Call Management Protocol (General)

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Over-Phone Interpretation (OPI)

Call Management Protocols

Call Guidelines

MUST BE Said exactly as it is

Call Opening
Hello, this is your (Language) Interpreter, (First Name) (ID #), is your client (LEP) present?
If (Yes), Interpreter will notify the client as If (No), Interpreter will notify the client as follows:
How may I help you?

I will proceed to greet your client and explain the


)I will be interpreting everything that is said; All

information discussed will be kept confidential; &
to guarantee quality, please speak in short and
clear phrases)
then (translate to Target)
Call Closure: By reaching the end of an interpretation session, Interpreter MUST check if the Client
still needs the interpretation service
by the end of session, Interpreter will ask:
Will you require my services any further?

If Client says (NO), then Interpreter will MUST say COMPLETLY the following:
Thank you for calling, this is your (Language) Interpreter (First name) ID # ______, Signing off

**the above verbatim MUST be said as it is with no replacing or alternating words!

At first here’s few fundamentals for the interpreter while intervening:
1- the interpreter must identify him self each time he starts taking by saying “This is the
2- The interpreter always keep the Client informed of every detail related to the session subject as
long as it is relevant to the subject matter.
3- The interpreter must ALWAYS provide a justification or reason for all interventions, such as line
cut off, static etc.

During the entire Interpretation session, it is expected that the interpreter’s will only use the role of a
(Conduit) -message converter-
Unless, there is a reason for intervention which will require the interpreter to change his role to become
a (Clarifier) or a (Cultural Broker); and here the most common…

1- Clarifications& Repetition:
Case#1: the interpreter missed or dropped a short statement no more 3 or 4 words such as name, ph.,
Address, one term or name.
If Client was the speaker: If LEP was the speaker:
“This is the Interpreter, would you please confirm First:
(……...), thank you.” Confirm immediately in the LEPs native
language, the information that’s needed.

Second: notify the Client of the reason of

(to be said in English)
“This is your interpreter I quickly confirmed
(zip, num., etc.)” with your client and here is
your rendition.”

Case#2: the interpreter missed or dropped a longer statement.

If Client was the speaker: If LEP was the speaker:
“This is the Interpreter, kindly clarify/repeat the First: Request permission form the Client…
(……) to ensure accuracy of interpretation.” “This is the Interpreter, may I ask your client
to repeat?”
(to be said in English)

Second: ask LEP to clarify/repeat…

This is the Interpreter, kindly clarify/repeat the
(……) to ensure accuracy of interpretation.
(translate to Target)

2- Too Much Information:
in case the interpreter noticed that the speaker is providing more information than he can render in a
statement, the interpreter needs to intervene; by waiting for a natural pause or break in the speech
If Client is the speaker: If LEP is the speaker:
This is the Interpreter, for accuracy purposes, I’m First:
only able to manage limited amount of This is the Interpreter, for accuracy
information, so kindly pause frequently! purposes, I’m only able to manage limited
may I interpret information given so far. amount of information, so kindly pause
may I interpret information given so far.
(translate to Target)

Second: notify the Client of the reason of

(to be said in English)
This is the Interpreter, I have advised your
client (LEP) to provide limited amount of
information for accuracy purposes and to
pause frequently; here is the rendition.

** When requesting a moment from the LEP it’s always good to refer to them by name as to get their attention

3- Not understanding a repeated information:

Whenever the interpreter runs into the wall of having to repeat the same information at least 2 to 3
times, and such said information doesn’t seem to be getting through.

If Client is unable to understand and confused If LEP is unable to understand and confused
information doesn’t seem to be getting through information doesn’t seem to be getting through
to the Client and seems like LEP is not aware of to the LEP and seems like client is not aware of
this or not explaining themselves clearly, notify this, notify the client
the client. (to be said in English)
(to be said in English) "This is your interpreter, seems like your
"This is your interpreter, your client (LEP) client (LEP) is not understanding clearly
doesn’t seem to clearly express their what’s being stated, do I have your
concern or point, would you like me to permission to explain in simpler terms or
confirm with them?" break it down for them?”

** Explain to client the explanation prior to rendering.

4- “Voice is not coming in clear”:

in case while speaking there was an audio issues or any other reason that prevents interpreter from
hearing the statement, wait for a natural pause
If the problem is with Client: If the problem is with LEP:
This is the Interpreter, I apologize for the First: politely interrupt the LEP in their native
interruption but (why: static, echo, noise, etc.), language
would you kindly (possible solution: speak up,
adjust microphone...etc.) and repeat" then proceed to notify Client:

"This is your interpreter, I politely interrupted

your client as he/she was (why: static, echo,
noise, etc.), may i ask him/her to (possible
solution: speak up, adjust their phone...etc.)
and repeat?

