Qualitative Research - Module 1&2

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• Literally means to look for again, to explore a new, to investigate again, to study again, etc.
• Generally, research is to produce knowledge through inquiry and discovery. It is a “systematic
investigation designed to extend the knowledge of what is already known of the physical, biological,
or social world.”
• As a process, it is a systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical
information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable
methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines.
• As a field of discipline, is an investigation, study, exploration or probe on anything by applying
systematic or scientific methods in gathering data in order to provide answers to some questions or
problems that are aimed to improve the quality of life.
• Is a truth-seeking activity which contributes to knowledge, aimed at describing or explaining the
world, conducted, and governed by those with a high level of proficiency or expertise (Coryn, 2007).

Coryn (2007) extracted her definition into three parts and explained the essence of each part:
1. Research is truth-seeking, which refers to the search, or investigation, of or for a body or real things,
events, facts, or the explanation of them;
2. Research describes, which involves representing or giving an account of and explains which is about
giving reason for or cause of; both of which contribute to knowledge; and
3. Research is conducted and governed by those who have the requisite proficiency or expertise,
meaning research is conducted by one who is an expert in a branch of knowledge derived from
training or experience.

Differentiating the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Paradigms

A qualitative research is defined as “an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem
based on building a complex, holistic picture formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and
conducted in a natural setting.”
A quantitative research, on the other hand, is “an inquiry into a social or human problem based on
testing a theory composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analyzed with statistical procedures in
order to determine whether the predictive generalizations of the theory hold true.”

General Types of Research

1. Basic Research. The purpose of this research is to understand and explain, i.e. the research is
interested in formulating and testing theoretical construct and propositions that ideally generalize
across time and space. This type of research takes the form of a theory that explains the phenomenon
under investigation to give its contribution to knowledge.
2. Applied Research. The purpose of this research is to help people understand the nature of human
problems so that human beings can more effectively control their environment. In other words, this
type of research pursues potential solutions to human and societal problems.
3. Evaluation Research. (summative and formative): Studies the processes and outcomes aimed at
attempted solution. The purpose of formative research is to improve human intervention within
specific conditions, such as activities, time, and groups of people; the purpose of summative
evaluation is to judge the effectiveness of a program, policy, or product.
4. Action Research. This aims at solving specific problems within a program, organization, or community.
Why Research?
Because research…
1. Describes what is happening around us. Through this, we get to know what people think, what people
feel, and what people do.
2. It explains why things happen in certain ways. Through this, we get to understand different situations in
our lives and helps us identify the factors that hinder or facilitate why certain things fail.
3. It predicts what will happen. Through this, we get to caution ourselves in doing or not doing something;
it warns us not to pursue an action, and encourages us to continue a certain act, as well.
4. It evaluates what happened in our lives. It gives you an idea why things are not turning out the way
you wanted. It provides areas that you need to improve on in your program delivery.
5. It helps us solve problems. It provides us relevant data in order to determine why people are against a
certain government program. Through research, we can make necessary recommendations to
improve the government’s program to suit the needs of those who are affected by the program.
Matira, M.D. (2016). The Importance of Research in Our Daily Life. Practical Research for the 21st Century
Learners (Qualitative Research), pp. 3-8.

Melegrito, M.L.F. & Mendoza, D.J. (2016. Applied Research: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
and Report Writing, pp. 6-10.

Activity #1


What to do:

1. Surf the net on the latest findings in research on any topics related to your track/strands.
2. Get five most fascinating findings and classify them according to subject, in order of preference.
3. Discuss the importance of the research findings to the improvement of the quality of life.
4. Write your selected research findings, classification, and discussion below.


Quiz #1


I. Matching Type: Match the items in Column A with the items in Column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer in the space provided.

a. Aims at solving specific problems within a program,
1. Basic Research organization, or community.
b. Studies the processes and outcomes aimed at an
2. Applied Research attempted solution.
3. Evaluative c. Explains the phenomenon under investigationto give its
contribution to knowledge.
d. A systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and
control the observedphenomenon.
4. Action Research
e. Help people understand the nature of humanproblems
so that human beings can moreeffectively control their
5. Research environment.

