APGLI Refund Form (Death Claim)
APGLI Refund Form (Death Claim)
APGLI Refund Form (Death Claim)
4. Name of the Office and the District where the Subscriber was working at the
time of Death
¿RÁLiµyµyLRiV ¿RÁ¬sF¡¹¸¶V©yÉÓÁNTP xms¬s¿Á[zqs©«s NSLSùÌÁ¸R¶Vª«sVV }msLRiV, ÑÁÍýØ }msLRiV
6. Name of the Claimant and his / her Father’s Name Relationship with deceased Policy holder
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(Contd – 2)
Visit Our Website : www.apgli.ap.gov.in
:: 2 ::
Important Note : In case of dispute the claim will be settled in terms of Rule 32 (d) (3) of Andhra Pradesh
Government Life Insurance Fund Rule.
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I do hereby declare that there are no other widow or widows of the deceased or minor sons
and unmarried daughters born of them except those mentioned in this Application. If in future any other
Claimants or minor heirs mentioned in the Application Claim payment of their share in the amount on attaining
majority, I shall be held responsible to repay the amount. I also declare that if in future it is found that any
excess payment was made to me in adversantly, I agree to repay such excess amount.
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It is also certified that the last working days Salary was paid to the Claimant only and the
deceased Subscriber was in Service till death.
The Subscriber obtained a Loan of ________________ against his APGLI Policy and if
any outstanding Loan or Interest is payable, the same can be recovered from the Policy amount.
(Contd – 3)
Designation :
x¤¦Ü[µy M
Note :- 1. The Application should be certified by the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officer only.
gRiª«sV¬sNRP iMc 1. C µR¶LjiÆØxqsVò©«sV xqsLiÊÁLiµ³j¶»R½ Ax¤¦¦¦LRißá ª«sVLji¸R¶VV ÊÁÉØ*²y @µ³j¶NSLji ª«sWú»R½®ªs[V µ³R¶X-dsNRPLjiLi¿RÁª«sÛÍÁ©«sV.
2. If the Subscriber dies with (3) Years of issue of Policy / Policies, the Drawing and Disbursing Officer
shall furnish the details of Leave on Medical Grounds availed for a period of (3) Years (alongwith
attested Xerox Copies of Medical Certificate) proceeding the date of commencement of Policy /
2. ¿RÁLiµyµyLRiV²R¶V FyÌÁ{qs úFyLRiLi˳ÁÏ xmso ¾»½[µj¶ ©«sVLi²T¶ (3) xqsLiª«s»R½=LRiª«sVVÍÜ[mx so ª«sVLRißÓáLiÀÁ©«s¹¸¶V²R¶ÌÁ, Ax¤¦¦¦LRißá ª«sVLji¸R¶ VV ÊÁÉØ*²y @µ³j¶NSLji,
xqsµR¶LRiV ¿RÁLiµyµyLRiV²R¶V FyÌÁ{qs úFyLRiLi˳ÁÏ xmso ¾»½[µj¶NTP ª«sVW²R¶V qx sLiª«s»R½=LRiª«sVVÌÁ NSÌÁª«sVV©«sNRPV \®ªsµR¶ù NSLRiß᪫sVVÌÁ \|ms ªy²R¶VN]¬s©«s |qsÌÁª«so
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3. The following documents also shall be compulsorily enclosed.
Enclosures :
ÇÁ»R½ ¿Á[¸¶R Vª«sÌÁzqs©«s :
(Contd – 4)
Revenue Stamp
lLi®ªs©«sWù ríyLi£ms
$ / $ª«sV¼½ ______________________ @©«sV ®©s[©«sV ÒÁ-s»R½ ÕdÁª«sW aSÅÁ \®²¶lLiNíPR lLi[ÈÁV, \|¤¦¦¦µR¶LSËصR¶V ªyLji ©«sVLi²T¶
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Designation :
x¤¦Ü[µy iM