Requisition Proforma For Mts NT NWR 05042022

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(To be submitted in duplicate)

Kindly note the following instructions before filling up the format:-

1. The requisitions for the post of MTS Group ‘C’ (Non-Technical) posts to be sent
to the concerned Regional / Sub Regional Office of the Staff Selection
Commission under whose purview the place of initial posting of the selected
candidate falls.

2. The Requisition Proforma duly filled, along with all the relevant Annexures,
should be submitted to the concerned Regional / Sub-Regional Office of the
Commission by the Indenting Ministry/Department. The acceptance of the
requisition by the Regional Office should be followed up and confirmed

3. Each requisition is to be accompanied by the following documents:

a) A copy of the notified Recruitment Rules with all amendments thereto, with GSR
Number in bilingual (Hindi & English) (The Recruitment Rules should have
been revised in accordance with the DOP&T’s OM No. AB-14017/61/2008-Estt.
(RR) dated 17.03.2016).
b) A copy of the No Objection Certificate obtained from Division of Retraining
and Redeployment of the Department of Personnel & Training in accordance
with the CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules 1990 notified vide DOPT
Notification No. 1/14/89-CS.III dated 28.02.1990 and DOPT letter No.
1/5/2000-CS.III dated 10.11.2000.
c) A copy of the laid down duties and responsibilities attached to the post (Annex-I).

d) Further it may be indicated as to whether the post of MTS is identified suitable

for being manned by the persons with disabilities. (Note: “suitability” for PwD
candidates is different from “reservation” of the post for PwD candidates.)

e) A certificate in accordance with DOPT OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt. (Res)

dated 15.01.2018 in order to ensure compliance with the provisions of “The
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” with regard to the reservation of
posts for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) in respect of the indented vacancies
indicating the point of the roster against which these vacancies fall (Annex-

f) A certificate by The Head of the Department (HOD)/ Head of Office (HOO) to

the effect that he/she has personally checked and ensured the correctness of the
information given in the requisition proforma and provisions of para 2.5 of the
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M. No. 7(2) /E.Coord/2013
dated 18.09.2013, as amended from time to time, have been taken into account
g) A certificate by the Head of the Department (HOD) / the Authorized Signatory,
to the effect that the vacancies reported shall not be withdrawn nor the number
and category-wise break-up of vacancies shall be altered (Annex-V).
h) A statement of State/UT wise breakup of vacancies by the Head of the
Department (HOD) / the Authorized Signatory as per Annex-VI.

5. Each requisition shall be submitted by the User Department separately, in case of

vacancies spread over States/UTs under the purview of more than one Regional
Office of the Commission.

Continued …3/-
Requisition Proforma (MTS- Non Technical)

1. a. Name of the Organization/Office:

b. Ministry/Department to which attached:

c. Whether the requisitioning authority is

authorized by the administrative
Ministry/Deptt. to place the requisition
with the SSC directly:

2. Contact details a Name:

and complete
postal address of b Designation:
the Nodal c Address:
Officer of the

d Telephone No.,
Mobile No. & Fax No.
e E-mail:
3. Details of the Post for which Requisition is being submitted :-
a. Name of the post: MTS(Non-Technical)

b. Pay Matrix (as per 7th CPC):

Age limits
(please specify whether it is 18-25 years
or 18-27 years as per Rectt. Rules
for UR category
c. Classification of Post Group-‘C’, Non-Technical;

d. Place of initial posting [name of the

(If vacancies are spread over more than one
State/UTs - breakup to be given in Annexure- VI)
e. Whether All India Service Liability (AISL) Yes/No
is involved?
f. How have the vacancies arisen?
(Clearly specify, by promotion/resignation/
death/ retirement etc. in case the vacancy is
due to failure to recruit by transfer/
deputation, the details may be indicated)

Continued …4/-
4 Whether the post is identified suitable for PwD Candidates : Yes / No

If Yes, the information on type of disability the post is suitable for:-

(Note: “suitability” is different from “reservation” of the post for PwD candidates. A post identified
suitable for the PwD can take non-PwD as well as PwD candidates but without relaxation in merit.
But a post reserved for PwD can take only PwD candidates)

