The Punjab School: Admission To Class Iv
The Punjab School: Admission To Class Iv
The Punjab School: Admission To Class Iv
This is for the information of the parents that a few vacancies for admission to the class
arise due to transfers and postings of their parents to other cities or for some other personal
reasons. These are purely merit-based admissions.
Admission to these vacancies are finalized on the basis of the results of the written
examination in the subjects of English, Urdu & Mathematics and a subsequent interview. An oral
test for Quran is conducted separately.
Syllabi for the written examination is given below:
Grammar: Noun, Proper and Common nouns, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb and Forms of
verbs, Adverb, Auxiliary Verbs, Preposition, genders (Masculine and Feminine), Punctuation
Composition: Paragraph Writing (Descriptive e.g. My Best Friend, My Teacher, My Parents etc.)
(10 sentences),
Application (Formal e.g. Sick Leave etc. ), Sentence making, Spelling(missing letters), Reading
Comprehension ( Q/Ans, MCQs etc.), Tenses (Translation from Urdu into English): Present, Past
and Future Continuous).
Identify the place value of number up to 100,000, Comparing and ordering number, Read &
write numbers up to 100,000, Addition & subtraction of 5 digit numbers, Multiplying 5 digit
numbers by 3 digit, Dividing 4 digit number by 2 digit, Number patterns, Divisibility Tests (2, 3,
5, 10), Prime and composite numbers, Prime factorization, Fractions & its types, Addition,
subtraction, Multiplication & Division of Fractions.
ِ رحو، اافلظ اضتمد، ومنث، ذمرک،عمج، اافلظ اعمين *ادتبايئ رگارم وادح، ےلمج، امال
، امس تفص،امس رعمہف، لعف يک ااسقم( رامےن ےک احلظ ےس) امس رکنہ، اافلظ رتمادف،ف اجر
اہکين مثال ےک وطر رپ (ویچیٹن اور،)ؐ ایپرے یبن، ریمے وادلنی، ) * ومضمن مثال ےک وطر رپ(ریما دوست100 تا1( : دعدی یتنگ/ * یظفل، وعفمل رومرِاواقف، افلع، لعف
ميهفتِ ابعرت، اکمہمل، طخ، دروخاست،) ایپسا وکا، اوگنر ھٹے ںیہ،افہتخ
دجسم ںیم دالخ وہےن، حبص وسام يک داع: وسرہ ارصعلتارتہمج* داع ںيئ، * امنر لمکم تارتہمج*وسرہ اخالص،11 تا1 اخمرج، 18 ،17 قبس ربمن: * ا سان وجتتد12 تا7 تارہ ربمن
اامسء ینسحٰ تارتہمج،اور تاہر نکلٹے يک ُداع
A list of successful candidates is displayed on the notice board in their respective wings.
The parents have to collect information sheets, book list, syllabi etc along with the prescribed
Admission Form from the relevant Wing Office. Correctly filled in Admission Form duly signed by
the Wing Head, accompanied with the dues, is submitted in the Fee Section.
Only after the observance of the above-mentioned formalities a student, correctly attired in
prescribed. School Uniform and possessing the relevant books and stationery, is eligible to sit in
the class.
Note: Model Question papers are enclosed. Please note that prescribed topics are purely
guidelines. Marks allocation and nature of questions in actual papers may vary in any subject
Time: 1 hour 30 Min Marks: 75
Note: Use this question paper to write the answers of the following questions. No mark will
be awarded for cutting or over writing. This paper must be tagged with the Answer Sheet.
Q1: Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. 10
"Rahim was a poor fisherman. He lived on the bank of a stream that flows into the River
Chenab. When the sunlight shone on the water, the stream looked like a thin, golden ribbon.
So people called it the Golden River. One day Rahim went off fishing, he pulled the net to the
bank and found a beautiful, golden fish inside. To his surprise, the fish spoke to him. "Throw
me back into the water". It said again, "Please throw me back. If I lie in the hot sun, I will die."
Answer the questions:
1. Where does the stream flow?
The children were sharing their holiday plans with their teacher, Miss Lee. One boy told her
Q5: Write an application for attending the wedding ceremony of your brother/sister.10
(a) smelly
(b) woodcutter
(c) feel
(d) basket
(e) foolish
5 Mixed
i is a ____________ fraction Improper Proper Like
8 number
v Ninety- two thousand and forty is __________ 9 240 92 040 92 400 90 240
1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 9, 1, 2, 4, 8,
viii Factors of 12
6 12 12 12 12
3 1
i _____________________________
10 10
iii 1
3 is written in improper fraction as __________________________________
iv 320 × 60 = ______________________
v 7290 ÷ 9 = ________________________
iii 27 is a multiple of 7.
v 592 is divisible by 2.
vi 477 ÷ 3 = 159
NOTE: Write your Name, Section and Roll Number in space given above. Use of ink remover and lead
pencil is not allowed. No mark will be awarded for cutting or overwriting. Do working where necessary.
