PAD Guideline 2018
PAD Guideline 2018
PAD Guideline 2018
Diagnosis and management
Update information
October 2018: The antiplatelet therapy link in recommendation 1.2.1 was updated. This change
Final version
can be seen in the short version of the guideline at
Commissioned by the National Institute for
Health and Clinical Excellence
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Final version
Guideline development group members ....................................................................................... 9
Guideline development group - members ...................................................................................... 9
Guideline development group – co-optee ...................................................................................... 9
National clinical guideline centre technical team ........................................................................... 9
Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................10
Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................11
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................12
1.1 Background and incidence .................................................................................................. 12
1.2 Specific risk factors.............................................................................................................. 12
1.3 Definitions and classification systems ................................................................................ 13
1.3.1 Classification of PAD based on symptom severity............................................... 13
1.3.2 Classification of PAD based on anatomical distribution of disease ..................... 13
1.3.3 Issues surrounding definitions of PAD ................................................................. 14
1.4 Initial management ............................................................................................................. 14
1.5 Secondary care .................................................................................................................... 14
1.6 Importance to the NHS ....................................................................................................... 15
2 Development of the guideline ..............................................................................................16
2.1 What is a NICE clinical guideline? ....................................................................................... 16
2.2 Remit ................................................................................................................................... 16
2.3 Who developed this guideline? .......................................................................................... 17
2.4 What this guideline covers .................................................................................................. 17
2.5 What this guideline does not cover .................................................................................... 17
2.6 Relationships between the guideline and other NICE guidance ......................................... 17
3 Methods ..............................................................................................................................20
3.1 Developing the review questions and outcomes................................................................ 20
3.1.1 Clinical outcomes not considered........................................................................ 23
3.1.2 Health related quality of life ................................................................................ 24
3.2 Searching for evidence ........................................................................................................ 24
3.2.1 Clinical literature search ...................................................................................... 24
3.2.2 Health economic literature search ...................................................................... 25
3.3 Evidence of effectiveness.................................................................................................... 25
3.3.1 Inclusion/exclusion .............................................................................................. 26
3.3.2 Methods of combining clinical studies ................................................................ 26
3.3.3 Type of studies ..................................................................................................... 27
3.3.4 Types of analysis .................................................................................................. 27
3.3.5 Appraising the quality of evidence by outcomes ................................................ 28
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Guideline development group members
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The development of this guideline was assisted by:
Julie Brown, Research Fellow
Mr Anthony Gildea, Guideline Co-ordinator, NICE
Ms Lyn Knott, Editor, NICE
Dr Zarif Jabbar-Lopez, Research Fellow, National Clinical Guideline Centre
Ms Fatema Limbada, Project Co-ordinator, National Clinical Guideline Centre
Mr Paul Miller, Senior Information Scientist, National Clinical Guideline Centre
Mrs Jacoby Patterson, Systematic Reviewer
Ms Rachael Patterson, Editor, NICE
Dr Robbie Pitcher, Research Fellow, National Clinical Guideline Centre
Mr Tim Reason, Health Economist, National Clinical Guideline Centre
Ms Claire Turner, Guideline Manager, NICE
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ABPI Ankle brachial pressure index
BMS Bare metal stents
BMT Best medical treatment
CCA Cost-consequences analysis
CE-MRA Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography
CLI Critical limb ischaemia
CEA Cost-effectiveness analysis
CI Confidence interval
CTA Computed tomography angiography
DES Drug eluting stents
DUS Duplex ultrasound scanning
EQ-5D EuroQol-5D
GDG Guideline development group
GRADE Grading of recommendations assessment, development and evaluation
HRQoL Health-related quality of life
HTA Health technology assessment or appraisal
IC Intermittent claudication
ICER Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
INB Incremental net benefit
ITT Intention-to-treat analysis
MI Myocardial infarction
MID Minimal important difference
MWD Maximum walking distance
NCGC National clinical guideline centre
NICE National institute for health and clinical excellence
NNT Numbers needed to treat
NPV Negative predictive value
PAD Peripheral arterial disease
PC MRA Phase-contrast magnetic resonance angiography
PFWD Pain free walking distance
PICO Patient, intervention, comparison, outcome
PPV Positive predictive value
QALY Quality-adjusted life year
QoL Quality of life
RCT Randomised controlled trial
RR Relative risk
SFA Superficial femoral artery
TA Technology appraisal
TLR Target lesion revascularisation
TOF MRA Time of flight magnetic resonance angiography
UNG Understanding NICE guidance
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1 Introduction
1.1 Background and incidence
The most common initial symptom of lower limb peripheral arterial disease (known in the document
as peripheral arterial disease, PAD) is pain in the leg on walking known as intermittent claudication
(IC). The incidence of PAD increases with age. Population studies have found that about 20% of
people aged over 60 years have some degree of PAD.1 In the majority of those with IC the symptoms
remain stable but approximately 20% will progress to develop increasingly severe symptoms with the
development of critical limb ischaemia (CLI). Those with CLI are at significant risk of developing
irreversible ischaemic damage to the leg or foot if they do not receive appropriate treatment and this
may lead to the need for amputation. Overall approximately 1% to 2% of people with IC will
eventually undergo amputation,2 although the risk is higher (about 5%) in people with diabetes.3
The incidence of PAD is high among people who smoke, people with diabetes, and people with
coronary artery disease. Even in the absence of clinical symptoms the presence of PAD (as indicated
by reduced ankle brachial pressure index, ABPI) has been shown to identify people who are at
increased risk of cardiac and cerebrovascular morbidity and mortality.4
Many people will have undetected and asymptomatic PAD. In post-mortem studies, there is a
significant incidence of such disease that has never led to lifetime symptoms. The development of
symptoms will depend both upon the extent of disease and activity levels of the individual.
Of those presenting with IC over a 5-year period approximately 70 - 80% will remain with stable
claudication, 10 – 20% will go on to have worsening symptoms and 5 – 10% will go on to develop CLI.
Approximately 10 – 15% dies of cardiovascular causes within 5 years and a further 20% will have a
non-fatal cardiovascular event.5
Of those who develop CLI there is a high mortality with approximately 25% dying within a year and
about 1/3 will require a major lower limb amputation within a year.6
There is an association between diabetes and the development of PAD and there is a correlation
between the level of haemoglobin A1c and the level of increase in the risk of asymptomatic PAD.7
There is also evidence that those with diabetes who develop PAD have less favourable outcomes for
both the disease and its treatment. Asymptomatic PAD is common in people with diabetes. NICE has
produced a number of guidelines relating to the management of diabetes (see section 2.6),
particularly in relation to foot problems. This guideline is not intended to replace any current
recommendations within those guidelines.
Smoking is an important risk factor with the Edinburgh Artery Study1 suggesting that current smokers
are almost four times as likely to develop asymptomatic PAD as non-smokers.
As with other forms of cardiovascular disease there are also associations of PAD with hypertension
and dyslipidaemia.
Other associations with the prevalence or severity of PAD include raised homocysteine, chronic renal
insufficiency and various hyperviscosity and hypercoagulable states.
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The term severe limb ischemia has been used in some research in preference to CLI to indicate those
people who are clinically thought to be at significant risk of limb loss due to their circulatory disease.
There are more complex classifications dealing with the anatomical distribution and extent of arterial
occlusive disease and TASC definitions6 are quite widely quoted, particularly in research studies. The
TASC classification gives some indication of the site, extent and distribution of disease.
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Other terms relating to the anatomical distribution include infra-inguinal to describe disease
anywhere below the groin and tibial or peroneal to describe the specific vessels below the knee.
Arterial disease to the lower limbs often affects more than one site and there may be short discrete
narrowings or more extensive disease with long or multiple segments of occluded arteries.
Various definitions and classifications often use ABPI as an indicator of disease severity, with the use
of a threshold value for ABPI of below 0.5 for CLI and <0.9 for PAD. There are, however, a significant
group of people, particularly those with diabetes mellitus, who may have significant impairment of
the circulation, non-healing ulceration of infection and be at significant risk of limb loss, but who do
not fall strictly within these definitions of ABPI.
Whilst such classifications may be helpful in a research setting they are rarely used in clinical practice
as they often correlate poorly with the level of disability experienced due to IC or CLI. For example,
someone who has an active job or leisure activities that involve significant walking may be very
disabled despite falling into the milder categories on such a classification. Other people, who would
be classified as severe on such scales, may find that their symptoms have little impact if they have a
largely sedentary lifestyle. In practice a term such as “lifestyle limiting claudication” is often more
helpful in representing the individual impact of the condition.
There is considerable variation in the provision of these treatment options. Whilst supervised
exercise programmes can improve walking distance and quality of life, access to such programmes is
variable, and many are not funded by the NHS. Treatments for secondary prevention are less
commonly offered to people with PAD than for those with other cardiac and cerebrovascular risk
The risks and outcomes of these procedures vary according to the nature of the procedure, the
presenting symptoms, comorbidities, and the site and extent of the disease. However, the current
trend is toward less invasive treatment.
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The management of PAD of the lower limb remains controversial and treatments range from
watchful waiting, through medical management, exercise training, endovascular treatment or
surgical reconstruction. Rapid changes in diagnostic methods, endovascular treatments and vascular
services, associated with the emergence of new subspecialities in surgery and vascular radiology, has
resulted in considerable uncertainty and variation in practice. This guideline aims to resolve that
uncertainty and variation.
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Development of the guideline
While guidelines assist the practice of healthcare professionals, they do not replace their knowledge
and skills.
This version is the full version. The other versions can be downloaded from NICE at
2.2 Remit
NICE received the remit for this guideline from the Department of Health. They commissioned the
NCGC to produce a clinical guideline on the diagnosis and management of lower limb peripheral
arterial disease.
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Development of the guideline
NICE funds the NCGC and thus supported the development of this guideline. The GDG was convened
by the NCGC and chaired by Professor Jonathan Michaels in accordance with guidance from the NICE.
The group met every 6-8 weeks during the development of the guideline. At the start of the guideline
development process all GDG members declared interests including consultancies, fee-paid work,
share-holdings, fellowships and support from the healthcare industry (see Appendix B). At all
subsequent GDG meetings, members declared arising conflicts of interest, which were also recorded.
Members were either required to withdraw completely or for part of the discussion if their declared
interest made it appropriate. The details of declared interests and the actions taken are shown in
Appendix B.
Staff from the NCGC provided methodological support and guidance for the development process.
The team working on the guideline included a project manager, systematic reviewers, health
economists and information scientists. They undertook systematic searches of the literature,
appraised the evidence, conducted meta-analyses and cost-effectiveness analyses where appropriate
and drafted the guideline in collaboration with the GDG.
For further details please refer to the scope in Appendix A and review questions in section 3.1.
Final version
Development of the guideline
Cilostazol, naftidrofyryl oxalate, pentoxifylline and inositol nicotinate for the treatment of
intermittent claudication in people with peripheral arterial disease. NICE technology appraisal
guidance 223 (2011). Available from
Clopidogrel and modified-release dipyridamole for the prevention of occlusive vascular events.
NICE technology appraisal guidance 210 (2010). Available from
Spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain of neuropathic or ischaemic origin. NICE technology
appraisal guidance 159 (2008). Available from
Ezetimibe for the treatment of primary (heterozygous-familial and non-familial)
hypercholesterolaemia. NICE technology appraisal guidance 132 (2007). Available from
Varenicline for smoking cessation. NICE technology appraisal guidance 123 (2007). Available from
Statins for the prevention of cardiovascular events. NICE technology appraisal guidance 94 (2006).
Available from
Guidance on the use of patient-education models for diabetes. NICE technology appraisal
guidance 60 (2003). Available from
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Development of the guideline
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3 Methods
This chapter sets out in detail the methods used to generate the recommendations that are
presented in the subsequent chapters. This guidance was developed in accordance with the methods
outlined in the NICE Guidelines Manual 2009.9
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Inter- and intra-
operative reliability
Chapter 8 What is most clinical and cost-effective method of assessment Specificity
of PAD (intermittent claudication and critical limb ischemia)? Sensitivity
Negative predictive
Positive predictive
Positive likelihood
Negative likelihood
Chapter 9 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of supervised Amputation free
Section 9.2 exercise therapy compared to unsupervised exercise therapy survival (all)
for the treatment of PAD in adults with intermittent CV events
Quality of life
Walking distance (all)
Adverse events
Exercise at follow up
Withdrawal rates from
exercise programme
Change in ABPI
Chapter 9 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of naftidrofuryl Mortality
Section 9.3 oxalate compared to exercise therapy, angioplasty or stents for Amputation free
the treatment of PAD in adults with intermittent claudication? survival (all)
Quality of life
Walking distance (all)
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
Change in ABPI
Chapter 9 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of endovascular or Amputation free
Section 9.4 surgical techniques compared to or in combination with survival (all)
exercise or usual care for the treatment of PAD in adults with CV events
intermittent claudication?
Quality of life
Walking distance (all)
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
Exercise at follow up
Withdrawal rates
Change in ABPI
Chapter 9 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of angioplasty Mortality
Section 9.4.7 compared to bypass surgery for the treatment of PAD in adults Amputation free
with intermittent claudication? survival (all)
Quality of life
Walking distance (all)
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
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Change in ABPI
Chapter 9 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of angioplasty with Mortality
Section 9.5 selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with Amputation free
primary stent placement for the treatment of PAD in adults survival (all)
with intermittent claudication?
Quality of life
Walking distance (all)
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
Change in ABPI
Chapter 9 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of bare metal stents Mortality
Section 9.6 compared to drug eluting stents for the treatment of PAD in Amputation free
adults with intermittent claudication? survival (all)
Quality of life
Walking distance (all)
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
Change in ABPI
Chapter 9 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of autologous vein Mortality
Section 9.7 compared to prosthetic bypass for the treatment of PAD in Amputation free
adults with intermittent claudication? survival (all)
Quality of life
Walking distance (all)
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
Change in ABPI
Chapter 10 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of angioplasty Mortality
Section 10.2 compared to bypass surgery compared to amputation for the Amputation free
treatment of PAD in adults with critical limb ischaemia? survival (all)
Quality of life
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
Change in ABPI
Chapter 10 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of angioplasty with Mortality
Section 10.3 selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with Amputation free
primary stent placement for the treatment of PAD in adults survival (all)
with critical limb ischaemia?
Quality of life
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
Change in ABPI
Chapter10 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of bare metal stents Mortality
Section 10.4 compared to drug eluting stents for the treatment of PAD in Amputation free
adults with critical limb ischaemia? survival (all)
Quality of life
Adverse events
Re-intervention rates
Change in ABPI
Chapter 10 What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of autologous vein Mortality
Section 10.5 compared to prosthetic bypass for the treatment of PAD in Amputation free
Final version
The final scope for this guideline identified graft and vessel patency (primary and secondary) as an
outcome to be considered in the clinical and cost effectiveness evidence reviews. The use of patency
as an outcome measure for PAD was discussed by the GDG at length. The GDG were aware that it has
been used in many clinical trials as a surrogate endpoint for studies of treatments for PAD,
particularly endovascular treatments. The GDG were of the opinion that patency was not a good
surrogate outcome and should not therefore be included as an outcome for most comparisons.
The major concern was that the usefulness of patency as an outcome depended upon clear evidence
to make the link between patency and clinical outcomes of relevance to people with PAD. The GDG
noted that some treatments that are known to have an effect upon symptoms in people with PAD
have no effect upon patency. Their clinical experience and knowledge of the literature suggests that
it is common for people to develop recurrent symptoms despite a patent segment of vessel or to
develop re-stenosis or re-occlusion without having recurrent symptoms. They therefore considered
that the results of treatment were far better measured by outcomes of relevance to patients such as
symptoms, quality of life and the need for further interventions.
Another consideration in respect to the use of patency as an outcome is the variability in definitions
used in the literature, which may be based upon different modalities of measurement or differing
degrees of narrowing. A threshold for degree of narrowing (e.g. 50% based upon a chosen imaging
modality) leads to the anomaly that changes in narrowing of a few percent close to the threshold
determine "success", but are likely to have little or no clinical significance. It was also noted that
patency focused specifically on technical outcomes for disease at a specific site in an artery, whereas
PAD often occurs at multiple sites. The GDG felt that outcomes that consider the impact of disease
and treatment on the limb or the patient are of greater relevance.
The use of patency as a surrogate outcome also leads to difficulties in undertaking comparisons with
other treatments, such as exercise or drug treatment, where an effect on patency is not to be
expected. Even where both treatments aim to increase the diameter of a vessel, such as in the
comparison of angioplasty and stents, the initial result that is expected may differ, and thus a
threshold for patency based upon a specific degree of stenosis may be less likely to reflect a clinically
significant change for one of the treatments. Furthermore, the difference in initial treatment may
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mean that the clinical implications, for example in terms of the potential modalities and expected
outcome of retreatment, may be different.
The only situation where the GDG considered that patency would be a potentially useful outcome
was where the two treatments being compared were expected to have identical mechanical effects,
such as in comparing similar stents with and without drug elution. Even in this situation clinical
outcomes would be preferred where available and the usefulness of the surrogate outcome would
depend upon the availability of evidence to link this to clinical outcomes which, for the reasons
above, would need to be related to the specific treatment.
Several disease specific and generic health profiles have been used to measure quality of life in
people with IC. These include, but are not limited to: the SF-36; Nottingham Health Profile; Sickness
Impact Profile; Walking Impairment Questionnaire; and VascuQol.
Utility measures are designed to reflect preferences for different treatment processes and outcomes
and comprise the primary measure of effectiveness in cost-utility analyses. In cost-utility analyses,
measures of health benefit are valued in terms of quality adjusted life years (QALYs). The QALY is a
measure of a person’s length of life weighted by a valuation of their HRQoL over that period. The
utility weighting comprises two elements: the description of changes in HRQoL and an overall
valuation of that description. Generic utility measures include: the EQ-5D; HUI 2; and SF-6D.
The different methods of measuring quality of life are not mutually exclusive; each may be useful for
under certain circumstances and for specific purposes. Early in the guideline development process,
the GDG decided that they wished to inform the economic analyses with health related quality of life
obtained directly from the included clinical studies. Changes in disease specific functional disability
would be captured by including walking distance as an outcome. The NICE reference case10 specifies
that the EQ-5D is the preferred method of QALY measurement. Therefore, only EQ-5D values or
health state descriptions which could be mapped to EQ-5D were included as measures of health
related quality of life. Disease specific questionnaires and other generic health profiles were not
included as outcomes in the review.
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Search strategies were checked by looking at reference lists of relevant key papers, checking search
strategies in other systematic reviews and asking the GDG for known studies. The questions, the
study types applied, the databases searched and the years covered can be found in Appendix D.
During the scoping stage, a search was conducted for guidelines and reports on the websites listed
below and on organisations relevant to the topic. Searching for grey literature or unpublished
literature was not undertaken. All references sent by stakeholders were considered.
Guidelines International Network database (
National Guideline Clearing House (
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (
National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Program (
National Library for Health (
The GDG decided to initiate a ‘call for evidence’ for randomised controlled trials comparing the
effectiveness of drug eluting stents to bare metal stents for the treatment of peripheral arterial
disease as they believed that important evidence existed that would not be identified by the
standard searches. The NCGC contacted all registered stakeholders and asked them to submit any
relevant published or unpublished evidence.
The search strategies for health economics are included in Appendix D. All searches were updated on
the 9th January 2012. No papers published after this date were considered.
Final version
3.3.1 Inclusion/exclusion
The inclusion/exclusion of studies was based on the review protocols (Appendix C). The GDG were
consulted about any uncertainty regarding inclusion/exclusion of selected studies.
Where possible, meta-analyses were conducted to combine the results of studies for each review
question using Cochrane Review Manager (RevMan5) software. Fixed-effects (Mantel-Haenszel)
techniques were used to calculate risk ratios (relative risk) for the binary outcomes: mortality,
amputation free survival, cardiovascular events, adverse events, re-intervention rates and
withdrawal rates. The continuous outcomes: quality of life, walking distance, exercise level at follow
up, change in ABPI pain measures, duration of pain control and patient satisfaction were analysed
using an inverse variance method for pooling weighted mean differences and where the studies had
different scales, standardised mean differences were used. Where reported, time-to-event data was
presented as a hazard ratio.
Three network meta-analyses were considered for the guideline. The three proposed networks were
for the outcome of walking distance in the IC population, mortality in the CLI population and
amputation free survival in the CLI population. None of the network meta-analyses were
methodologically possible to conduct due to lack of evidence to build complete networks for the
outcomes proposed.
Statistical heterogeneity was assessed by considering the chi-squared test for significance at p<0.1 or
an I-squared inconsistency statistic of >50% to indicate significant heterogeneity. Where significant
heterogeneity was present, we carried out sensitivity analysis based on the quality of studies if there
were differences, with particular attention paid to allocation concealment, blinding and loss to
follow-up (missing data). In cases where there was inadequate allocation concealment, unclear
blinding, more than 50% missing data or differential missing data, this was examined in a sensitivity
analysis. For the latter, the duration of follow up was also taken into consideration prior to including
in a sensitivity analysis.
Assessments of potential differences in effect between subgroups were based on the chi-squared
tests for heterogeneity statistics between subgroups. If no sensitivity analysis was found to
completely resolve statistical heterogeneity then a random effects (DerSimonian and Laird) model
was employed to provide a more conservative estimate of the effect.
For continuous outcomes, the means and standard deviations were required for meta-analysis.
However, in cases where standard deviations were not reported, the standard error was calculated if
the p-values or 95% confidence intervals were reported and meta-analysis was undertaken with the
mean and standard error using the generic inverse variance method in Cochrane Review Manager
(RevMan5) software. When the only evidence was based on studies summarised results by only
presenting means this information was included in the GRADE tables without calculating the relative
and absolute effect.
For binary outcomes, absolute event rates were also calculated using the GRADEpro software using
event rate in the control arm of the pooled results.
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Evidence for diagnostic data was evaluated by study, using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic
Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) checklists.
For diagnostic test accuracy studies, the following data were extracted, either directly from the study
report or calculated from other study data: components of the “2x2 table” (true positives, false
positives, false negatives and true negatives) and test accuracy parameters: sensitivity, specificity,
positive/negative predictive values and positive/negative likelihood ratios (there are other outcomes
that can be included such as area under curve (AUC for ROC curves) reproducibility, applicability and
inter and intra operative reliability). In cases where the outcomes were not reported, 2x2 tables were
constructed from raw data to allow calculation of accuracy measures.
Forest plots of sensitivity and specificity with their 95% confidence intervals were presented side-by-
side for individual studies using Cochrane Review Manager (RevMan5) software (for RevMan see
Appendix J).
When data from 5 or more studies were available, a diagnostic meta-analysis was carried out. To
show the differences between study results, pairs of sensitivity and specificity were plotted for each
study on one receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve in Microsoft EXCEL software (for Excel
plots please see Appendix J). A ROC plot shows true positive rate (i.e. sensitivity) as a function of false
positive rate (i.e. 1 – specificity). Study results were pooled using the bivariate method for the direct
estimation of summary sensitivity and specificity using a random effects approach (in WinBUGS®
software - for the program code see Appendix J). This model also assesses the variability by
incorporating the precision by which sensitivity and specificity have been measured in each study. A
confidence ellipse is shown in the graph that indicates the confidence region around the summary
sensitivity / specificity point. A summary ROC curve is also presented. From the WinBUGS® output we
report the summary estimate of sensitivity and specificity (plus their 95% confidence intervals) as
well as between study variation measured as logit sensitivity and specificity as well as correlations
between the two measures of variation. The summary diagnostic odds ratio with its 95% confidence
interval is also reported.
For diagnostic evidence reviews, diagnostic randomised controlled trials, diagnostic cohorts and case
controls studies were included in this guideline.
It is important to note that ITT analyses tend to bias the results towards no difference. ITT analysis is
a conservative approach to analyse the data, and therefore the effect may be smaller than in reality.
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Each outcome was examined separately for the quality elements listed and defined in Table 4 and
each graded using the quality levels listed in Table 5 and Table 6. The main criteria considered in the
rating of these elements are discussed below (see section 3.3.6 Grading of Evidence). Footnotes were
used to describe reasons for grading a quality element as having serious or very serious problems.
The ratings for each component were summed to obtain an overall assessment for each outcome.
The GRADE toolbox is currently designed only for RCTs and observational studies but however, for
the purposes of this guideline, the quality assessment elements and outcome presentation was
adapted for diagnostic accuracy and qualitative studies.
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The details of criteria used for each of the main quality element are discussed further in the following
sections 3.3.5 to 3.3.10.
The GDG accepted that investigator blinding in surgical intervention studies was impossible and
participant blinding was also difficult to achieve in most situations. Nevertheless, open-label studies
for surgery were downgraded to maintain a consistent approach in quality rating across the
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3.3.8 Inconsistency
Inconsistency refers to an unexplained heterogeneity of results. When estimates of the treatment
effect across studies differ widely (i.e. heterogeneity or variability in results), this suggests true
differences in underlying treatment effect. When heterogeneity exists (Chi square p<0.1 or I-squared
inconsistency statistic of >50%), but no plausible explanation can be found, the quality of evidence
was downgraded by one or two levels, depending on the extent of uncertainty to the results
contributed by the inconsistency in the results. In addition to the I-square and Chi square values, the
decision for downgrading was also dependent on factors such as whether the intervention is
associated with benefit in all other outcomes or whether the uncertainty about the magnitude of
benefit (or harm) of the outcome showing heterogeneity would influence the overall judgment about
net benefit or harm (across all outcomes).
If inconsistency could be explained based on pre-specified subgroup analysis, the GDG took this into
account and considered whether to make separate recommendations based on the identified
explanatory factors, i.e. population and intervention. Where subgroup analysis gives a plausible
explanation of heterogeneity, the quality of evidence would not be downgraded.
3.3.9 Indirectness
Directness refers to the extent to which the populations, intervention, comparisons and outcome
measures are similar to those defined in the inclusion criteria for the reviews. Indirectness is
important when these differences are expected to contribute to a difference in effect size, or may
affect the balance of harms and benefits considered for an intervention.
3.3.10 Imprecision
The minimal important difference (MID) in the outcome between the two groups were the main
criteria considered.
The thresholds of important benefits or harms, or the MID for an outcome are important
considerations for determining whether there is a “clinically important” difference between
intervention and control groups and in assessing imprecision. For continuous outcomes, the MID is
defined as “the smallest difference in score in the outcome of interest that informed patients or
informed proxies perceive as important, ether beneficial or harmful, and that would lead the patient
or clinician to consider a change in the management.11-14 An effect estimate larger than the MID is
considered to be “clinically important”.
The difference between two interventions, as observed in the studies, was compared against the
MID when considering whether the findings were of “clinical importance”; this is useful to guide
decisions. For example, if the effect size was small (less than the MID), this finding suggests that
there may not be enough difference to strongly recommend one intervention over the other based
on that outcome.
The criteria applied for imprecision are based on the confidence intervals for pooled or the best
estimate of effect as outlined in Table 8 and illustrated in Figure 1.
Table 9 presents the MID thresholds used for the specified outcomes for this guideline as specified by
the GDG.
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Figure 1: Illustration of precise and imprecise outcomes based on the confidence interval
of outcomes in a forest plot
The MIDs are the threshold for appreciable benefits and harms. The confidence intervals of the top
three points of the diagram were considered precise because the upper and lower limits did not
cross the MID. Conversely, the bottom three points of the diagram were considered imprecise
because all of them crossed the MID and reduced our certainty of the results.
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Table 9: Minimal important differences (MIDs) for the outcomes used in this guideline
Outcome MID
Mortality 1%
Amputation free survival 1%
CV events for people with IC 5%
Target lesion revascularisation 10%
Quality of life (EQ5D) Change of 0.05 (mean difference, continuous outcome)
Maximum walking distance Doubling in baseline distance (mean difference, continuous
Pain free walking distance Doubling in baseline distance (mean difference, continuous
Major adverse events 10%
Minor adverse events 10%
Re-intervention rate 10%
Change in ABPI Change of 0.15 (mean difference, continuous outcome)
Pain measures (as reported in papers) 0.5 standardised mean difference
Duration of pain 0.5 standardised mean difference
Patient satisfaction 0.5 standardised mean difference
Evidence on cost-effectiveness related to the key clinical issues being addressed in the guideline was
sought. The health economist undertook:
A systematic review of the economic literature
New cost-effectiveness analysis in priority areas.
Final version
Methods Inclusion/exclusion
Full economic evaluations (studies comparing costs and health consequences of alternative courses
of action: cost–utility, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit and cost-consequence analyses) and
comparative costing studies that addressed the review question in the relevant population were
considered potentially includable as economic evidence.
Studies that only reported cost per hospital (not per patient), or only reported average cost
effectiveness without disaggregated costs and effects, were excluded. Abstracts, posters, reviews,
letters/editorials, foreign language publications and unpublished studies were excluded. Studies
judged to have an applicability rating of ‘not applicable’ were excluded (this included studies that
took the perspective of a non-OECD country, except for American studies, which were considered
‘partially applicable’).
Remaining studies were prioritised for inclusion based on their relative applicability to the
development of this guideline and the study limitations. For example, if a high quality, directly
applicable UK analysis was available other less relevant studies may not have been included. Where
exclusions occurred on this basis, this is noted in the relevant section and included in the list of
excluded studies in Appendix F.
For more details about the assessment of applicability and methodological quality see the economic
evaluation checklist.9
When no relevant economic analysis was identified in the economic literature review, relevant UK
NHS unit costs related to the compared interventions were presented to the GDG to inform the
possible economic implication of the recommendation to make.
The NICE economic evidence profile has been used to summarise cost and cost-effectiveness
estimates (see Table 10). The economic evidence profile includes an assessment of applicability and
methodological quality for each economic study, with footnotes indicating the reasons for each
assessment. These assessments were made by the health economist using the economic evaluation
checklist from the Guidelines Manual 2009.9 It also shows incremental costs, incremental outcomes
(for example, QALYs) and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, as well as information about the
assessment of uncertainty in the analysis.
Several of the pair wise clinical comparisons conducted in the IC population concerned the same
decision question. Due to the nature of the question and the difficulty of considering multiple-
comparator evaluations in a pair wise context, the clinical and economic evidence for these
questions were presented in separate sections.
All costs converted into 2009/10 pounds sterling using the appropriate purchasing power parity.15
Final version
The GDG identified the treatment of IC using exercise and endovascular interventions as the highest
priority areas for original economic modelling. Specifically, these areas include the cost effectiveness
of supervised compared to unsupervised exercise, and exercise compared to angioplasty for the
treatment of IC.
The following general principles were adhered to in developing the cost-effectiveness analysis:
Methods were consistent with the NICE reference case10
The GDG was involved in the design of the model, selection of inputs and interpretation of the
Model inputs were based on the systematic review of the clinical literature supplemented with
other published data sources where possible
When published data was not available GDG expert opinion was used to populate the model
Model inputs and assumptions were reported fully and transparently
The results were subject to sensitivity analysis and limitations were discussed
The model was peer-reviewed by another health economist at the NCGC.
Additional data for the analysis was identified as required through additional literature searches
undertaken by the health economist and in discussion with the GDG. Model structure, inputs and
assumptions were explained to and agreed by the GDG members during meetings, and they
commented on subsequent revisions.
Full methods for the original health economic analyses undertaken for this guideline are described in
Appendices K and L.
Final version
In general, an intervention was considered to be cost effective if either of the following criteria
applied (given that the estimate was considered plausible):
a. The intervention dominated other relevant strategies (that is, it was both less costly in terms of
resource use and more clinically effective compared with all the other relevant alternative
strategies), or
b. The intervention cost less than £20,000 per QALY gained compared with the next best strategy.
If the GDG recommended an intervention that was estimated to cost more than £20,000 per QALY
gained, or did not recommend one that was estimated to cost less than £20,000 per QALY gained,
the reasons for this decision are discussed explicitly in the ‘recommendations and link to evidence’
section of the relevant chapter with reference to issues regarding the plausibility of the estimate or
to the factors set out in the ‘Social value judgements: principles for the development of NICE
Recommendations were drafted on the basis of the GDG’s interpretation of the available evidence,
taking into account the balance of benefits, harms and costs. When clinical and economic evidence
was of poor quality, conflicting or absent, the GDG drafted recommendations based on their expert
opinion. The considerations for making consensus based recommendations include the balance
between potential harms and benefits, economic or implications compared to the benefits, current
practices, recommendations made in other relevant guidelines, patient preferences and equality
issues. The consensus recommendations were done through discussions in the GDG. The GDG may
also consider whether the uncertainty is sufficient to justify delaying making a recommendation to
await further research, taking into account the potential harm of failing to make a clear
recommendation (see section 3.5.1).
The main considerations specific to each recommendation are outlined in the recommendations and
link to evidence section following the clinical and economic evidence reviews.
Final version
3.5.4 Disclaimer
Health care providers need to use clinical judgement, knowledge and expertise when deciding
whether it is appropriate to apply guidelines. The recommendations cited here are a guide and may
not be appropriate for use in all situations. The decision to adopt any of the recommendations cited
here must be made by the practitioners in light of individual patient circumstances, the wishes of the
patient, clinical expertise and resources.
The National Clinical Guideline Centre disclaims any responsibility for damages arising out of the use
or non-use of these guidelines and the literature used in support of these guidelines.
3.5.5 Funding
The National Clinical Guideline Centre was commissioned by the National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence to undertake the work on this guideline.
Final version
Guideline summary
4 Guideline summary
4.1 Key priorities for implementation
From the full set of recommendations, the GDG selected 9 key priorities for implementation. They
selected recommendations that would:
Have a high impact on outcomes that are important to patients
Have a high impact on reducing variation in care and outcomes
Lead to a more efficient use of NHS resources
Promote patient choice
Promote equality.
In addition to this, the GDG also considered which recommendations were particularly likely to
benefit from implementation support. They considered whether a recommendation:
Relates to an intervention that is not part of routine care
Requires changes in service delivery
Requires retraining of staff of the development of new skills and competencies
Highlights the need for practice change
Affects an needs to be implemented across a number of agencies or settings (complex
May be viewed as potentially contentious, or difficult to implement for other reasons.
The reasons that each of these recommendations was chosen are shown in the table linking the
evidence to the recommendation in the relevant chapter.
Ensure that information, tailored to the individual needs of the person, is available at diagnosis and
subsequently as required, to allow people to make decisions throughout the course of their
Final version
Guideline summary
Assess people for the presence of peripheral arterial disease if they:
o have symptoms suggestive of peripheral arterial disease or
o have diabetes, non-healing wounds on the legs or feet or unexplained leg pain or
o are being considered for interventions to the leg or foot or
o need to use compression hosiery.
Final version
Guideline summary
Do not offer major amputation to people with critical limb ischaemia unless all options for
revascularisation have been considered by a vascular multidisciplinary team.
Ensure that information, tailored to the individual needs of the person, is available at diagnosis and
subsequently as required, to allow people to make decisions throughout the course of their
2. NICE has produced guidance on the components of good patient experience in adult NHS services.
Follow the recommendations in Patient experience in adult NHS services (NICE clinical guideline
4.2.2 Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with peripheral arterial disease
3. Offer all people with peripheral arterial disease information, advice, support and treatment
regarding the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, in line with published NICE
guidance (see 'Related NICE guidance'; section 2.6) on:
o smoking cessation
o diet, weight management and exercise
o lipid modification and statin therapy
o the prevention, diagnosis and management of diabetes
o the prevention, diagnosis and management of high blood pressure
o antiplatelet therapy.
4.2.3 Diagnosis
4. Assess people for the presence of peripheral arterial disease if they:
o have symptoms suggestive of peripheral arterial disease or
o have diabetes, non-healing wounds on the legs or feet or unexplained leg pain or
o are being considered for interventions to the leg or foot or
o need to use compression hosiery.
Final version
Guideline summary
o asking about the presence and severity of possible symptoms of intermittent claudication and
critical limb ischaemia
o examining the legs and feet for evidence of critical limb ischaemia, for example ulceration
o examining the femoral, popliteal and foot pulses
o measuring the ankle brachial pressure index (see recommendation 6).
11.Consider providing a supervised exercise programme for people with intermittent claudication
which involves:
o 2 hours of supervised exercise a week for a 3-month period
o encouraging people to exercise to the point of maximal pain.
13.Do not offer primary stent placement for treating people with intermittent claudication caused by
aorto-iliac disease (except complete occlusion) or femoro-popliteal disease.
Final version
Guideline summary
14.Consider primary stent placement for treating people with intermittent claudication caused by
complete aorto-iliac occlusion (rather than stenosis).
15.Use bare metal stents when stenting is used for treating people with intermittent claudication.
17.Use an autologous vein whenever possible for people with intermittent claudication having infra-
inguinal bypass surgery.
Review progress after 3-6 months and discontinue naftidrofuryl oxalate if there has been no
symptomatic benefit. Revascularisation
20.Offer angioplasty or bypass surgery for treating people with critical limb ischaemia who require
revascularisation, taking into account factors including:
o comorbidities
o pattern of disease
o availability of a vein
o patient preference.
21.Do not offer primary stent placement for treating people with critical limb ischaemia caused by
aorto-iliac disease (except complete occlusion) or femoro-popliteal disease.
22.Consider primary stent placement for treating people with critical limb ischaemia caused by
complete aorto-iliac occlusion (rather than stenosis).
23.Use bare metal stents when stenting is used for treating people with critical limb ischaemia.
24.Use an autologous vein whenever possible for people with critical limb ischaemia having infra-
inguinal bypass surgery.
Final version
Guideline summary
26.Offer drugs such as laxatives and anti-emetics to manage the adverse effects of strong opioids, in
line with the person's needs and preferences.
27.Refer people with critical limb ischaemic pain to a specialist pain management service if any of
the following apply:
o their pain is not adequately controlled and revascularisation is inappropriate or impossible.
o ongoing high doses of opioids are required for pain control
o pain persists after revascularisation or amputation.
28.Do not offer chemical sympathectomy to people with critical limb ischaemic pain, except in the
context of a clinical trial.
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
People with PAD need to recognise that lifestyle factors e.g. exercise levels, smoking and diet, will
have an impact on disease progression and severity (see chapter 6 for further information and
recommendations). This information is needed from the time of diagnosis but needs to be offered in
a fashion appropriate to the person’s background as cultural and social factors have a large influence
not just on lifestyle but also on response that will be made to any proposed changes. The patient’s
baseline understanding must be established and their attitude to any current proposed treatment
should be sensitively explored.
