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 Electrolysis
 It is the process of decomposition of a chemical compound in aqueous solutions
or in molten state accompanied by a chemical change by using direct electric
 Electrolyte
 Are compounds which either in aqueous solutions or in molten state allow
electric current to pass through them.
Metallic vs electrolytic conductors

Metallic conductors Non metallic conductors

 Electrons are responsible for the  Ions are responsible for the flow of
flow of current current
 Metals and alloys  Electrovalent compounds
 Physical change takes place  Chemical change
Strong vs weak electrolytes

Strong electrolyte Weak electrolyte

 Large amount of electricity to flow  Small amount of electricity to flow

 Good conductors of electricity  Poor conductors of electricity
 Contains mostly ions  Contains ions and molecules
 Acids – HCl, H2SO4, HNO3  Acids – carbonic, acetic, oxalic
 Bases – NaOH, KOH
 Bases -ammonium and calcium
 Salts – NaCl, PbBr2, CuCl2, CuSO4
 Salts – ammonium carbonate and
lead acetate
Terms related to electrolytic cell
 Electrodes
 The metallic plates or wires immersed in the electrolyte through which the current
enters and leaves the electrolytic cell
 Anode
 The electrode connected to the positive terminal of the cell
 Anions migrate to anode
 Oxidation takes place at anode
 Cathode
 The electrode connected to the negative terminal of the cell
 Cations migrate to cathode
 Reduction takes place at cathode.
Terms related to electrolytic cell
 Cations
 Positive charged ions
 Migrate to cathode
 Gain electrons from cathode
 Anions
 Negative charged ions
 Migrate to anode
 Lose electrons from anode
Electrochemical series

Elements lower in the
series get discharged
more easily at the
Preferential or selective discharge of
ions at electrodes
 The relative position of ions in the electrochemical series.
 The relative concentration of ions.
 The nature of the electrodes.
Electrolysis of acidified water using platinum
Electrolyte used:
• Water, sulphuric acid

Ions present
• H+, OH- , SO42-

Anode: Cathode:
• Reaction • Reaction
• OH- - e- → OH
• H+ + e- → H
• OH + OH → H2O + O
• H + H → H2
• O + O → O2
• Observation • Observation
• Hydrogen gas is obtained
• Oxygen gas is obtained
Electrolysis of copper sulphate solution using
inert electrodes
Electrolyte used:
• Copper sulphate
Ions present
• Cu2+, H+, OH- , SO42-

Anode: Cathode:
• Reaction • Reaction
• OH- - e- → OH
• Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu
• OH + OH → H2O + O
• O + O → O2

• The blue colour fades since the blue ions migrate towards the cathode.
Electrolysis of copper sulphate solution using
active electrodes
Electrolyte used:
• Copper sulphate solution

Ions present
• Cu2+, H+, OH- , SO42-

Anode: Cathode:
• Reaction • Reaction
• Cu - 2e- → Cu2+ • Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu

• The blue colour does not fades since the amount of copper irons remains
the same.
Applications of electrolysis

 Electroplating
 Is the electrolytic process of deposition of a metal on the surface of an article
 Electrorefining
 Is a process by which metals containing impurities are purified electrolytically to
give a pure metal.
Conditions for electroplating
 The article to be electroplated is always placed at the cathode
 The metal is always deposited at the cathode
 The metal to be plated on the article is always made the anode.
 The metal anode dissolves as ions in solution and migrates to cathode
 The anode has to be replaced periodically
 The electrolyte must contain ions of the metal
 The ions migrate towards the cathode
 A low current for a longer duration
 Higher current causes uneven deposition
 A direct current and not AC
 In order to obtain effective coating
Electroplating with nickel
Electrolyte used:
• Nickel sulphate solution

Ions present
• Ni2+, H+, OH- , SO42-

Anode: Cathode:
• Pure Nickel • Article to be plated
• Reaction • Reaction
• Ni - 2e- → Ni 2+ • Ni2+ + 2e- → Ni
Electroplating with Silver
Electrolyte used:
• Sodium argentocyanide

Ions present
• Na+, Ag+, CN-, H+

Anode: Cathode:
• Pure Silver • Article to be plated
• Reaction • Reaction
• Ag - e- → Ag+ • Ag+ + e- → Ag

Note: Silver nitrate is not used because the deposition of silver will be very fast and
hence not very smooth and uniform
Electrorefining of impure copper

Electrolyte used:
• Copper sulphate solution

Ions present
• Cu2+, H+, OH- , SO42-

Anode: Cathode:
• Impure Copper • Pure copper strip
• Reaction • Reaction
• Cu - 2e- → Cu2+ • Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu

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