STD-02-0860 Rev 5.0 Part Cleanliness Standard

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The key takeaways are that this standard defines cleanliness requirements for engine components to avoid contamination impairing product quality and causing operational problems. It establishes cleanliness classes based on particle mass and size and requires documentation of inspection results.

The purpose of this standard is to define cleanliness requirements for 'installation-ready' components to ensure cleanliness does not cause damage or reliability issues when components are used in engines.

The standard defines six cleanliness classes based on the total particle mass in milligrams per 1000 square centimeters, ranging from class 1 with no limit to class 5 allowing up to 200mg/1000cm^2. It also defines cleanliness based on particle quantity and size.

Quality Management System STD-02-0860

Part Cleanliness Standard Rev: 5.0

Document Revision Chart

#.# Section Modified and Revision Description Date Author

3.0 - 08/05/09 R. Mrazek
Converted to DP format; Clarified titles of Tables 1 to 3; 04/01/16 A. Eyers / W.
Updated 4.6 and reference (7.0 and where applicable) Chen
4.1 Removed STD-05-0852 (obsolete) from 4.4.2 and 7.1 10/05/16 W. Chen
5.0 Combined into Global Spec & Converted to INNIO format 02/26/19 S. Johnson

1.0 Purpose

This standard is intended to define cleanliness requirements for "installation-ready"

components. Cleanliness of components is directly related to damage when running
in engines and to long-term reliability. Contamination of components by residual and
manufacturing particles impairs product quality, can cause serious operational
problems up to and including the total failure of the end-product, and must therefore
be avoided.

Procedure ☐ Work Instruction ☐ Training or other ☒

2.0 Scope Definition

This standard applies to all engine ready components, where the relevant
requirements are stated in the specification, and replaces all other cleanliness
requirements. In the event of a conflict between this standard and any references
cited, this standard shall take precedence. This standard does not apply to cast
blanks or in-process components. Parts as purchased shall meet the visual
cleanliness of JWN 890110 / P23E-AL-0255 and residual magnetism requirements of
STD-02-0864 or associated RAIP.

3.0 Definitions

Abrasive An inorganic material that within normal engine service

can cut, scratch or cause abrasive wear of other metallic
engine parts. Includes materials such as steel chips,
sand, aluminum oxide, aluminum, shot, cast iron, steel
bristles, etc.
Critical Any surface of a component necessary for observing a
surface/Significant specified degree of cleanliness. Depending on the
Surface component, this can be either the entire surface or only
individual areas of the component surface.

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Quality Management System STD-02-0860
Part Cleanliness Standard Rev: 5.0

Extraction Procedure in which particulate residues are detached

from the test piece
using an extraction fluid.
Graphite Smears Black residue from graphite flakes found on the surface
of cast iron which continues to leech after several
cleaning cycles.
Installation- A component that, when fitted in a Waukesha gas
ready/Engine Ready engine product, meets the cleanliness standard without
any further work. A part, which can be removed from its
packaging, meets this cleanliness standard, with only a
wipe with a clean cloth to remove rust preventative
residue and be assembled into an engine.
Metallic Includes inorganic materials such as iron, steel, brass,
copper, etc.
Particle mass Measured by gravimetric analysis: Measurement of the
contamination mass extracted from a fluid or component.
Particle size Geometric feature of a particle, as laid down in the
cleanliness specification. If not specified, the particle size
is the same as its longest dimension (Feretmax).
Visual Cleanliness Free of abrasive debris or adhesive wear observable
without any optical correction beyond 20/20 corrective

Acronym Meaning
None None

4.0 Procedure/Requirements

4.1 Definition of the cleanliness class:

Table 1: Cleanliness degree for mass – relevant for all dirt contamination
Total particle mass (mg / 1000 cm2)
DP cleanliness class All sizes inclusive of the residual dirt mass
1 n/a
2 5
3 20
4 50
5 200
6 N/A

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Part Cleanliness Standard Rev: 5.0

Table 2: Cleanliness degree for particle quantity and size – only relevant for metallic
Particle size (number of particles / 1000 cm2)
Class E F G H I J K L M
as per
Size 50≤ x 100≤ 150≤ 200≤ 400≤ 600≤ 1,000≤ 1,500≤ x
Class <100 x x x x x x x ≥2,000
[μm] <150 <200 <400 <600 <1,000 <1,500 <2,000
Cleanlin 1 Class 1: see Table 3
ess no no
Class 2 100 20 3 0 0 0 0
limit limit
no no no
3 100 20 5 0 0 0
limit limit limit
no no no no
4 150 30 20 0 0
limit limit limit limit
no no no no no
5 150 30 10 0
limit limit limit limit limit
no no no no no
6* 250 50 25 0
limit limit limit limit limit
*Values applicable only in case of measurement. Measurement required only in case of
specific request. Otherwise, parts are only required to be “Visually Clean” as defined in this

