TSR2103 - MC2 - Monstrous Compendium Vol II

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Pe] DRS SOLES P ae xaieton Monstrous Compendium More Monsters! Ready to add to your Volume One 3-ring binder! ALPHABETICAL INDEX FOR MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, VOL. 2 This index combines monsters from the frst two volumes of the Monstrous Compenclium. "Name" refers to the creature in question, ‘Section” refers to the entry in which that creature is Found, and "Comp. refers to the volume of the Compendium in which that entry s found. Monsters listed here do not have entries of their own, For example, woodchuck is not listed under “W" but rather under Mammal, ‘Small. Kapoacinth is found not under °K" but under Gargoyle. Monsters that have their own entries (that i, whose names appear at the top of a page in the Compendiim, in large, bold type) are not listed inthis index. (e.g, Shark is listed under Shark. and therefore does not need a separate listing. However, Megalodon js found within the entry for Shark, and so is listed in the index.) alicized index entries are alternate names for a creature, stich as marine troll and scrag or banshee and groaning spit, Name Section Comp. Name Section Comp. Name Seation Comp. Abomination Crawler, carrion Carrion crawler 1 Giant marine (yuan 1) Yoan 1 Crayfish Crustacean 2 spider Spider 1 Aborigine Men 1 Ghiesphinx Sphinx 2 Ganowl Owl 1 ‘Advanced Cryohydra Hydra 1 Grant possonous Tizard man Lizard man 1 Grystalooze Ooze 1 snake Snake 1 Adventurer Men 1 Cobe, gelatinous Qozes 1 Giant rat Rat 1 ‘African lephant —lephant 1 Cutpurse Men. thiof 1 Glamtspider Spider i Airelemental” Elemental 1 Cyclops Giart-hin 2 Giant toad Trad 1 ‘Androsphing Sphinx 2 Dao Genie 1 Giant wasp Hornet 1 ‘Animal skeleton Skeleton 1 Death dog Doe. 1 Giant water spider Spider 1 ‘Annis Hae 2 Demilch Lich 1 Gold dragon” Dragon 1 Antelope ‘Animal, Herd 1 Dervish Men berserker 1 Gopher Mammal, Small 2 ‘Aquatic ghoul Ghoul, aceon 1 ire wolf Walt 1 Gorgimera Chimera 1 ‘Aquatichobgoblin Hobgoblin, iin Genie 1 Gray core ores 1 koalinth 1 Dracoisk Basilisk 2 Greater pegasus Pepasus 1 Aquatictroll Troll. serag 1 rate horse Hesse 1 Greendragon Dragon 1 ‘Aqoatic umber Dragon. false Lizard. fre 1 Green hag Hag 2 hulk Umber hulk, Dragon, general Dragon 1 Green slime Ocees 1 vodyano! rider BE Drove 2 Greyalt cy 1 Ascomid Fungi 2 Denpudding Pudding 1 Guardian Naga Naga z Banderlog Baboon 2 Ducomering Madmen 1 Gulguatira Otyueh 2 Bandit Men 1 Eath elemental Elemental 1 Gynosphine Sphinx 2 Banshee Groaning Spirit 2 Eeet Genie 1 Hairtooe Halfing 1 Barbarian Men 1 Elder-brain Mind flayer 1 Hallet ef 1 Bat, sea Ray 1 Electric el Eel 2 Haifbreod dynam ti). Yuan tb 1 Beaver Mammal, Small 2 Elothere Boar. gant 1 Hangman tee Plant, Berserker Men 1 Exmine Mammal, Small 2 Carnivorous 2 Black bear ear 1 Eyeofthedeep Beholder 1 Heavy horse Horse i Black dragon Dragon 1 Reerie elf Ef grey 1 Hedgehog Mammal, Small 2 Black pudding Pudding 1 Falcon Hasek 2 Herder Men, farmer 1 Black rat Rat. common 1 Faleddragon Lizard fire 1 Hieracosphinx——Sphins 2 Blink dos Dow. 1 Farmer Men 1 Highel Et ' Bloodhawk Hawk 2 Faun Satyr 1 Hill sane Giant 1 Bluedragon Dragon Ferree Mammal, Small 2 Huge bat Bat 1 Brawedeagon Dragon 1 Bebe Giants 2 Hugecentipede Centipede, giant Brigand Men, bandit 1 Fre Snake Salamander 2 Hugespider Spider 1 Bronze dragon Dragon 1 Bireelemental Elemental 1 Halk, umber Umber bulk 1 Brown Mok! Mold 2 Fire giant Giant 1 Hyenodon Hyena 1 Brown bear Bear 1 Bie zara Lnard 1 Keetoad Toad 1 Brown pudding Pudding 1 Ficeroad ‘Tad 2 Mt Mind Bayer 1 Brown rat Rat, common 1 ‘Esher, cave Cave fisher 1 Irom golem Golem 1 Brosh rat Rat 1 Fisherman Men, sailor 1 Ixia Ray 1 Boceannier Men, pirate 1 Flesh golem Golem 1 agua Cats, Great 1 Batfalo Animal, Heed 1 lind Croll 2 Jann Genie 2 Camel ‘Animal Herd Flying Squerel_ = Mammal, Small 2 Jurjuzombie Zombie 1 Ca. house Mammal, Small 2 Fomorian Giantskin 2 Kapoacinth Gargoyle 2 Cat wild Mammal, Small 2 Forest Trapper Lurker Above. -2——‘Killer trop Frog 2 Cais Fish 2 Fe Mammal, Small 2 Knight Men 1 Cattle Animal, Herd ‘Frost gant Giant 1 Knight, akshasa Rakshasa,ruhk 1 Cave bear Bear 1 Gar Fah 2 Keoalinth Hobgoblin 1 Cavemen Men, aborigite — 1——-Gas Spore Fant 2 Kraken Squid 2 Cheetah Cats Great 1 Gelatinous cube Oozes 1 Lacedon Ghoul 1 Chipmunk Mammal, Small 2 Gentry Men 1 Large bat Bat 1 Choke Creeper Plant, Carnivo: hast Ghoul 1 Largespider Spider 1 2 Giant Squirel Mammal, Small 2 Leopart Cats, Great 1 lay golem 1 Giant bat Bo, large 1 Lemeaen hydra Hydra 1 (Cloud giant 1 Giant boar Boar 1 Leviathan Whale 2 Common bat 1 Giantcentipede Centipede 1 Light Rosse Horse 1 ‘Common ove 1 Giant constrictor Lion (Cats, Great, 1 Common rat 1 snake Snake 1 Lion, mountain Cats, Great 1 Constabulary 1 Giant ee Ed 2 Lion. spotted Cats, Great 1 Constrctor snake 1 Gant hornet Homet 1 Lard king bard man 1 Copper dragon Dragon 1 Giant ieard Lrard 1 Lymm giant Cats, Great 1 Grab Crustacean 2 Giant iyme Cals, Great 1 Maharajah Craftsman Men, tradesman 1 rakshasa Rakshasa 1 Mammoth Elephant 1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX FOR MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, VOL. 2 Name Seation Comp. Name Seaion Comp, Name Section Comp. Manta ray Ray 1 Raccoon 2 Sumatran rat Rar, giant 1 Mantrap Plant, Carnivo- Rajah, rakshasa 1 Suindew Plant, Carnivo- ous 2 Rakshasa knight Rakshasa, ruhk 1 rus 2 Margoyle Gargoyle 2 Rakshasa Swan Swanmay. 2 Mand Genie 2 ‘maharajah ——Rakshasa 1 Sylvan ef Et wood 1 Marine beholder Beholder Raksha raiah —Rakshasa 1 Talking ow! ul 1 ewe ofthe dee 1 Rat. Sumatran Rat. giant 1 Tallow Halfling 1 Marine ee ed 2 Rat black Rat common 1 Thiet Men 1 Marine ghoul Ghoul, facedon 1 Rt, Brown Rat common = 1 Thug Men thief 1 Marine Hobgoblin Hobgoblin. Rat brash Rat 1 Tiger sabretooth Cats, Great koalinth 1 Rat common Rat 1 smilodon 1 Marine ogre Ogre morrow = 1 Rat. giant Rat 1 Tiger, wild Cate, Great 1 Marine spider, plat Spider 1 Rat pack Rat, brash 1 Toad fire Toad 1 Martodon Hlephant 1 Rat, trade Rat, brush 1 Toad, giant Toad 1 Medium horse Horse 1 Rata Lycanthrope. Toad, ice ‘Toad 1 Medusa, greater Medusa 1 swererat 1 Toad, poisonous Toad 1 Medksa, serpentine Mevksa, greater 1 itxachill Ray 1 Trader Men, merchant Megalocentipede Centipede 1 santa Ray 1 Tradesman Men 1 Megatodon ‘Shack 2 Ray punsi Ray 1 Trapper Lurker Above 2 Mercenary soldier Men 1 Ray ating Ray 1 Ti FlowerFrond Plant, Merchant sailor Men 1 Red dragon Dragon 1 Camivorous 2 Merchant Men 1 Ridinghorse Hse 1 Tebesman Men 1 Merrow Ogre a Rube Rakshasa 1 Troll worheaded Troll 1 Mice Mammal, Small 2 Russet Mold Mold 2 Tworheaded troll Troll 1 Middle clase men Men {Sabretooth tiger Cats, Great, Umber hal Mink Mammal, Small 2 smilodon 1 ‘aquatic Umber hulk Minotaur lizard Lizard 1 Sailor Men 1 vodyano} 1 Mobat Bat, huge 1 Sailor, merchant Men 1 Vampire, eastern Vampire 1 Mole Mammal, Small 2 Savage’ Men, aborigine 1 Nampire, western Vampire 1 Monkey Mammal, Small 2 Scrag troll, Trall 1 Verbees Giantkin 2 Monster skeleton Skeleton 1 Seabat Ray 1 Violet fungl Fungi 2 Monster zombie Zombie 1 Seahag. Hag. 2 Vedyane! Umber hull rc Male Horse i Seasnake Sake 1 Wardog Dos. 1 Muskrat Mammal, Small 2——-Seawalf greater Lycanthrope 1 Warhorse Horse 1 Nanwhal Whale 2 Seawol,lewser— Lyeanthyope 1 Warhos Boar 1 Necotyugh ——_Otyugh 2 Serf Men, peasantry 1 Wasp, glant Hornet a Noble din Genie. dine 1 Sheep Animal, Herd) = 1 Water Naga Naga a ‘Nomad Men, barbarian 1 Shrieker Fangs 2 Wiaterclemental Elemental 1 Northern bear Bear. polar 1 Silveréragon Dragon 1 Water spider giant Spider 2 ‘Och ly ores 1 Skeleton, animal Skeleton 1 Wiatersprite Nove 1 ‘Ogre mage Oxee 1 Skelton, monster Skeleton 1 Weedeel Eel ‘i ‘Oliphant Elephant 1 Shaver Men 1 Werebear Lycanthrope 1 Gore, crystal Oozes 1 Slime, geen Ouzes 1 Wererat Lyeanthrope 1 ‘Ooze, gray ores i Smiledon Cats, Great 1 Weretiger Eyeanthrope 1 Opossum ‘Mammal, Small 2 Snake, constrictor Snake 1 Werewolf Lyeanthrope 1 Ore, oro Ore 1 Snake, giant Whitedragon Dragon a Cree Ore 1 constrictor Snake 1 White pudding Pudding 1 ner Mammal, Small 2 Snake, lant Wild boar Boar 1 Peasantry Men 1 Pohanous Snake 1 Wildes Dow. 1 Pegasus. greater Pegasus 1 Snake, poisonous Shake 1 Wild horse Hore 1 Phase spider Spider Shake, tea Shake 1 Winterwolf Wo 1 Phycomid Fungi 2 Shake. spitting Snake 1 Wizard Men 1 Die Mammal, Small 2 Sol Men 1 Wolf dire wolf 1 Dike Fuh 3 Soldier, mercenary Men 1 Wolf winter Wolf 1 igri Men 1 Spider giant Spider 1 Wolf, song Wot i Pirate Men 1 Spider Auge Spider 1 Woodie EY 1 Potsonous frog Frog 2 Spider large Spider 1 Woodchuck Mammal, Small 2 Poisonous snake Snake 1 Spider, phase Spider 1 Wore walt 1 Poisonous toad Toad 1 Spirit Naga Nasa 2 Worm, polar ——-Remorhar 1 Polar bear Bear 1 Spittingsnake Snake 1 Yellow Mold Mold 2 Polar worm Remorhaz 1 Sprite water Nixie 1 Yellow Musk Yellow Musk Police Men 1 Squirrel ‘Mammal, Small 2 Zombie Creeper 2 Pony Horse 1 Steeder Duergar 2 Yuan ti abominae Priest Men 1 Stingray Ray 1 ton Yuan ti 1 Pungi ray Ray 1 Store giant Giant 1 Yur ti, halforeedt Yuan ti 1 Pareblood (yuan 1) Yuan ti 1 Stonegolem ——Golern 1 Yuan, pureblood Yaar th 1 Dyrohydra Hydra 1 Storm'ant Giant 1 Zombie,jurju Zombie 1 Pyrolik Cockatrice 1 Stout Halting 1 Zombie, monster Zombie 1 Quasi Imp 1 Strangleweed Plant, Carnivo- Zombie Yellow Musk ‘Quiprers Piranha 2 ous 2 ‘yellow musk Creeper 2 Rabbit ‘Mammal, Small 2 Subterranean lizard Lizard 1 Monster Summoning Tables Moms ‘nt, siant Bat, huge Beetle. fre Bullywus Hobecsin Jermisine Gd appear) abold (ade appear) Leech lant HD) 1 2 3 5 Cablin 7 5 10 Muckdweller 1 Ore 12 Rat gant (344 appear) Monster Summoning V ‘Monater Summoning I Beetle, Bombardier CCemipede. pint Frog, an or blr Goal or find Kamer, land Grand man Mongretmen (2 HD) Madmen Spider, age Stine Toad, gi ‘Troploy Monster Summoning Vi ‘Monster Summoning ‘Aakhgg (3-4 HD) Bat giant (mba) Bele, boring gear emp, meyalo- Crab lant Croce, wild Dag death CGdatnous cube Choa! laa, ant lye. ret Ore. or Ossuip Sacre Scorpion, lage Snake, consticor Spider, huge Weasel. gant Urchin ane ‘Monater Summoning VIL Momsr Summuaning 1 1 Ankheg (5:6 HD) 2 Ape, carnivorous 4 Banderlog 4 Heap 5 Gargoyle & Ghat 2 Hell hound 5 Hoecuva 3 Hyea, 5 heads 10 Lye. woll Ope 12 Cone, gray 12 Onibeer 14 Scorpion, ae 1S. Shake. plant const, 16 Toad, posonous 17 Toad, tre 18 Wosp, gant 19 Wot wore 2 Mai Monster Summoning VBL 1 Askheg (7:8 HD) 1 Basilk 1 Bask, greater 1 Beal, rhinoceros 2 Cockatnie 2 Beale, sas 2 Behiror tunnel worm 2 Gian fire or ost 3. Daplacer beast 3) Carrion crawler 3 Buleee 3. Glan, fomorian 4 Dopplegnaer 4 Dracaik 4 Chimera 4 Golem, stone 3S Home. gant 5 rider 3 Ener hil ane 5 Gormimera Hydra. 7 heads & Grifon & Golem sh 3 Hydra to beads 5 Hye, Sheads,cryo-or pyro: 7 Hydra, Sheads 5 Gorgon 3 yea, lernaean, 8 heads Leverett 8 Lita: minotaur Hydra 10beads & Padding brown © Lina, sbterranean 9 Lye. tiger 9 Hydra, Beads nyo or 9 Remorhae 10 Lye. boar 10 Manticore eye!) 10 Rist monster 1 Magoo Th Ogre ase 10 Uiatd fre 1 Willewnp 12 Minotaur 12 Oyugh Mammy 12 Worm pple 15 Ochre ely 13 Pyrolsk TL Neotyugh 14 Rast monter 14 Salamander 13 Paling black 15 Slithenng tracker 15 Spider phase 16 Roper Ye Snake gant pois orspiting 16 Troll 15 Skembling mound 17 Spider sant 17 Wolfwere 16 Shas iat 18 Gianthin, vebees, 1 Wrath BF Sphinn, Reraco 19 Wel, wine 19 Wyvern 18 Toll Dheaded 20 dombie joe 20 Yan, hafbreed 19 Unber fuk 2 Xen Conjured Animals HD Roll Animal HD_Rolt_Animat HD Roll _Anima Vatue 1 OF10 Baboon Ve 4650 Lynx. sont 0125 Bear. brown 6. 