, the right to use water closet, drainage. . « ans
lavatories and othar conveniences and facilities, amanities in or upon or Esaar (India) Limited — Regd, Off: $84, Prima House, Daman Industrial Estate, Kadaiya, Nani Daman, Daman (Union Territory) - 396 210.
ee or ae ihe tet ! rte me ethane _ pean Read. OF: Shop Ma. 06, Prathamush Avenue Datta Mandir Road, Malad East Muendai Mumbai City MH 400097 CIN - L25206D01993PLC001470 Tel: 0260 - 2220445 Fax: 0260 - 2221845
Brice arid ti SPCR AREA REPS eeu ee ment een
Cong Ore: At - fee Sam { esaariredia iad le ines aan ast ll an E-mail: investorcprimaplastics.com Website: www.primaplastics.com
E Mail.cam | wewlesaarin i 1
Place : Ghatkopar, Mumbai Axis Bank Ltd. Extract of Un-Audited Standalone Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 30, 2022 Rs. in Lakhs
[fie In Lakh)
Standalone Standalone Consolidated
Particulars Quarter Ended|Quarter Ended) Year ended Es re Three Months Ended Year Ended| Three Months Ended |Year Ended
30.06.2022 | 30.06.2021 | 31.03.2022 HO. 30-06-2022) 30-06-2021) 31-03-2022 |30-06-2022) 30-06-2021) 31-09-2022
N EO IN FRA CON LIM ITE D (Un-Audited) | (Un-Audited) (Audited) Unaudited Audited Unaudited Audited
ANDHERI EAST, MUMBAI-400069, IN Phone: 022- 22045055, 22045044, Mobile/Helpdesk No.: 9702003139 CIN: LES032MH1S86PLO 154910
Email: [email protected]; Website: www.empowerindia.in Regd. & Corp. Office: A-901-905, Sth Floor, 275, Atrium, Andiveri Kurta Road, Andhen (East), Munbaimt00093
Extract of the Unaudited Financial results for the quarter/year ended 30th June 2022 Extracts of the Statement of Un-audited Financial Results Tel: (91) 22-G6941800 | S304 1600 | Fax: (94) 22-66941818 | 33047816 | Website: wawseamec.in | Email: contactitseamec.in
Rs. Im Lacs .
No Particulars Quarter Ended Year
Ended j
June, 2022
for the Quarter Ended (Rs.Consolidated Um ese LT Set eed eg
Particulars Quarter Ended on Quarter Ended on
[AU DATED) | 31.03.2021 JAUDITED)|
SLOG TE [UNALIDITED) [20,06 2022 |UMAUDITED|) 31.00.2002 (Rs. In lakh, except per share data)
' 30.06.2022 | 30.06.2021 | 30.06.2022 | 30.06.2021 =
1. | Total Income fram Operations r 0.43 3479 7 . . . . | Standalone Consolidated
(Un-audited)| (Un-audited)} (Un-audited)| (Un-audited)] Sr. ; Sinvtaranied Year Ended Garter ented Year Ended
Z. eae Woapatcar (2.27) (6.08) 13.93 (25,98) Total income from operations (net) 281.27 0.00 281.27 0.00 No. Paneer 40.06.2027 30.06.2024 34.03.2022 30.06.2022 30.06.2021) 31.03.2022
x, EX I . .
