Traits & Skills – Traits and skills are our primary method for creating character
uniqueness in The Red Giant.
Frequent use of a particular weapon type will increase the players skill level
with that particular type of weapon, every 10 skill levels the player achieves
they gain a 'trait'. Traits allow the player to specialise in a number of options,
these options can vary from permanent damage/accuracy increases to new
skills and weapon modifications.
These traits and skills allow players to become skilled with their favourite
weapons or become a 'jack of all trades' with a huge variety of them. These
decisions may have huge negative and positive effects later on in the game.
Exploration – The Red Giant boasts some of the most expansive and detailed
environments in gaming history. This is precisely why exploration is such a vital
mechanic in our game.
Much of our AI behaviour and events are unscripted, this allows for unique and
completely unpredictable events, keeping exploration tense and exciting. This
method also highly increases re-playability, making each play-through a unique
While travelling through the game world, whether it be the bleak wasteland or
the daunting grey city, players will come across some very noticeable landmarks.
These landmarks can contain vital supplies and other useful items that players
need, yet they're notoriously dangerous places to venture through. This places a
gain > risk consideration upon the player, making exploration again more exciting.
Milo's Hideout
Story & Character Setting
The Red Giants narrative follows, Marc Allen, a retired survivalist living in the
remains of the Ziopha mainland 4 years after ''the wave''. The wave was triggered
after the suns premature evolution caused the destruction of several planets and
severely damaging the Earth. Marcus must set out and build a haven for
survivors, protecting them from the local gangs and looters. This task pits, Marc,
against the leaders of the most brutal gangs on the mainland, including the
infamous Exiles. Leo Nexx, leader of the Exiles is protected by his 2 henchmen
and his own personal army of survivors, this makes the Exiles a huge stumbling
block for Marc's plans.
The Exiles are not the only threat to Marc's plans of making a safe haven for
survivors. Milo Tagen and the Red Sun gang populate the lower regions of the city,
while Tori Larsson provides a religious sanctuary for survivors to the North-West.
East Ziopha
Unique Selling Points
● Vast, hugely detailed campaign and multiplayer environments.
● 3 campaign factions to side with, each with individual quest lines.
● Brand new IP combining three of todays most popular genres; Action/adventure,
RPG and shooter.
● 60 vs 60 player online clan mode, allowing for large scale PvP gameplay.
● Social interaction
● Huge re-playability
Our team have put together a development timeline to five you an idea of how we will use
our development time efficiently:
? Getting the global idea for our game.
Duration: 1 Month.
People: Lead Designer, team discussion.
Design Stage
? Preparing complete design of game.
Duration: 3 Months.
Duration: 3 Months.
Duration: 2 Months.
Duration: 2 Months.
Tool Building
Duration: 4 Months.
Duration: 3 Months.
Duration: ~8 Months.
Accounting for unavailable/unpredictable difficulties and delays arising, our game will go
from concept to gold master and release in 39 months, (3.25 years).
Yhern Highway
We have compiled a list of expenses that we will encounter through development:
Expense Quantity Cost
Tools and Resources
Unity Engine Licenses 15 £30,000
Programmers Salaries 12 £576,000
Designers Salaries 8 £408,000
Art Team Salaries 8 £408,000
Voice Acting Cast Salaries 6 £51,000
Miscellaneous Software - £10,000
Emergency Funds - £1,100,000
Marketing Costs
TV Advertisements - £4,000,000
Magazine Advertisements - £800,000
Web Advertisement - £1,200,000
Exhibitions/Media Reviews - 1,000,000
Total - £9,583,000
The Team
Dale Marks - Programmer
● Venture
● In-Hiding
● The Recluse
● The Scene
All in all our game is a breath of fresh air in a increasingly stagnant, yet vastly
popular genre. The Red Giant will generate interest from fans of the RPG,
Action/adventure and 3rd person shooter genres, massively increasing our
potential consumer market and therefore elevating the potential sales of our
We hope that we have managed to make you as excited by The Red Giant as we
are, and can see the huge potential of our game, thank you for taking the time to
listen to us today and we look forward to working with you.