2020 NECF+Prayer+Booklet Children - ENG Ebook
2020 NECF+Prayer+Booklet Children - ENG Ebook
2020 NECF+Prayer+Booklet Children - ENG Ebook
2 40-DAY FAST & PRAYER 2020
7 Hearing the Holy Spirit for the Times
We Live In
57 Acknowledgement
Shalom, everyone!
This year, our theme for 40-Day Fast and Prayer is “Hearing
the Holy Spirit for the Times We Live In.” The key verses we use
for this period of 40 days is found in chapters 2 and 3 of the
book of Revelation.
3) Third, fast for the nation if you want to do so. Choose to fast
from certain foods or drinks (especially your favourites.)
Don’t do certain activities (such as those games or toys
you can’t seem to live without) so that you can pay full
attention to God and His Word!
May God give you a fruitful time as you ride through this
40-day journey, and may He make you smarter in God, more
on fire and more obedient to Him than ever before!
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that as children of God, we will be salt and light and choose to do
His Will (heart) and reveal His Being (character). Be loving and merciful to
others as God is to us.
• Pray that The Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-
Mustafa Billah Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in
Billah, will continue to be wise in using his power and authority and in
supporting the peace, harmony and success of the nation.
Do we pray for them and tell them about the truth and the goodness
of God?
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will be smart heavenly kids, dispenser of His light and life,
and that the world which is full of darkness, will be brightened through our
• Pray for the Prime Minister of Malaysia, that the Lord will bless him with
good health and excellent spirit, that he shall be the pillar of strength and
exercise sound and wise judgment with a heart of integrity.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will be humble boys and girls who listen to good advice when
we have done something wrong. For Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear,
let him hear” (Matt 11:13).
• Pray that the Government (Religious Affairs Division within the Prime
Minister’s Department) will work hard to make sure that everybody will be
respected, so that everybody will live together in peace and harmony.
1 “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: ‘The words of him who holds the
seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands.
2“‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you
cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves
apostles and are not, and found them to be false.
3I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name’s sake, and
you have not grown weary.
4 But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.
5Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works
you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its
place, unless you repent.
6 Yet this you have: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
7He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the
one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of
Our light dims when we lose our first love for God. Eventually we
cease shining. Soon and very soon, all will end up in the darkness!
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that our love for God will get stronger each day as we learn to
fellowship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit through reading the
Word, praying, loving others, and sharing the good news and testimonies
with others.
• Pray that the Government (the Parliament and Law Division in the Prime
Minister’s Department) will write, change and abolish (or cancel) laws to
make all laws fair and equal for all.
We become better in our studies with those spot checks. Our spiritual
lives become better too with God’s constant spot checks, through
warnings of our parents or Sunday school teachers!
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will have a humble heart to do self-checks today and respond
to God in repentance in areas where we have gone wrong. Give thanks
to God for His correction upon our lives and churches as His intention
is always for our own good and to lead us back to His righteousness
and light.
• Pray that the Election Commission will ensure fair and good operations are
carried out in the coming Malaysian General Elections and that there will
be no cheating or mistakes.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will love sinners, even those who we consider bad and terrible,
and will keep them in our prayers. Pray also we will be like Levi. If Levi can
bring “bad” gangs to Jesus, we can bring “good” friends to Christ too!
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that God will forgive us if we don’t care about His Word or His voice.
Pray that our hearts and spiritual ears will be sensitive and open to hear
from Him, and that we will soak ourselves in His presence and seek Him with
all our heart.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Finance) will set good policies,
rules and budgets that will make our nation grow and help all Malaysians.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that God will teach us how to give as little children and that we will
learn to trust God more and more. Pray that we will remain simple in our
faith and will learn to be obedient as we grow up.
• Pray that the Government (The Ministry of Youth and Sport) will build a
stronger bond and good relationship among all the youths using sports
training and education. Pray also that youths who had done wrong things
will be trained in good skills so that they can get good jobs and start a new
and better life.