or Extraordinary items| Net Profit/(Loss)for a period (before tax, 1, | Total Income from Operations (Net) 11.120 | 6255 | 29.352 | 12540 | 7299 | 34.962
: : Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 10.00 (2.73) 10.00 (2.73) 2, | Net Profit for the penod (before Tax
Protit for th
aaawe aoa : eesi aoe; Net Profit/(Loss)for a period before tax Exoeptional andior Extraordinary iterns)
1753 | 1932 | 7687 | 2091 | 1486 | 8,480
items and/or Extraordinary items) (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 10,00 (2.73) 10.00 (2.73) 3, | Net Profil for the period before tax
: Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 1.753 | 1982 7.587 2,034 1,446 6,450
4. | Equity Share Capital 303.50 303.50 303.50 303.50 p 4, | Net Profit for the period after tax
: = (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 10.00 (2.73) 10.00 (2.73) , ; : :
5. | Reserves (excluding Revaluation {1,395.19} (1,412.21) Total Comorehensive Income for the period (after Exceptional andlor Extraordinary iterns) 1340 1756 TaT5 2279 4,270 8.370
Reserve) as shown in the
Audited Balance Sheet of
mprenen P 5, | Total Comprehensive Incame for the period
[Comprising Profit / (Loss) for the period (after tax) [Comprising Profit for the period (after tax) and
the previous year and Other Comprehensive Income(atter tax)] 10.00 (2.73) 10.00 (2.73) Other Comprehensive income (after tax} 4-940 4762 Tord 272 1,351 8,686
: : Equity Share Capital 11637.99 11637.99 1163799 11637.99 6. | Equity Share Capital
/1E 75h FAs. 10/- each) (f
° aiinn ai acantirctonention’: Earnings Per Share (of Rs.1 each) of Rs. 10 per share)
(face value 2.043 | 2,543 2.045 243 2,043 2043
1) Basic: (0.07) (0.18) 0.46 (0.97) (for continuing and discontinued operations) - if Other Equity excluding Revaluation Reserve . . 62.050 . ° 72.904
2) Diluted: (0.07) (0.28) 0.46 (0.97) 1. Basic: 0.001} (0.0002) 0.001] (0.0002) || | Eamings Per Share
1) The above unaudited results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee
& approved by the Board of Directors 2 Diluted: 0.001 (0.0002) 0.001 (0.0002) Diluted 7.63 6.91 29.60 6.96 4.99 52.92
atits meating held on Sth Aupust 2022,
The above result is an extract of the detailed format of Un-audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results * For the year ended March 31, 2022, Other Equity excluding Revaluation Reserve on standalone basis is Rs. 62,050 lakhs and on
2) The above an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly/Annual Financial Results filed with the Stock
Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing and Other Diselouure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The for the quarter ended 30th June, 2022 filed with Stock Exchange under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing nm consolidated basis is Rg. 72,304 lakhs.
full format of the Quarterly/Annual Financial Results are available on the websites of the Stock Exchangeis} Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the quarterly results is available Notes:
wew beeindia.com aad the companies website warw.qdil.in
on website of Stock Exchange and on Company's website www.empowerindia. in. 1. The above is an extract of the detailed format
of the standalone and consoledated finances results
for the quarter ended June 30, 2022
3) The results have been prepared in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standars (Ind4AS) notified under.
[Ind AS) Aules 2015 and subsequent ammendments Figures of the previous year have been re-grouped/ re-arranged / re-classified wherever considered necessary. filed wih the Stock Exchanges under Regulation a3 of the SEBI (Listing Obligabons and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
For Empower India Limited 2045. The full format of standalona and consolidated financial results is availabla on the Stock Exchanges’ websites -
For QUANTUM DIGITAL VISION (INDIA) LTD. (ww. bseindia.com / www.nseindia.com)and the Company's websiie (waw,.Seamec.in).
SD/- Rajvopatan lyengar 2. The above financial results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and thereafter ware approved by the Board of Directors at
PLACE: MLANBAI SHAKUNTLA PANNA on Place: Mumbai Director theirrespective meetings held on August 10, 022,
. t ‘ ,
DATE: 08.08.2022 DIN: aries Date: 10" August, 2022 DIN: 00016496 For and on behalf of Board of pasch
Place : Mumbai Naveen Mohia
Date : August 10, 2022 Whole Time Director
Ream: 70,02, 208% sft, Sear ARTEFae Figures of the previous year have been re-grouped/ re-arranged/ re-classified wherever considered necessary 1) The above is an Extract of the detailed format of results for quarter ended on 30th June 2022 filed with the
Bam: ¥ Tere Feast (SsHTAMTA;O
Ge Agee) For Empower India Limited Stock Exchanges under Regulation - 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
| Sd/- Regulation, 2015. the full format of the standalone quarterly results are available on the website of BSE Ltd.
PUBLIC NOTICE , Rajgopalan lyengar (www.bseindia.com) andthe Company's website(www.tulaseebio.com)
This is to inform the Public at large that my! Place: Mumbai Director 2) The financials have been prepared in accordance with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules 2015
clients MR. ROHIT OMKAR BHARGAY& MIR Date: 10" August, 2022 DIN: 00016496 IND-AS to the extent applicable. The Company has adopted IND-AS beginning 01st April,
2017 with transition
ASHOK AMRITLAL DINGWA, are intending! date 01stApril, 2016.
purchaser of land bearing survey No. 65/1
6/2 admeasuring about 1-24-70 hectare 3) The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their
situated at Village- Bapane, Taluka- Vasai, YASH MANAGEMENT & SATELLITE LTD. meeting held on 10.08.2022.
District- Palghar, Maharashtra (hereafter called
Regd Office: 303, Morya Landmark |, Opp Infiniti Mall, Off. New Link Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai-400053 CIN: L65920MH1993PLC073309
By Order of the Board of Directors
and referred as “the said land”). For Tulasee Bio-Ethanol Ltd.