1125 Dog. wild Mm Sieo Mae 3530 Lion SA 2635 Haw age 1 6170 Camel Si2S Porepine nant Jed Hawk, Blood Vs yaa Stag 7000 Tiser a 150 Jackal " 50 Wall 7 0130 Boat gant 7 SIS Mammal. small varies 91:20 Wolverine $109. Lion spate Bn 5660 Minimal serie gone Bear black 8 0150 Bear cave Ps ess Oter ote 1125 Boar wild ; fi S100 Tiger nabretooth 7/5 2670 Otero Mm 2G eel le Figo Ow common 1 S150 Iaguor a ne a 5190 Rat gant h Stab bpd 10 = Bear polar 10 91-00 Shunk ‘ S175 Gel gant ‘ ” Elephant 0 20170 Animal, Berd > 750 Wensl giant an (Atnean) 71-80. Badger ve 9140 Wall dire Mon Mastodon 2 5100 Hone, wild 2 5 O15 Ape, carnivorous 13 Mammoth B 3 o1a5 Badger gant 3 1625 Balfalo 2 ws Ll We fas 0510 Boar warthos 2640 Hyena, gant 5 oF oan oe pe 5 ste This i trge male der that can bat fr ia coe oS selva 2 BBorstrbe with ts hooves or 13773 ee oo 5 Ghntetne Avery large stag, atthe shoulder S135. Hyena. wild Seco Webern gant § ard weighing abou 1500 pound. I can but 3245. Lion, mountain forte 48d orstre with is hooves for raat. ‘Terrain Guide Pi: downs eath, meadow. moot rare, re: badlands Desert: bares, lat waste Savanna, steppe. tundra seca braces rath, ah hich we fs copes groves, jungle rain forest, mows Hs bls, dunes, rides (gorge. ni, valley anyon) sta glacier, mes, tor Shams Bog en, marsh. mire, morass ‘quagmire slough Pond fake, pool. taen ‘Temperate Encounters “Temperate Pain or Srub ‘Temperate Rough or Hil? ‘Temperate Mountain 2 Bl. grey 2 Woven oF lack dragon 2 Dragon. copper or red 3. orn (gold dragon 108) 3. Lye, wolf or welfwere 3) Bear cave, or hydra Bear, brown 44 Bear brown, or gant badger 4 Gnome or mountain dart SS Spier lange, oankheg (3-4 HD) 55 Snake, poisonous or spitting 5. Bear brown. oye. bear Jackal ackaiwere 10°) 6 on, mountain, or ant ion & Bugbear 7 Boar, wild ie: boar 10%) 7 Horse or ber animal 7 Aerial encounter 3 Dog, wil, or wore 18 Gnome or mountain dwarf 8 Wait or wore Walt 9 Trbesman (NPC party 10%) 9. ‘Tribesman INPC party 10%) 10 Herd animal 10 Griffon or hippos 10 Badger ant, or pant eae 11 Nomad oF merchant 11 Greorgnoll 3 Giant bil 12 Nomad or NPC party 12 Hobgoblin or goblin 32 Gian, stone or fomorian 13 Hone, wild 13 Wolf or wort 13. Ogre ot toll M Ore 14 Buybear or one 14 Hobgoblin or ore 15 Hobgoblin 1S Aerial encounter 15 Ghoul or wiht 1e Aerial encounter 18 Ghoul huecuva, or wight 16 Verbeeg or galeb duhe 17 Ogre 10% hil giant) 17 Spier, large, or troll 37 Willowisp lev 10%) 18 Snake, poisonous o oll 18 Verbees or hil giant 18 Giant frost oF fire 19 DM Special 19 DM Special 19 DM Special 20 DM Special 20, DM Special 20 DM Special ‘Temperate Forest Temperate Marsh or Swamp ‘Temmpezate Desert 2 BY, wood (gnome 10%) 2 Dragon, black 2. Wyvern or dragon, blue 3. Wiyaers or grevm dragon 3 Behir 3 Dragon, bras or copper 4 Lye, tiger or enosphinx 44 Toad oF fog, poisonous 4. Hydra or hydra, pyeo ‘5 Badger, giant, or gant wease 5 Toad or fom. pant 5 Sanding & Worg organi skunk © Lard. giant © Lizard lant 3 Ou gant, or atirge 7 Muckawellers or NPC party 7 Hore wild 5 Wal or brown bear {8 Tabesman or merchant 8 Dog. wild 3 Teibesman (NPC party 10%) 9 Troplodyte 9 Nomad or NPC party 10 Choke creeper or hangman tree 10. Ballywus 10 Nomad or dervish 1 Mammal, sll or tibesman 11 Hobgoblin or gant leech i Merchant 12 Kobold 12 Lard man 2 Lon 3 Ore 13 Groll or giant sundew 13. Goblin or hobgobiin 14 Bogbear or ogre 14 Snake, const or posonous 4 Wolf 15. Evin ortreant 18 Ghoul or ghast 15 Snake, poisonous or spiting 18 Spider, gant (ettereap 10%) 16 Troll or shambling mound 15 Spider large or at em 17 Beetle stag or bombarcier 17 Willowisp 17 Aerial encounter 18 Owibear or ghoul 18 Hydeaor yellow musk creper 18 Pegasus or grifon 19 DM Special 19 DM Special 19 DM Special 20 DM Special 29 DM Special 20, DM Special DM Special Table DM should either choose a creature based on party level, or roll randomly. A special encounter can also be a natural hazard (storm, avalanche) or an encounter with a known NPC. SPECIAL ENCOUNTERS: Cold or Temperate Regions Die Die Roll Encounter Roll Encounter OL Aerial seroant 29. Dragon. bronze (02-06 Bandit. 30. Dragon. copper 07 Basilisk 31 Dragon, gold 08 Basilisk, greater 32 Dragon, green 09 Beholder/eye of thedeep 33. Dragon. red 10-12 Berserker BL Dragon. sitver 181 Browne 35. Dragon white 15. Bolete 36 Dragonne 1617 Chimera 37 Geniekil thin or jann) 18-19 Couat! 8. Geniekind (efreet or mara) 2021 Displacer beast, 38. Giant cloud 22.23 Dog, blink 480. Giant, storm 24 Doppleganger 41 Giant kin, firboly 25. Dracolisk 42 Gorgimera 26. Dragon, black 8 Gorgon 27 Dragon, blue 44 Groming spirit 28 Dragon, brass 45 Guardian 4 Including ruins (cites, temples, ete) within Smiles ofthe party. Monsters ted together are equally likely to occur unless otherwise specific, Monsters in talc type are 75% likly to be aeborne wien they {reencountered, All wilderness ogre encounters are 10% likey to be wath ‘ogre mag. All wilderness gnoll encounters are 10% likely to be with Die Die Roll Encounter Roll Encounter 40 Hap, annie 73.80 Men, patrol 47 Hap, green ‘81 Naga, guardian 48:39 Harpy 82. Naga, spn '50_Homet, giant 85-84 Oust satking 51-33 Imp 85. Pegasus ‘St Devise stalker 86. Poltergeist 55. Kenks 87-88 Peeudoragon 86. Kirin ‘89 Raksha 37 Lammas 9. Rot grub 58. Lich 91 Rust monster 59:40 Lye. bear 92 Sphinx. anro 0-62 Lye, boar 93. Spline, gun 63, Lye. fox 94.95 Spider, phase fob 68 Lye. tiger 96. Tarrasque 6668 Lye. rat 97-98 Wasp. giant 69-70 Lye., woll 99 Will owisp 71-72 Manticore 00 Xen flind, NPC partis inthe wilderness wil often be near to the adventuring ‘group in number, level, and equipment. Otherwise the typical NPC party trill 7h to 10th level, with henehmen of appronimately half (round up) character level. Such parties are 90% likely to be mounted (see NPC Parties ‘Tropical Encounters “Tropical o Subtropical Plain or Scrub ‘Tropical or Subleopical Rough or Hill ‘Tropical or Subtropial Mountain 2 Jackalwere Rakshasa 2 Pyrolisk 3 Scorpion, giant Scorpion, gant, oF ant lion 3 Cockatrice Dog, wild or wl Mantrap 4 Pilgrim or merchant (~ 5. Hyena or cheetah Boar Warthog, or elephant Herd animal © Aerial encounter Dog, wild, or woll © Herd animal 7 Bandit (laver) Lizard, minotaue 2 Aarakocra 8 Merchant Bandit (slaver) or mongelmen 8 Cyclopskin 9 Herd animal Merchant or NPC pasty 9 Tnbestman 10 Herd enimal Baboon or carnivorous ape 10 Tiger or leopard AL Elephant Tribesman LL Dog, wild, or wolf 12 Baboon Merd animal 12 Medusa 13. Tribesman or NPC party Herd anima or lion 13 Bandit (saver) 14 Lon Hyena or jackal 1a Aerial encounter 18 Leopard or jackal Aerial encounter 1S Rakshasa or ror 1 Shake, poisonous oF spitting ‘Tiger oF hieracosphing 1g Snake, poisonous 17 Hyena liye. tiger or yoan-t 12 Yuan or galeb dube 18 Ant giant, or ant lion Shake, spitting 1 Manticore (eulph 10%) 19 DM Special DM Special 19 DM Special 20 DM Special DM Special 20 DM Special “Tropical or Subteopical Forest Tropical or Subleopical Marsh or Swamp ‘Tropical or Subtropical Desert Scorpion. gant 2 Tiger, sabre-toth 2 Dinm or sfrect Lye tiger or couat! 3 Yan 3 Antlion or sandling Naga, spirit of eiosphis 44 Toad, gant oF poisonous 4 Leopard or spirit naga Stirge or pant centinede 5 Crocodile 5 Choke ereper o tower frond. © Herd animal 6 Spider, huge or giant 2 Herd animal 7 Aerial encounter “Tribesman or bandit Slaver) 8 Frog, pia or poisonous 8 Bandits (lavers) “Teibesman oe NPC party 9 Tribesman or NPC party NPC party or pilgrims Elephant or baboon 10 Lizard man 10 Nomad or dervish Ter or lion 11 Ballywug HL Nomad or merchant Ertercap of forest trapper 12 Snake, const. or poisonous 12 Jackal Snake, const. oF posonos 13 Centipede, giant or eegalo- 13 Dog. wild or death Taguar or leopard 1a Leech giant Snake, poisonous or siting Herd animal 15 Hydra or shambling mound 15 Toad, gant or fre Ape, carn. or thio beetle 16 Lizard, giant, or muckdveller Ig Acrial encounter ‘Tad, giant or poisonous 17 Behir or minotaur heard 12 Scorpion, huge or piant Taidoior yuarth 18 Zombie, joja 18 Dragone oF brass dragon DM Special 19 DM Special 19 DM Special DM Special 20. DM Special 20 DM Special 4 Including ruins lites, temples, ec.) within $ miles ofthe party. lind, NPC partis in the wilderness will ote be near to the adventur- Monsters sted together are equally likely 10 occur unless specified ingroup in number, level, and eauipment. Otberwise the typical ther wise, Monsters in talc type are 75% likely tobe aizborse when NPC party wil be 7th to Oth level, with henchmen of approximately encountered. All wildernes ogre encounters are 10% likely tobe ith half (round up) character level. Such partis are 90% likely to be ‘sere map. Ail wilderness gnall encounters ae 10% likely to be with mounted (see NPC Party). SPECIAL ENCOUNTERS: Warm or Tropical Regions Die Die Die Die Roll Encounter Roll Encounter Roll Encounter Roll Encounter 1 Arial servant 28 Dragon, copper 43 Hag, annis 76.77 Mind flayer 02-05 Bandit (slaver) 29° Dragon. gold 4 Has, green 78 Mold, ruset (vezepygmy) (06 Basisk 30 Dragon are 45-46 Hany 79 Naga, guardian 07 Basilisk, greater 3 Dragon, red 87 Homet, giant 80 Naga, spint (08. Beholder/eye ofthe deep 32. Dragon: silver 48.49 Imp 1-83 Ose tatking 09 Bulette 33 Dragon. white 50 Irosible stalker ‘8 Rokshasa 1011 Chimera 34 Dragorine SI Kenku 85 Rot grab 12413 Cou! 35 Geniekind (ann oF jam) 52 Kirin Rast monster 5 Dieplacer beat 36 Geniekind(ofeet or marid) S3-54 Lammasu (greater 10%) 87. Sphinx. andro. 1621 Dog, blink 37 Giant, cloud 55. Lich 88 Sphine gune- 22, Doppleganwer 38° Giant, storm 80:57 Lye. tiger 89 Spider, phase 23. Dracolck 39. Gorgimera Sol Lye. at 9 Tarrasque 24 Dragon, black 40 Gorgon 62-63 Manticore 91-92 Hep, giant 25. Dragon blue AL Groaning spin (85 Medusa, greater 93.98 Yuan 26 Dragon, brase 2 Guardian (60:74 Men, pateol 98-00 Zombie, juju ~ 2 Dragon, bronze 73 Men, lost civilization Special & Arctic Encounters Inhabited o Patrolled Areas 2 Wilderness Table 3 Wilderness Table 4 Patrol 'S-Patrol or NPC party (6 igri or traveler 2 Freeman or peasant 8 Freeman or peasant 9 Patra 10 Patel or wolf AL Merchant 12 Merchant 13 Bandit, 14 Herd animal 15 Oreor raider 36 Bear, black or gnoll 17 Boar, wild or Berserker 18 Ogre 19 DM Special 20 DM Spec Sylva 9 Seting EI, grey Deyad or swanmay: Sprite or pixie Bear, brown or giant Brownie or eprechau Pegasus or unicorn Korred or leopard (Ogee or minotaur igri or trbesmnan Centaur or ef wood Aerial Encounters 2 Gorgimera 3 Dragonne 4 Pegasus boar 5 Lammasu or couat! in © Hash. blood or part wasp 7 Ou. giant or gient hornet 8 Eagle, gant or hippogrtt 9 Eagle or anffon 10 Hawk, large or small 11 Common bird oF bat Satyr or wolf 12 Common bind or ono! Bauer, gant, oF giant weasel 13 Harpy or gargoyle Bandit or small mammal 14 Manticore ord Troll a lion 18 Aarakocra or margoyle tin o ettercap ‘Manticore or basilisk (Chimera or harpy DM Special DM Special 16 Ogre mage or wyvem 17 Chimera 18 Kerin or oe 19 DM Special 2 DM Special Bats are usually encountered only at night, Owls are usually encoun tered only af night or in forest (Cominon bir: These are normal avians such as wild ducks, parcots, ravens. ceaglls sparvows, swans, and 40 on, Spec oer encounters could include ragon,geicin, invisible Stk, spinner, srl sevans ar slerentls and son Other ‘pedal enounters re mise ie rom the ground orspecial eral Ps IP eg even Knights mounted on ppg 4 Including runs (cities, temples, et.) within Smiles of the party ‘Monsters Iisted together are equally likely to occur unless specie otherwise. Monsters in talie type are 75% likely tobe aisborne when encountered. All wilderness ojze encounters are 10% likely tobe with ‘ogre magi All wilderness gnall encounters are 10% likely to be with find. NPC parties in the wilderness will often be near to the advent ing group in pumbe, level, and equipment. Otherwise the typical [NPC party il be 7th to 10th level, wth henchmen of approximately hall (round up) character level Such parties ate 90% likely to be mounted (ace NPC Parties Arctic l teeain 2 Pudding, white 3 Dragon. white 4 Remorhaz 5 Oust, gant 6 Snake: constrictor 7 Heed animal 8 Herd animal 9 Herd animal 10 Trbeman n 2 a 14 Giant, fost 15 Yet 16 Toad, ice Wolf, winter 18 Wolf, winter 19 DM Special 20 DM Special Subarctic Forest 2 Treant or obliviae 3 Ogre mage 4 fear eave 5 Rat giant © Berserker or NPC party 3 Trbesman 8 Ween giant, or giant wolverine 9 Herd animal 10 Oliphant 1 Bear, brown 12 Lym. gant or tiger 13 Wot 14 Ogre or troll 15 Lye. boar, or gant boar 16 Oui. giant, or Lye, fox 17 Giants frost 18 Troll, 2headed 19 DM Special 2 DM Special Sub ic Plain Serle Sabarctic Rough or Hills? Dragon, white 2 Dragon, white Snake, poisonous 3 Remorhar ‘Mammoth or mastodon 4 Bear, brown Bear brown 5. Groll Berserker or NPC party © Oust, giant, or lant eat ‘Teibesman 7 Bear, cave “Teibesman 8 Tabesman or NPC party Herd animal 9 Verbeeg Herd animal 10 Tiger Oliphant 11 Wolt Wor 12 Wo Ore 13 Herd animal Tiger 14 Herd animal Giant, frost, oF Lye, bear 15 Troll Grell 16 Giant, fost (Oro, giant, o gant boar 17 Wolt, winter Remorhar 18 Hydra, cry DM Special 19 DM Special DM Special 20. DM Special tie Mountains Subarctic Marsh of Samp, Goome or mountain var 2 Dragon, white Dragon, white 3 Dragon, shite Hell hound or syiph 4 Well ier Tribesman or NPC party 5 Oliphant Geooll © Rat. giant Verbees 7 Woit Bear, cave 3 Ou, giant Herd animal 9 Groll (Ou, giant, or gab duke 10 Grol or find wolf 11 Herd animal Ozre oF ogre mage 42 Herd animal ‘rol or Z headed trol 13 Trbeman Giant, frost 14 Teal or ogre mage Wolf, winter 18 Teo, Zheaded, or etn Remorhaz 16 Hydra, cryor Yer 17 Toad, ee Lon, spotted 18 Toad, ice DM Special 19 DM Special DM Special 20 DM Special Salt Water Encounters Cold Water Surtace 2 Dragon turtle 3. Sealon 4 Selkie 3 Scrap & Depths encounter 7 Warship or fisherman 8 Narwhal, 9 Merchant 10 Shark 1 Whale 12 Pirate or killer whale 13. Hazard fice) 14 Dolphin 15 Aerial encounter 16 Ghost ship Vy Willow 18 Seawoll greater 19 DM Special 20 DM Special Cold Water Depths 2 Kraken 3 Urehin, black or green 4 Seawoll lesser 5 Lobster, giant (raytsh) © Snake, gant ea 7 Dolphin 8 Mermen 9 Quipper giant, or giant erab 10 Whaleor octopus 11 Whale or fish school 12 Fshschoot 13 Shark 18 Sealion 18 Kapoacinth 36 Squid. giant 17 Shark, pant 18 Sunken ship 19 DM Special 20 DM Special Serace Encounters Uninet rarer ate 75% Uke tebe ten By famine ol pear. 90% actualy Samed byt Large amour oditvowmoverborde So. toond whan encase Set Tha a lre pou ne tp fh the ‘ater of hrdanae Tey onal Sona ler commande by mage mens poncho they ‘Sek wil show cburuig vane and’ movement agen they igh ate alt damage to 1 epnigoo) COT ip Tr lt sip mange by undead, AL Though ean beeen a any tine ayes al at rahe whe sere a a ll ower Hol prec ‘Bronco thc and oncefor bread. Cro {0:0 jr soi Lends 92.90 = 14 wah, 3-00 2 Tale 180 = 1S pecs 8198 2 ps seo Thc Tid es Ta cane ng ie ce mun or ‘Sttsved Th nde ath oti maser of ee and econ the hsm, he farmer sows by 0 Toe her are 3050 hh and edace vison fo 10 fee Both Trea or vee ation Sometimes those have th oriial cage may ‘ear een, mera) 20 = No rata 260 rorya eocuta abi, . ‘orm. shiek vies an ee ote dep en “Toms, awe thet aloes undermater bresing when fst at dm sate verso of cariotow Pan Stor gant anda “Temperate Water Surface “Tropical Water Surface 2 Dragon turtle 2. Ghost ship 3 Ghost ship 3. Strangleweed 4% Ower, sea 4 Pirates, small boats 5 Oter sea 5 Pirates, warship © Depths encounter © Depths encounter 2 Pirate ship 2 Shark, ia 8 Sealion 8 Crocodile. giant 9 Ed. giant 9 Seaweed 3. Shark 20 Whale 1 Merchant 1 Merchant 12 Whale 12 Fisherman 33. Dolphin 33° Shark 14 Warship ov fisherman 14 Barracuda 15 Aerial encounter 15 Aerial encounter 16 Will wisp or seaweed 16 Warship AP Seanved (stranglewee! 10%) 7 Seawoll, greater 18 Seawoll,ereater 18 Taton 19 DM Special 19 DM Special 20. DM Special 20 DM Special “Temperate Water Depts “Tropical Water Depths 2 Kraken 2 Urchin, yellow or silver Narwhal 3 Urchin, green oF red Urchin, black 4 Snake, poisonous 3 Lamprey, want 3. Crocodle, giant © Sahsagin Ray, sting oF pungh 7. Sealion or hippocampus 7 Octopus or manta ray 8 Kealinth 8 Sahasgin 9 Fish school Seaweed (strangleweed 10%) 10 Fish school 10 Fah school M1 Shark 11 Fish chool 2 Whale 12 Shak 13 Eel gant 33 Eel. giant. or locathah 14 Doiphin 14 Barracuda 15. Mermen 15 Hippocampus or triton 16 Shark, want 6 Kapoacinh or lacedon 17 Squid, pant 17 Spake. sea or giant sug 18 Seawoll, leser 18 Ray: ixitsacill 39 DM Special 19 DM Special 20 DM Special 20 DM Special Monster Summon Monster Summoning IV Aquatic Monster Summoning, Salt Water Monster Surmmoning VI 8 Urchin, green Monster Summoning Ill 1 Barracuda (3 HD) 2 Crab, giant 3 Laceden (ghoul) 4 Sahuagin 5 Seki 6 Urchin, red 27 Spider. giant marine 8 Water weird 9 Urchin, silver 1 Barracuda (2 HD) 1 Hippocampus 1 Bal, marine 2 Lamprey, common 2 Kapoacith (gargoyle) 2 Narwhal 3 Merman 3 Lobster, giant (rayfish) 3 Octopus 4 Otter, sea 4 Merrow, ogre 4 Seawoll greater 5 Piranha (344 appear) 5 Otter. glant 5 Shark 7-H) 6 Urehin, black 6 Shark (3:5 HD) 6 Snake, gant sea 7 Triton co) Monster Summoning I 2 lio # sari 1 Barracuda (2HD) Monster Summoning V ar “ 2 Dalphin 1 Ray. manta 3 Locsthah 1 Crocodile. giant 2 Shu, giant sea 4 Ray, teach 2 Lampre, sea 5 Snake gant sea (10 HD) 5 Hay si 3 Saget 4 Squid, giant 6 Sea horse 4 Sea lion 7 Seawol, lesser 6 Shark (5:6 HD) emery 1 Eye of the deep 2 Dragon turtle (12 HD) 3 Kraken" © Rollagain with 148 Shark giant * This creature has a '5 Vodyanoi (16 HD)* Mn basa lO% 6 Whale ler chance to become fre willed forthe duration of the spell if fordered to act against ste fature of nelinations. 7 Whale, small herbivore 02H) 8 Worm, mottled (purple) Swan (ewanmay 10%) Pirate 2 Land encounter 10. Havard navigational) 11 Fisherman or trapper 12 Merchant 13 Otter or beaver 16 Aerial encounter 3 4 5 {© Depths encounter 2 8 15 Nixie Te Merrow, ogre 17 Scrap 1B Naga, water 19 DM Special 20. DM Special Gold Water Depths Morkoth 3 Ober, ant 4 Quipper. common or giant 5 Vouvano! {6 Lacedon oF kapoacinth 7 Koalinth 3) Crayfish, gant 3 Crab, pant 20 Fish schoo! U1 Fishschoo! 12 Nixie or giant pike 13 Nivie or sant gar 14 Octopus 1S. Merrow, ogre We Lamprey or marine eel 17 Snake, giant sea 18 Sunken ship 19 DM Special 20 DM Special Al La DG Ese Rl a ‘rate ali the encouter no table them noe Sertace Encounters: Unintligent monsters ate 785 Tay tobe deny amino neo, 20" i ve tually burmed by it Lange amounts of fod thrown ‘verboard are 3 likely Yo end sch an encounter Tih School This is alge group of ene type of Fah, ‘he aguatie version a herd arias. They tualy do ‘ot attach, ules commanded by magia means IF anh they might ml about catracting sion Sedmovemert. fare enough, they might ease but ‘ing damage (-2 10 8 depending on 2 {Ghowt Shipe This oat ship manned by undead A ‘hough ican beeen any me il stall atack ‘nly at ght, wher i asters ae a fl powell fret de one forthe ew and once for het {Esders, Cis O10 = 10 salons 4180 = 10 ‘zombies: 81-40 = 1020 ju zombies Leaders 0 SST wighs 3140 = 13 wradiesoLed = C2 feces 81:98 ™ 2 ghosts 95.00 = 1 ich Finvendievigslonall Ths on growed or damage ‘el hat dows nt have aboard plot amie wth the waters Sch hazards as sandbae and submerged laws often change palo, ‘Stine Tha icude bth loating mass of weed and bso the bottom The former slows sips by ts. The lite af $300 hgh and reduce vison 10 10 fel Both provide a 40S" chance for amare eeounier f moved though o invest gate, ‘Spec Encounters: Theve can ine moskoth ot ed worms, shipweck sativa an ye ofthe dee, peartbede sudden storms seated ha allows we ‘oer vesting hen eaten, pant clams agate ver ‘Siow of carioroun plans storm lant, and 30 38 “Temperate Woter Surface 10 n 2 B a 15 ie v 18 19 2 Crayfish, giant Nymph (Ouer giant ard man Depths encounter ‘Swan (swanmay 10%) Merrow of Land encounter Frog. giant. or pint leech Hazard (navigational) ter Fisherman or merchant ‘Aerial encounter Pirate or warship Beetle, giant water Lacedon Serag or sea has DM Special DM Special Temperate Water Depths 10 n 2 B ry 1S 16 y 18 19 20 Dragon ture Nymph Otter Catfish or leech, giant Kapoacinth or lamprey Lizard man Koalinth Beetle, giant water Spider. gant water Fh schoo! Pike, giant Crayfish, giant Quipper giant Nixie Gar, giant Octopus or giant lamprey Tacedon DM Special DM Special Monster Summoning 1 1 Frog, giant (iby 2 Keoalinththabgobliny 3 Lamprey, common 4 Nixie Old appear) 5 Otte, common 6 Piranha (3d8 appear) Monster Summoning It 1 Ea) electric 2 Frog, gant (HD) 3 Kuo-toa 4 Leech, gant HD) 5 Lizard man 6 Piranha, giant “Monster Summoning It 41 Crab, giant 2 Crocouile, common 3 Frog, giant gH 4 Lacedon (ghoul) Aquatic Monster Summoning, Fresh Water Monster Summoning IV 1 Beetle, giant water 2 Crayfish, giant 5 Kapoacinth (gargosle) 4 Kelpie 53 Merrow, ogre ose 6 Otter giant co) 7 Pike gant 6 Vedyanoi 8 Spider, giant water HD, (isesicr Sinteing Y 1 Crocodile, gant 2 Eel, plant electric 3 Scrap (eo) 44 Water weird Tropical Water Surface Ceyntal ooze Kelpie ‘Nymph Fel, electric Depths encounter Snake, glant const Pirate, small boats Crocodile 10 Hazard (navigational) AL Fisherman or merchant 12 Piranha 13. Frog. slant or poisonous M4 Aerial encounter 15. Seaweed 1 Seaweed (choke creeper) 17 Frog. killer 18 Naga, water 19 DM Special 20 DM Special “Tropical Water Depts 2 Vodyano! 3) Eel weed 4 Kelpie 5 Beelle, giant water © Spider. giant water 7 Snake. giant const. 8 Seaweed or stranglewced 9 Crabor crayfish. giant 10 Octopus 11 Piranha, giant 12 Fah school 1B Eel, giant 14 Lard man 15. Nie 1g Kapoacimh 39 Banyip or water naga 18 Snake giant sea 19 DM Special 20. DM Special Monster Summoning VI 1 Eel, marine 2 Gat, giant 3 Octopus 4 Seawol, greater 5 Snake, gant sea Mra Semacng VL 1 Catfish, giant 2 Greenhag 3 Naga, water 44 Snake, giant sea coHD) Monster Summoning VIlL 1 Shug, giant sea 2 Dragon ttle (2D) 13 Kuo-toan monitor '§ Worm, motied (purple) Special Encounters Borer Ethereal Encounters tend int the border Ethereal plane. The creature tal son the “The perceptions and special attack form of this creature ex- Unless acount % pemeesl wae Prine Matra ia Prime Material encounter isnot posible, 3 Bement the sonar ito 4. Wopperes papi worm “The NPC party section is sed withthe following meafica- por 5 Bemenal: earth tons party stele sith clssrettions,One ret wit 3 Mol, brown o vie Fangus Fee inspite thaytbe promt andatletoneieipcyeueiivar 8 A & Cockarce” or couatl 8 Roper or no-alyugh © Human traveler” rest thts Word than 9 Otjugh or tunnel worm 10. Dinmor eet, Warrior hast ogee hth 10 Jermlaine or osqup. 31a or Ken 11 Shrieker or unowoa angus i oes [Anetherea cyclone requires asaving throw vs. spell AL} SRTGKE’ or una fur ‘ ‘hose who fal ace Blowin fo. single random location" on the 15 Medusa’ or spider phase ove who flare blown to a sngle random 13 Mold yellow, or giant slog 14 Invisible stalker i BO BO eee ee Se ae 14 Drow or duergar a oe known cation onl reeued or otherwise able to each the TE DFOW or dueras 16 Jann of marid rime Matera (si) Amore dtaledtreatmentcanbefoundin 1g Umber hulk orsithering racer 17 Aerial servant ene “~ 17 Aboleth or mind flayer 18 Ethereal cycome"”* —_________——__ if Gihatterorgarspoe 19 DM Spec Unusual fungihave aspecil property asignedby the DML suck 19 DM Special 20. DM Special ts being exceptionally nourishing ving of Tight curing dam- 20. DM Special age or disease neutaleing poton, causing srength or weak: tes eaten, repelling cerita crestoren fe DM speciale might include trained hunting spiders, pack lzard Arana ochre els of twice normal size ek DUNGEON MONSTER RANDOM LEVEL MATRIX Equivalent Dungeon Level — Monster Level Table Conall — = 1 0 m w v uo vm ovm ox x be ie 7490 andaird res ‘te 1s 610 eae 20 St me Paste an 238 Sea teats 20 mm 7 R343 oto eue ais ah 1 2 se Sioa oth 1 3 3 a5 es oss eat soins 1 3 3 ° a a Lath 1 2 3 4 5 7 oa? hs 2520 latin 1 3 3 a 5 ° our iy dan 16th 6 down 1 2 3 3 5 é si nie ara Pence: To determine the monte t Disagron Levelt Drispcaiibavet feeence the ell of MD With he 2 Beton, gnc 3 Halles ‘Slaten ngcon evel-Then ll a00 | cue 3 Rot grub okie from fon the indicated able to determine the £ (Denitor op ant or posanous monster appearing. If multiple monsters ech 1 paebacrtd are given. pick one or roll randomly. —_— { Sate ‘If monster level is lower than dungeon a et peny . eee level, increase the number encountered, { i eeeeele 5 AW the monster level is greater than the 4 enn g Set dungeon level, reduce the number en sai ple. large countered (at least one will be encoun- a Reet B eee oo esos ak ba 12 Goblin 12 Grail find 10%) ve secre 1B Oe 13 Troglodyte Looe BE Mra Seta es oy 15. Bullywug 15 Centipede, large or giant Intelligent monsters on Tables IX and i. ee ie: dakes (4H) X will have minions instead of greater 2 aoe ee numbers. On lesser levels minions will 2 Ree Been 19 Dat Special 19 DM Special be fewer and/or less powerful 20 DM Special 20 OM Special Dungeon Level I 2 angi, violet 3 Dog, death 4 Weasel, giant, or sandling 5 Ochre jelly & Beetle, boring 2 Bugbear 8 Bat, huge (mobat) 9 NPC pany 30 Lizard, giant AL Snake, constrictor 12 Gelatinour cube 13. Ore, otog 14 Spider. huge 18 Centipede, megalo- 16 Lye. tat i Ghoul 18 Ankheg (6-6 HD) 19 DM Special 20 DM Special Dungeom Level VE 2. Pyrolisk 3 rider 4 Ogre mage 3 Medusa Basilisk 7 Hydra, 7-9 heads 8 Carron crawler of otyugh 3 NPC party 30° Lizard, minotaur 1 Manticore ol 13 Slime, aren, or yellow mold 14 Scorpion, slant, or brown mold 18. Spider, phase ae Wyvern A? Wight or wrath 18 Wight or wrath 39. DM Special 20 DM Special Dngeu Level I 2 Hyde, 1720 heads 3) Hydra, 12 heads (pyro-oreryo=) 4 Elemental, eath (12 HD) 5 Bulete & Worm, purple 7 Kinin 3 Sig. giant 9 NPC party 10 Golem, stone 1 Xomm 12 Umber hulk 13 Giant storm 14 Rost monster 435 Dragon, black (ancient) 16 Gorgon 12 Vampire lee 7-10 level 18 Rakshasa jah 19 DM Special 20 DM Special Dingo Level IV “Ankheg (7-8 HD) Hydra, $6 heads (pyro- or cryes) ‘Toad, fir or poisonous Lye, wall, or ettercap Hydra, 5-6 heads ‘Ape ot hell hound (Orbea or rust monster NPC party 30. Shake, giant const. 