8 “And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: ‘The words of the first and the
last, who died and came to life.
9 “‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of
those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
10 Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw
some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have
tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.
11He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one
who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.’
Yet, the greatest news to all mankind Our journey on earth is like riding a
is: He rose from the dead! roller coaster. We might be screaming
our lungs out but if we hold tightly onto
The faith of the disciples were the handle, we will arrive at our starting
strengthened to see the Risen Christ point safely.
who conquered death, though it
frightened most of them. Our Lord Jesus travelled this journey
and He knew how dangerous it was.
Jesus also warned the Church in He promised that He will be with us and
Smyrna about the coming dangers that He will help us along the way.
and possible death. Yet they could be
victors as He is the First and the Last, Like holding onto the handle of a
who died and came to Life (Rev 2:8). roller coaster, we hold on to His firm
promises and ride through our rocky
Our world might become more moments in the world.
In about the same way, we have Jesus too standing right there at the
starting and ending point. As we obey Him, He shall welcome us into His
glory with crowns of life.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will know Jesus more and more, as the Risen Christ, the Eternal
King, our Lord and Saviour, the First and the Last, so that we will experience
peace and victory in our life journey.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Defence) will work well to keep
our country safe and that they will be wise in buying weapons for their use.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will worship God in Spirit (with the help of the Holy Spirit) and
in Truth (with the truth revealed in the Bible), and we will get rid of things or
activities that cause us to lose our focus and interest to worship God and
to know Him more.
• Pray that our Government (the Ministry of Transport) will do well in making
sure our land, air and sea transport run well for the country, and that our
people will get safe and good public transportation.
Do Not Fear
Do you know? Being a “real” don’t live how they live. You don’t lie or
Christian is never ever easy. gossip, drink or smoke, cheat or fight.
“Real” means you live the way Bible When you tell them about Jesus and
asks you to live, and you tell others that ask them to believe in Him and not die
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. in sin, it makes them really, really, angry.
Jesus told folks in the Church of They don’t like your “holier than
Smyrna, that they would go through thou” style. They can’t stand you singing
persecution, even thrown into prison. praises to Jesus. Persecution can be as
simple as these. They don’t want to chit
They didn’t go to jail because chat with you or play games with you.
they did something wrong. Instead, They may refuse to sit next to you.
they loved those who did bad things
to them. So, what will you do?
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that Jesus will remove any fears of rejection in us, and give us boldness
to do the right things, to live to please Him and to obey His Word in all
• Pray that our Government (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) will build good
relationships with other countries so that we can help each other.
We might even envy them and Why? Because many people there
think that they are “lucky” or “blessed” had yet to come to know Jesus Christ,
enough to live in a better place. Unlike and this included those who wanted to
us, who are still very much bothered by harm them! Though the city was under
traffic jam, pollution, poor education the control of evil ones, the Church was
system, etc. called by God to be the Light Tower in
the darkness.
When we look at the Christians in
Smyrna, we almost can agree that
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that Malaysians will come to understand the reasons why we were
born here and not elsewhere, and that we will be faithful to our calling, far
above all the comfort and good future the world might promise us. Give
thanks to God for Malaysia, a beautiful country that matters to God.
• Pray that the Government (the Sabah and Sarawak Affairs Division in the
Prime Minister’s Department) will help build a good relationship and trust
between the federal government and East Malaysians so that everybody
can work well together towards a great nation.
Rich in Christ
The Church of Smyrna was one of Jesus. In contrast, a rich ruler was
only two among the seven churches unwilling to let go of his wealth on earth
mentioned in the book of Revelation to enter God’s Kingdom (Luke 18:18-
that received commendations by the 25). He was so sad when Jesus told him
Lord Jesus Christ. to sell off everything and follow him
empty handed.
