Linet Auma Project

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I dedicate this Research Proposal to my parents and the rest of the family at large.
God bless

I wish to acknowledge the Almighty God for the good health and enabling me to go through my
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Also I wish to appreciate my lecturer who played a crucial role in guiding me until I completed
this Research proposal, I thank all my classmates/friends for their contribution and support.
God bless

Table of Contents




CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................................................................1

1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the Study.................................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem................................................................................................................2

1.3 Research Questions..........................................................................................................................2

1.4 Objectives of the Study....................................................................................................................2

1.4.1 Main Objective..............................................................................................................................2

1.4.2 Specific Objectives........................................................................................................................2

1.5 Hypothesis........................................................................................................................................3

1.6 Scope of the Study............................................................................................................................3

1.7 Significance of the Study.................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO...................................................................................................................................4

LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................................................4

2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................4

2.2 Advertising.......................................................................................................................................5

2.3 Sales................................................................................................................................................10

2.4 Sales Performance.........................................................................................................................10

2.5 Relationship between Advertising and Sales Performance.........................................................11

2.6 Conceptual Frame Work...............................................................................................................13

CHAPTER THREE.............................................................................................................................14

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................14

3.1 Research Approach.......................................................................................................................14

3.2 Research Design.............................................................................................................................14

3.3 Population of the Study.................................................................................................................15

3.4 Sampling Technique and Size.......................................................................................................15

3.5 Data Source and Collection Instrument.......................................................................................15

3.6 Reliability and Validity.................................................................................................................16

3.7 Data Analysis Method...................................................................................................................16


This study will be conducted so as to demonstrate the effects of advertising on the sales

performance of African Cuisine, A case study of Kamande Restaurant, Kiganjo Thika. The

general objective of the study will be to find out whether advertisement has any significant

effect on the sales performance of African Cuisine. From the general objective, two specific

objectives are explored. The study will be conducted based on the data collected from workers

and management personnel of Kamande Restaurant through structured questionnaires. Random

sampling method will be employed to draw sample from the population. Descriptive statistics

will be used to measure the five likert scale type data. The response of the questionnaire shows

that the company uses different forms of advertising like Television, Posters, Newspapers,

Magazines, Bill boards, Brochures, Stickers and Radio. The study shows that the broadcasting

media has a better effect on the company for the sales performance. The paper will suggest the

measures to be taken for a better sales performance in the company in selecting the best

advertising, the best media and the preferred channels.

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The business world is very competitive and each business must seek ways of getting that extra

edge. To succeed, business and its products must be put before prospective buyers because they

are not going to be looking around to find one’s business. It is therefore all about putting the

business forward and telling them who you are, where you are and what you can do for them.

The argument to advertise seems to be a part of human nature evidenced since ancient times.

One of the earliest means of advertising was the use of signs. Early crafts men use designs to

advertise their good send some traders like the Phoenicians planted commercial messages on

prominent rocks. They were among the forerunners of modern day advertising (Keller,2018).

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or

services by an identified sponsor (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). There are various forms of

advertising like informative advertising, persuasive advertising, comparison advertising, and

reminder advertising. Informative advertising is used to inform consumers about a new product,

service or future or build primary demand. It describes available products and services, corrects

false impressions and builds the image of the company, (Kotler, 2010).Advertising can be done

through print media which includes newspapers ,magazines ,brochures ,Audio media for

example Radio, and visual media which includes billboards, and television (Kotler and

Armstrong 2010).

Advertising became a big business, offering many different jobs in advertising agencies and the

marketing section. The use of the media, like newspapers, television, direct mail, radio,

magazines, outdoor signs and of course the Internet made this growth possible.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Marketing problems often have far reaching effects on any business and if neglected can cause a

great threat to the continued existence of the business, especially in the area of advertising as an

aspect of corporate communication. (Giles, 2017).

In the light of the above statement, examining the effect of advertising on the sales performance

of a product, using Kamande Restaurant, Kiganjo Thika as a case is therefore a significant

undertaking. The market is such that consumer tastes are increasingly differentiated and

maintenance of high product quality in the face of rising cost of essential factors is needed.

The market is also characterized by a multiplicity of advertisements. Advertising of various

competing brands in the major visual media segments is increasing very rapidly and consumers

are now more knowledgeable.

The research effort geared toward examining how Kamande Restaurant coped with both a

competitive and dynamic market setting, though the company is doing many things to maintain

its leadership role in the industry. Despite its efforts in advertising the sales of Kamande

Restaurant had not improved to the desired targets.

