Source Commentary: Initial Remarks
Source Commentary: Initial Remarks
Source Commentary: Initial Remarks
p. 15 p. 21
Bars 32 & 176 Vle. PFE have here d 1. This obvious mistake was Bar 113 Vni II. Missing in PFE is the raising a to a. This
already corrected to b in PGE. obvious mistake was already corrected in PGE.
p. 17 1 1
Bar 57 Vni II. Missing in PFE (→PGE) is the raising e to e . Bars 121-122 Vc. & Cb. In PFE (→PGE) these parts are notated
together. In passages written on a single stave, the use of the
Bars 57-58 & 201-202 Vni & Vle. In both places, we give the slurs double basses in unison with the cellos is clearly marked on
which PFE (→PGE) have in bars 201-202. In bars 57-58, added each occasion verbally (Tutti) or graphically (notation with double
slurs also join the crotchets of bar 57 with the minims in bar 58. stems). In these bars, the notation is one-part, and so the remark
1 1 Vcello Solo that does not appear until bar 123 was probably
Bars 62 & 206 Vni. In SS the crotchets e and g are arbitrarily
mistakenly placed 2 bars too late. This conclusion is confirmed in
the course of the bass line of the piano part.
Bars 68 & 212 Vle. At the beginning of bar 68 PFE (→PGE) have Taking this into account, in the Cb. part we give rests in these
a quaver e . We give , after the fashion of the other three bars; this solution was also adopted in SS, whereas in Sco
analogous bars 30, 174 & 212. In Sco (→SBH) the note was left (→SBH) the double basses double the part of the cellos.
in bar 68, and the rest was changed to a note in bar 212. p. 24 1
Bar 150 Vni I. As the last quaver, PFE has b . This error was
p. 18 1
Bars 75-76 & 219-220 Archi. PFE (→PGE) have here very incon- already corrected to a in PGE.
sistent articulation markings. Presented below are all the versions
appearing in various parts (discounting minor inaccuracies): Bar 153 Cb. Read literally, the 1 note should be played pizzicato,
as the indication arco does not appear in the sources until the
Vni I, bar 75 , bar 219, no markings, last quaver of the bar. However, this is most probably an error:
— the pizzicato in bars 149 & 151 are notated in crotchets with
Vle, bar 219 , the indication pizz., doubtless to emphasise the distinctness of
the Cb. part in relation to the other strings (pizzicato obtains from
bar 133 and is written in crotchets throughout this passage);
Vc., Cb., bar 219 ,
— from the beginning of bar 153 the notation alters – the Cb. are
notated in quavers staccato (then also legato), just like the Vc.; if
other instances .
the previous way of playing still applied, the change of notation
For the sake of comparison, here are the chords in Chopin’s piano would be senseless.
p. 25 1
reduction in bars 75 & 219: . Bar 177 Vni II. PFE (→PGE) have here erroneously e , which
It is difficult to state how such a variety of notations came about, was corrected to f in Sco (→SBH).
but it was certainly due to carelessness in the preparation of the p. 28 rd 1
parts, as a differentiated performance by particular instruments Bar 216 Vni II. On the 3 beat PFE have erroneously f .
makes no sense in this context. The following arguments justify
the adoption in all the places of a notation with the use of accents Bar 221 Cb. PFE (→PGE) have in this bar a whole-bar rest, which
alone: is certainly an error.
— it is the only notation to appear more than once (in 4 of the 8
places); Bars 221-261 Vc. & Cb. As the only dynamic markings in this pas-
— it is not contrary to the other notations (accents appear in a l l sage, PFE (→PGE) have & in bar 225 and in bar 245.
places containing some kind of markings); We correct this unquestionable inaccuracy according to the mark-
— the lack of articulation markings suggests détaché, which is the ings written in the parts of the remaining string instruments.
most natural way of playing a polonaise rhythm in a dynamic.
p. 30 1
Bar 230 Vni I. At the beginning of the bar, PFE have a . The
p. 20 1
Bar 105 Vni, Vle, Vc. & Cb. PFE (→PGE) have here the following error was already corrected to g in PGE.
dynamic signs: Vni I , Vni II & Vle . The parts of the Vc. & Cb.
p. 36
have no markings. We unify the dynamics of the violins and vio- Bar 279 Timp. In Sco (→SBH) the marking tremolo was added.
las, giving , which is notated in a similar context in bar 25 & However, although admissible, this addition does not seem ne-
analog. We also add in the Cb. part – cf. Vc. In bars 91 & 108. cessary, and so we retain the version of PFE (→PGE).
Jan Ekier
Paweł Kamiński
The orchestral parts are available for borrowing at the Biblioteka General issues regarding the interpretation of Chopin’s works will be
Materiałów Orkiestrowych PWM, ul. Fredry 8, 00-097 Warszawa, discussed in a separate volume entitled Introduction to the National
tel. +4822-635-35-50, fax +4822-826-97-80, Edition, in the section Issues of performance., e-mail: [email protected]
Jan Ekier
Paweł Kamiński