The resources available for changing lifestyle will include not only consultation with healthcare
professionals but voluntary workshops, self help groups and if possible friends and family. The
information might include both written and verbal and if appropriate and available, audio and visual
The GDG were interested in identifying people’s experiences of living with PAD and any specific
information requirements. A qualitative literature search was undertaken, there were no study
design filters placed on the search.
Four qualitative studies17-20 were identified. Information from the studies was further synthesised
into themes (see Table 11) and has been summarised in modified clinical evidence profiles (see Table
12, Table 13, Table 14, Table 15, Table 16).
Table 11: Themes from qualitative studies on peoples’ experiences of peripheral arterial disease
and their information requirements
Main theme Sub-themes
Impact of disease Disease severity
Physical function/physical symptoms
Mental health/emotional function
Social/role function
Sense of self
Perceptions and beliefs No sub-themes
Needs and concerns Physical
Mental health/emotional
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
Expectations No sub-themes
Strategies for adaption/improvement/scoping No sub-themes
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Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
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Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
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Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
Post-surgery Role of chance in getting access to treatment and whether Transferable to population
treatment is successful addressed
Perceived a lack of control over course of illness; treatment not
guaranteed to work
Believed their best chance of recovery lay in the hands of others
and their own role mostly limited to playing by the rules (e.g.
modifying lifestyle factors, partly so that medical staff haven’t
wasted their time)
Some stopped smoking (their side of the “bargain” with medical
Some continued smoking as much as before (disbelieving that
smoking caused their condition)
Some reduced smoking but did not stop altogether, accepting that
smoking caused their condition but denying (to themselves or
others) that they continued to smoke (e.g. smoking in secret,
avoiding the subject, convincing themselves that smoking
occasionally did not matter).
118 Questionnaire N=60 Dissatisfaction with body structure and function (particularly women). Low quality
interviews Pre-surgery Poor or no report of study
design, data collection and
most elements of validity,
analysis and synthesis
Transferable to population
118 Questionnaire N=60 Twice as many women as men perceived themselves to be in Low quality
interviews Pre-surgery control in the hospital while twice as many men as women felt Poor or no report of study
lonely and cut off from normal family support design, data collection and
Men were three times more likely to have financial worries due to most elements of validity,
reduction in income analysis and synthesis
Transferable to population
118 Questionnaire N=60 Older patients (vs. younger, ≤64 years) perceived: Low quality
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
interviews Pre-surgery Less need to follow a special diet Poor or no report of study
Demonstrated less awareness of the negative relationship between design, data collection and
smoking and circulatory pathology most elements of validity,
analysis and synthesis
Transferable to population
118 Questionnaire N=60 Most did not relate perceived benefits of dietary management and Low quality
interviews Pre-surgery regular foot care to vascular disease and were not following these Poor or no report of study
practices. design, data collection and
most elements of validity,
analysis and synthesis
Transferable to population
(a) Clarification: not all participants reported in the study sample contributed to the themes.
(b) Quality assessment included study limitations, indirectness (transferability) and other considerations.
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
Need for surgery(e)
Sub-theme: Mental health / emotional
118 Questionnaire N=60 pre-surgery18 Psychosocial needs: Low quality
interviews Difficulties coping with alterations in self-concept and role function Poor or no report of study
were closely related design, data collection and
Most people were unhappy with changes that had occurred with most elements of validity,
the progression of their disease: felt useless, frustration and analysis and synthesis
depression with their situation and with their perceived inability to methods
cope with it. Transferable to population
Less than half of people felt themselves to be in control during addressed
People perceived a need to have a sense of control over life / the
Anxiety about the effect of surgery on disease progression (more
than about hospitalisation itself).
Sub-theme: Social
218,19 Questionnaire N=60 pre-surgery18 Social needs/concerns: High quality(d); Low quality18
interviews o Loneliness and separation from families18 Poor or no report of study
1:1 interviews N=38 PAD(d) o Loss of independence(d) design, data collection and
most elements of validity,
analysis and synthesis
Transferable to population
Sub-theme: Support
118 Questionnaire N=60 Need support for: Low quality
interviews Pre-surgery Difficulties coping with negatively perceived changes in self-concept Poor or no report of study
Alterations in role relationships design, data collection and
Anxiety about the effect of surgery on disease progression most elements of validity,
analysis and synthesis
General operative support measures
Transferable to population
Most people found the following useful:
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Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
119 1:1 Interviews N=38 Delay in diagnosis and frustration with management of disease: High quality
Person’s delay due to not recognising symptoms (e.g. thinking it Transferable to population
PAD was a normal part of aging) addressed
Clinician delay (e.g. going to several doctors before getting
(a) Clarification: not all participants reported in the study sample contributed to the themes.
(b) Quality assessment included study limitations, indirectness (transferability) and other considerations.
Table 15: Evidence profile: Theme 4 – Expectations of people with peripheral arterial disease
No. of studies Design Sample Themes emerged(a) Quality assessment(b)
117 1:1 Interviews N=9 Cause and management of illness: High quality
Post-surgery The “acute” style of management of PAD led to unrealistic Transferable to population
expectations, and gave rise to powerlessness. addressed
Prior to surgery:
Expectations were unrealistic and positive (e.g. belief operation
would get things “back to normal” and “that would be it”).
After surgery:
When it became apparent that surgery had not restored their
function as much as they hoped, expectations were tempered by
realism expressed positively (e.g. “it’s done what it’s meant to do
really”) or negatively (“I can’t see me getting any better”)
Concerned and disappointed when pain persisted after they
expected to have recovered (may be related to unrealistic hope in
the power of medicine to alleviate symptoms and focus on surgery
as a cure)
Expected pain to be considerable in the early post-operative period
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Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease Clinical
Four qualitative studies of high to low quality17-20 with a total of 131 participants, showed the
following findings about the experiences and information requirements of people with PAD:
Pain, restricted mobility/walking impairment, depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance were
problems for many people with PAD.
PAD had a major impact on people’s sense of self (who they were) and limitations on their social
and role functions (feelings of isolation, loss of independence, burden to friends and family,
missing out on previous activities and social activities, limitations on work).
People with PAD did not feel in control of their illness, many did not believe that modifying
lifestyle (including diet and smoking) would help their condition, and often felt that treatment
may not work.
Their concerns were mainly ‘physical’ and many had fears of: increased pain, loss of function,
amputation, failure of operations or other treatment.
Psychosocial concerns and needs included: loss of independence, loneliness and separation from
families, feeling out of control and difficulties coping.
Most people with PAD and investigators felt support was needed for: coping with negative
changes (e.g. control, self, role relationships, family support, anxiety about surgery), and found
that pre-operative support measures, physical and emotional support and general nursing
support was useful.
People with PAD had unrealistic expectations of the management of PAD and the results of
surgery (particularly on pain and function - which led to feelings of powerlessness), and expected
that it would be a cure.
People often experienced a delay in diagnosis (due to not recognising symptoms and perceived
clinician delays), and expressed a need for information on a number of areas including: disease
and risk factor management, preventative health behaviours, aortographic procedures, lack of
control, pre-operative information to reduce anxiety, and the adverse events of analgesics.
Strategies people adopted for coping with / adapting to living with PAD included:
o acceptance
o re-orientation (e.g. finding new activities they could do and modifying routines and activities to
maintain some feeling of control and independence). Economic
1. Offer all people with peripheral arterial disease oral and written
information about their condition. Discuss it with them so they
can share decision-making, and understand the course of the
disease and what they can do to help prevent disease
Recommendations progression. Information should include:
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Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
Trade off between clinical Information needs and requirements will change during the course of the
benefits and harms disease and must be tailored to this.
Economic considerations The GDG discussed patient information in the context of routine healthcare
practice. It was expected that any impact on time and resource use would be
minimal and would likely be offset by an improvement in quality of life.
Quality of evidence The evidence reviewed was either high or low quality by GRADE criteria. A
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
number of the studies were 1:1 interviews, which is considered high quality
within qualitative research. The studies reported tended to be small in sample
size. In addition, the samples consisted of people at different stages in the
treatment pathway and degree of disease severity, which may affect their
responses to questionnaires. Therefore, there has to be some caution in
attributing themes reported to all patients with PAD.
Other considerations The GDG developed the recommendations based on the clinical evidence
presented. The GDG agreed that the NICE Patient Experience (publication to be
confirmed) guideline contains general recommendations around
communication, treating the patient as an individual that healthcare
professionals should follow. Information should be available in a variety of
formats (including written and verbal information) and translations should be
available where appropriate. In addition to the Patient Experience guideline
recommendations, the GDG identified recommendations specific to people
with PAD.
Information requirements
From the clinical evidence review, the GDG discussed several aspects of
information required by people with PAD and this information informed the
recommendations. In particular,
Addressing the disease stage and severity – is it intermittent claudication or
critical limb ischaemia? What is the prognosis?
Lifestyle and preventative behaviours - the clinical evidence review did
highlight that there is evidence that perception and beliefs need to be
challenged. For example, some people did not believe that modifying
behaviours such as smoking, diet and exercise would impact on the disease.
This behaviour should be explored and patient educated in the importance
of these factors and the benefits of lifestyle change
Cardiovascular risk factors - the GDG patient members highlighted that
patients are unlikely to ask or be aware of CV risk factors associated with
PAD. Therefore, it is important that the healthcare professionals inform and
reinforce this information
Understanding of the disease process
Restricted mobility and walking impairment.
Other discussions
It is important to give simple summary information to patients and then assess
the impact of the information on the individual. For example, is it having an
effect on behaviours and coping styles. From this the healthcare professional
can challenge any negative beliefs.
Final version
Information requirements for people with peripheral arterial disease
There was a discussion around setting individualised care plans. This did not
emerge as a theme from the clinical review and was not a specific review
question. The GDG emphasised that all people with PAD should be fully
involved in all decision making. The NICE guideline on “Patient Experience in
adult NHS services” (CG138) contains further recommendations relating to
this, therefore the GDG did not make a specific recommendation.
The GDG felt that it was not appropriate to prepare a standardised patient
leaflet but to give some clear recommendations about what should be
included in patient discussions.
Concern was expressed that people are not always given enough consultation
time to discuss the diagnosis and treatment fully. This has been covered within
the Patient Experience guideline but was re-emphasised by the GDG.
1. What is the effect of people’s attitudes and beliefs about their peripheral arterial disease on
the management and outcome of their condition?
The evidence reviewed suggested that, among people with peripheral arterial disease, there is a lack
of understanding of the causes of the disease, a lack of belief that lifestyle interventions will have a
positive impact on disease outcomes, and unrealistic expectations of the outcome of surgical
interventions. Much of the research has been conducted on the subpopulation of people with
peripheral arterial disease who have been referred for surgical intervention, but little evidence is
available for the majority of people diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease in a primary care
setting. Research is required to further investigate attitudes and beliefs in relation to peripheral
arterial disease, interventions that might influence these and how these may have an impact on
behavioural changes in relation to risk factors for peripheral arterial disease, attitudes to
intervention and clinical outcomes.
Final version
Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with peripheral arterial disease
There is a paucity of evidence to address risk factor modification specifically in PAD and available
evidence is usually related to subgroup analysis.23-25 Nevertheless, the strong association of PAD and
cardiovascular disease and common shared risk factors justifies extrapolation to PAD using
information from other conditions associated with atherosclerosis. Smoking
Smoking is the most important risk factor for the development of PAD and even passive smoking
increases cardiovascular risk. Excess cardiovascular risk is halved within one year of cessation and is
the same as non-smokers within 5 years in those patients that successfully give up smoking. There is
no strong evidence for the benefits of smoking cessation to the limb but some observational studies
have suggested an improvement in walking distance and a reduction in amputation rates. Smoking
cessation advice when combined with nicotine replacement therapy, for example, improves quit
rates to around 30%. Diabetes
Diabetes is an important risk factor for PAD and the incidence and prevalence of PAD increases with
duration of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.26 The effects of diabetes are compounded by later
presentation with more extensive disease27 neuropathy and risk of infection. The risk of amputation
is significantly greater in a diabetic population and over 50% of all amputations occur in people with
diabetes. No trials have been set up to examined the role of improved glycaemic control in relation
to PAD. There is evidence that improved glycaemic control influences cardiovascular disease
Final version
Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with peripheral arterial disease
There is overwhelming evidence for the benefits of lowering cholesterol in patients with PAD. In the
Heart Protection Study (2002),23 people with PAD with a total cholesterol over 3.5 mmol/l who took
simvastatin (a HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor) had a 17.6% reduction in cardiovascular events
compared to those on placebo. There was also a reduction in the subsequent need for both cardiac
and non-cardiac revascularisation procedures. Based on these results, nearly all people with PAD
should be prescribed statin therapy. There is also emerging evidence that statins have a direct effect
on atherosclerotic plaque, stabilising it and possibly causing plaque regression in high doses. Hypertension
Up to 24% of the adult population are hypertensive and hypertension is associated with a 3 fold
increase risk of PAD, as well as being a strongly associated with stroke and myocardial infarction.
Treatment of hypertension will reduce stroke rates by 38% and cardiovascular deaths by 14%. In the
Heart Outcomes Study29, the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, ramipril, demonstrated an
advantage in reducing cardiovascular events, even in those patients whose blood pressure was not
elevated. However, there are potential problems with widespread use of ramapril in people with PAD
as many will have renal artery disease. At present in those with PAD and hypertension ramipril
should be considered as the first line treatment but there is not enough evidence to suggest
widespread use in the non-hypertensive patients.
A number of other life style changes should be advocated. Weight reduction and regular exercise
have proven cardiovascular benefit. The role of exercise for intermittent claudication is discussed in
chapter 9. They also have a positive effect on other risk factors. Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oils) appear
to have some beneficial effects but their clinical role in PAD has not been established. Likewise
antioxidants and other dietary additives have not been demonstrated to be of benefit.
Final version
Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with peripheral arterial disease
6.2 Recommendation
3. Offer all people with peripheral arterial disease information,
advice, support and treatment regarding the secondary
prevention of cardiovascular disease, in line with published NICE
guidance (see 'Related NICE guidance'; section 2.6) on:
smoking cessation
diet, weight management and exercise
lipid modification and statin therapy
the prevention, diagnosis and management of diabetes
the prevention, diagnosis and management of high blood
Recommendation antiplatelet therapy.
Final version
Diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease
The diagnosis of PAD is based on a good clinical history and a clinical examination including the
palpation of femoral, popliteal and pedal pulses, and when this is done by an experienced clinician
additional diagnostic tests may well be unnecessary. A readily available test which is often performed
is the ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI), which is simply the measurement of resting systolic ankle
blood pressure divided by the systolic brachial pressure. An ABPI ratio of <0.9 is an indicator of PAD.
However, a normal resting ABPI (>0.9) does not exclude its presence. The measurement of ABPI is
user dependant and has its limitations when used in patient with swollen limbs or where arterial wall
calcification is present, such as in some of the diabetic population. The GDG therefore wished to
assess the utility of measurement of ABPI in the diagnostic work-up of suspected PAD.
Other forms of imaging are sometimes utilised to diagnose PAD and are able to delineate the site and
severity of arterial lesions producing the signs and symptoms of PAD, but they are usually not
necessary for diagnosis per se. This guideline did not consider imaging for diagnosis but did review
the evidence for its role in assessment for revascularisation (see chapter 8).
A literature search was conducted for diagnostic studies that compared the diagnostic accuracy of
clinical assessment, ABPI or ABPI with clinical assessment, to the reference standard of imaging in
people with suspected PAD.
Suspected PAD was described as symptoms of intermittent claudication (IC), leg ulcers, common foot
problems or having cardiovascular risk factors; indirect populations (such as a general population
without suspected PAD) and emergency settings were excluded.
Five studies31-35 were identified which addressed the question and were included in the review.
Two studies compared manual ABPI using Doppler to angiography31,32
Two studies compared manual ABPI using Doppler to duplex ultrasound33,34
One study compared manual ABPI without Doppler to angiography31
One study compared automated oscillometric method of ABPI to angiography35
Two studies32,33 considered patients with diabetes. No diagnostic studies were identified
comparing ABPI and clinical assessment or clinical assessment alone to imaging. None of studies
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Diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease
reported on subgroups for people with diabetes, asymptomatic PAD or people with renal
failure/advanced renal disease for the outcomes.
The studies are summarised in the clinical evidence profiles below (Table 17, Table 18 and Table 19).
See also the full study evidence tables in Appendix H. Diagnostic forest plots are presented in
Appendix J.
Final version
Diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease
Table 17: Clinical evidence profile: Manual ankle brachial pressure index using Doppler compared to imaging
Quality Assessment Summary of Findings
No of Design No of Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Risk of bias
studies patients
Reference standard – Angiography; ABPI cut-off <1.0
131 Cross 20 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 92% 80% NR NR MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
Reference standard – Angiography; ABPI cut-off <0.5; people with diabetes
132 Cross 106 No serious No serious No serious serious(a) None 36% 86% 67% 64% MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
Reference standard – Angiography; ABPI cut-off <0.7; patients with diabetes
132 Cross 106 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 59% 67% 58% 68% MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
Reference standard – Angiography; ABPI cut-off <0.9; patients with diabetes
132 Cross 106 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 71% 42% 48% 65% MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
Reference standard – duplex ultrasound; ABPI cut-off <0.9 patients with diabetes
133 Cross 100 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 70.6% 88.5% 94.1% 53.4% MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
Reference standard – duplex ultrasound; lower ankle pressure ABPI cut-off <0.9
134 Cross 216 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 89% 93% 93% 88% MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
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Reference standard – duplex ultrasound; higher ankle pressure ABPI cut-off ≥0.9
134 Cross 216 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 68% 99% 99% 74% MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
(a) No confidence intervals reported.
Abbreviations: PPV=Positive predictive value; NPV=Negative predictive value; NR=Not reported.
Table 18: Clinical evidence profile: Manual ABPI without Doppler compared to angiography
Quality Assessment Summary of findings
No of Design No of Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Risk of bias
studies patients
Reference standard – Angiography; ABPI cut off <1.0
131 Cross 20 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 100% 40% NR NR MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
(a) No confidence intervals reported.
Abbreviations: PPV=Positive predictive value; NPV=Negative predictive value; NR=Not reported.
Table 19: Clinical evidence profile: Automated oscillometric ABPI compared to angiography
Quality Assessment Summary of findings
Risk of bias
Reference standard – Angiography
ABPI cut-off 0.53
135 Cross 298 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 14.3% 100% NR NR MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
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No cost effectiveness evidence was identified in the literature search. In the absence of published
economic evaluations, the GDG were asked to estimate the additional resource use associated with
obtaining a measure of ABPI compared to performing clinical assessment alone.
The GDG agreed that ABPI is typically performed by a practice nurse or podiatrist while taking a
clinical history. It may add between 5 and 15 minutes to the time required for the clinical
examination. In some instances patients may be referred to a different healthcare provider if they do
not have access to equipment or expertise. Clinicians may attend supervised training placements
which may be considered part of the overhead cost associated with ABPI. Similarly, the purchase of a
manual or automated device for measuring ABPI incurs a onetime cost to each healthcare centre.
With correct care, these devices have a lifespan of many years. Clinical
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The GDG concluded that the studies offered some support for the use of ABPI,
since it shows acceptable predictive values when compared to the results of
the less readily available “gold standard” imaging techniques. Unfortunately
none of the trials addressed the key question posed by the GDG, of the added
value of ABPI to a careful clinical examination.
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Trade off between clinical ABPI is a non-invasive test and there are no recognised dangers of correct use
benefits and harms of equipment. It is important that healthcare professionals are appropriately
trained as failure to correctly measure ABPI may result in a mis-diagnosis,
thereby delaying referral or treatment.
Economic considerations The GDG considered the additional resources required for obtaining an ABPI
compared to clinical examination alone. Based on expert opinion, the GDG
thought that the incremental resource requirements associated with
measuring ABPI were small compared to the benefit of accurately identifying
people with suspected PAD. Accurate diagnosis would be expected to improve
quality of life and save costs by ensuring that patients are managed
Quality of evidence The evidence relating to the diagnostic accuracy of ABPI was deemed to be of
moderate quality by GRADE criteria, based on the QUADAS checklist. A
diagnostic meta-analysis was not undertaken as 4 or more studies are
required, as described in the methodology chapter of the guideline. No studies
were found comparing clinical assessment alone, or clinical assessment with
ABPI, to imaging as a reference standard. The GDG noted the variation in the
studies in baseline patient characteristics and healthcare settings, where the
diagnostic tests were performed. However, the GDG did not feel these
differences biased the results of the studies.
Other considerations The GDG made the recommendations based on consensus. It is currently
common practice for patients to be misdiagnosed, referred for treatment
when they do not have PAD, or for referral to be delayed due to incorrect
diagnosis. It was the opinion of GDG that making a diagnosis of PAD requires
three forms of assessment.
Structured questioning about the symptoms of PAD is required. This not only
aids in the diagnosis but can also be used to indicate whether referral to a
specialist service is required i.e. referral for revascularisation if symptoms
are severe and lifestyle limiting. There are a number of valid PAD
questionnaires available, which can be used. The GDG did not make a
recommendation on a specific questionnaire, as an assessment of these was
not specified in the scope of the guideline and was not part of the evidence
Careful examination of the peripheral pulses is an important and basic
principle in diagnosing PAD. The examination should also include an
assessment of the signs which might be associated with critical limb
ischaemia, such as temperature of the limb, hair loss, or ulceration.
Measuring ABPI – this is discussed further in the next section.
In the opinion of the GDG, neither clinical history, examination nor ABPI alone
is sufficient to diagnose PAD. All three methods in combination would be
useful. However, even in combination they are not universally accurate, and
clinicians should use their judgement and refer if necessary.
The GDG were also aware that peripheral arterial disease might be detected
without being the primary cause for presentation, and when symptoms are
absent or minimal. For example, absent pulses might be detected during an
assessment for some other form of leg surgery, or an abnormal ABPI might be
round when assessing for compression hosiery. The GDG agreed that there
were a group of people, as defined in the recommendation, for whom it was
important to maintain a high index of suspicion of the presence of PAD and
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that it was important to assess them fully to diagnose or exclude the presence
of PAD in line with the subsequent recommendations. The recommendations
which follow in this guideline would equally apply in such cases.
A literature search was conducted for diagnostic studies that compared the effectiveness of different
techniques for taking an ABPI in people with suspected PAD. The comparisons of types of ABPI
considered were:
Duration of the rest period prior to measurements
Sitting versus lying down during measurement or seated Doppler ABPI measurement compared to
supine Doppler ABPI measurement
Location of the cuff
Higher compared to lower vessel measurement
Automated compared to manual device.
No time limit was placed on the literature search, and there were no limitations on sample size.
Suspected PAD was described as symptoms of IC, leg ulcers, common foot problems or having
cardiovascular risk factors, indirect populations and emergency settings were excluded.
One study was identified which compared seated Doppler ABPI measurement to supine Doppler ABPI
measurement.36 Seated Doppler measurement of ABPI was described as ABPI measured in the seated
position after the supine measurements had been taken and additional 5 minute rest period applied.
Supine Doppler measurement of ABPI was described as ABPI measured after 10 minutes of rest in
the supine position.
No studies were found on the duration of the rest period prior to measurements or the location of
the cuff. None of the studies reported on subgroups for people with asymptomatic PAD, diabetes or
people with renal failure/advanced renal disease for the outcomes.
The study is summarised in the clinical GRADE evidence profile below (Table 20). See also the full
clinical evidence tables in Appendix H. Diagnostic forests plots are presented in Appendix J.
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Table 20: Clinical evidence profile: Seated Doppler ABPI compared to supine Doppler ABPI
Quality Assessment Summary of findings
No. of Design No. of Risk of Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other Correlation co-efficient
studies patients bias considerations
36 (a)
1 Cross 106 No serious No serious No serious Serious None 0.936 (p < 0.001) MODERATE
sectional risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
(a) No confidence intervals reported.
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The GDG discussed the costs associated with manual and automatic ABPI devices. The acquisition
cost of automatic devices is typically two to three times greater than manual devices. The group
acknowledged that the manufacturers of these devices often claim that they are time saving and, by
extension, that they are cost saving. However, several GDG members had conducted informal
evaluations within their centres and found manual devices to be both more reliable and faster than
automatic devices; it was their clinical experience that automatic devices often fail to produce a valid
reading and cannot be used on a large proportion of people with suspected PAD. Clinical
The correlation co-efficient between seated and supine Doppler ABPI was 0.936 (p < 0.001) [1 study,
106 participants, moderate quality evidence]36 Economic
No outcome data was available for the duration of the rest period prior to
assessment, the optimal cuff location, higher compared to lower vessel
Trade off between clinical No evidence was available on benefits versus harms for different methods for
benefits and harms ABPI, but this is unsurprising since the measurement is non-invasive and
unlikely to cause any harm if carried out correctly. The main concern is that the
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Economic considerations The GDG discussed the resource use associated with manual and automatic
devices for measuring ABPI. Based on clinical experience, the GDG considered
hand held Doppler devices to be less expensive and more reliable than
automatic devices.
Quality of evidence The evidence reviewed for this question was rated as moderate quality by
GRADE criteria.
Other considerations The aim of the evidence review was to identify the techniques to measure
ABPI. Due to the lack of evidence, the GDG made consensus recommendations
on the standard method to measure ABPI. The following areas were discussed
and rationale for their inclusion into the recommendation given.
Cuff size
The cuff should be placed on the calf. The cuff size is important in the
measurement of ABPI, as an incorrect or ill-fitting cuff will lead to an incorrect
ABPI measurement. No specific cuff size was recommended; the cuff needs to
fit comfortably around the patient’s limb. A range of cuff sizes should be
available when measuring ABPI.
Advice regarding appropriate cuff sizes for arm use is given in the NICE
guideline on Hypertension (CG127) and the GDG were of the view that similar
considerations apply to choice of cuff size for the lower limb. This guideline
quotes the following: “Modern cuffs consist of an inflatable cloth-enclosed
bladder which encircles the arm and is secured by Velcro or by tucking in the
tapering end. The width of the bladder is recommended to be about 40%, and
its length 80%, of the arm circumference. Manufacturers are now required to
provide markings on the cuff indicating the arm circumference for which it is
appropriate (BS EN 1060-1) 21; these marks should be easily seen when the
cuff is being applied to an arm. When the bladder is too small (under-cuffing) it
is possible to overestimate blood pressure.”
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Arteries to be measured
Although no evidence was reviewed to determine which arteries should be
measured, the GDG considered this an important aspect in the correct
measurement of ABPI and therefore in the diagnosis of PAD. The GDG
recognised that in most clinical practice only two arteries are measured.
However, it was noted that some people, particularly those with diabetes, may
only have a pulse in the peroneal artery in the foot. Therefore it is important to
attempt to measure all three arteries. The GDG recognised that it can be
difficult to identify all three, but felt that assessment should, where possible,
include the peroneal artery.
Other considerations
It is important that people with tissue loss and/or painful limbs should still
have an ABPI measured. Falsely elevated ankle pressures can occur in diabetes
and renal failure, which should be borne in mind but should not preclude its
a Corrected ankle pressure _ Measured ankle pressure – D*(.078), where D _ the vertical distance between the arm and
ankle cuffs (mm). This formula equates to a correction factor of 78 mm Hg per meter distance between the arm and
ankle cuffs from Validation of a method for determination of the ankle-brachial index in the seated position. Gornik, B
Garcia, Wolski, DC. Jones, KA Macdonald, RVT and A Fronek.
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such, this recommendation would have the potential to improve the accurate
diagnosis of PAD, timely referral and thereby, improving patient outcomes.
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Available diagnostic imaging modalities include duplex ultrasound scanning (DUS), magnetic
resonance angiography (MRA), computed tomographic angiography (CTA) and digital subtraction
angiography (DSA). DUS and MRA resonance imaging offer the least invasive options and avoid the
use of ionising radiation. DUS offers the unique advantage of functional assessment of arterial
stenosis, but it is the most operator dependent of the available techniques. MRA imaging provides a
three dimensional map of the imaged vessels and is able to image the pelvic vessels with more
reproducibly than DUS. However, MRA may be contraindicated in some patients, for instance those
with pacemakers and advanced renal insufficiency. CTA and DSA both require injection of contrast
media, with attendant risks to renal function, and exposure to ionising radiation. DSA requires
insertion of a catheter usually via the femoral artery and is now infrequently performed as a primary
imaging modality.
The choice of imaging modality used will be influenced to some extent by local expertise and
availability of imaging equipment. In general terms, a less invasive and lower cost strategy is
preferred. The purpose of imaging people with PAD is to determine the severity and distribution of
the lesions affecting the arterial tree and to plan and optimise any therapeutic intervention. As a
result of imaging, some people may be excluded from further intervention while others may be
selected for surgical or endovascular management.
The GDG were interested in looking at pre-interventional assessment of stenosis and occlusion for
people with PAD. The review question for this clinical guideline updated part of the HTA “A
systematic review of duplex ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiography and computed
tomography angiography for the diagnosis and assessment of symptomatic, lower limb peripheral
arterial disease”.37 The HTA reviewed the diagnostic accuracy of DUS, MRA and CTA, alone or in
combination, for the assessment of lower limb peripheral arterial disease. The review question for
this guideline updated the HTA analysis on this objective. The HTA also addressed the impact of
assessment method on patient management and outcomes, studies of patient attitude, adverse
events and economic evaluations. However, these objectives were not addressed in the review.
The review followed the HTA protocol. A literature search was conducted updating the HTA search
from May 2005, for diagnostic cohort or case control studies that compared the effectiveness DUS,
MRA and CTA to the reference standard of digital subtraction angiography/arteriography (DSA) in
people with symptomatic PAD. Studies were included if they provided sufficient data to calculate a
2x2 table.
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A diagnostic meta-analysis (see Appendix J) was performed in outcomes with more than 4 studies per
comparison. Where there were less than 4 studies for an outcome, the data was presented as a
range of values or for single studies as the results with a 95% confidence interval. A modified GRADE
table has been used to present the data from the diagnostic studies (see Table 21, Table 22, Table 23,
Table 24). See also the full study evidence tables in Appendix H and the diagnostic forest plots and
ROC curves in Appendix J.
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Table 21: Clinical evidence profile: Two dimensional PC magnetic resonance angiography (2D PC MRA) and 2D TOF magnetic resonance angiography (2D
TOF MRA) compared to digital subtraction angiography/arteriography (DSA)
Study characteristics Quality Assessment Summary of findings
No. of Design No. of Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other Sensitivity Specificity
studies Segments considerations (%) (%)
Whole leg, 50-100% stenosis
137 Diagnostic 253 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 97.6 (95% 73.7 (95% MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness CI 95.1, CI 51.2,
taken from 99.1) 88.2)
Whole leg, 50-100% stenosis
537 Diagnostic 2668 No serious No serious No serious Serious(b) None 88.07 85.38 MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
taken from
Whole leg, ≥70% stenosis
137 Diagnostic 206 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 89.8 (95% 96.6 (95% MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness CI 79.5, CI 92.3,
taken from 95.3) 98.5)
Whole leg, occlusion
437 Diagnostic 2290 No serious No serious No serious Serious(c) None 76.9 to 100 85.1 to 98.3 MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
taken from
Above knee
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337 Diagnostic 800 No serious No serious No serious Serious(c) None 71.4 to 84.4 to 100 MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 97.3
taken from
Below knee
337 Diagnostic 1823 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 92.53 94.73 HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
taken from
137 Diagnostic 33 No serious No serious No serious Very None 86.4 (95% 27.3 (95% CI LOW
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness serious(d) CI 66.7, 9.7, 56.6)
taken from 95.3)
(a) Wide confidence intervals around specificity.
(b) Wide confidence around pooled effect (see appendix J).
(c) Range of values, no estimate of confidence in effect.
(d) Wide confidence intervals around sensitivity and specificity.
Table 22: Clinical evidence profile: Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE MRA) compared to digital subtraction
angiography/arteriography (DSA)
Study characteristics Quality Assessment Summary of findings
No. of Design No. of Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other Sensitivity Specificity
studies segments considerations (%) (%) Quality
Whole leg, ≥50% stenosis
1037,40,42,43 Diagnostic 7710 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 94.96 96.37 HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
taken from
Whole leg, ≥70% stenosis
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437 Diagnostic 2773 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 90.9 to 100 96.2 to MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 99.4
taken from
Whole leg, occlusion
837,39,40 Diagnostic 6403 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 91.83 98.71 HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
taken from
Above knee, ≥50% stenosis
437 Diagnostic 742 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 81.4 to 100 91.9 to MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 95.9
taken from
Above knee, ≥70% stenosis
137 Diagnostic 576 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 90.5 (95% CI 97.3 (95% HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision 83, 94.9) CI 95.4,
taken from 98.4)
Above knee, occlusion
437 Diagnostic 742 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 86.7 to 100 99.5 to MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 100
taken from
Below knee, ≥50% stenosis
337 Diagnostic 721 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 71.1 to 96.5 87 to 95.8 MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
taken from
Below knee, ≥70% stenosis
137 Diagnostic 298 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 91.3 (95% CI 93.7 (95% HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision 83.8, 95.5) CI 89.5,
taken from 96.3)
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Table 23: Clinical evidence profile: Computed tomography angiography (CTA) compared to digital subtraction angiography/arteriography (DSA)
Study characteristics Quality Assessment Summary of findings
No. of Design No. of Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other Sensitivity Specificity
studies segments considerations (%) (%)
Whole leg, ≥50% stenosis
637 Diagnostic 4270 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 93.5 91.13 HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
taken from
Whole leg, ≥70% stenosis
437,44 Diagnostic 9599 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 87.4 to 99 97 to 98.5 MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
taken from
Whole leg, occlusion
537 Diagnostic 3530 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 94.1 99.49 HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
taken from
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Table 24: Clinical evidence profile: Duplex ultrasound scanning (DUS) compared to digital subtraction angiography/arteriography (DSA)
Study characteristics Quality Assessment Summary of findings
No. of Design No. of Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other Sensitivity Specificity
studies segments considerations (%) (%)
Whole leg, ≥50% stenosis
1137,40,42 Diagnostic 8335 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 89.7 95.64 HIGH
cohort, risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
data taken
from HTA
Whole leg, occlusion
937,40 Diagnostic 7396 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 89.12 97.8 HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
taken from
Whole leg, other stenosis thresholds
437,41 Diagnostic 3021 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 60.9 to 88 79 to MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 99.7
taken from
Above knee, ≥50% stenosis
937 Diagnostic 1970 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 91.54 92.58 HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
taken from
Above knee, ≥70% stenosis
237 Diagnostic 588 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 65.4 to 100 95.2 to MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 98
taken from
Above knee, occlusion
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937 Diagnostic 1500 No serious No serious No serious No serious None 92.58 97.84 HIGH
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision
taken from
Above knee, other stenosis thresholds
337 Diagnostic 682 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 82.7 to 82.8 to MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 94.1 99.3
taken from
Below knee, ≥50% stenosis
437 Diagnostic 767 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 40.7 to 79.8 to MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 96.1 98.8
taken from
Below knee, occlusion
637 Diagnostic 2562 No serious No serious No serious Serious(b) None 79.52 90.57 MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness
taken from
Below knee, other stenosis thresholds
237 Diagnostic 1772 No serious No serious No serious Serious(a) None 72.3 to 76 67.6 to MODERATE
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness 77.7
taken from
137 Diagnostic 140 No serious No serious No serious Very None 64.3 (95% 80.4 (95% LOW
cohort, data risk of bias inconsistency indirectness serious(c) CI 53.6, CI 68.2,
taken from 73.7) 88.7)
(a) Range of values, no estimate of confidence in effect.
(b) Wide confidence around pooled effect (see Appendix J).
(c) Wide confidence intervals around sensitivity and specificity.
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Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease
Four studies were identified that evaluated comparators which were relevant to the review question:
a decision analytic model developed as part of the HTA by Collins et al 200745 and three trial-based
economic evaluations which have been published since the HTA cut-off date (May 2005).46-48 No
single study included all comparators. The results of both the HTA and studies included as part of the
guideline update search are summarised in the economic evidence profiles below (see Table 26).
The HTA by Collins 2007 concluded that DUS is the most cost effective choice for both whole leg and
below the knee imaging. The analysis shows that 2D TOF MRA is the most cost effective alternative
when imaging is confined to areas above the knee. However, this model is subject to several
potentially serious limitations:
Treatment pathway
o The model assumed that people diagnosed with >50% stenosis could be treated with
angioplasty, bypass or amputation. The GDG did not consider bypass and amputation to be
appropriate first-line options for treatment of these patients. If only exercise and angioplasty
were considered, the consequences of an inaccurate test result would be different than those
predicted by the model.
o People with <50% stenosis were treated with medical management. The GDG considered
exercise therapy (supervised and unsupervised) to be the most appropriate treatment options
for this patient group. If these options had been included as an option in the model, the
consequences of an inaccurate test result would be different to those predicted by the model.
o The probability of undergoing each interventional treatment was estimated according to the
results of each included imaging study. This introduces a confounding factor into the model as
it is difficult to determine how much of the difference in cost and quality of life between the
different imaging procedures is due to the accuracy of the diagnostic test and how much is due
to the treatment pathway (which varies between tests).
o Similarly, the probability of reintervention and experiencing a change in treatment plan
differed for each imaging strategy. The effect of this is to further skew the results of the model
as the differences in initial treatment plans (according to diagnostic test) are amplified.
o The costs included in this model were derived from estimates based largely on expert opinion
are very different to those derived from current NHS reference costs (Table 25). As a result,
the consequences of an inaccurate test result predicted by the HTA model may be different to
those which could be expected given current costs.
The three RCT-based studies included as part of the economic update search are pair-wise
comparisons of different imaging procedures.46-48 Each study reported costs that were adjusted to
take into account predictive baseline characteristics using multivariable linear and logistic regression.
Two47,48 also adjusted QALYs, allowing for an adjusted ICER to be calculated. Based on the results of
the adjusted data, CTA is less costly and more effective than both CE MRA and DSA. However, if the
unadjusted figures are used to calculate ICERs, CE MRA is more cost-effective than both CTA and
DUS, and DSA is more cost effective than CTA.
It is difficult to draw comparisons between the studies included in this update and the results of the
HTA. The RCT-based studies did not report sensitivity and specificity of each intervention, making it
impossible to compare the results of these studies to that of the HTA or current clinical review. In
addition, two of these studies included investment costs associated with imaging equipment in the
total cost of each strategy; this was not a cost considered by the HTA. Moreover, none of the studies
included as part of the update search specified the location of the imaging procedure (whole leg,
above knee or below knee) or reported results by subgroups.
