I.N Touch - 2022 - Last Final
I.N Touch - 2022 - Last Final
I.N Touch - 2022 - Last Final
From the Board
W e hope everyone has been staying safe and healthy in these turbulent times! As a
Board, we have also been reflecting on our organization and how large we have
grown throughout the years and how our challenges we face today are so vastly different from
when the organization was just a handful of people.
A lthough our weekly online meetings are filled with complex issues such as our logo
trademark, protecting the program, copyright issues, challenges faced by chapters and
our upcoming online General Assembly, etc., we have also tried to keep things simple, which
is not always an easy task. However, one thing is for sure, we are stronger together!
W e would like to thank our "behind the scenes" staff, Sofia Martins Santos (Financial
Officer), Sylvia Lindgren (International Office), Anis Aidoudi (webmaster) and Agneta
Jamtoft (accountant) again for their hard work and to the entire IAIM community for keeping
Vimala's vision alive. In the meantime, we look forward to welcoming all of you at the General
Assembly in October, so please save your dates!
Margo Kilborn
IAIM International President -
On behalf of the IAIM International Board
T he fact that physical contact is vital for newborns and children is gradually gaining acceptance in
large parts of society and worldwide. But as natural as this insight seems to us today, it's been a
really long road to get here. Just 60 years ago, it was believed that newborns and children generally
needed food and hygienic conditions in order to develop well. However, newer study data and the
reactivation of almost forgotten findings, for example by R. Spitz and H. Harlow, have positively
changed the perspective on the spectrum of needs of the child.
A nd because young and inexperienced parents often do not organize their physical communication
with their child intuitively, it is of the greatest value that the International Association of Infant
Massage offers these diverse and practical advisory services today. And even experienced parents,
but also scientists, are amazed about the empirically tested touch methods that Instructors in the field
of Infant Massage discover, develop and patiently pass on.
For all those who have recognized that appropriate body touch is a key food for the child, the work of
the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) is an important source of inspiration and
professional information today and tomorrow.
F or the Association I am wishing continued attention and every success in its important work in
the years to come.
“I have been an Infant Massage Instructor “I loved the attention to the history of infant
for 6 years. The training process was massage and the research that supports it. This
wonderful, it exceeded my expectations, which additional information has added to my desire to
were very high to begin with! I had been very be the best instructor possible as I realise how this
hopeful to be trained for several years, but the work impacts the loves of infants and the
opportunity had not presented itself! It was a community around them.”
holistic learning experience as an individual, as a
professional, as a mother, as a woman and as a
human being. Having the opportunity to provide so
much support to parents allows us to value the
process throughout each detail. It is a great
commitment and a great responsibility, but “Thank you so much to share your passion,
without a doubt it has provided me with experience, and knowledge with us in this training.
insurmountable gratification. It’s really inspiring. I’m so lucky to be in your class.
When I first trained, my daughter was 2 years old. I Staying passionate for so many years is not an
immediately began to put the new knowledge into easy thing. You’re definitely a role model to us.“
practice. We both enjoyed it very much. Then I had
my son, who was able to enjoy the positive and
nurturing touch as soon as he was born. I
benefited from infant massage, not only as a
mother, but also as an instructor, because at 3
months I started leading training with my own
baby as a model. It was a wonderful experience! "I have been a health professional for
Currently the positive touch is always present in more than 30 years and have attended many
our lives, adapted to their individual needs. My two different courses and trainings. The IAIM
children, now eight and three years old, ask me for Instructor’s training was one of, if not the best
their massages! training I ever attended. Our Trainer was not only
With the pandemic we live in a time where we very knowledgeable about the subject, which is to
have learned to adapt to changes, teach online, be expected, but also extremely approachable. She
and little by little resume face-to-face classes. I welcomed questions and answered them
feel that all instructors have played a very professionally. My biggest surprise was how much
important role in this global health situation. I enjoyed the fact that she used no technology. I
Families, more than ever, need to be listened to, am accustomed to PowerPoint and at first was
cared for with love, respect and empathy. They disappointed when I realized that she would not be
need to be accompanied in this wonderful world of using that teaching methodology. She told us that
parenting, which is undoubtedly a roller coaster of instead, the walls would be covered in pictures.
emotions, but it is the best experience we can have Which, by the end of the 4 days, I had counted 71
in life! pictures. We were all able to go back, look at them
Being an Infant Massage Instructor has opened again, and remember what was discussed during
countless doors for me, it has made me grow in a these 4 days. It was not just a minute of looking at
number of ways. Most importantly, it has allowed a picture, but 4 days! I would like to see the IAIM
me to do my share to make the world a better training being taught to medical professionals
place! I am extremely proud of what we do and when they are students, so they leave their
completely in love with Infant Massage!” education with this knowledge and
“In my very first Infant Massage Class for " In my permanent search to keep
international Certification we shared lovely updated and prepared to always offer the best
experiences. One family from Ukraine joined in to my patients and their families, I had the chance
after they needed to leave their beloved country to make the certification of Infant Massage of IAIM
due to the current situation in 2022. It was of great in Mexico.
support to receive the parent’s handouts in This has been one of the best certifications ever
Russian language from my Trainer. The mother because of the good preparation of the trainers !
was not only grateful and happy to learn the They had all the answers to our questions and I felt
massage, but to spend special time with her baby, very accompanied during the training.
as she is a mother of two, but also to learn and to During the days the training took place we became
be with a group of parents together. Non-verbal a wonderful group with a wonderful fellowship .
communication and the mix of languages was The methodology and the way they thought us to
absolutely inspiring for the whole group, all were apply it has brought many satisfactions to me and
so open-hearted and -minded, a very special all the families I have thought and has confirmed
experience right from the start being IAIM all the many benefits of Infant Massage. I am
Infant Massage Instructor.” very grateful and recommend this
certification widely .“
Vi ma la
She played ONE
No more bubbles in the tum
With a knick knack pat the back
Give the world a tone
We can all massage at home
Vi ma la
She played TWO
Yes or No, I give my cue
With a knick knack pat the back
Give the world a tone
We can all massage at home
Vi ma la
She played THREE
She helps mommy listen to me
With a knick knack pat the back
Give the world a tone
We can all massage at home
Vi ma la
She played FOUR
Wake up world so I grow more
With a knick knack pat the back
Give the world a tone
We can all massage at home
Vi ma la
She played FIVE
She helps Daddy see me thrive
With a knick knack pat the back
Give the world a tone
We can all massage at home
T he Coronavirus pandemic
unprecedented challenges. Families with