1.3 Research Questions

i.)What are the forms of advertising used by Kamande restaurant?

ii.)What is the effect of advertising on the sales performance in Kamande restaurant?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 Main Objective
The main objective of this study will be to find out whether advertisement has any significant

effect on the sales performance of African cuisine, a case study of Kamande restaurant.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

i.To determine the types of advertising that is used by Kamande restaurant.

ii.To determine the effect of advertising on the sales performance in Kamande restaurant.

1.5 Hypothesis
The following hypotheses are formulated for testing:

Ho: There is no significant effect of the print media on the sales performance

There is significant effect of the print media on the sales performance

H1: There is no significant effect of the broadcast media on the sales performance

There is significant effect of broadcast media on the sales performance

1.6 Scope of the Study

Content scope

The study will cover advertising as the independent variable and sales performance as the

dependent variable.

Geographical scope

The study will be centered at the Kamande restaurant in Kiganjo, Kiambu County because it is

where marketing plan is carried out, and it has large sales volume.

Time scope

The study will look at four financial years back that is 2018 to 2021.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The research is hoping to enlighten the business on how to improve its advertising strategy by

providing it with appropriate procedures, so as to avoid failure and bring about an increase in its

profitability. The findings will help the studied firm and other businesses to appreciate the need

of advertising, especially the consumer and marketing research, in order to meet the consumer

needs and become competitive. The research will inform the general public about the relevance

and significance of advertisement in the survival of business organizations.

For those who want to research further, the study shall serve as a reference point.

2.1 Introduction
The practice of advertising is as old as man. According to Keller (2015), the urge to advertise

seems to be a part of human nature evidenced since ancient times. One of the earliest means of

advertising was the use of signs. Early craftsmen used signs to advertise their wares and some

traders like the Phoenicians planted commercial messages on prominent rocks. They were among

the forerunners of modern day advertising.

However, excavations at Pompey reveal that each little shop had an inscription on the wall next

to the entrance to tell the passerby whether the shop was the place to buy bread, drinks or other


A significant event in the development of advertising was the invention of a system of casting

moveable type by the German, Johannes Guterberg in 1938. The event revolutionized

communication methods for the whole world. (Keller 2015)

William Catton, an early printer made advertising history in 1478 when he printed a handbill,

regarded as the first printed English advert. In the handbill there was the advertisement of his

book called “SALISBURY PYE”, handbook of ruler for the guideline of the clergy at Easter.

(McHugh, 2000, 451)

According to the American Marketing Association, quoted by Kotler P, Pfoetsch Wet al(2016)

marketing can be defined as “ an organization function and a set of processes for creating,

communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in

ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders”. The marketing mix is defined as “The

specific combination of marketing elements used to achieve objectives and satisfy the target

markets. It encompasses decisions regarding four variables: product, distribution, promotion, and

price”Evans J, Berman B et al (2017).

2.2 Advertising
As is generally known that the role played by advertising is increasing the sales volume of any

company’s product at any point in time cannot be overemphasized. As a matter of reality, it has

contributed immensely to increasing growth of many companies in various industries. This is

because it goes a long way in placing positive image about the companies’ products in the mind

of potential consumers; this can also influence their buying behavior.

In a study of the consumer view of advertising carried out in 1974 by the American Association

of Advertising Agencies, more than half of the respondent described advertising as a channel of

information from the manufacturer to consumer, some said it is manipulated, propaganda, and


Many scholars, professional bodies and associations and various authors have given diverse

definitions of advertising. However, it is noteworthy that each definition is unique on its own,

thus, we can say advertising is a complex field.

Longman (2016) says “advertising is an act of telling people publicly about a product or service

in order to persuade them to buy it.

Alonge (2015) feels that advertising can be defined as any paid form of non-personal

communication which is directed to the consumers or target audiences through various media in

order to prevent and promote product, services and idea.

This means that advertising is branch of commerce which used to create awareness for particular

product and it must be paid for. Advertising informs, educates and persuade people to buy the

advertised goods or services.

Gillian (2016) views it as “means of drawing someone’s attention to something or notifying or

informing somebody of something”.

Components of Advertising

The word advertising originates from a Latin word advertise, which means to turn to. The

dictionary meaning of the term is “to give public notice or to announce publicly”. Advertising

may be defined as the process of buying sponsor -identified media space or time in order to

promote a product or an idea (Bennet, 2015).