Table 3: Cleanliness class 1 – cleanliness by component type – only relevant for metallic
Component Reference Permissible particle value for different size classes [μm]
0≤ x 25≤ x 50≤ x 100≤ x 200≤ x x non-
<25 <50 <100 <200 <400 <400 metallic
High-pressure 3.1 no record 85 12 0 0 record
injector limit only only
High-pressure 3.2 no record 200 25 0 0 record
safety valve limit only only
High-pressure 3.3 no record 200 20 5 0 record
fuel pump limit only only
High-pressure 3.4 no record 50 6 0 0 record
fuel line limit only only
High-pressure 3.5 no record 150 40 5 0 record
inlet measuring limit only only
High-pressure 3.6 no record 180 30 7 0 record
terminal box limit only only

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Quality Management System STD-02-0860
Part Cleanliness Standard Rev: 5.0

4.2 Special class: "visual cleanliness"

Components must be visibly free from loose particles to the human eye. If the critical
area is not visible, use suitable equipment (e.g. an endoscope) to evaluate it.
Components must be free from rust, swarf, abrasion or loose particles.
Forgings and castings must not show any residual rust, erosion, steel grit, nicks or
burrs. More precise details are set out in the relevant specification.

In order to achieve this, the following measures must be taken:

 Parts should be cleaned using a suitable cleaning tool and/or a suitable

method. This is set out in the MPP or the internal process documentation.
 The parts should be packed after cleaning to protect them from
 The parts should be protected from corrosion as described on the relevant
 Cross bores must be deburred, and secondary burrs removed completely.
 All machined and fabricated parts are to be delivered clean, free of rust
without chips, dirt, grit or debris that can be detected visually. All sharp edges
and corners are to be broken and chamfered without violating print
 Castings shall be leak proof, free of sand, scale, rust, steel shot, gates, fins
and casting defects per MSS SP-55 “Casting Defect Acceptance”, in
associated RAIP, or specific quality acceptance standard.
 Forgings shall be free of rust, scale, and excessive flash.
 Finished parts are to be free of residual magnetism that attracts metal chips.
Allowable magnetic levels are described in STD-02-0864, “Magnetism
Specification for Engine Parts”, or the associated RAIP.
 Pipes, elbows and fittings shall be cleaned to remove all scale, foreign
material, and processing compounds prior to final surface examination. The
cleaning process shall not injure the surface finish, material properties or the
metallurgical structure. The cleaned fittings shall be protected against the
normal hazards of shipping.
 The organization shall preserve the conformity of product during internal
processing and delivery to the intended destination. This preservation shall
include identification, handling, packaging, storage and protection.
Preservation shall also apply to the constituent parts of a product. All parts
under this standard must be packaged to maintain cleanliness until packaging
is removed for final assembly.

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Part Cleanliness Standard Rev: 5.0

All purchased parts must be packaged by the supplier in conformance with JWN
890110 / P23E-AL-0255, and parts subject to this standard shall be packaged to
maintain the specified cleanliness for 3 months after receipt. The end and/or other
openings of tubing, fittings, pipe, and elbows subject to this standard shall be
packaged with barrier protection to ensure cleanliness of interior surfaces.

4.3 Inspection of technical cleanliness as specified in JWN 890 115 / STD-02-0860-

Classes 1-6

If requirements for technical cleanliness as specified in JWN 890 115 / STD-02-0860

are shown on the drawing, any actual contamination must not exceed the limits
stated in JWN 890 115 / STD-02-0860. The inspection of this feature must be shown
to have been completed. All parts, identified in this specification, must be able to
meet this cleanliness standard if they are to be assembled into an engine.
General guidelines and instructions for testing technical cleanliness are set out in
VDA 19 “Inspection of technical cleanliness”.

Graphite smears from cast iron castings are permissible.

Absence of a cleanliness notation on the drawing does not exclude apart from this
standard. Drawings that do not have a cleanliness callout must be addressed with
SQE and Engineering prior to shipment of parts.