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Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease
This area was prioritised for new cost-effectiveness analysis subject to timing and data. Given the
time required to complete the network meta-analysis and the fact that the conclusions of the original
HTA were essentially unchanged, no new analysis was preformed for this question.
In order to allow comparison to the costs used in the included studies, relevant UK unit costs are
provided below (Table 25).
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Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease
Table 26: Economic evidence profile: Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease
Incremental Incremental Cost
Study Limitations Applicability Other comments costs effects effectiveness Uncertainty
2D TOF MRA vs. CE MRA vs. DUS vs. CA
Collins 200745 Potentially Partially Decision analytic model Whole leg
serious applicable(b) Population: People with IC and CLI DUS was the DUS was DUS was the There was a 95%
Time Horizon: 1 year least costly of equally as dominant probability that DUS
Costs: Diagnostic test costs (and all evaluated effective as CA strategy was the most cost
secondary CA for inconclusive test strategies and CE MRA, effective strategy at a
results), cost of treatment resulting in a threshold of £20, 000.
(angioplasty, bypass, etc) and follow- gain of 0.03
up costs. The cost of complications QALYs
associated with CA was also compared to
included. Adverse events related to 2D TOF MRA
other imaging procedures were not Below the knee
considered relevant for inclusion. 2D TOF MRA is 2D TOF MRA 2D TOF MRA There was a 70%
Perspective: UK NHS £362 more was the most costs £43, 272 probability that DUS is
costly than DUS effective per QALY and the most cost-effective
strategy, is therefore strategy at a threshold
resulting in a not of £20, 000.
gain of 0.008 considered
QALYs cost-effective.
compared to DUS is the
DUS most cost
Above the knee
CE MRA is £155 CE MRA was CE MRA costs There was a 75%
more costly the most £143, 389 per probability that 2D
than 2D MRA effective QALY and is MRA was the most cost
strategy, therefore not effective strategy at a
resulting in a considered threshold of £20, 000.
0.001 QALY cost effective.
gain 2D MRA is the
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limitation(i) Population: people with PAD CE MRA(k) gain(k) treatment used to calculate
(symptom group unclear) option(k) incremental costs and
Time horizon: 6 months QALYs, CE MRA is £2,
710 more costly than
Costs: Direct costs over 6 months;
CTA and results in a
details not given.
gain of 0.03 QALYs. The
Outcomes: Costs at 6 months, ICER is therefore £9,
change in quality of life at 6 months, 033 and CE MRA would
therapeutic confidence. be considered cost
Perspective: Netherlands, hospital effective.
Other: Approximately one third of Altering the initial
patients underwent angioplasty, investment costs of
bypass and conservative treatment imaging equipment
in each group. does not change the
conclusion of the
Costs were converted to GBP using OECD Purchasing Power Parity Index(OECD), 2010 16360 /id} and inflated to 2008/09 GBP using PRSSU Pay and Prices Index51.
(a) Probability of intervention differs according to imaging modality as reported by the studies included in the clinical review; no lifetime analysis of cost and QALY gain (1 year time horizon);
intervention outcomes differ from those identified in the literature included in the current clinical review; source of health state descriptions is unclear; resource use and unit cost estimates
for downstream interventions differ from those included as part of the economic review; inadequate sensitivity analysis.
(b) Analysis did not include all relevant comparators; downstream consequences differ from those considered appropriate by the GDG.
(c) Cut-off criteria and factors used to determine intervention treatment pathway not reported; sensitivity and specificity not reported (difficult to compare to results of current clinical evidence
review); included investment costs for imaging equipment.
(d) Dutch healthcare setting; did not include all possible comparators.
(e) Unadjusted for predictive variables at baseline (disease severity (IC vs. CLI), renal disease, cardiac diseases, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus, hospital setting, and study
(f) Cut-off criteria and factors used to determine intervention treatment pathway not reported; sensitivity and specificity not reported (difficult to compare to results of current clinical evidence
(g) Dutch healthcare setting; did not include all possible comparators; downstream consequences differ from those considered appropriate by GDG.
(h) Adjusted for predictive variables at baseline (disease severity (IC vs. CLI), renal insufficiency, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus).
(i) Cut-off criteria and factors used to determine intervention treatment pathway not reported; sensitivity and specificity not reported (difficult to compare to results of current clinical evidence
review); included investment costs for imaging equipment.
(j) Dutch healthcare setting; did not include all possible comparators; downstream consequences differ from those considered appropriate by GDG.
(k) Adjusted for predictive variables at baseline (disease severity (IC vs. CLI), renal insufficiency, cardiac diseases, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus).
Final version
Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease Clinical
In comparison to the reference standard of DSA, the review showed that 2D PC MRA:
Had a sensitivity of 97.6% (95% CI 95.1 to 99.1) and specificity of 73.7% (95% CI 51.2 to 88.2) for
assessment of whole leg, 50-100% stenosis [1 systematic review based on 1 study, 253 segments,
moderate quality evidence]37
In comparison to the reference standard of DSA, the review showed that 2D TOF MRA:
Had a sensitivity of 88.07% and specificity of 85.38% assessment of whole leg, 50-100% stenosis [1
systematic review based on 5 studies, 2668 segments, moderate quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity of 89.8% (95% CI 79.5 to 95.3) and specificity of 96.6% (95% CI 92.3 to 98.5) for
assessment of whole leg, ≥70% stenosis [1 systematic review based on 1 study, 206 segments,
moderate quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity range of 76.9 to 100% and specificity range of 85.1 to 98.3% for assessment of
whole leg, occlusion [1 systematic review based on 4 studies, 2290 segments, moderate quality
Had a sensitivity range of 71.4 to 97.3% and specificity range of 84.4 to 100% for assessment of
above knee [1 systematic review based on 3 studies, 800 segments, moderate quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity of 92.53% and specificity of 94.73% for assessment of below knee [1 systematic
review based on 3 studies, 1823 segments, high quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity of 86.4% (95% CI 66.7 to 95.3) and specificity of 27.3% (95% CI 9.7 to 56.6) for
assessment of the foot [1 systematic review based on 1 study, 33 segments, low quality
Final version
Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease
Had a sensitivity range of 71.1 to 96.5% and specificity range of 87 to 95.8% for assessment of
below knee, ≥50% stenosis [1 systematic review based on 3 studies, 721 segments, moderate
quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity of 91.3% (95% CI 83.8 to 95.5) and specificity of 93.7% (95% CI 89.5 to 96.3) for
assessment of below knee, ≥70% stenosis [1 systematic review based on 1 study, 298 segments,
high quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity range of 86.2 to 95.2% and specificity range of 92.9 to 96.8% for assessment of
below knee, occlusion [1 systematic review based on 2 studies, 627 segments, moderate quality
Had a sensitivity range of 78.7 to 79.4% and specificity range of 70.6 to 86.3% for assessment of
the foot [1 systematic review based on 1 study, 286 segments, moderate quality evidence]37
In comparison to the reference standard DSA, the review showed that DUS:
Had a sensitivity of 89.7% and specificity of 95.64% for assessment of whole leg, ≥50% stenosis [2
studies and 1 systematic review based on 9 studies, 8335 segments, high quality evidence]37,40,42
Had a sensitivity of 89.12% and specificity of 97.8% for assessment of whole leg, occlusion [1
study and 1 systematic review based on 8 studies, 7396 segments, high quality evidence]37,40
Had a sensitivity range of 60.9 to 88% and specificity range of 79 to 99.7% for assessment of
whole leg, other stenosis thresholds [1 study and 1 systematic review based on 3 studies, 3021
segments, moderate quality evidence]37,41
Had a sensitivity of 91.54% and specificity of 92.58% for assessment of above knee, ≥50% stenosis
[1 systematic review based on 9 studies, 1970 segments, high quality evidence]37
Final version
Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease
Had a sensitivity range of 65.4 to 100% and specificity range of 95.2 to 98% for assessment of
above knee, ≥70% stenosis [1 systematic review based on 2 studies, 588 segments, moderate
quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity of 92.58% and specificity of 97.84% for assessment of above knee, occlusion [1
systematic review based on 9 studies, 1500 segments, high quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity range of 82.7 to 94.1% and specificity range of 82.8 to 99.3% for assessment of
above knee, other stenosis thresholds [1 systematic review based on 3 studies, 682 segments,
moderate quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity range of 40.7 to 96.1% and specificity range of 79.8 to 98.8% for assessment of
below knee, ≥50% stenosis [1 systematic review based on 4 studies, 767 segments, moderate
quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity of 79.52% and specificity of 90.57% for assessment of below knee, occlusion [1
systematic review based on 6 studies, 2562 segments, moderate quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity range of 72.3 to 76% and specificity range of 67.6 to 77.7% for assessment of
below knee, other stenosis thresholds [1 systematic review based on 2 studies, 1772 segments,
moderate quality evidence]37
Had a sensitivity of 64.3% (95% CI 53.6 to 73.7) and specificity of 80.4% (95% CI 68.2 to 88.7) for
assessment of the foot [1 systematic review based on 1 study, 140 segments, low quality
evidence]37 Economic
No cost-effectiveness studies were identified that included all relevant comparators.
For whole leg and below the knee imaging, one economic decision model concluded that DUS was
more cost effective than 2D TOF MRA, CE MRA and CA. For above the knee imaging, the same
economic decision model found that 2D TOF MRA was more cost effective than DUS, CE MRA and
CA. [Partially applicable with potentially serious limitations]45
It was difficult to draw conclusions from studies of pair-wise comparisons
o One RCT determined that CE MRA was more cost effective than DUS [Partially applicable with
potentially serious limitations]46
o One RCT determined that CTA was more cost effective than DSA [Partially applicable with
potentially serious limitations]47
o One RCT determined that CTA was more cost effective than DSA [Partially applicable with
potentially serious limitations]48
Final version
Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease
Relative value of different It is difficult to make a definitive comparison between the accuracy of these
outcomes imaging techniques because none of the studies included compared all the
techniques to each other. In addition, the studies combined results from
different disease sites. Furthermore, the reference standard was taken as
DSA, but this can occasionally miss vessels which are picked up by other
techniques. The HTA (Collins 2007)37 concluded that CE MRA was superior in
diagnostic accuracy than DUS and CTA and would be a suitable alternative to
the reference standard of DSA, and having noted the difficulties in
interpreting the data the GDG found that the newer evidence did not
substantially alter this conclusion, although they noted that differences in
sensitivity and specificity were not large.
Trade off between clinical The GDG noted that all imaging techniques are relatively safe. The avoidance
benefit and harms of intravascular contrast media (not required for DUS) and of exposure to
ionising radiation (not required for DUS or for CE-MRA) are important
considerations. Allergic reactions to contrast medium are rare, but the
potential nephrotoxic effects of iodinated contrast media are of concern.
There are non-contrast techniques other than DUS e.g. TOF MRA but these
are agreed to be less accurate (see below). In addition, the avoidance of
unnecessary reduplication of imaging is important (time and cost).
Whilst DSA is considered the gold standard, it is much less commonly used in
routine practice. It involves both administration of a contrast medium and
ionising radiation. In addition, discomfort is experienced by some patients.
DUS was not perceived as having any major risks. DUS may be technically
more difficult in large or obese patients and/or in the presence of
calcification (particularly in diabetic patients) or where there are ulcers and
bandaging near the sites of the vessels. Stenosis and occlusion are important
with regard to sensitivity of DUS for below knee lesions.
CTA is not recommended for people with an eGFR of <30ml/min. The latter is
not an absolute contra-indication but would also be considered a relative
contra-indication to CE MRA. If the creatinine is <200 CTA could be
performed with safeguards.
Economic considerations The GDG discussed the methods, results and limitations of each study
included in the economic evidence review and agreed that it was very
difficult to draw a robust conclusion from the current cost-effectiveness
evidence base.
The group discussed the current costs associated with each imaging modality
from an NHS perspective and the costs and consequences of the pathways
that they expect patients to follow based on the results of imaging. They
agreed that for patients in whom revascularisation may be beneficial, DUS
represents the least costly and least invasive method of determining the
location and extent of the lesion, and may well provide sufficient
information. If the results of DUS are not suitable for planning an
intervention, the GDG agreed that CE MRA and CTA represent useful
modalities for gathering more detailed information.
Final version
Imaging for revascularisation in peripheral arterial disease
Quality of evidence The quality of the evidence was rated from high quality to low by the GRADE
There was concern about using the degree of stenosis as part of this
assessment. In practice, treatment is based on severity of symptoms.
Although uncommon, sometimes people with <50% stenosis are treated and
many people with >50% stenosis will remain asymptomatic. Furthermore,
the degree of stenosis is unknown until the imaging has taken place, and it
therefore cannot be used as a means of judging which test to do in advance.
It was noted that the accuracy of the techniques could be affected by the use
of different imaging protocols.
The GDG expressed caution when interpreting the results of the HTA.
Although the HTA is relatively recent, clinical practice has changed
significantly in that short time.
The GDG did not consider 2D TOF MRA within the recommendations as it
was not thought to be a relevant comparator. 2D TOF MRA is much more
prone to artefacts such as movement and is susceptible to non-uniformity of
blood flow. Imaging times are longer than for CE-MRA.
Other considerations Based on the clinical and cost effectiveness data, and expert opinion, the
GDG agreed that DUS should be used as a first option for people being
considered for revascularisation. However, they noted that it might not
provide sufficient information, and that ultrasound is easier to perform in
some people than others. They therefore felt that other imaging modalities
should be available and that the recommendation should reflect this.
Most units will have access to MRA in the UK. However the amount of time
available on the scanner will vary from site to site and generally it is used
much less frequently than DUS; CTA might also utilised more widely. The
local expertise may therefore be limited in some units.
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
The aim of treatment for intermittent claudication is two-fold. First, as people with PAD are at high
risk of other cardiovascular events, the aim is to reduce this risk. The first basic intervention for PAD,
is to offer information including general information about cardiovascular risk and potential
interventions to reduce this (cardiovascular exercise, quitting smoking, healthy eating, medicines –
see chapter 6 for the recommendations relating to this) as well as specific information about risks to
the limb. This could be termed best medical treatment for PAD.
The second aim of treatment is to improve walking distance. The decision to directly attempt to
improve walking distance should be decided by the patient, balancing the impact their symptoms
have on their day to day life, and the chance of success versus the risks of treatment. People with
claudication are a heterogeneous group. Many will only be mildly troubled by their symptoms or
have other significant co-morbidity that reduces their mobility. Others however may be severely
restricted by their claudication which can significantly alter their lifestyle. It is the role of the clinician
to help the patient decide on the best therapeutic option for them based on the impact of their
symptoms on their quality of life.
The purpose of this chapter is to set out the GDG’s consideration of the evidence comparing the
various management options for IC. It is assumed that the diagnosis has been correctly established
(see chapter 7).
From a clinical viewpoint, although there is a small benefit identified in drug treatment, the question
remains as to whether drug treatment is preferred to other treatments such as supervised exercise
therapy, angioplasty or stents, when patients are suitable for more than one of these options.
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
both of which constitute a more direct means of addressing the problem since they are directed at
the arterial lesions causing claudication. Angioplasty
In recent years there has been rapid development of endovascular techniques for the management
of PAD. These are minimally invasive procedures in which catheters and guide wires are introduced
through small punctures in the artery, carried out under local anaesthetic. These techniques are used
to introduce devices that can be used to unblock or dilate areas where there are obstructions to
blood flow. The most common technique is the use of an inflatable balloon to dilate an area of artery
(angioplasty). This has some limitations in that it may not be possible to open up the artery
sufficiently or the procedure may lead to complications, such as the development of a flap of the
lining of the artery (dissection) or dislodging material that passes further down the artery and causes
another blockage (embolisation). Stenting
A treatment that can be used to improve the results of angioplasty is the insertion of a stent. Stents
are small spring like structures that are usually made of metal (known as bare metal stents) and can
be placed within the artery in order to try and hold it open. The potential benefits of the use of
stents are that they may improve the diameter of the treated artery, where angioplasty alone is
inadequate. They may also help to prevent or treat complications by pinning down a flap of lining
that has developed or preventing embolisation and may alter the risks of long term re-stenosis or re-
occlusion of the treated section of artery.
There are two different approaches to the use of stents. One is to use them as an adjunct to
angioplasty only in those cases where the result of the initial angioplasty is thought to be sub-
optimal. The alternative is to insert a stent as part of an angioplasty procedure, which is termed
primary stenting.
Over recent years new drug eluting stents have been developed which have a coating of material
containing drugs that are gradually released over a long period of time and are intended to reduce
the risk of narrowing of the artery after treatment.
The most common operations are bypass grafts in which a new blood vessel is created by joining a
conduit to above and below the blocked artery. In treating blocked arteries in the leg below the groin
there are a number of options for bypass material. The patient’s own vein (autologous) can be used
in the bypass procedure. This usually involves taking the long saphenous vein from the same leg as
the blockage. Autologous grafting has the advantage of being less likely to become infected or cause
a serious reaction. However there are not always suitable veins available and because of the valves in
the vein it either needs to be completely removed and reversed, resulting in the need for long
incision down the leg, or needs to have a procedure to destroy the valves, which may damage the
interior of the vein leading to a risk of complications or subsequent narrowing. The other option is to
use an artificial artery made out of a prosthetic material, often PTFE or Dacron.
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
Chapter overview
The GDG wished to know whether the results of angioplasty or bypass surgery were superior to
exercise or, since the mechanism of benefit is different to exercise, whether they add anything to the
benefit obtained from exercise.
In formulating their review of the evidence, the GDG considered types of treatment that could be
used in addition to best medical treatment (i.e. management of secondary cardiovascular risk
factors) for PAD. Literature searches were performed to answer a series of questions in which
treatment options were compared head-to-head, the options being some form of exercise, surgery,
and endovascular therapy. The GDG felt that the first question they needed to answer was how best
to help people with PAD achieve an optimal level of exercise - exercise in some form was accepted as
beneficial on a priori grounds. For people with PAD the possibilities for exercise therapy range from
simple advice on exercise, through individualised plans, to participation in formal supervised exercise
sessions. Additional treatment might then consist of nothing more (i.e. exercise alone has
successfully controlled symptoms), an endovascular procedure or surgery; the assessment of these
measures needed to allow that they might be added to either unsupervised or supervised exercise
(depending on the outcome of that first head-to-head comparison). In order to assess all the
possibilities using both clinical and health-economic data, papers covering all potential treatment
comparisons under the umbrella heading of exercise versus endovascular therapy versus surgery
were sought and assessed, and an original health economic model was developed covering all 3
forms of intervention.
The situation is further complicated by questions within each separate general treatment modality.
Within endovascular therapy, the GDG wished to know whether angioplasty alone is sufficient or
whether stents should also be placed; and if stenting is employed, whether it should be with a bare
metal stent or a drug-eluting stent. For the surgical question, it was felt appropriate to compare
autologous vein grafts with prosthetic grafts. These different possibilities were also accounted for in
the large health-economic model, but to minimise complexity they will be presented separately from
the over-arching exercise vs endovascular therapy vs surgery questions.
Finally on intermittent claudication, the GDG needed to incorporate the NICE Technology Appraisal
(TA) of vasoactive drugs. It was felt that these drugs are generally used in current practice when
other treatment is not possible or when turned down by the person with PAD, and that they do not
confer any prognostic advantage nor offer a likely cure for symptoms. Moreover the TA had already
considered their cost-effectiveness. They are therefore slightly separate from the other forms of
treatment covered by this guideline, and are not included in the direct comparison of the other
forms of treatment for intermittent claudication.
For the purpose of this review, unsupervised exercise was defined as advice to exercise for
approximately 30 minutes three to five times per week, walking until the onset of symptoms, then
resting to recover. Supervised exercise was defined as a community-based exercise including hospital
or gym based programme supervised by healthcare professionals (typically two physiotherapists with
approximately ten patients per group). A programme typically consists of approximately two hours of
classes per week for a period of up to three months during which patients exercise until the onset of
symptoms, and then rest and repeat.
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Management of intermittent claudication
Two Cochrane reviews were identified (Bendermacher 200654 and Watson 200855) comparing
unsupervised exercise to supervised exercise for the treatment of intermittent claudication. These
studies were not included or updated in the current review as they did not meet the review question
protocol defined by the GDG, which had a wider definition of the exercise interventions compared to
the Cochrane reviews. However they were used as a source to ensure that studies identified in the
Cochrane review which matched the current review protocol had been considered for inclusion.
Twelve RCTs comparing supervised and unsupervised exercise56-67 were included in the clinical
review. Table 27 describes the duration and content of the supervised exercise programmes in each
included study. These are summarised in the clinical evidence profiles below (Table 28 and Table 29).
See also the full clinical evidence tables in Appendix H and forest plots in Appendix J. The reason for
withdrawal from the exercise interventions are summarised in Table 30.
One study reported quality of life as measured by the EQ-5D58; five papers (representing an
additional four studies) included the SF-36 questionnaire56-60; and one study included the SF-20 as a
measure of health related quality of life.61 Methods for mapping SF-36 health state descriptions to
health state valuations based on the EQ-5D have been developed and reported by Ara and Brazier
2008.68 Where the results of each dimension score were not reported in full, authors reporting the
use of this measure were contacted for additional data and all replied. Cheetham 200456 and Nicolai
201058 provided average values for each of the 8 dimensions; Pinto 199759 replied that although
these data were collected they were not available. All available values were mapped to preference
based values using Equation 1 as reported by Ara and Brazier68 and probabilistic simulation methods.
A summary of mapped values is presented in Table 31 and Table 32; additional data are reported in
the economic modelling report in Appendix K.
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Management of intermittent claudication
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
Pinto 199759 Education, Attended weekly lecture and 3 x 30 min/week Not specified Weekly 20 minutes stationary or arm
advice, verbally advised to walk for 20-40 for 3 months education, cycling followed by walking. Initially,
exercise minutes at least 3 times per week treadmill speed was set to produce maximum
journal and to near maximal pain. walking, pain at 3-5min, then asked to rest.
weekly in- Asked to record pause durations in cycling Exercise log was kept.
person home log. Patients also attended a weekly
Vascular nurses provided feedback lecture as per the control group.
prior to weekly lecture.
Regensteiner Detailed Detailed, personalised written 3 x 60 min/week Hospital gym Treadmill Walked until a moderate level of
199761 advice and advice to walk for between 35 to for 3 months walking pain developed, then asked to rest.
weekly 50 minutes at least three times per Began at 35 minutes per class,
telephone week. increasing by 5 minutes to a total of
support Advised to walk to near maximal 50 minutes while also gradually
pain. increasing speed and grade.
Patients contacted weekly by
telephone to provide feedback and
Savage 200160 Advice and Verbal advice to exercise 3 times 3 x 40 min/week Hospital gym Treadmill Walked at 2mph at 60% of max
monthly per week, walking to the point of for 3 months walking intensity achieved in initial test.
telephone maximal pain, then resting, Walked to the point of intense pain,
support gradually increasing to 40 minutes then rest. Began at 15minutes per
each time. class, increasing to a total of 40
Contacted by telephone every minutes.
month to provide feedback and
Stewart 200862 Advice only Not specified 2 x 60 min/week Hospital gym Circuit Five different exercises per class
for 3 months training with 8 minutes spent at each. Ten
minutes warm up & cool down.
Patients asked to rest when pain
became intolerable.
Exercises could all be performed at
home; no treadmills used.
Asked to continue to exercise at
home following programme
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
Tew 200963 Advice only Verbal advice on benefits of an 2 x 20-40 Exercise Arm-crank Trained in cycles of 2 minutes of
active lifestyle. min/week for 3 laboratory exercise crank exercise at a rate of 50 rev.
months /min, followed by two minutes of
Intensity was increased to maintain
a ‘somewhat hard’ rating of
perceived exhaustion.
Tisi 199764 Advice only Verbally encouraged to exercise at 1 x 60 min/week Not specified Leg Series of active and passive leg
least 45 minutes each day in the for 1 month exercises exercises performed to the limit of
home and walk 1 mile daily. claudication pain.
Also encouraged to exercise for at
least 45 minutes per day and walk 1
mile daily.
Treat-Jacobson Advice, Provided with IC-specific, 3 x 70 min/week Exercise Treadmill Began walking at 2 mph at 0%
200965 exercise standardised written exercise for 3 months laboratory walking grade. Walked until onset of
journal, instructions and exercise log. moderately severe pain, then asked
weekly in- Advised to exercise at moderate to rest. Once able to walk for 8
person intensity exercise (walking), for a minutes, grade increased by
support minimum of 30 minutes a session, increments of 0.5% until 8-10%
at least three times per week. grade achieved , then speed
increased in increments of 0.1 – 0.2
Zwierska 200566 Advice only Verbally encouraged to exercise 2 x 40 min/week Exercise Arm- and Cycles of 2 minutes of exercise at a
regularly. for 6 months laboratory leg- cranking rate of 50 rev. /min, followed by
exercises two minutes of rest. Initial intensity
was 9W with power output
increased by 7W and 14W per
increment in the arm-cranking test
and leg-cranking test, respectively.
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
Table 28: Clinical evidence profile: Supervised exercise compared to unsupervised exercise for people with intermittent claudication due to femoro-
popliteal disease
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
Table 29: Clinical evidence profile: Supervised compared to unsupervised exercise for people with intermittent claudication due to unknown disease.
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
260,65 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(e) None 36 16 - MD 136.74 higher VERY LOW
serious(f) inconsistency indirectness (51.94 to 221.54
Pain free walking distance at 3 months (combined end and change results)
360,63,65 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(e) None 71 42 - MD 74.71 higher VERY LOW
serious(d) inconsistency indirectness (30.48 to 118.95
Pain free walking distance at 6 months (combined end and change results)
260,65 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(e) None 36 16 - MD 76.32 higher VERY LOW
serious(f) inconsistency indirectness (18.37 to 134.26
Adverse events at 3 months
167 RCT Very No serious No serious Very None 3/33 4/29 RR 0.66 47 fewer per 1000 VERY LOW
serious(f) inconsistency indirectness serious(g) (9.1%) (13.8%) (0.16 to (from 116 fewer to
2.7) 234 more)
Percentage of sessions attended in 3 months of treatment
167 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(b) None Unsupervised exercise - completed 82.5% of sessions (33 VERY LOW
serious(f) inconsistency indirectness people)
Supervised exercise - completed 84.8% of sessions (29 people)
Withdrawal at 3 months
259,65 RCT Very No serious No serious Very None 7/60 5/36 RR 0.87 18 fewer per 1000 VERY LOW
serious(f) inconsistency indirectness serious(g) (11.7%) (13.9%) (0.27 to (from 101 fewer to
2.79) 249 more)
Withdrawal at 6 months
259,65 RCT Very No serious No serious Very None 20/60 10/36 RR 1.16 44 more per 1000 VERY LOW
serious(f) inconsistency indirectness serious(g) (33.3%) (27.8%) (0.58 to (from 117 fewer to
2.32) 367 more)
Withdrawal at 1 year
158 RCT No serious No serious No serious Very None 16/109 18/102 RR 0.83 30 fewer per 1000 LOW
risk of bias inconsistency indirectness serious(g) (14.7%) (17.6%) (0.45 to (from 97 fewer to
1.54) 95 more)
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
ABPI at 3 months
460,61,63,64 RCT Very No serious No serious No serious None 70 61 - MD 0.02 lower (0.06 LOW
serious(h) inconsistency indirectness imprecision lower to 0.02
ABPI at 6 months (random effects)
260,64 RCT Very Serious(i) No serious Serious(e) None 33 27 - MD 0 lower (0.16 VERY LOW
serious(f) indirectness lower to 0.17
ABPI at 1 year
164 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(e) None 22 17 - MD 0.1 lower (0.27 VERY LOW
serious(f) inconsistency indirectness lower to 0.07
(a) 1 of 3 studies had unclear methodology; 1 of 3 studies had unclear allocation concealment and blinding; 1 of 3 studies had low risk of bias.
(b) No information on variability was given in the study, therefore calculation of standard deviation was not possible and the mean difference and CI were not estimable.
(c) 1 of 2 studies had unclear allocation concealment and blinding and baseline differences; 1 of 2 studies had low risk of bias
(d) 2 of 3 studies had unclear methodology; 1 of 3 studies had unclear allocation concealment and blinding.
(e) 95% CI crosses one MID.
(f) Unclear methodology.
(g) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(h) 1 of 4 studies had unclear allocation concealment and blinding; 3 of 4 studies had unclear methodology.
(i) Unexplained heterogeneity.
Table 30: Study characteristics: Reason for withdrawal from exercise programmes
Study Unsupervised exercise programme (n) Supervised exercise programme (n)
3 months
Treat-Jacobson 2009 2/8 4/33
Lost to follow-up (1), Study unrelated health problem (1) Family crisis (3), Unrelated injury (1)
Stewart 2008 2/30 2/30
Withdrawal given without a reason (1), Aggravated back injury (1) Fatal stroke (1), Aggravated back injury (1)
6 months
Treat-Jacobson 2009 2/8 12/33
Lost to follow-up (1), Unrelated health problem (1) Family crises (3), Unrelated injury (1), Lost to follow-up (2),
Unrelated health problem (6)
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
Table 32: SF 36 individual domain results and mapped EQ-5D values – unsupervised compared to supervised exercise
Unsupervised exercise Supervised exercise
Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
Cheetham 200456 - Median (IQR)
PF 50 (20) 55 (NR) 55 (NR) 55 (NR) 55 (NR) 60 (20) 65 (NR) 70 (NR) 70 (NR) 70 (NR)
RP 56 (19) 53 (NR) 56 (NR) 56 (NR) 56 (NR) 75 (44) 75 (NR) 84 (NR) 81 (NR) 88 (NR)
BP 70 (36) 71 (NR) 70 (NR) 77 (NR) 71 (NR) 59 (29) 72 (NR) 71 (NR) 72 (NR) 72 (NR)
GH 59 (27) 56 (NR) 59 (NR) 63 (NR) 59 (NR) 67 (22) 65 (NR) 67 (NR) 70 (NR) 62 (NR)
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
V 53 (12) 53 (NR) 59 (NR) 56 (NR) 53 (NR) 56 (37) 56 (NR) 62 (NR) 65 (NR) 62 (NR)
SF 81 (37) 81 (NR) 81 (NR) 81 (NR) 81 (NR) 88 (50) 88 (NR) 88 (NR) 88 (NR) 88 (NR)
RE 67 (42) 71 (NR) 75 (NR) 67 (NR) 67 (NR) 67 (50) 67 (NR) 67 (NR) 67 (NR) 67 (NR)
MH 70 (40) 70 (NR) 70 (NR) 73 (NR) 70 (NR) 75 (35) 75 (NR) 80 (NR) 80 (NR) 75 (NR)
EQ-5D 0.65 (0.02) 0.71 (0.02) 0.70 (0.02) 0.73 (0.02) 0.71 (0.02) 0.71 (0.02) 0.76 (0.02) 0.79 (0.02) 0.79 (0.02) 0.78 (0.02)
Kakkos 2005 – Median (IQR)
PF 50 (30) NR 60 (23) NR 45 (25) 65 (14) NR 65 (23) NR 50 (30)
RP 100 (50) NR 75 (38) NR 50 (75) 50 (44) NR 50 (12) NR 0 (100)
BP 60 (45) NR 62 (27) NR 51 (43) 60 (27) NR 70 (42) NR 62 (43)
GH 35 (31) NR 40 (14) NR 40 (10) 35 (19) NR 35 (13) NR 50 (30)
V 60 (22) NR 65 (24) NR 50 (15) 70 (10) NR 60 (25) NR 50 (30)
SF 78 (11) NR 72 (20) NR 89 (78) 78 (20) NR 78 (11) NR 89 (22)
RE 33 (33) NR 33 (0) NR 67 (100) 0 (25) NR 0 (33) NR 0 (33)
MH 52 (28) NR 44 (27) NR 88 (36) 44 (20) NR 56 (20) NR 76 (20)
Nicolai 2010 – Mean (SD)
PF 52.4 (15.0) 59.4 (16.6) 61.3 (15.8) 55.4 (18.0) 59.0 (19.0) 52.8 (14.3) 61.7 (16.4) 65.9 (16.7) 62.3 (16.9) 65.1 (16.8)
RP 51.0 (40.8) 56.8 (38.0) 55.2 (39.0) 51.8 (40.8) 55.8 (39.8) 45.8 (39.1) 53.5 (40.7) 58.5 (38.9) 57.9 (39.0) 65.3 (36.2)
BP 52.0 (18.0) 54.5 (19.8) 56.1 (21.7) 51.9 (24.3) 55.8 (22.7) 51.1 (16.6) 57.4 (20.9) 61.2 (22.6) 60.9 (23.6) 64.8 (22.5)
GH 54.9 (13.0) 48.4 (21.5) 55.7 (12.1) 55.6 (12.2) 54.2 (12.8) 53.7 (12.6) 55.6 (12.8) 56.1 (12.1) 55.0 (12.6) 53.6 (14.3)
V 63.0 (20.3) 62.6 (21.1) 60.3 (18.3) 57.9 (21.2) 59.2 (19.8) 61.6 (18.7) 62.2 (18.3) 62.5 (19.2) 60.4 (19.6) 62.0 (18.9)
SF 79.9 (19.6) 79.5 (24.2) 78.6 (24.3) 72.4 (27.3) 75.4 (25.3) 77.1 (22.8) 80.6 (21.6) 79.0 (21.7) 76.7 (23.6) 81.7 (22.8)
RE 85.1 (29.0) 82.5 (34.8) 85.5 (29.4) 82.0 (32.4) 82.4 (34.9) 85.2 (32.6) 87.9 (29.0) 85.2 (30.5) 85.8 (29.6) 86.1 (29.1)
MH 76.4 (17.2) 75.2 (17.8) 72.8 (24.3) 73.5 (17.8) 74.6 (19.1) 75.5 (17.8) 76.4 (18.4) 76.4 (17.6) 74.4 (18.8) 74.9 (20.3)
EQ-5D 0.66 (0.01) 0.68 (0.01) 0.69 (0.01) 0.65 (0.01) 0.68 (0.01) 0.65 (0.01) 0.71 (0.01) 0.73 (0.01) 0.71 (0.01) 0.74 (0.01)
Savage 2001 – Mean (SD)
PF 45 (17) 61 (10) 54 (27) NR NR 54 (14) 60 (16) 56 (14) NR NR
RP 47 (47) 68 (43) 47 (46) NR NR 84 (30) 77 (34) 84 (19) NR NR
BP 50 (13) 72 (23) 64 (14) NR NR 59 (20) 70 (18) 65 (19) NR NR
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Two cost-utility analyses were included from the economic literature search. Both studies were
based on clinical trials with a time horizon of one year. The analysis by van Asselt 201169 was based
on an RCT included in the current clinical review. Using bootstrap analysis, this study reported there
was only a 35% probability that supervised exercise was cost effective at a threshold of £20, 000. The
study by Lee 200770 concluded that supervised exercise is cost effective compared to unsupervised
exercise in a UK NHS setting. However, the evidence used to inform this analysis was taken from a
non-randomised trial with a non-preference based method of QALY calculation. Study characteristics
and a summary of results are presented in Table 33. Detailed economic evidence tables can be found
in Appendix I.
The GDG considered compliance to the prescribed exercise programme (i.e. the proportion of people
continue to exercise long-term following either intervention) to be a key factor for determining the
long term cost-effectiveness of supervised exercise. Neither of the included studies was thought to
sufficiently capture the long-term compliance to each type of treatment nor were they designed to
evaluate the benefit to cardiovascular health that is associated with exercise. Therefore, an original
economic model was developed using data collected from the clinical review and supplementary
evidence where required.
NB: A detailed report of the methods and results of this model can be found in Appendix K.
Approach to modelling
Intermittent claudication (IC) is associated with an increased mortality and risk of cardiovascular
morbidity, and a decreased quality of life. Participation in regular physical activity is associated with a
reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events, greater life expectancy, and an improvement in quality
of life.
However, the benefits of exercise therapy are lost if the person ceases to be active. Improvements in
cardiovascular function that occur with exercise rapidly deteriorate with inactivity or a reduction in
the volume of exercise training71 and there is evidence that the quality of life gain reported by people
who have completed an exercise programme is only maintained if individuals continue be active.72
The model therefore contains two primary health states: active and sedentary. The ‘active’ state was
used to describe people who maintain a similar level of activity to that reported in the clinical trials.
The level of activity described by the trials closely matches the definition of an ‘active’ lifestyle used
by several other sources included in the model, including the 2006 Health Survey for England.b
‘Sedentary’ was used to describe people who are less active or inactive.
b The HSE defines an active lifestyle as undertaking 30 minutes or more of moderate of vigorous physical activity on one
to four days per week.
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Table 33: Economic evidence profile: Unsupervised exercise vs. supervised exercise
Incremental Incremental Cost Uncertainty
Study Limitations Applicability Other comments cost effects effectiveness
Lee 200770 Serious Directly Cost utility analysis based on Supervised Supervised Supervised Not evaluated by
limitations(a) applicable(b) a non-randomised trial by Lee exercise was exercise exercise cost authors.
200770 £52 more resulted in a £1, 935 per
Population: People with IC costly than gain of 0.027 QALY gained
unsupervised QALYs
Time horizon: 1 year
exercise compared to
Costs: Supervised exercise unsupervised
programme exercise
Perspective: UK NHS
Exercise Therapy Minor Partially Cost utility analysis based on Supervised Supervised Supervised There was a 20%
in Peripheral limitations(c) applicable(d) RCT by Nicolai 201058 exercise was exercise exercise cost probability that supervised
Arterial Disease Population: People with IC £874 more resulted in a £22, 997 per exercise is cost-effective
(EXITPAD) study69 costly than gain of 0.038 QALY gained based on bootstrap
Time horizon: 1 year
unsupervised QALYs analyses.
Costs: All healthcare and non- exercise compared to
healthcare costs based on unsupervised
retrospective patient exercise
Perspective: Netherlands,
(a) Non-randomised sources of clinical effectiveness included studies evaluated exercise programmes of different durations.
(b) No preference weighting assigned to SF-36 scores (invalid QALY valuation); short time horizon.
(c) Societal perspective; short time horizon.
(d) Dutch healthcare setting.
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The main assumption of the model was therefore that compliance to the recommended level of
physical activity is needed to provide the benefits associated with these programmes. People who
revert to a sedentary state were assigned baseline cardiovascular risk, mortality and quality of life
estimates. As a necessary simplification, it was assumed that those who stop exercising remain
sedentary. Please see Appendix L for the model evaluating sequential exercise and endovascular
In order to explore the impact that different levels of compliance have on the cost and effects of
each type of programme, two different scenarios were modelled: in Scenario 1, supervised exercise
leads to greater short and long term compliance; and in Scenario 2, supervised exercise leads to
greater short term compliance and no difference in long term compliance.