The American Marketing Association defines advertising as “any paid form of non-personal

presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor. Advertising is

non-personal as it is not directed to any single individual. Secondly, the sponsor i.e. the

manufacturer or producer is identified as his name and address is always contained in an

advertisement and he also bears all the cost involved in the process. Thirdly, the producer can

also promote an idea regarding quality, design, packing and pricing, etc. of any product or

service Thus, we can say, advertising consists of all activities involved in presenting a sponsored

message regarding a product, service or an idea. The following is a figure of a model of


Features of Advertising

By looking into the meaning and definition of advertising from different authors, we can sum up

the following features of advertising. Non-personal presentation of message in advertising there

is no face-to-face or direct contact with the customers. It is directed to the prospective buyers in


Kotler, (2016) says that paid form of communication-In advertising the manufacturer

communicates with prospective customers through different media like, newspapers, hoardings,

magazines, radio, television, etc. He has to pay certain amount for using some space or time in

those media. Promotion of product, service or idea Advertisement contains any message

regarding any particular product, service or even an idea.

Objectives of Advertisement

The main purpose of advertising is to communicate massage or information to the customers.

But while communicating such message or information it also serves beneficial purposes for the

sponsor or advertiser. Advertising is the promotion of a company's products and services carried

out primarily to drive up sales of the products and services (Richardson, 2014).It is also done to

build a brand identity and communicate changes in old products or introduce new

product/services to the customers.

Characteristics of Advertisement

There are three broad dimensions that characterize great advertisements Strategy, creativity, and

execution. Every great advertisement is strategically sound. In other words, it is carefully

directed to a certain audience, it is driven by specific objects, its message is crafted to speak to

that audience's most important concerns, and it is run in media that will most effectively reach

that audience. The measure of an advertisement's success is how well it achieves its goals,

whether they are increased sales, memo ability, attitude change or brand awareness (Hawkins,


The creative concept is a central idea that gets the attention and prevails in the consumer's

mindset. A concern of creative thinking drives the entire field of advertising. Planning the

strategy calls for creative problem solving, research efforts are creative; the buying and placing

of the advertisements in the media (newspapers/television) are creative. Good advertisers know

that how a message is conveyed is just as important as what is being said in the advertisement

(Blackwell, 2015).

What is said comes from the strategy; whereas how the message is conveyed is a product of

creativity and execution. Thus, great advertisements are those that are strategically sound, have

an original creative concept, use exactly the right execution for the message.

Print Advertising: (Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fliers, Print media) has always

been a popular advertising option. Advertising products via newspapers or magazines is a

common practice. In addition to this, the print media also offers options like promotional

brochures and fliers for advertising purposes. Often, newspapers and magazines sell the

advertising space according to the area occupied by the advertisement, the position of the

advertisement in the publication (front page/middle page, above/below the fold), as well as the

readership of the publications. For instance, an advertisement in a relatively new and less popular

newspaper will cost far less than an advertisement in an established newspaper that has a high

readership. The price of print adverts may also depend on quality of the paper and the

supplement in which they appear.

Outdoor Advertising: (Billboards, Kiosks) it makes use of several tools and techniques to

attract the customers outdoors. The most common examples of outdoor advertising are

billboards, kiosks, organized by the company. Billboard advertising is very popular. However it

has to be really terse and catchy in order to grab the attention of the passersby.

Kiosks not only provide an easy outlet for the company's products but also make for an effective

advertising tool to promote the company's products.

Broadcast Advertising: (Television, Radio and the Internet Broadcast advertising) is a very

popular advertising medium that constitutes several branches like television, radio or the

Internet. Television advertisements have been very popular ever since they were introduced. The

cost of television advertising often depends on the duration of the advertisement, the time of

broadcast (prime time/lull time), sometimes the show on which it will be broadcast, and of

course, the popularity of the television channel itself. The radio might have lost its charm owing

to new age media.

However it remains the choice of small-scale advertisers. Radio jingles have been very a popular

advertising medium and have a large impact on the audience, which is evident in the fact that

many people still remember and enjoy old popular radio jingles.

Covert Advertising:(Advertising in Movies) Covert advertising is a unique kind of advertising

in which a product or a particular brand is incorporated in some entertainment and media

channels like movies, television shows or even sports. There is no commercial advertising as

such in the entertainment but the brand or the product is subtly (or sometimes evidently)

showcased in the entertainment show.

2.3 Sales
According to stein (2016) it is believed that the right sales approach consists of sales training that

supports a company’s sales methodology and related processes.

