531 - 1 - Outcomes. Beginner - Student's - Book - 2019,2ed, 147p - p002

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Citrate tea + Introduce yoursel and otter people Understand simple questions with be “answer questions with ane or twa words use numbers to say prices and times order in a coffee shor say the over is wrong askcand say where youlive ask about someone's ois ‘a abut people you know Lnderstand a meri say What you tke [dont tke ‘answer a walter ancl ofder food VIDEO 1; People page 22 REVIEW 4: page 23 eek iiow tings are = fespund to good and bad news + Use acjentves te deserne things asc and talk about tings people have Ask someone te repeat WHEREAND = cesueso~ WHEN? oe escrcas ‘ele abou place antl say whats there understancisimple clrections page 32 VIDEO 2: Moming page 40 REVIEW 2: pagest + tak about good places to go + say how to getto places + talk aboutjoumeys + buy train tickets ask about and say your plans + say Where ahd wien to meet page 42 say there's a problem say don't womy and that's OK “ackhow something was ‘check in to 4 hotel talk about your stay ask what people dd = AWAY FROM HOME page 50 VIDEO 3: Ancient land page 58 REVIEWS: page 59 i

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