Jesus said they were rich (spiritually)
though they thought they were poor We naturally think that richness has
(physically) and afflicted because they to do with lots of money or property.
were bullied by authorities and some Jesus came and showed us that true
had lost their houses and monies. Yet, riches has nothing to do with earthly
there was something that the devil possessions, but with our heavenly
could not take away from them - their inheritance (our life in and with Christ).
richness in Christ Jesus, which meant
their faith and trust in God. We will remain poor in heart and
spirit if we do not build our treasures in
Believers in Smyrna were willing to heaven.
let go of their wealth in order to follow
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will come to understand that true richness has to do with our
heavenly and eternal inheritance, and we can only get it through a right
relationship with Christ. In Him, we are called children of God and we are
heirs of God’s Kingdom.
• Pray for the media, e.g. television, radio, newspapers and all kinds of web-
based media, to be channels that tell us the truth and not fake news. Pray
that the journalists and the general public will know what is right and what
is wrong when they present and make comments publicly.
12 “And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘The words of him who
has the sharp two-edged sword.
13“‘I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. Yet you hold fast my name,
and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness,
who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.
14But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the
teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the
sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual
15 So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans.
16Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the
sword of my mouth.
17 Hewho has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the
one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a
white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except
the one who receives it.’
Bible Reading
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will read and meditate on the Word of God (that is, the Bible!)
daily and allow His word to tell us our wrongs and change us inside out so
that we can be kids who reveal God’s glory.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of International Trade and Industry)
will make Malaysia a place where people from all over the world want
to come and do business and that our products will become hot items
He was the pastor of the church The furious pagan priests dragged
of Pergamum who was martyred in him to the temple of Artemis and threw
the reign of Emperor Nero (54-68AD). him into an altar consisting of a red-hot
His name, Antipas, described his faith copper bull where they put their
in Jesus. “Anti” (means “against”) sacrifices to the idols. They burnt
and “pas” (means “all”). He stood up him alive!
against all who worshipped idols.
How did the church react on seeing
Pergamum was a pagan city and their pastor being burnt alive? They
idol worship was common. Antipas led remained strong. They refused to
the church and he preached Jesus deny Jesus.
fearlessly. Many turned to the Lord and
stopped offering sacrifices to the idols. However, as time went on, there
appeared two groups of people. One
This made the pagan priests was faithful to Jesus, while the other
really angry. They asked him to stop followed the teaching of Balaam and
preaching about Christ and join them Nicolaitans, both of which taught them
in offering sacrifices to idols too. Antipas to make sacrifices to idols and practice
refused to do so and insisted that he sexual immorality!
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill you afresh today, making you trust in Jesus.
Let not your faith be shaken by the things the world brings to you everyday.
For example, your friends might tell you some gods are more interesting or
powerful and can bring you more good things than Jesus.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer
Affairs) will keep the prices of goods fair so that we will all be able to buy
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will obey Jesus in every area of our lives, and that we won’t
let anything take away our love and obedience to Jesus. Also pray that
we won’t falsely think what Jesus has said “no” to in the Bible will be “yes”
sometimes for us.
• Pray that the Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) will keep our country safe so that
we can become a successful nation.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we, our families, our churches and our church leaders will
continue to remain in Jesus, to receive the Word into our hearts. Pray that
we will let Him shape our behaviors so that we can have life with love and
grace, and whatever we do will give life to others too.
• Pray that the Government (Ministry of Home Affairs) will do well in their
duties in all areas so that all Malaysians will be safe and all our rights will be
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will be overcomers and believe strongly in Jesus’ promise that
those who overcome shall inherit all things, and Jesus will be our God and
we will be His sons and daughters (Rev 21:7).
22Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with
her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works,
23 and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am he
who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you according to your
24 Butto the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not
learned what some call the deep things of Satan, to you I say, I do not lay on
you any other burden.
25 Only hold fast what you have until I come.
26 Theone who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will
give authority over the nations,
27 andhe will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in
pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father.