11 Dog. blink 12 Ogre 13 Ooze, gray 14 Scorpion, giant 15. Gargoyle 16 Shadow 17 Ghast 18 Hluecuva 19 DM Special 20M Special Dungeon Levet Vit 2 Elreet or flesh golem 3) Dhinn oe invisible stalker 44 Hydra, 79 heads (pyeo- or cryor) 3 Behie or greater basilisk © Neo-otyugh or mimic 7 Willewsp 8 Chimera or gongon 9 NPC party 10 Pudding, black 11 Lizard, fee, or tunnel worm 12 Hydra, 10-12 heade 13. Glant ill, orshambling mound 14 Troll, Zheaded, or ein 15. Giant, stone, or oper 16 Umber hulk or spit naga a7 Mummy 18 Speae 19 DM Special 20 DM Special Dungeon Level V 10 n R B 1“ 18 16 v7 18 1» 20 Slithering tracker Imp or quasit Hydra, @ heads (pyro or erye-) Shrieker or yellow mold Displacer beast or leucrotta Cockatrice Fiyéra, 7 heads NPC party Lizard, subterranean Lrard, subterranean Minotase Snake or spider, gant Rust monster Verbeg or marzoyle Dopplezaneer Shadow or juju zombie ye. boar DM Special DM Special Dungeon Level Vit 2 Hydra, lermaean 3° Golem, clay 4 Trapper or lurker above 'S) Hydra, 12 heads (pyro- or eryo-) © Gorgimera or dratolisk 7 Shug: giant or purple worm 8 Vampire 9 NPC party 10 Hydra, 1316 heads 2 Glant. frost 12 Willwisp 13 Rust mona 14 Couatl or guardian naga 18 Giant, fire 1g Pudding, dun or brown 17 Medusa, greater 18 Ghowt or rubk (rakshasa) 19 DM Special 20 DM Special Dungeon Level X Demilch Lurker above 2 3 4 $ © 7 8 ° 0 n 2 a in 5 6 v 18 » 20 Elemental, earth (16 HD) ‘Rakshasa, maharajah Dragon, ted (ancient) Dragon, blue ancient) Lich Golem, ron NO ENCOUNTER NO ENCOUNTER Beholder NPC party Slug. giant Ges spore Vampire, maye 912th evel Vampire, nage 9-12h level Tarrasque DM Special DM Special NPC Parties “Te avoid delays, create NPC partes before play. “The tables allow such partis tobe setup quickly and impartially, and the DM encouraged (0 make any changes that will enhance play ‘The bles should be considered a starting poi. ‘Atypical NPC. party has 2-12 members—25 major characters and the rest henchmen oF men ‘Ghuracters The Character Subtable provides a typical party strecture by limiting number and ‘lames the NPC characters encountered, Deer- tine characer race (20% demhuman) and de Fuman multictases on the Racal Subtable [multiclass can exceed the Character bt elimi. ‘Charece Level ad Espen Tse wil = ‘ay be comparable to those ofthe player charac ters, but NOC level wil rarely exceed 2th. Arts, armor and equipment will be typieal:a Ist evel Starior would have sal of chain armor and min inal gear At 2nd level, banded or plate malls typical. weapons profuse, and eauipment com plete mach oi haly water mirore ete). NEC fag wll be used if fight breaks out. Note that, TFthe NPCs ace defeated, their magical Rem wll according to those most sued tothe NPC party ‘Waards are subject othe lint of spells known, Henchmen spllasers ate ated likewise Henchmen: The major NPCs wll havea total of 25 henchmen, up to the party wae, with an re mainder men-at-arms. Ifthe encounter below the Sed dungeon level, ll shove withthe malor [NPCs wll be henchmen, Henchman class and race is determined as for the major characters Major NPCs are assigned henchmen in order of Charama. alloting for Comparisity eg. a paladin wud not Follow 2 {hel noe would «ranger below Bt level have henchmen). A henchman’ level is one third of that of his master (round up or down). I the mas mored, Their magic i asigned as for major NPCS, buts wally less power ‘Mena Ne Lite deta needed for these ther than hit pints. They often have poor armor tnd few weapons: for example, studded leather ‘ronbow and dagger or tat bet) scale mal Shield, spear, long ord, and backpack. They re Seldom found “undergiound below the Sed dungeon lev! ‘Characer Subtabie Dice Masinam Score Number in Party our 3 1820 2 21-60 Fighter 5 Le Paladin 2 hes Ranger 2 b86 Wisard 3 S738 ‘Specialist i 99.98 Thiet 4 99.00 ‘ard 1 "Typically, 208 of these willbe nor-hurman, Race Subtable Dice Race sof Score Maltilase 0130 Dwart* 15% 355 HF se" Sees Goome” 25% 6-90 Hale? asm" 21-00 Halling® 10% Inanevilly aligned party, these willbe halt- cores elves will be renegade drow). The chance for a mulielas haltore ie 50%: fighter shit (01-33), fighercleric G48), oF cleci-thie (4550). the roll for multiclass s 01-20 the char- Majic Items for NPC Parties Level ChanceNo, of lem Table at we srt and we 21 ed woe 2 1 we t/t th aoe 2 I me 1 sth om) 2d woe) 1 oh we 3st we) 2) 7h mead som 2) woe 1) oh we st won 2) met) oh oe at me 2) wet 108s ad we 2) woe ly nth ad won 2) soe 1) Il we i wv 1th rad said woe) meri iv satht a sora se we si ‘Automatically has this with no roll needed. Userandom determination only when any gen «ral magical tem would be suitable to the nd Vidual, Note that some items ae in groups oF test isabove bk ne benchnan Nae] S08 aoe ulti. Meraliecloy Sfolaciacr cease Ties | SERN gi ° Sth evel mage would have a2ad evel henchman jel; for three classes, subtract 2 levels. Adjust ian 1h evel mage would havea evel} danedownwardiothe aia ax, Sencimen at) Henchimenarearncsmechos Sh . Ialor NPCs, thgh they are nota heavy apical (e Chaeca Evcoiaense TABLET TABLE rapt at TABLE Die Hem d20) Die tem 20) Die em 20) Die tiem 20) 1 2Fetons: fying, heating 1" 2Fetions ol of ethereaness, 1" 1 Ring spel storing 2 Rigs tie mmoning 2 2 Potions: exinheating faverheroom 2-1 Ring: nd shieding 2. 1 Ring: human sflenee polymorph) 2 Potions: ESP. gascous form 3 1 Rod: cancellation 51 Ring pel ening 3 TPations:fire resistance, «31 Serll'3 Spell ewe 29 or 4 1 Stalf-command 4 Thedt amaing speed 27 5 1 Wand fowr 31 Red: terror 4 Potions: healing. hill giant 42 Ring: fire resistance & 1 Wand: negation & UWAand:fetning or fie frensth inci 3 1 baw of ticks 3 Land iston Boone: heroism, 5 TRing: protection +2 8 boots of peed 21 Stats shunder lightning inonhnersny 1th Sling 8 hoof ding and 8 amulet a if protection 6 TPotonn: human cont, «1 Wand mags mits oon 10 1 cubeof fore ieserion & 1Wind: oonier 10 Teloak af displacement 11-1 deekof Maton 7 ZPotions animal contr, 9 bracers of defense AC4—11-_ I meckac of muses 12. Ligerol charming iment 10. 1 brooch of ehelding 121 pine ofthe severe 13. LU helm of teepotton 8 Scr Typell lvel1<¢ 11 i eloul of elombind| 15 LFope of climbing 14 thom oftcing 9 Scroll 2speis evel 12 Lear of pearance 1d rope of entanglement 13. Trobe of blending 20 1Scrolk protection rom 13 Tignes serpentine oul 151 Sena of protection 18 {sone of good lack ine 143 jelin of lng 1S Use plte al #2 shit? 17 Let plate na 93. shild 11. T Ring: mana conrot 18. 15a Keohton ointment “3 \f 121 Ring: protection #1 16. robe of useful tems v7 shia +5 18 Tord: +4 for 43 with 1B Lamon lather’ 1P Leu‘chanmal ST shied 18 1 Sword: 3 (or 42 with wos) ie Shed #1 o sins") 19 VArow: of saying 18 1Sword: #2(nospecial 18 eet: chain mai +3 18 TMaceor hammer: +2 (chrecter Ca) site) 19 Swords 32 lor #1 with 2D L Spear 2 20 New of entpment 16 ToArows: +1 ahs) SiibdligsetEsnsgul 17 aol 1 20. 2Weapons: crossbow of ialggaen ang nah 18 1 Dagger: +7 speed, hammer +1 eeeetes: 19 Laven: +2 2 1Mace" +7 CASTLES & FORTRESSES (Optional) ‘Most wilderness castles and fortresses will al- ready have been placed before play begins. Sometimes, most often when the party mapping. new territory, a previously un- Known castle may be discovered. In this case, there ia base 1 in 20 chance that any wilder: res encounter will be with an unknown ‘ronghold. When this occurs, determine the Castle size, inhabitants, and master’s clas if Any) before rolling to see if the party is Surprise, Sospeises lf the party is surprised, and ifthe stronghold is inhabited by brigands or an NPC master, they will have been surprised bby a patrol from the stronghold. Otherwise the party will see the stronghold from '/2 105 miles away and be able to pass the place or investigate it as they wish. Patrols: Prepare some standard patrols be foreplay. Racal composition should be typi cal for the area, The patrol will be mounted Unless special considerations apply (such a5 Consuitable terrain, or a nation that shuns mounts), Leaders will have superior mounts (typically war horses) ‘A typical patrol will be commanded by a fighter (or possibly ranger) of eth to 8h level. He will have a lieutenant of ath to Sth level, aserjeantof nd to Sed level, 3to4 Ist level veterans, and 13-28 men-at-arms. AC: ‘companying them will be either a priest of fth of 7th level (40% chance) or a wizard of ‘sth to ath level 60% chance) Fighters of Ist level or higher will have plate mail, shield, lance, flal, and long Sword. Men-at-arms will typically have ‘hain or seale mal, shield, bow or light ‘erossbow, and a hand weapon. Magical items are assigned by the DM (see NPC Parties, previous page) Cove The sizeof the castle and its garrison are given in the tables. The reactions of the ‘cattle garrison to an approaching party will be dictated by the culture and society ofthe area, For example, in atypical medieval Eu- opean fantasy setting, a friendly reaction ‘would result in the castle master welcoming the adventurers, entertaining them royally (with hunts, drinking bouts, et.), and offer- ing an escort to the border of his teritory when they choose to leave. A neuteal reac- tion could be a demand for tol, or refusal to Tet them into the place without facing one or sore of their fighters in nonlethal combat (uch as jousting), taking the fighters’ armor and weapons if they lose. A hostile reaction ould range from an immediate altack to feigning friendship, then capturing them for Tf the castle is attacked, the garrison will rman the walls, any cavalry dismounting for the purpose, The caste will be stocked with food, water, and supplies of arms and mis- siles, Heavy crossbows will be avalable to the defenders. In addition, there wil be ati lery and sufficient crew to operate it (see tables). Case Tile Sd Type Coat NPC Maser Deal Sie Te Dice Masts hs ad eve S20" Sat Ssh hp 120) PREST. hah 26-35 Small ‘Moat house or friary_ oc eaaa S648 Mallm Medium al exp ee, uladin Shh 46-65 Medium Small walled castle ws a — citer ue ae ee a sigs Lage Cones cmle. The mater wl ave 25 benchen, plu any SS IME CMM. Ratelonen eda atic seo Lae Fan mplc Caste Table 2 Tnabitants ‘Doses castles appear totally deserted, but en try into the constretion will discover a mon. call Saleen Large Inhabitants ster. Roll again on the encounter chaet; if Spat Madu ans ttn, Ghia ew vom he Ro 46-60 31-50 16-40 Deserted ny omer Begone rena place om a7 5165 a100 Big eee 2 ee. Bess ascent cmmecseele. NEC ste stasis reer to Hite es Ss Ca Te ary amd Gaon Ueto sue Tye une: samme Geilo keep MUM siete ; Seated oa Mlumese soon “Gt Garsson is the typical nurber of men that the castle can accommodate, The lower figure i the peacetime complement Ballistae ae diret fie, crewed weapons that shoot bolts of spar size. Witha 4-man crew, aballsta tan be fired every second round. Light catapult are indirect fire, crewed weapons that throw stones or flaming pitch Cauldrons refilled with bling ol, which s then poured doven upon attackers. The DMshould de- ‘de the exact effect of boiling el (save vs, death for exampie Caste Table 5: Antilery Range Damage Rate of Base Crew Device Min Max SMO Lie) ToHlit Min Max Ballta — soyd 212 348 atts Catapult light 150yd 300yd 2200 «3d DO Range isthe distance o the argt creature, The minimum range elects the arcing trajectory of the catapult. Rat isthe speed of firing with the minimum crew. ere less than the minimum, the rate of fires halved. “A balista with maximum crew can fire once every two rounds. ‘The arillery proficiency of the crew che! determines the chance to hit. Artillery fre gnores Armor Clas. The bac number toi can be lowered by I or each evel of sil equal ta proiceney slot! the crew chief has with the weapon, Each consecutive shot against a stationary target gets a +4 bonus (+4, 8. et.) Aarakocra ‘CLIMATE/TERRAIN: ‘Tropical and temperate FREQUENCY: Very rare INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10) TREASURE: D ALIGNMENT: Neutral good NO. APPEARING: 1.10 THACO: 18 NO, OF ATTACKS: 2 M (20' wing span) Steady (11) 65 DAMAGE/ATTACK: eae ‘The aarakocra are a race of intelligent bird-men that live on the peaks of the highest mountains, spending thelr days soaring on the thermal winds in