60 62 04 U143 103 TP018

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KIPIC ZOR Project Goating Inspection Recors POBSBZOR-0051-0-903, Kose, 14-As fre No 60-62-04-U149-100-TP01@ [Teg Desninion: ABOVE GROUND VISUAL TEST = Sub System No 6042-04-0743-103 __ fub-Sytom Doser Water Sytem -LP Guan Cond (CL)-Pumpea a2 “WP 67NDASMA bon. L9X R—Di-£n-K 206 Piseitine: Pong FTP Ref. No. OSENOR- 951-47 % Core Bubeont. No: K205 [Doser Utes Arco frep. Request No are EFF lorena Zoe Atjached DRM pee no: POss8Z0R-62-00-1027 Tere of one Description of Activities inspection Rest | ermarks Ping fcceot | Reet [NA Structural Steel [| | Coating by approved manulacturer oa Equipment 2 Riwtarsjeparalon SSPCLSP vain a [Tenk xeon 2, uae dye from condensation ban G60 |[ Tank interior 4. Paint mixed, thinned and applied In camera manufacturer epoce Inonor Er & Conerete surfaces dry end prepared per specication ‘(wie 2. Punern oooniance wit specioabon to Penthh 4799 Object Location] [7 Gualy ain plang of mesh etree ie Outdoors 8. Quality and application ofthe fireproofing material N/B Indoors: 9. Intermediate coats acceptable 4 = Pat G86 I 10-Finish coats acceptable Yo as Pri F241 OR TE WED TAU 7a wi Gonditons aw | em | [aw | pw | [aw | em | [am | pm | | am | pa | | amt | eo | nasa, [$7] £07] | 4e7) 507 A aso “rbot 5 >a remperuce KFe| 40 || lay: [2 Dew Point [G0 [Joo I ey [ep Te Te Tee Batch Brand name Pant a Goat | Suess | popicatin Method | DFT Average i Pan | Pa hesil Foo [Ogosven|gnoteysy 1 | oy os wn fowl Barus A/a | 2 | Ave % 94 ciybe [Biaizigs| Ne | sy e ‘pe [2@ Ook Devcon Babeonteco conver onany me WaHARAIRN \ Ne Mammen i. ‘Signature tn Wa wv | a | ate [Y= Tome Jeta 15 04 aaa | EB ANCA ANNA 362-296879 Page tr

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