28 And I will give him the morning star.
29 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’
Bible Reading
Spiritual Discipline
Peter and John were two spiritual Both these men followed Jesus
giants in the Bible. and were busy with healing activities,
seeing miracles and handling big
They didn’t become spiritual giants groups of people. Yet, the Gospels
overnight. Peter was once a very- never mentioned that they prayed to
quick-to-act man, and John was God. They failed to understand the true
once a son of thunder, whose temper meaning of following Jesus.
frayed easily.
It was only after they had spent time
Peter said that Jesus was the Word in the upper room for 10 days praying
of life and that he won’t leave Him. He and were filled with the Holy Spirit that
swore even to die with Jesus. However, they started praying regularly.
Peter denied Jesus three times when
He was put on the cross because he They were never the same again
was afraid to suffer together with Him. with such spiritual discipline in their
lives. They understood who Jesus was
John was very keen to sit next to and what the Kingdom was that He
Jesus with his brother James when had been talking about. They followed
Jesus became king. He followed God and served Him with kingdom
Jesus because he wanted to become character, mindset and purpose.
someone great.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will build a habit of prayer and that we will spend time praying
for our families and churches, that our families will experience healing from
God, and that our churches will become holy people of God.
• Pray that the Education Ministry will design an education system and school
curriculum that meet the needs of students, building a generation of noble
and ethical people who know our citizenship rights and responsibilities.
A Spirit-filled Life
In Acts 6, Stephen was one of the in handling all needs and situations.
seven deacons chosen in the early
church. His main job was to serve the However, Stephen did not remain
tables, making sure that food was well in the kitchen or market or any of the
distributed to all the believers, both the other places related to meals only. He
Hebrews and the Hellenists. was full of grace and power, doing
great wonders and signs among
The seven deacons were said to the people.
be men of good repute, full of the
Spirit and of wisdom. They were not He spoke to people about Jesus. He
chosen to do some “great” things, like prepared not just physical food but also
preaching or leading worship sessions. spiritual food for them. Nothing could
They basically stayed behind the scene stop him from talking about Christ,
helping to make sure everybody was not his busy errands, nor the enraged
well fed. crowd who stoned him to death.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that, like Stephen, we will always be reminded that whatever we are
doing, we are doing it for the Lord. Pray too that we will do it with an
excellent spirit, with His wisdom, power and grace. Pray that we will not
forget to share Christ in all that we do.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Works) will carry out good and
useful projects for highways and other public works, and that we will have
excellent professional people such as engineers, architects and quantity
surveyors to do these jobs.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that Christian families (that includes our parents) and churches will
train us and disciple us in the way of the Lord, and that we will follow their
godly examples to serve Christ, so that we will grow up in faith and good
• Pray that the Attorney General’s Chambers in Malaysia will serve well in
advising the Malaysian government.
God gives us tongues to tell of His By right, good things and bad things
wonders and words to praise Him just should not come out from the same
and bless others. Do you realize this? source – our mouths!
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that kids like us will continue to hear the Spirit of God as we meditate
on the Word of God. And that we will love to practise whatever the Bible
says, making our lives testimonies of His living Word!
• Pray that the Malaysian Anti-corruption Commission (MACC) will look into
all corruption cases, and deal with them fairly and honestly for the good of
all citizens.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will train ourselves to think and respond in God’s ways in every
circumstance, so that kids around us will see God in us as they feel our love
and care with the fruit of the Spirit bearing in our lives.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Rural Development) will help
the 7.3 million rural people who live in 26,400 villages all over Malaysia
(especially in Sabah & Sarawak) so that they will have better living
conditions and job opportunities.
Awakened to be Alive
(Revelation 3:1-6)
1“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: ‘The words of him who has the
seven spirits of God and the seven stars.
“‘I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.
2 Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not
found your works complete in the sight of my God.
3 Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you
will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will
come against you.
4 Yet
you have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their
garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are worthy.
5The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never
blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father
and before his angels.