All or any person having any rights title, interest, Extract of Unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 30" June 2022 (Rs. In Lakhs)
benefits, claims or demand, in or to be land or Sdi-
any part thereof, and/or the floor space index/| STANDALONE CONSOLIDATED Kapil Nagpal
floor area ratio transferrable, development Quarter Ended Year Ended Quarter Ended Year Ended Date : 10.08.2022 (Director)
fights and development potential in respect Particulars 30.06 2022] 31.03. 2022|30.06.2021 | 31.03 2022 | 30.06.2022 | 31.03.2022 | 30.06.2021] 31.03.2022 Place : Raigad DIN: 01929335
Ce a a Ean
ote wy a (Unauclted)} (Audited) |(Unaudited)| (Audited) | (Unauclted)| (Audited) | (Unaudited)} (Audited)
sale, conveyance, transfer exchange, 1. Total Income from Operations 277.81 35.84 21.85 166.02 539.89 181.67 21.85 311.85
assignment, allotment, exchange, gift lease, sub 2. Net Profit/(Loss) before Exceptional items and Tax 91.35 11.31 0.61 40.94 48.65| (13.98) 0.61 15.65
lease, tenancy, sub tenancy, license, possession, 3. Net Profit/(Loss) before tax after Exceptional items 91.35 11.31 0.61 40.94 48.65| (13.98) 0.61 15.65
guarantee, pation,
trust, mortgage,
inheritance, charge,
bequest, lien, 4. Net Profit/(Loss) after
, tax . 77.09 16.59 0.61 40.94 34.39] (25.80) 0.61 (1.45)
succession, family arrangement | settlement, 5. Total Comprehensive Income for the period net of tax 45.64 (3.17) 89.18 136.39 2.94) (45.56) 89.18 94.00
easement, maintenance, development rights, 6. Equity Share Capital (Face value Rs. 10/- per share) 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 CIN: L74999MH1965PLC338985
joint development, sub development, 7. Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve - - 706.31 - - 682.57
development management. projecil 8, Eamings Per Snare Regd. & Corp Of. N. A. Sawant Marg, Near Colaba Fire Brigade, Colaba, Mumbai 400 006,
management, joint venture, collaboration, 1. Basic: 0.27 0.02 0.52 0.80 0.13 0.16 0.45 0.86 P
decree or order of any court of law, agreement, 2. Diluted: 0.27 ‘0 03) 0.52 0.80 0.13 ‘0 18 0.45 0.66 Tel: 022+ 2282 2340 | Telefax: 022- 2282 5561 | Email: ttci@min
min|.net.inin| Website:
are herby rquredvo make te same knowns]
herel Notes :
writing, together with certified true copies of all 1. The above audited consolidated and standalone financial results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and have been approved by the Board of 30 SR Ero ed q af Bee To NRC ARGL
documentary proof in support thereof, to the Directors at their respective meetings held on 10th August, 2022 pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements), :
undersigned within Thirty (30) days from the| Regulations 2015 (as amended), The above results have been prepared in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards (‘Ind AS') notified under Section SRC MISC RIC RC en Te RSCG
date of publication hereof. faling which any 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read together with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (as amended)
claim m emand, oF any, of such person or 2. The above is the extract of the detailed format of Quarterly financial results filed with the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited under regulation 33 of the SEBI (BATE, Tye eT cata)
persons, will be deemed to be waived andfor (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations 2015. The full format of Quarterly /Annual Financial Results are available at www.bseindia.com " " 7
abandoned. Sa and www.yashmanagement.in. By order of the Board aarereh faraTet wach Farrel aaa at
Date: 11/08/2022 R. M. TIWARI (Advocate) For Yash Management and Satellite Ltd. aac 30.0%. 2022 | 30,08,2022 | 32.03.2022
Ade Shop Wo. I, Sanskrut 1 Place: Mumbal A enn ee ee ae
oonam Vihar Complex, Near ace: Mumbai nurag Gupta eRe eRe rear
Abhyudaya Bank, Mira Road East, Date: 10" August, 2022 Managing Director - DIN:00398458 7 ua ua ual
Thane-401107. Mobile No. 9820477029 PROG TEU sera (Freq) ¥0.40 - BYR.E8
reroratieteen Peas a1/ (ater)
a1 1A em ead 5 GAe RIGS CAC ECU MR ICRU ICICEC)) (20.83) (48.84) (8¥. 0)
This is to inform the Public at large that my 3
clients (1) Mrs. Tara Serrao, (2) Mrs. Gladys sient
ate Sige ia oxi aya proraeitanita fea a/ (ater)
Anita D’Lima, (3} Reshmi Serrao & (4} Mr. PI GAGA: V2, Wi AAT, AY HES, TIFT FAH AKL, TMS Is, FaIS—¥ooo 93
Nikhil Manohar Shetty, are the owners of META: THs qooTHTTA A cEtiTMON 1242 | aaMse:-www.setlin, §-Ae:[email protected] (arrears & FaRts ATETOT STERAT) (20.88) (48.84) (8%. 08)
Shop, bearing Shop No. 8, Ground Floor, Bldg. 30 A, 2022 oh dase freee vrata 7 wnfsa ardenoera fertia Presta areas Ua Hreoraeeaea Fors wai/ (ater }
No. 33/34, Aadeshwar Krupa Co-operative (e.crere, Stier cafe) .