The GDG decided to use the quality of life data from the RCTs included in the clinical review as the
primary measure of clinical effectiveness. The group were aware that other models, such as the TA
developed by Squires 201053, used maximum walking distance (MWD) as a proxy for calculating QALY
values. However, the GDG agreed that this was an inferior measure of effectiveness when quality of
life outcomes were directly available from the included RCTs.
(all cause)
Sedentary cardiovascular
Post - nonfatal event
Schematic diagram of the Markov model designed to compare the cost-effectiveness of supervised to unsupervised exercise
programmes for the treatment of people with IC. The Markov modelling approach involves a transition between different
health states over time. The model is divided into three month cycles. At the end of each cycle a time-dependant transition
to another health state is possible, unless people enter into an ‘absorbing state’ from which they do not recover. In this
model, the absorbing state is death.
Age- and sex-specific all cause mortality was based on the most recent available life tables of the
general population in England and Wales. Rates were adjusted for people with IC by multiplying by
the standardised risk of all cause mortality observed over 10 years in people with IC.73
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No randomised evidence of exercise-associated risk of mortality in people with IC was identified. The
GDG agreed that evidence from people with cardiovascular disease would represent a reasonable
proxy. A recent Cochrane review of randomised controlled trials was therefore used to inform the
risk of total mortality among people participating in exercise rehabilitation compared to non-active
controls.74 A summary of the values used to inform this parameter is provided in Table 34. The GDG
discussed the limitations of using an indirect population to inform this parameter and the effect of
this value on the model result was further explored in sensitivity analysis.
Baseline risk of cardiovascular events and relative risk associated with exercise
The average baseline probability of stroke and MI was calculated by age and gender using the
Framingham risk equations and risk calculator spreadsheet developed by Rupert Payne at the
University of Edinburgh.75,76 Risk factor inputs for each sex were obtained from the 2006 Health
Survey for England (HSE; Table 35).77 Average age- and sex- specific blood pressure values were
obtained from the 2011 NICE Hypertension update guideline78, which used individual patient level
data from the 2006 HSE. A recent study by the Ankle Brachial Index Collaboration found that when
combined with Framingham risk scores, an ABPI of between 0.61 and 0.70 approximately triples the
risk of major cardiovascular events for men and women.79
The risk of myocardial infarction (MI) in patients who exercise compared to those who are not active
in an exercise programme was obtained from the Cochrane review by Heran et al (2011).74 A meta-
analysis of the effect of physical activity on the incidence of stroke was used to inform the risk of
stroke for active compared to sedentary people in the model.80 A summary of the values used to
inform these parameters is provided in Table 35. As with estimates of the relative risk of total
mortality, these data sources are subject to several limitations and the effect of these values on the
model were explored in sensitivity analysis.
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Quality of life
In cost-utility analyses, measures of health benefit are valued in terms of quality adjusted life years
(QALYs). The QALY is a measure of a person’s length of life weighted by a valuation of their health
related quality of life (HRQoL) over that period. The quality of life weighting comprises two elements:
the description of changes in HRQoL and an overall valuation of that description. Questionnaires such
as the SF-36 and SF-12 provide generic methods of describing HRQoL while the EQ-5D, HUI, and SF-
6D also include preference-based valuations of each health state.
Quality of life data was collected from all RCTs included in the clinical review (see Appendix H). One
study included the EQ-5D as a measure of HRQoL.58 Five papers (representing an additional four
trials) reported SF-36 data.56-60 According to the NICE reference case10, EQ 5D data is the preferred
measure of quality of life for use in cost utility analyses. Because Nicolai 2010 and van Asselt 2011
report different quality of life outcomes from the same study (EXITPAD), in the base case analysis,
the EQ-5D values reported by van Asselt 2011 were used in preference to SF-36 scores reported by
Nicolai 2010.
Recently, several algorithms have been developed which can be used to map generic descriptions of
HRQoL to preference-based utility indexes. In 2008, Ara and Brazier68 published a method of
predicting mean EQ-5D preference based index score using published mean cohort statistics from the
eight dimensions of the SF-36 health profile. In order to use these algorithms, values for each of the
eight dimensions of the questionnaire are required. Two57,60 provided all the necessary values and
the authors of the remaining three studies56,58,59 were contacted to request the required data.
Nicolai 2010 and Cheetham 2004 granted access to mean SF-36 scores and permission to include it in
the current analysis. The authors of the study by Pinto 2001 were unable to provide similar data as it
was no longer available. The data reported by Kakkos and colleagues 2005 was found to produce
invalid values for mapping and was excluded. Therefore, of the eleven RCTs identified in the clinical
review, those by Cheetham 200456, Nicolai 2010/van Asselt 201158,69 and Savage 200160 were used to
calculate quality of life following supervised and unsupervised exercise programmes.
For each trial, it is the change in quality of life over time and the difference in this change between
interventions (i.e. mean difference in change) that is the key to determining the relative
effectiveness of each intervention. In order to calculate the mean difference in change between each
three month time interval while taking into account the uncertainty surrounding each estimate, the
mean and standard error of each dimension of the SF-36 were assigned a beta distribution according
to the method of moments described by Briggs 2006.81 Probabilistic mapped values were then
calculated using Equation 4 from the paper by Ara and Brazier68, who specify that ‘when comparing
incremental differences between study arms or changes over time, Equation 4 is the preferred
choice’. A simulation was run 10, 000 times in order to calculate a mean, standard error and
confidence interval surrounding each mapped estimate. For the purposes of clinical validation,
absolute mean mapped values were calculated using Equation 1 according to the same method.
Note that mean difference in change calculated using Equation 4 is not expected to equal the
incremental difference between the mean mapped values from Equation 1 as they are derived using
different models. Alternative methods of calculating relative differences in quality of life between
treatment arms were explored in sensitivity analysis. Note also that because the covariance matrices
for the regression coefficients were not available it was not possible to account for uncertainty in the
mapping algorithm in the probabilistic analysis.
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In the base case analysis, an average utility value was weighted according to the total number of
people in the study at each time point and entered into the probabilistic model using a beta
distribution. In order to preserve within-study randomisation, the weighted average incremental
change in quality of life associated with supervised exercise as calculated by the probabilistic
simulation described above was added to the baseline quality of life across the two trials. Quality of
life gains achieved after exercise intervention were maintained for people who continued to exercise.
Those who stopped exercising were assigned the baseline quality of life.
The weighted average absolute values and weighted mean difference in change are reported in Table
36. Please see Appendix K for further details.
The cost of a supervised programme was based on estimates of resource use informed by expert
opinion and unit costs obtained from the 2010 PSSRU. A breakdown of the assumptions and unit
costs used to calculate per-patient cost of a supervised exercise programme are provided in Table 37.
Because the cost of the initial GP consultation is common to both supervised and unsupervised
exercise, it is not included in the cost of either intervention arm (i.e. it ‘cancels out’). The cost of
unsupervised exercise was therefore set at £0. This was varied in sensitivity analysis to account for
different levels of support provided by different types of unsupervised programmes.
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The approach to modelling cardiovascular events was based on the model developed for the NICE
hypertension guideline update (CG 127 As in the
hypertension model, when people with IC experienced a cardiovascular event they were assigned an
initial cost representing the acute management and/or diagnosis cost (MI = £4, 792; stroke = £9,
630). In subsequent cycles they were assigned an ongoing cost representing the average costs
following an event (MI = £141; stoke = £559).
Several studies identified in the clinical review reported either total dropout rates or dropouts
associated with each study arm (Table 30). However, the GDG did not consider compliance within a
trial setting to be representative of real world behaviour. The literature was reviewed for estimates
of short and long-term compliance to supervised and unsupervised exercise programmes in people
with PAD, cardiovascular disease or older adults in the community; no relevant evidence was
identified. Therefore, based on input from the GDG, two different scenarios were modelled: in
Scenario 1, supervised exercise leads to greater short and long-term compliance (Figure 3); and in
Scenario 2, supervised exercise leads to greater short term compliance and no difference in long-
term compliance (Figure 4).
Exercise compliance
Supervised exercise
Unsupervised exercise
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cycle (1 cycle = 3 months)
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Exercise compliance
Supervised exercise
Unsupervised exercise
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cycle (1 cycle = 3 months)
This analysis found that supervised exercise is more cost effective than unsupervised exercise. By
taking into account the standard error of each model input, probabilistic analysis revealed that if
supervised exercise leads to greater compliance over both the short and long term, it is cost effective
in 79% of model iterations at an average cost of £711 per QALY gained. If supervised exercise does
not lead to an increase in activity levels over the long term, it remains cost effective in 75% of model
iterations at an average cost of £1, 608 per QALY gained (Table 38).
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150 Scenario 1
Scenario 2
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Disaggregating the results of the analysis by cost and QALYs allows us to examine the impact of key
components of the model on the overall result. Table 39 illustrates that the cost of the supervised
exercise programme is the major driver in cost differences between the two interventions. As would
be expected, the cost associated with the prevention of cardiovascular events is greater in the
scenario with greater difference compliance between interventions (Scenario 1), but in both
scenarios the incremental cost associated with cardiovascular morbidity is relatively small. Table 40
shows the impact of the reduction in mortality attributed to people who continue to be active in
terms of the difference in baseline QALY gain between the two interventions. Although the reduction
in mortality associated with exercise plays a role in driving the results of the model, this table
illustrates that the main driver in the difference in quality of life between the two exercise strategies
is the difference in quality of life associated with the intervention itself. The effect of cardiovascular
morbidity on the results of the model is negligible.
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Sensitivity analysis
A wide range of sensitivity analyses were undertaken to explore the effect of different parameter
inputs and assumptions on the results of the model. The results of these sensitivity analyses showed
that supervised exercise is the most cost effective strategy under the majority of data sources and
assumptions tested. The exception to this was if all key assumptions about the benefits of exercise
were removed from the model. If we do not extrapolate quality of life beyond the trial end dates and
do not include any measure of mortality or cardiovascular benefit in people who are active,
supervised exercise programmes are unlikely to be cost effective compared to unsupervised exercise.
The full results of all sensitivity analyses are presented in Appendix K.
The clinical review was not designed to distinguish between trials of varying length, duration or
exercise intensity. As such, it is not possible to determine whether certain types of supervised
programmes are more cost effective than others. For this guideline, the definition of each type of
exercise programme was based on a simple average of studies included in the clinical review. The
supervised exercise programme described by this method was also found to match programmes
familiar to the GDG.
Currently, no published RCT data exist to inform the relative risk of cardiovascular events and
mortality in people who exercise compared to those who do not in people with IC. The data used in
this model was obtained from two meta-analyses of trials conducted in two different populations:
people with CHD who had experienced MI or coronary revascularisation and a mixed population of
people who had and had not had a stroke.
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Limited published data was available to inform the impact of each type of exercise programme on
quality of life beyond one year. Although this data was not comparative, it suggested that quality of
life is maintained in those who continue to exercise; this was a key assumption of the analysis. If this
assumption is removed from the model, there is still a high probability that supervised exercise is
cost effective under the level of compliance suggested by Scenario 1, but there is a higher level of
uncertainty under Scenario 2.
The effectiveness of supervised and unsupervised exercise programmes is directly related to the
ability of each intervention to produce a lasting change on the activity levels of participating
individuals. Currently, data about the short and long term compliance to these regimens is not
available in the public domain. In the absence of this evidence, the GDG and their colleagues were
surveyed in order to elicit an expert opinion on which to base this parameter. The resulting estimates
that were used to inform the model represent the group’s most plausible scenarios for a population
of people with IC based on their clinical experience. However, long term data from real clinical
practices is needed to better inform future modelling in this area. Clinical
No clinical evidence was reported for people with IC due to aorto-iliac disease.
There was no statistically significant difference between supervised exercise and unsupervised
exercise for:
Withdrawal at 3 months [1 study, 60 participants, very low quality evidence]62
Withdrawal at 6 months [2 studies, 81 participants, very low quality evidence]57,62
Withdrawal at 1 year [1 study, 21 participants, very low quality evidence]57
ABPI at 6 months [41 study, 104 participants, moderate quality evidence]66
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
Quality of life increased in most SF-36 domains for both supervised exercise and unsupervised
exercise at 6 months [1 study, 21 participants, low quality evidence]57
Quality of life decreased in most SF-36 domains for both supervised exercise and unsupervised
exercise at 1 year [1 study, 21 participants, low quality evidence]57
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There was no statistically significant difference between supervised exercise and unsupervised
exercise for:
Adverse events at 3 months [1 study, 62 participants, very low quality evidence]67
Withdrawal at 3 months and 6 months [2 studies, 96 participants, very low quality evidence]59,65
Withdrawal at 1 year [1 study, 211 participants, low quality evidence]58
ABPI at 3 months [4 studies, 131 participants, low quality evidence]60,61,63,64
ABPI at 6 months [2 studies, 60 participants, very low quality evidence]60,64
ABPI at 1 year [1 study, 39 participants, very low quality evidence]64
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
Quality of life increased for both supervised exercise and unsupervised exercise at 3 months [3
studies, 291 participants, very low quality evidence]56,58,60
Quality of life mostly increased for supervised exercise and mostly decreased for unsupervised
exercise at 6 months [3 studies, 291 participants, very low quality evidence]56,58 60
Quality of life mostly increased for supervised exercise and mostly decreased for unsupervised
exercise at 9 months [2 studies, 270 participants, low quality evidence]56,58
Quality of life mostly increased for supervised exercise and mostly decreased for unsupervised
exercise at 1 year [2 studies, 270 participants, low quality evidence]56,58
One study showed people treated with supervised exercise completed 84.8% of sessions during 3
months of treatment compared to people treated with unsupervised exercise completed 82.5% of
sessions during 3 months of treatment [1 study, 62 participants, very low quality evidence]67 Economic
One trial-based study concluded that unsupervised exercise was more cost effective than
supervised exercise in 65% of patients [partially applicable with minor limitations]69
One trial-based cost-utility evaluation concluded that supervised exercise is more cost effective
than unsupervised exercise [directly applicable with potentially serious limitations]70
According to the results of an original economic model based on the current clinical evidence
review and GDG input, it is highly likely that supervised exercise represents a cost effective
treatment for people with IC [directly applicable with minor limitations]
The absolute change in maximum walking distance (MWD) and quality of life
were considered to be the most important outcomes in measuring success of
exercise interventions. MWD is the most widely reported outcome in studies for
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The GDG placed less importance on changes in ABPI and pain free walking
distance (PFWD). This was because they did not expect ABPI to be greatly
affected by the different exercise programmes (as clinical benefit is more likely
to be due to improved muscle metabolism rather than blood flow) and because
PFWD was considered too subjective a measure of improvement to allow
meaningful comparisons between individuals and studies.
Trade off between Based on their collective clinical experience, the GDG agreed that the risks
clinical benefits and associated with a supervised exercise programme are minimal, while the
harms benefits may include an increase in walking distance, quality of life, and
decreased risk of cardiovascular events.
Economic considerations An original economic model was developed to combine best available evidence
on the efficacy of supervised compared to unsupervised exercise for the
treatment of IC. The primary outcome of the model was quality of life as
reported by the RCTs included in the clinical review. The cost of a supervised
exercise programme was calculated from an NHS and social services perspective.
Quality of life and costs associated with cardiovascular events were also
included, as was the decreased risk of mortality and cardiovascular events
experienced by people who are physically active. Compliance to exercise was a
key component of the model; two theoretical compliance scenarios were
included in the base case analysis.
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The model was robust to the majority of sensitivity analyses surrounding key
assumptions and data used to inform the model. However, the results were
sensitive to the assumption that those who continue to exercise maintain the
improvement in quality of life demonstrated at the end of one year. If the results
of the intervention are not sustained beyond the end of each trial, the
probability that supervised exercise is the most cost-effective option is much
more uncertain. The results were also dependant upon assumptions about
compliance to exercise over the short and long term.
Two published papers reported health economic analyses and were also
considered by the GDG.69,70 They had a very short time horizon and did not take
into account the expected beneficial effect of exercise on mortality and
cardiovascular morbidity. These studies presented conflicting results and were
not thought to be as relevant as the model developed for this guideline.
Supervised exercise programmes for PAD are not widely available and the GDG
recognised that this recommendation would likely have a significant
implementation cost. However, the GDG considered that the basic infrastructure
required may already exist within cardiology and respiratory services.
Quality of evidence The following quality issues were highlighted by the GDG, relating both to the
studies themselves and to difficulties in synthesising their results:
The effect size tended to be small
The included studies were rated moderate to very low quality by GRADE
Trials differed in terms of types of exercise (upper versus lower body)
With interventions of this type, it is possible that improvements could be
related to increased contact and attention from healthcare providers rather
than a true effect of exercise
There is also a documented training effect of treadmill walking, which could
have lead to greater walking distances in the supervised exercise group82
Limited data were available about withdrawals, but the GDG felt that the
reported rates were lower than they would have expected based on their
experience of real world behaviour, and that those who are prepared to enter
randomised trials involving supervised exercise were already pre-selected. In
clinical practice the overall proportion prepared to participate in and continue
with exercise programmes may be significantly lower
The definitions of intermittent claudication varied between trials
The long-term benefits of supervised exercise programmes are not clear in this
Other considerations There is potential for confusion when considering exercise for IC. At one level,
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The GDG discussed access issues and noted that at present patients tend to be
offered other interventional treatments ahead of supervised exercise. It was
noted that some patients may lack motivation to undertake a programme and
others may experience anxiety particularly if they have other co-morbidities
such as angina. It is therefore considered important to discuss the choices
available to the patient and recognise that some may prefer advice and
instruction about unsupervised exercise.
With patients undertaking exercise, there could be less need for secondary
interventions and patients may have better cardiovascular outcomes. However,
it was recognised that further research is required to assess the long term
benefits of supervised exercise programmes for IC. It was agreed by the GDG
that the benefits are likely to decrease with reduced compliance with exercise
following completion of a programme. The GDG therefore made a research
recommendation about monitoring long term effects.
Based on the available evidence the GDG concluded that, in the absence of
significant comorbidity where exercise would be contra-indicated, they could
recommend that people with intermittent claudication should be offered a
supervised exercise programme.
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2. What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of supervised exercise programmes compared with
unsupervised exercise for treating people with intermittent claudication, taking into account
the effects on long-term outcomes and continuing levels of exercise?
Research has shown that taking part in exercise and physical activity can lead to improvements in
symptoms in the short term for people with intermittent claudication. However, the benefits of
exercise are quickly lost if it is not frequent and regular. Supervised exercise programmes have been
shown to produce superior results when compared with advice to exercise (unsupervised) in the
short term, but they are more expensive, and there is a lack of robust evidence on long-term
effectiveness. A community-based randomised controlled trial is required to compare the long-term
clinical and cost effectiveness of a supervised exercise programme and unsupervised exercise. The
trial should enrol people with peripheral arterial disease-related claudication, but exclude those with
previous endovascular or surgical interventions. The primary outcome measure should be maximal
walking distance, with secondary outcome measures including quality of life, function, level of
uptake of exercise programmes and long-term engagement in physical activity.
NICE recently published a technology appraisal (TA 223) on “Cilostazol, naftidrofuryl oxalate,
pentoxifylline and inositol nicotinate for the treatment of intermittent claudication in people with
peripheral arterial disease”.53 The TA reviewed the evidence for the four named vasoactive drugs in
treating IC not controlled by best medical treatment, which was the TA term for what is referred to
as best medical treatment for PAD in section 9.1 above. Naftidofuryl oxalate was recommended as
the preferred treatment. The technology appraisal did not examine evidence comparing the
vasoactive drugs to exercise therapy, angioplasty or stents.
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A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of naftidrofuryl oxalate
to exercise therapy, angioplasty or stents. No limits were set on time, sample size or duration of
follow-up. Indirect populations and emergency settings were excluded.
The GDG were presented with a summary of the methods and results of the exploratory economic
analysis conducted as part of the NICE TA comparing naftidrofuryl oxalate to angioplasty.53 The GDG
considered that this analysis was not based on comparative evidence; it represents an exploration of
several theoretically possible outcomes of angioplasty compared to naftidrofuryl oxalate. The costs
associated with angioplasty in the NICE TA analysis were based on the literature (procedural cost of
£92583) and were very different from those estimated according to NHS Reference Costs [procedural
cost of £3, 661 to £9, 367 (see Appendix L)]. The sensitivity analysis developed for the NICE TA was
also limited in that only angioplasty was included as an alternative to vasoactive drugs (those in the
‘no drug treatment’ arm of the exploratory model all underwent angioplasty). The GDG considered
exercise a more appropriate alternative for people with IC.
Without comparative clinical evidence it was not possible to evaluate the relative cost-effectiveness
of vasoactive drugs compared to exercise programmes in the base case analysis. Instead, the GDG
decided to incorporate the use of naftidrofuryl oxalate as a sensitivity analysis in the original
economic model developed to compare unsupervised to supervised exercise. Costs and
discontinuation rates associated with naftidrofuryl oxalate were obtained from the NICE TA and
incorporated into the current model. As in the NICE TA, it was assumed that naftidrofuryl oxalate
does not have any effect on the risk of mortality or cardiovascular events. Evidence of comparative
efficacy (as measured by quality of life was left blank and a threshold analysis was run to determine
the incremental gain in quality of life that would be necessary for naftidrofuryl to be considered cost-
effective compared to supervised and unsupervised exercise. For a full discussion of the methods and
results of this model please refer to Appendix K. Parameter inputs used to inform threshold analysis
of naftidrofuryl oxalate are reported in Table 41.
Table 41: Parameter inputs used to inform threshold analysis of naftidrofuryl oxalate
Probability Distribution
Parameter Point estimate Value range distribution parameters Source
3 month cost of £30.49 NA Fixed NA NHS Drug
naftidrofuryl Tariff84
Discontinuation 11% NA Fixed NA Squires 201053
at 6 months
Discontinuation 68% NA Fixed NA Hiatt 2008 in
at 36 months Squires 201053
Relative effect 1 NA Fixed NA Squires 201053
on mortality(a)
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Compared to exercise, the threshold at which naftidrofuryl oxalate becomes the most cost effective
treatment strategy depends on the assumed level of compliance to each exercise programme. Where
there is a higher level of compliance to supervised exercise over both the short and long term,
naftidrofuryl oxalate becomes more cost effective when people achieve a gain of 0.029 QALYs per
cycle compared to unsupervised exercise. If compliance is equal over the long term, a QALY gain of
0.017 per cycle is needed (Table 42).
According to the utility calculations undertaken by the NICE TA53, people taking naftidrofuryl oxalate
had a mean utility of 0.5088 after 24 weeks of treatment. Compared to the baseline utility of 0.4873
for people not taking vasoactive drugs, this represents a utility gain of 0.021. According to this
estimate naftidrofuryl oxalate would be dominated by supervised exercise in both scenarios and is
therefore not likely to be cost effective compared to supervised exercise. However, it is difficult to
make comparisons due to differences in the methods used to estimate utility values.
Table 42: Threshold at which naftidrofuryl oxalate is more cost effective than supervised exercise
Additional utility with naftidrofuryl compared to unsupervised exercise
Scenario 1 0.029 x 4
Scenario 2 0.017 x 4 Clinical Economic
Based on the results of a threshold analysis undertaken as part of the original cost effectiveness
model developed for this guideline, naftidrofuryl oxalate is unlikely to be more cost effective than
supervised exercise for the treatment of IC under the base case assumptions of the model. However,
the GDG did not identify any clinical evidence to support a strong conclusion in this area.
Naftidrofuryl oxalate may also be considered an option when people do not wish to undertake an
exercise programme; in this case, the question is not one of choice between different treatments and
the scenario represented by the economic model is not relevant.
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Trade off between clinical Naftidrofuryl oxalate is contraindicated in people with a history of
benefits and harms hyperoxaluria or recurrent calcium-containing stones. The summary of
product characteristics should be consulted for a full list of side effects and
The GDG were of the opinion that, because it may be more convenient to
prescribe a drug than to refer for further assessment for an invasive
intervention, there is a risk that naftidrofuryl may sometimes be used when
other treatment modalities (e.g. revascularisation) are likely to be superior
in terms of outcomes.
Economic considerations The GDG considered the cost of naftidrofuryl oxalate discontinuation rates
as reported by the NICE TA, and the gain quality of life needed to make it a
more cost effective strategy than supervised exercise according to the
results of the economic model. They noted that naftidrofuryl is unlikely to
be cost-effective given that the gain in quality of life needed for
naftidrofuryl to be a cost effective option is greater than that reported in
the NICE TA.
The GDG also considered that there may be situations in which best
medical treatment has been unsuccessful and people do not wish to
undertake an exercise programme or interventional treatment. In these
situations, the GDG considered that the use of naftidrofuryl oxalate would
be cost-effective.
Quality of evidence Whilst no evidence was identified, the GDG observed that the effect sizes
reported in NICE TA 223 for walking distance were considerably lower than
the minimally important differences the GDG had identified for this
Other considerations There was no evidence to identify those sub-groups of people with IC who
may benefit from naftidrofuryl and where in the care pathway this should
be offered. The GDG agreed by consensus that naftidrofuryl should not be
given as first line treatment for IC.
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A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of endovascular or
surgical techniques to or in combination with exercise or best medical treatment. No time limit was
placed on the literature search, and there were no limitations on sample size. Indirect populations
and emergency settings were excluded.
Twelve studies of eight RCTs85-87 88-96 were included in the review. The trials did not report outcome
data for people with diabetes.
The interventions evaluated in these trials could be divided into five pair wise comparisons:
1. Best medical treatment compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty (see section 9.4.2)
2. Supervised exercise with best medical treatment compared to supervised exercise, best medical
treatment plus angioplasty (see section 9.4.3)
3. Best medical treatment with angioplasty compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty
and supervised exercise (see section 9.4.4)
4. Angioplasty compared to supervised exercise (see section 9.4.5)
5. Bypass surgery compared to supervised exercise (see section 9.4.6)
9.4.2 Best medical treatment compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty
Clinical evidence
For this comparison, four studies of two RCTs were included that compared best medical treatment
alone to best medical treatment with angioplasty.85-88 One Cochrane review was identified97 which
considered angioplasty compared to non surgical management for intermittent claudication. The
Cochrane review was not included or updated as it did not meet the review question protocol
defined by the GDG, which also included the comparison of best medical treatment to surgery.
However it was used as a source to ensure that studies identified in the Cochrane review which
matched the current review protocol had been considered for inclusion.
The study characteristics are reported in Table 43. The quality and results of included studies are
reported in the clinical evidence profiles (
Table 44 and Table 45). The forest plots for each clinical outcome are reported in Appendix J.
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Table 43: Study characteristics: Best medical treatment compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty for intermittent claudication
Study Disease location BMT BMT with Angioplasty
The Oslo Balloon Combined lesions in aorto-iliac and BMT BMT
Angioplasty versus femoro-popliteal arteries Smoking cessation Smoking cessation
Conservative Treatment
Home-based exercise advice Home-based exercise advice
Study (OBACT)85,86
Nutritional advice and individualised optimal Nutritional advice and individualised optimal
Mediterranean-type diet Mediterranean-type diet
Aspirin 160 mg daily or clopidogrel 75 mg daily Aspirin 160 mg daily or clopidogrel 75 mg daily
for peptic ulcer history for peptic ulcer history
Statins for untreated hypercholesterolaemia. Statins for untreated hypercholesterolaemia
High blood pressure treatment High blood pressure treatment
Iliac occlusions treated with primary stenting;
iliac stenoses were selectively stented
Stents were not used infra-inguinally
Whyman, 1996; Whyman, Femoro-popliteal arteries BMT BMT
199787,88 Low dose aspirin Low dose aspirin
Smoking advice Smoking advice
Exercise advice Exercise advice
Angioplasty by balloon dilation
Arterial stenting not routinely used
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Table 44: Clinical evidence profile: Best medical treatment compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty for intermittent claudication due to
femoro-popliteal and aorto-iliac disease
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Table 45: Clinical evidence profile: Best medical treatment compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty for intermittent claudication due to
femoro-popliteal disease
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Mortality at 2 years
187 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very None 0/29 2/30 RR 0.21 (0.01 53 fewer per VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(b) (0%) (6.7%) to 4.13) 1000 (from 66
fewer to 209
Major complications at 6 months
188 Observational No serious No serious No serious No serious None 0 out of 29 people in the BMT plus angioplasty LOW
studies risk of bias(c) inconsistency indirectness imprecision group had major complications
Re-intervention at 6 months
188 Observational No serious No serious No serious No serious None 0 out of 29 people in the BMT plus angioplasty LOW
studies risk of bias(c) inconsistency indirectness imprecision group had re-intervention
Re-intervention at 2 years
187 Observational No serious No serious No serious No serious None 1 out of 29 people in the BMT plus angioplasty LOW
studies risk of bias(c) inconsistency indirectness imprecision group had re-intervention
ABPI at 6 months
188 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(d) None 29 30 - MD 0.14 higher LOW
inconsistency indirectness (0.06 to 0.22
ABPI at 2 years
187 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 29 30 - MD 0.06 higher MODERAT
inconsistency indirectness imprecision (0.04 to 0.08 E
(a) Unclear blinding.
(b) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(c) Data from a RCT, non-comparative outcome.
(d) 95% CI crosses one MID.
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9.4.3 Supervised exercise with best medical treatment compared to supervised exercise, best
medical treatment plus angioplasty
Clinical evidence
Three RCTs89,90,95 were found which addressed the question and were included in the review.
The study characteristics are reported in Table 46.The quality and results of included studies are
reported in Table 47 and Table 48. The mapped EQ-5D are reported in Table 49. The forest plots for
each clinical outcome are reported in Appendix J.
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Table 46: Study characteristics: Best medical treatment with supervised exercise compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty and supervised
Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Study Disease location BMT + Supervised exercise BMT + Angioplasty + Supervised exercise
Greenhalgh, Aorto-iliac and BMT BMT
200889 femoro-popliteal Aspirin 75 mg or clopidogrel if intolerant to aspirin Aspirin 75 mg or clopidogrel if intolerant to aspirin
arteries Blood pressure, total and high-density lipoprotein serum Blood pressure, total and high-density lipoprotein serum
cholesterol and serum glucose were assessed and drug cholesterol and serum glucose were assessed and drug
therapy commenced where necessary therapy commenced where necessary
Smoking cessation advice and support Smoking cessation advice and support
Supervised exercise
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Table 47: Clinical evidence profile: Supervised exercise with best medical treatment compared to supervised exercise with best medical treatment and
angioplasty for intermittent claudication due to aorto-iliac disease
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Table 48: Clinical evidence profile: Supervised exercise with best medical treatment compared to supervised exercise with best medical treatment and
angioplasty and for intermittent claudication due to femoro-popliteal disease
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195 Observational No serious No serious No serious No serious None 0 out of 58 people in the BMT with supervised LOW
studies risk of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision exercise and angioplasty group had re-
Compliance with exercise programme
189 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very None 30/48 27/45 RR 1.04 24 more VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(d) (62.5%) (60%) (0.75 to per 1000
1.44) (from 150
fewer to
264 more)
Withdrawal rate at 3 months
190 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very None 10/58 8/60 RR 1.29 39 more per VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(d) (17.2%) (13.3%) (0.55 to 1000 (from
3.05) 60 fewer to
273 more)
(a) Unclear allocation concealment.
(b) No information on the variability was given in the study, therefore the calculation of the standard deviation was not possible and the mean difference and CI were not estimable.
(c) Data taken from an RCT, non-comparative outcome.
(d) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
Table 49: SF-36 individual domain results and mapped EQ-5D values – Supervised exercise compared to angioplasty with supervised exercise
Supervised exercise Angioplasty + supervised exercise
Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
Greenhalgh 200898 – Femoro-popliteal arteries – Mean (SD)
PF 35.8 (8.0) NR 37.9 (8.9) NR 37.2 (9.3) 37.2 (8.0) NR 40.0 (9.9) NR 40.2 (9.1)
RP 41.2 (10.9) NR 41.5 (10.1) NR 41.1 (11.4) 42.3 (10.3) NR 42.8 (11.1) NR 43.6 (10.1)
BP 42.7 (9.4) NR 41.8 (9.1) NR 43.1 (8.7) 42.9 (8.7) NR 44.3 (10.4) NR 44.3 (9.9)
GH 45.9 (9.4) NR 44.1 (9.8) NR 44.2 (8.4) 43.8 (8.8) NR 41.9 (10.0) NR 42.6 (9.4)
V 45.8 (9.7) NR 44.3 (12.0) NR 43.6 (11.1) 46.6 (11.2) NR 47.7 (11.8) NR 47.2 (12.1)
SF 44.4 (11.9) NR 43.2 (12.0) NR 44.7 (12.0) 45.0 (10.6) NR 45.3 (10.3) NR 45.1 (10.3)
RE 42.1 (13.6) NR 41.2 (13.7) NR 40.4 (15.7) 44.8 (13.2) NR 46.5 (12.3) NR 46.2 (9.9)
MH 46.7 (12.4) NR 46.6 (12.2) NR 46.4 (12.5) 50.3 (10.4) NR 50.4 (10.3) NR 49.9 (10.4)
EQ-5D(a) 0.45 (0.01) NA 0.45 (0.01) NA 0.46 (0.01) 0.47 (0.01) NA 0.48 (0.01) NA 0.48 (0.01)
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9.4.4 Best medical treatment with angioplasty compared to best medical treatment with
angioplasty and supervised exercise for intermittent claudication
Clinical evidence
Two RCTs95,96 were found which addressed the question and were included in the review.
The study characteristics are reported in Table 50. The quality and results of included studies are
reported in Table 51. The reasons for withdrawal are reported in Table 52. The forest plots for each
clinical outcome are reported in Appendix J.
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Table 50: Study characteristics: Best medical treatment with angioplasty compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty and supervised exercise
Intervention 1 Intervention 2
Study Disease location BMT + Angioplasty BMT + Angioplasty + Supervised exercise
Kruidenier, 201196 Aorto-iliac BMT BMT
arteries Cardiovascular risk factor modification (inc. Cardiovascular risk factor modification (inc. antiplatelet
antiplatelet inhibitor and a statin and treatment for inhibitor and a statin and treatment for hypertension
hypertension and/or diabetes as required and/or diabetes as required
Advice to quit smoking if required and offer of a Advice to quit smoking if required and offer of a smoking
smoking cessation programme cessation programme
Lifestyle changes (e.g. physical activity, weight, diet) Lifestyle changes (e.g. physical activity, weight, diet)
Angioplasty Angioplasty
Performed by experienced interventional radiologist Performed by experienced interventional radiologist
Iliac angioplasty with selective stent placement for Iliac angioplasty with selective stent placement for iliac
iliac stenosis; angioplasty with primary stent stenosis; angioplasty with primary stent placement for
placement for superficial femoral artery stenosis or superficial femoral artery stenosis or recanalisation with
recanalisation with primary stent placement for iliac primary stent placement for iliac and femoral occlusions
and femoral occlusions
Supervised exercise
Began with 3 weeks of rest following angioplasty
Community based setting, supervised by a trained
physiotherapist in proximity to their homes
Generally started with a frequency of 2-3 sessions of 30
minutes a week, frequency reduced according to patients
Patients encouraged to walk on a daily basis in addition to
physiotherapy sessions.
Mazari, 201295 Femoropopliteal BMT BMT
arteries Antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and/or clopidogrel) Antiplatelet therapy (aspirin and/or clopidogrel)
Smoking cessation advice and support Smoking cessation advice and support
Risk factor management Risk factor management
Advice leaflets of physical activity and exercise Advice leaflets of physical activity and exercise
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Angioplasty Angioplasty
Angioplasty was performed by a consultant vascular Angioplasty was performed by a consultant vascular
radiologist in accordance with the units standard radiologist in accordance with the units standard
procedure. procedure.
Supervised exercise
3 times a week for 12 weeks under supervision of
physiotherapist or doctor.
Closed circuit training on six stations each for 2 minutes
with 2 minutes brisk walking between each station.
Patients completed one full circuit for the first 6 weeks
followed by an additional increment of 1 station per week
for the next 6 weeks ending with completing 2 full circuits.
Table 51: Clinical evidence profile: Best medical treatment with angioplasty compared to best medical treatment with angioplasty and supervised
exercise for intermittent claudication due to aorto-iliac disease
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(b) No information on the variability was given in the study, therefore the calculation of the standard deviation was not possible and the mean difference and CI were not estimable.
(c) Unclear allocation concealment and blinding.
(d) 95% CI crosses one MID.
(e) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(f) Unclear methodology.
Table 54: SF-36 individual domain results and mapped EQ-5D values – Angioplasty compared to angioplasty with supervised exercise
Angioplasty Angioplasty + supervised exercise
Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
Kruidenier 2011 – Mean (SD)
PF 41.6 (17.5) NR 72.2 (18.0) NR NR 43.6 (19.4) NR 72.7 (22.3) NR NR
RP 39.1 (43.5) NR 71.6 (37.0) NR NR 33.3 (39.9) NR 56.3 (40.2) NR NR
BP 43.0 (16.4) NR 64.7 (26.0) NR NR 41.4 (19.9) NR 70.0 (22.8) NR NR
GH 52.2 (13.2) NR 53.7 (12.5) NR NR 51.5 (11.3) NR 56.9 (12.6) NR NR
V 51.2 (18.8) NR 57.1 (20.0) NR NR 57.4 (20.2) NR 67.3 (17.7) NR NR
SF 69.1 (28.0) NR 77.2 (31.0) NR NR 64.0 (22.8) NR 80.7 (19.8) NR NR
RE 83.9 (35.4) NR 77.0 (40.9) NR NR 80.8 (38.2) NR 82.3 (35.9) NR NR
MH 72.8 (18.3) NR 68.0 (19.5) NR NR 72.2 (20.8) NR 79.4 (17.5) NR NR
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Clinical evidence
Five RCTs91-93,99 95 were found which addressed the question and were included in the review.
The study characteristics are reported in Table 56. The quality and results of included studies are
reported in Table 57, Table 58 and Table 59. The mapped EQ-5D values are reported in Table 60.The
forest plots for each clinical outcome are reported in Appendix J.
Spronk 200991 reported values for the four physical domains of the SF-36 (physical functioning,
physical role, bodily pain and general health). The authors were contacted to request the remaining
domains and they replied that these domains were not collected. Baseline and mean score
improvement in EQ-5D were reported in the cost-effectiveness paper based on this randomised
control trial.100 By assigning a distribution to each reported EQ-5D value, the mean score
improvement at 6 and 12 months was added to the baseline value to calculate mean quality of life at
each time point. This simulation was run 20,000 times and the results are reported in Table 55.