II. Multiple Choice

Research was defined in different ways. Choose the letter of the correct answer as to how research
was defined in the following.
a. By Field of Discipline c. Literal Meaning
b. General Meaning d. By Process

III. Essay. Answer the question in three (3) sentences. 5 pts. Each
1-15. Research is important in our daily life. Why?
16-20. According to Coryn (2007), “research is a truth-seeking activity which contributes to
knowledge, aimed at describing or explaining the world, conducted, and governed by those with a
high level of proficiency or expertise.” Explain.


The following are the basic characteristics of a good research:
a. Empirical Research. Research is based on direct experiences or observation by the researcher;
b. Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles;
c. Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
You may refer to the discussion on the research process for a better understanding of this
d. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering data, whether historical,
descriptive, experimental or case study;
e. Critical. Research exhibits careful, and precise judgments;
f. Methodological. Research is conducted in a methodological manner without bias using systematic
method and procedures; and
g. Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the
researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive result.


With the above-mentioned characteristics of a good research, it follows that the researcher should
develop the following characteristics:
a. Intellectual Curiosity. A researcher undertakes a deep thinking and inquiry of the things and situations
around him;
b. Prudence. The researcher is careful to conduct his research study at the right time and at the right
place wisely, efficiently, and economically;
c. Healthy Criticism. The researcher is always doubtful as to truthfulness of the results;
d. Intellectual Honesty. An intelligent researcher is honest to collect or gather data or facts in order to
arrive at honest results; and
e. Intellectual Creativity. A productive and resourceful investigator always creates new researches.

The Research Process

Since research employs the scientific method, it follows the steps in scientific inquiry as you have learned
in your science classes, namely:
1. Defining the problem
2. Defining the hypothesis
3. Planning out the study to test the hypothesis
4. Defining the variables
5. Forming all operational definitions
6. Carrying out the study
7. Colleting all data
8. Interpreting the data
9. Presenting the data
10. Drawing the conclusions
11. Communicating the results
Since this is a process, it should follow one step after another, and you cannot go to the next stage unless
you are through with the first. The figure below is a better presentation of the process.

Communicati Defining the

ng the Results Problem

Drawing the Defining the

Conclusions Hypothesis

Presenting the Planning the

data Study to Test

Defining the
the data

Collecting all
Forming all
Carrying out
the Study

It must be understood that for a qualitative research, steps 2 (defining the hypothesis) and 3 (planning
out the study to test the hypothesis) are not an integral part. Planning out the study will be included but not to
test hypothesis but for the purpose as may be indicated in your objectives.

Ethics should be applied in all stages of research from the planning, to gathering of data, to the analysis
and interpretation, and in the evaluation (oral examination) of the research.
To ensure this, the following must be strictly observed:
1. Researchers should avoid any risk of considerably harming people, the environment, or property
unnecessarily. They should desist from subjecting persons to any experiment or research procedure
that is known before hand to cause harm, stress, or pain with no overwhelming benefit.
2. Researchers must not use deception on people participating.
3. Researchers must obtain informed consent from all involved in the study. Informed consent means the
knowing consent of an individual without undue inducement or any element of force, fraud, pressure,
or any other form of constraint or coercion. Sufficient information must be presented (in
understandable language) so that the potential subject can make an informed judgment about
participation. Making a n informed decision about participating in research includes having an
understanding of the possible risks and benefits to their involvement and knowing absolutely that they
do not have to volunteer and can withdraw at any time. Informed consent documentation is required
whenever there are human participants involved in research. wherever necessary, informed consent
documents should be modified based on the research being conducted. Informed consent
documentation should be developed in conjunction with the research ethics protocol.
4. Researchers must preserve privacy and confidentiality whenever possible by not using or releasing
data and information revealed to them in confidence.
5. Researchers must take special precautions when involving populations or animals which may be
considered to understand fully the purpose of the study.
6. Researchers must not plagiarize the work of others, that is, not to present portions of another’s report
or data as their own, even if the other work or data source is cited occasionally, and give proper
acknowledgement and credit to resource/funding sources of their research.
7. Grant and limit authorship to those who made a significant contribution to the research endeavor.
8. Ensure that research results are accessible to the public once the research is concluded or as soon is
9. Researchers must not twist their conclusions based on funding.
10. Researchers must not falsify research, thus, ensure that accuracy of all data they have gathered
and/or used in their research.
11. Researchers must ensure that only the correct data, information, and research results shall be reported
in journals, conferences, and reports to clients in case of commissioned research.
12. Respect the confidentiality and proprietary rights of peers, colleagues, and students whose material
are reviewed for publication, presentation, or funding by a grant.
13. Respect cultural, individual, and role differences among research participants and consumers,
including those based on age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, disability,
language, or socio-economic status.