6 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will make some adjustments in our priorities so that we can
stay awake on the things of God, e.g. read Bible, pray, and do things we
are asked to do as a way to serve God.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Women and Family Development)
will be successful in creating a caring people of all races without being
unfair to women, and providing hope and development for children,
old folks, the homeless and other people who might not be taken care
of or harmed.
It is Foolish to Quarrel
After risking his life for one and a So they quarrelled and quarrelled,
half years in the city of Corinth and argued and argued, all with human
preaching Christ in the power of the foolishness. It had nothing to do with
Holy Spirit, Paul was happy to see a Paul, Peter, Apollos, or even Christ!
church started in Corinth. Instead, it had to do with people’s
preferences! They just wanted to make
Sadly, after he’d left, Paul found their preferred man their leader!
out that the church was in a total
mess. People were fighting against Paul scolded them, saying that it
one another because they followed was foolish to do so. He reminded them
different teachers. that, except for Christ, none of them
had ever laid down his life for them.
Some supported their pioneer, So it was utterly nonsense to fight and
Paul. Another followed their eloquent divide! Christ should be the Head.
teacher, Apollos. Yet another preferred He should be preached, exalted,
their Jewish bishop, Peter. The rest said honoured and embraced by all!
they wanted Christ only.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray for unity in Christ, for Christ and with Christ as it is a sweet spirit we can
cultivate since young. Let the aroma of Christ flow naturally out of us as we
pray and serve in unison.
• Pray that the spirit of Merdeka, the spirit of caring, sharing and working
together will come alive again among all Malaysians as we celebrate
Merdeka Day 2020.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will be serious in keeping a good relationship with Jesus and
with others. Loving others shows that we love God and that we are alive in
our spirit, for faith without love is nothing.
• Pray that the Government (the Minnistry of Human Resources) will have
good and successful plans to train up good workers for our country.
Boast in Christ
Paul gave us a good example of You can be sure the Corinthians
how to boast, if we ever need to do so. did not think all these sufferings were
anything good. In fact, they rejected
From a man who made people Paul because he didn’t look or sound
suffer because they followed Christ, too great when compared with the
Paul became a believer when he met super apostles who used big words
Jesus face-to-face in Damascus. After to talk about big dreams and
that, he was willing to suffer at all costs great blessings.
for Christ.
It is natural that worldly men
He was beaten. He was put into and women will boast about
prison. He was caught up in riots. He themselves. Sometimes, we do that
went th ro u gh sl e e p le s s nig ht s without knowing it too.
a nd so m e ti m e s h a d no f ood t o
ea t. (2 Co ri n t h i an s 6 : 4 - 1 0 ) Yet Paul reminded us to boast in
Christ. It was Christ who made all of
Do you notice something? Paul Paul’s sufferings worthwhile. It was
seemed to be “boasting” about because of Christ that Paul was not
his sufferings. He was showing his ashamed of the Gospel he preached.
audiences all the medals he had Paul was willing to look foolish because
collected, all in relation to his hardships Christ was wisdom to him.
and pains.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will continue to read the Word of God and pray with the help
of the Spirit so that we can be wise and understanding, and will magnify
Christ and His wisdom.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Plantation Industries and
Commodities) will be able to find more international buyers for our local
products, such as palm oil, rubber, timber, cocoa, pepper and furniture,
and will take all actions to increase money earned from those industries
and products.
Judging Others
A man was riding a train with his “Yes, in fact we just came out of the
24-year-old son. hospital. My son had been blind since
birth but he just got an operation so
Leaning out of the window, the son
that he can see.”
kept shouting with excitement about
what he was seeing. You see, the couple judged. They
thought the young man was mentally ill,
“Dad, you see! Trees are going
and that the father was irresponsible
behind us!”
to let his son make so much noise in
While his dad just smiled, the couple the train.
behind them found the younger man’s
By judging, they could be seen as
behaviour greatly disturbing.
ignorant, merciless and intolerant by
With a high note the son shouted the one who was being judged.
again, “Dad, you see! Clouds are
Paul advised the Romans not to
running with us!”
judge others because they were
Again, his dad smiled warmly. doing exactly the wrong things they
After hearing a few more rounds of had judged other people about!
loud talking, the couple couldn’t stand By judging others without self-
it any longer. They advised his dad, examination, they would come under
“Why don’t you bring your son to see a the judgment of God.
doctor?” Instead of judging others, they
should live lives that please God.