peace and solitude ‘Aarakocra are about five feet tall and have a wing span of 20, feet. About halfway along the edge of each wing is a hand with three human-sized fingers and an opposable thumb. An elon- sated fourth finger extends the length of the wing and locks in place for flying. Though the wing-hands cannot grasp during ‘light, they are nearly as useful as human hands when an aarako- cra son the ground and its wings are folded back. The wing mus- cles anchor in a bony chest plate that provides the aarakocra with extra protection. The powerful legs end in four sharp talons that tan unlock and fold back to reveal another pair of functional hhands, also with three human-sized fingers and an opposable thumb, The hand bones, like the rest of an aarakocra’s skeleton, are hollow and fragile. ‘Aarakocra faces resemble crosses between parrots and eagles. They have gray-black beaks and black eyes set frontally in their heads that provide keen binocular vision. Plumage color varies from tribe to tribe, but generally males are red, orange, and yel- lows sshile females are brown and gray. ‘Aarakocra speak their own language, the language of giant ea- ‘les, and, on occasion, the common tongue (10% chance). Combat: In aerial combat, an aarakocra fights with either his talons or heavy fletched javelins that he clutches in his lower hhands. An aarakocra typically carries a half dozen javelins strapped to his chest in individual sheaths. The javelins, which can be used for throwing or stabbing, inflict 2d4 points of dam- age. Owing to the aarakocra’s remarkable skill at throwing jave- lins in the air, it incurs none of the attack penalties for aerial missile fire, An aarakocra will always save its last javelin for stab- bing purposes rather than throwing it. Its favorite attack is to dive ata victim while clutching a javelin in each hand, then pull ‘out of the dive just asit reaches his target, and strike with a blood- ccurdling shriek. This attack gains a +4'bonus to the attack roll and causes double damage, but an aarakocra must dive at least 200 feet to execute it properly. ‘An aarakocra is reluctant to engage in grappling or ground ‘combat, since its fragile bones are easily broken. Though rarely used except when cornered, an aarakocra’s sharp beak can bite for 1-3 points of damage. abitavSociety: Aarakocra lve in small tribes of about 11-30 (1420-10) members. Each tribe has a hunting trsitory of about 10,000 square miles with colorul banners and pennants marking the boundaries, Each tribe liven a communal nest made of woven vines wil soft lining of cried grass. The eldest male serves as the tribes lead. Intribes of more than 20 members, the second oldest male servesas the shaman, leading simple religious ceremonies involv- ing the whistling of melodic hymns at sunset on the first day of new month. Males spend most of thei waking hours hunting for food and occasionally for treasure, such as gems and ather shiny objects. Females spend eight months ofthe year incubating their ‘eggs, passing the ime by fabricating javelins and other tools from ‘wood and stone. While resting on thelr backs, aarakocra females ‘an use all four hands atthe same time to weave boundary pen- rants, javelins sheaths, and other useful objects from vines and feathers. Five aarakocra, including a shaman, can summon an air ele mental by chanting and performing an intricate aerial dance for three melee rounds. The summoned air elemental will comply ‘withthe aarakocras’ request fora favor, though i will not endan Br ts life on thei behat. ‘Aarakocra are extremely claustrophobic and will ot willing! center a cave, building, oF other enclosed area, os Ecology: Aarakocra have little to do with other species, includ- ing neighboring aarakocra tribes, and leave their home territory only in extreme circumstances. They rarely encounter humans except for an occasional foray into a rural community to snatch a stray farm animal; this is not an intentionally malicious act, as aarakocra are unable to distinguish between domestic and wild animals. A human venturing into aarakocra territory may be able to convince one to serve as a guide or a scout in exchange for a shiny jewel or coin Aboleth (CLIMATETERRAIN: ‘Tropical and temperate/Subterranean, FREQUENCY: Very rare ‘ORGANIZATION: Brood ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night DIET: ‘Omnivore INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14) ‘TREASURE: F ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil NO. APPEARING: ds ARMOR CLASS: MOVEMENT: HIT DICE: THACO: 2 NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 DAMAGEATTACK: 16 (x4) SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below ‘SPECIAL DEFENSES: Slime “MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil ‘SIZE: H Qo" tong) MORALE: Elite (13) XP VALUE: 2,000 ‘The aboleth is a loathsome amphibious creature that lives in sub- terranean caves and lakes. It despises most land-dwelling crea~ tures and secks to enslave intelligent surface beings. Its as cruel asi is intelligent. ‘An aboleth resembles a plump fish, 20 feet in length from its bulbous head to its Fluke-like tail Its Body is blue-green with gray splotches, and its pink-tan underbelly conceals a toothless, rub Dery mouth, Three sltlike eyes, purplered in color and pro- tected by bony ridges, are set one atop the other in the Front of its head. Four pulsating blue-black orifices line the bottom of its body and secrete gray slime that smells like rancid grease. Four leathery tentacles, each ten Feet in length, grow from ts head. An aboleth usesits tail to propel itself through the water and its tent ‘les to drag itself along dry Tand Combats The aboleth attacks with its tentacles for 1d6 points of damage each. If victim struck by a tentacle fails a saving throw vs. spell, the victim's skin transforms into a clear, slimy mem= brane in 1di-+1 rounds. If this occurs, the victim must keep the membrane damp with cool water or suffer 1d12 points of damage teach turn, Cure disease cast upon the victim before the membrane ‘completely forms stops the transformation. Otherwise, cure seri= ‘ous wounds will cause the membrane to revert to normal skin, Because its sluggish movement makes attacks difficult, the abo- leth attempts to lure victims close by creating realistic illusions at ‘will complete with audible, olfactory, and other sensory compo- nents. The aboleth can attempt to enslave creatures within 30 feet; itcan make three attempts per day, one creature per attempt. ithe victim fails a saving throw vs. spel, he follows all of the aboleth’s telepathic commands, although the victim will nt fight fon the aboleth’s behalf. The enslavement can be negated by re ‘move curse, dispel magic, the death of the enslaving aboleth, or. if the victim is separated from the aboleth by more than a mile, a new saving throw (one attempt per day.) When underwater, an aboleth surrounds itself with a mucous, cloud one foot thick. A vietim in contact with the cloud and in haling the mucus must roll a successfulsavingthrow vs. poison or lose the ability to breathe air. The victim is then able to breathe water, asf having consumed a potion of water breathing, for 1-3 hours. This ability may be renewed by additional contact with the mucous cloud. An affected victim attempting to breathe air will suffocate in 2d6 rounds, Wine or soap dissolves the mucus. HabitavSociety: An aboleth brood consists of a parent and one to three offspring. Though the offspring are as large and as strong, as the parent, they defer to the parent in all matters and obey it implicitly. ‘Aboleth have both male and female sexual organs. A mature aboleth reproduces once every five years by concealing itself ina ‘cavern or other remote area, then laying a single egg and covering it in slime. The parent aboleth guards the egg while the embryo grows and develops, a process that takes about five years. A new: born aboleth takes about 10 years to mature. ‘The aboleth spends most of its time searching for slaves, prefer ably human ones. Its rumored that the aboleth use their slaves to Construct huge underwater cities, though none have ever been found, The aboleth are rumored to know ancient, horrible secrets that predate the existence of man, but these rumors are also un- substantiated. There is no doubt that aboleth retain a staggering amount of knowledge. An offspring acquires al ofits parent's knowledge at birth, and a mature aboleth acquires the knowledge ‘of any intelligent being it consumes. An aboleth’s treasure consists of items taken from its slaves. ‘The items are buried in caverns under a layer of slime resembling ‘gray mud, recognizable by the distinctive rancid grease odor. Ecology: The omnivorous aboleth will eat any organic matter, usually algae and micro-organisms, but they are aso fond of in- telligent prey so they can absorb nutrients and information at the same time, Aboleth have no natural enemies, as even the might fest marine creatures give them a wide berth. Aboleth slime is sometimes used as a component for potions of water breathing. Ankheg CLIMATETERRAIN: ‘Temperate and tropical/ Plains and forests FREQUENCY: Rare ORGANIZATION: Brood ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any DET Omnivore INTELLIGENCE: Non- (0) c Nil 16 Geral 2 under ¢ MOVEMENT: 12,.Br6 HITDICE doen THAC 612 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3418 (crush) +144 (acid) SPECIAL ATTACKS: Squirt acid DEFENSES: Nil of Na, LH (20'to 20’ long), MORALE: ‘Average (9) XP VALUE: 175-1,400 ‘The ankheg is a burrowing monster usually found in forests or choice agricultural land. Because of its fondness for fresh meat, the ankheg is a threat to any creature unfortunate enough to encounter it “The ankheg resembles an enormous many-legged worm, Its six legs end in sharp hooks suitable for burrowing and grasping, and its powerful mandibles are capable of snapping a small tree in half with a single bite. A tough chitinous shell, usually brown or yel- low, covers its entire body except for its soft pink belly. The ankheg has glistening black eyes, a small mouth lined with tiny rows of chitinous teeth, and two sensitive antennae that can de- tect movement of man-sized creatures up to 300 feet away. Combat: The ankheg's preferred attack method is to lie five to ten feet below the surface of the ground until its antennae detect the approach of a victim. It then burrows up beneath the victim and attempts to grab him in its mandibles, crushing and grinding, for 3dé points of damage per round while secreting acidic diges- tive enzymes to cause an additional 1d4 points of damage per round until the victim is dissolved. The ankheg can squirt a stream of acidic enzymes once every six hours toa distance of 30, feet. However, sinceit is unable to digest food for six hours after it squirts enzymes, it uses this attack technique only when desper- ate. A victim struck by the stream of acidic enzymes suffers Bd4 points of damage (half damage if the victim rolls a successful sav- Ing throw vs. poison). HabitatSociety: The ankheg uses its mandibles to continuously dig winding tunnels 30-40 feet deep in the rich soil of forests or farmlands. The hollowed end of a tunnel serves as a temporary Jair for sleeping, eating, or hibernating. When an ankheg ex- hausts the food supply ina particular forest or field, it moves on to another, ‘Auaturnn is mating season for ankhegs. After the male fertiizes, the female, the female kills him and deposits 2d6 fertilized eggs in his body, Within a few weeks, about 75% of the eggs hatch and begin feeding. In a year, the young ankhegs resemble adults and ‘ean function independently. Young ankhegs have 2 Hit Dice and fan AC 2 overall and an AC 6 for their undersides; they bite for 1d& points of damage (with an additional 1d4 points of damage from enzyme secretions), and spit for 4d4 points of damage to a distance of 30 feet, In every year thereafter, the ankheg functions ‘with full adult capabilites and gains an additional Hit Die until it reaches 8 Hit Dice Beginning in its second year of life, the ankheg sheds its chitin- ‘ous shell just before the onset of winter. It takes the ankheg two ‘days to shed its old shell and two weeks to grow a new one. Dur- ing this time, the sluggish ankheg is exceptionally vulnerable. Its ‘overall AC is reduced to 5 and its underside AC is reduced to 7. ‘Additionally, it moves at only half its normal speed, its mandible attack inflicts only 1410 points