Designated Workplace Doctors For All Hazards (Active List)
Designated Workplace Doctors For All Hazards (Active List)
Designated Workplace Doctors For All Hazards (Active List)
1. The information provided in this listing is accurate as at 31-March-2022.
2. The listing provided is for awareness purposes only. It is for restricted use in the context of this
document and should not be further reproduced without permission, in writing. The information
herein may not be complete at the time of publishing and hence should not be used as a formal
reference for legal arbitration.
3. Designated Workplace Doctors should update records held with MOM if there are changes in
practice or contact information. Updates can be done online at
doctor/apply-to-be-a-designated-workplace-doctor by logging in with SingPass.
a) These are the DWDs who have conducted statutory medical examinations (SMEs) in the past 3 years.