PA System BOQ BOQ With Model
PA System BOQ BOQ With Model
PA System BOQ BOQ With Model
Technical Specs:
- Power Source: 220-240 V AC
- Rated output: 480 W
- Signal to Noise Ratio: 88 dB or more (Master volume: min)
Safety Europe CE
1 76 dB or more (Master volume: max) Honeywell HN-A480
No 1 Complied
- Indicators: LED level meter, Power indicator, Network
connection confirmation indicator, Priority broadcast indicator,
Emergency broadcast indicator, Thermal protection indicator, Over-
current protection indicator, CPU running indicator, Error indicator, and
Zone indicator
- Operating Temperature: -10 to +40 ˚C (14 to 104 ˚F)
Operating Humidity: 85 % RH or less (no condensation)
Zone Selector / Speaker Selector (Make: Bosch / C-Tech /
Safety Europe CE
2 Technical Specs: No 1 Honeywell X-DCS2000
- Power Source: 24V DC
- Control Input: 12 channels, dry (no voltage) contact closures
- Speaker Terminal: Removable Terminal Block
- Control Terminal: Removable Terminal Block
- Operating Temperature: -10℃ to +40℃ (14℉ to 104℉)
Public Address System Remote Microphone (Make: Bosch / C-
Tech / Honeywell)
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of PA, Remote
Microphone with following Specs:
Technical Specs:
- Power Source: 24V DC
Safety Europe CE
- Power Consumption: 80mA or less Honeywell THN-EDA91
3 No 1 Complied
- Audio Output: 0 dB*, 600Ω transformer balanced, RJ45
- Distortion: 1% or less
- Frequency Response: 100-20,000Hz
- S/N Ratio: 60dB or more
- Control Output: 12 channels
- Operating Temperature: -10°C to +40°C (14°F to 104°F)
Ceiling Speaker (Make: Bosch / C-Tech / Honeywell)
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of PA Ceiling Speaker
with following Specs:
Technical Specs:
- Speaker must be EN54-24-Certified
- Input Power: 6W
4 No 42 Safety Europe CE
- Size: 6 Inches speaker Honeywell HN-CL06
- Dripping-water protection cover
- Metal construction
- Sensitivity: 94dB
- Frequency Response: 80 Hz – 20 kHz
- Push wire connection
Speaker Cable
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Speaker Cable
with following technical specs:
Technical Specs:
- Conductors: 2 Core
- Size: 18 AWG
- Material: Copper
- Insulation: Polypropylene
5 Meter 3,000
- Outer Shield: Laminate (Alum+Poly)
- Outer Jacket: Polyvinyl Chloride 0
- Electricals: 6.5 Ohm/1000ft (21 Ohm/km)
- Voltage: 300 V
- UL Temperature Rating: 75°C
- Operating Temperature: -20°C to +75°C
- Fire Rating: UL1666
- UL Compliance: Article 800
6 Provision of as build drawings Job 1
7 Provision of spare for PA system Job 1
8 Testing and Commissiong of complete PA system Job 1
Grand Total (PKR)
Bill of Quantities
Amount Total
Sr. Nomenclature / Description / Item Unit Qty
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of PA fitted in U3 Racks at each floor
Technical Specs:
- Power Source: 220-240 V AC
- Rated output: 480 W
- Signal to Noise Ratio: 88 dB or more (Master volume: min)
1 76 dB or more (Master volume: max)
No 4 350,000 1,400,000
- Indicators: LED level meter, Power indicator, Network
connection confirmation indicator, Priority broadcast indicator,
Emergency broadcast indicator, Thermal protection indicator, Over-
current protection indicator, CPU running indicator, Error indicator, and
Zone indicator
- Operating Temperature: -10 to +40 ˚C (14 to 104 ˚F)
Operating Humidity: 85 % RH or less (no condensation)
Zone Selector / Speaker Selector (Make: Bosch / C-Tech /