Type of Disability Category of Suitability Permissible disability**

Disability for PwD
i) Blindness and low vision VH Yes/No
(Blind/Low Vision)
ii) Deaf and hard of hearing HH Yes/No
(Deaf/ Hard of Hearing)
iii) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy,
leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims OH Yes/No ………………
and muscular dystrophy (OA/OL/ OA-OL/ BA/BL )
iv) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning Others Yes/No
disability and mental illness …………………
(Clearly specify)
v) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons Others Yes/No
under clauses (i) to (iv) above including deaf, …………………
blindness (Clearly specify)
**Permissible disabilities i.e. One Arm affected, One Leg affected, Both Legs affected, One Arm
& One Leg affected, Both Arms affected, Low Vision, Blind etc. have to be specifically
5. Category-wise break up of vacancies (Vacancies under column 5(a) i.e. the vertical category
constitute the total no of vacancies. The vacancies under column (c) and (d) i.e. PwD and ESM are
only horizontal components of this and are already covered in the total no: of vacancies.) :-
a) Category-wise (Vertical) UR OBC SC ST EWS* TOTAL

No. of vacancies
*In accordance with DOP&T’s OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res.) dated 19.01.2019
b) Horizontal Reservation (Refer DOP&T O.M. No. 36035/02/2017-Estt.(Res.)dt.15.01.2018)
Out of the total number of vacancies shown above in Col. 5(a), the number of vacancies
reserved for Persons with Disabilities (PwD):-
Total vacancies reserved for Persons with
Disabilities (PwD)
c) Out of the total vacancies shown above in col. Number
5(a), vacancies reserved for Ex-Serviceman
Continued …5/-
6 Period of probation
7 Qualification as laid down in the notified Recruitment Rules including any relaxation:
(a) Essential
(b) Desirable (Please indicate ‘NIL’ if not
specified in the Recruitment Rules)
(c) Relaxation, if any

8 Age Limits as per Recruitment Rules :-

Pl specify the applicable category

(Note: As regards age relaxation for various

categories,, attention is invited to DoP&T
O.M.No.15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated the 27th
March, 2012 read with the DoP&T O.M. No.
43019/28/86-Estt.(D) dated 01.02.1999

9 Any other requirements or conditions not covered by

the above columns

10 Whether the captioned post(s) has/have been exempted

from ban orders imposed by the M/o Finance vide their
O.M. Nos.F.7 (1)-E(Coord.)/84, dated 03.01.1984 and
F.7(3)/6/E. Coord/99, dated 05.08.1999 or any
subsequent orders.

11 Whether a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from Division of

Retraining and Redeployment of the DOPT has been
obtained in accordance with the CCS (Redeployment
of Surplus Staff) Rules, 1990 notified vide DOPT
Notification No.1/14/89-CS.III dated 28.02.1990 and
DOPT letter No. 1/5/2000-CS.III, dated 10.11.2000 or
any subsequent orders? Copy to be enclosed.

12 Whether the number of vacancies reserved for SC, ST,

OBC & EWS as mentioned in Column 5(a) above, is
in accordance with the reservation quota fixed for
these Categories as per DOPT O.M. No.36012/2/96-
Estt.(Res.), dated 02.07.1997 and DOPT O.M.
No.36012/5/97-Estt.Vol.II, dated 20.07.2000 &
DoP&T O.M. No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res.) dated
19/01/2019 or any subsequent orders?

13 Whether the vacancies for PwD and ESM have been

worked out with reference to DOPT O.M. No.
36035/02/2017-Estt.(Res.), dated 15.01.2018 and
36034/1/2014-Estt.(Res.), dated 14.08.2014
respectively or any subsequent orders?

Continued …6/-
14 Whether the provisions of ‘The Rights of Persons with
Disabilities Act, 2016’ are complied with?

15 Letter No. and date of the Previous requisition for the

same post (along with category-wise break-up of the
number of vacancies) placed with the SSC by your

16 Letter No. and date by which nomination has been

made earlier by SSC to your office for the same Posts
along with the no: of candidates nominated under each
category and No. of vacancies filled by your

17 It is certified that:

a. The information furnished against the above mentioned columns are correct and based on the
records available with the office;

b. All vacancies projected in this requisition are regular and fall under the direct recruitment
quota as per Recruitment Rules. Necessary sanction of the competent authority in the
government for these posts has been obtained;

c. Age relaxation is in accordance with latest instructions of DOP&T.

d. Candidates nominated by the SSC against the vacancies reported in this requisition shall be
given appointment by this office within three months from the date of nomination.

Place: ....................
Date: ..................... Signature and Official Seal of the Officer
Authorized to send this requisition

a. Name: ...............................................
b. Designation: .....................................
c. Address: .........................................
d. Tel/Fax. No. ......................................
e. E-mail: ..............................................

Continued …7/-

Department of
Ministry of

F.No. Date:


This is to certify that the Recruitment Rules (RRs) for the post of MTS have
been notified vide GSR No. ........................ dated ..................................... (Bilingual
Copies of the notified RRs are also enclosed herewith). The Age-limit as mentioned in
the RRs is ................... years and the relaxation in upper Age-limit shall be available as
per DoP&T O.M. No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated the 27th March, 2012 read with the
DoP&T O.M. No. 43019/28/86-Estt.(D) dated 1.2.1999 or any subsequent orders.