Q4. Attempt all questions
i. Write in words 8 3 5 0 0. /10 /22
9 2
vii. Subtract:
13 13
viii. Divide 445 students in to 5 equal groups.
ix. Circle the numbers divisible by 5 and tick the numbers divisible by 2.
(b) If the weight of 5 packets of dates is 4 kg , then what is weight of 1 packet of dates?
(b) Saba’s Mother bought 164 packets of biscuits. There were 20 biscuits in a packet. How many
biscuits were there altogether?
دی اجنپت ا وکسل
امدل رپیپ نراےئ داہلخ امجعت اہچرم
رپہچ اردو
لک ربمن 75 وقث :اتک ھنثا سیت ٹنم
لک لن
5 وسا مبر1۔ افل:۔ دنمرہج دلی اافلظ ےک اعمين ھٹے۔
ااجید:۔۔۔۔۔۔ دہع:۔۔۔۔۔۔
5 ت۔ درج دلی اافلظ ںیم وادح ےک عمج اور عمج ےک وادح ھٹے۔
عمج وادح اافلظ رسلی
لمع 1
کلم 2
رجتہب 3
اقترری 4
اظنرے 5
5 ج۔ اافلظ ےک اضتمد ھٹے۔ (وکيئ ےس تاچن)
یتنحم:۔۔۔۔۔۔ حبص:۔۔۔۔۔۔
5 د۔ دعدی یتنگ ھٹے۔
۱۔ ریما ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔نیپ رخات ےہ۔ (الہپ ،دورسا)
۲۔ امجعت ںیم ریما ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔رول ربمن ےہ۔ (ونںی ،ونان)
۳۔ اس یلگ ںیم اک ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔رھگ ریما ےہ۔ (ساوتان ،ساوتںی)
۴۔ ںیم ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔امجعت ںیم ڑپاتھ وہن۔ (وچاھت ،وچیھت)
۵۔ ریمی امجعت ںیم ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔وپرنشی ا يئ۔ (رسیتا ،رسیتی)
6 درج دلی ولمجن ںیم ےس لعف ،افلع اور وعفمل اگل ےیجیک۔ ہ۔
۲۔ لیب اچرا اھکراہ ےہ۔ ۱۔ داایک طخ التا ےہ۔
وعفمل افلع لعف
۱۔ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ۱۔ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ۱۔ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
۲۔ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ۲۔ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ۲۔ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
4 وسال ربمن۲۔ افل:۔ درج دلی ولمجن وک وساہیل ولمجن ںیم دبتلی ےیجیک۔
س۔ 1ا ج تارہ ےجب یٹھچ وہیگ۔
س 2یلع الوہر رہش ںیم راتہ ےہ۔
5 وسال ربمن ۳۔ دنمرہج دلی رحوف وکولمجن ںیم اامعتسل ےیجیک۔
ےس ،تک ،رپ ،ںیم ،اورپ
لک لن
10 وسا مبر ۴۔ "امہرے ایپرے یبنؐ"ونعان ےک تحت ومضمن ھٹے۔
10 وسا مبر:۵مظن /ابعرت ڑپھ رک وساالت ےک وجاتات دےیجی۔ (تادتدہ)
لبلب اھت وکيئ اداس اھٹیب رجش يک اہنت ینہٹ ہپ یسک
اُر ےن ےنگچ ںیم دِن زگارا اتہک اھت ہک رات رس ہپ ا يئ
ہر زیچ ہپ اھچ ایگ ادنھبرا وچنہپ ن سک رطج ا ایشن تک
ونگج وک يئ تاس یہ ےس وبال نس رک لبلب يک ا ہ و راری
ڑیکا وہن ارگہچ ںیم درا سا احرض وہن دمد وک اجن ودل ےس
ںیم راہ ںیم روینش رکون اگ ایک مغ ےہ وج رات ےہ ادنھبری
اکمچ ےک ےھجم دتا انبتا اہلل ےن دی ےہ ھجم وک لعشم
ا ےت ںیہ وج اکم د ورسون ےک ںیہ ولگ ویہ اہجن ںیم اےھچ
س۳۔ وکن ےس ولگ اےھچ وہےت ںیہ؟ س۲۔ لبلب ویکن اداس اھت؟ س۱۔ لبلب اہکن اھٹیب اھت؟
س۵۔ ونعان وجتنر ےیجیک۔ س۴۔ ایک ا ت ےن یھبک یسک يک دمد يک ےہ؟ لیصفت ےس ھٹے۔
10 وسال ربمن ۶۔ امال
10 وسال ربمن ۷۔ دروخاست مث ًال۔ اےنپ اوکسل ےک رپلپسن ےک تام رضوری اکم ےک ےیل دروخاست ھٹے۔ (تادتدہ)