Specific Performance C.P. - 510 - 2019

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(Appellate Jurisdietion)


.140.5 IQ OF 2019:.
(Against the jiadgrherii dated'05:12:2018 passed by
Lahore High Court Lahore hi C 2144/ 2013).
• .
I7a.F.46an NakVa.,•4 ....Petitioner(

Alta Muhammad (deedj•liki,•LRs ...RespOndent(4

For the Petitioner(S): Ch. NUsrat Jayed. Bajwa, ASQ

•Syed:Rifagal: Hussain Shah; AOR

For Respondents Masood ASC,

Date of Hearing:. 01..0.1,2,02:1


MUSHIR j.---- The •Petitioner has impugned:: the judgment

dated 05.12.2018;. pasgect-iby learned -Bench: of • Lahol-e High::CoUrt;,'

LahOrce; iii C.R.21441 .U-13, • Whereby,. the learned ReViSional COUrt,

in consideration of -the: fact that the learned Trial Court has neither

recorded the evidence itself, nor Made: a memorandiun of the

substance ..of..what each••Witness deposed, under .h S own hand.. and

signature as mandated in terms of Rule 8 of Order XVII1 of Code of

Civil Procechire,. 1908 remandect.the - matter .baCk to the trial.

Paragraph 2 of the :impugned jUdgernent:.Observed that 'the LOCal

. Commissioner perform his job.. honestly. The-evidence:

recorded and documents received, by the .Local. Commissioner were.

not in accordance with law. Consequently,..the Revision waS•alloWe

and judgements and d.ecree: of.learned trial. Coutt.; as by.-

the :Appellate cutirt; were Set.aside.i: suit..instityted. an .behalf .

1;1■191i'itlimit;Hrdrim .
CP 5 UV L9

petitioner will depth .to be pending before the learned.Ctuil:court,:who

will eicantine the.'witneesSes of the partieS himself as decide'..-t

sante afresh," keepinOn iiiew the mandate of Order XX rule 5 C.PC"

Th6 learned Ounstl for the Petitioner contends that t

unpugned judgment. Tis based...on::, :the.::a.asuroption and :: supposItion,:

-nett::iBeriCli' .-asSurned 'in .,pitra.:f?:_,.! that 1. !!the.-4p44...'

COritil*SiOttei diet not 7et1ot-11v 1:11.4. jp12 henestly, whO:.cluring.
. • .• •
.,C.-OminatOrt - recorded:sppy of rei 40s tptaqk against the gist :c.1.0461.1. „
as substance of `their= examination in chief Although, neitherSpeci

objections. Wer e. raised:during ,entr.se. of 'trial nor; it. was agitated in

ivil. .Revissi'on.:inhand, ":The observation inade in the':judgment that

I was persuaded that some wrong for some ulterior motiaef with
collusiveness:was committed," 'remains unsubstantiated. In'additiOn':,

to the InisappreciatiOn rule 8 of order XVIII CPC, it was also urged''.

that impugned judgment based on: SurmiSes and conjectures on

extraneous considerations which are not substantiated from the.


was argued with great vehemence, by the learne

Counsel for the Petitioner that, the learned. bench of the -:high :coptf
erred to rely, on. Ordei° Rule 8 CPC to discard the entire
evidence recorded by :Consent of the partieS through' . 6C
COnnnisSione.r. I was c.ontended that evidence was recorded in
. • ....accordapce with :foxy . .y... t .
; :.Cotrinn$sioner: :Neither: .11*.
• . , , .:•
Respondent objected to the appointment of Local' CommisSioner,
showed.- any.reservation.as I:6 conduct of the.Cuirunissioner or on. the .
. . .
COMinisSione !'sreport
. it Was.
. argded that the learned .bench grossly

Court to state its decision on each issue.

.• C;;P.51.0./. l9•

erred. .00nclude.:that.: for • the non:-compliatice of the 1noted

provisions ap.4 :•1114grnepto.•the • .of the: :loWe ar.ce
rendered of no legal consequence, It .was. MSc; arguedlhat t e-

learned Rev siorial Court failed. to exercise its:jurisdiction and decide

the matter; on meritS.,

The learned 'edithael for the Respondent 'suppbrte

impugned Judgment, :.On our query,:. h101 CandidlY • conceded :.that,

Local CoMinissioner. 'Was appointed by. consent, of the Parties. He •
alsb concedes that.ho'ohjeetion'as- to the conduct:arid/or MantieP
. .
which the evidence was recorded by the Local Cominissiori.er' w

raised before the learned Trial Court, the learned Appellate Court, or

even in the Revision before the learned High court. Learned... counsel.
for- the:ReSpondent .to .d.eindiastrate. that '-a1. 4y.
.was caused to. the Respondent by rccording.and receiVing.evi . ence,.

tin otigh Localdoquilipsipiner.