Table 55: Simulated mean EQ-5D values from Spronk 2008 based on mean score improvement
Supervised exercise Angioplasty
Mean Mean score Simulated Mean Mean score Simulated
value (SE) improvement mean value value (SE) improvement mean value
(SE) (SE) (SE) (SE)
Baseline 0.69 (0.02) 0.66 (0.02)
6 months 0.09 (0.03) 0.780 (0.034) 0.16 (0.02) 0.820 (0.31)
12 months 0.07 (0.02) 0.076 (0.032) 0.11 (0.03) 0.770 (0.036)
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Table 56: Study characteristics: Angioplasty compared to supervised exercise for intermittent claudication
Study Disease location Supervised exercise Angioplasty
Spronk, 200991 Aorto-iliac arteries BMT BMT
Atherosclerotic risk factor treatment that included Atherosclerotic risk factor treatment that included
hypertension, serum glucose, cholesterol, lipid profile, hypertension, serum glucose, cholesterol, lipid profile,
and homocysteinemia (in patients <50 years of age) and homocysteinemia (in patients <50 years of age)
management and, all patients were prescribed aspirin management, and all patients were prescribed aspirin
therapy (100 mg/d). therapy (100 mg/d).
All smokers were strongly and repeatedly advised to All smokers were strongly and repeatedly advised to quit
quit smoking, and were offered a smoking-cessation smoking, and were offered a smoking-cessation
programme. programme.
Risk factor management continued during follow-up Risk factor management continued during follow-up
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Table 57: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty compared to supervised exercise for intermittent claudication due to aorto-iliac disease
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191 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(b) None 75 75 See Table 55 LOW
inconsistency indirectness
Quality of life at 1 year
191 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(b) None 75 75 See Table 55 LOW
inconsistency indirectness
Maximum walking distance from baseline at 6 months
191 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 75 75 - MD 383 MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision lower (537.62
to 228.38
Maximum walking distance from baseline at 1 year
191 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(c) None 75 75 - MD 208 LOW
inconsistency indirectness lower (359.79
to 56.21
Pain free walking distance from baseline at 6 months
191 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(c) None 75 75 - MD 220 LOW
inconsistency indirectness lower (391.62
to 48.38
Pain free walking distance from baseline at 1 year
191 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(c) None 75 75 - MD 137 LOW
inconsistency indirectness lower (305.66
lower to
31.66 higher)
Number of patients who doubled their maximum walking distance at 3 months
193 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(e) None 4/16 7/15 RR 0.54 (0.2 215 fewer per VERY LOW
serious(d) inconsistency indirectness (25%) (46.7%) to 1.47) 1000 (from
373 fewer to
219 more)
Number of patients who doubled their maximum walking distance at 6 months
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193 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(c) None 5/14 9/12 RR 0.48 (0.22 390 fewer per VERY LOW
serious inconsistency indirectness (35.7%) (75%) to 1.03) 1000 (from
585 fewer to
22 more)
Number of patients who doubled their maximum walking distance at 9 months
193 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(e) None 4/11 9/12 RR 0.48 (0.21 390 fewer per VERY LOW
serious(d) inconsistency indirectness (36.4%) (75%) to 1.13) 1000 (from
593 fewer to
97 more)
Number of patients who doubled their maximum walking distance at 1 year
193 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(e) None 2/5 6/7 RR 0.47 (0.15 454 fewer VERY LOW
serious(d) inconsistency indirectness (40%) (85.7%) to 1.42) per 1000
(from 729
fewer to 360
Complications at 1 year
291,93 Observat No No serious No serious No serious None 11 out of 95 people in the angioplasty group had LOW
ional serious inconsistency indirectness imprecision complications
studies risk of
Re-interventions at 6 months
191 Observat No No serious No serious No serious None 5 out of 75 people in the angioplasty group had re- LOW
ional serious inconsistency indirectness imprecision intervention
studies risk of
Re-interventions at 1 year
291,93 Observa No No serious No serious No serious None 8 out of 95 people in the angioplasty group had re- LOW
tional serious inconsistency indirectness imprecision intervention
studies risk of
Number of good attenders to exercise (on average > 1 session per week) at 6 months
193 Observa No No serious No serious No serious None 8 out of 16 people in the exercise group were good LOW
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Table 58: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty compared to supervised exercise for intermittent claudication due to aorto-iliac and femoro-popliteal
Table 59: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty compared to supervised exercise for intermittent claudication due to femoro-popliteal disease
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Table 60: SF-36 individual domain results and mapped EQ-5D values – Angioplasty compared to supervised exercise
Supervised exercise Angioplasty
Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
Mazari 2010 – Median (range)
PF 30 (35) 55 (48) NA NA NA 35 (30) 52 (40) NA NA NA
RP 20 (30) 25 (100) NA NA NA 25 (65) 25 (75) NA NA NA
BP 41 (42) 55 (43) NA NA NA 41 (40) 61 (46) NA NA NA
GH 55 (37) 60 (30) NA NA NA 57 (37) 54 (41) NA NA NA
V 45 (20) 50 (35) NA NA NA 50 (35) 55 (35) NA NA NA
SF 62 (50) 75 (50) NA NA NA 75 (50) 88 (50) NA NA NA
RE 33 (100) 83 (100) NA NA NA 66 (100) 100 (100) NA NA NA
MH 68 (28) 72 (30) NA NA NA 72 (28) 82 (25) NA NA NA
(a) Only the range was reported; probabilistic mapped values not estimable.
Abbreviations: PF = physical function; RP = role physical; BP = bodily pain; GH = general health; V = vitality; SF = social functioning; RE = role emotional; MH = mental health; NA = not
applicable; NE = not estimable.
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Clinical evidence
One RCT94 was found which addressed the question and was included in the review.
The study characteristics are reported in Table 61. The quality and results of the included study are
reported in Table 62. The forest plots for each clinical outcome are reported in Appendix J.
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Table 62: Clinical evidence profile: Bypass surgery compared to supervised exercise for intermittent claudication due to aorto-iliac and femoro-popliteal
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A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of angioplasty versus
bypass surgery. No time limit was placed on the literature search, and there were no limitations on
sample size. Indirect populations and emergency settings were excluded.
Seven studies of four RCTs101-104 105 106,107 were identified which addressed the question and were
included in the review. The trials did not report outcome data for people with diabetes.
The quality and results of included studies are reported in Table 63 and Table 64. The forest plots for
each clinical outcome are reported in appendix J.
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Table 63: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty compared to bypass surgery for people with intermittent claudication due to aorto-iliac disease
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1104 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 27/130 10/133 RR 2.76 (1.39 132 more per 1000 (from VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (20.8%) (7.5%) to 5.47) 29 more to 336 more)
Re-intervention at 2 years
1104 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 26/130 20/133 RR 1.33 (0.78 50 more per 1000 (from VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (20%) (15%) to 2.26) 33 fewer to 189 more)
ABPI after treatment (no specific time point)
1104 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 130 133 - MD 0.04 lower (0.04 to MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision 0.04 lower)
ABPI at 3 years
1104 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 130 133 - MD 0.02 higher (0.01 to MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision 0.03 higher)
(a) Unclear blinding.
(b) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
Table 64: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty compared to bypass surgery for intermittent claudication due to femoro-popliteal disease
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(c) 1 of 2 studies had unclear methodology;1 of 2 studies had unclear allocation concealment and blinding.
(d) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(e) Unclear methodology.
(f) 1 of 3 studies had unclear methodology; 2 of 3 studies had unclear allocation concealment and blinding.
(g) 1 of 2 studies had unclear methodology; 1 of 2 studies had unclear blinding.
(h) 95% CI crosses one MID.
(i) No information on variability was given in the study, therefore calculation of standard deviation was not possible and the mean difference and CI were not estimable.
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Spronk 2008 analysed cost and outcome data from a RCT comparing supervised exercise (performed
twice weekly for 30 minutes per session over 24 weeks on a treadmill) to angioplasty with selective
stent placement. This RCT was included in the clinical review. At 12 month follow-up and after
adjustment for baseline variables, the treatment groups did not differ significantly in functional
capacity or quality of life. However, there was a large difference in cost favouring supervised
exercise. This analysis found that supervised exercise is highly likely to be cost effective compared to
angioplasty with selective stent placement, however it was limited by a short time horizon and did
not include all relevant comparators.
Visser 2003111 developed a model to compare supervised exercise to angioplasty followed by exercise
and angioplasty followed by exercise. Each endovascular strategy was preceded by a different
imaging modality. The results of this analysis suggest that angioplasty preceded by MRA is the most
cost-effective initial intervention, with supervised exercise for those who are not suitable for
angioplasty. However, this study did not exercise as a primary treatment for IC and therefore is
missing an important comparator.
De Vries 2002109 developed a model to compare five combinations of supervised exercise (advised to
walk 2-6km every day for six months with four check-in periods) and revascularisation (angioplasty
with selective stent placement for supra-inguinal disease) and angioplasty or bypass surgery for infra-
inguinal disease) with clinical outcomes based on a retrospective database analysis. The results of
this model indicate that none of the evaluated strategies fall within the £20, 000 per QALY threshold
compared to a baseline strategy of unsupervised exercise.
Based on data from the Dutch Iliac Stent Trial and several meta-analyses, Bosch 1998108 developed a
decision model to evaluate the cost effectiveness of treating claudication due to iliac arterial stenosis
with primary stent placement, selective stent placement or angioplasty without stent placement.
This model assumes that 40% of patients undergoing angioplasty require selective stent placement
and that compared to angioplasty alone, the relative risk of failure associated with stent placement is
0.61. The results of this model suggest that angioplasty with selective stent placement for both
primary and secondary treatment is more cost effective than both selective stent placement
followed by conservative management and primary stent placement followed by selective stent
placement. This conclusion was robust to a wide range of sensitivity analyses.
The same model (with American costs) was used in a later analysis by Bosch 2000.112 Based on the
results of their previous study (Bosch 1999113), which concluded that primary stent placement was
not cost-effective, the authors did not include angioplasty with primary stent placement as a
comparison in this analysis. Because this comparison was not relevant to the study question it was
excluded from the review.
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de Vries 2002109 Potentially Partially Decision analytic model Angioplasty or Angioplasty or Angioplasty or ICER for
serious applicable(f) Population: People with IC exercise followed exercise followed exercise interventional
limitations(e) by angioplasty = by angioplasty = followed by strategies
Horizon: Lifetime
£3, 838 more 0.10 QALYs angioplasty = increased with
Costs: Diagnostic and costly compared gained compared £38, 376 age or a
interventional procedures, short- to unsupervised to unsupervised QALYs gained positive history
and long-term follow-up costs exercise alone. exercise alone. compared to of CAD, due to
Perspective: USA/Netherlands Exercise followed Exercise followed unsupervised increased
societal perspective by angioplasty or by angioplasty or exercise. procedural risk
bypass = £21, 985 bypass = 0.07 Exercise and reduced
more costly QALY gain followed by life expectancy
compared to compared angioplasty or in older
angioplasty or angioplasty or bypass = £314, patients with
exercise followed exercise followed 079 per QALY cardiac
by angioplasty. by angioplasty. gained. ischaemia.
Unsupervised exercise only vs. selective stent placement followed by unsupervised exercise vs. selective stent placement followed by selective stent placement vs.
Bosch 1998108 Minor Partially Decision analytic model Selective stent Selective stent Selective stent Robust to
limitations applicable(g) Population: People with IC placement placement placement changes in the
followed by followed by followed by risk of long term
Horizon: Lifetime
selective stent selective stent selective stent failure following
Costs: Diagnostic costs, placement was placement placement stent placement,
interventional procedures, and £3, 960 more resulted in 0.32 cost £12, 376 proportion of
patient costs. costly than QALYs gained per QALY patients requiring
Perspective: Netherlands societal selective stent compared to gained a stent, and stent
perspective placement selective stent cost.
followed by no placement
revascularisation. followed by no
No treatment vs. angioplasty followed by no treatment vs. angioplasty followed by angioplasty vs. angioplasty followed by bypass vs. bypass followed by no
treatment vs. bypass followed by bypass revision
Hunink 1995110 Potentially Partially Decision analytic model Vein graft for IC stenosis
serious applicable(i) Population: People with IC Angioplasty Angioplasty Angioplasty In people with IC
Horizon: Lifetime followed by followed by followed by due to occlusion,
Costs: Costs of angioplasty and bypass surgery is bypass surgery bypass surgery the conclusion of
bypass for patients with the least costly is the most was the the model was
strategy effective dominant unchanged
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None of the cost-utility studies identified in the literature included all relevant comparators for the
treatment of people with IC. Therefore, the GDG decided to prioritise this area for original cost
effectiveness modelling. The aim of this analysis was to determine the most cost-effective treatment
pathway for people with IC in England and Wales who are suitable for both exercise and angioplasty
as first-line treatment options.
The analysis was undertaken from the perspective of the NHS and personal social services, in
accordance with NICE guidelines methodology. Relevant costs consisted of the cost of a supervised
exercise programme and treatment for stroke and MI. All costs are reported in 2009/10 British
pounds. The primary measure of outcome is the quality-adjusted life-year (QALY). The model was
evaluated over a lifetime horizon with both costs and QALYs discounted at a rate of 3.5% per year.
Alternative discount rates of 1.5% for QALYs and 3.5% for costs were explored in sensitivity analysis. Methods
The model was designed to compare 13 alternative treatment strategies for people with intermittent
claudication (four primary interventions followed by three secondary interventions, plus one
additional combined intervention). A treatment strategy was defined as the initial therapy combined
with secondary intervention options if the initial treatment should fail (Table 66).
The model did not consider bypass surgery as a primary strategy because the GDG did not consider
bypass to be an appropriate first-line therapy for people with claudication; bypass was included as a
secondary procedure following unsatisfactory results from supervised exercise or angioplasty. Stent
placement was included as a planned (‘primary stent placement’) and bail-out (‘selective stent
placement’) procedure for angioplasty. In both primary and selective stent strategies, only bare
metal stents were considered as the GDG decided not to recommend the routine use of drug eluting
stents following a review of the clinical evidence (see section 9.6). Angioplasty with primary stent
was not considered as a secondary intervention as the GDG did not think that there was anything to
recommend it over selective stent placement.
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The hypothetical population included in the analysis was people with IC who are suitable for and
willing to undergo either exercise or angioplasty. Based on the baseline characteristics of people in
the included RCTs, a starting age of 67 years was used to represent the average age of people with
IC. The hypothetical cohort was 70% male and had an average ABPI of 0.64. Twenty four percent of
people were diabetic and 43% were current smokers. The prevalence of diabetes and smokers was
used to inform the baseline risk of stroke and MI in the model.
Not included were people with co-morbidities which prevent participation in an exercise program;
people who are either not interested in undergoing angioplasty or not considered anatomically
suitable for an endovascular procedure; people who have recently undergone an endovascular
procedure; or people with CLI. People who drop out after beginning an exercise programme are
included in the model.
According to the methods used in the clinical review, patients with IC due to stenosis in the aorto-
iliac and femoro-popliteal arteries were considered as separate subgroups. All were assumed to be
receiving best medical therapy (antiplatelet therapy, anti-hypertensive therapy, cholesterol-lowering
agents, diabetes control and smoking cessation advice) at baseline, consistent with the included
Approach to modelling
Intermittent claudication is associated with high mortality, increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity
and a decreased quality of life. Primary treatment options for IC include exercise and angioplasty.
Exercise may take the form of either a supervised or unsupervised programme and angioplasty may
be performed with either primary or selective stent placement. If symptoms do not improve, patients
may be offered a supervised exercise programme or referred for assessment for angioplasty or
bypass surgery. In order to determine which interventions represent the most cost effective pathway
for people with IC, the model included 13 different treatment sequences: four primary alternatives,
three secondary interventions and one combination treatment. As a necessary simplification, no
more than two treatment options were considered. If patients’ symptoms deteriorate following
secondary intervention, they were assumed to revert to their baseline quality of life.
As for the model comparing supervised to unsupervised exercise (Appendix K), compliance to the
recommended level of physical activity was associated with a decreased risk of mortality and
cardiovascular events. The most conservative estimate of compliance to exercise (scenario 2;
Appendix K) was used in the base case analysis with other scenarios explored in sensitivity analysis.
Treatment failure following exercise was defined as a worsening of symptoms. Epidemiological
studies suggest that approximately a quarter of patients with intermittent claudication experience
deterioration in their symptoms over a five year period.5 Currently, there is no evidence to suggest
that exercise has any impact on the rate of disease progression. It was assumed that patients who
undertake supervised and unsupervised exercise programmes experience the same rate of
symptomatic progression as observed in the epidemiological literature.
There is no evidence to suggest that angioplasty has any impact on long term mortality or
cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore, people who underwent angioplasty were assumed to have the
same mortality and cardiovascular risk as those who were inactive (i.e. baseline risk). Failure
following angioplasty was defined as patency failure plus symptom deterioration requiring secondary
intervention. Relative risk of re-intervention for people who had undergone selective and primary
stent placement were obtained from the systematic clinical review. In the absence of evidence of the
effectiveness of secondary interventions, it was assumed that they were associated with the same
relative risk of mortality and morbidity as those observed in primary procedures. People who failed
secondary intervention and were left with persistent claudication had no further intervention, unless
they subsequently progressed to CLI.
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The GDG noted that currently there is no evidence to suggest a relationship between treatment for
claudication and progression to critical limb ischaemia (CLI). In the base case analysis, the risk of
progression to CLI was included as a constant background rate irrespective of treatment pathway,
effectively ‘cancelling out’ of the model. The treatment for critical limb ischaemia was the same for
all strategies: 25% underwent amputation. The potential impact of different treatments on the rate
of progression to CLI (and therefore to amputation) was explored in sensitivity analysis.
People who experience a cardiovascular event enter a semi-absorbing health state from which the
only available transition is death. Average costs and quality of life associated with post-
cardiovascular event states were applied to this health state, and the same mortality rate as
sedentary people was assumed. It was also assumed that all patients would undergo a general
examination and treatment for cardiovascular risk factors.
The treatment goal for people with IC is to improve health related quality of life. As in the previous
model comparing supervised to unsupervised exercise (Appendix K), the GDG decided to use the
quality of life data from the RCTs included in the clinical review as the primary measure of clinical
effectiveness. Symptomatic progression, cardiovascular events, and lower limb amputation resulted
in a reduced quality of life according to published estimates.
Based on clinical experience, it was assumed that patients who drop out of supervised exercise
programmes do so within the first few weeks. They were assigned a quarter of the cost of a course of
supervised exercise and assumed not to accrue any health benefit from their time spent in the
The model was built probabilistically to take account of the uncertainty surrounding each input
parameter. In order to characterise uncertainty, a probability distribution was defined for each
parameter based on error estimates from the data sources (e.g. standard errors or confidence
intervals). The way in which distributions are defined reflects the nature of the data. When the
model was run, a value for each input was randomly selected from its respective distribution. The
model was run repeatedly (10,000 times) to obtain mean cost and QALY values.
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(symptoms stable)
Nonfatal (symptoms stable)
Cardiovascular event
(symptoms stable) Symptom
cardiovascular event
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Age- and sex-specific all cause mortality was based on the most recent available life tables of the
general population in England and Wales. Rates were adjusted for people with IC by multiplying by
the standardised risk of all cause mortality observed over 10 years in people with IC.73
No randomised evidence of exercise-associated risk of mortality in people with IC was identified. The
GDG agreed that evidence from people with cardiovascular disease would represent a reasonable
proxy. A recent Cochrane review of randomised controlled trials was therefore used to inform the
risk of total mortality among people participating in exercise rehabilitation compared to non-active
controls.74 A summary of the values used to inform this parameter is provided in Table 67. The GDG
discussed the limitations of using an indirect population to inform this parameter and the effect of
this value on the model result was further explored in sensitivity analysis.
Baseline risk of cardiovascular events and relative risk associated with exercise
The average baseline probability of stroke and MI was calculated by age and gender using the
Framingham risk equations and risk calculator spreadsheet developed by Rupert Payne at the
University of Edinburgh.75,76 Risk factor inputs for each sex were obtained from the 2006 Health
Survey for England (HSE; Table 35).77 Average age- and sex- specific blood pressure values were
obtained from the 2011 NICE Hypertension update guideline78, which used individual patient level
data from the 2006 HSE. A recent study by the Ankle Brachial Index Collaboration found that when
combined with Framingham risk scores, an ABPI of between 0.61 and 0.70 approximately triples the
risk of major cardiovascular events for men and women.79
The risk of MI in patients who exercise compared to those who are not active in an exercise
programme was obtained from the Cochrane review by Heran et al (2011).74 A meta-analysis of the
effect of physical activity on the incidence of stroke was used to inform the risk of stroke for active
compared to sedentary people in the model.80 A summary of the values used to inform these
parameters is provided in Table 68. As with estimates of the relative risk of total mortality, these
data sources are subject to several limitations and the effect of these values on the model were
explored in sensitivity analysis.
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(b) Based on a risk of cardiovascular events for mean and women with an ABPI of 0.61 to 0.7 compared to men and women
with normal ABP.I79
Levels of short- and long-term compliance to supervised and unsupervised exercise programs among
people with IC is an area of great uncertainty. Following a review of the literature and survey of GDG
members and their colleagues across the country (Appendix K), two scenarios were developed to
represent different theoretical rates of compliance each exercise programme. In order to simplify
reporting for this model, the more conservative of the two scenarios was used to inform the base
case analysis. Under this assumption, compliance to supervised exercise is greater than unsupervised
exercise over the short term and equal over the long term (Figure 7). The impact of different levels of
compliance on the outcome of the model was explored in sensitivity analysis.
Figure 7: Equal long term compliance to unsupervised and supervised over the long term
Exercise compliance
Supervised exercise
Unsupervised exercise
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cycle (1 cycle = 3 months)
Few studies have measured disease progression among patients with intermittent claudication. Most
articles on the natural history of the disease report that claudication remains stable in 70% to 80% of
patients over a five year period Hirsch 20065, Rosenbloom 1988, Edi study 1996). In the remainder of
patients, it may progress to disabling claudication or critical limb ischaemia requiring
revascularisation. Based on these estimates, it was assumed that claudication symptoms worsen to
the point of requiring revascularisation in 25% (range = 20% to 30%) of people with IC over 5 years.
This is equivalent to a one year probability of 5.6% and a three month probability of 1.4%.
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Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that the probability of symptom deterioration differs
between patients who exercise and those who do not. The probability of requiring revascularisation
was assumed to be equal regardless of activity status and therefore did not differ according to
whether patients had undertaken a supervised or unsupervised exercise programme.
Amputation is a relatively rare outcome of claudication and is usually a result of the patient
developing CLI. It was assumed that 2% of people with claudication progress to CLI over a 5 years
and that 25% of those with CLI 25% undergo amputation as a primary intervention.5 In the base case
analysis, progression to CLI was applied at a constant rate regardless of a person’s position in the
treatment pathway. It was assumed that the development of CLI is a function of the disease process
and does not differ by intervention. This assumption was further explored in sensitivity analysis.
The one year mortality rate in people with CLI is approximately 25%.114 For those who undergo
amputation, this is considerably higher with a 35% probability of mortality in the first year following
amputation and 19% probability every year thereafter.115
Baseline rates of mortality, major complications and amputation associated with angioplasty with
selective stent placement were obtained from a prospective audit by the Royal College of Surgeons
of England.116 Because the results of the audit were not reported by lesion location, the reported
outcomes were assumed to represent an average value across both vessels. The audit found that 33
(2.4%) of total angioplasties were complicated by major medical morbidity which was unrelated to
the technique of angioplasty. This was used as the baseline probability of major complication
following angioplasty with selective stent placement. None of the patients undergoing angioplasty
for claudication died within 30 days of the procedure. Although the GDG agreed that the risk of
death as a result of angioplasty was small, they thought that there was still a risk associated with the
procedure. It was assumed that 0.5 (out of 841) people with IC undergoing angioplasty die due to the
procedure. Similarly, none of the patients experienced limb loss as a result of acute ischaemia
following angioplasty.116 However, the GDG indicated that although small, there is a risk of
amputation as a result of angioplasty. Therefore, as for mortality, it was assumed that 0.5 of 841
angioplasty procedures for claudication could be expected to result in amputation.
People who undergo endovascular procedure may experience a reoccurrence of symptoms over the
following months or years. Based on primary patency results reported in the TASC II guideline and
the clinical experience of the GDG, it was assumed that each year after angioplasty, a certain
percentage of people with aorto-iliac and femoro-popliteal disease experience patency failure. Not
all of those who experience patency failure will undergo reintervention. Of those who return to their
healthcare provider, the GDG noted that people with aorto-iliac disease are more likely to undergo
secondary intervention compared to those with stenoses or occlusions of the femoro-popliteal
artery. The weighted average probability of reintervention for each artery is presented in Table 69.
Evidence of relative clinical effectiveness between different interventions was collected from the
pooled results of the clinical systematic review. For each outcome, angioplasty with selective stent
placement was used as the baseline comparator. Relative risks were entered into the model
probabilistically to reflect the uncertainty surrounding each point estimate. For two outcomes (30-
day mortality and post-operative amputation) there was no data reported for one of the two
arteries. Where the GDG considered that there was no a priori reason to assume a difference in
treatment efficacy based on location, and if the 95% CI in one anatomical area included one, a
default value of 1 was used to inform the missing risk ratio. Where the GDG considered there was an
a priori reason for considering that there would be a difference, the results for one anatomical area
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were used as the basis for estimating the other. See Table 69 for a summary of all clinical
effectiveness outcomes applied in the model.
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In cost-utility analyses, measures of health benefit are valued in terms of quality adjusted life years
(QALYs). The QALY is a measure of a person’s length of life weighted by a valuation of their health
related quality of life (HRQoL) over that period. The quality of life weighting comprises two elements:
the description of changes in HRQoL and an overall valuation of that description. Questionnaires such
as the SF-36 and SF-12 provide generic methods of describing HRQoL while the EQ-5D, HUI, and SF-
6D also include preference-based valuations of each health state.
Quality of life data were collected from all RCTs included in the clinical review. Four studies included
the EQ-5D as a measure of HRQoL. Thirteen papers (representing an additional nine trials) reported
SF-36 data. According to the NICE reference case, EQ 5D data are the preferred measure of quality of
life for use in cost utility analyses. Therefore, of the four trials that reported both measures, EQ-5D
was used in preference to SF-36.
Recently, several algorithms have been developed which can be used to map generic descriptions of
HRQoL to preference-based utility indexes. In 2008, Ara and Brazier68 published a method of
predicting mean EQ-5D preference based index score using published mean cohort statistics from the
eight dimensions of the SF-36 health profile. In order to use these algorithms, values for each of the
eight dimensions of the questionnaire are required. Four provided all the necessary values and the
authors of the remaining nine studies were contacted to request the required data (Appendix L).
For each trial, it is the change in quality of life over time and the difference in this change between
interventions (i.e. mean difference in change) that is the key to determining the relative
effectiveness of each intervention. In order to calculate the mean difference in change between each
three month time interval while taking into account the uncertainty surrounding each estimate, the
mean and standard error of each dimension of the SF-36 were assigned a beta distribution according
to the method of moments described by Briggs 2006.81 Probabilistic mapped values were then
calculated using Equation 4 from the paper by Ara and Brazier68, who specify that ‘when comparing
incremental differences between study arms or changes over time, Equation 4 is the preferred
choice’. A simulation was run 20, 000 times in order to calculate a mean, standard error and
confidence interval surrounding each mapped estimate. For the purposes of clinical validation,
absolute mean mapped values were calculated using Equation 1 according to the same method. The
results of these simulations are reported in Table 72.
Note that mean difference in change calculated using Equation 4 is not expected to equal the
incremental difference between the mean mapped values from Equation 1 as they are derived using
different models. Alternative methods of calculating relative differences in quality of life between
treatment arms were explored in sensitivity analysis. Note also that because the covariance matrices
for the regression coefficients were not available it was not possible to account for uncertainty in the
mapping algorithm in the probabilistic analysis.
In the base case analysis, an average utility value was weighted according to the total number of
people in the study at each time point. In order to preserve within-study randomisation, the
weighted average incremental change in quality of life associated with each intervention (as
calculated by the probabilistic simulation; Table 72) was applied in an additive method. For example,
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at 3 months, the mean difference in change from baseline between selective stent placement and
supervised exercise is 0.035 QALYs. And at the same time point, the mean difference in change
between supervised exercise and unsupervised exercise is -0.021 QALYs. Adding these values results
in a mean difference in change between selective stent placement and unsupervised exercise of
0.014 QALYs between baseline and three months.
None of the studies that included bypass surgery as an intervention measured quality of life as an
outcome. The exclusion list of the clinical evidence review was searched for non-randomised data
from which to draw utility data, however none reported this information. Based on discussions with
the GDG and observational studies in the literature125, it was assumed that the utility gain associated
with angioplasty with primary stent is equal to that associated with bypass.
The duration of supervised exercise programmes differed between each trial (Savage = 3 months;
Cheetham = 6 months; Nicolai = 12 months). The GDG agreed that in order to make use of all
available evidence the data from all trials should be combined using a weighted average. Quality of
life gains achieved after exercise intervention were maintained for people who continued to exercise.
Those who stopped exercising were assigned the baseline quality of life.
Quality of life associated with cardiovascular events was derived from the most recent NICE
Hypertension guideline update, which in turn was obtained from a comprehensive review of the
literature undertaken by the authors of the NICE statins HTA (Table 70).
In line with the methods used by the hypertension guideline, it was assumed that full health was
equal to a utility of one. The utility value for each cardiovascular event was then multiplied by the
baseline quality of life experienced by people with IC for each artery (e.g. 0.76 x baseline). The
difference between this value and the baseline quality of life was used to inform the decrease in
quality of life associated with each event. It was assumed that the quality of life decrement in the
years following a cardiovascular event is half that experienced in the first year. Each calculation was
performed using a probabilistic simulation (n= 20, 000). Simulated absolute mean values and mean
utility decrements are summarised in Table 71. In the model, each utility decrease was divided by
four to account for the three month cycle length.
The quality of life associated with amputation was obtained from a cost-utility analysis by Sculpher et
al 1996.128 This analysis estimated that the utility for someone with an amputation above the knee is
0.20 (0.00 – 0.40) and 0.61 (0.41 – 0.81) for below the knee. It has previously been estimated that
52% of amputations are above the knee. An overall utility value for people who have had an
amputation was estimated by assigning a distribution to each above- and below- the knee utility
value, applying this proportional estimate, and running a probabilistic simulation. The resulting value
of 0.396 (0.264 – 0.546) was used to represent the average quality of life of people who have had an
Table 71: Simulated mean utility and mean utility decrements compared to baseline
Utility associated with each health state Corresponding utility decrease from baseline
Health state Mean SE 95% CI Mean SE 95% CI
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Aorto-iliac arteries
IC (baseline) 0.580 0.048 0.490 – 0.674
MI 0.441 0.038 0.370 – 0.515 -0.139 0.016 -0.171 to -0.111
Post MI 0.510 0.42 0.430 – 0.593 -0.070 0.008 -0.086 to -0.055
Stroke 0.365 0.038 0.293 – 0.442 -0.215 0.029 -0.276 to -0.162
Post stroke 0.472 0.041 0.396 – 0.553 -0.108 0.015 -0.138 to -0.081
CLI 0.350 0.051 0.253 – 0.454 -0.231 0.070 -0.367 to -0.094
Amputation 0.396 0.072 0.264 - 0.546 -0.185 0.086 -0.349 to -0.009
Femoro-popliteal arteries
IC (baseline) 0.573 0.044 0.489 – 0.659
MI 0.435 0.35 0.369 – 0.505 -0.138 0.015 -0.168 to 0.110
Post MI 0.504 0.039 0.430 – 0.581 -0.069 0.007 -0.084 to -0.055
Stroke 0.360 0.036 0.292 – 0.434 -0.213 0.028 -0.271 to -0.162
Post stroke 0.467 0.038 0.395 – 0.542 -0.106 0.014 -0.136 to -0.081
CLI 0.350 0.051 0.253 – 0.454 -0.223 0.068 -0.356 to -0.092
Amputation 0.396 0.072 0.264 - 0.546 -0.177 0.084 -0.546 to -0.264
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Table 72: Mean quality of life and mean difference in change between time points
Angioplasty with
Unsupervised Supervised selective stent + Angioplasty with Angioplasty with
Mean difference in change
exercise exercise supervised selective stent primary stent
Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Interval Mean SE
Weighted average of Nicolai 2010, Cheetham 2004, Savage 2001
Baseline 0.636 0.017 0.672 0.014
3 months 0.691 0.017 0.709 0.015 Baseline to 3 months -0.021 0.033
6 months 0.692 0.015 0.732 0.016 3 months to 6 months 0.026 0.032
9 months 0.692 0.018 0.744 0.016 6 months to 9 months 0.010 0.034
12 months 0.671 0.023 0.748 0.017 9 months to 12 months 0.029 0.040
Greenhalgh 2008 (Aorto-iliac)
Baseline 0.426 0.012 0.419 0.012
3 months 0.422 0.008 0.461 0.009 Baseline to 3 months 0.077 0.020
6 months 0.417 0.011 0.503 0.014 3 months to 6 months 0.077 0.020
9 months 0.418 0.010 0.501 0.011 6 months to 9 months 0.004 0.023
12 months 0.418 0.016 0.498 0.016 9 months to 12 months 0.004 0.023
24 months 0.451 0.017 0.507 0.014 12 month to 24 months -0.059 0.051
Greenhalgh 2008 (Femoro-popliteal)
Baseline 0.451 0.008 0.466 0.007
3 months 0.453 0.006 0.472 0.005 Baseline to 3 months 0.010 0.013
6 months 0.455 0.008 0.479 0.008 3 months to 6 months 0.010 0.013
9 months 0.456 0.006 0.479 0.006 6 months to 9 months -0.001 0.013
12 months 0.457 0.009 0.479 0.008 9 months to 12 months -0.001 0.013
24 months 0.458 0.009 0.486 0.009 12 month to 24 months 0.014 0.028
Spronk 2009 (Aorto-iliac & Femoro-popliteal)
Baseline 0.690 0.024 0.660 0.023
3 months 0.735 0.021 0.740 0.019 Baseline to 3 months 0.035 0.028
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As in the model comparing unsupervised to supervised exercise, the cost of supervised exercise was
based on estimates of resource use informed by expert opinion and unit costs obtained from the
2010 PSSRU. A breakdown of the assumptions and unit costs used to calculate per-patient cost of a
supervised exercise programme are provided in Table 37 (section
Endovascular intervention costs were obtained from the most recent 2009/2010 NHS Reference
Costs. The GDG estimated that approximately 5% of angioplasty procedures performed as a primary
strategy for people with intermittent claudication are non elective and that 10% of angioplasty
procedures performed as a secondary strategy are unplanned, and that 55% of amputations
preformed for people with CLI would be performed as emergency non elective procedures.
In the absence of recent relevant estimates of the cost of post-amputation care in the literature, the
GDG provided estimates of resource use based on their experience and the expertise of colleagues
around the country. These resources were grouped according to those that occur in the first year
after amputation and those occurring in subsequent years.
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Management of intermittent claudication Results
Aorto-iliac artery
After excluding strategies which are dominated or extendedly dominated (Figure 8), the results of
the analysis show that supervised exercise followed by angioplasty with selective stent placement
(strategy 5) is the most cost-effective treatment strategy for people with IC at a cost of £16, 289 per
QALY. Although angioplasty with selective stent followed by angioplasty with selective stent (strategy
8) results in the greatest QALY gain, the incremental cost per QALY is greater than that which is
considered cost-effective by NICE (Table 76). The cost effectiveness acceptability frontier shows that
at a threshold of between £20, 000 and £30, 000, strategy 5 is the option with the greatest
probability of being cost effective (Figure 9).
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Management of intermittent claudication
Unsupervised exercise followed by bypass
Primary stent followed by supervised exercise
Aorto-iliac artery
Prob. Cost-Effective (Optimal Strategy Only)
Unsupervised exercise followed by
0.7 supervised exercise
Supervised exercise followed by
0.5 supervised exercise
Supervised exercise followed by selective
0.3 stent
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Cost effectiveness threshold (£)
Table 74: Probabilistic base case results without dominated options: Aorto-iliac artery
Total Incremental
Strategy Total Cost Incremental Cost QALYs QALYs Cost effectiveness
1 £4, 046 Baseline 4.415 Baseline Baseline
4 £4, 263 £217 4.506 0.091 2, 387
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Management of intermittent claudication
Femoro-popliteal artery
The results of the analysis in the femoro-popliteal artery show that supervised exercise followed by
angioplasty with selective stent placement (strategy 5) is also the most cost-effective treatment
strategy at a cost of £16, 024 per QALY (Figure 10). In this artery, angioplasty with selective stent
followed by angioplasty with selective stent (strategy 8) also results in the greatest QALY gain, but
the incremental cost per QALY is greater than that which is considered cost-effective by NICE (Table
75). The cost effectiveness acceptability frontier shows that at a threshold of between £20, 000 and
£30, 000, strategy 5 is the option with the greatest probability of being cost effective (Figure 11).
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Management of intermittent claudication
Femoro-popliteal artery
Supervised exercise followed by supervised exercise
Femoro-popliteal artery
Prob. Cost-Effective (Optimal Strategy Only)
Unsupervised exercise followed by
0.7 supervised exercise
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Cost effectiveness threshold (£)
Table 75: Probabilistic base case results without dominated options: Femoro-popliteal artery
Incremental Total Incremental Cost
Strategy Total Cost Cost QALYs QALYs effectiveness
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Management of intermittent claudication
Sensitivity analyses
A wide range of sensitivity analyses were undertaken to test the effect of different inputs and
assumptions on the results of the model. These analyses showed that the results were subject to a
high degree of uncertainty and the conclusion was sensitive to many of the key assumptions used to
inform the model. In particular, the results were sensitive to the assumption that exercise reduces
the risk of mortality in people who are active. By reducing the assumed increase life expectancy
associated with activity, a primary selective stent strategy becomes more effective in comparison.
Under this sensitivity analysis, selective stent followed by selective stent is the most cost effective
option in both arteries. The results of the model are also sensitive to the assumption that the change
in quality of life observed at the end of the trial period persists over a person’s lifetime so long as
they do not experience a recurrence of symptoms, and in those undertaking exercise intervention,
they remain active.