of damage, and it is unable to squirt acidic enzymes, While growing a new shell, it protects itself by hiding in a deep tunnel and secreting a repulsive fluid that smells like rotten fruit. Though the aroma discourages most crea tures, it can also pinpoint the ankheg’s location for human hunters and desperately hungry predators. ‘Ankhegs living in cold climates hibernate during the winter. Within a month after the first snowfall, the ankheg fashions a lair deep within the warm earth where it remains dormant until spring. The hibernating ankheg requires no food, subsisting in stead on nutrients stored in its shell. The ankheg does not secrete ‘aromatic fluid during ths time and s thus relatively safe from de- tection. Though the ankheg’s metabolism is reduced, its antennae remain functional, able to alert it to the approach of an intruder. A disturbed ankheg fully awakens in 1d4 rounds, after which time it can attack and move normally The ankheg does not hoard treasure. Items that were not dis solved by the acidic enzymes fall where they drop from the nkheg’s mandibles and can be found scattered throughout its tunnel system, Ecology: Though a hungry ankheg can be fatal to a farmer it ‘can be quite beneficial tothe farmland. Its tunnel system laces the soil with paseages for air and water, while the ankheg’s waste products add rich nutrients. The ankheg will eat decayed organic ‘matter in the earth, but it prefers fresh meat. All but the fiercest predators avoid ankhegs. Dried and cured ankheg shells can be made into armor with an AC of 2, and its digestive enzymes can be used as regular acid, Ant Giant Swarm CLIMATETERRAIN: Temperate/Forest, Tropical/Forest, Arriola” nib sons rarguincy, fat Ree mare Ree ee ] - Omnivore . ECR acres aio a mae, at NO ARrEAmNG —aa00 set Mure} e: is 2 (worker), tog — (3 (warrior) Taco 3 weotaracks, | MOSES, Lew Pei Warriors have. MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE: T (2! long) See below MORALE: Average ) Unsteady (6) XP VALUE: 35 (worker), __ See below 175 (warrior) Giant ants form cooperative colonies in tropical regions. They are normally docile, but they can be fierce fighters if their nes is threatened. ‘Giant ants are black, red, or brown. A giant ants body is cov- cred with by a thick outer skeleton that serves as protection and prevents the body from dehydrating. Two thin antennae sprout from the head and are used for smelling and feeling. An ant’s scissor like mandibles can eut, carry, or dig. Sis long legs covered ith fine bristles grow from the thorax, while the abdomen con- tains most of the internal organs. Combat: Both worker and warrior ants will fight. Ifa warrior ant manages to bite, it will also attempt to sting for 344 points of damage. A successful saving throw vs. poison reduces the sting damage to 1d4 hp. The queen ant has 10 Hit Dice but neither moves nor attacks, If she is killed, the remaining ants become confused (asif affected by the spel) for six rounds, then scramble from the nest HabitavSociety: A giant ant colony makes its nest underground Ina series of rooms and passages. Mounds of dirt and twigs mark the entrances. The passages may reach a depth of 16 feet, and the entire nest may be spread out over an area exceeding several thousand square yards. ‘When encountered in the wilderness, there is 90% chance that all, of the ants are workers. Encountered in their colony, there i usually ‘one warrior ant for every five workers; a typical colony consists of 100-200 workers, 20-40 warriors, and a single queen. The warriors are responsible for guarding the queen and defending the nest. ll ‘other duties are divided among the workers. Some gather food, some clean the nest, some attend to the developing larvae. Others suck nectar from flowers and produce honey. Storage ants, a special type ‘of worker, swallow the honey until they are too fat to move or work. In times of scarce food, the storage ants expel the honey from their mouths to feed the rest of the colony. "The queen has no responsibilities other than to lay thousands of eggs per week. Her chamber also contains the colony's trea- sure, usually shiny jewels the workers collet on hunting expedi tions. Nurse ants care forthe young i an egg chamber; the larvae hatch and develop into adults in just « lew weeks. From 5-50 workers and 5 warriors guard the nursery chamber Ecology: Giant ants prefertoeat seeds and grasses, but they wil also eat meat if given the opportunity, Nether giant ants nor their exes have any commercial value, though some gourmets enjoy their honey. In a pinch, giant ants are a good source of protein Swarm ‘There is no sight more fearsome than a swarm of red or golden army ants on the march through a tropical forest, steadily con- suming everything in their path. The individual ants resemble smaller versions of giant ants, red or golden in color with power- ful mandibles, The swarm is a mobile colony of 3/4” long work- cers numbering in the thousands (to determine the number of ants in the swarm, roll 1410 and multiply the result by 1,500). A single queen, identical to the workers except for her sex and tiny unusa~ ‘ble wings, marches in the center the swarm. Ifthe queen is killed, the swarm dissipates. The swarm moves in a straight line as a solid block of ants (about 150 ants per square foot). The ants eat all organic matter in theie path, including any creatures too slow to get out of their way. IF the ants approach a river or other obstacle, they turn 90 degrees and continue their march, They will not go out of tI way to attack and are therefore easy to avoid. Any creature in contact with the swarm has a 90% chance per round of suffering ‘1ds points of damage from bites: if bitten, the creature must rolla successful saving throw vs. poison or suffer an additional 142 points of damage from the mild poison. Check for bites and poi- son for each round the creature isin contact with the swarm, Each point of damage inflicted on the swarm kills 1d20 ants. Ants may be scattered with smoke or fire: immersion in water washes them off, I half of a swarm is killed, the surviving ants attempt to scat- ter and hide; since the ants scatter equally in every direction, this actually increases the possibility a creature inthe vicinity may be attacked, If an entire swarm is killed, award 975 experience points per 1,500 ants, Ant Lion, Giant CLIMATE/TERRAIN: ‘Tropical and temperate/ Mountain, hil, and plains FREQUENCY: Rare Zs INTELLIGENCE: ‘Animal (1) TREASURE: See below ALIGNMENT: Ni NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLAS: 2 MOVEMENT: Br iin ose soi) HIT DICE: i RS THACO, 2 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE ATTACK: 520 SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below ‘SPECIAL DEFENSES: Sig MAGICRESISTANCE: = Nil LO" long) MORALE: ‘Average (8) XP VALUE: 1,400 The ant lion is a huge, vicious insect that lurks in the bottom of deep pits, feeding on creatures unlucky enough to fallin. Ant I ions live in badlands, desert fringes, and other areas with loose soil and sand, “The ant lion resembles a cross between a mole and a giant ant. Its body, gray or sandy brown in color, is covered completely by a leathery exoskeleton with patches of coarse black bristles that are sensitive to movement and odor. It has deep-set beady eves, rows of jagged teeth capable of both tearing and grinding, and six thick legs with sharp claws and lat bristles. The claws are used. for digging while the bristles sweep away the loose sol. The ant li- fon most prominent features are its mandibles, silvery gray and razor-edged, extending three feet from it’s mouth. A single barb centered on the inner ridge of each mandible is used to impale and hold prey. ‘Combat: The ant lion seldom stalks or pursues prey. Instead, it digs deep, tapering pits about 60 feet in diameter, buries itself at the bottom beneath a covering of sand, gravel, and stones, then patiently waits for falling victims, About 80% of the time, the en- trance to the pit looks ike a funnel lined with sand. The rest of the time it looks like the entrance to a cave or lai. A creature coming, ‘within three feet of the edze of the entrance has a 20% chance of slipping in the loose soil and sand and sliding into the pit. A crea ture entering the pit has a 50% chance per round of sliding to the bottom. A character who takes precautions when approaching or entering the pit, such as securing himself toa tree witha rope, will not slip into the pit. When a vietim lands in the bottom of the pit, the an lion bursts from its covering of sand and stones and attempts to grab its vic- tim with its mandibles. If successful, the ant lion will not release its prey until either itor the prey is dead. The ant lion impales its victim with its barbs, crushes with its mandibles, then grinds its ‘mandibles back and forth in a sawing motion, automaticaly in- flicting 5d4 points of damage each round after the initial ht. HabitatSociety: Ant lions mate once per year in mid-summer. ‘The male ant lion is drawn to the female by aromatic secretions she releases when entering her mating cycle. Only ant lions can smell these secretions. Once a male enters the female’ lair, she stops secreting, and the couple begin clicking their mandibles at each other. This ritual clicking lasts for three full days, during which time the couple neither sleeps nor eats. The clicking has a trance-like effect on the ant lions; even if attacked, it takes the ant lions 1d4 rounds to break their trance and respond to an intruder, ‘At the conclusion ofthe clicking ritual, the male fertilize the fe- male, then leaves her nest. Within a week, the female lays be- tween one and four eggs and buries them in a hole inthe floor. The young ant lions hatch in about six months, immediately bur- rowing away to construct airs oftheir own. A young ant lion has 4 Hit Dice, but otherwise has all the abilities of an adult. It reaches full maturity in about a year. The ant lion’ lair typically consists of its pit trap and a narrow passage leading to a large chamber where the ant lion sleeps and eats, Another passage, winding from this chamber to the surface, is used as an escape route, The ant lion also drags the remnants of its meals through this passage and conceals them outside: this is usually the only opportunity to encounter an ant lion out of its lair. Although ant lions do not collect treasure, there is a 30% chance that 1d4 ofthe following items will be found ina lair from previous kills (roll 1420 to determine randomly): 16 10-40 gp 710 5:20 pp, a3 Shield” 1417 Metal weapon * 18:19 Jewelry * 20 Miscellaneous item * ical. Roll on the appropriate table in the Dungeon Master's Guide or assign an item of relatively low value Ecology: Ant lions near civilized regions are considered danger- ‘ous predators, Rewards are often available for proof of their de- struction. Ant lions eat any creature that falls into their pits, though they prefer giant insects, usually eating one or more giant ants per day. Ant lions have no commercial value, though farmers of some primitive cultures use their mandibles for plows. Ape, Carnivorous (CLIMATETERRAIN: ‘Tropical/Fores, hills, and plains FREQUENCY: Rare INTELLIGENCE: ‘TREASURE: ALIGNMENT: Neutral NO. APPEARING: 28 ‘ARMOR CLASS: 6 12, 9in trees 5 as NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 DAMAGE /ATTACK: L148 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Rending fete pian ++2bonus to surprise roll Sasa bi wi ‘Steady (11) 1s ‘The carnivorous ape i a larger, stronger, and more aggressive rel- ative of the gorilla. Ie lives in tropical jungles and plains, some- times lairing in tal trees Carnivorous apes have broad shoulders, thick bodies covered with black hair, long arms, and short legs. Hooked black claws grow from their fingers and toes. They have light brown faces, flaring nostrils, and mouths full of long sharp teeth for shredding, and ripping flesh from prey. Carnivorous apes walk on all fours, using the knuckles of their hands for support. They can also, swing through the trees at 754 of theie normal movement rate. Combat: Carnivorous apes have a fair intelligence and are very cunning, Owing to their keen senses, they gain a +2 bonus to their surprise roll. They typically hide in trees and stalk their prey for miles, dropping down to attack when their victim pauses 10 drink from a stream or is otherwise off-guard. In plains or other areas devoid of trees, they hide in tall grasses and