4.4 Inspection facilities:

The inspection facility must be suitable for the inspection to be conducted (see VDA
19). Evidence of the suitability must be documented in the form of a blank value (as
described in VDA 19). The inspection of technical cleanliness is usually conducted in
a monitored environment similar to a clean room (minimum: ISO 14644, Class 8). It
must be secured on site (clean room) or mechanically (closed cleanliness cabinet).

4.5 Extraction:

The extraction method selected is spraying (as described in VDA 19). The extraction
parameters must be determined by decay measurement (as described in VDA 19).
This qualification measurement must be prepared as evidence of the suitability of the
inspection method and documented in the form of an inspection specification.
Geometrically similar components can be grouped into component families and
inspected on the basis of an inspection specification.

If process parameters change during the preceding production, cleaning or packing

process, the suitability of the inspection parameters must be shown to have been
documented by means of a two-step verification (as described in VDA 19).

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Quality Management System STD-02-0860
Part Cleanliness Standard Rev: 5.0

The filter mesh size to be used is shown in the table below:

Cleanliness class as per JWN 890 115 Mesh size

1 5 μm
2 20 μm
3 20 μm
4 50 μm
5 50 μm
6 50 μm

4.6 Analysis:

Weighing scales with a 0.1 mg resolution must be used for the gravimetric analysis.
The progress of the procedure is described in VDA 19.

The numerical analysis of the filters requires at least one computerized, photo-optical
system capable of distinguishing metallic from non-metallic shiny particles (see VDA

4.7 Quality:

A process control plan shall be in place for final wash systems for core critical parts,
crankcase, crankshafts, connecting rods, cylinder heads and pistons, and for all parts
with cleanliness designated as a key design feature on the part drawing.

4.8 Documentation:

The results are documented in an inspection report containing at least the following

Header data:
• Inspection date
• Part No.
• Component description
• Cleanliness class in accordance with JWN 890 115 / STD-02-0860
• Inspection facility used
• Component surface inspected [cm²]
• Associated blank value, if any

Extraction parameters:
• Method used
• Batch size
• Description of rinsing medium

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Part Cleanliness Standard Rev: 5.0

• Filter type used

• Quantity of testing medium (extraction and rinsing off [ml])
• Volumetric flow [ml/min]

Analysis parameters:
• Microscope scale/resolution [μm/pixels]
• Evaluation diameter [mm]
• Largest metallic shiny particle (Feretmax) [μm]
• Measured values in accordance with JWN 890 115 / STD-02-0860
• Test result

4.9 Miscellaneous

The procedure for monitoring technical cleanliness must be checked and approved
by an SQE in collaboration with the GSCM quality department.

4.10 Escalation when limits are exceeded

As a rule, cleanliness limits represent control limits and not tolerance limits. A limit
which has been exceeded does not result directly in a fault but increases the risk of
one. If a component is identified during a technical cleanliness inspection as
exceeding the limits referred to above, then a Non-Conformance (NC) will be created.
This NC is to be reviewed by applicable Quality and Engineering teams for
acceptability and/or corrective action. If rejected, the non-millipored parts are to be
sent out for re-cleaning and supplier/manufacturer will need to resubmit for Millipore
qualification, as per the quality management system.

5.0 Quality Standards

5.1 Responsibilities

Responsibility Job Title / Position

Who is the process owner / responsible for the Quality (SQE or PQE)
described activities (if not specified in section 4.0)?
Who is responsible for updating this document? Design Engineering
Who is responsible for approving this document? Chief Engineering
Who is responsible for notifying and/or training? SQE

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Part Cleanliness Standard Rev: 5.0

5.2 Quality Records

Records Requirements Record Data

Which records are stored? Millipore Test Results
Who is the record owner? Quality
Who is responsible for protecting records? Quality
How are records protected? Stored in current FPQ system
How are records stored? In current FPQ system
Where are records stored? In current FPQ system
Record retention time? 5 years

6.0 References

VDA 19 Inspection of technical cleanliness

ISO 16232 Road vehicles – Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits
WI_JGSCM091 WI TecSa Inspection
WI_TPC Item Creation Technology
ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements
ISO 14644 Clean rooms and associated controlled environments
DPE010 Base Engine Part Criticality Classification
JWN 890 110 General Packaging Guideline for Vendor Parts (Jenbacher)
JWN 890 115 Global Part Cleanliness Standard
P23E-AL-0255 General Requirements – Marking, Preservation, Packaging, &
Shipping (Waukesha)
STD-02-0864 Magnetism Specification for Engine Parts
MSS SP-55 Visual Method for Evaluation of Surface Irregularities

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