Alergi Makanan - DR Endah
Alergi Makanan - DR Endah
Alergi Makanan - DR Endah
Mixed IgE
IgE- Cell mediated-
When the cell component of
mediated mediated the immune system is cell
Mediated by antibodies responsible of the food allergy
and mostly involve the
belonging to the
Immunoglobulin E (IgE). The gastrointestinal tract
best-characterized food allergy When both IgE and immune
Hours – days after ingestion
reactions cells are involved in the
Food protein induced reaction
<1 hour after ingestion enteropathy: diarrhea, mild to
EGIDS (Eosinophilic
Skin: Urticaria, angioedema moderate steatorrhea (80% of
Gastrointestinal Disorders):
cases) & poor weight gain
GIT: Vomiting, diarrhea, colic eosinophilic esophagitis,
Proctocolitis: rectal bleeding, gastritis, gastroenteritis, colitis
Respiratory manifestations well & thriving infants
(asthma or allergic rhinitis): Acute flare-up of atopic
infrequent, especially as Food protein-induced eczema
isolated symptoms enterocolitis syndrome
(FPIES): immediate-onset,
Most severe form: anaphylaxis repeated vomiting episodes,
sometimes leading to
How to define food allergy severity
Severe food allergy: abnormal immune response to a certain food in a
susceptible host, causing life-threatening clinical syndromes to the
• The definition differs
• Depends on the mechanism: IgE-mediated vs Non-IgE-mediated
Allergy, 2018;73:1792–1800
Classification of severities according to clinical symptoms – Japan
Life threatening
Arch. Dis. Child. 2007;92;902-908
Impact of food allergy
Feeding difficulties in children with non-IgE-mediated food allergic
gastrointestinal disorders
food allergy
Social & Economic Social Daily
Impact Activities Activities
Mental Economic
Health impact
• Parental • Direct cost
emotions • Opportunity
• Child's lost
Clinical Examination
- Clinical Findings
- Atopic Family (Risk factor)
Clinical Examination
- Clinical Findings
- Atopic Family (Risk factor)
• Moderate-severe AD nonresponsive to topical treatment
• Exacerbation of AD after exposure to certain food
Case #1: A, 4-month-old
male infant
• Exclusively breastfed infant. Develop
atopic dermatitis at 4 months of age.
• Give emollient and topical corticosteroid
• Should we suggest mother to avoid food
from her diet? Which one?
Advice the mother to strictly avoid cow’s milk in her diet and
stop the cow’s milk formula
Case - continued
• The mother decided to continue to give her child formula because
she feels her breastmilk is not sufficient since she started to work.
What is your choice?
BIrth 3 mo
A CM-based formula was used to
Her weight percentile was decrease (P50 → P15) instead of
supplement breast-feeding and over a
improvement of symptoms, weight for length ↓to > -2SD
2-week period, the patient developed
frequent episodes of vomiting, poor • Change to amino acid formula
weight gain, and small specks of blood
in her stools
• Weight for length ↑ to >-1SD
Soy-based formula was substituted but
was discontinued in 2 days because of • Plan to solid food (avoid cow’s milk & soy)
continued vomiting. • Re-challenge after 6-9 months of avoidance
Exclusively breast-fed