•Arginnents heard.. ;perused. tne ..recdrd: °Cofii t,

. .: . ..
under the Code, subject to such term's and condition., as maY. e:
. - -... , . . ..- --- . • .. - make•
prescribed3, may appoint:a . Commission t a person,
local trnfeatigatitiri, take accounts, and/Or: .make - partition-.
elaborate manner and procedUre in record evidence by 0:•COtirt
provided. Tor Under they C,ode4 normal circumstances; the

evidence of a witness is, to he recorded by.a judge, in open Courts,..

under his own hand,.;superintendence; and/or linger 1.4io personal
direction6, The evidence of a withesa is 'taken orally- in .open. in

9 "CodeCivil Proeedure; i908

Section5, Order. 00eXVI, xvw, XXVI.CPC
4 See Order CPC in oivil:eases and Section 353 .to 365 Cr:P..a in ,Criitinal
4 cq. Order kylII QPC
5 • Rule
6 Rule 41 87? 5 oi Order XViII.CpC


the presence and Under' the personal direction an d superintendeiriCe‘o

the judge?'. The: COUrt ordinal* records the deposition of a.witnesS

in Writing in question arid.anstjer foiin, but` in that of a riartative,..

generally in the •vernacular.language of the Court, or in Enl liSh,..
read. over to the WitneSS'after which any discrepancies or error(s). are:.
• corrected: befOreSigningiO:

6. here are tWo situations that are contemPlated oder

the Code, where it as not necessary to take the evidence of a witness
verbatiin; in kvriting .but.the judge'is reqiiired to aMake 'rnemorandta :
of the, Substance . of iOhcit witnessdePosei.e afi ie. eXaMination...
• -• ' • •

.of each witness proceeds: One such situation that is provided. Wiz,
where 'the epidence'ts not. taken down in Writing by the Judye', 91
Secondly ill. unappealable Casesio: Every mernoranduin so , made
forMs part: ofr,the,recordli:' Cases 'where a judge:.. is, unable.:
prepare such memorandiun,:hp ;i0: 47equired to recomi.,::reasoas for: the
sarneP,.:On examining the scheme of Order XVIII. CPC, and other.

enabling provisions of the. Cade, it is clear that where :the verbatim

evidence is being s .:recorded in writing, there.: is no neceSsl :,of
making anY ://ierii,oranqi,64 ., Of the. sUl stance of what each Wi 4s
deposes.::T4p reebiding of s meinOtandlito of the substanCe o
evidence rneari& the. essenee, 81.1hatalIPP ) Oi'eert-lXaafihP P.A.Cfer1P4 that

may be neCeSsary :for tile:jUst determination of the cont covers in.

7 See Order X RUle 2 Order XVIII Rule 4, 5, 9, and Order XXVI, Rule :CF;O .,
8 Rule 5 of Order XVilf:
9 Rule 8 of the Order XVIII
10 Rule 13 of Order
u Rule 14 (2) of Ofder. XVIII
11 of Order XVIII 'cpb

. :.
CP 510/19

7. The manner procedure for recording evidence

through cominission-is elaborately provided for under Order

CPC. Once th:6 Commission, under the orders of the toUrt, '
.• •

executed and. 3.e'• evidence recorded, - Aide COrtatissioner:Is

retinal the ,comlnission3:. together, :with his signed repro2:t,':and-,4be

evidence recorded asper the: direction: and ordei t f.. the, Court. The
evidence SO: recorded andjaken by the .Commission, Flab.*

objections brad deeision of the ebtirt, forms part•of the record; and
to be 'treated and considered as if the evidence has been .reordere

by :the Cburt• n:o.t

:..appreciate. the •-acheine .of the provisions of the 1h.e`E;eaifed
bench of the High Court erred. to toy on. rule .8-of •Order'XVIII;

to*discard• the .evidente •reCorded. through the •Conithission appointed

by consent Ofthe Pa.t Rile .8:of .0.rder )'VIII is not. applicable-•in

cases Where - th• e eVidence is recorded., under. 41:e:orders of the .Court
. :through. Commission, Under•-the given facts and circunista:ncea.o
tlae ..case,e
.• • wo:p.
„..• • •.. justification to .remanti. case. t®::.
learned •:Trial .- t:ourt'•for•:.dremOvo. • .trial or • proceeding safreah.. The .:,trial;;

Pourtpudge 2YAay &aloe until(consideration . the. • .'evidence.•

memorandum .of..evideriee
• •.,. ; as•• • .. •••.. „may be, .either:recorderd.,1*•".
the cerwt. its ei f,•• the :predeesSor judge1.5,-..or through. CominiSSiOn,.

Once - suCh;.report..of the commissioner, along 2 with. the'evidence-;:po:

recorded is la-ken -eeord,-. •It' forms part':.6f the. jaidiCial::-;reet4. d.,,•:,
and is to he i7ead...atanY•••:hearifig of 'the ,suitI3 and:fOr ;making.any

order car pkoriounQerfient,of ,Judgment: The provisions .rioted herein.

is Rule '4 anit.1.0 of 0,r-der xxya.:ropc

1 1 Order XVIII and XXVI CPC
15 Rule 15. of Order XVIII; CpC
:16 Order XXVI; Rule '7, CPC,
17 Rule 16 (3) and. Rule ri of Order XVIII', CPC

a. • . se
W,',"3",,---.'', 17,

CP' 51 0 / 19

are metre enabling. PrOviPriori; :relating to :a matter of procedlut. and

•. •
•not affecting the jurisdiation of the: Court.