1. Beneficence or the avoidance of harm- researchers ought to seek to do good rather than harm.
2. Veracity or the avoidance of deception- researchers ought to tell the truth and keep promises.
3. Privacy or autonomy- individuals have the privacy to information about themselves.
4. Confidentiality-closely related to the notion of privacy, the right to control the use of information
about themselves.
5. Consent- the notion of informed consent is often recommended as an operational principle for the
conduct of research.
Matira, M.D. (2016). Practical Research for the 21st Century Learners (Qualitative Research), pp. 9-18.

Melegrito, M.L.F. & Mendoza, D.J. (2016. Applied Research: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods
and Report Writing, pp. 33-38.

Activity #2
What to do:
a. Write a convincing letter addressed to your prospective respondents soliciting an informed consent to
assure them that their right to privacy will be respected. Write your letter in the space provided. (10 or
more sentences)
b. This is a fact. That students enrolled in programs that require a thesis are not able to graduate in due
time. This has been attributed to the fact that they have not developed the qualities needed by a
researcher. Below, write another letter advising them on what to do in order to be able to successfully
finish their research. Be sure to include the characteristics of a researcher, a good research, and their
research process. (15-20 sentences)
c. Explain whether or not the following situations violated the Ethics of research. (2 pts each)
1. A movie reporter interviewed a movie star and published on a magazine every detail of the past five
relationships the latter had without her consent.
2. A group of five students were assigned a topic for research. Two did the assignment and the rest
financed all expenses

3. A group of researchers had a case study of a philandering husband. They revealed the name of the
man in their report, including pictures with the other woman.

4. Christine Grace was very careful in citing her references in her research report by making sure that all
authors were acknowledged in every citation.

5. In the final research report, Deo’s name was included by his friends even if he did not contribute
anything to the accomplishment of the task.

Quiz #2
I. Identification.
A. Identify the ethical principle that is described each of the following items. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and write it on the space provided.
A. Beneficence
B. Confidentiality
C. Consent
D. Privacy
E. Veracity
__________1. Individuals have a right to limit access to information about themselves.
__________2. Includes quoting directly without acknowledging the sources, paraphrasing without
acknowledging the source.
__________3. Closely related to the notion of privacy, the right to control the use of information about
__________4. Failing to signal the presence of a quotation skillfully leading to confusion.
__________5. When subjects are not competent to agree, they obtain consent through this manner.

B. Identify which of the following characteristics of a good researcher is described below. Choose the
letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided.
A. Intellectual Curiosity
B. Prudence
C. Healthy Criticism
D. Intellectual Honesty
E. Intellectual Creativity

__________6. A productive and resourceful investigator always creates new researches.

__________7. A researcher undertakes a deep thinking and inquiry of the things and situations around
__________8. An intelligent researcher is honest to collect or gather data or facts in order to arrive at
honest results.
__________9. The researcher is always doubtful as to truthfulness of the results.
__________10. The researcher is careful to conduct his research study at the right time and at the right
place wisely, efficiently, and economically.

II. Write √ if the statement follows the ethical standards of research and X if not.
__________11. Grant and limit authorship to those who made a significant contribution to the research
endeavor including those who funded the research.
__________12. Researchers must use deception on people participating to gathered desired data.
__________13. Researchers must not falsify research, thus, ensure that accuracy of all data they have
gathered and/or used in their research.
__________14. Researchers must own the work of others.
__________15. Researchers must not twist their conclusions based on funding.
__________16. Researchers must obtain informed consent from all involved in the study.
__________17. Researchers must ignore privacy and confidentiality whenever possible by not using or
releasing data and information revealed to them in confidence.
__________18. Researchers must take special precautions when involving populations or animals which
may be considered to understand fully the purpose of the study.
__________19. Researchers should not desist from subjecting persons to any experiment or research
procedure that is known to cause harm, stress, or pain with no overwhelming benefit.
__________20. Respect the confidentiality and proprietary rights of peers, colleagues, and students
whose material are reviewed for publication, presentation, or funding by a grant.

III. Essay. Answer the following question in three (3) sentences. 5 pts.
21-25. Research follow one step after another, and you cannot go to the next stage unless you are
through with the first. Why?

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