Designing or adopting sales methodology is critical, without this methodology in place, training

is a tactical attempt to a larger problem. The selling methodology must be developed based on

the company’s unique situation in their market, their customers , how the customers buy ,the

complexity and price levels of the products and services the company offers ,competitive

pressures , reporting requirements ,the participation partners and the skill level of their current

sales people (stein 2016).

In the past years some organizations have found that their sales process are becoming more

challenging while the performance of some of their sales professional who were past stars are

deteriorated. Selling complex products and services, versus selling commodities has always been

more difficult and sales professionals must have different skill sets (Stein, 2016).

2.4 Sales Performance
Sales in business terms are the actual sales in money values, a business receives after necessary

collections are made from different sales channels of the original total production put on the

market (Mc Cathy et al, 2014) .it is sales that stimulate production in a company and

consequently profits which are affected by various factors some of which are controllable like

quality and others are uncontrollable like competition and general price changes.

Sales performance is an integrated frame work that enables organizations to plan and model sales

strategies and ensure timely execution of sales initiatives while ensuring both front line sales

people and decisions-markers have visibility into performance . Sales performance represents the

next generation of best practices for sales. (Michael D, 2016).

Sales performance also refers to the total amount of firm’s output sold to the market especially

on monthly or annually basis .this is affected by many factors including customer relationship,

marketing management of the firm and sales force skills and motivation and even the pricing of

the goods and services (Amanda D.H 2016)

Sales revenue is the total amount of money that the firm gets from the sale of all its goods and

services in a given period of time. This is usually six months or a year if a firm produced only

one product or service, the sales revenue will be the price of the product multiplied by the

number of products sold. In the case of more than one product or service the revenue from each

needs to be added together (wood, 2016).

The figure for sales revenue in profit and loss account does not necessarily mean that the firm

has received all the money because although they may have sold that quantity of the product,

they may still be owed some of the money as debtors )Baker 2016).

Sales performance refers to consistent and satisfactory turnover of goods and services produced

and put on the market by an organization or company. It is the sole economic goal of companies

to have as much goods sold on the market. This facilitates the rate of goods turn over and

consequently revenue and increased production.

2.5 Relationship between Advertising and Sales Performance

The essence of advertising is to increase sales revenue hence improving sales performance.

(David et al 2018). Advertising combines with a host of other influences to determine what

contribution advertising makes to the buyer’s purchase decision. The retailer john Wanamaker is

said to have remarked that he knew that only half of his advertising was effective but he was

unable to know which half it was.

It is through advertising or other forms of promotion that brands in different market segments

can effectively tell people in the market that a product is intended specially for them. Engel

2019, mc Gann and Russell, 2018).

The significance of advertising is to let customers know that an established brand is still around

and it has certain characteristics, uses and benefits. (Pride et al 2019). Effective advertising can

increase sales of advertisers products, and by so doing increase their profits. Advertising

provides consumers and other prospects with information about different products that are

available to them. This enables consumers to compare and choose between the products and

encourages competition. Competition encourages companies to be more price and quality

conscious so as to retain customers and clients (Cambridge international college training manual,


The decision to advertise implies a decision to compete in a new and aggressive way with in the

market. This means the provider will no longer rely too solely upon personal sales man ship to

gain distribution. Instead he implies his readiness to and intention of speaking directly to

consumers in abroad countries. The decision to advertise also helps the marketer to expand his

share in the market. Advertisement helps in development and expansion of the market and the

consumer acceptance of the product.

Dunn 2018 points out that the market needs and conditions are changing; therefore there is need

for creativity in selling. This will show the company what to produce so as to satisfy the needs of

the users. When companies produce such a commodity and they advertise, there is an automatic

high response in consumption. Thus showing the relationship between advertising and sales


Pride F et al (2019) observes that advertising often stimulates demand thus stimulating sales. For

advertising to have a direct relationship with sales revenue, the entire market mix must be

viewed by the customer as the right one. (Engel et al 1991, McCathy and Perveault, 2018).

Gordon (2016) states that companies advertise in order to compete in a new and aggressive way

with in the marker, to increase their market share through increased customer, utilize the low

cost way of teaching customers to create marketing approaches.

David et al (2018) recognizes that many scholars have heard different views on the effect of

advertising on sales performance .however most of them agree that effective advertising will

eventually increase revenue.