8. Where coUrt, for any reasons; is dissatisfied with

proceedings of COMmissioneri there is nothing -
in the Code; Which •
preVciitS. it froth directing a further :eitqUiry -as it '.1.har ..C1.60,1)
.811:bsstitp:ong the:- :cOminisPiOner :andlor•:recalling afid
witriesS alrea.d.y exa.i-nined.by...the commissioner; Whose deposition
found to • be illegible; . arribiguous ttnclear, on any Materia
• -.
particular affeeting the merits ofthe case. A party carinOt
appeal" the 'cleciSiork of a: r.eVisional Court for de,--
novo trial ad a
Matter of righ-08'.:.

. .
It apPearS that the:learned bench of the ijigiii,Cfati4te
into error while'conSidering:the implication of 14ile - 8 Of Order .x.\44-.
CPC and misapplied :ttie same ori:the evidence recorded throtighlhe .
commission, acting under .section 75- read with Ord.er •
appointed by the COurt,

10, It is not always necessary that the. Court - may. ~record'

, •
evidence itself. For A variety of:reasons, it May be recorded through
A Conuni;iSiciri.:19. The - Conit ai.S', a..prificipal 1116 Sr
elerci.se p9WerP.
. delegate alatheritY;s• :Under -75' or brder for Per.sna
appearance., Of a. 'witness in frOnt of.:the CoMmissiorr either ant.. cif its

own accord or on applieation Ofeither party26:1-To*vpr, doeSnot

bar the Coin I. itself of the 4ithoi-ily to examine the ;witness t

is., pot satified.. 1- Rule 1.6 of:bider XVIII; it is prOliide&thatith.-:.:

Order...1/1II; •.:: • .
1§Fu,1 'FII
. •
21 Order KAU, Rule 17

UP 510/19

:.cases Where no appeal: the judge may ;merely .:113.a,i<&:

meinorand:11M. of substance. of...the evidence.: Rule 15 of Qrder..X
contains a general provision, that a succeeding
. ; Judge can. deal WI
any :evidente or merpOrandUrn taken by his predecesSerand:Pricieee
.with the. trial:

, proViSiortS: 'of CPC', relating an

attendance,: examinatioh pf- WitneSses",. and producing 'Of doeurnents

the penalties imposed On the witness could he exercised by the

CommisSioner executing, the order of. the Court is deemed to : Oe,:a
Civit"Court 22 ,

12. As noted aboVe, the learned CoupSel for the Respondent

was net able to ow :That :any. preindice has :been caused l:e..'the
Resocederit, rattier the comMission :wa.s.. consti.tuted by consent'
the :parties. Iincler the. giVen facts arid "cinchrrista.nces : niceases,
wl-tere evidence is reCoreled• through Cominissioxi, Rule .8 .0f Order

is hot attracted. -As regard . evidentiary value

documents exhibited " and produced before the Loe
Comtnissionst23 it is for the:learned "oust and the ..Appellate::
court that has tO eXamine:'and :appreciate ta eVidetitiOrk..valAce, and
admissibility): otherWise and the revisional court; may see
.exercise of. jurisdiction :accordance with parameters, The
evidentiary value and admissibility can also.be examined further by: .: :
the appellate ' Cdtirt in case: it is wrongly adMitted or appfeciatect
within the 'oet: parameters, of :16.W.' In this:view of the Matter, the
impugned judgment cannot be.sUstaihed.

22 See Ruls 16 to .113 of OiC1er_XXVi CPO

is Qa.rilin-e-ShdhadatUrderi -1984; Section 91.
— both the counsels •ag•-• -t0 .whefic:
•.• •.. .
matte17'was. reinanded. by ..t; .1--fightourt.to -the 'learned WO taint

r. .pliett'ithat:the Matter: wa& remandedo. 08',12.204;
• •••••,• .
Alinnst.0i.o. • yeatS‘: haVe'relapised, eVideriCe...cOUld hay
• • • • ••• •
been reCorded.- and case could have , been decided., It is stoted. 6.t

that ..the e :case, is • still- pending .on.,. account of : transfer:

jUrisdietion/Cciurt Pindi;Bhattiari.
•• • to LahOre thetefor,. -.t.
•matter:could-not b.e.proceecled...

Accordingly t e .6aSe has net been. proceeded'. •

decided:. by'the learned - trial Court, thei:record and proceedingS iyrth:e •

edurt May be remitted -r- back: to the'iparned 000i7

• • ••
impugned judgment s :set' Civil; Revision No. ,'"11-4~ X1.3 tithe
• • •
Motiamirtacideceaedj:th.toitgh-L:R: etc. .14s: .Fictsaaii, Nerukez1.

shall be deerned to be pending before the learned High : Court.

Subject Civil Revision . shall...he. heard' arid cleCided oil. rilelits strictly

..in-accordance.Nvitill4w. ifter-dijc notice to the parties.

The- instant AVO. petitidn is 0611'i/cited: ih o appeal- anc

allowed in the terins noted:above.

't: JanlJaty,: 2021

Approved for Reporting


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