In The 1960s and 1970s Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson Invented Unix

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1. In the 1960s and 1970s Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson invented Unix

2. UNIX is Freeware
3. It is Open Source Software
4. It is Multi User Operating System
5. It is Multi Tasking Operating System
6. UNIX is an Operating System created in 1960’s
7. It is more secure than windows operating systems.
10. Various flavours of Unix are Ubuntu, Redhat, CentOS, Fedora, Slackware, Open Solaries,
Kali, Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Open Suse
11. To check how many flavours in UNIX are their till now goto website
12. mkdir dir{1..50} creates 50 folders
13. touch dir{1..50}/file{1..100} creates 100 files in all 50 folders
14. COMPONENTS OF UNIX: There are 2 components of UNIX. First Component is Shell and
Second Component in Kernel.
15. Shell is the Outer Layer of Unix Operating System.
16. Shell reads the command given by the user.
17. Shell will check whether it is valid command or not.
18. Shell will check whether command is properly used or not.
19. If everything is proper, then shell interprets/converts that command into kernel
understandable form.
20. Shell acts as interface between user and kernel.
21. Kernel is the core component of Unix Operating System.
22. Kernel is responsible to execute our commands with the help of hardware components.
23. Memory allocation and Processor allocation is taken care by Kernel.
24. It acts as interface between Shell and Hardware component.

25. date command is used to display the system date

26. cal command is used to display the calendar
27. We can execute multiple commands in a single file called as script or shell script.
28. touch command is used to create a file.
29. To execute multiple commands we use script called as Shell Script.
30. To start script commands we use gedit command
31. To execute shell script files we use ./
32. Normal user == $ prompt
33. Super user/root user/admin user== # prompt
34. whoami command executes who is the user
35. exit command will exits from the current user
36. sudo -I command is used to switch to superuser
37. Online UNIX Terminal === (Java Script based UNIX)
38. pwd== print working directory
39. ls== list out all files and directories
40. mkdir== To make or create a directory
41. cd== change directory
42. touch== to create an empty file
43. rmdir== to remove a directory
44. rm== to remove a file permanently
45. cal== to display current month calendar
46. date== to display current month date and time
47. help== to display available commands
48. clear== to clear the terminal
49. exit== to logout session
50. hello== to display brief system information
51. user home directory for anurag=== /home/Anurag
52. UNIX is not case sensitive
53. File system navigation commands are:
54. cd .. command executes present working directories by moving backwards to the parent
55. To display the hidden files and hidden directories we use the command ls -a, -a means all
56. .== represents current directory
57. ..== represents parent directory



61. To go to user home directory $ cd ~ is used to go to user home directory

62. cd command without any argument gives the same result as cd ~

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