Jefikins (2017) has stated that in a competitive society there is not only competition between

rival advertisers but choice between their rival products and services. Also people forget very

easily and therefore the biggest advertiser in the world will get bankrupt very easily if he stopped


2.6 Conceptual Frame Work

Independent Dependent

ADVERTISING Sales performance

Print media
 Number of customers
 News papers
 New customers engaged.
 Magazines
 Billboards Financial statements

Broadcast media  Sales

 Advertising budget
 Radio
 Television Products and services
 Products and services

3.1 Research Approach
In this study, quantitative approach will be preferred to utilize. Quantitative research helps to

generalize the evidence found in the sample of a given population in order to understand a

certain phenomenon. It provides a wide range of different age groups, indicates the extensiveness

of attitudes held by participants, and provides results which can be condensed to statistics.

Finally, it is considered the most suitable method to answer the kind of questions that have

already been established by theory that can operationalize the main variables of this research.

3.2 Research Design

A descriptive survey design will be utilized for the study. This design usually enables researchers

to investigate current practices, conditions, processes, trends, effects, etc under a study (Singu,

2015). Similarly, Creswell (2014) states that descriptive survey inquiry helps to gather data at a

particular point with the intention of describing the entire nature of the existing conditions in

generalizing from sample to population. Consequently, in describing the effects of the

advertising on sales performance in the study area, descriptive survey design will be found to be

relevant and appropriate.

3.3 Population of the Study

According to Adams (2017), population consists of any well-defined set of elements. The

population of this research will be found from the data base of Kamande Restaurant,Kiganjo

Thika, is composed of restaurant employees , marketing department where the total number of

population is 11 and customers buying the restaurant’s product living in Thika.

3.4 Sampling Technique and Size

Random sampling technique will be used to this research to collect unbiased information from

Marketing department staff and customers since the target population is supposed to be

homogeneous. This will enable to the researcher to collect normally distributed unbiased data.

From the total population of 400, the total sample size is identified using Taro (1967)as cited in

shewamen (2014) statistical formula with 95% confidence level and 5% error. Hence, the total

sample size will be 200 and the same population classifies the study for each process.


N= total population size= 400

n=sample size=200

e= sampling error = 0.05

3.5 Data Source and Collection Instrument

Both primary and secondary data sources will be used for the study. The primary data sources

will be sampled customers and staffs of Kamande Restaurant. The data will be collected through

questionnaires. Questionnaires will be developed for the selected costumers and marketing staffs.

Structured questionnaires will be given to each customers and marketing stuff. The major

secondary data source will be articles, journals, reports, websites… which will be cited for the

reviewing related literatures.

The questionnaire will be developed to collect significant information relating to effects of

advertising on sales performance of African cuisine, a case study of Kamande Restaurant.

Finally, a structured questionnaire with 43 questions will be prepared on four different categories

of variables. The survey will be conducted by a five-point Likert scale which will be developed

ranging from1; “Strongly disagree”, 3; “neither agree nor disagree” and finally to 5; “Strongly


3.6 Reliability and Validity

To measure the consistency of the Questionnaire, the reliability analysis will be done using

Cronbach’s Alpha (α), the most common measure of scale reliability test. The value for

Cronbach’s Alpha (α) was 0.821 for all variables which exceed 0.70 the accepted value for

Cronbach's Alpha (Field, 2009; Cohen and Sayag, 2010). In short nut, the responses generated

for all of the variables used in this research will be reliable enough for data analysis.

Validity is achieved when the methodology and research data that is shown in the survey is

accurate and true. Wainer and Braun (1998) describe the validity in quantitative research as

“construct validity”. The construct is the initial concept, notion, question or hypothesis that

determines which data is to be gathered and how it is to be gathered. They also assert that

quantitative researchers actively cause or affect the interplay between construct and data in

order to validate their investigation, usually by the application of a test or other process.

3.7 Data Analysis Method

Descriptive analysis will be used to analyze Likert scale type data. According to,

(2005) descriptive statistical procedures allow researchers to describe groups of individuals and

events, examine the relationships between different variables, and examine and generalize results

obtained from a sample back to the population from which the sample was drawn. Furthermore,

descriptive statistics of frequency tables will be used to describe the data collected in research

studies and to accurately characterize the variables under observation within a specific sample.

The analysis was done with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20 will be

employed. The responses in the questionnaire will be coded into common themes to facilitate

analysis. Data will be presented in descriptive form supported by tables, frequency distributions,

graphs and percentages.