Second: ask LEP:

This is the Interpreter, I apologize for the

interruption but (why: static, echo, noise, etc.),
would you kindly (possible solution: speak up,
adjust microphone...etc.) and repeat"

5- “What is your opinion”:

When Interpreter’s opinion is being requested (anything not being a life or death matter)
If Client requested: If LEP requested:
This is your Interpreter, please be advised that due First: This is your Interpreter, please be
to Company policy, I am not permitted to express advised that due to Company policy, I am not
personal opinions, I can only interpret what is being permitted to express personal opinions, I can
said within this call. only interpret what is being said within this call.
(translate to Target)

Second: notify the Client with the incident in

case it was related to subject matter.

6- “Don’t interpret this”:
when interpreter is requested not to interpret something (other than a mistake that’s being rephrased)
If Client requested: If LEP requested:
This is the Interpreter, please be advised that First:
due to company policies, I must interpret This is the Interpreter, please be advised that
everything that is said within this call. due to company policies, I must interpret
everything that is said within this call.
(translate to Target)

Second: notify the Client:

(to be said in English)
This is the Interpreter, please be advised that
your client has requested that I do not
interpret what he/she is saying, so I have
explained that due to company policy
everything must be interpreted. Here’s the

*** If client or LEP are speaking to themselves or a third party outside of the conversation the interpreter does not need to

7- “LEP can speak English”:

Regardless of the situations in which either of the parties may demonstrate to understand one another
or start communicating in the other party’s language, the interpreter must not remain silent and
Advice the Client with the following:
This is your interpreter. To preserve the efficiency of the communication and assure the
accuracy and completeness of the interpretation, may I ask your Client to please allow me to
interpret your statements before he/she replies?”
(to be said in English)

This is your interpreter. Your Client appears to understand your statements and/or to be
fluent in English. Would you like to confirm with your Client if he/she requires my assistance?

(to be said in English)

**After 3rd notice, The Interpreter will be waiting for instructions by the Client, either to disqualify or remain silent until
his interference is needed.
** If client or LEP are speaking to themselves or a third party outside of the conversation the interpreter does not need
to interpret.

8- Interruption: When Interpreter is interrupted during session
If Client Interrupted for: If LEP Interrupted for:
1st time: 1st time:
This is your Interpreter, kindly allow a This is your Interpreter, kindly allow a
moment so I can interpret your full moment so I can interpret your full
statements to your client (LEP) for accuracy statements to your client (LEP) for
purposes. accuracy purposes.
(translate to Target)
2nd time:
This is your Interpreter, please be advise Then Interpreter will then notify Client:
that continued interruptions may lead to (to be said in English)
wrong interpretation. This is the Interpreter, please be advised
that I have notified your client to pause
3rd time: interruption to ensure that the message
This is your Interpreter, I do apologize yet it is correctly interpreted
seems that I am unable to continue
interpreting due to the constant 2nd time:
interruption, please be advised that we This is your Interpreter, please be
cannot continue the call if this will be the advise that continued interruptions may
session’s style of communication. lead to wrong interpretation.
(translate to Target)

Then Interpreter will then notify Client:

(to be said in English)
This is the Interpreter, please be
advised that your client (LEP) is
persistent in interrupting, which may
lead to wrong interpretation

3rd time:
This is your Interpreter, I do apologize
yet it seems that I am unable to
continue interpreting due to the
constant interruption, please be
advised that we cannot continue the
call if this will be the session’s style of
(translate to Target)

Then Interpreter will then notify Client:

(to be said in English)
This is the Interpreter, please be
advised that your client (LEP) is still
persistent in interrupting, which is
affecting the quality of interpretation

**After 3rd notice, The Interpreter will be waiting for instructions by the Client, either to disqualify or proceed.

9- Hold-Time:
If the interpreter is asked to hold on the line by the Client for an undisclosed amount of time, the
interpreter is to acknowledge and hold.
First: The interpreter will acknowledge the client and hold.

After 10 minutes hold time the interpreter should state in English:
Do I have (name of the rep) on the line?
(to be said in English)

If no response, wait for 3 seconds and then ask again.