The dad smiled politely and replied,
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will be quick to appreciate and encourage others of their
goodness and be slow to judge and criticize. Always do a self-check
before we point fingers at others.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture) will
make Malaysia known as a world-class tourism and cultural place.
Garments of Righteousness
What does a typical mom do when He will wash us with His living water,
she sees that her little boy has gotten cleanse us with His Son’s blood and
himself dirty and muddy after playing clothe us with His righteousness, no
with friends in the field? matter how dirty and smelly or how
bad a shape we had been in.
She may scold him a bit. Warn him a
bit. Spank him a bit. Nag him a bit. He would also warn us: “Don’t
sin again!”
However, she will do the necessary:
Take off his dirty clothes. Wash him The Romans were told to die to sin
with clean water. Dress him up with and to live for Christ. They had to put
clean clothes. off their dirty nature and put on the
new life in Christ.
She might follow all that with
another stern warning: “Don’t dirty The faithful believers in Sardis kept
yourself again!” their garments unsoiled, and Jesus
said they walked in white robes and
This is exactly what our Heavenly were worthy of Him. Their names will be
Father does to us if we seek His confessed before the Father and kept
forgiveness after having been dirtied in the Book of Life.
by sin.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will be sensitive to those “little sins” (lies, greed, jealousy,
gossip, etc.) in our lives that turn our character bad and cause us to lose
our purity in Christ. Pray that we will be quick to confess our sins and set our
hearts right before God.
An Open Door
No One Can Shut
(Revelation 3: 7-13)
7 “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: ‘The words of the holy
one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut,
who shuts and no one opens.
8 “‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one
is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my
word and have not denied my name.
9 Behold,I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are
Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down
before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.
10 Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you
from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell
on the earth.
11 I
am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your
12 The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never
shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name
of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out
of heaven, and my own new name.
13 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that even kids as young as we are, will make a firm and sincere
decision to follow God fully and focus on cultivating a spiritual hunger
and thirst after Him; and that we will be free from any fears and instead
trust God and do our best with school work, tests, and examinations, and
competitions, etc.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Federal Territories which takes
care of mosques and religious matters in the territories of Kuala Lumpur,
Putrajaya and Labuan) will work to keep all Malaysians peaceful and
happy, and enable them to live as friends with one another.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that God’s salvation shall come upon your loved ones, especially
your family members and relatives, friends who are close to you, and
neighbors you see day in and day out, who have yet to come to know
Jesus Christ personally.
• Pray that our Malaysian courts will make fair and good judgment in all the
cases that they hear.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that God will heal any wounds in your heart, in your family relationships
and in all races among Malaysians so all of us will be able to live with one
another in the spirit of love and forgiveness.
• Pray that we will have good and fair judges in our courts so that we will
have a peaceful and successful nation.
God’s Power in Us
What comes to your mind when you in nature?
hear the word “power”?
The power of the resurrection! The
We may think about certain power of evangelism! The power of
cartoon or comic figures. He-man, the Holy Spirit! The power of the Son
Superman, Bat-man, Spider-man, Iron- of God! A power that performs signs
man, Transformer, Agent Ali, Wonder and wonders!
Woman, etc.
Paul said in Ephesians 3: 20 that it is
They are strong characters born with power that can do much, much more
an innate power to conquer evil and than all we ask or imagine, and it is
perform the supernatural. Most of them working within us!
have a mission to save the world!