This model was developed based on a combination of best available clinical evidence and expert
opinion. It is directly relevant to the treatment of people with IC in England and Wales. It was built
probabilistically to account for the uncertainty surrounding each parameter. The results of the
analysis reflect the overall uncertainty in the treatment decision for an average population who are
suitable for all of the evaluated interventions.
The model was developed on the assumption that secondary interventions are associated with the
same relative risk of mortality and morbidity as those observed in primary procedures. In practice,
the GDG indicated that there are many risk factors or clinical features which may differentially affect
the outcome of secondary interventions. For example, a patient who did not benefit from or dropped
out of a supervised exercise programme is unlikely to benefit from a secondary course in the same
way as someone who has had a positive outcome or no previous experience of the same programme.
Similarly, secondary procedures at the same site may have an increased risk of failure. Many factors
including anatomic disease extent and clinical presentation, patient preference, and patient co-
morbidities will influence treatment options which are most appropriate for individual patients. This
model is not intended as a substitute to expert clinical judgement; patients must be considered on an
individual basis where there are factors which may affect the expected outcome.
The model was designed to address questions set by the guideline scope. Different methods of post
operative management were not included in the scope of the guideline and were therefore not
included in the model. Similarly, specific pre-operative characteristics were not accounted for. With
respect to exercise interventions, the clinical review was not designed to distinguish between trials of
varying length, duration or exercise intensity. As such, it is not possible to determine whether
certain types of supervised programmes are more cost effective than others. For this guideline, the
definition of each type of exercise programme was based on a simple average of studies included in
the clinical review. The supervised exercise programme described by this method was also found to
match programmes familiar to the GDG.
Currently, no published RCT data exist to inform the relative risk of cardiovascular events and
mortality in people who exercise compared to those who do not in people with IC. The data used in
this model was obtained from two meta-analyses of trials conducted in two different populations:
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Management of intermittent claudication
people with CHD who had experienced MI or coronary revascularisation and a mixed population of
people who had and had not had a stroke.
Limited published data was available to inform the impact of each type of exercise programme on
quality of life beyond one year. Although this data was not comparative, it suggested that quality of
life is maintained in those who continue to exercise. It was also assumed that changes in quality of
life observed in people undergoing endovascular treatment is maintained so long as symptom
progression (either to claudication of CLI) does not occur. This was a key assumption of the analysis.
If this assumption is removed from the model, none of the evaluated interventions are effective
enough to justify their cost in the aorto-iliac artery and the baseline intervention should be
prescribed. In the femoro-popliteal artery, removing this assumption results in selective stent
followed by supervised exercise is the most cost effective. Because the long-term effect of these
interventions is not known, it is not possible to know which scenario represents the most likely long
term outcome. More long-term research into the effects of these treatments is needed. Best medical treatment compared to best medical treatment plus angioplasty (see section 9.4.2 for
clinical evidence)
Best medical treatment with angioplasty was significantly better than best medical treatment alone
Maximum walking distance at 3 months and 1 year [1 study, 56 participants, low quality
Maximum walking distance at 2 years [1 study, 56 participants, low quality evidence]85
Pain free walking distance at 3 months and 1 year [1 study, 56 participants, low quality
Pain free walking distance at 2 years [1 study, 56 participants, low quality evidence]85
ABPI at 3 months and 1 year [1 study, 56 participants, moderate quality evidence]86
ABPI at 2 years [1 study, 56 participants, moderate quality evidence]85
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
No complications at 1 year [1 study, 28 participants, low quality evidence]86
No re-interventions at 1 year [1 study, 28 participants, low quality evidence]86
Best medical treatment with angioplasty was significantly better than best medical treatment alone
ABPI at 6 months [1 study, 59 participants, low quality evidence]88
ABPI at 2 years [1 study, 59 participants, moderate quality evidence]87
There was no statistically significant difference between best medical treatment with angioplasty and
best medical treatment for:
Mortality at 2 years [1 study, 59 participants, very low quality evidence]87
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Management of intermittent claudication
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
No major complications at 6 months [1 study, 29 participants, low quality evidence]88
No re-interventions at 6 months [1 study, 29 participants, low quality evidence]88
One re-intervention in 29 people at 2 years [1 study, 29 participants, low quality evidence]87 Best medical treatment with supervised exercise and angioplasty compared to best medical
treatment with supervised exercise (for clinical evidence see 9.4.3)
There was no statistically significant difference between best medical treatment with supervised
exercise and angioplasty compared to best medical treatment and supervised exercise for:
Pain free walking distance at 2 years [1 study, 23 participants, very low quality evidence]89
Compliance with the exercise programme [1 study, 34 participants, very low quality evidence]89
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
Quality of life increased for both best medical treatment with supervised exercise and angioplasty
compared to best medical treatment and supervised exercise at 6 months and 1 year [1 study, 23
participants, low quality evidence]89
People who had best medical therapy with supervised exercise and angioplasty had a high
maximum walking distance at 2 years [1 study, 23 participants, low quality evidence]89
Four of 19 people had complications following the angioplasty [1 study, 19 participants, low
quality evidence]89
Best medical treatment with supervised exercise and angioplasty was significantly better than best
medical treatment and supervised exercise for:
Pain free walking distance at 2 years [1 study, 71 participants, moderate quality evidence]89
There was no statistically significant difference between best medical treatment with supervised
exercise and angioplasty compared to best medical treatment and supervised exercise for:
Compliance with the exercise programme [1study, 93 participants, very low quality evidence]89
Withdrawal rates at 3 months [1 study, 118 participants, very low quality evidence]90
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
Quality of life increased for both best medical treatment with supervised exercise and angioplasty
compared to best medical treatment and supervised exercise at 6 months and 1 year [2 studies,
189 participants, low quality evidence]89,90
People who had best medical therapy with supervised exercise and angioplasty had a high
maximum walking distance at 2 years [1 study, 71 participants, low quality evidence]89
Six of 48 people had complications following the angioplasty [1 study, 48 participants, low quality
No complications were reported at 3 months [1 study, 58 participants, low quality evidence]90
0 out of 58 people had re-interventions at 1 year in the angioplasty group [1 study, 58
participants, low quality evidence]95
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication Best medical treatment with supervised exercise and angioplasty compared to best medical
treatment with angioplasty (for clinical evidence see section 9.4.4)
Best medical treatment with supervised exercise and angioplasty was statistically significantly better
than best medical treatment and angioplasty for:
Maximum walking distance at 6 months [1 study, 61 participants, low quality evidence]96
Pain free walking distance at 3 months [1 study, 60 participants, low quality evidence]96
Pain free walking distance at 6 months [1 study, 61 participants, low quality evidence]96
Re-intervention at 12 months [1 study, 118 participants, very low quality evidence]95
There was no statistically significant difference between best medical treatment with supervised
exercise and angioplasty compared to best medical treatment and angioplasty for:
Maximum walking distance at 3 months [1 study, 61 participants, low quality evidence]96
Major adverse events at 6 months [1 study, 70 participants, very low quality evidence]96
Withdrawal from treatment at 6 months [1 study, 70 participants, very low quality evidence]96
No clinical evidence was found for people with IC due to femoro-popliteal disease. Angioplasty compared to supervised exercise (for clinical evidence see section 9.4.5)
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty and supervised exercise for:
Number of people who doubled their maximum walking distance at 3 months [1 study, 31
participants, very low quality evidence]93
Number of people who doubled their maximum walking distance at 6 months [1 study, 26
participants, very low quality evidence]93
Number of people who doubled their maximum walking distance at 9 months [1 study, 23
participants, very low quality evidence]93
Number of people who doubled their maximum walking distance at 1 year [1 study, 12
participants, very low quality evidence]93
Withdrawal at 3 months [1 study, 120 participants, very low quality evidence]90
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
Quality of life increased for both angioplasty and supervised exercise at 3 months [1 study, 120
participants, low quality evidence]90
Quality of life increased for both angioplasty and supervised exercise at 6 months and 1 year [1
study, 150 participants, low quality evidence]91
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
Eleven of 95 people had complications following angioplasty at 1 year [2 studies, 95 participants,
low quality evidence]91,93
Five of 75 people had re-intervention following angioplasty at 6 months [1 study, 75 participants,
low quality evidence]91
Eight of 95 people had re-intervention following angioplasty at 1 year [2 studies, 95 participants,
low quality evidence]91,93
Eight of 16 people were good attenders for exercise (attended an average of > 1 session per
week) to exercise at 6 months [1 study, 16 participants, low quality evidence]93
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
Three of 30 people had re-intervention following angioplasty at 15 months [1 study, 30
participants, low quality evidence]92
Three of 26 people were exercising daily at 5-6 years [1 study, 26 participants, low quality
Three of 26 people were more exercising than twice a week at 5-6 years [1 study, 26 participants,
low quality evidence]92
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
9 out of 60 people had re-interventions at 1 year in the angioplasty group [1 study, 60
participants, low quality evidence]95
Intermittent claudication due to aorto-iliac and femoro-popliteal disease (for clinical evidence see
section 9.4.6):
There was no statistically significant difference between bypass surgery and exercise for:
Mortality at 1 year [1 study, 50 participants, very low quality evidence]94
Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
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Management of intermittent claudication
Six of 25 people had complications following bypass surgery at 30 days [1 study, 25 participants,
low quality evidence]94
Three of 25 people had re-interventions following bypass surgery at 30 days [1 study, 25
participants, low quality evidence]94
Four of 25 people withdrew from the exercise programme [1 study, 25 participants, low quality
evidence]94 Angioplasty compared to bypass surgery (for clinical evidence see section 9.4.7)
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty and bypass surgery for:
Mortality at 30 days, 3 months, 1 year and 2 years [1 study, 263 participants, very low quality
Amputation at post procedure and 2 years [1 study, 263 participants, very low quality evidence]104
Amputation at 4 years [1 study, 118 participants, very low quality evidence]105
Complications post procedure [1 study, 263 participants, very low quality evidence]104
Re-intervention at 2 years [1 study, 263 participants, very low quality evidence]104
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty and bypass surgery for:
Mortality at 1 year [2 studies, 127 participants, very low quality evidence]101 106
Mortality at 2 years and 4 years [1 study, 86 participants, very low quality evidence]103
Amputation at 1 year [3 studies, 196 participants, very low quality evidence]106 101 107
Amputation at 2 years [1 study, 100 participants, very low quality evidence]103
Amputation at 4 years [2 studies, 173 participants, very low quality evidence]102,105
Minor complications post procedure [2 studies, 141 participants, very low quality evidence]106 103
Major adverse events at 1 year [1 study, 55 participants, very low quality evidence]107
Minor adverse events at 1 year [1 study, 55 participants, very low quality evidence]107
Re-intervention at 1 year [2 studies, 155 participants, very low quality evidence]101 107
Re-intervention at 2 years and 4 years [1 study, 100 participants, very low quality evidence]103
Evidence statement for individual studies where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical
analysis performed:
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Management of intermittent claudication
One study found that in people with IC due to femoro-popliteal disease, ABPI at 1 year was higher
in those that had bypass surgery compared to those that had angioplasty [1 study, 100
participants, very low quality evidence]101
One study found that in people with IC due to femoro-popliteal disease, ABPI at 2 years was
higher in those that had bypass surgery compared to those that had angioplasty [1 study, 100
participants, very low quality evidence]103
According to the results of the original economic model based on the current clinical evidence review
and GDG input, there is a high degree of uncertainty regarding the most cost-effective sequence of
interventions for the treatment of intermittent claudication. The results of the model suggest that
supervised exercise followed by angioplasty with selective stent placement has the highest
probability of being cost effective in both the aorto-iliac and femoro-popliteal artery [directly
applicable with minor limitations]. Please see Appendix L for a full description of the methods and
results of the original economic model.
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Management of intermittent claudication
the person.
Relative values of different The GDG agreed that population considered in these comparisons are a
outcomes relatively select group. These patients will have severe claudication that is not
responding to other measures i.e. secondary prevention, and exercise.
The GDG were particularly interested in maximum walking distance and any
available quality of life data. Pain free walking distance was not thought to be
as clinically important an outcome since it is subject to more individual
variation and because practically speaking most patients will walk through
their pain for some distance. Measurement of improvement in ABPI is of
interest in that it is totally objective unlike either index of walking distance, but
the GDG were unanimous in regarding it as the least important of these
outcomes since it is not patient-centred.
The comparison of bypass surgery with exercise was based on a single study
performed over 20 years ago94. The group of patients undergoing bypass
achieved a better maximal walking distance and a better pain free walking
distance at a 1 year time-point. A third group in this study took part in a
supervised exercise programme after bypass, and this combined intervention
produced a greater improvement than either alone.
Trade off between clinical Comparison of adverse effects in these studies was hard to synthesize, and
benefits and harms indeed the 3 interventions all have very different potential risks. Exercise
therapy is non-invasive, but carries the risk of exacerbating problems such as
those caused by chronic musculo-skeletal disease.
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Management of intermittent claudication
Angioplasty can produce local haematomas and these were reported in the
studies evaluated. Bypass surgery is associated with significant risks including
those of an anaesthetic, haematoma and wound infection, and these should be
discussed fully with the patient. The complication rates in the studies directly
comparing angioplasty to surgery were not significantly different, and nor were
re-intervention rates at the time points reported.
Economic considerations An original economic model was developed to compare the cost-effectiveness
of several different intervention strategies for the treatment of people with IC.
The analysis combined evidence of effectiveness and quality of life collected as
part of the clinical review with current cost data. See Appendix L for a full
report of the methods used to inform this analysis.
If angioplasty does not represent a treatment option for people with IC,
supervised exercise followed by bypass surgery is the next most cost-effective
The results are sensitive to several key assumptions of the model, such as the
assumption that exercise results in a reduced risk of mortality among those
who are active. For a full description of results and sensitivity analyses please
refer to Appendix L.
The GDG were satisfied with the robustness of the economic modelling, its
assumptions and sensitivity analysis.
Quality of evidence The quality of the evidence generally ranged from very low to low by GRADE
criteria, although occasional outcome measures were rated of better quality.
The evidence was downgraded for a variety of reasons, but typically on unclear
blinding, risk of bias and imprecision.
The GDG found some difficulty in comparing studies because the definitions of
best medical treatment differed, and it was not always clear what was included
in the background treatment applied to both study arms. The use of
medication such as statins has increased over the past 2 decades and patients
in studies performed at different time points cannot be assumed to have
similar treatment beyond the study interventions. They also noted that the
only available comparison of surgery against supervised exercise was over 20
years old, and that techniques for surgery, and for supporting care, have
changed in that time.
Other considerations Whilst the trials with arms that included combined surgery and supervised
exercise showed some benefit from combined treatment the economic
modelling suggests that simultaneous use is likely to be less cost effective than
sequential use. The GDG also took the view that supervised exercise would
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Management of intermittent claudication
The GDG agreed that patients who required further intervention after
attempting supervised exercise should be considered first for an endovascular
procedure, based on the greater potential hazards of surgery and on the
health-economic analysis. However, they felt that their recommendations
should reflect the fact that in some people the nature of their arterial disease
will make them unsuitable for an endovascular procedure, and that in these
instances surgery could be considered.
A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of angioplasty with
selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary stent placement. No time limit was
placed on the literature search, and there were no limitations on sample size. Indirect populations
and emergency settings were excluded.
Two Cochrane reviews were identified129,130 which considered angioplasty without stents compared
to angioplasty with stents for the superficial femoral artery or for intermittent claudication. The
Cochrane reviews were not included or updated as they did not meet the review question protocol
defined by the GDG, which included all arteries of the leg and accepted papers with mixed
populations not only pure intermittent claudication populations. However they were used as a
source to ensure that studies identified in the Cochrane reviews which matched the current review
protocol had been considered for inclusion.
Fifteen studies of ten RCTs113,117-122,124,131-137 were identified which addressed the question and were
included in the review. The trials did not report outcome data for people with diabetes. There were
unit of analysis issues in some of the trials where data were analysed by limb or lesion rather than
per person randomised. These trials have been dealt with separately.
The quality and results of included studies are reported in the clinical evidence profiles (Table 76,
Table 77, Table 78 and Table 79. The forest plots for each clinical outcome are reported in Appendix
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Management of intermittent claudication
Table 76: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty with selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary stent placement for intermittent
claudication due to aorto-iliac disease (person randomised data)
Angioplasty Quality
Angioplasty with
No of Risk of Other with primary Relative
Design Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision selective stent Absolute
studies bias considerations stent (95% CI)
Mortality at 3 months
1118 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 0/136 0/136 not pooled not pooled MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision(b) (0%) (0%)
Mortality at 1 year
1118 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(c) None 2/136 1/143 RR 2.1 8 more per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (1.5%) (0.7%) (0.19 to (from 6 fewer to
22.93) 153 more)
Mortality at 2 years
1118 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(c) None 2/136 1/136 RR 2 (0.18 7 more per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (1.5%) (0.74%) to 21.8) (from 6 fewer to
153 more)
Mortality at 5 years
1133 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(c) None 22/136 21/143 RR 1.1 15 more per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (16.2%) (14.7%) (0.64 to (from 53 fewer to
1.91) 134 more)
Amputation at 5 years
1133 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(c) None 8/136 3/143 RR 2.8 38 more per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (5.9%) (2.1%) (0.76 to (from 5 fewer to
10.35) 196 more)
Quality of life at 3 months
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(d) None 136 143 See Table 80 and Table 81 LOW
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Management of intermittent claudication
inconsistency indirectness
Quality of life at 1 year
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(d) None 136 143 See Table 80 and Table 81 LOW
inconsistency indirectness
Quality of life at 2 years
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Serious(d) None 136 143 See Table 80 LOW
inconsistency indirectness
Maximum walking distance at 3 months
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 136 143 - MD 8 lower (22.25 MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision lower to 6.25
Maximum walking distance at 1 year
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 136 143 - MD 2 higher MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision (12.48 lower to
16.48 higher)
Maximum walking distance at 2 years
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 136 143 - MD 3 lower (18.96 MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision lower to 12.96
Adverse events at 30 days
1118 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(c) None 10/136 6/143 RR 1.75 31 more per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (7.4%) (4.2%) (0.65 to (from 15 fewer to
4.69) 155 more)
Re-intervention at 3 months
1118 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(c) None 2/136 2/143 RR 1.05 1 more per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (1.5%) (1.4%) (0.15 to (from 12 fewer to
7.36) 89 more)
Re-intervention at 1 year
1118 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(c) None 4/136 6/143 RR 0.7 (0.2 13 fewer per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (2.9%) (4.2%) to 2.43) (from 34 fewer to
60 more)
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Management of intermittent claudication
Re-intervention at 2 years
1118 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(c) None 6/136 10/143 RR 0.63 26 fewer per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (4.4%) (7%) (0.24 to (from 53 fewer to
1.69) 48 more)
ABPI at 3 months
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 136 143 - MD 0.01 higher MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision (0.05 lower to 0.07
ABPI at 1 year
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 136 143 - MD 0.02 higher MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision (0.03 lower to 0.07
ABPI at 2 years
1113 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious No serious None 136 143 - MD 0.08 higher MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision (0.03 to 0.13
(a) Unclear allocation concealment and blinding.
(b) No events in either group.
(c) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(d) No information on variability was given in the study, therefore calculation of standard deviation was not possible and the mean difference and CI were not estimable.
Table 77: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty with selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary stent placement for intermittent
claudication due to aorto-iliac disease (limb/lesion randomised data)
Angioplasty with Angioplasty with
No of Risk of Other Relative
Design Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision selective stent primary stent Absolute
studies bias considerations (95% CI)
placement placement
Re-intervention at 5 years
1133 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 33/169 33/187 RR 1.11 19 more per 1000 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (19.5%) (17.6%) (0.72 to (from 49 fewer to
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Management of intermittent claudication
Table 78: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty with selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary stent placement for intermittent
claudication due to femoro-popliteal disease (person randomised data)
Quality assessment No of patients Effect
Final version
Management of intermittent claudication
1136 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious No serious None 0/238 0/241 not pooled not pooled MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision(b) (0%) (0%)
Amputation at 6 months
1121 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious No serious None 0/53 0/51 not pooled not pooled MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision(b) (0%) (0%)
Amputation at 1 year
5120,121,13 RCT Very No serious No serious Very None 1/615 3/684 RR 0.57 (0.12 2 fewer per VERY LOW
serious(f) inconsistency indirectness serious(e) (0.16%) (0.44%) to 2.64) 1000 (from
4 fewer to
7 more)
Amputation at 2 years
1124 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious Very None 1/52 0/46 RR 2.66 (0.11 - VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(e) (1.9%) (0%) to 63.75)
Quality of life at 6 months
1131 RCT Serious(c) no serious no serious Serious(g) None 53 51 See Table 81 LOW
inconsistency indirectness
Quality of life at 1 year
1131 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious Serious(g) None 53 51 See Table 81 LOW
inconsistency indirectness
Maximum walking distance at 6 months
1121 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious Serious(h) None 53 51 - MD 93 LOW
inconsistency indirectness lower
lower to
Maximum walking distance at 6 months (no sd)
1119 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious Serious(g) None 39 34 - not pooled LOW
inconsistency indirectness
Maximum walking distance at 1 year
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Management of intermittent claudication
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Management of intermittent claudication
3120,121,13 RCT Serious(j) No serious No serious Very None 44/196 39/202 RR 1.17 (0.8 to 33 more VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(e) (22.4%) (19.3%) 1.71) per 1000
(from 39
fewer to
137 more)
Re-intervention at 2 years
1124 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious Serious(h) None 28/52 17/46 RR 1.46 (0.93 170 more LOW
inconsistency indirectness (53.8%) (37%) to 2.29) per 1000
(from 26
fewer to
477 more)
Target lesion revascularisation at 6 months
1134 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious No serious None 34/72 2/134 RR 31.64 (7.83 457 more MODERAT
inconsistency indirectness imprecision (47.2%) (1.5%) to 127.92) per 1000 E
(from 102
more to
1000 more)
Target lesion revascularisation at 1 year (random effects)
2134,136 RCT Serious(c) Very serious(d) No serious No serious None 79/310 38/375 RR 2.87 (1.25 189 more VERY LOW
indirectness imprecision (25.5%) (10.1%) to 6.6) per 1000
(from 25
more to
567 more)
ABPI at 30 days
1132 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(h) None 23 30 - MD 0.06 VERY LOW
serious(i) inconsistency indirectness lower (0.17
lower to
0.05 higher)
ABPI at 6 months
1121 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious Serious(h) None 53 51 - MD 0.08 LOW
inconsistency indirectness lower (0.17
lower to
0.01 higher)
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Table 79: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty with selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary stent placement for intermittent
claudication due to femoro-popliteal disease (limb/lesion randomised data)
Angioplasty with Angioplasty with
No of Risk of Other Relative
Design Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision selective stent primary stent Absolute
studies bias considerations (95% CI)
placement placement
Mortality at 30 days
1117 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 2/77 0/77 RR 5 (0.24 to - VERY LOW
serious inconsistency indirectness (2.6%) (0%) 102.47)
Mortality at 1 year
1117 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 7/77 12/77 RR 0.58 65 fewer per 1000 VERY LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (9.1%) (15.6%) (0.24 to 1.4) (from 118 fewer
to 62 more)
Amputation at 30 days
1117 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 4/77 2/77 RR 2 (0.38 to 26 more per 1000 VERY LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (5.2%) (2.6%) 10.6) (from 16 fewer to
249 more)
Re-intervention at 1 year
1117 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 16/77 28/77 RR 0.57 156 fewer per VERY LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (20.8%) (36.4%) (0.34 to 1000 (from 11
0.97) fewer to 240
Major complications at 30 days
1117 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 6/77 7/77 RR 0.86 (0.3 13 fewer per 1000 VERY LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (7.8%) (9.1%) to 2.43) (from 64 fewer to
130 more)
ABPI time point not specified
1117 RCT Very No serious No serious No serious None 77 77 - MD 0.02 lower LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness imprecision (0.08 lower to
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0.04 higher)
(a) Unclear methodology.
(b) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
Table 80: EQ-5D – Angioplasty with selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary stent placement
Angioplasty with selective stent placement Angioplasty with primary stent placement
Baseline 3 months 12 months 24 months Baseline 3 months 12 months 24 months
Bosch 1999 – Median (95% CI)
0.46 (0.15-0.75) 0.70 (0.20-1.00) 0.70 (0.15-1.0) 0.66 (0.15-1.0) 0.46 (0.20-0.75) 0.75 (0.15-1.00) 0.59 (0.19-1.0) 0.70 (0.09 -1.0)
Table 81: SF-36 individual domain results and mapped EQ-5D values – Angioplasty with selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary
stent placement
Angioplasty with selective stent placement Angioplasty with primary stent placement
Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Baseline 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
Bosch 1999 – Median (95% CI)
PF 45 (10 – 85) 80 (15-100) NR NR 85 (20-100) 40 (5-79) 85 (10-100) NR NR 70 (7-100)
RP 0 (0-100) 100 (0-100) NR NR 100 (0-100) 0 (0-100) 100 (0-100) NR NR 100 (0-100)
BP 45 (0-99) 78 (10-100) NR NR 80 (22-100) 45 (3-100) 90 (20-100) NR NR 78 (4-100)
GH 55 (10-90) 60 (10-95) NR NR 65 (15-95) 55 (15-94) 65 (15 -100) NR NR 63 (15-100)
V 50 (5-90) 70 (20-100) NR NR 65 (16-100) 50 (6-95) 70 (15-100) NR NR 65 (12-100)
SF 75 (13-100) 88 (13-100) NR NR 88 (25-100) 60 (0-100) 100 (14-100) NR NR 100 (0-100)
RE 67 (0-100) 100 (0-100) NR NR 100 (0-100) 100 (0-100) 100 (0-100) NR NR 100 (0-100)
MH 74 (20-100) 80 (28-100) NR NR 76 (30-100) 76 (13-100) 84 (28-100) NR NR 80 (6-100)
Sabeti 1983 – Median (IQR)
PF 45 (25) NR 62 (50) NR 67 (7) 50 (28) NR 60 (50) NR 65 (37)
RP 0 (50) NR 0 (100) NR 0 (100) 0 (75) NR 0 (100) NR 25 (75)
BP 22 (30) NR 52 (44) NR 46 (54) 30 (29) NR 51 (78) NR 52 (78)
GH 45 (28) NR 47 (38) NR 50 (41) 52 (27) NR 47 (38) NR 52 (29)
V 40 (23) NR 47 (33) NR 45 (36) 45 (25) NR 50 (24) NR 50 (30)
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Angioplasty with selective stent placement Angioplasty with primary stent placement
SF 75 (50) NR 88 (41) NR 88 (41) 88 (50) NR 88 (37) NR 100 (25)
RE 100 (100) NR 100 (100) NR 67 (100) 67 (100) NR 100 (67) NR 100 (33)
MH 64 (26) NR 66 (32) NR 60 (36) 64 (34) NR 72 (36) NR 72 (26)
Abbreviations: PF = physical function; RP = role physical; BP = bodily pain; GH = general health; V = vitality; SF = social functioning; RE = role emotional; MH = mental health; SD= standard
deviation; NR = not reported.
±Mapped based on algorithm (Equation1) reported by Ara and Brazier 2008 68
° Only the range was reported; probabilistic mapped values not estimable.
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One published cost-effectiveness analyses were identified for this question. Bosch 1998108 developed
a decision model to evaluate the cost effectiveness of treating claudication due to iliac arterial
stenosis with primary stent placement, selective stent placement or angioplasty without stent
placement. This model assumes that 40% of patients undergoing angioplasty require selective stent
placement and that compared to angioplasty alone, the relative risk of failure associated with stent
placement is 0.61. The results of this model suggest that angioplasty with selective stent placement
for both primary and secondary treatment is more cost effective than both selective stent placement
followed by conservative management and primary stent placement followed by selective stent
placement. This conclusion was robust to a wide range of sensitivity analyses. The characteristics and
results of this study are summarised in Table 65 and Appendix I.
The same model (with American costs) was used in a later analysis by Bosch 2000.112 Based on the
results of their previous study (Bosch 1999113), which concluded that primary stent placement was
not cost-effective, the authors did not include angioplasty with primary stent placement as a
comparison in this analysis. Because this comparison was not relevant to the study question it was
excluded from the review. A full list of excluded studies is included in Appendix F.
Angioplasty with primary stent placement and angioplasty with selective stent placement were
included in the original model designed to assess the cost-effectiveness of different methods of
treatment for people with IC. Based on the results of this model, primary stent placement is not a
cost-effective option for the treatment of people with IC. It is both less effective and more expensive
than the majority of other treatment alternatives. Please refer to section (page 166) for a
summary of the methods and results of this model and Appendix L for the full model write-up. Clinical
There was no difference between angioplasty with selective stent placement and angioplasty with
primary stents placement for:
Mortality at 3 months [1 study, 272 participants, moderate quality evidence]118
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty with selective stent placement
and angioplasty with primary stents placement for:
Mortality at 1 year [1 study, 279 participants, very low quality evidence]118
Mortality at 2 years [1 study, 272 participants, very low quality evidence]118
Mortality at 5 years [1 study, 279 participants, very low quality evidence]133
Amputation at 5 years [1 study, 279 participants, very low quality evidence]133
Maximum walking distance at 3 months, 1 year and 2 years [1 study, 279 participants, moderate
quality evidence]113
Adverse events at 30 days [1 study, 279 participants, very low quality evidence]118
Re-intervention at 3 months, 1 year and 2 years [1 study, 279 participants, very low quality
ABPI at 3 months and 1 year [1 study, 279 participants, moderate quality evidence]113
Angioplasty with selective stent placement was significantly better than angioplasty with primary
stent placements for:
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Evidence statement for outcomes where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical analysis
Quality of life increased for both angioplasty with selective stent placement and angioplasty with
primary stent placement at 3 months [1 study, 279 participants, low quality evidence]113
Quality of life decreased for angioplasty with selective stent placement and remained the same
for angioplasty with primary stent placement quality of life at 1 year [1 study, 279 participants,
low quality evidence]113
Quality of life increased for angioplasty with selective stent placement and decreased for
angioplasty with primary stent placement at 2 years [1 study, 279 participants, low quality
Angioplasty with primary stent placements was significantly better than angioplasty with selective
stent placement for:
Maximum walking distance at 1 year [1 study, 104 participants, low quality evidence]121
Target lesion revascularisation at 6 months 1 study, 206 participants, moderate quality
Target lesion revascularisation at 1 year [2 studies, 685 participants, very low quality
ABPI at 9 months [1 study, 147 participants, very low quality evidence]135
ABPI at 2 years [1 study, 98 participants, low quality evidence]124
There was no difference between angioplasty with selective stent placement and angioplasty with
primary stent placement for:
Mortality at 30 days [2 studies, 259 participants, low quality evidence]132,134
Mortality at 6 months [1 study, 104 participants, moderate quality evidence]121
Procedure related mortality at 1 year [1 study, 479 participants, moderate quality evidence]136
Amputation at 6 months [1 study, 104 participants, moderate quality evidence]121
Minor adverse events at 30 days [1 study, 104 participants, moderate quality evidence]121
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty with selective stent placement
and angioplasty with primary stent placement for:
Mortality at 1 year [4 studies, 1093 participants, very low quality evidence]120,121,135,136
Amputation at 1 year [5 studies, 1299 participants, very low quality evidence]120,121,134-136
Amputation at 2 years [1 study, 98 participants, very low quality evidence]124
Maximum walking distance at 6 months [1 study, 104 participants, low quality evidence]121
Pain free walking distance at 30 days [1 study, 53 participants, very low quality evidence]132
Major adverse events at 30 days [4 studies, 467 participants, very low quality evidence]120 121
Major adverse event at 1 year [1 study, 266 participants, very low quality evidence]135
Re-intervention at 1 year [3 studies, 398 participants, very low quality evidence]120,121,132
Re-intervention at 2 years [1 study, 98 participants, low quality evidence]124
ABPI at 30 days [1 study, 53 participants, very low quality evidence]132
ABPI at 6 months [1 study, 104 participants, low quality evidence]121
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Evidence statement for individual studies where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical
analysis performed:
Quality of life increased in most domains of SF-36 for both angioplasty with selective stent
placement and angioplasty with primary stent placement at 6 months and 1 year [1 study, 104
participants, low quality evidence]131
Mean maximum walking distance at 6 months was higher in those that had angioplasty with
primary stent placements compared to those that had angioplasty with selective stent
placements [1 study, 73 participants, low quality evidence]119
Mean maximum walking distance at 1 year was higher in those that had angioplasty with primary
stent placements compared to those that had angioplasty with selective stent placements [2
studies, 111 participants, low quality evidence]119,120
The mean maximum walking distance at 2 years was higher in those that had angioplasty with
primary stent placement compared to those that had angioplasty with selective stent placements
[1 study, 98 participants, low quality evidence]124
Mean ABPI at 6 months was higher in those that had angioplasty with primary stent placement
compared to those that had angioplasty with selective stent placements [1 study, 73 participants,
low quality evidence]119
Mean ABPI at 1 year was higher in those that had angioplasty with primary stent placement
compared to those that had angioplasty with selective stent placements [2 studies, 111
participants, low quality evidence]119,120
Angioplasty with selective stent placement was significantly better than angioplasty with primary
stent placements for:
ABPI at 6 to 8 years [1 study, 228 limbs, moderate quality evidence]137
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty with selective stent placement
and angioplasty with primary stent placement for:
Re-intervention at 5 years [1 study, 356 limbs, very low quality evidence]133
Re-intervention at 6 to 8 years [1 study, 236 limbs, very low quality evidence]137
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty with selective stent placement
and angioplasty with primary stent placement for:
Mortality at 30 days and 1 year [1 study,154 participants, very low quality evidence]117
Amputation at 30 days [1 study, 154 participants, very low quality evidence]117
Major complications at 30 days [1 study, 154 participants, very low quality evidence]117
ABPI (time point not specified) [1 study, 154 participants, low quality evidence]117
Angioplasty with selective stent placement was significantly better than angioplasty with primary
stent placement for:
Re-intervention at 1 year [1 study, 154 participants, very low quality evidence]117
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more cost effective than both selective stent placement followed by conservative management
and primary stent placement followed by selective stent placement [partially applicable with
minor limitations]108
According to the results of the original economic model based on the current clinical evidence review
and GDG input, there is a high degree of uncertainty regarding the most cost-effective sequence of
interventions for the treatment of intermittent claudication. However, primary stent placement does
not appear to be a cost-effective option for the treatment of people with IC either as a first line or
second line therapy. It is both less effective and more expensive than the majority of other treatment
alternatives [directly applicable with minor limitations]. Please refer to section (page 166) of
this guideline for a summary of the methods and results of this model and Appendix L for a full
description of the methods and results of the original economic model.
13.Do not offer primary stent placement for treating people with
intermittent claudication caused by aorto-iliac disease (except
complete occlusion) or femoro-popliteal disease.
Patency was not considered as a relevant outcome for the reasons detailed
in section 3.1.1 in methodology chapter.
Trade off between clinical The GDG were concerned that stents may give the operator the impression
benefits and harms that a procedure has been technically successful at the time the procedure
is performed, but noted that no consistent later benefit was demonstrated
in comparison with angioplasty.
The GDG considered that the routine use of stents as opposed to selective
use in conjunction with angioplasty carried the disadvantages of additional
cost, increased procedure time, and potential risks of additional
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Economic considerations Although the GDG noted that there was little difference in outcomes
between selective and primary stent placement, for completeness primary
stent placement was included as a primary intervention in the original
economic model developed for this guideline. It was not included as a
secondary comparator.
The results of the model show that strategies which include primary stent
placement as a first-line intervention are both more expensive and less
effective than most other options (see Figure 8 and Figure 10). Primary
stent placement is therefore not a cost-effective strategy for the treatment
of IC in either the aorto-iliac or femoro-popliteal arteries. For a full report
of methods and results of the analysis please refer to Appendix L.
Quality of evidence The evidence was rated as low or moderate by GRADE criteria. The GDG
also highlighted that the data on ABPI and walking distance were short-
term and that evidence on the long term benefits would have been
extremely useful.
The GDG noted that the trial (Schillenger, 2006 121) which showed most of
the statistically significant differences was performed in a selective
population with intermittent claudication secondary to short arterial
lesions. The results may well not reflect the likely outcomes in longer, more
complex lesions.
Other considerations This comparison is about whether to place stent in all patients undergoing
an endovascular intervention for PAD, or only those in whom the operator
deems it necessary. Although the latter seems more open to error, the
former may be wasteful, and in this group of studies no clear evidence in
favour of primary stenting emerged, and the health economic data
suggests that this would not be a cost-effective strategy.
The GDG considered the difference between balloon expandable and self
expanding stents. They recognised that most current treatment is with self
expanding stents and that the evidence of benefit relates to SES alone,
which were the majority of trials used to derive the treatment effects in the
economic model. Exclusion of BES trials from the analysis did not change
the level of significance for any of the outcomes and resulted in increased
heterogeneity for some comparisons. It was therefore considered that
separating the trails was unnecessary and would not lead to a change in
conclusions or recommendations.
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A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of bare metal stents to
drug eluting stents. No time limit was placed on the literature search, and there were no limitations
on sample size. Indirect populations and emergency settings were excluded.
One RCT136 was submitted during a call for evidence which addressed the question and were
included in the review. The trials did not report separate outcome data for people with diabetes.
NOTE: a second RCT (Rastan 2011)138 was also identified in the search, but was not included in the
evidence review because the patient population was not applicable to the UK setting (the GDG
considered that it is unusual to treat infra-geniculate disease for IC in the UK). However the study
was felt to be more relevant for the CLI population and was included in the analysis (see section
The quality and results of included studies are reported in Table 82. Forest plots for each clinical
outcome are reported in Appendix J. NOTE: the outcomes of patency and target lesion
revascularisation were reported as percentages in the study and therefore data were unsuitable for
forest plots and could not be pooled in GRADE.
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Table 82: Clinical evidence profile: Bare metal stents (BMS) compared to drug eluting stents (DES) for people with intermittent claudication due to
femoro-popliteal disease after angioplasty failure
Patency at 2 years
1136 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(d) None 62.7%(f) 81.2%(f) not pooled(f) not pooled
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness VERY LOW
Target lesion revascularisation (TLR) at 2 years
1136 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(d) None 10.8%(g) 23.1%(g) not pooled(g) not pooled
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness VERY LOW
(a) Inadequate randomisation method, unclear blinding and allocation concealment.