Housing Society Ltd., situated at Shanti err ena (arrears Feet AIM ATTA) (20.82) (88,84) (8¥. 68)
en r
Park, Mira Road (E}, Thane- 401107. The said al saeiier aaeet ferret wes oF ease ferret anes of
TRU aewy Sera ( (HUA): a
and owned by the
Shop premises was purchased m 30.05.22 | 24.08.22 | 90.08.29 | 34.03.22] 90.05.22 | 24.08.22 | 90.05.29 | 94.03.22 aes }
Brother/Mother/Uncle/Grand Mother of my
clients (1} Mr. Tyrenn Pater D’Souza & (2} F
sicraraRare] Sear | scraraae| Saran] Tera] ears [severe rarer crater Ca
sor (auaT))
ane (20 &2) 08 84) (82 ee}
Mrs. Mary John D’Souza who expired on 9) ore TT sera sauog | asaezae] 6.44 | a4aec.ge] 43u9.08 | aueac.co | 292.23 | 2007908 : : :
2501/2008 & 02/05/2018 leaving behind their 2) oreraetefear Beas a/(ten) a, aa asa (cae Wea &20/- wat) 80,8! 80,88 80,8!
Four legal heirs viz (1} Mrs. Tara Serrao, (2} srrarerer aftr/ fear fase ererer aaa) (836.09) | 94034.28 | (42.03) | 9929.20] wsoeo | a4uus.4g | (awa.¥e) | 96993.33
Mrs. Gladys Anita D'Lima, (3) Reshmi q)aae weathaner Rea s/(en) sera wit (%.20/- wets) Carita ae)
& (4)Mr. Nikhil Manohar Shetty. (arraerers anftr/frar ets ere, arataR) (#eg.09) | 94034.28 | (42.03) | a¥929.20] vso.gu | a4uue.4g | (909.89) | 96993.33
Now (1) Mrs. Tara Serrao, (2} Mrs. Gladys gl serice sreraeiicfear Beas ae1/ (ater)
a. We (2.80) (44's) (20.46)
Anita D‘Lima, (3} Reshmi Serrao & (4) Mr. (amare anftr/frar ste are aioe) (83.09) | 94034.28 | (42.03) | 9929.20] wsoeo | a49go.43 | (aw9.¥e) | a4¥9u.30 et, aie (2.20) (4.48) Qa 0.46)
Nikhil Manohar Shetty are intending to sale Glarrehaker egu adeq oan Su:
the said Shop premises to (1) Mr. Manoj | (aerator an1/ (ater) (FRR) t . . ‘ . ‘
Ramnarayan Dubey, (2) Mr. Vinod anf scx adore sera (aRFcR)) (2009.90) |(agge.cg)] 22634.53] sovor4el a439.ce | c993.82 | aa¥2e.us | s¥62.09 2, Balt (feateen atifors ara vg feeraion Reercign) Ta 2024
wa aa 83 aad Tele CRTs
Ramnarayan Dubey
& (3) Mr. Pramod Kumar gana aisas (aat ape o.9/- oat) 42029.26 | 42029.2¢ | 92029.26 | 42029.26] 92029.2¢ | 9202.26 | 42029.2¢ | 42029.26 FIR PUI HTS 20 FA, 2022 Tat aren faetaien facia fears afer apatios sak
Ramnarayan Dubey by executing a registered - - : : ays ~ ‘ aor
agreement for sale, oladta Gra asia ade waa ReaeR Ga am. Apt TT eer (wwweillin) aagca anf eis wear (wwwhseindia.com)
Any person/s claiming any right, title or claim in arate FT) S2088.3 §8030.64 FAA TICS BAR,
respect of the said Shop premises, should cae a difipe sera ofrrrr ~
intimate me in writing with all documentary (afistean aTé) (o.) (0.0%) 4.96 0.00 4.48 0.08 0.00 (0.01) 9.24 z. a HRT oh mre char atten W ac pt PUT ari a a 80 a Re, ORR tit ae aaa
evidence, within15 days of publication of this ee PATH ASHER AT BUA Beh, HT Sees Ceara ae Pease Aaa Gaeta hel
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