End Term Exam 2022 - MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
End Term Exam 2022 - MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
End Term Exam 2022 - MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
Seat No.
Karchked Harish
Seat no *
a) Robert Owen
b) Joseph Schumpeter
c) Richard Cantillon
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
d) Gifford Pinchot
a) financial risks,
b) personal risks,
c) psychological risks,
d) all of these
a) Innovative entrepreneur
b) Instigated entrepreneur
c) Initiative entrepreneur
d) Fabian entrepreneur
c) Poor management.
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
_______________ type are entrepreneurs are found in the field of small trading
and manufacturing concerns. *
(1 Point)
a) Trading Entrepreneurs
c) Business Entrepreneurs
d) Innovative Entrepreneurs
a) innovation
c) skill
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
d) creativity
a) True
b) False
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
a. An intrapreneur
b. A corporate entrepreneur
c. A portfolio entrepreneur
b. Persistence
c. Flexibility
d. Self-confidence
a. Technical
b. Fabian
c. Induced
d. Business
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
a. Existing entrepreneurs
a. Possibility
b. Business
c. Opportunity
d. Notion
The term “Entrepreneur” has been derived from the word “enturondre”
which means: *
(1 Point)
a. To give
b. To undertake
c. To choose
d. To decide
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
b. The number of people who are jobless and are actively seeking work.
a. In the dark
b. Bright
c. In difficulty
d. None of these
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
c. Non-departmental officer
d. Departmental officer
SOM2020MO508014_ED_Harish Karchked.pdf
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development
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