Specific Performance C.P. - 510 - 2019
Specific Performance C.P. - 510 - 2019
Specific Performance C.P. - 510 - 2019
.140.5 IQ OF 2019:.
(Against the jiadgrherii dated'05:12:2018 passed by
Lahore High Court Lahore hi C 2144/ 2013).
• .
I7a.F.46an NakVa.,•4 ....Petitioner(
Alta Muhammad (deedj•liki,•LRs ...RespOndent(4
1;1■191i'itlimit;Hrdrim .
CP 5 UV L9
I was persuaded that some wrong for some ulterior motiaef with
collusiveness:was committed," 'remains unsubstantiated. In'additiOn':,
Counsel for the Petitioner that, the learned. bench of the -:high :coptf
erred to rely, on. Ordei° Rule 8 CPC to discard the entire
evidence recorded by :Consent of the partieS through' . 6C
COnnnisSione.r. I was c.ontended that evidence was recorded in
. • ....accordapce with :foxy . .y... t .
; :.Cotrinn$sioner: :Neither: .11*.
• . , , .:•
Respondent objected to the appointment of Local' CommisSioner,
showed.- any.reservation.as I:6 conduct of the.Cuirunissioner or on. the .
. . .
COMinisSione !'sreport
. it Was.
. argded that the learned .bench grossly
raised before the learned Trial Court, the learned Appellate Court, or
even in the Revision before the learned High court. Learned... counsel.
for- the:ReSpondent .to .d.eindiastrate. that '-a1. 4y.
.was caused to. the Respondent by rccording.and receiVing.evi . ence,.
.of each witness proceeds: One such situation that is provided. Wiz,
where 'the epidence'ts not. taken down in Writing by the Judye', 91
Secondly ill. unappealable Casesio: Every mernoranduin so , made
forMs part: ofr,the,recordli:' Cases 'where a judge:.. is, unable.:
prepare such memorandiun,:hp ;i0: 47equired to recomi.,::reasoas for: the
sarneP,.:On examining the scheme of Order XVIII. CPC, and other.
7 See Order X RUle 2 Order XVIII Rule 4, 5, 9, and Order XXVI, Rule :CF;O .,
8 Rule 5 of Order XVilf:
9 Rule 8 of the Order XVIII
10 Rule 13 of Order
u Rule 14 (2) of Ofder. XVIII
11 of Order XVIII 'cpb
. :.
CP 510/19
CPC. Once th:6 Commission, under the orders of the toUrt, '
.• •
evidence recorded asper the: direction: and ordei t f.. the, Court. The
evidence SO: recorded andjaken by the .Commission, Flab.*
objections brad deeision of the ebtirt, forms part•of the record; and
to be 'treated and considered as if the evidence has been .reordere
memorandum .of..evideriee
• •.,. ; as•• • .. •••.. „may be, .either:recorderd.,1*•".
the cerwt. its ei f,•• the :predeesSor judge1.5,-..or through. CominiSSiOn,.
a. • . se
W,',"3",,---.'', 17,
CP' 51 0 / 19
. .
It apPearS that the:learned bench of the ijigiii,Cfati4te
into error while'conSidering:the implication of 14ile - 8 Of Order .x.\44-.
CPC and misapplied :ttie same ori:the evidence recorded throtighlhe .
commission, acting under .section 75- read with Ord.er •
appointed by the COurt,
Order...1/1II; •.:: • .
1§Fu,1 'FII
. •
21 Order KAU, Rule 17
UP 510/19
r. .pliett'ithat:the Matter: wa& remandedo. 08',12.204;
• •••••,• .
Alinnst.0i.o. • yeatS‘: haVe'relapised, eVideriCe...cOUld hay
• • • • ••• •
been reCorded.- and case could have , been decided., It is stoted. 6.t
Subject Civil Revision . shall...he. heard' arid cleCided oil. rilelits strictly
't: JanlJaty,: 2021