End Term Exam 2022 - MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development

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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development

End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006

Entrepreneurship Development

Seat No.

Student Name (Last Name + First Name) *

Karchked Harish

Seat no *


The term intrapreneur was coined by______________ *

(1 Point)

a) Robert Owen

b) Joseph Schumpeter

c) Richard Cantillon

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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development

d) Gifford Pinchot

Which of the following risks is born by the entrepreneur: *

(1 Point)

a) financial risks,

b) personal risks,

c) psychological risks,

d) all of these

Which type of entrepreneurs utilizes a chance to introduce a new technique

or new product? *
(1 Point)

a) Innovative entrepreneur

b) Instigated entrepreneur

c) Initiative entrepreneur

d) Fabian entrepreneur

Which of the following is/are the reason/s for business failure__________ *

(1 Point)

a) Lack of market research.

b) Poor financial control.

c) Poor management.

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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development

d) All of the above.

 _______________ type are entrepreneurs are found in the field of small trading
and manufacturing concerns. *
(1 Point)

a) Trading Entrepreneurs

b) First generation Entrepreneurs

c) Business Entrepreneurs

d) Innovative Entrepreneurs

Which of the following is not a quality of a successful entrepreneur specified

by Mc Clelland? *
(1 Point)

a) He is endowed with unusual creativeness

b) He has a high degree of ambition

c) He is enriched by a high propensity

d) He also has a strong need for achievement.

Knowledge + Skill + Traits = ……………………………….. *

(1 Point)

a) innovation


c) skill
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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development

d) creativity


According to Schumpeter, entrepreneurs would: *

(1 Point)

a) Thrive in the market

b) Not survive and disappear from the market.

c) Get absorbed within larger innovative businesses

d) Get absorbed within non-innovative businesses


Which of these theories involve taking a moderate amount of risk as a

function of skill and not chance? *
(1 Point)

a) Need for achievement

b) Need for affiliation

c) Need for authority

d) Need for independence


An Entrepreneur is different from a manager *

(1 Point)

a) True

b) False

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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development


An entrepreneur who owns more than one business at a time is called

________ *
(1 Point)

a. An intrapreneur

b. A corporate entrepreneur

c. A portfolio entrepreneur

d. None of the above


What is the hallmark of a successful entrepreneur? *

(1 Point)

a. Risk bearing capacity

b. Persistence

c. Flexibility

d. Self-confidence


Entrepreneurs are extremely task oriented. *

(1 Point)

a. Technical

b. Fabian

c. Induced

d. Business

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3/14/22, 12:34 PM End Term Exam 2022: MCAGC3006 Entrepreneurship Development


EDP (Entrepreneurship Development Programs) is required to

help_____________ *
(1 Point)

a. Existing entrepreneurs

b. First generation entrepreneurs

c. Future generation entrepreneurs

d. None of the above


What can be defined as an attractive project idea which an entrepreneur

accepts as a basis for his investment decision? *
(1 Point)

a. Possibility

b. Business

c. Opportunity

d. Notion


The term “Entrepreneur” has been derived from the word “enturondre”
which means: *
(1 Point)

a. To give

b. To undertake

c. To choose

d. To decide

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IFCI stands for_____________. *

(1 Point)

a. Industrial finance corporation of India.

b. Institutional finance corporation of India.

c. Industrial funding corporation of India.

d. Indian finance corporation and institution.


Which one of the following describes unemployment? *

(1 Point)

a. The number of people who voluntarily choose not to work.

b. The number of people who are jobless and are actively seeking work.

c. The number of people who are not actively seeking work.

d. The number of people actively seeking work who find work.


The future of entrepreneurship in India is_________ *

(1 Point)

a. In the dark

b. Bright

c. In difficulty

d. None of these

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DIC is headed by General Manager in the rank of ___________. *

(1 Point)

a. Joint Director of industries

b. Assistant Director of industries

c. Non-departmental officer

d. Departmental officer

Section II & III


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