thick bushes, leaping at a victim from behind. Carnivorous apes attack by rear- ing on their hind legs, flailing with their massive arms, and snap- ping with their powerful jaws. Ifan ape strikes its opponent with both hands in the same round, it inflicts an additional 1d8 points of rending damage. When a carnivorous ape defeats an opponent ‘or wishes to frighten an intruder, it stands on its hind legs, beats its hands against its chest, and bellows thunderously. The sound ‘of a bellowing ape has been known to panic the timid HabitatSociety: Carnivorous apes live in families ranging from two to 20 members with about twice as many females as males. A pregnant female gives birth in about nine months. An infant never leaves its mother for the first three years ofits lf, clinging tightly to her long hair and riding on her back wherever the fam- ily goes. The largest male serves as the leader, establishing the daily routine and defending the family from danger. The leader is ‘ecasionally challenged by younger males, the challenge resolved by a brutal but non-fatal wrestling match. The loser leaves the family in humiliation; a defeated challenger eventually joins an- other family, but a defeated leader remains alone, living out the rest of his life in bitterness. Families do not have permanent lairs, but instead roam from place to place in their home range, an area of 10-20 square miles. ‘The leader marks the boundaries of a family's home range by scratching crude symbols in tee trunks or by spraying them with rusk secteted from glancs under his tongue. A family wanders constantly, never spending two consecutive nights in the same place. They keep the jewels, coins, and other treasures gathered in their travels in hollow teees or other secure locations, A family eats its first meal of the day shortly after sunrise. The adult malesdo the hunting, dragging their prey back tothe family forall to share. The meal is followed by a long nap for the adults and play time for the youngsters. The family has a second meal before sunset, then shortly after dark goes to sleep in a secluded ‘meadow or in a communal nest constructed in the branches ofthe tallest trees, Ecology: Though aggressive by nature, carnivorous apes nor- rally kill only for food or in defense oftheir families. They enjoy fruit and nuts, but most of their diet consists of rodents, small reptiles, eggs, and fish, as well as the occasional giant insect oF carrion’ Wild game supplements the family menu; antelope, bul falo, deer, and horses are among the apes’ favorite prey. In areas densely populated with wild game, carnivorous apes must some- times compete with lions and other predators. Its not unusual for a pride of lions to violently challenge a family of carnivorous, apes for hunting rights in disputed areas: the apes will usualy re- locate rather than risk the lives of their families. “The carnivorous ape's reputation as a man-eater is overrated, ‘Although its true that some eat humans exclusively, raiding vil- lages and attacking hunting expeditions for prey, such families are rare. More common is the solitary man-eater, usually a frustrated texleader who attacks humans as much out of anger as hunger, Carnivorous apesare a favorite target for human sportsmen, who hhunt them for trophies (pets, hands, and heads). Additionally, certain primitive tribes mandate the killing of a carnivorous ape asa rite of passage. Wild Kinooe Businiog CLIMATETERRAIN: Tropical and Tropical and i subiropical/ __subtropical/Forests Forests, mountains, and plains FREQUENCY: Common Very rare ORGANIZATION: Tribal Tribal ACTIVITY CYCLE: Day. Day DIET. Herbivore Herbivore INTELLIGENCE: Low (5-7) Low (9-7) "TREASURE: Nil ‘See below ‘ALIGNMENT: Neutral ‘Neutral NO. APPEARING: 10-40 4 ARMOR CLASS; 7 © MOVEMENT: 12, 12intrees 6, 12n trees HIT DICE: a4 4 THACO: a8 15 NO. OF 1 1 DAMAGE/ 1 23 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Climbing Climbing MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil Ni SIZE: Stall) S (4 tall ‘MORALE: Unsteady (5) Average (9) XP VALUE: 35 120 Baboonsare large, herbivorous monkeys, They usually live in the trees of tropical and subtropical jungles, but tribes are sometimes found in tropical mountains and plains. Baboons have dark brown fur, long arms and legs, and large heads with dog-like muzzles and sharp canine teeth. Most baboon tails are short and stubby, but some are as much as two feet long, Accollar of gray fur encircles the necks of the largest males. Combats Ifthe tribe's home territory is entered, the baboons will try to drive the invaders off, but i is 90% likely that a b boon tribe will le if threatened or surprised, hiding in trees oF behind ground foliage until the danger has passed. Extremely ag- ile, baboons can climb at tivice their normal movement in five- round bursts when fleeing from an enemy. However, if cornered for if an infant is endangered, baboons can be vicious fighters, particularly the larger males. Baboons attack by dropping on their victims from above or charging and leaping, biting with their sharp teeth for 1d4 points of damage. The tribe is led by 2d4 large males that serve as the first line of defense and receive 2 +1 ‘damage bonus to their attacks, Male baboons sometimes attempt to discourage intruders by baring their fangs and screeching, HabitatSociety: Baboons live in tribes of 10-40, though some tribes include as many as 100 members. About haif the tribe are juveniles or infants: the remainder are adult males and females. ‘The young will not attack, and females generally attack only if their children are threatened. Females give birth to one child every year. Baboons eat in the morning, nap during the afternoon, then rest at night after a final meal, sleeping in tree branches of on rocky cliffs. Though the males may roam several miles searching for food, they always return to the tribe betore sundown, carrying fruit, nuts, and other food in pouches in their cheeks. Baboons are ‘among the more intelligent primates, with excellent memories and an insatiable curiosity. They do not collect treasure. Ecology: Baboons eat fruit, seeds, grass, roots, and leaves They also enjoy bird eggs and insects. When food is scarce, ba bboons will eat live prey. such as mice and frogs. Groups of large males have been known to chase down and kill small antelope ‘and leopards, though this s extremely unusual, Given the oppor- tunity, most predators will eat baboons. Since jungle baboons spend most of their time in the high trees, they are generally safe from attacks. Giant snakes are their most feared natural enemies, ‘Mountain baboons have a hatder time of it their enemies include ‘mountain lions, sabre-tooths, and wolf packs. Men hunt baboons for theie furry pelts and chewy but succu- lent meat. Baboon teeth are sometimes used for necklaces and other simple jewelry. IF captured when young, baboons can be tamed as pets. Some primitive cultures consider baboons tobe sa cred and worship them as emissaries of the gods. Bandeslog, Banderlogs resemble baboons with green skin and brown fur. ‘They are somewhat stronger than baboons and are able to com- rmunicate in a simple language of chatters and grunts, Not as panic prone as baboons, banderlogs attack at close quarters with their long canine teeth for 1d4+1 points of damage, but are more likely to use coconuts or retch plant globes (the purple membra: nous fruit of retch plants, also know as globe palms) as missile ‘weapons. Banderlogs will cling to tree branches with one hand and hurl missles with the other at targets up to 39 eet away. Co: Conuts strike for 1d4 +1 points of damage and retch plant globes burst to splash nauseating fluid over a five-foot radius with a 25% chance for splash contact at a distance of 1d6+3 feet (splashed creatures vomit and retch for three rounds, and their Strengths are reduced by half for the next hour: no saving throw allowed). Like baboons, banderlogs can climb for short bursts at twice their normal movement allowance. Banderlogs are organized into small tribes led by one or more large males with 6-8 hp per die (+1 damage to attacks). They live in communal nests made of leaves in the highest branches of palm trees. They normally do not collect treasure, but there is 5% cchance that a tribe has a piece of jewelry or some other random valuable item in their nest. Their diet is similar to that of ba- bboons, occasionally supplemented by rodents and large insects Lions and other carnivores prey on banderlogs, while hunters kill them to make furs from their pelts and jewelry from their teeth, Badger Common Giant (CLIMATETERRAIN: ————— TTemperate/ Forests, plains, swamp, and FREQUENCY: Uncommon Uncommon ORGANIZATION: — Family Family ACTIVITY CYCLE: Night Night DIET: Carnivore Carnivore INTELLIGENCE: Semi- (2-4) ‘TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: ‘Neutral NO. APPEARING: 2-5 25 ARMOR CLASS: 4 4 MOVEMENT: 6,83 6 Br3 HIT DICE: 142 3 THACO: w uv NO.OF ATTACKS: 3 ie DAMAGEATTACK: —1-2/1-2/1-3 LaLa SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil AIC Nil. ie suai Badgers are carnivorous burrowing animals that live under- ‘ground and hunt at night. Badgers are quick-tempered and coura- ‘geous; if threatened, badgers will unhesitatingly attack creatures ‘many times larger than themselves. ‘The badger's plump body is about two feet long, covered from, head to toe with long thick fur. From a distance, the badger ap- pears to be-silver or gray in color, but a close examination reveals that each shaft of hai is actually a combination of several colors, usually gray, black, white, and brown. A white stripe about one to two inches thick begins atthe badger’ nose and runs between itseyes and down its back. Black patches of fur adorn each side of its face. The badger gets its name from these “badges” of color. ‘The badgers short legs are extremely strong, ending in sharp. laws that enable i to burrow through the rockiest soil and effec: tively defend itself from predators. When attempting to catch scents in the air, the badger perches on its hind legs like a gopher. It waddles when it walks, making it look awkward and clumsy as its body slovly shifts from side to side, But the badger actually can move quite fast when necessary; in fact, its speed accounts for its relatively high AC rating. The badger has sharp senses of smell, hearing, and sight. It also gives off an unpleasant aroma similar to human sweat. Combat: If a badger is encountered away from its lair, it nor= mally attempts to run away and hide. However, if disturbed in its lair or if cornered, it fights with surprising viciousness, regardless ofthe size or strength ofits opponent. The badger attacks by bar- ing its sharp teeth and lunging at its opponent, attempting to bite and claw. Snapping, chewing, and slashing, the badger goes for its opponents throat if within reach, otherwise it assaults the op- ponent’s abdomen; any exposed areas of an opponent, such as face or arms, are also likely targets of a badger's attack. A badger snarls and salivates while attacking. and in most cases fights to the death HabitatSociety: Badgersare extremely skilled burrowers. They prefer to dig their dens in the soft earth of forest floors and farm- Tands, but they can also thrive in mountains and hillsides. The en trance to a badger den isa circular hole about one to two fee diameter, surrounded by a ring of sol from the original excava tion. The tunnel angles gently into the earth, is usually about four to si feet long, and ends in a chamber that can be as small as four feet wide or as large as 10 feet wide, depending on the size of the family. The floor of the den is typically littered with remnants of previous meals and beds of leaves and grass for sleeping. Badgers fre not particularly good housekeepers; if a den becomes exces- sively filthy, the family may relocate toa nearby area and dig new living quarters. Badgers are not social animals, but they are extremely loyal to, their mates and their families. Badgers are most typically encoun tered as either solitary creatures or asa mated pair. more than a pair isencountered, the rest are the pairs offspring. A family re- facts aggressively toward any strangers, including other badgers, invading the immediate territory ofits den Male badgers hunt at night while the females remain in the den to care for their young. Ifa mated pair has no young, they often hhunt together. Badgers bring captured prey back to their den