Do I have (name of the client) on the line?
(to be said in English)

If no response, wait for another 3 seconds then, state the following in English:
This is the Interpreter, I would like to advise, that in order to avoid overbilling due to a
long hold, at this moment I will have to disconnect from the line. I will now brief your
client then proceed to disconnect.
(to be said in English)

Then interpreter will explain action to the LEP:

This is your Interpreter. I will have to disconnect from the call, please continue to wait
and a new interpreter will be brought on to the line to assist you
(translate to Target)

Then proceed with regular closing:

This is your (Language) interpreter, (Name), I.D. (No.), signing off.

Important Tips:
- Interpreter who uses this protocol needs to log the incident and report to his direct manager.
- The interpreter may hold for longer if client specifies hold time.
- If client returns to the line hold time resets.
- This 10-minute hold rule is applicable when client does not disclose the amount of time they want
the interpreter to hold and client doesn’t seem to be returning to the line.
- If LEP engages Interpreter in side-conversation during hold, politely explain that due to company
policies the interpreter may not engage or assist during hold.

10- Side Conversations:
If on hold with the LEP engages the interpreter in side-conversation,
First: notify the LEP:
This is your interpreter, due to company policies, the interpreter may not engage in personal
conversation, please continue to hold
(translate to Target)

Second: When client is back on the line, Interpreter will report the situation stating the following:

This is your interpreter, while on hold your client attempted to engage in conversation, the
interpreter advised that this is against company policies and requested for your client please
continue to hold.
(to be said in English)

11- Client seem to have dropped from the line:

Call comes in and only LEP is on the line

First: notify the LEP:

This your Interpreter, I will verify if the representative is still on the line.

Second: proceed to verify the Client status:

This is your interpreter; do we have (clients name or the English-speaking
representative) on the line?”
(to be said in English)

Third: notify the LEP:

I’m currently unable to hear the representative on the line, let’s allow a few moments,
in case they are experiencing a technical Issues.
(translate to Target)

Forth: Allow a period of 1 to 2 minutes and then state the following:

This is the Interpreter, as there has been no response, I’ll instruct your client of a
possible dis-connect and request them to call back.
(to be said in English)

Fifth: notify the LEP:

This is your interpreter, it appears the representative is no longer with us, I strongly
advise you to dial again. I apologize for this inconvenience.
(translate to Target)

Then proceed with regular closing:

This is the (Language) interpreter, (Name), (I.D.), signing off.
(to be said in English)

12- Profanity & Hate speech:
If Client did If LEP did
This is the Interpreter, please be advised that I First: Interpreter will notify Client as follows:
cannot be a part of such forms of speech, further This is the Interpreter, please be advised
usage of such will result in ending our session that I cannot interpret what was said by
your client as I cannot be a part of such
forms of discussions

Second: If Client asked for the reason:

This is the Interpreter, Your Client has
used Hate speech, do you wish that I
interpret it as well?
**in case of reoccurrence, The Interpreter will be waiting for instructions by the Client, either to disqualify or proceed.
13- Disqualifying
This is the Interpreter; unfortunately I have to disqualify myself from this call due to (reason), there for we
recommend dialing our customer services again when possible to maintain the quality of the service.

Disqualifying case (Wrong Language)

If the client calls and ask for different language

● In case you cannot transfer the client over:

To the client:
“This is your (language) interpreter, It seems that the gentleman / lady does
not speak (language) , but language #2 . Unfortunately I cannot transfer
you over, since I do not have the system for that. I am sorry for the
Inconvenience. Please call back to get the correct language interpreter.”
Then provide closing statement.

● In case you can transfer the client over:

To the client:
“This is your (language) interpreter, It seems that the gentleman / lady does
not speak (language) , but language #2 . I can transfer you over so that you
can get the correct language interpreter. May I proceed with the transfer?”
Once they approve you provide the following closing statement:
"Thank you for calling, this is your (language) interpreter (name) (ID),transferring you now” and
proceed with the transference.

Important Tips:
- Interpreter who uses this protocol needs to log the incident and report to his direct manager.
- Interpreter may receive an out of scoop call such as Legal calls.
- If a client needs additional service or different language from what you can provide, please always
try transferring to Agent, as the button will always be available, if not, please report in a ticket so
we may review the cause.
- Please always report to his direct manager with a screenshot of the issue and browser
information, also note job number, this helps expedite resolution.

- In the case of having irremediable issues that prevent the interpreter from assisting with dialing
out or transferring back to an agent, interpreters should avoid asking clients to call back.

- "I apologize for the inconvenience. At this time, I will release myself from the line for you to receive
further assistance, you should hear a prompt saying press “0” for an operator and once you do
that, you will be connected back to our agent who will gladly assist you further". The interpreter
should, of course, hang up and the system will do the rest, the client should just listen for the
prompts to get back to an operator.

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