Course Outline Academic Year: 2020 - 2021 Course: Industrial Techniques (Grade 8) Teacher: Mr. K. Coke & Mr. B. Streete

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Course Outline

Academic year: 2020 - 2021

Course: Industrial Techniques (Grade 8)

Teacher: Mr. K. Coke & Mr. B. Streete

Email: [email protected] & [email protected]


September 1 (i) Types of workshop hazards: Class Activity
Types of workshop, worksite accidents and  Identify some common hazards
preventative procedures – falls and slippages, strains, on the school campus.
injuries caused by falling objects, improper use of  State steps to minimize hazards
machines, tools and equipment, inhalation of toxic
2 (f) Basic First Aid standards: H.W #1
(i) definitions - first aid, first aider;  Contents of a first a kit
(ii) First Aid kit station;  Fill out standard accident
(iii) treating of minor burns, electric shocks, wounds report form
and bleeding, abrasions, injuries to bone (strains,
(iv) practising recovery position and mouth-to-mouth
(v) procedures for reporting an accident and getting
(vi) preparing an accident report (use of standard
accident report forms).

October 3 Origin of materials Assign.#1

Structure of material o Company presentation on
Classification of materials different engineering materials
o Metals o Select material to make car
o Woods from

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o Plastics
o Aggregates
o Water and Gas
o Composites
o Smart materials
4 Construction and planning Class Activity
 Basic drafting and design  Produce design sketch for
 Simple sketches animated toy car.
o Pictorial sketches
o Orthographic projection

Nov- Dec 5 Engineering Fasteners o Select adhesive for project

o Adhesives
o Metal fasteners

January 6 Use of tools and equipment Class Activity

o Layout tools  Produce sketches of layout
o Measuring tools tools
o Cutting tools  Read graduated measuring
 Mark-out and cut-out chassis
February – 7 Performing bench work operations Assign #2
March (a) Safety guidelines, procedures and standards for  Presentation on different hand
simple projects using: tools
hand tools and holding devices:  Use hand tools
(i) vice;
(ii) files;
(iii) chisels;
(iv) hacksaws.
(v) hammers & Mallets
(vi) Punches
(vii) Screw drivers & Pliers

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April 8 Mechanical drive systems Class activity

o Simple machines  Analyze simple machines
 Machine devices  Assemble mechanical in
 Gears animated toy car
 Pulleys
 Belts
May 9 Sources of and use of energy Class activity
o Sources of energy  Connect circuit in series and
o Forms of energy parallel
o Conversion of energy  Solder connection
Mechanical, heat, sound, light, electrical and  Connect electrical system in car
chemical  Test car for racing completion
Electrical drive systems
o Basic components of a circuit
o Circuit configuration
o DC motors
o LED Lamps
June 10 Decoration and finish  Use artistic skills to decorate
 Use line and symmetry car.
 Forms and function  Racing competition
 Preparation of surfaces and materials
 Application and procedures
 Colour and lighting
 Aesthetics appreciation
July End of year exams

Assignments & Test -20% Project -10%

Presentations -10%
Final Examination - 60%

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Special Notes

 Students MUST be punctual at all times.

 Student’s involvement in discussions during each session is an important aspect of the course. All students should expect to fully participate in class
discussion and activities during all sessions.
 There are a number of reference texts and support materials used for this class. Each student is expected to read the assigned reading in full, before
the class, as stated on the outline.

1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes cover the assigned reading material.
2. There will be periodic tests over sections of material covered in class lectures, reading and assignments.
3. Assignments should be handed in on the specified due date. Failing to comply with the specified date will result in a fifty percent (50%) reduction in
the marks for each outstanding day. Assignments that are more than 2 days late will receive zero (0).
4. At the end of this module learners will be required to complete a written and/or oral and practical internal assessment to demonstrate competence.


1. ALL students are expected obtain their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’S) prior to practical classes.
2. The sharing and borrowing of PPE’S and tools will NOT be permitted.
3. Students will NOT be allowed to leave their PPE’S and tools in the labs.
4. All students are expected to clean their work area and tools after practical lesson.
5. Face shields are mandatory for practical classes.
6. Students will work in groups of Three (3) but individual reports MUST be submitted.


Any form of cheating is sufficient for an automatic zero. The facilitator is willing and available to help any student who seeks assistance. Cheating, dishonesty,
plagiarism, copying portions of another student’s assignment etc. are totally unaccepted. Assignments are given to aid in the development of competency and
acquisition of knowledge. Spend extra time to do your assignments with as little help from others as possible.


 Krar, S.F., Oswald, J.W. (1990). Technology of Machine Tools 4th edition, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Peoria, Illinois.

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 Sackey, J.K.N., Amoakoheme S.K. (1996). THE MOTIVATE SIRIES, Macmillan Publishers ltd.

Note: Dates are subject to change.

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