and usually devour the entire creature, bones and all. When not hunt- ing, badgers stay home. Badgers living in cold climates hibernate for most of the winter. Badgers do not collect treasure, Ecology: Badger flesh i greasy, tough, and not particularly ap- petizing, Because of their vicious nature, hunting badgers is not worth the trouble for most predators, although a hungry wolf or fox can oceasionally be seen pawing the entrance toa badger den. Badgers eat rodents, squirrels, gophers, and other small animals. Badger fur is sold commercially to make coats, gloves, and mufflers. A quality pelt brings as much as 10-30 gold pieces. Badger hair can be made into brushes, Giant Badger ‘There isa very rare variety of badger found in remote forests that grows to about twice the siz of the common badger (about four feet long). Itinficts more damage when attacking, and it tends to bbe more aggressive. Its statistics are otherwise identical to those cf the common badger. Its pelt is also more valuable. Barracuda (CLIMATETERRAIN: FREQUENCY: Tropical/Ocean Uncommon ORGANIZATIO? ‘School ACTIVITY CYCLE: Day DIET Carnivore INTELLIGENCE: Non-(0) ‘TREASURE: Nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral NO. APPEARING: 2az ARMOR CLASS: 6 ‘MOVEMENT: Sw 30 HIT DICE: 13 THACo: 12 HD: 19 3HD: 17 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 28 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE: S(2’)to Lz) MORALE: Steady (11) XP VALUE THD: 15 2HD: 35 3 HD: 65 Barracuda inhabit warm salt waters In appearance, the barracuda is long (up to 12 feet) and slender, with a cruel mouth and jaw that make it look particularly fero- cious. The lower jaw projects out and the entire mouth is rimmed with fang-lke teeth Combat: Barracuda bodies are shaped much like an arrow, and can be just as deadly in tropical oceans. Able to move very rap- ily, these fish can dart in fora bite and then swim off just as sud enly. These predatory fish ate lightning quick, going from a motionless state to full speed in a single melee round. Barracuda are the bullies of their saltwater home: they attack any prey that is injured, appears helpless, or is relatively small ‘To the barracuda, this includes most human swimmers, who will, vield tasty tidbits even i not entirely defeated. Each hit, for 244 points of damage, represents a whole mouthful of flesh for the hungry barracuda, Worse yet, barracuda hunt in schools of up to 12 voracious fish, taking turns for who gets next bite. An unprotected human swimmer having to fight off two or three of these fas ish is virtu ally helpless for even if he manages to fend off one, the others are likely to score in the meanwhile The barracuda hangs in the water about 20 feet away, watching its prey for any signs of weakness and patiently waiting for an op- portunity to strike, With its ugly eyes staring through the murky depths, this can be an unnerving experience to the large fish’s vie~ tim, ‘A school of barracuda has been known to dog a swimmer for hours, making feints and attacks now and again, until the swim mer finally succumbs. Many such opportunities do not last long, fenough for the barracuda to claim their victim, for if sharks are nearby, they come atthe scent of blood once the first hit is made. Barracuda are also attracted to shiny objects underwater, and unfortunately for the swimmer, light skin often qualifies as a shiny object, expecially when wiggling ust so. The first clue that a barracuda isin the area might be a sudden pain in the foot, as the rmarauder swims by and bites off a few tender toes, If the swim- mer tries to cover himself up, that just makes any exposed areas all the more tempting, Those using magic underwater are particularly cautioned against barracuda attacks. The sad tale of Grindonel the Maye is worth relating here. In an attempt to visita city of sea elves that he had heard of, he wore a ring of swimming and dove beneath the ocean. The glints of sunlight off the ring, unfortunately, at tracted the attentions of a school of barracuda, and on the first at. tack, the ring (and the finger on which it was worn) were gone. Grindonel, unable to cast a spell or to reach the surface in time drowned a watery death, HabitavSociety: As mentioned above, barracuda are usually encountered in small schools in tropical oceans, although some species are occasionally found in more temperate seas. Mermen have learned to tame the ferocious barracuda, and iti common to find a large school (3d6 fish) of the larger sort guard ing a merman community. Ecology: Barracudas share the top of the food chain with other large, predatory sea creatures, feeding on smaller fish and sea mammals that appear weak or injured For those who enjoy deep sea fishing, the barracuda isan excel lent game fish—fast, full of fight, and relatively easy to attract to a lure. Use a heavy line, and be certain to be fastened down in the boat. Being pulled overboard into a school of angry barracuda makes a much more interesting story ifthe teller survived the mis- hap. Basilisk is 0 SS SS AEE Lesser Greater Dracolisk “Any land © Any land Any land ~— Uncommon Nery rare Very rare Solitary Solitary Solitary Day Day Day “Animal (1) low en Low to average (6.10) F A ALIGNMENT: Nil Neutral (evil Chaotic evi NO. APPEARING: 14 1 12 ARMOR CLASS: 4 2 3 MOVEMENT: 6 6 9, 15) ‘HIT DICE: +1 10 743 THACO, 15 M1 3 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 3 = DAMAGE/ : 166/216 1.6/1-6/342 SPECIAL. i ‘See below See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Surprised only on 1 Nil MAGIC RESISTANC! Nil Nil SIZE: 1.02" long) H5'20' long) a ‘Champion (15) XP VALUE: 7,000 2,000 ‘These reptilian monsters all have gazes able to turn to stone any fleshly creature, The gazes of all of these monsters extend into the Astral and Ethereal planes, Basilisk ‘Although it has eight legs, its slow metabolic process enables it only slow movement, A basilisk is usually dull brown with a yel- Towish underbelly Its eyes glow pale green. Combat? While it has strong, toothy jaws, the basilisk’s major weapon is its gaze, However, i ite gaze is reflected so that the bas ilisk sees its own eyes, it will itself be petrified, but this requires, light at least equal to bright torchlight and a good, smooth reflec- tot, In the Astral plane its gaze kills, while inthe Ethereal plane it turns victims to ethereal stone that can be seen only by those who are in that plane or who can see ethereal objects. Greater Basilisk “The greater basilisk i a larger cousin of the more common reptil> jan horror, the ordinary basilisk. These monsters are typically used to guard treasure, Combat: ‘The monster can attack by raising its forebody,stik- ing with its sharp claws, and biting with its toothy maw. The claws bear a weak poison (saving throws with a +4 bonus), Is foul breath it also poisonous, and all creatures within five feet of its mouth must rll suecesaful saving throws vs. poison (with a “+2 bonus) or die whenever they spend even a moment s0 exposed (cheek each round of exposure. Even la polished reflectors used under good light conditions, the chance fora greater basilisk to see its own gaze and be petri- fied is only 10%, unless the reflector is within 10 fet ofthe crea- ture, (While its gaze weapon is effective to 50 feet, the creatures ‘ddiy-shaped eyes are nearsighted and it cannot se its own gaze tiles i is within 10 feet Dracolisk The dracolisk is said to be the offspring of a rogue black dragon and a basilisk of largest size. "The result is a deep brown, dragon-like monster that moves with relative quickness om its six legs It can fly, but only for short periods—a turn or two at most Combat: This horror can attack with its taloned forelegs and deliver vicious bites. In addition, it can spit a five-footwide stream of acid up to 30 feet away: this acid causes 4d6 points of damage, half-damage if a successful saving throw vs, breath ‘weapon is rolled, The dracolisk can spit up to three times per day. “The eyes ofa dracolisk can petrfy any opponent within 20 feet if the monsters gaze is met. Because ofits hooded eyes with nic tating membranes, the monster is only 10% likely to be affected by its own gaze. Opponents meleeing a dracolisk and seeking 10 avoid its gaze fight with a~4 penalty to their to attack rolls, Beetle Bombardier Boring Fire Rhinoceros Stag Water CLIMATETERRAIN: Any forest. Any land ‘Any land ‘Any jungle Any forest’ Fresh water. FREQUENCY: Common, Common Common ‘Uncommon Common Common, ORGANIZATION: — Solitary Solitary Solitary Solitary Solitary Solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE: Day Night Night Any Any Any DIET. Carnivore Omnivore Herbivore Herbivore Omnivore INTELLIGENCE: Non. (0) ‘Animal (1) Non- (0) Non- (0) Non=(0) Non- (0) ‘TREASURE: Nil GRS,T Nil Nil Nil Nil ALIGNMENT: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil NO. APPEARING: 3-12 38 3a 16 212 12 ARMOR CLASS: 4 3 4 4 3 3 ‘MOVEMENT: 9 6 2 6 6 3, Sw9 ‘HIT DICE: 242 3 a4 2 7 4 THACO: 19 15 19 ° 3 7 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 1 i 2 3 1 DAMAGEATTACK: 2-12 5.20 3.187216 416/140/140 3.28 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Acidcloud Nil Nil Nil Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Firing cloud Ni Nil Nil Nil ‘MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil SIZE: S(4'long) ——-L@' Jong), $ Qa Jong) L (42! Tong) (10'long)-—_-M (6" long) MORALE: lite (13) Blite 14) Steady (12) Elite (14) Blite (13) lite (14) XP VALUE: 120 175 35 4,000 975 120 Giant beetles are similar to their ordinary counterparts, only thousands of times larger—insects with chevving mouthparts and hard wings that provide substantial armor protection, As insects, beetles have two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs. Fortunately, the wings on agiant beetle cannot be used to fly and in most cases, its six bristly legs do not enable it to move as, fast asa fleeing man. The hard chitinous shells of several varieties of these beetles are brightly colored, and sometimes have value t0 art collectors. While these shells protect these beetles as well as, plate mail armor, itis dificult to craft armor from them, and a Skilled alchemist would need to be brought in on the job. All beetles are basically unintelligent and always hungry. They feed on virtually any form of organic material, including other sorts of beetles. They taste by means of their antennae or feelers; if the substance is organic, the beetle then proceeds to grasp it with its mandibles, crush it up, and eat it Because of this thor ough grinding, nothing actually eaten by giant beetles can be re- vived in any manner short of a wish. Beetles do not hear or see well, relying primarily on taste and feel Except at noted below, giant beetles are not really social ani mals; those that are found near each other are competitors for the same biological nicke, not part of any family unit Bombardier Beetle This beetle is usually found above ground in wooded areas. It feeds on offal and carrion primarily, gathering huge heaps of such material in which to lay its eggs Combat: If this beetle is attacked or disturbed, there is a 50% chance each round that it will turn its rear toward its attacker and fire off an 8! x8! x8" cloud of reeking, reddish acidic vapor from its abdomen. This cloud causes 3c4 points of damage per round to any creature within it. Furthermore, the sound caused by the release of the vapor has a 20% chance of stunning any creature with a sense of hearing within a 15-foot radius, and a like chance for deafening any creature within the 15-foot radius that was not stunned. Stunning lasts for 2d4 rounds, plus an additional 244 rounds of deafness after stunning. Deafening lasts 2d6 rounds, The giant bombardier can fire its vapor cloud every third round, but not more often than twice in eight hours. Ecology: The bombardier action of this beetle is caused by the explosive mixture of two substances produced internally and then combined in a third organ. If a bombardier is killed before it has the opportunity to fire off both of its blasts, itis certainly possible to cut the creature open and retrieve these chemicals, The chemi- cals can then be combined to produce a small explosion, of to fice a projectile ifthe proper equipment is set up beforehand. ‘The chemicals also have value to an alchemist, who can use them in various preparations, These chemicals are worth 50 gp per dose

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