1. The Essential Qualification attached to the post as per RRs are:-

2. The laid down Duties and Responsibilities attached to the post are:-

Official Seal Signature of Head of Department/Head of Office

Name : ....................................
Encl.: RRs Designation : ....................................
Telephone No. : ....................................
Place: E-mail : ....................................

Continued …8/-

Department of
Ministry of

F.No. Date:


It is certified that the post of ......MTS.................................... is identified SUITABLE

for persons with Disabilities (PwD) with following Disabilities:-

Type of Disability Category Disability permissible/suitable for jobs

of attached to the post (i.e. One Arm affected
Disability (OA), One Leg affected (OL), Both Legs
affected (BL), One Arm & One Leg affected
OA&OL), Both Arms affected (BA), Low
Vision (LV), Blind etc.)
Please indicate clearly the specific disability.
If not suitable, indicate as NIL in the
columns below.
(i) Blindness and low vision VH
………………..........(.Blind/ LV)
(ii) Deaf and hard of hearing HH
………….………….(Deaf/Hard of Hearing)
(iii) Locomotor disability
including cerebral palsy, OH
leprosy cured, dwarfism, …….…………….(OA/OL/ OA&OL/BL/BA/)
acid attack victims and
muscular dystrophy
(iv) Autism, intellectual
disability, specific learning ………………….…………...(specify clearly)
disability and mental illness Others
(v) Multiple disabilities from
amongst persons under
clauses (i) to (iv) above ……………….……………...(specify clearly)
including deaf, blindness

Official Seal Signature of Head of Department/Head of Office

Name : ....................................
Place: Designation : ....................................
Date: Telephone No. : ....................................
E-mail : .................................

Continued …9/-

Department of
Ministry of

F.No. Date:


It is certified that the provisions of the ‘THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH

DISABILITIES ACT, 2016’* which has become effective from 19th day of April, 2017 and
the policy relating to reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities has been taken care
of while sending this requisition. The vacancy(ies) reported in this requisition fall(s) at points
No(s)……………. of Cycle No. of 100 point reservation roster out of which, ……….
number of vacancy(ies)is/are reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities."

Official Seal Signature of Head of Department/Head of Office

Name : ....................................
Place: Designation : ....................................
Date: Telephone No. : ....................................
E-mail : .................................

*Please refer para 10 of DoP&T O.M. No. 36035/02/2017-Estt.(Res.) dated


Continued …10/-

Department of _
Ministry of _

F.No. Date:

I have personally checked and ensured the correctness of all information
given in the Requisition Form for the post of MTS.
2. The age limits indicated in the requisition are as prescribed in the current
Recruitment Rules to the post.
3. It is also certified that the provisions of para 2.5 of Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure, O.M. No. 7(2)/E.Coord/2013 dated 18.09.2013 or any
subsequent orders, have been taken into account while submitting the requisition.

Official Seal Signature of Head of Department/Head of Office

Name : ....................................
Place: Designation : ....................................
Date: Telephone No. : ....................................
E-mail : ....................................

Continued …11/-
Department of _
Ministry of _

F.No. Date:


It is certified that the vacancies of MTS reported in the Requisition

Proforma submitted by this Office/Organization shall not be withdrawn. Neither
the number nor the category-wise break-up of vacancies shall be altered. In the
event of any unprecedented / exigent circumstances wherein there is a withdrawal
of vacancies or alteration in the category-wise break-up of vacancies by this
Ministry / Department, this Ministry / Department shall take full responsibility to
accommodate the nominated candidates so recruited in compliance with its

Official Seal Signature of Head of Department/

the Authorised Signatory

Name : ....................................
Place: Designation : ....................................
Date: Telephone No. : ....................................
E-mail : ....................................

Continued …12/-
State-wise distribution of the reported vacancies of MTS

1. Name of Organization/Office

2. Name of Ministry/Department

3. State-wise break-up of vacancies :-

State/ Horizontal reservation Remarks***

Union Total ESM VH** OH** HH** Other**
Territory (PwD) (PwD) (PwD) PwD

Jammu &

UT of






* In accordance with DoP&T O.M No.36035/1/2019-Estt (Res.) dated 19.01.2019

** In accordance with para 10 of DoP&T O.M. No. 36035/02/2017-Estt(Res.) dated


*** Note: Any other specific requirement as per nature of duties and responsibilities attached to
the post may be indicated. To illustrate, if the post is identified suitable for Persons with Colour
Blindness, the same may be indicated along with number of vacancies identified suitable for Colour
blind persons.

Signature & Designation of Requisitioning Officer with seal

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