(b) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(c) There were no events in either group.
(d) No numerator or denominator was given in the study, and therefore the calculation of the relative risk was not possible and the CI was not estimable.
(e) p=0.01 reported in the paper for BMS vs DES
(f) p<0.01 reported in conference presentation for BMS vs DES.
(g) p=0.05 reported in conference presentation for 'freedom from TLR' for BMS vs DES. No p-value reported for TLR.
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No published cost-effectiveness analyses were identified for this question. In the absence of
published evidence, the GDG were presented with the current cost of bare metal and drug eluting
stents to aid decision making.
Vascular stents are excluded from the NHS reference cost for angioplasty and incur an additional cost
according to the number and type used per procedure. The unit cost of vascular stents was not
available from the NHS Supply Catalogue. A buyer for cardiology and radiology products at the NHS
Supply chain was asked to provide a list of prices for all vascular stents currently in use in England
and Wales. However, the GDG found that this list included many stents which are not used in
peripheral vascular surgery (such as cerebrovascular and cardiovascular stents) and did not include
many stents which are designed for use in peripheral vessels. As a result, this list was not used to
calculate average stent costs. Members of the GDG were then asked to provide prices from their
hospitals. Based on prices obtained by GDG members, the group estimated bare metal stents cost
approximately £550 and drug eluting stents approximately £900. The estimated cost of bare metal
stents was found to be consistent with that identified in an audit of NHS radiology departments
undertaken by Cox and Koutroumanos 2010.139 Clinical
No clinical evidence was reported for people with IC due to aorto-iliac disease.
Drug-eluting stents were significantly better than bare metal stents for:
Patency at 1 year and two years [1 studyc, very low quality evidence]136
There was no statistically significant difference between bare metal stents and drug eluting stents
All cause mortality at 1 year [1 study, 120 participants, very low quality evidence]136
Target lesion revascularisation at 2 years [1 studyd, 120 participants, very low quality evidence]136
There was no difference between bare metal stents and drug eluting stents for:
Procedure / device related mortality at 12 months [1 study, 120 participants, low quality
evidence]136 Economic
c Exact number of participants used in the analyses for patency was not reported in these studies.
d p=0.05 reported in conference presentation for ‘freedom from TLR’ for BMS vs DES. No p-value reported for TLR.
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15.Use bare metal stents when stenting is used for treating people
Recommendation with intermittent claudication.
Relative values of different The trial comparing bare metal versus drug eluting stents in the femoro-
outcomes popliteal circulation of people with IC was received through a call for evidence.
Data were reported on all cause mortality and procedure related mortality at
12 months, and also on the need for revascularisation. No significant
differences were noted for these clinical outcomes.
The GDG discussed the issue of patency at length and the GDG recognised the
value of this measure was limited in the absence of associated evidence to link
patency to more clinically relevant outcomes. The major concern was that the
usefulness of patency as an outcome depended upon clear evidence to make
the link between patency and clinical outcomes of relevance to people with
PAD. The GDG noted that some treatments that are known to have an effect
upon symptoms in people with PAD have no effect upon patency. Their clinical
experience and knowledge of the literature suggests that it is common for
people to develop recurrent symptoms despite a patent segment of vessel or
to develop re-stenosis or re-occlusion without having recurrent symptoms.
They therefore considered that the results of treatment were far better
measured by outcomes of relevance to patients such as symptoms, quality of
life and the need for further interventions.
The only situation where the GDG considered that patency would be a
potentially useful outcome was where the two treatments being compared
were expected to have identical mechanical effects, such as in comparing
similar stents with and without drug elution. Even in this situation clinical
outcomes would be preferred where available and the usefulness of the
surrogate outcome would depend upon the availability of evidence to link this
to clinical outcomes which, for the reasons above, would need to be related to
the specific treatment. Therefore, the GDG considered patency for the bare
metal compared to drug eluting stents.
The data showed that drug-eluting stents offered better patency at the 12
month and 24 months time-point. The GDG did not feel that these results
provided robust evidence of clinical benefit of drug eluting stents on which to
make a positive recommendation.
Trade off between clinical The method of placement of the two forms of stents is identical, and therefore
benefits and harms the main potential adverse effects are also the same. No unexpected
difference emerged in the trial evidence.
Economic considerations There was no cost effectiveness evidence identified for this question. Drug
eluting stents are more expensive than bare metal stents.
If drug eluting stents were to reduce the need for reintervention then this may
potentially offset the additional cost of the stents. However the GDG did not
consider that there was sufficient evidence on which to base estimates of such
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Quality of evidence The evidence presented was categorised as low or very low by GRADE score.
The GDG noted the absence of data on walking distance. This would have been
of interest, although maximum walking distance measured within trials e.g.
treadmill test, is not necessarily a realistic measure of a patient’s walking
distance in real life circumstances.
Other considerations The GDG considered whether evidence of the use of different types of stent for
coronary artery disease offered any useful information for the treatment of IC
in the PAD population. However, they felt that the anatomical differences
between the two sites did not allow extrapolation from one to the other.
The GDG noted that drug eluting stents are amongst a number of new
technologies, such as drug coated balloons, cutting balloons, cryotherapy and
brachytherapy, which aim to reduce re-stenosis following endovascular
treatment. These other technologies have not been considered in the current
scope, but may prove to be of value in the future.
There was no evidence identified relating to aorto-iliac disease. The GDG were
concerned as to whether it was appropriate to generalise the results to all
anatomical sites and all types of drug eluting stent. However in the absence of
additional evidence to differentiate between these they considered that their
conclusions should apply to all sites and all kinds of DES.
A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of autologous vein
versus prosthetic bypass grafting. No time limit was placed on the literature search, and there were
no limitations on sample size. Indirect populations and emergency settings were excluded. One
Cochrane review was identifieD140 which considered graft type in bypass surgery for femoro-popliteal
disease in both intermittent claudication and critical limb ischemia. The Cochrane review was not
included or updated as it did not meet the review question protocol defined by the GDG, which
included all arteries of the leg. However it was used as a source to ensure that studies identified in
the Cochrane review which matched the current review protocol had been considered for inclusion.
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Two reports of one RCT141,142 were found which addressed the question and were included in the
review. None of the trials reported on subgroups for patients with diabetes as the main outcome.
The quality and results of included studies are reported in Table 83. Forest plots for each clinical
outcome are reported in Appendix J. No forest plot was available for perioperative mortality
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1 Table 83: Clinical evidence profile: Autologous vein compared to prosthetic bypass for intermittent claudication due to femoro-popliteal disease
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The cost-utility analysis by Hunick et al 1995 (reported in Table 65) subgrouped the results of their
clinical analysis by graft material. Although the study was not designed to directly compare the cost-
effectiveness of one type of material to another, according to the results of the model, bypass
surgery using autologous vein grafts results in higher quality of life and lower cost than bypass
surgery using synthetic grafts.
The GDG also discussed the cost of autologous and prosthetic grafts in an NHS context. The group
considered that although the same NHS Reference Cost applies to patients undergoing both
procedures, prosthetic veins cost several hundred pounds, varying widely depending on graft length
and material (official cost estimates were not available from standard sources). However, the
procedure associated with prosthetic vein bypass is slightly shorter than that for autologous vein as
there is no need to harvest the vein. In addition, the average hospital stay is slightly less for
prosthetic vein bypass operations. However, autologous vein bypass is associated with a reduced
rate of infection and fewer complications. Based on the clinical evidence and clinical experience, the
GDG agreed that autologous vein bypass was likely to represent the least costly of the two
procedures. A formal cost estimation was not undertaken as it was thought that this was
unnecessary (as the most effective option was also thought to be the least costly) and time
consuming. Clinical
No clinical evidence was reported for people with IC due to aorto-iliac disease.
There was no statistically significant difference between autologous vein and prosthetic bypass for:
Mortality at 5 years, [1 study, 151 participants, very low quality evidence]141
Re-intervention at 2 years [1 study, 151 participants, very low quality evidence]142
Amputation rates at five years [1 study, 151 participants, very low quality evidence]141
Perioperative minor adverse event [1 study, 151 participants, very low quality evidence]141
There was no difference between autologous vein and prosthetic bypass for:
Mortality at 30 days [1 study, 151 participants, moderate quality evidence]141 Economic
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There was discussion around use of other measures of patency, but the GDG
did not feel that these were as important as clinical success of an
Although there was no difference between the graft types for most
outcomes, re-intervention rates tended to favour autologous grafts and this
difference was significant at the longest (5-year) time-point reported.
Trade off between benefits The GDG noted that the formal evidence suggested benefit from autologous
and harms vein grafts in terms of the need for re-intervention but did not show any
noteworthy difference in complication rates. There were slightly more peri-
operative complications with autologous grafts but the difference was not
statistically significant.
Current clinical practice within the UK has moved away from use of
prosthetic grafts because of a perception, with some support from
observational studies (not reviewed here), that prosthetic material is
associated with more infection. The risk of MRSA infection in prosthetic graft
has been linked with higher mortality rate. There was some concern that the
RCT evidence may not accurately reflect infection rates.
Economic considerations Although autologous vein bypass is associated with a slightly higher rate of
perioperative adverse events, which might have cost implications, conversely
prosthetic vein grafts are associated with a significantly higher re-
intervention rate. Indirectly, the economic model published by Hunick 1995
suggested that autologous grafts were more cost-effective. The GDG agreed
that prosthetic vein bypass grafts do not represent a cost effective use of
NHS resources for people undergoing infra-inguinal bypass surgery.
Quality of the evidence The GDG discussed some issues around the quality of the trials. It was noted
that the evidence presented was not recent and that no trials beyond 2003
were available. They also noted that the studies were underpowered for
some outcomes. However, they thought it unlikely that there would be any
support for a new randomised trial.
The GDG noted that the technology has advanced considerably since 2003
and that the bypass surgery is done less frequently because other
endovascular procedures can now be used successfully.
Other considerations The GDG recognise that by focussing on RCTs there is a risk of losing some
important data in terms of morbidity and mortality.
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prosthetic graft, the GDG felt that where there were differences these
favoured autologous grafts, and this is supported by their clinical experience.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
Options for revascularisation include angioplasty or bypass surgery. These have been compared in
the previous chapter in the context of intermittent claudication, but require separate consideration
for people with CLI, in whom mortality and the risk of limb amputation are considerably greater.
There will be patients in whom revascularisation has not been possible or has been unsuccessful. In
such cases, patients may proceed to amputation. The extent to which effort should be made to avoid
amputation is open to some debate. Although it can be regarded as a failure of treatment it may be
in a patient’s best interest, if clinical assessment and supporting investigation suggest that attempts
at angioplasty or bypass are unlikely to succeed, to proceed straight to amputation. Trying to save
the limb in these circumstances may prolong the patient’s discomfort, delay eventual recovery, and
also entail unnecessary expense for the Health Service. It was originally intended that this chapter
would include a comparison of amputation with bypass and endovascular treatment, but in the
absence of data (see section 10.2.1 below) it was decided to consider amputation separately. This is
dealt with in chapter 12.
A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of angioplasty to bypass
surgery, and for RCTs and observational studies comparing angioplasty or bypass compared to
amputation. No time limit was placed on the literature search, and there were no limitations on
sample size. Indirect populations and emergency settings were excluded. One Cochrane review was
identified Fowkes, 200897 which considered bypass compared to other treatment for critical limb
ischaemia. The Cochrane review was not included or updated as it did not meet the protocol defined
by the GDG, which only compared bypass to angioplasty, where as the Cochrane compared bypass to
angioplasty and other interventions. However it was cross checked for included studies which
matched the review protocol.
Four relevant RCTs143 105,106 were included in the review. The trials did not report outcome data for
people with diabetes.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
The quality and results of included studies are reported in Table 84, Table 85 and Table 86. Quality of
life and mapped EQ-5D values are reported in Table 87 and Table 88. The forest plots for each clinical
outcome are reported in Appendix J.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
Table 84: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty compared to bypass surgery for critical limb ischaemia due to aorto-iliac disease
Table 85: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty compared to bypass surgery for critical limb ischaemia due to femoro-popliteal disease
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1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Very None 131/224 119/228 RR 1.12 63 more per VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(b) (58.5%) (52.2%) (0.95 to 1000 (from
1.32) 26 fewer to
167 more)
Amputation rate at 1 year
1106 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious Very None 2/30 8/31 RR 0.26 191 fewer VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(b) (6.7%) (25.8%) (0.06 to per 1000
1.12) (from 243
fewer to 31
Amputation free survival rate at 3 years
1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Very None 82/224 86/228 RR 0.97 11 fewer per VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(b) (36.6%) (37.7%) (0.76 to 1000 (from
1.23) 91 fewer to
87 more)
Limb salvage rate at 4 years
1105 RCT Serious(e) No serious No serious Very None 10/11 10/16 RR 1.45 281 more VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(b) (90.9%) (62.5%) (0.95 to per 1000
2.22) (from 31
fewer to 763
Quality of life at 3 months
1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Serious(e) None 164 152 See Table 87 and Table LOW
inconsistency indirectness 88
Quality of life at 6 months
1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Serious(e) None 144 131 See Table 87 and Table LOW
inconsistency indirectness 88
Quality of life at 1 year
1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Serious(e) None 133 119 See Table 87 and Table LOW
inconsistency indirectness 88
Quality of life at 2 years
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1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Serious(e) None 63 76 See Table 87 and Table LOW
inconsistency indirectness 88
Quality of life at 3 years
1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Serious(e) None 48 49 See Table 87 and Table LOW
inconsistency indirectness 88
Major adverse events at 30 days
1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Serious(g) None 36/224 51/228 RR 0.72 63 fewer per LOW
inconsistency indirectness (16.1%) (22.4%) (0.49 to 1000 (from
1.06) 114 fewer to
13 more)
Minor adverse events at 30 days
1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious No serious None 70/224 109/228 RR 0.65 167 fewer MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision (31.3%) (47.8%) (0.52 to per 1000
0.83) (from 81
fewer to 229
Minor adverse events at 1 year
1143 RCT Serious(c) No serious No serious No serious None 3/30 12/31 RR 0.26 286 fewer MODERATE
inconsistency indirectness imprecision (10%) (38.7%) (0.08 to per 1000
0.83) (from 66
fewer to 356
Re-intervention at 30 days
1143 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 67/224 41/228 RR 1.66 119 more VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (29.9%) (18%) (1.18 to per 1000
2.34) (from 32
more to 241
Re-intervention at 1 year
1106 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 10/53 4/49 RR 2.31 107 more VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness (18.9%) (8.2%) (0.78 to per 1000
6.89) (from 18
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fewer to 481
ABPI at 1 year
1106 RCT Serious(d) No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 30 31 - MD 0.01 VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness higher (0.2
lower to 0.22
(a) 1 of 2 studies had unclear allocation concealment; 1 of 2 studies had unclear allocation concealment and blinding.
(b) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(c) Unclear allocation concealment and blinding.
(d) Unclear allocation concealment.
(e) Unclear blinding.
(f) No information on variability was given in the study, therefore the calculation of the standard deviation was not possible and the mean difference and CI were not estimable.
(g) 95% CI crosses one MID.
Table 86: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty compared to bypass surgery for critical limb ischaemia due to femoro-popliteal disease – Adjusted
hazard ratios
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
1143 RCT serious(a) no serious no serious serious(c) None 224 228 HR 0.85 (0.5 to - LOW
inconsistency indirectness 1.07)
(a) Unclear allocation concealment; hazard ratio taken from data reported in study.
(b) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(c) 95% CI crosses one MID.
Table 87: EQ-5D – Angioplasty compared to bypass surgery for critical limb ischaemia
Angioplasty Bypass
Baseline Change 0-3 Change Change Change Change Baseline Change 0-3 Change Change Change Change
months 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36 months 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36
months months months months months months months months
Bradbury, 2010 – Mean (sd)
0.26 (0.32) 0.53 (0.31) 0.52 0.55 0.56 0.61 0.29 (0.34) 0.57 (0.28) 0.56 0.62 0.59 0.54
(0.34) (0.31) (0.32) (0.25) (0.31) (0.29) (0.34) (0.35)
Table 88: SF- 36 summary component score – Angioplasty compared to bypass for critical limb ischaemia
Angioplasty Bypass
Baseline Change 0-3 Change 3-6 Change 6-12 Baseline Change 0-3 Change 3-6 Change 6-12 months
months months 12 months months months
Bradbury 2010 – Mean (sd)
Physical 17.50 (7.97) 23.80 (11.68) 24.62 (11.58) 24.58 (11.70) 17.80 (9.06) 24.37 (12.45) 24.88 (13.51) 26.13 (13.54)
Mental 43.47 (11.64) 47.69 (11.28) 46.67 (12.19) 48.26 (11.76) 45.17 (11.96) 48.68 (11.13) 48.60 (10.75) 50.16 (10.60)
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Three relevant cost-effectiveness studies were identified for this question by Bradbury, 2010143,
Hunick, 1995110, and Brothers, 1999144). One study was a cost-utility analysis based on the BASIL trial
which compared the costs and effects of angioplasty to bypass surgery143; the decision analytic
model by Hunick, 1995110 compared the costs and QALYs of several different intervention sequences
involving angioplasty and bypass surgery; and the model by Brothers, 1999144 compared the costs
and QALYs expected from treating patients with either bypass or amputation. These studies are
summarised in the economic evidence profile below (Table 89). Full evidence tables can be found in
Appendix I and a list of excluded studies in Appendix F.
This question was originally prioritised by the GDG for original economic modelling. It was as to be
structured around the results of a network meta-analysis with amputation free survival as the main
outcome, and health state utility values from published sources used to determine QALYs. However,
the studies in the clinical review did not report sufficient data to allow us to complete this analysis in
a way that would add to what was already available in the literature.
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Table 89: Economic study characteristics: Angioplasty compared to bypass surgery compared to amputation in people with critical limb ischaemia
Incremental Incremental Cost Uncertainty
Study Applicability Limitations Other Comments costs QALYs effectiveness
Comparators: Primary angioplasty vs Primary bypass surgery
Bradbury Directly Potentially Economic evaluation based on Bypass was Bypass resulted Bypass cost Uncertainty around the
2010143 applicable(a) serious BASIL RCT £3,795 more in 0.028 QALYs £135,517 per primary outcome (cost
limitations(b) Population: patients with severe costly than gained QALY gained per QALY) was reported
limb ischaemia angioplasty compared to in one cost effectiveness
angioplasty acceptability curve.
Time horizon: 3 years
There was a 20%
Costs: All hospital costs over 3 probability that bypass
years. surgery was cost-
Country of analysis: UK effective at a threshold
of £20k.
Comparators: No treatment vs. Primary angioplasty followed by angioplasty for treatment failure vs. Primary angioplasty followed by bypass for treatment failure vs.
Primary bypass surgery
Hunick 1995110 Partially Potentially Decision analytic model based on Vein graft for rest pain stenosis
applicable (c) serious a variety of published sources. Primary Angioplasty Angioplasty For patients with rest
limitations(d) Population: patients with angioplasty followed by followed by pain occlusion, the
femoropopliteal disease followed by bypass surgery bypass conclusion was
Time horizon: Lifetime bypass surgery was the most surgery is the unchanged
Costs: All hospital costs were was the least effective dominant
obtained from hospital records. costly strategy strategy strategy.
The cost of care for patients PTFE-AK for rest pain stenosis
immobilised and dependant Angioplasty Angioplasty Angioplasty For patients with rest
following amputation was based followed by followed by followed by pain occlusion,
on published literature. angioplasty was angioplasty was angioplasty angioplasty followed by
Country of analysis: USA the least costly the most costly was the bypass was the
strategy strategy dominant dominant strategy
PTFE-BK for rest pain stenosis
Angioplasty Angioplasty Angioplasty For patients with rest
followed by followed by followed by pain occlusion,
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Management of critical limb ischaemia Clinical
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty and bypass surgery for:
Limb salvage at 4 years [1 study, 45 participants, very low quality evidence]105
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty and bypass surgery for:
Mortality at 30 days [2 studies, 513 participants, very low quality evidence]106,143
Mortality at 1 year [1 study, 69 participants, very low quality evidence]106
Mortality at 3 years [1 study, 452 participants, very low quality evidence]143
Overall survival before 2 years (adjusted HR) [1 study, 452 participants, very low quality
Amputation at 1 year [1 study, 61 participants, very low quality evidence]106
Amputation free survival before 2 years (adjusted HR) [1 study, 452 participants, very low quality
Amputation free survival after 2 years (adjusted HR) [1 study, 452 participants, low quality
Amputation free survival at 3 years [1 study, 452 participants, very low quality evidence]143
Limb salvage rate at 4 years [1 study, 27 participants, very low quality evidence]105
Major adverse events at 30 days [1 study, 452 participants, low quality evidence]143
Re-intervention at 30 days [1 study, 452 participants, very low quality evidence]143
Re-intervention at 1 year [1 study, 102 participants, very low quality evidence]106
ABPI at 1 year [1 study, 61 participants, very low quality evidence]106
Evidence statement for individual studies where meta-analysis was not possible – no statistical
analysis performed:
Quality of life increased for both angioplasty and bypass at 3 months [1 study, 316 participants,
low quality evidence]143
Quality of life decreased for both angioplasty and bypass at 6 months [1 study, 275 participants,
low quality evidence]143
Quality of life increased for both angioplasty and bypass at 1 year [1 study, 252 participants, low
quality evidence]143
Quality of life increased for angioplasty and decreased bypass at 2 years [1 study, 139
participants, low quality evidence]143
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Quality of life increased for angioplasty and decreased bypass at 3 years [1 study, 97 participants,
low quality evidence]143 Economic
One study found that angioplasty is more cost effective than bypass surgery for the treatment of
people with SLI [directly applicable with potentially serious limitations]143
One study found that angioplasty followed by (autologous vein) bypass surgery is the most cost
effective treatment option in people with CLI due to stenoses and occlusions [partially applicable
with potentially serious limitations]110
One study found that primary bypass surgery may be more cost-effective than primary
amputation in people with CLI [partially applicable with potentially serious limitations]144
19.Ensure that all people with critical limb ischaemia are assessed
by a vascular multidisciplinary team before treatment
decisions are made.
Trade off between clinical Adverse events were more frequently observed with bypass surgery than
benefit and harms with angioplasty, although this difference was significant only for minor
There was debate around the technical failure rate with angioplasty. Having
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Economic considerations The GDG considered the results and the limitations of the cost-
effectiveness analyses by Bradbury 2010 and Hunick 1995. On balance,
they agreed that angioplasty is most likely to be the most cost effective
primary treatment strategy for people with CLI. However, due to the
limitations of the evidence base and the considerable uncertainty reported
in the analyses, the GDG did not feel that either form of intervention could
be unequivocally recommended as preferable on health economic grounds.
A patient’s likely benefit from either angioplasty or surgery needs to be
judged on an individual basis and therefore referral to a specialist centre
where a multi-disciplinary assessment can take place should form a key
part of determining the most cost-effective pathway for each patient.
Quality of evidence The GDG noted that the evidence reviewed was moderate to very low
quality by the GRADE criteria. The evidence was downgraded on a number
of issues including allocation concealment and blinding. This led to a
discussion on the trial methodology for these interventions. It is not
possible to blind those performing the relevant procedure or to blind the
participants to the interventions received. Therefore, under GRADE criteria,
the evidence would never receive a high quality scoring. The GDG
concluded that the RCTs presented were the most robust available for a
comparison of angioplasty with surgery.
The patient population with CLI have few clinical options available. The
GDG felt that many of patients included within these trials were likely to
have been more suited to either the angioplasty or bypass intervention,
because of differences, for example, in anatomy or co-morbidity. The
number of potential subjects with genuinely equal suitability for either
intervention is, in their experience, fairly small.
Other considerations It is difficult to make a blanket recommendation for all patients with CLI as
many of them have features which make them unsuitable for either
angioplasty or bypass. The GDG advocated that all patients are considered
on an individual basis by a multi-disciplinary team. basis as the following
factors determine which intervention is considered optimal:
Age of the patients
Fitness for surgery
Severity of disease
Size and shape of patient
Co-morbidities involved
Presence or absence of a suitable vein
Technical ability to undertake angioplasty
Balance of benefit versus harms.
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Most units now have multi-disciplinary teams and they are considered
standard practice. An MDT review will ensure that patients have access to
all treatment options and the decisions are made based on individual
needs. The GDG did not review evidence relating to multi-disciplinary
review in people with CLI eligible for revascularisation or bypass surgery
but agreed by consensus that such a recommendation was important.
3. What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of a 'bypass surgery first' strategy compared with an
'angioplasty first' strategy for treating people with critical limb ischaemia caused by disease of
the infra-geniculate (below the knee) arteries?
Many people with critical limb ischaemia, especially those with diabetic vascular disease, also have
disease of the infra-geniculate (below the knee) arteries in the calf. For many years, the standard of
care has been bypass surgery. Although such surgery may be associated with significant morbidity,
the resulting long-term amputation-free survival rates are generally good. In recent years there has
been a trend towards treating infra-geniculate disease with angioplasty, on the grounds that it is
associated with less morbidity than surgery. However, this change in practice is not evidence-based,
and serious concerns remain about the durability of angioplasty in this anatomical area. A
multicentre, randomised controlled trial with a full health economic analysis is required to address
this. The primary endpoint should be amputation-free survival, with secondary endpoints including
overall survival, health-related quality of life, healing of tissue loss, and relief of ischaemic pain.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
4. What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of primary amputation compared to an attempt at
revascularisation (either angioplasty or bypass surgery) for selected people presenting with
critical limb ischaemia who are thought to be at high risk of failure following revascularisation?
About 50% of people presenting with critical limb ischaemia (CLI) are offered revascularisation either
by means of angioplasty or bypass surgery. However, in those undergoing revascularisation it is
possible to recognise a subgroup in which the success of intervention is so low that primary
amputation might be a better strategy. Conversely, in the 50% of people with CLI who are treated
conservatively or with primary amputation there may be a subgroup in which revascularisation
would be appropriate. A multicentre, hospital-based, randomised controlled trial is required to
define the most clinically and cost-effective strategy for the highest-risk people with CLI in whom
there is equipoise between revascularisation, either via angioplasty or bypass surgery, and primary
amputation. The primary endpoint should be amputation free survival with secondary endpoints
including overall survival, health-related quality of life, healing of tissue loss, and relief of ischaemic
pain. A full health economic analysis should also be undertaken.
A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of angioplasty with
selective stent placement to primary stent placement. No time limit was placed on the literature
search, there were no limitations on sample size, and outcomes were subgrouped according to lesion
location (femoro-popliteal and aorto-iliac). Indirect populations and emergency settings were
excluded. One Cochrane review was identified129 which considered angioplasty without stents
compared to angioplasty with stents for the superficial femoral artery. The Cochrane review was not
included or updated as it did not meet the protocol defined by the GDG, which included all arteries
of the leg. However it was cross checked for included studies which matched the review protocol.
Five relevant RCTs145-149 were included in the review. The trials did not report outcome data for
people with diabetes and no data was identified for people with CLI due to aorto-iliac disease.
There were unit of analysis issues in some of the trials where data were analysed by the limb or
lesion rather than by person randomised. These trials have been analysed separately.
The quality and results of included studies are reported in Table 90 and Table 91. The forest plots for
each clinical outcome are reported in Appendix J.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
Table 90: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty with selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary stent placement for critical limb
ischaemia due to femoro-popliteal disease (person randomised data)
Angioplasty with Angioplasty with
No of Risk of Other Relative
Design Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision selective stent primary stent Absolute
studies bias considerations (95% CI)
placement placement
Mortality at 30 days
1148 RCT Very No serious No serious No serious None 0/17 0/15 not pooled not pooled LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness imprecision (0%) (0%)
Mortality at 3 months
1146 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 3/32 5/33 RR 0.62 58 fewer per 1000 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (9.4%) (15.2%) (0.16 to (from 127 fewer to LOW
2.38) 209 more)
Mortality at 9 months
1146 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 5/24 5/19 RR 0.79 55 fewer per 1000 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (20.8%) (26.3%) (0.27 to (from 192 fewer to LOW
2.34) 353 more)
Amputation at 3 months
1146 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 4/32 6/33 RR 0.69 56 fewer per 1000 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (12.5%) (18.2%) (0.21 to (from 144 fewer to LOW
2.21) 220 more)
Amputation at 6 months
1145 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 1/27 2/24 RR 0.44 47 fewer per 1000 VERY
serious inconsistency indirectness (3.7%) (8.3%) (0.04 to 4.6) (from 80 fewer to LOW
300 more)
Amputation at 9 months
1146 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 7/24 10/19 RR 0.55 237 fewer per VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (29.2%) (52.6%) (0.26 to 1000 (from 389 LOW
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
ABPI at 9 months
1146 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 32 33 - MD 0 higher (0.11 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness lower to 0.11 LOW
(a) Unclear methodology.
(b) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(c) Unclear allocation concealment and blinding.
(d) 95% CI crosses one MID.
Table 91: Clinical evidence profile: Angioplasty with selective stent placement compared to angioplasty with primary stent placement for critical limb
ischaemia due to femoro-popliteal disease (limb / lesion randomised data)
Angioplasty with Angioplasty with
No of Risk of Other Relative
Design Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision selective stent primary stent Absolute
studies bias considerations (95% CI)
placement placement
Mortality at 30 days
1147 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very None 1/22 1/16 RR 0.73 (0.05 17 fewer per VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(b) (4.5%) (6.3%) to 10.78) 1000 (from 59
fewer to 611
Mortality at 2 years
1147 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very None 7/22 3/16 RR 1.7 (0.52 131 more per VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(b) (31.8%) (18.8%) to 5.57) 1000 (from 90
fewer to 857
Amputation at 2 years
1147 RCT Serious(a) No serious No serious Very None 3/22 4/16 RR 0.55 (0.14 112 fewer per VERY LOW
inconsistency indirectness serious(b) (13.6%) (25%) to 2.11) 1000 (from 215
fewer to 277
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
In the absence of published evidence, the GDG were presented with the cost of (bare metal) stents.
Vascular stents are excluded from the NHS reference cost for angioplasty and incur an additional cost
according to the number and type used per procedure. The unit cost of vascular stents was not
available from the NHS Supply Catalogue. A buyer for cardiology and radiology products at the NHS
Supply chain was asked to provide a list of prices for all vascular stents currently in use in England
and Wales, however the GDG concluded that this list was not inclusive. Members of the GDG were
then asked to provide prices from their hospitals. Based on prices obtained by GDG members, the
group estimated bare metal stents cost approximately £550. The GDG also indicated that on average
two stents are used per procedure.
The clinical studies included in this review did not provide details of the number of patients requiring
selective stent placement. Assuming that the proportion is similar to those in IC, approximately 40%
of patients require stent placement. 108 According to the evidence included in the clinical review,
4.5% selective stent placement procedures resulted in major adverse events at 30 days compared to
6.3% of primary stent placement procedures.147 Applying this data to the NHS reference costs
presented in Table 92, the average cost of angioplasty with selective stent placement is £4, 171 and
the cost of angioplasty with primary stent placement is £4, 603. Therefore, the incremental cost of
angioplasty with primary stent placement is approximately £432.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia Clinical
No clinical evidence was reported for people with CLI due to aorto-iliac disease.
Angioplasty with primary stent placement was statistically significantly better than angioplasty with
selective stent placement for:
ABPI at 3 months [1 study, 65 participants, very low quality evidence]146
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty with selective stent placement
and angioplasty with primary stent placement for:
Mortality at 3 months [1 study, 65 participants, very low quality evidence]146
Mortality at 30 days [1 study, 32 participants, low quality evidence]148
Mortality at 9 months [1 study, 43 participants, very low quality evidence]146
Amputation at 3 months [1 study, 65 participants, very low quality evidence]146
Amputation at 6 months [1 study, 51 participants, very low quality evidence]145
Amputation at 9 months [1 study, 43 participants, very low quality evidence]146
Amputation at 1 year [1 study, 32 participants, low quality evidence]148
Major adverse events at 1 year [1 study, 32 participants, very low quality evidence]148
Minor adverse events at 1 year [1 study, 54 participants, very low quality evidence]149
Re-intervention at 6 months [1 study, 51 participants, very low quality evidence]145
Re-intervention at 1 year [1 study, 32 participants, very low quality evidence]148
Target lesion revascularisation at 3 months [1 study, 65 participants, very low quality evidence]146
Target lesion revascularisation at 9 months [1 study, 43 participants, very low quality evidence]146
ABPI at 9 months [1 study, 43 participants, very low quality evidence]146
There was no statistically significant difference between angioplasty with selective stent placement
and angioplasty with primary stent placement for:
Mortality at 30 days and 2 years [1 study, 38 limbs, very low quality evidence]147
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Management of critical limb ischaemia Economic
21.Do not offer primary stent placement for treating people with
critical limb ischaemia caused by aorto-iliac disease (except
complete occlusion) or femoro-popliteal disease.
Trade off between clinical The GDG were concerned that stents may give the operator the impression
benefits and harms that a procedure has been technically successful at the time the procedure is
performed, but noted that no consistent later benefit was demonstrated in
comparison with angioplasty.
The GDG considered that the routine use of stents as opposed to selective use
in conjunction with angioplasty carried the disadvantages of additional cost,
increased procedure time, and potential risks of additional instrumentation.
Economic considerations No cost effectiveness evidence was identified for this question. The GDG
considered the increased cost associated with primary stent placement
compared to selective stent placement. They agreed that in light of clinical
evidence suggesting that there is no clear benefit associated with primary
stent placement, it does not represent value for money and should not be
recommended for routine use.
Quality of evidence The evidence was rated as low to very low by GRADE criteria. The GDG noted
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
Other considerations This comparison is about whether to place stent in all patients undergoing an
endovascular intervention for PAD, or only those in whom the operator deems
it necessary. Although the latter seems more open to error, the former may
be wasteful, and in this group of studies no clear evidence in favour of primary
stenting emerged.
In the absence of any clear evidence for or against primary stent placement,
the GDG made their decision based on the extra cost of routinely employing
stents and developed recommendations which would discourage primary
stenting, but acknowledge the possible value for aorto-iliac occlusive disease.
5. What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of selective stent placement compared with
angioplasty plus primary stent placement for treating people with critical limb ischaemia caused
by disease of the infra-geniculate arteries?
Studies comparing angioplasty plus selective stent placement with primary stent placement have
been limited to the aorto-iliac and femoro-popliteal segment. There is also a significant group of
people with critical ischaemia caused by disease of the infra-geniculate vessels in which there is a
potential for endovascular treatment. Infra-geniculate disease is more complex to treat by
endovascular means, and the risks and benefits of different treatment options may differ from those
for the more proximal vessels. A multicentre, randomised controlled trial with a full health economic
analysis is required to address the optimum policy as regards the choice of method for angioplasty
and stent placement for the infra-geniculate arteries. The primary endpoint should be amputation-
free survival, with secondary endpoints including overall survival, re-intervention rates, health-
related quality of life, healing of tissue loss, and relief of ischaemic pain. What is the clinical and cost
effectiveness of selective stent placement compared with angioplasty plus primary stent placement
for treating people with critical limb ischaemia caused by disease in the infra-geniculate arteries?
A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of bare metal stents to
drug eluting stents. No time limit was placed on the literature search, there were no limitations on
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sample size, and outcomes were sub-grouped according to lesion location (femoro-popliteal and
aorto-iliac). Indirect populations and emergency settings were excluded.
Four relevant RCTs of two trials138,150-152 were included in the review. The trials did not report
outcome data for people with diabetes and no data was identified for people with CLI due to aorto-
iliac disease.
The quality and results of included studies are reported in Table 93. The forest plots for each clinical
outcome are reported in Appendix J.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
Table 93: Clinical evidence profile: Bare metal compared to drug eluting stents for critical limb ischaemia due to femoro-popliteal disease
Quality of evidence No of patients Effect
Risk of Other Relative Quality
No of studies Design Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision BMS DES Absolute
bias considerations (95% CI)
Mortality at 6 months
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None RR 0.52
1/28 2/29 33 fewer per 1000 (from 66 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.05 to
(3.6%) (6.9%) fewer to 303 more) LOW
Mortality at 2 years
1151 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None RR 0.29
2/46 7/47 106 fewer per 1000 (from VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.06 to
(4.3%) (14.9%) 140 fewer to 49 more) LOW
Amputation at 2 years
1151 RCT Very No serious No serious No serious None 0/46 0/47 not
not pooled LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness imprecision(c) (0%) (0%) pooled
Major adverse events at 6 months
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None RR 0.32
0/29 1/28 24 fewer per 1000 (from 35 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.01 to
(0%) (3.6%) fewer to 235 more) LOW
Minor adverse events intra-operative
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None RR 0.97
2/29 2/28 2 fewer per 1000 (from 61 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.15 to
(6.9%) (7.1%) fewer to 385 more) LOW
Minor adverse events at 6 months
2150,151 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None RR 0.98
2/46 2/47 1 fewer per 1000 (from 37 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.14 to
(4.3%) (4.3%) fewer to 247 more) LOW
Minor adverse events at 2 years
1151 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 3/46 RR 7.15 0 more per 1000 (from 0 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (6.5%) (0.38 to fewer to 0 more) LOW
Final version
Management of critical limb ischaemia
0% 134.66)
Revascularisation procedure on contralateral leg before discharge at 6 months
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None RR 1.04
2/28 2/29 3 more per 1000 (from 58 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.16 to
(7.1%) (6.9%) fewer to 404 more) LOW
Revascularisation procedure on contralateral leg after discharge at 6 months
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None RR 0.69
2/28 3/29 32 fewer per 1000 (from 91 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.12 to
(7.1%) (10.3%) fewer to 293 more) LOW
Target vessel revascularisation at 6 months
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 3/28 RR 3.11
1/29 73 more per 1000 (from 23 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (10.7% (0.34 to
(3.4%) fewer to 935 more) LOW
) 28.12)
Target vessel revascularisation at 2 years
1151 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None 10/46 RR 1.7
(a) 6/47 89 more per 1000 (from 42 VERY
serious inconsistency indirectness (21.7% (0.67 to
(12.8%) fewer to 421 more) LOW
) 4.3)
Target vessel revascularisation at 2 years (Hazard Ratio)
1151 RCT Very No serious No serious No serious None 10/46 HR 7.27
6/47 502 more per 1000 (from
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness imprecision (21.7% (1.75 to LOW
(12.8%) 85 more to 856 more)
) 30.26)
Target lesion revascularisation at 6 months
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious No serious None 0/28 0/29 not
not pooled LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness imprecision(c) (0%) (0%) pooled
Target lesion revascularisation at 2 years
1151 RCT Very No serious No serious Very serious(b) None RR 2.04
6/46 3/47 66 more per 1000 (from 29 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.54 to
(13%) (6.4%) fewer to 427 more) LOW
Target lesion revascularisation at 2 years (Hazard Ratio)
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
ABPI at 6 months
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious No serious None MD 0.04 lower (0.13 lower
24 23 - LOW
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness imprecision to 0.05 higher)
ABPI at 2 years
1151 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(d) None MD 0.06 lower (0.15 lower VERY
37 35 -
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness to 0.03 higher) LOW
Patency at 6 months
1152 RCT Very No serious No serious Serious(d) None HR 1.05 47 more per 1000 (from 76
22/22 19/20 VERY
serious(a) inconsistency indirectness (0.92 to fewer to 190 more)
(100%) (95%) LOW
(a) Unclear allocation concealment and randomisation.