The five-point Likert-scale questionnaires will be analyzed by determining the cut-off value of

the points. The Problems with mean score of greater than 3.5 will be considered most important

in the sales performance activities of the firms; mean scores between 2.5 and 3.5 will be

considered as moderately important and problems with mean score lower than 2.5 were

considered as low degree of importance.

Keller, P. K. (2005). Marketing Management. Printice Hall Private Limited.

Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2010), Principles of Marketing (12th edition). Prentice Hall of

Ferguson, J. (2003). Advertising and competition. Chicago: Printice Hall International.

Hawkins, D. (2002). Consumer behavior: Building Marketing Strategy. New Delhi:

Printice Hall of India.

Giles, 1997, Successful Marketing Technique Approach, Mac-donald and Evans Ltd.

Alonge, 2001 Essentials of Commerce for Secondary School, Advertising, Tonad publishing
Limited,Ikeja Lagos.

Baker Jim, 26-27 November 2001, ―Corporate Social Responsibility and Economic
Development”, OECD Global Forum International Investment, New Horizons and Policy
Challenges for Foreign Direct Investment inthe 21st Century.

Stein, D. S. (2006) The Politics of the Economics of Advertising, Journal of Advertising

Research Foundation

Pride, F et all (1989); marketing concept and strategies (sixth edition) Boston Houghton miffing

McCarthy, J.J, (1994), Prosodic morphology I: Constraint interaction and satisfaction cited by
2400 - Related articles

David, M (1988) Human resource management practice, ( 7th edition) .London kogan.
Jefkins, F (1990); Introduction toMarketing, Advertising and Public Relations (third edition)
Macmillan education ltd

Creswell, J.W., (1994). Research Design: Qualitative & Quantitative Methods.


Questionnaire to be filled by Customers and Staff of Kamande Restaurant

Dear sir / madam,

I am a student at Thika Technical Training Institute carrying out a research on the effect
of advertising on sales performance of African Cuisine (Traditional food)as part of the
requirement for the fulfillment of a diploma in sales and marketing. I therefore humbly
request you to spare some of your time and fill in this questionnaire. Please be assured
that all information you give here will be strictly for academic purposes and will be
treated with great confidentiality. Thank you for your time.


Section A Respondent Profile (please tick accordingly)

1. 1. Gender

Male Female

2. Status





3. Age of respondent

20 – 25 years old

26 – 30 years old

31 – 35 years old

Above 36 years old

4. Period of service (please tick accordingly)

Under 1 year

1 – 2 years

2 – 3 years

3 – 4 years

5. In your own view what is the effect of advertising on sales perfomance? (Please tick one)

High Average Low

6. How likely are you to be holding your job in the next two years?

Very possible


Not at all

7. Do you know of any staff member in this department who has left employment in the last

two year?

Yes No

b) If yes please indicate the most likely reason

Other job


Lack of job satisfaction

Others , specify ________________________________________________

8. How is the department of marketing affect sale perfomance?


9. In your views what do you think is the main reason(s) for marketing?

10. What are the implications of improved sales performance on:

a. The remaining employees

b. The organization at large

11. In general how do you rate Kamande Restaurant as an employee/staff?

Very good




12. How do you think the sale performance rate can be controlled in marketing department?


13. What are some of the factors which may influence you to decide to keep a job?


14. Do you think advertising play an important role in sales perfomance?

Yes ( )
No ( )
If yes, please elaborate____________________________________________________
15. Which of the following are the main factors that increase motivation of employees in the
Enhanced salaries ( )
Promotions ( )
Recognitions ( )
Training and development ( )

Fringe benefits ( )
Others, ( ) Specify______________________________________________
16. Do your organization have motivational package for the employees?
Yes ( )
No ( )
17. If yes, which of the following advertising package is more liked by staff in your
Enhanced salaries ( )
Car loan scheme ( )
Housing loan scheme ( )
Promotion ( )
Recognition ( )
Fringe benefits ( )
Others ( ) Specify________________________________________
18. How effective are advertising factors in enhancing sales performance in your
Very effective ( )
Effective ( )
Moderately effective ( )
Fairly effective ( )
Not effective at all ( )

19. Do you think advertising has effect on general sales performance of the business?

Yes ( )

No ( )
If yes, give reasons



Proposal writing
Proposal presentation
Data collection

Data analysis

Report writing

PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT Printing and Binding 6 150 800
miscellaneous 2 1000 2000

DATA COLLECTION Questionnaire 108 20 2160

DATA MANAGEMENT Printing of Final report 7 250 1750
TOTAL 6810


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