Are you excited to hear that? The
They are highly admired because power is inside of us when we receive
we all have a strong desire to see the the Holy Spirit!
good win and the bad lose.
The church of Philadelphia was said
However, do you know that Jesus to have “little power” (Rev 3:8). They
Christ, who is not just someone from a were a small group of people with not
storybook, and whose power is more much influence over their city. Yet Jesus
powerful than all, has placed within Christ made their enemies fall down
His followers a “dunanis” (miraculous before them!
power) or a power that is explosive
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that churches in Malaysia will continue to rely on the power of God,
His Word, His Spirit and His name, but not on our own human strength,
especially when we have resources, abilities and skills to get things
done easily.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry)
will make our agricultural fields or farms better and help our farmers and
fishermen earn more money.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will not be busy with all kinds of myths and tales that will
not do us any good spiritually. Instead, pray that we will encourage one
another to pursue holiness and godliness in Christ Jesus, so that we can
stand strong even during the challenging times in our lives.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Environment and Waters) will
make Malaysia a place that is clean and free of pollution.
Refiner’s Fire.
Prepare to Overcome
(Revelation 3:14-22)
14 “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen,
the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.
15“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either
cold or hot!
So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of
my mouth.
17For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that
you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
18I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich,
and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your
nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.
19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens
the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
21 The
one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also
conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.
22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we can understand the heart and intention of the Father and the
Son, that the Son has come so that we all can have life, and that we can
see His love and the love of our Father through the life Jesus went through
on earth.
• Pray that the Ministry of Economic Affairs will work well looking after the
other agencies, and that it will make Malaysia a place other countries
will put in their money and businesses so that our skilful workers will have
good jobs.
Be “True”
In Malaysia, where the weather is cold spring located 16 kilometres away
hot, we often crave and thirst after a in the city of Colossae.
glass of ice-cold drink, especially after
a walk under the hot sun! When the water piped in from
these two springs reached Laodicea
In the same way, we love to hold a through the aqueduct they had built,
cup of hot drink when it is cold, right? both became lukewarm, neither hot
For example, in Cameron Highlands, nor cold! They lost their original flavour!
where the cool wind blows, we can Not only that, they couldn’t be used
become chilled! for drinking, washing and gardening
or anything else that the citizens
We don’t like consuming “lukewarm” there needed!
drinks as it does not help to cool us
down on hot days nor warm us up on The Lord Jesus was saying that the
cold nights! water is like those “Christians” who
have lost their original flavor, and hence
The city of Laodicea had a have lost their usefulness. Like the
lukewarm water problem. The water useless lukewarm water which would
they consumed daily came from two be spit out from His mouth, lukewarm
springs. One was a hot spring which faith greatly displeases our Lord and if
was located 8 kilometres away in the they did not turn away from their sin,
city of Hierapolis and the other was a they would be rejected by Him!
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that God will forgive us for not caring about His business, His heartbeat
and purpose for this generation and nation, and about the voice of His
correction and encouragement. Pray that we won’t be lukewarm, but will
be “hot” for Jesus and keep our spiritual passion.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Health) will keep us safe from
public health threats and that they will take the advice of the World Health
Organization on all important health matters.
Beware of Lukewarmness
How do we know whether we have system is sensitive to all these changes.
become “lukewarm”, i.e., neither hot
nor cold, in our walk with Jesus? However, if we can’t feel the heat or
cold, we will stay put. We won’t make
When we are hot, we sweat. If we any changes or adjustments. We just
have two layers of clothing on, we take go on with life as usual.
one off. If we see an air-con room, we
walk into it. We turn on fans, we It is our numbness that causes us
take big gulps of water to cool not to feel anything or react to any
down our body. changes. When our spiritual life goes
numb, we will not respond to Jesus
When we are cold, we shiver. If either. We do not feel how He feels. We
we have an extra piece of clothing, do not see what He sees. We do not
we put it on. We turn on a heater, we care about what He cares about.
make a hot drink. We tuck ourselves
into bed and cover ourselves with That was the life of the Laodicean
extra blankets. church. They became lukewarm.