(b) 95% CI crosses both MIDs.
(c) There were no events in either group.
(d) 95% CI crosses one MID.
Table 94: Clinical evidence profile: Bare metal compared to drug eluting stents for critical limb ischaemia due to infra-geniculate disease
No of
Quality of evidence Effect
Relative Quality
No of Other
Design Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision BMS DES (95% Absolute
studies considerations
Mortality at 1 year
1138 RCT No serious risk No serious No serious Very serious(a) None 8/33 9/42 RR 1.13 28 more per 1000 LOW
of bias inconsistency indirectness (24.2 (21.4 (0.49 to (from 109 fewer to 345
%) %) 2.61) more)
Amputation at 1 year
1138 RCT No serious risk No serious No serious Very serious(a) None 2/33 2/42 RR 1.27 13 more per 1000 LOW
of bias inconsistency indirectness (6.1%) (4.8%) (0.19 to (from 39 fewer to 360
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
8.56) more)
Target lesion revascularisation at 1 year
1138 RCT No serious risk No serious No serious Very serious(a) None 3/33 4/42 RR 0.95 5 fewer per 1000 (from LOW
of bias inconsistency indirectness (9.1%) (9.5%) (0.23 to 73 fewer to 283 more)
ABPI at 1 year
1138 RCT No serious risk No serious No serious No serious None 33 42 - MD 0.07 lower (0.13 to HIGH
of bias inconsistency indirectness imprecision 0.01 lower)
Patency at 1 year
1138 RCT No serious risk No serious No serious Serious(b) None 56.5% 75% not not pooled MODERATE
of bias inconsistency indirectness pooled
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
In the absence of any published cost effectiveness evidence, the GDG were presented with the
average cost of bare metal and drug eluting stents and the cost of angioplasty with and without
complications (Table 95 and Table 96). Clinical
No clinical evidence was reported for people with CLI due to aorto-iliac disease.
Drug eluting stents were significantly better than bare metal stents for:
Target vessel revascularisation at 2 years (using hazard ratio) [1 study, 93 participants, low quality
There was no statistically significant difference between bare metal stents and drug eluting stents
Mortality at 6 months [1 study, 57 participants, very low quality evidence]152
Mortality at 2 years [1 study, 93 participants, very low quality evidence]151
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
Major adverse events at 6 months [1 study, 57 participants, very low quality evidence]152
Minor adverse events intra-operatively [1 study, 57 participants, very low quality evidence]152
Minor adverse events at 6 months and 2 years [2 studies, 93 participants, very low quality
Revascularisation on contralateral leg before at 6 months, and after discharge at 6 months [1
study, 57 participants, very low quality evidence]152
Target vessel revascularisation at 6 months [1 study, 75 participants, very low quality evidence]152
Target vessel revascularisation at 2 years (using relative risk) [1 study, 93 participants, very low
quality evidence]151
Target lesion revascularisation at 2 years (using relative risk and hazard ratio) [1 study, 93
participants, very low quality evidence]151
ABPI at 6 months [1 study, 47 participants, low quality evidence}152
ABPI at 2 years [1 study, 72 participants, very low quality evidence]151
Patency at 6 months [1 study, 42 participants, very low quality evidence]152
There was no difference between bare metal stents and drug eluting stents for:
Amputation at 2 years [1 study, 93 participants, low quality evidence]151
Target lesion revascularisation at 6 months [1 study, 57 participants, low quality evidence]152
Drug eluting stents were significantly better than bare metal stents for:
ABPI at 1 year [1 study, 75 participants, high quality evidence]138
There was no statistically significant difference between bare metal stents and drug eluting stents
Mortality at 1 year [1 study, 75 participants, low quality evidence]138
Amputation at 1 year [1 study, 75 participants, low quality evidence]138
Target lesion revascularisation at 1 year [1 study, 75 participants, low quality evidence]138
Patency at 1 year [1 studye, moderate quality evidence]138 Economic
23.Use bare metal stents when stenting is used for treating people
Recommendation with critical limb ischaemia.
Relative values of different The GDG considered amputation free survival and re-intervention rates to be
outcomes the key clinical outcomes for this question. They also wished to know whether
there were any differences in quality of life, mortality and ABPI. Although data
were available at several different time points, few differences were found in
the reported outcomes. No data was reported on quality of life or walking
e Exact number of participants used in the analyses for patency was not reported in this study.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
feel that great importance could be attached to these when set against the
large number of comparisons showing no difference, and bearing in mind that
these were not felt to be the key outcome measures.
Trade off between clinical According to the results of the clinical review, there was no significant
benefits and harms difference in mortality, adverse events and amputation between bare metal
and drug eluting stents.
The GDG did not feel there was any difference between the two types of stent
in terms of technical difficulty in placement. The method of placement of the
two forms of stents is identical, and therefore the main potential adverse
effects are also the same.
Economic considerations There was no cost effectiveness evidence identified for this question. Drug
eluting stents are more expensive than bare metal stents.
In the absence of evidence to suggest that clinical outcomes are improved with
the use of drug eluting stents, the GDG agreed that the increased cost does not
represent a cost effective use of NHS resources.
Quality of evidence The quality of evidence comparing bare metal and drug eluting stents was of
low quality by GRADE criteria. The GDG noted that the SIROCCO study was
halted as no differences were found between bare metal and drug eluting
Other considerations The GDG were aware of studies evaluating the effectiveness of bare metal
versus drug eluting stents in coronary arteries. However, they did not think
that these results could be extrapolated to the peripheral arteries because of
the considerable differences in anatomy.
There is no clinically relevant difference in benefit between the two stent types
and drug eluting stents are more costly. The GDG therefore formed a
consensus judgement that bare metal stent placement is the preferred option.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
The review question sought to examine evidence for the type of graft to be used when bypass is
indicated in the patient. It was also necessary to consider the importance of the anatomical extent
and distribution of disease and co-morbidities that are likely to affect outcome such as diabetes.
A literature search was conducted for RCTs that compared the effectiveness of autologous vein
versus prosthetic bypass grafting. No time limit was placed on the literature search, and there were
no limitations on sample size. Indirect populations and emergency settings were excluded. One
Cochrane review was identified140 which considered graft type in bypass surgery for the femoro-
popliteal disease. The Cochrane review was not included or updated as it did not meet the protocol
defined by the GDG, which included all arteries of the leg. However it was cross checked for included
studies which matched the review protocol.
Two relevant RCTs153,154 were included in the review. The trials did not report outcome data for
people with diabetes.
The quality and results of included studies are reported in Table 97. The forest plots for each clinical
outcome are reported in Appendix J.
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
Table 97: Clinical evidence profile: Autologous vein versus prosthetic bypass for critical limb ischaemia due to femoro-popliteal disease
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The cost-utility analysis by Hunick et al 1995 (reported in Table 89) subgrouped the results of their
clinical analysis by graft material. Although the study was not designed to directly compare the cost-
effectiveness of one type of material to another, according to the results of the model, bypass
surgery using autologous vein grafts results in higher quality of life and lower cost than bypass
surgery using synthetic grafts.
The GDG also discussed the cost of autologous and prosthetic grafts in an NHS context. The group
considered that although the same NHS Reference Cost applies to patients undergoing both
procedures, prosthetic veins cost several hundred pounds, varying widely depending on graft length
and material (official cost estimates were not available from standard sources). However, the
procedure associated with prosthetic vein bypass is slightly shorter than that for autologous vein as
there is no need to harvest the vein. In addition, the average hospital stay is slightly less for
prosthetic vein bypass operations. However, autologous vein bypass is associated with a reduced
rate of infection and fewer complications. Based on the clinical evidence and clinical experience, the
GDG agreed that autologous vein bypass was likely to represent the least costly of the two
procedures. A formal cost estimation was not undertaken as it was thought that this was
unnecessary (as the most effective option was also thought to be the least costly) and time
consuming. Clinical
No clinical evidence was reported for people with CLI due to aorto-iliac disease.
There were no statistically significant difference between autologous vein and prosthetic bypass for:
Peri-operative minor adverse event at 30 days [1 study, 49 participants, very low quality
Reintervention at 5 years [2 studies, 151 participants, very low quality evidence]153 154
ABPI after surgery (no time point given by surgery) [1 study, 49 participants, low quality
There was no difference between autologous vein and prosthetic bypass for:
Peri-operative mortality at 30 days, [2 studies, 151 participants, moderate quality evidence]153,154
Mortality at 5 years, [1 study, 49 participants, moderate quality evidence]154
Peri-operative amputation at 30 days, [1 study, 102 participants, moderate quality evidence]153 Economic
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Management of critical limb ischaemia
Trade off between benefits and Observational studies (not reviewed as part of this question), and clinical
harms experience of the GDG suggest that prosthetic material is associated with
more infection and poorer limb salvage rates. As a result, there has been
a change in UK clinical practice away from use of prosthetic grafts. The
risk of MRSA infection in prosthetic graft has been linked with a higher
mortality rate than in patients undergoing autologous bypass. The GDG
felt that RCT evidence does not accurately reflect these important issues.
Economic considerations The GDG noted that prosthetic bypass is associated with a greater cost,
higher infection rate and higher 5-year rate of amputation compared to
autologous vein bypass. Indirectly, the economic model published by
Hunick 1995 suggested that autologous grafts were more cost-effective.
The GDG agreed that prosthetic vein bypass grafts do not represent a cost
effective use of NHS resources for people undergoing infra-inguinal
bypass surgery.
Quality of the evidence The GDG were disappointed that no recent evidence was identified as
part of the review. They also felt that the available papers did not identify
outcome data that they considered important, particularly regarding
infection rates. In the GDG experience, there is higher likelihood of
serious infection and death through use of prosthetics.
The mortality rate at 5 years was zero with both autologous and
prosthetic grafts. This is surprising in a cohort of patients with critical limb
ischaemia. Therefore the population in the study may not be
representative of all those with CLI.
One significant difference (in amputation rates) was noted and this was
graded as of moderate quality by GRADE criteria.
Other considerations Although, the was no clear benefit between autologous and prosthetic
bypass, the GDG felt that the recommendation should be made in favour
of autologous bypass. This was based on (a) their consensus view (b)
supported by the superiority in terms of amputation rate, the one
significant difference within the available data(c) supported by a non-
significant trend in re-intervention rates (d) and finally, based on their
assessment of the likely economic advantage of using autologous grafts..
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Management of ischaemic pain in critical limb ischaemia
The impact of pain can vary between patients as pain is a very personal experience. Pain is typically
worse at night in bed because when the limb is elevated perfusion does not have gravity to assist it.
This results in sleep deprivation. It is common for patients to attempt sleep with their leg hanging out
of the bed or to choose to sleep in a chair. Ischaemic pain is often described by patients as a
relentless, unbearable, deep burning pain. It impacts on all aspects of their life as they are unable to
function properly. They are unlikely to pursue their normal activities and may well need help with
daily tasks. They often become irritable with strains placed on their relationships. Appetite is
compromised so they suffer nutritionally. Studies have highlighted that people with PAD have a fear
about increasing pain.17,19,20
Appropriate pain management is dependent on the accurate diagnosis of the cause of foot pain (see
chapter 7). This chapter deals with the management of ischaemia pain. Neuropathic pain, although
sometimes associated with CLI, will not be dealt with in this guideline and is covered in Neuropathic
pain: Pharmacological management, NICE clinical guideline CG96.155
To improve patient outcomes and quality of life, the GDG sought to identify RCT and observational
evidence for interventions to manage ongoing or escalating ischaemic pain. Spinal cord stimulation
was not included in the evidence review as the NICE technology appraisal 159156 does not
recommend its use for ischaemic pain outwith the context of a clinical trial. The treatments
considered in the review were: chemical sympathectomy, opioids, gabapentin, pregabalin or tricyclic
antidepressants (amitriptyline, nortiptyline and imipramine). The literature search was limited to
studies with a follow-up duration of more than one week and indirect populations were excluded.
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Management of ischaemic pain in critical limb ischaemia
Table 98: Cost of drugs for the treatment of ischaemic pain in critical limb ischaemia
Drugs commonly Total
Dose Cost per used to treat side Cost per cost per
Drug regimen 28 days Common side effects effects 28 days 28 days
Paracetamol 1 gram £3.23 Rare NA NA £3.23
(Generic) per day
Tramadol 50 – 100 £3.48 Dizziness, nausea, Cyclizine (50mg 3 £7.41 £10.89
(Generic) grams vomiting (esp. in acute times a day when
phase when treatment required-
starts and subsides assumed one 100-
over time –not a long tablet pack)
term side effect)
Co-codamol 2 tablets £8.18 Constipation, nausea, Laxatives (Senna – £4.27 £12.45
(30/500) four vomiting, dizziness, 2 tablets at night)
times a light-headedness,
day confusion, drowsiness
and urinary retention
Oxycodone 5mg £22.72 Constipation, nausea, Laxatives (Senna, £4.27 £26.99
(OXYNORM four vomiting, drowsiness, 2 tablets at night;
immediate times a pruritus, somnolence, Lactulose, 10ml
release day confusion twice a day)
capsules or when
liquid) required
Oxycodone 20mg £49.91 Constipation, nausea, Laxatives (Senna, £4.27 £54.18
(OXYCONTIN twice a vomiting, drowsiness, 2 tablets at night;
slow release day pruritus, somnolence, Lactulose, 10ml
tablets) confusion twice a day)
Morphine 10mg £10.56 Constipation, nausea, Laxatives (Senna, £4.27 £14.83
(Oramorph four vomiting, drowsiness, 2 tablets at night;
liquid or times a pruritus, somnolence, Lactulose, 10ml
Sevredol day confusion twice a day)
immediate when
release required
Morphine 30mg £11.75 Constipation, nausea, Laxatives (Senna, £4.27 £16.02
(MST slow twice a vomiting, drowsiness, 2 tablets at night;
release day‡ pruritus, somnolence, Lactulose, 10ml
tablets) confusion twice a day)
Pregabalin 150mg £64.40 Dizziness, somnolence Discontinue use --- £64.40
(Lyrica twice a
capsules) day
Amtryptyline 50mg at £1.00 Constipation, dry Laxatives (Senna, £4.27 £5.27
(Generic) night mouth, sedation, 2 tablets at night;
cardiotoxicity, postural Lactulose, 10ml
hypotension, bladder twice a day)
Gabapentin 300mg £7.42 Viral infection, Discontinue use --- £7.42
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Management of ischaemic pain in critical limb ischaemia Clinical Economic
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Management of ischaemic pain in critical limb ischaemia
Trade off between benefits and The GDG considered the side effects associated with each type of
harms analgesia (such as constipation, nausea and drowsiness). The group
agreed that a tiered approach to pain management would minimise
adverse events associated with stronger preparations while ensuring that
adequate pain relief was provided. The adequate management of pain
can improve a patient’s quality of life.
The GDG noted that prolonged use of pain medication is often associated
with side-effects, and that tolerance and dependence to pain relief need
to be considered. Patients should therefore be reviewed on a regular
basis. Particular note was taken of the potential risks of prolonged strong
opioid use, and the GDG felt that this situation should be one in which
advice from, and monitoring by, a pain specialist should be sought.
Economic considerations The GDG considered the cost of each analgesic treatment and the cost of
treating their associated side effects (e.g. laxatives for constipation). They
thought that a tiered approach to pain management would likely be the
most cost effective treatment strategy as mild preparations are generally
the least costly, have the fewest side effects and are often effective in
providing adequate pain relief.
The GDG considered the potential for improved pain management and
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Management of ischaemic pain in critical limb ischaemia
Quality of the evidence No RCT or observational evidence was identified to allow comparison of
chemical sympathectomy, opioids, gabapentin, pregabalin or tricyclic
anti-depressants in any combination for managing CLI pain. The
recommendations were based on GDG consensus and expert opinion.
Other considerations The GDG recognised that the management of CLI pain is often poor,
sometimes due to ischaemic pain being misdiagnosed but also because
the root cause is difficult to treat. Pain occurs through out the disease
process. Patients require increasing pain management towards the end of
the care pathway. Such patients may have had a failed revascularisation
procedure or are not considered suitable for revascularisation. Pain
management should be considered before referral for amputation
The GDG agreed that the principles of pain management for CLI are not
intrinsically different from managing pain in other chronic conditions.
Other NICE guidance such as Low back pain 157 and Osteoarthritis158 have
used a stepped approach in pain management. The WHO pain ladder is
widely used in the management of pain for various conditions. Pain relief
is escalated in cases of persistent or increasing pain. The GDG were of the
opinion, particularly in the absence of strong evidence, that a stepped
approach would also be appropriate for ischaemic leg pain.
The GDG agreed by consensus that pain management should begin with
paracetamol. Where this is insufficient, weak opioids such as Tramadol or
codeine should be given alongside paracetamol. Strong opioids such as
morphine or oxycodone are recommended for short term use only. Other
medications such as laxatives and anti-emetics should be offered
alongside strong opioids.
These patients will have been managed in secondary care but are often
referred back to primary care for the management of their pain. It is
important, therefore, that there is clear guidance for pain management
for primary care representatives including when to refer to a pain
The GDG suggested that the following good practice principles of pain
The person should be regularly reviewed when on pain medication to
ensure that it is giving adequate pain relief and no serious side effects.
Patient preference must also be considered.
Any pain relief used without marketing authorisation for the treatment
of pain associated with must be documented and informed consent
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Management of ischaemic pain in critical limb ischaemia
All pain relief measures must be monitored as per local protocols and in
accordance with the BNF.
Chemical sympathectomy
The GDG noted that observational evidence is available on chemical
sympathectomy, but this does not compare the procedure to the other
interventions of interest for this review question.
Approximately 1 in 5 people with critical limb ischaemia cannot be offered procedures to improve
the blood supply to their leg because of either the pattern of their disease or other comorbidities. In
this group the therapeutic options are pain control or primary amputation. Chemical lumbar
sympathectomy, which involves the destruction of the lumbar sympathetic chain (usually the L2 and
L3 ganglia), has been suggested to reduce pain and improve wound healing, and may prevent
amputation in some patients. Initially achieved surgically, it is now most commonly performed using
Final version
Management of ischaemic pain in critical limb ischaemia
chemical agents such as phenol to destroy the lumbar sympathetic chain. Despite having been used
for over 60 years, the role of chemical lumbar sympathectomy remains unclear. Improvement in skin
blood flow and modification of pain perception control have been demonstrated, and this has
prompted the use of chemical lumbar sympathectomy for treating a range of conditions such as
regional pain syndrome, vasospastic conditions and critical limb ischaemia. However, in critical limb
ischaemia the use of chemical lumbar sympathectomy varies widely between units in England, the
mode of action and indications are unclear, and there is currently no randomised controlled trial
evidence demonstrating its clinical value. Therefore a randomised control trial comparing chemical
lumbar sympathectomy with other methods of pain relief is recommended.
Final version
Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
People with toe and transmetatarsal amputations often suffer little long-term disability and such
amputations are often carried out for diabetic foot problems or for tissue loss in limbs that have
undergone successful revascularisation. Amputations above the ankle level are considered “major”
and are the subject of this review. People with BKA will usually be fitted with a functioning prosthesis
in the hope that they will learn to walk, although in the long term the majority spent most of their
time in a wheelchair. People with AKA are usually wheelchair-bound in the long term.
It is not possible to develop guidelines for amputation that cover every eventuality. Furthermore, the
decision to proceed to, and the timing of, amputation is contingent upon the wishes of the person
and their family. As such, it is likely that there will be significant variations in practice between
individuals as to if and when amputation is performed.
There are some people in whom revascularisation by means of angioplasty or bypass surgery is
technically possible but in whom the risks and likely long-term outcomes of such intervention are so
high and poor respectively that the person may be best served by primary amputation. While it is
reasonable on clinical and economic grounds to try to avoid amputation in most people, it is
important to avoid the all too common situation where the person undergoes repeated unsuccessful
attempts at revascularisation only to end up losing their leg. Not only is such a situation devastating
for the person and their family, it also represents a potentially inappropriate use of resources.
Furthermore, there is a significant body of evidence to suggest that failed revascularisation adversely
affects amputation level.
The avoidance of amputation depends crucially upon prompt diagnosis of PAD (CLI) and referral to a
specialist vascular unit that is able to offer the full range of available treatments including
amputation where appropriate. Following amputation is important that people are offered
appropriate rehabilitation and limb fitting services so that the physical and psychological impact of
limb loss can be minimised.
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
The quality and results of included studies are reported in Table 100. The mapped EQ-5D results are
reported in Table 101. The forest plots for each clinical outcome are reported in Appendix H.
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
Table 100: Clinical evidence profile: Quality of life after amputation critical limb ischaemia
No of
Quality assessment Effect
No of Risk of Other Relative
Design Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Amputation Absolute
studies bias considerations (95% CI)
Quality of life at 6 months
1159 observational serious(a) no serious no serious serious none 6 patients See Table 101 VERY
study inconsistency indirectness imprecision(b) LOW
Quality of life at 12 months
1159 observational serious(a) no serious no serious serious none 6 patients See Table 101 VERY
study inconsistency indirectness imprecision(b) LOW
(a) Study only included 6 patients.
(b) No information on variability was given in the study, therefore the calculation of the standard deviation was not possible and the mean difference and CI were not estimable.
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
In the absence of relevant UK data, the GDG considered both the procedural cost and the cost of care
associated with amputation in people with PAD. The GDG considered these costs relative to the cost
of bypass (Table 106) and non-operative pain management are presented in section These
estimates were also used to assess the applicability of the costs used in the Brothers 1999144 study to
a UK setting.
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
Table 102: Economic study characteristics: Primary bypass versus primary amputation versus non-operative expectant management
Incremental Incremental Cost Uncertainty
Study Limitations Applicability Other comments costs QALYs effectiveness
Brothers Potentially Partially Decision analytic model Primary bypass Primary bypass Primary bypass One- and two-way
1999144 serious applicable(b) Population: people with first was £5, 466 resulted in a costs £4, 712 sensitivity analyses were
limitations(a) presentation of limb- more expensive gain of 1.16 per QALY gained performed to evaluate the
threatening ischaemia caused than non- QALYs compared to effect of varying expected
by tibial-peoneal artery operative compared to non-operative utility, incremental costs,
occlusive disease expectant non-operative expectant early patency, late patency
management(a) expectant management(c) and peri-operative
Outcomes: QALYs
management(b) mortality rates. The
Costs: Hospital, outpatient authors reported the
and physician charges results of these analyses in
obtained from patient graphical form only and
records did not excluded
Perspective: USA hospital dominated options,
therefore, it is not possible
to analyse the results of
these analyses.
Based on threshold
analysis, the authors
concluded that primary
amputation becomes the
most cost-effective
strategy when primary
bypass patency is less than
11%. Expectant
management is the most
cost-effective treatment
when operative mortality
for revascularisation or
amputation exceeds 55%.
(a) Long-term patient survival, limb salvage rate, and primary and cumulative secondary patency rates were obtained from the results of retrospective analyses previously conducted by the
authors with no evidence of a systematic search; utility values were obtained from people with CLI rather than patients who had experienced each health state QALY gain was considered
only over a 5-year horizon, therefore, this study will underestimate the long-term effect of reduced operative mortality expected from both the expectant management and primary
amputation strategies; unclear method of QALY elicitation and valuation.
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
The GDG provided estimates of resource use based on their experience and the expertise of
physiotherapists, prosthetists and commissioners that they work with. For simplicity, these costs
were classified according to those that occur in the first year after amputation and those occurring in
subsequent years. The resource use and unit costs associated with each element of care in the year
following amputation are presented in Table 104. Costs associated with care in each subsequent year
are presented in Table 105.
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
Table 105: Annual cost of care following the first year for patients with an amputation
Resource use Unit cost
Care home
36% of formerly independent patients require a care
home (assumption)
47 weeks per year (assumption) £986 per week (PRSSU 2010)
Community care
64% of formerly independent patients remain in the
community (Taylor 2005, Larson 1998)
Half of patients remaining in the community will £296 per week (PRSSU 2010)
require care in the community (assumption)
45% of amputees use wheelchairs
50% of these are non-motorised (assumption) £58 per year per non-motorised wheelchair
50% of these are motorised (assumption) £287 per year per motorised wheelchair
Total average cost per patient = £23, 502
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia Clinical
No clinical evidence was identified for the clinical indications for major amputation.
Quality of life in people before and after undergoing major amputation for PAD:
In patients with CLI who had had major amputation for PAD their quality of life as based on EQ5D
mapped68 from SF36 data reported in study159:
Decreased from 0.484 to 0.412 between admission and 6 months [1 study, very low quality
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
Decreased from 0.484 to 0.329 between admission and 12 months [1 study, very low quality
Decreased from 0.412 to 0.329 between 6 months and 12 months [1 study, very low quality
evidence]159 Economic
Trade off between clinical Major amputation is associated with high risk of mortality and morbidity and is
benefits and harms therefore considered as a last measure for the treatment of pain associated
with CLI. Specifically, the post-operative mortality rate for amputation is the
highest of all vascular procedures. People can further develop pressure sores,
phantom limb pain, and stump problems. In addition, further amputation is
common. There is also the loss of independence and emotional difficulties.
Economic considerations The GDG considered the cost of amputation compared to strategies such as
bypass surgery and non-operative pain management. They also considered the
results of the clinical review which found a decrease in quality of life following
amputation. However, there was no comparative clinical evidence of
alternative methods of management.
Based on the results of the clinical and economic review and clinical
experience of the GDG, the group thought that primary amputation is unlikely
to represent a cost-effective use of NHS resources, unless all other options
have been exhausted.
Quality of evidence One study reported on the change in quality of life following major
amputation.159 The study was graded as low quality by GRADE criteria. The
study included six patients undergoing major amputation. The study did not
define major amputation. The current review mapped the SF36 scores to
EQ5D. The results of this mapping show that there was a decrease for quality
of life at all study time-points.
It was noted that bodily pain was reported as worse after major amputation.
The study was not randomised and it was discussed that there may be a
patient selection bias i.e. patients reporting worse pain received amputation.
Other considerations The evidence available was extremely limited. It did not support the use of
amputation, but the GDG recognised that amputation may be necessary to
relieve severe symptoms that cannot be controlled in other ways and for
people with life-threatening disease in whom revascularisation is not an option
(patients with tissue loss, sepsis, infection and non-healing wounds). Bearing in
mind the cost and overall poor results of amputation, it was felt that patients
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Major amputation for critical limb ischaemia
It was agreed that the MDT membership was not part of the scope but the
GDG in discussion noted that most services within England and Wales already
have access to a multi-disciplinary team. This may vary by locality. There is a
quality indicator framework which describes the minimum requirements for
patients undergoing major amputation and the structure of multi-disciplinary
teams. The NICE Diabetic foot guideline (CG119) also recommends the key
professionals who should be involved in the multi-disciplinary team
management, some of whom may be useful in this setting e.g. tissue viability
and wound care specialist. The GDG discussed that some patients will still
undergo major amputation without being considered for revascularisation
(angioplasty and bypass) and wanted to make a recommendation which
discourages this practice.
Patient choice was also emphasised. Some people may wish to proceed
straight to amputation even where there are potential options for
Final version
13 Glossary
Abstract Summary of a study, which may be published alone or as an introduction to a
full scientific paper.
Algorithm (in guidelines) A flow chart of the clinical decision pathway described in the guideline, where
decision points are represented with boxes, linked with arrows.
Allocation concealment The process used to prevent advance knowledge of group assignment in a
RCT. The allocation process should be impervious to any influence by the
individual making the allocation, by being administered by someone who is
not responsible for recruiting participants.
Applicability The degree to which the results of an observation, study or review are likely to
hold true in a particular clinical practice setting.
Arm (of a clinical study) Sub-section of individuals within a study who receive one particular
intervention, for example placebo arm
Association Statistical relationship between two or more events, characteristics or other
variables. The relationship may or may not be causal.
Baseline The initial set of measurements at the beginning of a study (after run-in period
where applicable), with which subsequent results are compared.
Bias Systematic (as opposed to random) deviation of the results of a study from
the ‘true’ results that is caused by the way the study is designed or conducted.
Blinding Keeping the study participants, caregivers, researchers and outcome assessors
unaware about the interventions to which the participants have been
allocated in a study.
Carer (caregiver) Someone other than a health professional who is involved in caring for a
person with a medical condition.
Clinical efficacy The extent to which an intervention is active when studied under controlled
research conditions.
Clinical effectiveness The extent to which an intervention produces an overall health benefit in
routine clinical practice.
Clinician A healthcare professional providing direct patient care, for example doctor,
nurse or physiotherapist.
Cochrane Review The Cochrane Library consists of a regularly updated collection of evidence-
based medicine databases including the Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews (reviews of randomised controlled trials prepared by the Cochrane
Cohort study A retrospective or prospective follow-up study. Groups of individuals to be
followed up are defined on the basis of presence or absence of exposure to a
suspected risk factor or intervention. A cohort study can be comparative, in
which case two or more groups are selected on the basis of differences in
their exposure to the agent of interest.
Comorbidity Co-existence of more than one disease or an additional disease (other than
that being studied or treated) in an individual.
Comparability Similarity of the groups in characteristics likely to affect the study results (such
as health status or age).
Concordance This is a recent term whose meaning has changed. It was initially applied to
the consultation process in which doctor and patient agree therapeutic
decisions that incorporate their respective views, but now includes patient
support in medicine taking as well as prescribing communication.
Concordance reflects social values but does not address medicine-taking and
may not lead to improved adherence.
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Confidence interval (CI) A range of values for an unknown population parameter with a stated
‘confidence’ (conventionally 95%) that it contains the true value. The interval
is calculated from sample data, and generally straddles the sample estimate.
The ‘confidence’ value means that if the method used to calculate the interval
is repeated many times, then that proportion of intervals will actually contain
the true value.
Confounding In a study, confounding occurs when the effect of an intervention on an
outcome is distorted as a result of an association between the population or
intervention or outcome and another factor (the ‘confounding variable’) that
can influence the outcome independently of the intervention under study.
Consensus methods Techniques that aim to reach an agreement on a particular issue. Consensus
methods may used when there is a lack of strong evidence on a particular
Control group A group of patients recruited into a study that receives no treatment, a
treatment of known effect, or a placebo (dummy treatment) - in order to
provide a comparison for a group receiving an experimental treatment, such
as a new drug.
Cost benefit analysis A type of economic evaluation where both costs and benefits of healthcare
treatment are measured in the same monetary units. If benefits exceed costs,
the evaluation would recommend providing the treatment.
Cost-consequences A type of economic evaluation where various health outcomes are reported in
analysis (CCA) addition to cost for each intervention, but there is no overall measure of
health gain.
Cost-effectiveness analysis An economic study design in which consequences of different interventions
(CEA) are measured using a single outcome, usually in ‘natural’ units (For example,
life-years gained, deaths avoided, heart attacks avoided, cases detected).
Alternative interventions are then compared in terms of cost per unit of
Cost-effectiveness model An explicit mathematical framework, which is used to represent clinical
decision problems and incorporate evidence from a variety of sources in order
to estimate the costs and health outcomes.
Cost-utility analysis (CUA) A form of cost-effectiveness analysis in which the units of effectiveness are
quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs).
Credible Interval The Bayesian equivalent of a confidence interval.
Decision analysis An explicit quantitative approach to decision making under uncertainty, based
on evidence from research. This evidence is translated into probabilities, and
then into diagrams or decision trees which direct the clinician through a
succession of possible scenarios, actions and outcomes.
Discounting Costs and perhaps benefits incurred today have a higher value than costs and
benefits occurring in the future. Discounting health benefits reflects individual
preference for benefits to be experienced in the present rather than the
future. Discounting costs reflects individual preference for costs to be
experienced in the future rather than the present.
Dominance An intervention is said to be dominated if there is an alternative intervention
that is both less costly and more effective.
Drop-out A participant who withdraws from a trial before the end.
Economic evaluation Comparative analysis of alternative health strategies (interventions or
programmes) in terms of both their costs and consequences.
Effect (as in effect The observed association between interventions and outcomes or a statistic
measure, treatment effect, to summarise the strength of the observed association.
estimate of effect, effect
Effectiveness See ‘Clinical effectiveness’.
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Incremental cost The difference in the mean costs in the population of interest divided by the
effectiveness ratio (ICER) differences in the mean outcomes in the population of interest for one
treatment compared with another.
Incremental net benefit The value (usually in monetary terms) of an intervention net of its cost
(INB) compared with a comparator intervention. The INB can be calculated for a
given cost-effectiveness (willingness to pay) threshold. If the threshold is
£20,000 per QALY gained then the INB is calculated as: (£20,000 x QALYs
gained) – Incremental cost.
Indirectness The available evidence is different to the review question being addressed, in
terms of PICO (population, intervention, comparison and outcome).
Intention to treat analysis A strategy for analysing data from a randomised controlled trial. All
(ITT) participants are included in the arm to which they were allocated, whether or
not they received (or completed) the intervention given to that arm.
Intention-to-treat analysis prevents bias caused by the loss of participants,
which may disrupt the baseline equivalence established by randomisation and
which may reflect non-adherence to the protocol.
Intervention Healthcare action intended to benefit the patient, for example, drug
treatment, surgical procedure, psychological therapy.
Intra-operative The period of time during a surgical procedure.
Kappa statistic A statistical measure of inter-rater agreement that takes into account the
agreement occurring by chance.
Length of stay The total number of days a participant stays in hospital.
Licence See ‘Product licence’.
Life-years gained Mean average years of life gained per person as a result of the intervention
compared with an alternative intervention.
Likelihood ratio The likelihood ratio combines information about the sensitivity and specificity.
It tells you how much a positive or negative result changes the likelihood that
a patient would have the disease. The likelihood ratio of a positive test result
(LR+) is sensitivity divided by 1- specificity.
Long-term care Residential care in a home that may include skilled nursing care and help with
everyday activities. This includes nursing homes and residential homes.
Markov model A method for estimating long-term costs and effects for recurrent or chronic
conditions, based on health states and the probability of transition between
them within a given time period (cycle).
Meta-analysis A statistical technique for combining (pooling) the results of a number of
studies that address the same question and report on the same outcomes to
produce a summary result. The aim is to derive more precise and clear
information from a large data pool. It is generally more reliably likely to
confirm or refute a hypothesis than the individual trials.
Multivariate model A statistical model for analysis of the relationship between two or more
predictor (independent) variables and the outcome (dependent) variable.
Negative predictive value A measure of the usefulness of a screening/diagnostic test. It is the proportion
(NPV) [In of those with a negative test result who do not have the disease, and can be
screening/diagnostic tests:] interpreted as the probability that a negative test result is correct.
Number needed to treat The number of patients that who on average must be treated to prevent a
(NNT) single occurrence of the outcome of interest.
Observational study Retrospective or prospective study in which the investigator observes the
natural course of events with or without control groups; for example, cohort
studies and case–control studies.
Odds ratio A measure of treatment effectiveness. The odds of an event happening in the
treatment group, expressed as a proportion of the odds of it happening in the
control group. The 'odds' is the ratio of events to non-events.
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Opportunity cost The loss of other health care programmes displaced by investment in or
introduction of another intervention. This may be best measured by the
health benefits that could have been achieved had the money been spent on
the next best alternative healthcare intervention.
Outcome Measure of the possible results that may stem from exposure to a preventive
or therapeutic intervention. Outcome measures may be intermediate
endpoints or they can be final endpoints. See ‘Intermediate outcome’.
P-value The probability that an observed difference could have occurred by chance,
assuming that there is in fact no underlying difference between the means of
the observations. If the probability is less than 1 in 20, the P value is less than
0.05; a result with a P value of less than 0.05 is conventionally considered to
be ‘statistically significant’.
Perioperative The period from admission through surgery until discharge, encompassing the
pre-operative and post-operative periods.
Placebo An inactive and physically identical medication or procedure used as a
comparator in controlled clinical trials.
Positive predictive value In screening/diagnostic tests: A measure of the usefulness of a
(PPV) screening/diagnostic test. It is the proportion of those with a positive test
result who have the disease, and can be interpreted as the probability that a
positive test result is correct.
Postoperative Pertaining to the period after patients leave the operating theatre, following
Post-test probability For diagnostic tests. The proportion of patients with that particular test result
who have the target disorder (post test odds/[1 + post-test odds]).
Power (statistical) The ability to demonstrate an association when one exists. Power is related to
sample size; the larger the sample size, the greater the power and the lower
the risk that a possible association could be missed.
Preoperative The period before surgery commences.
Pre-test probability For diagnostic tests. The proportion of people with the target disorder in the
population at risk at a specific time point or time interval. Prevalence may
depend on how a disorder is diagnosed.
Primary care Healthcare delivered to patients outside hospitals. Primary care covers a range
of services provided by general practitioners, nurses, dentists, pharmacists,
opticians and other healthcare professionals.
Primary outcome The outcome of greatest importance, usually the one in a study that the
power calculation is based on.
Product licence An authorisation from the MHRA to market a medicinal product.
Prognosis A probable course or outcome of a disease. Prognostic factors are patient or
disease characteristics that influence the course. Good prognosis is associated
with low rate of undesirable outcomes; poor prognosis is associated with a
high rate of undesirable outcomes.
Prospective study A study in which people are entered into the research and then followed up
over a period of time with future events recorded as they happen. This
contrasts with studies that are retrospective.
Publication bias Also known as reporting bias. A bias caused by only a subset of all the relevant
data being available. The publication of research can depend on the nature
and direction of the study results. Studies in which an intervention is not
found to be effective are sometimes not published. Because of this,
systematic reviews that fail to include unpublished studies may overestimate
the true effect of an intervention. In addition, a published report might
present a biased set of results (e.g. only outcomes or sub-groups where a
statistically significant difference was found.
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Appendix A: Full appendices in separate
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