They weren’t aware of their spiritual
We feel varying temperatures. We condition. They thought they were rich,
respond to them. We adjust to them. but indeed they were poor, spiritually
We make an effort to make our situation naked and blind.
or condition better, because our body
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that we will come to realize those wrong priorities in our lives that have
caused damage to our passion and love for God. Pray also that we will
do our best to adjust and change wherever they are needed, according
to what God tells us to do in His living Word.
• Pray that the Government (the National Unity and Social Well-being
Division in the Prime Minister’s Department) will build harmony among all
communities, and that it will help the B40 who are the poorest group in
our country.
True Blindness
Laodicea was famous for producing blindness had nothing to do with their
and selling balm, an ointment which physical eyes, but everything to do with
helps treat eye problems. their spiritual eyes!
Sadly, though they were experts in Have you ever seen blind men
eye treatment, they themselves were walking quickly and steadily? It seems
spiritually blind. It sounds familiar right? like they have another pair of invisible
When Jesus healed a man who was eyes that helps them look clearly
born blind, as we read in John 9, He ahead as they travel along the path.
told the Jews that though they could
see the miracle with their eyes, they How do they do that? They train their
were indeed blind (as they couldn’t senses. They hear, they feel, they touch.
see the Son, Jesus)! They exercise their inner discernment
which we seeing-people don’t
Imagine, men with wide-open eyes bother about!
but not able to see anything! Why
was that? Similarly, when we depend on what
we have physically, we lose touch
Their blindness had to do with the with what we should have spiritually.
problem of failing to see God and Jesus asked the Laodiceans to buy the
seeing with His point of view! Their spiritual ointment from Him so that they
could put some on their eyes.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that God will heal our spiritual blindness, and that we will be sensitive
to the things and mind of God, to be able to understand His will learnt from
His living Word, and see things with His heavenly perspective.
• Pray that the Government (the Ministry of Housing and Local Government)
will make sure that people will be able to buy houses, especially first-time
homeowners, the younger groups of people, and the poor.
A little boy loved to play under and Coming back years later as a
around an apple tree. He would climb middle-aged man, he pondered how
up the tree, pluck its apples and eat he could afford a holiday. The apple
them. Then he would take a nap under tree allowed him to cut its trunk to
its shadow. make a boat to go sailing.
He enjoyed a close fellowship with So, he got all his wishes granted.
the tree until he grew up and became He kept coming to the apple tree to
occupied with lots of other stuff. get something, but never intended to
fellowship with it.
One day, he came back as a
grown-up boy. He needed some One day, he came as an old man,
money to buy toys he liked. The apple weak and dying. The apple tree had
tree suggested he pick all its apples nothing to offer to him. All he could do
and sell them to get what he wanted. was sit quietly, leaning against it and
gaining some support from the stump.
The next time he returned, he was
already a full-grown adult. He had no We may forget our Giver but He
money to build a house. The apple is always there, ready to support us
tree offered its branches. Happily, he should we ask.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that, even though we are children, we will start pursuing God, His
Kingdom and His Righteousness more than anything that we desire to
have, and that we will put our trust in the Giver of all gifts rather than the
gifts themselves.
• Pray that the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) will help Malaysians be
more aware of our basic human rights and basic liberties , and that it will
help the Malaysian government handle human rights more effectively.
Today’s Prayers:
• Pray that Jesus will be the Head, the King, and the Lord of the Church when
we worship as the Body of Christ. Repent if we have not been making
Him the Master but, instead, a waiting servant to satisfy our worldly desires.
Declare His Kingship over our lives and our churches that His glory may fill
the earth as the waters cover the sea!
• Pray that the National Audit Department will submit good accounts and
reports on all government agencies to Parliament in a timely and fair
(All Bible verses are excerpts from English Standard Version except otherwise stated)